Im using malossi variator with 16g dr.pulley sliders and the polini gear kit 17/44. Very fast up to 95kph. After that only go 100-105kph max. Even with polini gear kit! I think polini cylinder kit low compression for top speed 10:1:1. Malossi compression 11:5:1. Does your yellow engine light switch on sometimes after fit the malossi kit? Mine does.
And excuse Important, too, have changed the carburetor or have you leaving the original 150cc What? to change counsel? if so, with which the carburetor?
The video sound is pretty good, beyond my imagination
so touching for an excellent video
Whats the gps top speed now??
What are your settings on the ForceMaster2?
How's the performance like bro?
Does it work on 3Vie engine?
maknyuss.. masangnya dimana gan?
Hi there, whats the top speed with the malossi kit? I have the polini 198cc and Polini Gear Kit. Do you have a gear kit too? Thanks
i dont have gear kit, just bore up kit, top speed not so much improve, but accel is good....
Ananda Gotama Even i have gear kit 17/44 and the top speed not much improved. Around 100kph... and you the same? 100kph?
Yea around 100-110kph without gear kit, you have to change variator and rollers to if want to improve the top speed. Use heavier rollers
Im using malossi variator with 16g dr.pulley sliders and the polini gear kit 17/44. Very fast up to 95kph. After that only go 100-105kph max. Even with polini gear kit! I think polini cylinder kit low compression for top speed 10:1:1. Malossi compression 11:5:1. Does your yellow engine light switch on sometimes after fit the malossi kit? Mine does.
You change the clutch spring? There 2 spring the 3 small springs, and 1 big spring on clutch area, i change 3 clutch springs with malossi white.
Toko Dimana?? mauuuuuu juga!
Ko ngga di dayel?
didaerah mana nih gan ?
Km/h max?!!!
And excuse Important, too, have changed the carburetor or have you leaving the original 150cc What? to change counsel? if so, with which the carburetor?
sorry sir, this bore up kit for the LX150 2v injection, so i add malossi forcemaster 2 piggyback ( included with bore up kit ).
ejeymax no carburetor, fuel injection
Itu gk ada coakan klep di pistonnya....
Ngga ada, tinggal plug n play.
om ini piggyback nya bisa di pake juga di mesin 2v ? apa ini memang piggyback yang khusus 2v ?
memang buat 2v om, kalo 3v ngga tau sama ngga forcemasternya.
Masih ada contoh piggyback 2v nya ga mas ?
wah udah ngga ada, google aja malossi forcemaster 2 mas.
Soalnya saya beli juga tapi pas mau dipasang mekaniknya bingung nyari soket nya , takut nya saya beli yang 3v
Muhammad Fadzrin soketnya cuma ke injektor aja mas
vespa primavera ga bisa bore up ya
mesin 3v ya? ada bore up kitnya sendiri bro...
@@AnandaGotama17 kek nya ke bengkel juga bisa
bagian head ga diapa2in?
head standar bos, karena malossi dulu ngga ada head aftermarketnya, mungkin skrng udah ada.
wah kalo head bisa disesuaikan dengan besarnya piston pasti tambah yahud tuh
iya harusnya, cuma memang harus kerjakan sendiri, ngga ada yang udah jadi pas saya pasang, kebetulan motor udah dijual juga skrng.
abis berapa tuh Om?
Riszky muhammad irvan wah dah lama nih om, dulu 6jt abis buat bore up kitnya aja.
Itu langsung pnp om??
Gak bubut krengkes?
Pnp om, bikinan malossi langsung, ga ada bubut2
@@AnandaGotama17 harga brpa om
Harga taun 2011-2012 untuk mesin 2v bore up kit + piggyback forcemaster 2 sekitar 7jt om
Seher besar klep std