Check out my other Anime Opening Reactions: JoJo Part I Reaction: Tower of God Reaction playlist: Re:Zero Reaction playlist: Made in Abyss Reaction playlist:
I have 2 anime series openings to recommend Log horizon: is my favourite isekai . Ancient Magus Bride: Really good and sometimes terrifying supernatural anime.
This series actually have one of the largest characters cast and one of the best world building and power system. The story also very well written and have very very deep lore. (Specially Light Novel and Manga wise).
The anime where almost every character in the main cast can be in their own anime, the dragon is the slime's best friend and family, the mc(slime)s name is rimuru and the dragon is veldora both last names is "tempest", it has nation building elements to it.
"He became king so maybe it's the last season" The anime isn't even halfway through the story of the Light Novel (which it is based on, same as the manga) and the Light Novel isn't even complete just yet. Also there's 1 spin-off series for the anime and several special episodes (ONA, OVA etc.) There is also the manga which is 2 light novel volume arcs ahead of the anime (the anime is on volume 8 currently and maybe in the ongoing season we'll get at least half of volume 9's story adapted) while there currently are 21 Light Novel volumes, and extra stories with extremely important lore pieces. Also there are several ongoing or on-break manga spin-off series some of whom are canon/have canon characters which mostly appear only in those spin-offs, with important lore pieces and details that connect to the main story (this really isn't necessary to know unless you would be really curious/interested though). The whole story features a lot of politics, pretty complex characters and plot points, amazing power system, and also the fact that there's simply too much information to keep in mind at all times, therefore you will have to remind yourself that (especially if you're really interested) - these and those characters exist, this and that group exists, this ability did that/exactly that and has this/that difference from these/those abilities. It's great.
And when you are watching this weekly and wait for each season it's really hard to remember all these info like I'd be like "What are they talking about" or " who is this" every seasons start
@@sumeetdey5091 I guess that's just major diff. Light Novel readers literally wait for months even years before getting their new volume. Not to mention, anime adaptations will always be the summarized version. I can retain the chapter number from my very first light novel series I read during 2020 and what scene happened despite being almost 4 years ago since I last read it. I say skill issue xD
@@AJ1703 I remember most things it's just some side characters that are not interesting to me I forget what they do like frey I don't remember how she and rimuru knows each other and some kings I forgot about but every character in this anime has a part to play
A thing to tell you , you can't just see two people fighting in anime and decide if they are friends or foes , "good guy" or "villain" . In animes, you will see people with the most psychotic looks but are good guys and the most innocent looking but, in actuality, are most evil . In another case, there are people fighting based on their ideologies where there is no good and bad as both are right, and then there are also cases where the main character is actually the bad guy trying to justify what's actually wrong . The story is actually pretty good, and this isekai is always in top 10, too . Some episodes may feel a bit slow, but it becomes worth it as the action and hype moments are amazing as hell . If I have to explain this show in a few words, then it's basically "The Strongest Slime Simulation."
Yeah the kill couunt of people that look cute is insane like miilm easily has 10k+ confirmed human kills. With the invasion arc incoming the kill count will be even more dwarfed
I'll try to summarize it without spoiling much: - The anime is about the slime trying to build a trully equal, fair and comfortable nation/world for himself and everyone around him. - The fights are awesome, the comedy is on point and people die, so don't worry about that. It aslo touches some really serious sides of life, like unfairness, mistreatment/racism, etc. - It also has one of the best and most hought out power systems, and while in later stages ther is a numerical way to measure power, having more power doesn't mean certain characters will win against lesser powerful ones. Basically, it isn't a linear power system. - The pink haired loli is in the top 2 most powerful characters, so yes, she can hunt anything, not just dragons, with a net, if she so desires. She's also, for me, funny as hell. - The dragon you mentiones that appears so many times, is actually the blonde dude that fist bumps the slime several times in the openings. - And finally, the slime becomes king midway through the first season. He later becomes something else, but I'll let you discover it if you decide to start this awesome series. If you get up to date on the anime, and you wanna know more, I suggest you either read the manga, which is one chapter per month, or read the Light Novel on Slime Reader, which is up to the 21st volume that came out last year(Anime is on LN 8-9 right now) and the 22nd is coming this winter.
if you like an anime that is lighthearted, silly, wholesome, a little bit of fighting, deep plot, slow pace yet consistent story progress, i would definitely recommend watching this. i normally couldn't stand an anime where they talk a lot, but this anime.. even when the whole episode is just them talking, i cant take my eyes off 😌 the only complain i have, is that each episode is too short. i need an hour and half per episode 😭
This anime focus on world buildings but have really great fight scenes as well. Note: if you don't like long meetings in which we discuss possible outcomes of battles and politics in the series (which shonen kids don't really like), this ain't for you.
I've read the WN, the LN, the manga and watched the anime. It still boggles me how intricate the lore is for this series. But despite all that, the most memorable moment for me is still the "delete my browsing history" scene lol 😂
Currently there are 8 openings, 6 of what the series is currently about, one about an arc that takes place in OVA and another about a separate anime that would be like an anime made of filler or made of OVA, however you want to see it
This was actually the first esekai I've watched and immediately knew that only half of isekais falls in the reckless jolly category and this one falls with the best ones (imo top one on this type of anime genre). Lots of characters, back stories that's interesting and not too long, good nation building, sfx, animation, everything period. Oh btw, the mask isn't evil (MC's mask).
This anime more about politics than anything else, if I were honest. Sure hype fights do happen, but the core of the story is still the kingdom building. Also the slime has a skill that allows him to transform into beings he absorbed. He can transform into all kinds of monsters.
So, opening four originally used assets from previous openings for itself, so the animators made a new version of opening four that contained original animation for it
13:23 Well, obviously the other mask didn't have eyeholes that would glow. 13:52 You don't see any guns in the openings, so what makes you think that that's an option? All you see Is sword fighting and magic.
This is a really great series ^^ I will say the fourth opening, Like Flames, has a second version they released later in the season that has more visuals. Also this series has a spin-off, The Slime Diaries, which has an opening too if you want to check it out. It’s more slice of life-y.
OP slime yes, cause he gains power and skills from enemies he devours, he doesn't need to feed but he does if opponent is worthy/strong enough, so he could eventually become a god its about slime making friends and world building and beating ass of any1 who thretens hes town to sum it up shortly, it has moments it gets dark to 10:08 about hes dark clothing, he was naïve person thinking he can just exist and build up hes town without any1 trying to harm them specially humans, and passivist approach, don't attack other then other wont attack u, when faced relity he had to do tough calls and fight back, so u can say its symbol of loss of innocents 19:35 hes been never called that but he has been king of monsters from the start, sins saving gooblin village and starting to build it up, its far from over, if they continue with same pase it could get 10+ seasons thats how much source there is
Fantasy anime and church do have a lot of connections. Mostly because stories take inspiration from medieval Europe. It is civilization building anime as much as action power fantasy anime and perverted fantasy anime. Really entertaining. Didn't watch season 3 (opening 5 and 6).
I like that you know the meaning of reincarnated as a slime and that a slime can transform into a human.... compared to others about why a human transforms into a slime
Did they also have guns😂 yes they have bec there are tons of modern people who got transported to that fantasy or game world. And the mc got stab not hit by truck kun. And there are a lot of villains, they have different villains for each arc. And loli girl has some connections with the dragon. U are kinda right about the theory of the last op. He became (??) and build that building for fun. People will fight in that and he collect money from the people who came to watch the fight. And of course there are ☠️ too since this show has a lot of fighting
The protagonist does reincarnate as a slime, but has the skill to transform into any monster he eats. Including humans, hence why he gets to turn into one.
'...dragon appears and...what?' Um...did you miss that the buff blonde tan guy turned into the Dragon? Just so you know, in that world there are dragons and Dragons. Capital D-Dragons are living forces of nature, while dragons are just strong monsters. There are only four Dragons, which in-universe are differentiated from dragons by being referred to as 'True Dragons'. The pink-haired loli had four dragons with her, the true form of the buff blonde tan guy is a Dragon. And since you asked, the pink-haired loli's connection to dragons is that she's the half-human daughter of a Dragon. That's why that dragon's reaction to seeing her hunting it with a net was to have a cartoony sweatdrop appear by its head (denoting uncertainty or nervousness) rather than some show of indignation.
Bro, these comments are spoiling so much. I highly suggest this show, it is my favorite show of all time and knowing what happens in future seasons it will stay my favorite show of all time. This anime is about World building, politics, fighting/war, etc. There is so much lore the anime only's don't even know about yet, its just an amazing series. Please try and vaguely remember these comments because i see some MASSIVE spoilers in them, and i hope you try and avoid spoilers as much as possible if you ever watch the series.
This anime is a Nation building Power fantasy. Dont trust the first few openings for plot cus they are misleading. The show was suppose to only have 1 season n thats it so the intros are just hype and half the stuff in them dont happen till season 2 lol Hey we’re having 1 season pick up the manga and light novel lol Oh…you want more…uhh crap now we have to play catchup with stuff we left out….
@@galonski64um he can literally re-create and destroy universes by the end of series and his immune to any form of damage or hax from DB so Goku has 0 chance…
@The_CodFish69 still a differnt world, and so, makes it hard to say how the two connect. All I know is they are both strong, and slime never show that kinda power in the anime, so really who knows how truthful it is
Sabe aqueles jogos de construir cidade que de início é bem simples mas depois quando se vê você construiu uma metrópole etc? É tipo isso mesmo, ele reencarnou como slime e aos poucos foi ficando poderoso e tendo aliados enquanto construia um lugar pra si (e pra eles), no fim das contas eles acabaram formando um novo país/reino com ele liderando.
Apologies for the long comment, but I promise it's worth your time, especially the second part about something truly special... I love this series quite a lot without really knowing why. Contrary to the first statement, I wouldn't say the story and especially characters are written in a very deep way for the most part. As you guessed it, the slime is (truly) overpowered. He's not a generic one dimensional protagonist like most isekai teenager protagonists in at least anime. Rimuru used to be an adult when he died. Regardless, you should watch it because the second season is definitely worth it thanks to a huge climax/pay off among other things. And of course the stakes are only ever rising. Unfortunately, the trailer animation is quite deceiving. Despite the immense popularity the animation is only somewhat above that of other isekai. ________________________________________ So, now that I've concluded the first paragraph, I'm really doing you a favor by telling you to react to and learn about... *Lord of the Mysteries* (Fun Fact: It might not be a coincidence Lord of the Rings and Lord of the Mysteries share a prefix. Throughout the entire story the author scattered or implemented many references to all kinds of other well known stories. LOTM is an incredibly popular web novel series that received a trailer in 2023 for an anime (donghua = Chinese anime), which could potentially dominate the anime scene in 2025, because the source material is that good, easily at the same tier as the most popular/best anime out already. However, I suggest you watch the eng sub version not many seem to know about! Genres: isekai so fantasy, every horror type including cosmic horror, supernatural, crime, thriller, adventure, MYSTERY You can tell the author was inspired by the Cthulhu Mythos, SCP, Sherlock Holmes, One Piece etc. It is one of the most popular web novels there is and in fact a Chinese national treasure. LOTM transports us into a fictional world during a steam punk era ruled by kings, orthodox gods and evil gods, filled with angels and demons, different/ higher dimensions, secret organizations, monsters, supernatural creatures, giants, elves, pirates, adventures, haunted places, poor/ middle/ high society, unique cultures in different countries and more. Top notch world building is guaranteed! The power or magic system of this world, "The 22 Pathways of the Divine", is very likely the single most well written and perhaps most balanced power system in fiction. These 22 pathways refer to different "job classes" such as Prisoner, Seer, Doctor, Corpse Collector, Spectator, Judge, Detective, Demoness, Sailor, Hunter, Vampire, ...that you can "level up". By drinking such a labeled potion, you become a so called Beyonder, in conventional terminology, a magician. Every pathway is divided into sequences starting with Sequence 9 to Sequence 0. But there's far more than that. Complimenting the potions, there exist many mystical languages for example the Languge of Foulness, mystical artifacts/sealed artifacts (every single one has mild to severely dangerous drawbacks), Beyonder Creatures, ...the complexity of it all is simply mind boggling. Becoming, acting, staying powerful is everything but easy, you need to be extra cunning, careful, well prepared, versatile, and most importantly not lose yourself to the ever increasing risk of going mad by losing control, exploding and thus dying or being corrupted by incomprehensible and abstract powers you might never even know existed. I've finished Lord of the Mysteries (1) not too long ago and I've never had more fun reading a book series. At times I read through an entire night. Right now I'm busy with LOTM 2 Apparently, this show is being produced by the same studio that made my current #1 anime (donghua) Mo Dao Zu Shi - Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation / Founder of Diabolism. MDZS has an insane production quality on all levels and the story is really just great. The trailer for LOTM promises the same if not even better quality! Once Lord of the Mysteries - the anime is released, it will be pretty much the only isekai that can be said to tell a deep and complex story in anime form, because only terribly or amateurishly written isekai ever get an adaption. A story not just simply enjoyable for the sake of it. Forget Mushoku Tensei, Tensura (Slime), Re:Zero, ...none of them come close. LOTM is like true fantasy written by a best selling author, without the weird yet sometimes likable gimmicks anime are known for. Almost forgot - you definitely don't want to miss the song that was personally composed for Lord of the Mysteries and is sung by the main cast in one of the main languages of this world - "Hermes" Here's the video name: _Lord of the Mysteries - Official Reveal Trailer _ Full Length Version_ I could gush and explain more if you happen to have any questions, it serves me as well ;)
@@GioleReacts I've never read anything like it before, although it's not the only book series on that level I know. The longest sci-fi series in the world, Perry Rhodan, for instance is bigger than both Star Wars and Star Trek combined. Better too in my opinion... There's a whole Wikipedia (Perrypedia) made for this franchise. Anyway, watching LOTM should be akin to a whole new experience. It can only be good. By the way, maybe just maybe I nerded out too much. The comment turned out to be slightly on the _thiccer_ side I'm afraid~ Would you be interested in more recommendations? You probably get too many requests already, right? Finally, thank you for noticing my comment!
@@GioleReacts I'm glad I got your attention, that was my goal after all. Would be nice if you could react to the trailer and maybe song too. No reactioneer seems to have watched the music video yet... Summer 2025 hmmhmm only one year to go haha~ Before the donghua comes out other compelling projects will be released first. I'm especially excited for Arcane season 2. Klein Moretti is different from the vast majority of MCs. Just this much to not spoil anything: he feels disconnected from the world and those around him for good reason. His journey is plaqued with loneliness despite the friends he made along the way. Character development is not a foreign concept to the author!
In reply to your commenting on people still being around from one opening to the other. I'd like to think this anime leans heavily into world building and quite a bit into politics. And while there are alot of great fights and actually plenty of ppl dieing (more or less, and in many different ways), there is also a big focus on trying to get along. You don't need to fight to kill, defeat doesn't need to mean death. Getting along with ppl is easier if not every disagreement ends in 1 side dieing.
nice catch with the ''loli'' lol,yes shes basicaly the strongest character or the second strongest in the series,ofc by the end the MC is stronger but thats like at the end
Op 1 n two are particularly lies The anime was only suppose to have one season but we all loved it n now its continuing lol. But yeah, alot of fluff in op 1 n 2 that doesn’t happen or doesn’t happen yet. But it was still hype lol
Check out my other Anime Opening Reactions:
JoJo Part I Reaction:
Tower of God Reaction playlist:
Re:Zero Reaction playlist:
Made in Abyss Reaction playlist:
I have 2 anime series openings to recommend
Log horizon: is my favourite isekai .
Ancient Magus Bride: Really good and sometimes terrifying supernatural anime.
This series actually have one of the largest characters cast and one of the best world building and power system. The story also very well written and have very very deep lore. (Specially Light Novel and Manga wise).
Yeah, very long, xD
The universe of slime is so fucking rich and interesting
Ignores one piece's large character cast
The anime where almost every character in the main cast can be in their own anime, the dragon is the slime's best friend and family, the mc(slime)s name is rimuru and the dragon is veldora both last names is "tempest", it has nation building elements to it.
This is probably the first reactor that I saw refer to Rimuru as "he"
I guess he is a he because of his previous life but slime's dont have any gender in the show
@@GamerLord64he was previously a man, he sees himself as a man despite his new form having no gender. And he is mainly interested in girls.
That "loli girl" can actually hunt dragons with a net
She's basically Jesus also
"He became king so maybe it's the last season"
The anime isn't even halfway through the story of the Light Novel (which it is based on, same as the manga) and the Light Novel isn't even complete just yet.
Also there's 1 spin-off series for the anime and several special episodes (ONA, OVA etc.)
There is also the manga which is 2 light novel volume arcs ahead of the anime (the anime is on volume 8 currently and maybe in the ongoing season we'll get at least half of volume 9's story adapted) while there currently are 21 Light Novel volumes, and extra stories with extremely important lore pieces.
Also there are several ongoing or on-break manga spin-off series some of whom are canon/have canon characters which mostly appear only in those spin-offs, with important lore pieces and details that connect to the main story (this really isn't necessary to know unless you would be really curious/interested though).
The whole story features a lot of politics, pretty complex characters and plot points, amazing power system, and also the fact that there's simply too much information to keep in mind at all times, therefore you will have to remind yourself that (especially if you're really interested) - these and those characters exist, this and that group exists, this ability did that/exactly that and has this/that difference from these/those abilities.
It's great.
And when you are watching this weekly and wait for each season it's really hard to remember all these info like I'd be like "What are they talking about" or " who is this" every seasons start
@@sumeetdey5091 I guess that's just major diff. Light Novel readers literally wait for months even years before getting their new volume.
Not to mention, anime adaptations will always be the summarized version.
I can retain the chapter number from my very first light novel series I read during 2020 and what scene happened despite being almost 4 years ago since I last read it.
I say skill issue xD
@@AJ1703 I remember most things it's just some side characters that are not interesting to me I forget what they do like frey I don't remember how she and rimuru knows each other and some kings I forgot about but every character in this anime has a part to play
My logic: read LN -> read manga -> watch anime
@@kirby69813mine is the other way around, loll
He became a king in the 1st seasin tho😭👍
In first 3 episodes xD
This anime is known for having OP characters. There’s dozens of characters who are at minimum Universal.
this is actually one of the bigger light novel franchises, contrasting to what you would probably expect.
A thing to tell you , you can't just see two people fighting in anime and decide if they are friends or foes , "good guy" or "villain" . In animes, you will see people with the most psychotic looks but are good guys and the most innocent looking but, in actuality, are most evil .
In another case, there are people fighting based on their ideologies where there is no good and bad as both are right, and then there are also cases where the main character is actually the bad guy trying to justify what's actually wrong .
The story is actually pretty good, and this isekai is always in top 10, too . Some episodes may feel a bit slow, but it becomes worth it as the action and hype moments are amazing as hell . If I have to explain this show in a few words, then it's basically "The Strongest Slime Simulation."
The good people aren't the bad people and vice versa, but the story isn't a good vs. evil anyway.
the strongest slime is crazy, fr, 🗣️🔥💯‼️
Don't worry. People do die in this anime. The MCs kill count alone by the current point of the anime is over 20k.
😂 true true
Yeah the kill couunt of people that look cute is insane like miilm easily has 10k+ confirmed human kills.
With the invasion arc incoming the kill count will be even more dwarfed
I'll try to summarize it without spoiling much:
- The anime is about the slime trying to build a trully equal, fair and comfortable nation/world for himself and everyone around him.
- The fights are awesome, the comedy is on point and people die, so don't worry about that. It aslo touches some really serious sides of life, like unfairness, mistreatment/racism, etc.
- It also has one of the best and most hought out power systems, and while in later stages ther is a numerical way to measure power, having more power doesn't mean certain characters will win against lesser powerful ones. Basically, it isn't a linear power system.
- The pink haired loli is in the top 2 most powerful characters, so yes, she can hunt anything, not just dragons, with a net, if she so desires. She's also, for me, funny as hell.
- The dragon you mentiones that appears so many times, is actually the blonde dude that fist bumps the slime several times in the openings.
- And finally, the slime becomes king midway through the first season. He later becomes something else, but I'll let you discover it if you decide to start this awesome series.
If you get up to date on the anime, and you wanna know more, I suggest you either read the manga, which is one chapter per month, or read the Light Novel on Slime Reader, which is up to the 21st volume that came out last year(Anime is on LN 8-9 right now) and the 22nd is coming this winter.
Thank you for sharing about Slime Reader. I’m now reading it.
if you like an anime that is lighthearted, silly, wholesome, a little bit of fighting, deep plot, slow pace yet consistent story progress, i would definitely recommend watching this. i normally couldn't stand an anime where they talk a lot, but this anime.. even when the whole episode is just them talking, i cant take my eyes off 😌 the only complain i have, is that each episode is too short. i need an hour and half per episode 😭
This anime focus on world buildings but have really great fight scenes as well.
Note: if you don't like long meetings in which we discuss possible outcomes of battles and politics in the series (which shonen kids don't really like), this ain't for you.
11:41 Like Flames is my favorite opening, not only from the series but from all time
The protagonist is one of the eight demon lords of the world, and he's de king and founder of his own kingdom, the anime is so wholesome.
Dude, that’s a major spoiler! Wtf?
@@ironmoondarkwing4190 Nah, a major spoiler is Yuuki Kagurasaka is the last boss.
That’s not even canon anymore… I‘d say the main event of season 2 is a pretty big spoiler.
@@AlaudeArtNot Feldway?
@@AlaudeArt thats WN so not canon bro.... he is the biggest fodder
Seen hundreds of animes, this one continues to be one of my favorite. It's just so good at world building and I love the story.
this show never misses with their openings 😭
The biggest isekai ever exist…
The character development and the world-building in this is amazing. This is great series.
The anime is like 90 percent of worldbuilding, politics and world exploration
10 percent of fight with superpowers
not in ln, there's literally 1-3 volumes that's all about fighting
More like 50% fighting and rest is a mix of word building + kingdom building
He's actually a king from basically the beginning, only his nation was small and now it's much bigger.
11:54 TenSura OP4 is one of my favorite out of ALL nearly 500 anime I've watched.
Season 2 ends with the main character being officially recognized by the title of Demon Lord. Think of that what you will.
I've read the WN, the LN, the manga and watched the anime. It still boggles me how intricate the lore is for this series. But despite all that, the most memorable moment for me is still the "delete my browsing history" scene lol 😂
Bro called the last opening a parody
Currently there are 8 openings, 6 of what the series is currently about, one about an arc that takes place in OVA and another about a separate anime that would be like an anime made of filler or made of OVA, however you want to see it
5:32 to put it in as few words as possible: it's about our mc building a nation
11:08 they're gloves, more or less
This was actually the first esekai I've watched and immediately knew that only half of isekais falls in the reckless jolly category and this one falls with the best ones (imo top one on this type of anime genre).
Lots of characters, back stories that's interesting and not too long, good nation building, sfx, animation, everything period.
Oh btw, the mask isn't evil (MC's mask).
The loli pink girl IS a dragon but she's a half human and halfdragon hybrid lol and yes she hunting dragons🤣
Rimuru (the main character) is the the strongest slime in all of fiction
This time Truck-kun was pretty small, sharp and with a pointy end.😊
13:26 this is a villain name is clayman
This anime more about politics than anything else, if I were honest. Sure hype fights do happen, but the core of the story is still the kingdom building.
Also the slime has a skill that allows him to transform into beings he absorbed. He can transform into all kinds of monsters.
Best openings #4🔥 and #6 🎆
🤡 are strong
Thx for the reaction
Wow great reaction, havent seen someone do such a detailed reaction before. here's a sub and like
So, opening four originally used assets from previous openings for itself, so the animators made a new version of opening four that contained original animation for it
9:40 Well, the mask was the girl's in OP1 and OP2, remember?
He was a king , will be a king and is a king
13:23 Well, obviously the other mask didn't have eyeholes that would glow.
13:52 You don't see any guns in the openings, so what makes you think that that's an option? All you see
Is sword fighting and magic.
0:20 ALMOST he got stabbed in the street and then he reincarnated as a slime
This is a really great series ^^ I will say the fourth opening, Like Flames, has a second version they released later in the season that has more visuals.
Also this series has a spin-off, The Slime Diaries, which has an opening too if you want to check it out. It’s more slice of life-y.
This show is unironically great, as long as you like worldbuilding, power scaling / power systems, and okay with sometimes slow pacing.
OP slime yes, cause he gains power and skills from enemies he devours, he doesn't need to feed but he does if opponent is worthy/strong enough, so he could eventually become a god
its about slime making friends and world building and beating ass of any1 who thretens hes town to sum it up shortly, it has moments it gets dark to
10:08 about hes dark clothing, he was naïve person thinking he can just exist and build up hes town without any1 trying to harm them specially humans, and passivist approach, don't attack other then other wont attack u, when faced relity he had to do tough calls and fight back, so u can say its symbol of loss of innocents
19:35 hes been never called that but he has been king of monsters from the start, sins saving gooblin village and starting to build it up, its far from over, if they continue with same pase it could get 10+ seasons thats how much source there is
This show is about a Slime making a lot of friends.
slime is one of the 8 demon lords
6:00 that loli is able to destroy universes
(im serious btw)
He did not get hit by truck-kun, he got hit by random crazy running knife guy kun
Fantasy anime and church do have a lot of connections. Mostly because stories take inspiration from medieval Europe.
It is civilization building anime as much as action power fantasy anime and perverted fantasy anime. Really entertaining.
Didn't watch season 3 (opening 5 and 6).
The character doesn't have to died to make the battle more serious
I like that you know the meaning of reincarnated as a slime and that a slime can transform into a human.... compared to others about why a human transforms into a slime
Finally giolestress glattista watches slime
"maybe the mask is changing you"
sorry i was watched jojo before this so 😂
Did they also have guns😂 yes they have bec there are tons of modern people who got transported to that fantasy or game world. And the mc got stab not hit by truck kun. And there are a lot of villains, they have different villains for each arc. And loli girl has some connections with the dragon. U are kinda right about the theory of the last op. He became (??) and build that building for fun. People will fight in that and he collect money from the people who came to watch the fight. And of course there are ☠️ too since this show has a lot of fighting
The protagonist does reincarnate as a slime, but has the skill to transform into any monster he eats. Including humans, hence why he gets to turn into one.
Slime is a city building simulation anime with some fighting on it.
I really like op 5 the most
One of my favourite openings of all time
I like op 1 4 and 6
'...dragon appears and...what?'
Um...did you miss that the buff blonde tan guy turned into the Dragon? Just so you know, in that world there are dragons and Dragons. Capital D-Dragons are living forces of nature, while dragons are just strong monsters. There are only four Dragons, which in-universe are differentiated from dragons by being referred to as 'True Dragons'. The pink-haired loli had four dragons with her, the true form of the buff blonde tan guy is a Dragon. And since you asked, the pink-haired loli's connection to dragons is that she's the half-human daughter of a Dragon. That's why that dragon's reaction to seeing her hunting it with a net was to have a cartoony sweatdrop appear by its head (denoting uncertainty or nervousness) rather than some show of indignation.
You're not far off in terms of Millim having connections to dragons. I won't go really any further than that XP
Slime is awesome, a fantastic anime 😍😁
this anime is masterpiece
She is the daughter of God 😅
loli is a half dragon half human and lived for a thousand years
Bro, these comments are spoiling so much. I highly suggest this show, it is my favorite show of all time and knowing what happens in future seasons it will stay my favorite show of all time. This anime is about World building, politics, fighting/war, etc. There is so much lore the anime only's don't even know about yet, its just an amazing series. Please try and vaguely remember these comments because i see some MASSIVE spoilers in them, and i hope you try and avoid spoilers as much as possible if you ever watch the series.
True, but he will probably forget them, or it'll make no sense.
@@myst0dreamer We will never not see each other in the comments of anything slime related
This anime is a Nation building Power fantasy.
Dont trust the first few openings for plot cus they are misleading. The show was suppose to only have 1 season n thats it so the intros are just hype and half the stuff in them dont happen till season 2 lol
Hey we’re having 1 season pick up the manga and light novel lol
Oh…you want more…uhh crap now we have to play catchup with stuff we left out….
Another banger
"Slime transform into dragon"
...Yes. But in light novel
YOOO SPOILERSSSS, i said the same thing but in my mind.
thanks for the fucking spoiler
Picking up girls in the dungeon is the title of course he will pick up girls 😅. It's a ready good anime.
My figure collection is largely from this show, I need more space for more figures haha
Bro just watch the anime! it is a fun anime!
Gundam iron blooded orphans opening 1-4
Gundam iron blooded orphans opening Blaze
Gundam iron blooded orphans Urdr Hunt opening 1
Slime beats Goku not even joking
Honestly it's not too far of a stretch to assume he could probably beat saitama
Two different world, so 2 different power scales, so really, who knows
@@galonski64um he can literally re-create and destroy universes by the end of series and his immune to any form of damage or hax from DB so Goku has 0 chance…
@The_CodFish69 still a differnt world, and so, makes it hard to say how the two connect. All I know is they are both strong, and slime never show that kinda power in the anime, so really who knows how truthful it is
Sabe aqueles jogos de construir cidade que de início é bem simples mas depois quando se vê você construiu uma metrópole etc? É tipo isso mesmo, ele reencarnou como slime e aos poucos foi ficando poderoso e tendo aliados enquanto construia um lugar pra si (e pra eles), no fim das contas eles acabaram formando um novo país/reino com ele liderando.
I recomend watch this anime
The best Isekai 😊
Apologies for the long comment, but I promise it's worth your time, especially the second part about something truly special...
I love this series quite a lot without really knowing why. Contrary to the first statement, I wouldn't say the story and especially characters are written in a very deep way for the most part. As you guessed it, the slime is (truly) overpowered. He's not a generic one dimensional protagonist like most isekai teenager protagonists in at least anime. Rimuru used to be an adult when he died. Regardless, you should watch it because the second season is definitely worth it thanks to a huge climax/pay off among other things. And of course the stakes are only ever rising.
Unfortunately, the trailer animation is quite deceiving. Despite the immense popularity the animation is only somewhat above that of other isekai.
So, now that I've concluded the first paragraph, I'm really doing you a favor by telling you to react to and learn about...
*Lord of the Mysteries* (Fun Fact: It might not be a coincidence Lord of the Rings and Lord of the Mysteries share a prefix. Throughout the entire story the author scattered or implemented many references to all kinds of other well known stories.
LOTM is an incredibly popular web novel series that received a trailer in 2023 for an anime (donghua = Chinese anime), which could potentially dominate the anime scene in 2025, because the source material is that good, easily at the same tier as the most popular/best anime out already. However, I suggest you watch the eng sub version not many seem to know about!
Genres: isekai so fantasy, every horror type including cosmic horror, supernatural, crime, thriller, adventure, MYSTERY
You can tell the author was inspired by the Cthulhu Mythos, SCP, Sherlock Holmes, One Piece etc.
It is one of the most popular web novels there is and in fact a Chinese national treasure.
LOTM transports us into a fictional world during a steam punk era ruled by kings, orthodox gods and evil gods, filled with angels and demons, different/ higher dimensions, secret organizations, monsters, supernatural creatures, giants, elves, pirates, adventures, haunted places, poor/ middle/ high society, unique cultures in different countries and more. Top notch world building is guaranteed!
The power or magic system of this world, "The 22 Pathways of the Divine", is very likely the single most well written and perhaps most balanced power system in fiction.
These 22 pathways refer to different "job classes" such as Prisoner, Seer, Doctor, Corpse Collector, Spectator, Judge, Detective, Demoness, Sailor, Hunter, Vampire, ...that you can "level up". By drinking such a labeled potion, you become a so called Beyonder, in conventional terminology, a magician. Every pathway is divided into sequences starting with Sequence 9 to Sequence 0. But there's far more than that. Complimenting the potions, there exist many mystical languages for example the Languge of Foulness, mystical artifacts/sealed artifacts (every single one has mild to severely dangerous drawbacks), Beyonder Creatures, ...the complexity of it all is simply mind boggling. Becoming, acting, staying powerful is everything but easy, you need to be extra cunning, careful, well prepared, versatile, and most importantly not lose yourself to the ever increasing risk of going mad by losing control, exploding and thus dying or being corrupted by incomprehensible and abstract powers you might never even know existed.
I've finished Lord of the Mysteries (1) not too long ago and I've never had more fun reading a book series. At times I read through an entire night. Right now I'm busy with LOTM 2
Apparently, this show is being produced by the same studio that made my current #1 anime (donghua) Mo Dao Zu Shi - Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation / Founder of Diabolism. MDZS has an insane production quality on all levels and the story is really just great. The trailer for LOTM promises the same if not even better quality!
Once Lord of the Mysteries - the anime is released, it will be pretty much the only isekai that can be said to tell a deep and complex story in anime form, because only terribly or amateurishly written isekai ever get an adaption. A story not just simply enjoyable for the sake of it. Forget Mushoku Tensei, Tensura (Slime), Re:Zero, ...none of them come close. LOTM is like true fantasy written by a best selling author, without the weird yet sometimes likable gimmicks anime are known for.
Almost forgot - you definitely don't want to miss the song that was personally composed for Lord of the Mysteries and is sung by the main cast in one of the main languages of this world - "Hermes"
Here's the video name: _Lord of the Mysteries - Official Reveal Trailer _ Full Length Version_
I could gush and explain more if you happen to have any questions, it serves me as well ;)
I've updated the comment once more to make sure I don't miss important details.
When anime comes out I'll def add it on my watchlist!
@@GioleReacts I've never read anything like it before, although it's not the only book series on that level I know. The longest sci-fi series in the world, Perry Rhodan, for instance is bigger than both Star Wars and Star Trek combined. Better too in my opinion... There's a whole Wikipedia (Perrypedia) made for this franchise.
Anyway, watching LOTM should be akin to a whole new experience. It can only be good.
By the way, maybe just maybe I nerded out too much. The comment turned out to be slightly on the _thiccer_ side I'm afraid~
Would you be interested in more recommendations? You probably get too many requests already, right?
Finally, thank you for noticing my comment!
You piqued my interest by saying its better than Re:Zero so I will def check it out when it comes out in summer 2025 I believe was the release date
@@GioleReacts I'm glad I got your attention, that was my goal after all. Would be nice if you could react to the trailer and maybe song too. No reactioneer seems to have watched the music video yet...
Summer 2025 hmmhmm only one year to go haha~
Before the donghua comes out other compelling projects will be released first. I'm especially excited for Arcane season 2.
Klein Moretti is different from the vast majority of MCs. Just this much to not spoil anything: he feels disconnected from the world and those around him for good reason. His journey is plaqued with loneliness despite the friends he made along the way. Character development is not a foreign concept to the author!
In reply to your commenting on people still being around from one opening to the other.
I'd like to think this anime leans heavily into world building and quite a bit into politics. And while there are alot of great fights and actually plenty of ppl dieing (more or less, and in many different ways), there is also a big focus on trying to get along.
You don't need to fight to kill, defeat doesn't need to mean death. Getting along with ppl is easier if not every disagreement ends in 1 side dieing.
She is not a lolli she is an actual kid 😅
You prediction at the end about the colosseum is kinda right won’t say more tho.
he got stabed to death instead of truck-kun
nice catch with the ''loli'' lol,yes shes basicaly the strongest character or the second strongest in the series,ofc by the end the MC is stronger but thats like at the end
This is as good as Re:zero
We want reaction to the openings 1-3 of the anime ( WELCOME TO DEMON SCHOOL IRUMA-KUN )
Reaccionaras a los op de Danmachi ?
5:30 Politics
Top 3 isekai no matter what
You’d better watch the series after this my guy. Seriously. You’re missing out otherwise.
Op 2 😢😢😢
Watch it fast this is great anime🩵⚡🍿
Op 1 n two are particularly lies
The anime was only suppose to have one season but we all loved it n now its continuing lol. But yeah, alot of fluff in op 1 n 2 that doesn’t happen or doesn’t happen yet. But it was still hype lol
Have you reacted to My Hero Academia Opening 1-13...? and Ending is also good you can also react to it👍
loli is not evil
next pls reaction op ragna Crimson or shangri-la frontier
The loli girls is a son of the creator of the world
very good reactions you have to see yes or yes the 13 openings of my hero academia please please ❤❤
Yes or yes 😆
loli girl demon lord dragon 😂
Please react to the Shangri la Frontier Openings. Two Songs, two banger👍🏻
I honestly only like the first op the second I just don’t like
Just watch it