Sorry Dom, I liked the vid and the number 666 appeared so I took back my like but will do it once I see that number eclipsed. I watch you but rarely comment but it must be said that your Channel is made of the right stuff and is going to pull big Sub numbers as people wake up to your show. Best wishes for success from the Antipodes. NZ.
Jackie Bonds! I know you from like 30 years ago lol you hung out w oj Ronnie Liotta Georgie etc lol I know I'm a girl but everyone knew everyone in the neighborhood I sure as shit don't remember this guy do you?
Good stuff Dom. Keep it up and keep putting out the 🔥 content. Far as the newer age days of Cosa Nostra u got it on lock. People like myself been studying the mob 23+ years and tired of the same old Cosa Nostra shit always.
Hi Dom, Your pal Jeff Nadu just did a show on Skinny Joey Merlino, the current Philly Boss. He's gonna his own TH-cam show. First still active boss to have a YT channel. He from what I've heard has never cooperated. Interesting. What do you make of this?? 🤔 Have you ever had any prior dealing with the Philly Boss. His style, mannerisms, sunglasses, etc., sort of reminds me of your old Boss VB. If any active mob guys should get their own TH-cam channel, quit the life and make legit $$ and stay out of trouble too
Awesome story Dom as usual. Since you reconnected with joe barone why not Pj? You guys both cooperated so there shouldn’t be any friction plus that would be great content
Bro I got in many times with sneakers and jeans i was friends with one of the main guys there He was connected with Gambinos can only say his initials he also was connected to Scores when they changed the name of it.amd by the way they did have a very good Steak No Doubt!
Not trying to correct you but you said after you left the Penthouse club and Ace was driven someone said where you guys wanna go and you guys went back to the Penthouse club that could be an honest mistake or maybe not.
If you're going to talk about someone ( pj pisciotti ) you should pronounce the name right it's not pisciotti like a biscotti it's pronounced shhhh pishhhhotti obviously not spelled that way. Pj and Chris are my cousins I grew up with them
Hello Dom! This is Billy. I told you about Al Capone being in Moose Jaw, Canada a little while back. Wanted to give you an update on that after watching a documentary about it. There was no direct train from Chicago to Moose Jaw. The train went to St. Paul, Minnesota. St. Paul to Regina, Canada. Regina to Moose Jaw. There is actually no direct evidence that Capone was in Moose Jaw. Just first hand eye witnesses who claimed to have seen him in Moose Jaw. Including a Dentist who said he worked on his teeth one time. There is a chance it could be a marketing scheme to bring tourists to Moose Jaw. Moose Jaw was a big hub for bootlegging. A lot of of Capone’s whiskey came from Canada. His men dispersed it throughout the US. Regina is the capital of Saskatchewan. The train would’ve gone there first. Moose Jaw is a 30-45 minute car ride from Regina. Canada didn’t have prohibition. So it was easy enough for people to make the whisky and give it to Capone’s men to smuggle it into the US.
PJ, I knew him well, his uncle was Tony Hop from mulberry st.. good people,. this was the best story so far, because I don't like that shark j**k off kid , he's a punk... I'm happy to hear he got his face punched in. What happened to PJ WAS WRONG, they betrayed him bad with that ruling.
That's so funny Dom I never was for lap dances either. Felt like an odd ball most guys loved them I felt it was kinda pathetic all happy to get a lap dance. Good show From, be safe, Joe.
Nothing gets your blood going like a club brawl or good Donnybrook in the Pub! Ha ha 😂 🤣 😆 😄 😅 ..Dom.laid down the law on the 15 Large ...instilling discipline Matt NYC
That BabyShark doodoodoodoo rapper Michael has some of the worst music ever. Wanted one foot on the sidewalk one foot on the street. Neither wanted him 😂
How dare those cops stop you guys after “destroying the whole place.” The nerve of them. Dom, I enjoy your show, but put yourself in a cops shoes. They respond to radio runs where they are investigating what a caller told the 911 operator. Who knows what the caller said. Don’t bash the cops for doing their job.
I might struggle to find the most appropriate words here as I'm a bit pissed.I love hearing all the stories from ex (mostly new york) mobsters.but it's a little disengenuos for some to call others liars,cheats or something.I loved RJ Roger and Mikey Scars podcast but it just put me off them when Mikey started to imply Sammy Gravanno was immoral (I nean,of course he is) and a liar/'s a load of bollocks,you were all mobsters and that's that.I like to hear all the stories,but like it or loathe it Sammy is the big gun in this genre but it doesn't demean other people's stories because he's been around for so long.😊
He lies, and he isn't the big gun, at least not anymore. His numbers/stats for his channel is tanking significantly from when he first came out and was still fresh and new in the game during covid/the lockdowns. Plus his business practices with how he deals with other ex guys with channels/other mob genre content creators is being revealed to be less than above boars to say the least - basically he is doing the YT equivalent/version of his practices from back when he was on the street - except now instead of whacking guys to take businesses or cover his tracks he just f's people over regarding content, interviews etc in relation to YT Channels.😂
@@itsmywayorthegeminimethod1095why do you have to tack on the way over used "laughing so hard I'm crying" emoji? You were really cracking up that hard while writing that long thought out message? It's such a form of condescension that every other person tacks that emoji on their message. I think all the guy was just trying to say was that all drama is annoying. And if you look and pay attention to what's going on with the number of subscribers that Sammy has it's actually been going up faster then normal, probably due to all the extra attention he has been getting from all these channels lately. So sir, my point is that just because someone voices something that you don't agree with, it's no reason to have a hysterical laughing/crying fit. The drama is annoying, look at John Pennisi's channel, he never gets into it with anyone on TH-cam, everyone respects him and he constantly putting out fresh interesting content. Conclusion: drama free is the way to be.
if u takw the word of a disgraced rat who cant walk the streets alone then sure but this is a lie fake news he can sit there and say anything he wants i was with him and his father in mdc brooklyn and PJ the rat also these guys are no tough guys ace the only one and look how that turned out
Dom tell the story with one of the people whos from this story at Gold Bar with the kid Joey who got hit wit da bottle and was almost a vegetable next to Grotta Azzure on Kenmare between Mulberry and Centre Market...
Dom is so genuine. Love the stories. REALLY love the “Dom-isms”- Vokker, Car Blanche….😂
@@Geezusehow about cart? Lol
I used to go to the Penthouse executive club back in the day lol. Its abandoned now.
Dominic,Salute from Jersey...
Mike Pennini is the SHARK great song called COLD NIGHT BURNING
This is wat these podcasts are suppose to be like! Thank you Dom, funny,enjoyable good storys keep up the good work!
The way you say Vodka is PRICELESS!
Great video Dom
Pls talk about Genovese family
Sorry Dom, I liked the vid and the number 666 appeared so I took back my like but will do it once I see that number eclipsed. I watch you but rarely comment but it must be said that your Channel is made of the right stuff and is going to pull big Sub numbers as people wake up to your show. Best wishes for success from the Antipodes. NZ.
I hit like to remove the 6_6 but when it is at 665 i won't do it either. I always skip the devils number too.
Michael Peninni , The Shark !
Back to regular scheduled content finally 🎉 let’s goo
Great story 🎉🎉🎉 this is what I watch you ex mafia guys stories for.
Love the vids
👍🏽 good shit
02:55 🦈
Love the show
What a great story. Cheers from Australia
Excellent vid exactly what the channel needed.
It's cool seeing Dom's other interests and concerns. But we needed a good old Mob story
Cheers Dom
Its amazing how this guy could smile and talk about the guy that he put away for life..... stand up as they come
Hey Dom, excellent story brother!!!! Keep the great content coming.
It must be easy winning a fight if its an instant death sentence for anyone that cracks you. I always thought it was stupid would make people soft.
Another Gem Dom🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 Your Memory Is AMAZING! All The Best!
Unusual request Sir. What would you charge me for 1 of your bottles of vodka signed . I love your show . Great stories
It's videos like this when I think about how smart Dom is and how much of the man he really was... I can only imagine how fun it was in that place
Did PJ Rat before or after you did? Dom I never seen you in the place they had on Broome and Mulberry where you Straightened out back then?
Jackie Bonds! I know you from like 30 years ago lol you hung out w oj Ronnie Liotta Georgie etc lol I know I'm a girl but everyone knew everyone in the neighborhood I sure as shit don't remember this guy do you?
@@dawnruffaine6932 wats up Dawn?
Hey dom how are u did u know joey merlino?
Good stuff Dom. Keep it up and keep putting out the 🔥 content. Far as the newer age days of Cosa Nostra u got it on lock. People like myself been studying the mob 23+ years and tired of the same old Cosa Nostra shit always.
Good stuff my guy!!
Dom, Hope you are feeling better better. Have a great New Year. Checking on you routinely with Mikey
These are the stories i like
Hi Dom,
Your pal Jeff Nadu just did a show on Skinny Joey Merlino, the current Philly Boss.
He's gonna his own TH-cam show.
First still active boss to have a YT channel. He from what I've heard has never cooperated. Interesting.
What do you make of this?? 🤔
Have you ever had any prior dealing with the Philly Boss.
His style, mannerisms, sunglasses, etc., sort of reminds me of your old Boss VB.
If any active mob guys should get their own TH-cam channel, quit the life and make legit $$ and stay out of trouble too
Great story. I love hearing about the obscure, for lack of a better term, guys in the life and your interactions with them.
Awesome story Dom as usual. Since you reconnected with joe barone why not Pj? You guys both cooperated so there shouldn’t be any friction plus that would be great content
Good to see you. Hope you had a great Labor Day. Hope hurricane hasn’t affected you
Good shit! That was pretty cool.
Bro I got in many times with sneakers and jeans i was friends with one of the main guys there He was connected with Gambinos can only say his initials he also was connected to Scores when they changed the name of it.amd by the way they did have a very good Steak No Doubt!
Do you have any info on natale mulè....who is supposedly acting captain for grimaldi
Are you still trying to sell stuff.??? Damn!!!
Good morning Dom. Thanks for continuing to post stories. always waitingto new stories and live broadcasts, thank you. Oleg
You and PJ flipped.
Ace didnt.
Regret your choice?
He said before he has not
@@juniorseyes8326 Thanks.
Watching from Nigeria. been a fan since video no 1. Keep growing and stay away from the social media beef.
rember frankie the blond?
Thx for the stories Dom. 💙
Love your show, but maybe a little less liquor before you start
Maybe I have my timelines messed up but didn’t Joey say no strip clubs lol and then I hear this story?
Good stuff Dom
Like ur attitude no nonsense know the coo
Good one Dom.
Love your stories! Now I have to buy your vodka!
Not trying to correct you but you said after you left the Penthouse club and Ace was driven someone said where you guys wanna go and you guys went back to the Penthouse club that could be an honest mistake or maybe not.
The first club where they beat the guys up was not Penthouse.
hello dom. great to see you are in a good mood.
In good spirits.
You followed a code. Pay your own bills.
There are always great times in between the treachery of the life. The balance is fucked up and crazy
A big hello From Marian Cobretti :))) Keep Up the Good Work
That Richard Mille is 🔥
Keep the content coming bo, 💪🏼
I'm confused, if PJ was a FRIEND how is it that the Mike kid was grilling him or even lifted his hands to him?
He was high on drugs
Hi Dom look forward to your stories
Nice content
What's up Dom bro
Hey Dom did you know Rick from Throggs neck Projects ?
Has anyone tested out EG Vokker?
Why did Anthony Rufus I have his table i the back with Sammy ? You don’t?
Can you tell us what were the good things about the life. Thank you
Hey Dom where's the story about Vic Amuso and the marijuana he was smuggling?
Hi Dom,
How can i get in contact with you of your team?
Great story Dom! 😅
What a fast fun life! But we all know what happens at the end! Good Stories! 👍🏽
People in Ireland don't give people up end ov
Still waiting, "bo", on your big 'Ernie's da weal bosz of da Westside' reveal.
EG Vodka. What's right is right.
🇮🇲🇧🇷Killer History, Dom.
If you're going to talk about someone ( pj pisciotti ) you should pronounce the name right it's not pisciotti like a biscotti it's pronounced shhhh pishhhhotti obviously not spelled that way. Pj and Chris are my cousins I grew up with them
Top story! 😂
I want to try eg vodker 😂😂
Hello Dom! This is Billy. I told you about Al Capone being in Moose Jaw, Canada a little while back. Wanted to give you an update on that after watching a documentary about it. There was no direct train from Chicago to Moose Jaw. The train went to St. Paul, Minnesota. St. Paul to Regina, Canada. Regina to Moose Jaw. There is actually no direct evidence that Capone was in Moose Jaw. Just first hand eye witnesses who claimed to have seen him in Moose Jaw. Including a Dentist who said he worked on his teeth one time. There is a chance it could be a marketing scheme to bring tourists to Moose Jaw. Moose Jaw was a big hub for bootlegging. A lot of of Capone’s whiskey came from Canada. His men dispersed it throughout the US. Regina is the capital of Saskatchewan. The train would’ve gone there first. Moose Jaw is a 30-45 minute car ride from Regina. Canada didn’t have prohibition. So it was easy enough for people to make the whisky and give it to Capone’s men to smuggle it into the US.
And when I see that watch on his wrist makes me realize that he still a money maker
Biggest bullshit story ever
Hah why do you say that?
PJ, I knew him well, his uncle was Tony Hop from mulberry st.. good people,. this was the best story so far, because I don't like that shark j**k off kid , he's a punk... I'm happy to hear he got his face punched in. What happened to PJ WAS WRONG, they betrayed him bad with that ruling.
That's so funny Dom I never was for lap dances either. Felt like an odd ball most guys loved them I felt it was kinda pathetic all happy to get a lap dance. Good show From, be safe, Joe.
richard mille .no fucking way lol
Life is 6 degrees of sepration The man...who drank what? Very curious...Can say alot about a man's personality. Matt NYC
The 90’s and early 2000’s was a great time to be in NYC, especially the clubs. Peace, love, and ecstacy !
We luv u dude ur great an so is ur wife. Shes a spitter but thats ok she still takes it in the mouth. 😂 Vinny says hi
The Shark from Morris park.. Tommy Pennini's son
So it was his son for sure? I've heard this
@@KinoRunner_ yes I no it 💯 percent.
Nothing gets your blood going like a club brawl or good Donnybrook in the Pub! Ha ha 😂 🤣 😆 😄 😅 ..Dom.laid down the law on the 15 Large ...instilling discipline
Matt NYC
That BabyShark doodoodoodoo rapper Michael has some of the worst music ever. Wanted one foot on the sidewalk one foot on the street. Neither wanted him 😂
Your crazy Shark got bangers goof
Dont hate on The Shark, Jojo Pellegrino & Gfella cause they can actually spit bars unlike Dom
How dare those cops stop you guys after “destroying the whole place.” The nerve of them. Dom, I enjoy your show, but put yourself in a cops shoes. They respond to radio runs where they are investigating what a caller told the 911 operator. Who knows what the caller said. Don’t bash the cops for doing their job.
Yuck the police. Acab
I might struggle to find the most appropriate words here as I'm a bit pissed.I love hearing all the stories from ex (mostly new york) mobsters.but it's a little disengenuos for some to call others liars,cheats or something.I loved RJ Roger and Mikey Scars podcast but it just put me off them when Mikey started to imply Sammy Gravanno was immoral (I nean,of course he is) and a liar/'s a load of bollocks,you were all mobsters and that's that.I like to hear all the stories,but like it or loathe it Sammy is the big gun in this genre but it doesn't demean other people's stories because he's been around for so long.😊
He lies, and he isn't the big gun, at least not anymore. His numbers/stats for his channel is tanking significantly from when he first came out and was still fresh and new in the game during covid/the lockdowns. Plus his business practices with how he deals with other ex guys with channels/other mob genre content creators is being revealed to be less than above boars to say the least - basically he is doing the YT equivalent/version of his practices from back when he was on the street - except now instead of whacking guys to take businesses or cover his tracks he just f's people over regarding content, interviews etc in relation to YT Channels.😂
Great story btw.🇬🇧
Big gun? Yeah a botted fan base with a geriatric old compulsive liar.... what a big cheese.... gtfo here...
@@itsmywayorthegeminimethod1095why do you have to tack on the way over used "laughing so hard I'm crying" emoji? You were really cracking up that hard while writing that long thought out message? It's such a form of condescension that every other person tacks that emoji on their message. I think all the guy was just trying to say was that all drama is annoying. And if you look and pay attention to what's going on with the number of subscribers that Sammy has it's actually been going up faster then normal, probably due to all the extra attention he has been getting from all these channels lately. So sir, my point is that just because someone voices something that you don't agree with, it's no reason to have a hysterical laughing/crying fit. The drama is annoying, look at John Pennisi's channel, he never gets into it with anyone on TH-cam, everyone respects him and he constantly putting out fresh interesting content. Conclusion: drama free is the way to be.
Common Dom you can do better than that
What up, bo.!!!
Looks and sounds like a old boxer that’s took to many hits to the heads. Sounds like his struggling to talk.
I guess the Shark wasn’t good with his hands that night. Good story Dom.
if u takw the word of a disgraced rat who cant walk the streets alone then sure but this is a lie fake news he can sit there and say anything he wants i was with him and his father in mdc brooklyn and PJ the rat also these guys are no tough guys ace the only one and look how that turned out
Dom tell the story with one of the people whos from this story at Gold Bar with the kid Joey who got hit wit da bottle and was almost a vegetable next to Grotta Azzure on Kenmare between Mulberry and Centre Market...
Hey dom how are u did u know joey merlino?