First, i will join 3 tables to get orderdate, total_amount, product_name/product_id, then group by (date(orderdate) as order_date_new, productid, productname) and sum of total_amount), then apply window function row_number because it has consequences with partition by order_date_new meaning sorting in each order_date_new with total_amount desc then just use filter row_number
with cte as ( select oi.product_id, trunc(order_date) as trc_day, sum(oi.quantity) as sm, from orders o inner join orders_item oi on oi.order_id = o.order_id group by oi.product_id, trunc(order_date) ), cte2 as ( select p.product_name, trc_day, sm, ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by p.product_name, trc_day order by sm desc) as rn from cte as c inner join products p on p.product_id = c.product_id ) select c2.product_name, c2.trc_day, from cte2 c2 where c2.rn
Perform the join, group by product put the rank window function partition by day order by quantity . Where rank < 6
Window function is favourite question of interviewer. . Find duplicates, find third highest salary is also similar question of window function.
Excellent 👏 👏
6:00 Limit should work if you order by the aggregation DESC
Thanks for the video
can we solve using max function and group by on day extract from date column??
Is there any chance I can be a interviewee because I am also preparing for Data Engineer roles. This will help me
no introduction nothing just started with questions
First, i will join 3 tables to get orderdate, total_amount, product_name/product_id, then group by (date(orderdate) as order_date_new, productid, productname) and sum of total_amount), then apply window function row_number because it has consequences with partition by order_date_new meaning sorting in each order_date_new with total_amount desc then just use filter row_number
The girl got the job?
with cte as
select oi.product_id, trunc(order_date) as trc_day, sum(oi.quantity) as sm,
from orders o
inner join orders_item oi on oi.order_id = o.order_id
group by oi.product_id, trunc(order_date)
cte2 as (
select p.product_name, trc_day, sm, ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by p.product_name, trc_day order by sm desc) as rn
from cte as c
inner join products p on p.product_id = c.product_id
select c2.product_name, c2.trc_day,
from cte2 c2
where c2.rn