राहुल गांधी बन के प्रधानमंत्री इंडिया गठबंधन की सरकार बनेगी कोई रोक नहीं पाएगा मोदी झूठ है झूठ बोलते हैं झूठ बोलने से काम नहीं चलेगा हम लोग को राशन नहीं चाहिए हम लोग उत्तर प्रदेश विधानसभा मोहम्मदाबाद गोहना जिला मऊ से बोल रहे प्रकाश वास मेरा नाम है
MOST welcome and gratitude for important information carried out toward's Assam as well as INDIA beloved Mighty Nation's INDIA. The Step's Mighty be planned registered for all the powerfull Builder's gorgeously forwarded through hidden agendas with Strongest Builders System's Functions of the team's Might be built-in ourwill peace and happiness, Amityville the Progressive experience atitude Carried throughout the Country's ASSAM as well as INDIA beloved Mighty Nation's INDIA was argued that Peace's Amityville , Progressive experience atitude Carried throughout the Country's ASSAM as well as INDIA beloved Mighty Nation's INDIA, Congratulations.
Shabaash , Suno Sarkar
Best wishes 🙏
राहुल गांधी बन के प्रधानमंत्री इंडिया गठबंधन की सरकार बनेगी कोई रोक नहीं पाएगा मोदी झूठ है झूठ बोलते हैं झूठ बोलने से काम नहीं चलेगा हम लोग को राशन नहीं चाहिए हम लोग उत्तर प्रदेश विधानसभा मोहम्मदाबाद गोहना जिला मऊ से बोल रहे प्रकाश वास मेरा नाम है
MOST welcome and gratitude for important information carried out toward's Assam as well as INDIA beloved Mighty Nation's INDIA. The Step's Mighty be planned registered for all the powerfull Builder's gorgeously forwarded through hidden agendas with Strongest Builders System's Functions of the team's Might be built-in ourwill peace and happiness, Amityville the Progressive experience atitude Carried throughout the Country's ASSAM as well as INDIA beloved Mighty Nation's INDIA was argued that Peace's Amityville , Progressive experience atitude Carried throughout the Country's ASSAM as well as INDIA beloved Mighty Nation's INDIA, Congratulations.