I am no coder, nor Figma user but I understand how all of this plugs together, and this is pretty dam good!! Taking a design from Figma and allowing the design to be implemented within Wappler is impressive..
Each Figma item maps 1:1 to a corresponding HTML element. Impress does add some necessary attributes to the HTML element attributes, so that's really where the only bloat may come from. Work needs to be done on dynamic dependency inclusion (at the moment it just blanket includes all Wappler supported dependencies e..g the dmxAppConnect files), once this is done that'll also shrink the footprint of each page. In its current form I've not really seen any degradation in app performance, and we have a few big apps. Regarding mobile, you can build mobile specific pages and tag them with [mobile] (e.g. index [mobile]), also same for [tablet]. This will combine the different size views into the same Wappler file and use media queries to switch between them depending on browser window width. At some point, the [desktop]/[tablet]/[mobile] tags will be supported on individual elements/sections, so they will switch on and off dynamically depending on the viewing space available.
I am no coder, nor Figma user but I understand how all of this plugs together, and this is pretty dam good!! Taking a design from Figma and allowing the design to be implemented within Wappler is impressive..
The code looks very blown up. Will it affect the efficiency on the app. And is the app responsive for mobile etc?
But looks very cool so far
Each Figma item maps 1:1 to a corresponding HTML element. Impress does add some necessary attributes to the HTML element attributes, so that's really where the only bloat may come from. Work needs to be done on dynamic dependency inclusion (at the moment it just blanket includes all Wappler supported dependencies e..g the dmxAppConnect files), once this is done that'll also shrink the footprint of each page. In its current form I've not really seen any degradation in app performance, and we have a few big apps.
Regarding mobile, you can build mobile specific pages and tag them with [mobile] (e.g. index [mobile]), also same for [tablet]. This will combine the different size views into the same Wappler file and use media queries to switch between them depending on browser window width. At some point, the [desktop]/[tablet]/[mobile] tags will be supported on individual elements/sections, so they will switch on and off dynamically depending on the viewing space available.