At 2:35, you wrote that high AR have more induced drag as they are heavy .... Do you think so? I think High AR aircrafts have small chord due to which there is less vortex induced downwash ...which makes it have less induced drag. Please clear my confusion
At 2:35, you wrote that high AR have more induced drag as they are heavy .... Do you think so? I think High AR aircrafts have small chord due to which there is less vortex induced downwash ...which makes it have less induced drag. Please clear my confusion
Keep it up
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Como se calcula el "drag" en una "blade" de una propela ??
Please communicate in mode of English
this question is N O T on topic. googletranslate
@@mastering-up hellllo GOOGLETRANSLATE
No hablo español muy bien, pero, nececitas BET, o “Blade Element Theory”.
Good presentation. Please make use of better English pronunciation and fluency. Keep it up!
Way to nitpick, man. She deserves better.
How do you expect anyone to listen to this gibberish for 8+ minutes?