The Cosmere Iceberg Let's talk all the Brandon Sanderson Cosmere Lore

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 25 ก.ย. 2024
  • Welcome to the world's first video reviewing an discussing a Cosmere Iceberg found at / all_spoilers_the_cosme...
    Join us as we talk about the Cosmere Iceberg where we dive deeper and deeper below the surface! From Vax to Dhatri there's some things here even we had to look up!
    I'm joined today by
    Seth of the Cosmere Academy
    Jeremie of The Sixth Scholar
    Joshua of the 17th Shard
    Zach Lord Loopy of the Cosmere in a Year Book Club

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  • @Cosmere_Nomad
    @Cosmere_Nomad 12 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    Maker of the chart here! I'm still getting through the video atm but just wanted to say I'm so happy to have anyone make a video like this about the chart. When I was making it originally I was somewhat convinced no one would notice it.
    Here in this comment I'll just make any misunderstandings if my intent clear and answer any questions people might have. Creating this chart has made my appreciation of those who make charts like these go up dramatically, it is a lot harder to convey what is meant and collect everything than it may look at first. To start with 2 common issues I answered in reddit:
    I am aware the chart is woefully incomplete and happy to hear any suggestions for what shoukd be included. In some cases some stuff was cut for space (such as say subtler nuances of the events in Warbreaker) while others were included cause I legitimately forgot them/didn't notice they weren't present/didn't even know this existed. (As an example of the second reason: embarrasingly I only noticed I somehow glossed over Thaidkar after posting the iceberg.)
    As for canon vs fan theory I will also admit this was hard to call at times. Finding a balance between what was 100% canon and also avoiding hair splitting was difficult. As such this is why some entries such as Hoid founding the Worldsingers and Worldbringers was a theory (Sanderson technically hasn't said enough yet to make it 100% canon) but others such as Vasher starting the Manywar are canon. (Technically one could argue that the historical records were wrong, or misattributed events in the war, that Denths an unreliable narrator, or that there were two Kalads, but by then I feel were hair splitting the issue.) 2 entirely were mistakenly marked as canon when they were meant to be fan theories however: "The Discord Conspiracy" and "Lift Curing Nale." There was no greater reason for this I just accidentally hit the wrong button and failed to notice till long after upload.
    I can also explain here that the "Danwshard chart" entry is meant to be the Dawnshard Quadrant theory. I just called it that cause many of those versions I see start trying to chart out the Dawnshards. "Survivial Shard" also referred to the last unknown shard; I just called it that cause I felt it was the more recognisable name and is the current coppermind article title for the Shard.
    Again I'm so happy to see something like this made for a chart I thought would go under the radar. I'll edit this as I go through the video to help clarify my intent on anything else that crops up as I watch.
    Edit: So just finished the video there, overall most things were either bang on or worked out eventually till we got to Tier 5. I'll clarify some entries below that stood out. To clear up two things though: firstly any theory put on the iceberg did have reasoning or some sort of logic behind it. I don't necessarily agree with every theory and consider some tinfoil hatty but each could have some sort of video or post written explaining it. I tried to avoid just one sentence theories posted once to avoid having the iceberg covered in a million theories. I am thinking in the future of trying to make theory videos to get into these deeper and explain them but unsure if I'll ever get around to it. Second is that tier 6 is mostly stuff from Prime, the reason it was all in tier 6 is cause at the time of making the iceberg I somehow missed that Prime was available publically now and made it under the idea that the only way to read prime was to loan out the sole copy in BYU. Vax also wasn't included for the reason said; it seemed the most well known mystery due to the memes about it. If someone knew only one mystery about the Cosmere it was more than likely Vax.
    Now to clarifications/explainations:
    WoA Retcons: This indeed referred to all three things mentioned; the Kelsier not talking to Sazed, Hoid no longer being at the fake Well, and the changed epilogue from a previous draft. (The latter not really a retcon admittedly but making a whole new entry for it felt odd.)
    Mare = Bleeder: This is one theory that I'll go out and say I have actually slowly been convinced is the true. There's a lot to it but mainly people point to the similarities between Lesslie and Mare's stories and it as a possible motive for turning against Harmony so strongly. Also another factor is believers argue that Bleeder's actions in SoS make more sense in the context of her knowing Kelsier personally. If I do start making theory videos this would probably be one of the first.
    Creationism is true: Reason it was made a theory was cause the article referred to the idea that every world and species is a result of creationism. Mostly cause as you mention anytime someone asks Brandon states a Shard or Ado made it.
    Skaze rule Fjorden: "Skaze influence Fjorden" is indeed what I was going for and would probably be more accurate but I felt it was way too vague so went with "rule" instead hoping it would more easily convey what was meant.
    Safehands not nudity: While the discussion mentioned is all true this actually also referred to something Ben once said about Safehands. According to Ben behind the scenes Brandon did not think that Safehands would be taken as a nudity taboo by readers before releasing WoK despite all his staff and coworkers telling him it would. Per Ben's account it was only after the fandom interpreted it as such so strongly that he included it in the worldbuilding. (In support of Ben's account on a reread of the series I did notice that references alluding to such only really ramp up WoR onwards.)
    Invention founded Silverlight: To my recollection this actually referred to an old WoB stating that a Shard never inhabited a planet and instead made homebase in the cognitive realm. Silverlight is also known to be a cognitive city so the theory positied that it was built in it's current location cause Invention used to be there. (I also saw someone mention Harmony found it difficult to contact Invention as evidence that Invention was the one to not be based on a planet.)
    Ruin created Nightblood: Based on the WoB found with believers saying Ruin was involved in a meaingful way. Shardic Colour theory I also have seen brought up as it is argued that since Ruin is black and Nightblood is consistently described as a black blade and spewing out black smoke they must be connected in some way. Detractors essentially say the same as you guys and argue all this is way too vague for the conclusion made.
    Kelsier has a Dawnshard: As mentioned theory is he currently has it after Leras gave it to him just before dying. (Specifically Leras' final words of SURVIVE are said to be the exact moment the exchange happens.) The theory also holds this is way Harmony is refusing to give Allomancy back to Kelsier. He's not doing it to be mean but rather out of concern over the fact he's Kelsier and has a Dawnshard on him.
    Jak's Bird: Pretty much as said in the stream but one part not mentioned. In the broadsheet of TLM Nicki has two Kandra team mates one of which claims to have previous experience turning into a bird. When they try something similar during the story they can talk. The theory holds that Jak's bird was this exact Kandra and that he was never crazy afterall.
    Autonomy has 2 Shardholders: Very old theory pre TLM. To my memory it was an arguement over who Trell was arguing that Autonomy had a 2nd Shardholder who was in fact Trell. Evidence was a claimed inconsistent personality and self contradicting actions from Autonomy being hints that the Shard was being pulled in two different directions. No clue where it currently stands.
    Autonomy invaded Taldain: Theory held that Taldain was not the original homeworld of Autonomy but that she switched to it after attacking it in ancient history. One piece of evidence is that Autonomy apparently attacks technologicially advanced planets (her agent mentions to Suit that Scadrial is being targetted due to their technological leaps) and the fact that Taldain USED to be the most advanced in the Cosmere till some unknown calamity came to pass. The theory claims the unknown calamity was Autonomy and her armies.
    Invention made Fabrials: While somewhat the connection mentioned in stream another point made for it is that Brandon said hemalurgy could be used by anyone if they had the correct intent, so the theory posists that fabrials are just a similar matter. Some Rosharan scholar just happened to have the right intent at the right time.
    Allomancy table is wrong: As mentioned this is the idea that the table will change again. Usually the theory seems to go for the idea that the table is just in the wrong order and will eventually be reorganised to reflect the actual underlying mechanics. (So Steel and Iron will be paired with Zinc and Brass since it's claimed both involve connection even though currently they're seperated on a "physical" and "mental" divide.)

    • @CosmereQuandaries
      @CosmereQuandaries  12 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      Thanks for providing more insight!!!
      We definitely did not gush enough in the video about how impressive it is that you took the time to create this masterpiece!
      Truly, thank you so much!

    • @Cosmere_Nomad
      @Cosmere_Nomad 12 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      @@CosmereQuandaries No problem! Just finished it there myself and thoroughly enjoyed the entire video. :)

    • @CosmereQuandaries
      @CosmereQuandaries  12 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      ​@@Cosmere_Nomadthank you!
      I'm glad that we were more or less on track with most of the places you were theorizing :-)
      When we started I honestly didn't expect to make it through the whole thing, but it just kept pulling us in deeper and deeper :-)