Below are some of the timecodes and topics relating to this talk: 8:33 - What do the first five verses of this surah mark? 14:01 - Rasūlullāh ﷺ first encounter with Sayyidunā Jibrāʾīl .عليه السلام 22:56 - What does the Qur'an say about ridiculing others? 32:44 - Who was Sayyidunā Waraqat ibn al-Nawfal .رضى الله عنه ? 37:12 - What role did women play in early Islām? 42:30 - Beginning everything with the Name of Allāh 49:20 - Whats the importance of education in Islām? 55:21 - What lead Abū Jahl to be so bitter in his opposition? 1:06:21 - What happens when man considers himself independent? 1:18:50 - What will be Abu Jahl’s end? 1:23:54 - When is a person closest to Allāh?
Very enlightening. JazakAllahKhair. (Can Waraqa ibn al-Nawfal or for that matter the King of Yemen, Tab'a Awwal Hamirī, (much much before the birth of our Prophet (p)) be considered the first muslims ?)
Below are some of the timecodes and topics relating to this talk:
8:33 - What do the first five verses of this surah mark?
14:01 - Rasūlullāh ﷺ first encounter with Sayyidunā Jibrāʾīl .عليه السلام
22:56 - What does the Qur'an say about ridiculing others?
32:44 - Who was Sayyidunā Waraqat ibn al-Nawfal .رضى الله عنه ?
37:12 - What role did women play in early Islām?
42:30 - Beginning everything with the Name of Allāh
49:20 - Whats the importance of education in Islām?
55:21 - What lead Abū Jahl to be so bitter in his opposition?
1:06:21 - What happens when man considers himself independent?
1:18:50 - What will be Abu Jahl’s end?
1:23:54 - When is a person closest to Allāh?
Jazzak Allah khairan.
Muhammad's cave story is a lie. Here is the proof
I know I'm kinda off topic but does anyone know of a good website to watch new tv shows online?
@Korbyn Harrison I use flixzone. You can find it by googling =)
@Fisher Israel yup, been using flixzone for since april myself =)
This very good i really recommend this if you are learning about the sira and the prophets life and companians
The Qur'an surely softens the Heart.
Muhammad's cave story is a lie. Here is the proof
May Allah reward you all.
Muhammad's cave story is a lie. Here is the proof
Asallam aleikum warahamatulahi wabarakatu. May Allah continue to bless you and your family.
Muhammad's cave story is a lie. Here is the proof
Jazakallah khair
Muhammad's cave story is a lie. Here is the proof
Allah hu Akbar
Muhammad's cave story is a lie. Here is the proof
Very enlightening. JazakAllahKhair. (Can Waraqa ibn al-Nawfal or for that matter the King of Yemen, Tab'a Awwal Hamirī, (much much before the birth of our Prophet (p)) be considered the first muslims ?)
Muhammad's cave story is a lie. Here is the proof