When you ate that first burger, you finished it in 1 minute and 10 second and that's the moment I knew you failed. But at least you tired and gave it your best shot.
Aww I find it so cute that 1. She has the in n out hat on 2. She said “cheer me on u guys” 3. She has everything all set up nice and 4. That she said “I also have chili peppers for that extra crunch and flavor” 🤧🤧lol I think everything about everyone is cute
10 🍔burgers 🍔 in 10 mins is next to impossible for me... But I'm so proud of Hyunee that you could at least finish 5 and a half out of 10 🍔.... love you Hyunee 🐝 ❤
Alokali Awomi it would be possible for you if you starved yourself for like maybe a week. I AM NOT SAYING YOU SHOULD BECAUSE DONT STARVE YOURSELF PLEASE
Oh honey you are great!!! I can hardly finish two burgers(I feel very full just eating one) in sucha less time btw you look so cute eating that burger 😍🍔🍔🍔
Aweee I knew you weren't able to do it, Hyunee!!! Those burgers were too big. You probably would have finished them in 25 minutes, but no way in 10 minutes. You would certainely make it if it was 10 Mcdonals's regular cheeseburgers in 10 minutes. But, good job as long as you tried! You were downing those burgers like there was no tomorrow, lol. Love you Hyunee Sweets!!! xoxoxoxo
clay rector IF U DONT U WILL FIND YOU Also If You Get Animal Style Fries I think you should eat that first because it gets gross after a couple minutes because it's cold and the cheese is hard
I watched all your videos, but somehow haven't seen this one, turning the bell on, so i don't ever miss out on any of your video! Looks so tasty and you are so pretty, love your videos! :)))) Because of you, I am also trying making eating videos and so far i am enjoying it! Thank you! love love love :)
Wow that was still really impressive I loveeeeee cheese burgers but even I wouldn't have been able to complete this challenge in 10 minutes so hats off to you for trying
you are the only person I've come across who i would eat everywhere with! like, we could literally eat five times plus dessert and i wouldn't feel shame with you lol. YAYAYAY I WANT TO MEET YOU HAHA GOOD JOB THAT WAS EXCELLENT!
Good job hyunee!! I’m super happy you got through almost all the burgers! My dream is to travel the world with my girlfriend (yes I am lesbian) and try all sorts of food from around the world, anyway I will try in and out ^^ ❤️❤️
You are AMAZING girl but even though im just eleven yrs.old maybe i can eat 5 of that in 20 mins.i feel bad for you cause every time you eat so many its like hard for you to swallow.ohh yah by the way I LOVE YUOR VIDS HYUNEE😍🤤😘!!!and im very slow at eating you can also go on a eating competition cause YOU ARE SOO FAST ON EATING GIRL!and im born on the philippines but im half half korean/filipino/australian.
It takes me over ten minutes just to eat one burger 😂😂😂
Lethal Munkee hahah😝😝😝
hyuneeEats I love your channel 😊😊
Me too
Lethal Munkee same with me
Lethal Munkee same lol
you even ate the pieces that fell off the burger while you were eating omg what a queen
Well that is not your problem
@@guadalupetorres4570 what? You dont make no sense read the comment again properly
The elfs face is my face when I’m told not to eat something but I do anyway..
so right now I'm hungry and I just ate 2 minutes ago lol🍔🍟🍔🍟🍔🍟🍔🍟🍔🍟🍔🍔🍟🍔🍟🍔🍟🍔🍟🍔🍟🍔🍟🍔🍟🍔🍟🍔🍟🍔🍟🍔🍟🍔🍟
Omg can my hand just go through the screen and grab one
Hey it's Destiny I wish😭
Hey it's Destiny *Sees random hand* me:Wait wtf!!???
honestly, me and my bestie were searching sloppy asmr videos and we found you and you made our night. much love.
When you ate that first burger, you finished it in 1 minute and 10 second and that's the moment I knew you failed. But at least you tired and gave it your best shot.
Meng Vang haha thank you😊
1:20 “Large diet-coke” 😂😂 so adorable.
I thought the elf was hot Cheetos puff lol because of his legs 😭😭😭
Lol I thought so too.
I can't unsee this lol
Jennifer Maciel 😂😂😂😂
me too and when i saw that legs i told myself "i wish i can eat spicy foods like her too" HAHAHAH😂😂
5 and a half burger is still awesome Hyunee, I can’t even finish one burger! You’re a food monster girl💪🏻💪🏻
These burgers look so fresh and delish!! 👌👌
Mrs Ralphies ASMR so delishh💕
+hyuneeEats ilove you😘😘
Mrs Ralphies ASMR i now those burgees looks so good☺️☺️☺️☺️
Mrs Ralphies ASMR agree
i agree
@trash how is that funny?
Our Hyuneebee slowly turning into Matt Stonie
🐝 🐝 🍯
Aww I find it so cute that 1. She has the in n out hat on 2. She said “cheer me on u guys” 3. She has everything all set up nice and 4. That she said “I also have chili peppers for that extra crunch and flavor” 🤧🤧lol I think everything about everyone is cute
10 🍔burgers 🍔 in 10 mins is next to impossible for me... But I'm so proud of Hyunee that you could at least finish 5 and a half out of 10 🍔.... love you Hyunee 🐝 ❤
Alokali Awomi thank you Alokali! I love you too💕
hyuneeEats ❤❤❤❤
Alokali Awomi I can only eat 1 burger in 15 minutes
Alokali Awomi it would be possible for you if you starved yourself for like maybe a week. I AM NOT SAYING YOU SHOULD BECAUSE DONT STARVE YOURSELF PLEASE
I could eat 10 in 9 minutes if I was trying to finish but if I wasn't trying and I wasn't doing a challenge I think I would eat 10 in 15 minutes
Oh honey you are great!!! I can hardly finish two burgers(I feel very full just eating one) in sucha less time btw you look so cute eating that burger 😍🍔🍔🍔
Wiat you get to eat burgers 🍔?
@@khaledmohammad82 I'm confused why wouldn't she be able to is she Muslim? becuase that would make sense
I bet with my husband that you could killed all those burgers but I lost. Now, his happiness is making me nervous.
Hanna Nice haha sorry! I’ll redeem myself with mcdonalds burgers next time!!
That was really hard. She didn't finish the first burger in one minute, so she would have a bad time to shove those ten burgers down in ten minutes.
I can’t even eat one! 😂
Your like my favorite youtuber Hyunee!
Ava's Big World sub to sub
I could eat only one McDonald’s cheese burgers but I could only finish half of in n out cheese burgers
Ten minutes in schools seems like forever, but in eating, it goes by extremely quickly.
I love your channel so much! When I am hungry I just come here and pretend I am eating the food u are 😭
Your personality is so bubbly I love 😭💖 I literally wish I was the one doing this challenge I'm jelly hehe 😂 you looking beautiful as always
Saira Gomez awww thank you Saira💕
I love how you stayed strong until the very end! Great video hyunee
It’s as if you knew I was craving this🤣
Aimee K. Hahaha I did😏
+hyuneeEats how do you eat and. not get fat you. are thé best👏💝
Maybe you should've tried 5 in 10 minutes.
I just finished to eat 1 minutes before and now I feel hungry 😂😂
Kenneth kerby Alagao me too🤤
I can't believe you can eat so much food 😂 you're amazing 😅
Aweee I knew you weren't able to do it, Hyunee!!! Those burgers were too big. You probably would have finished them in 25 minutes, but no way in 10 minutes. You would certainely make it if it was 10 Mcdonals's regular cheeseburgers in 10 minutes. But, good job as long as you tried! You were downing those burgers like there was no tomorrow, lol. Love you Hyunee Sweets!!! xoxoxoxo
Venus Marinas next time, McDonalds burgers hyunee is coming for you! Haha thank you Venus💕
Let's get Hyunee to 1 million
Man I gotta try IN N OUT when I go to la in the summer
clay rector yes! A must!!
Its a must.
clay rector IF U DONT U WILL FIND YOU Also If You Get Animal Style Fries I think you should eat that first because it gets gross after a couple minutes because it's cold and the cheese is hard
Its so weird to think that not everyone has an In N Out!! It's part of my major food group! Lol
I love doing the intro at the same time with you its so fun~! ^^love your channel Hyunee 😙🐝🐝🍔🍔🍔
I love watching you eat 😍 my mouth got so watery I’m super proud of you 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
Alejandra Hernandez aww yayy thank you Alejandra💕
Hey hyunee!!! Although I will appreciate all your videos; but still your mukbangs are the best along with your piece of life advices!!!
10 in 10 minutes I couldn’t even attempt that 😂😂💕
Happy to be early
Me LIKEY haha happy you’re back!💕
Omg i wish i was there to finish for u 😂❤😍😍 p.s Much love ❤❤💖
I’m very impressed how can such a small girl eat so much!!! I can’t even drink water without being full lol ❤️😂😂 love you
I usually takes me 5 to 10 mins to eat a burger and chips
I'm really impressed
Love ur channel 😘😘😘
In India Time is 2:15 pm and I am watching you and feeling hungry 😣
Luv your video's and you too 😍😘😘
Anjana kumari aww thank you! 💕
I watched all your videos, but somehow haven't seen this one, turning the bell on, so i don't ever miss out on any of your video! Looks so tasty and you are so pretty, love your videos! :)))) Because of you, I am also trying making eating videos and so far i am enjoying it! Thank you! love love love :)
Wow that was still really impressive I loveeeeee cheese burgers but even I wouldn't have been able to complete this challenge in 10 minutes so hats off to you for trying
VipGirl Gamer aww thank you💕💕
hyuneeEats Omg thank you soo much for replying 😍😍😍
hyuneeEats Cute Laugh's
Saira kauser I bet I could eat 10 cheese burgers from mc Donald’s in 10 mins
you are the only person I've come across who i would eat everywhere with! like, we could literally eat five times plus dessert and i wouldn't feel shame with you lol. YAYAYAY I WANT TO MEET YOU HAHA GOOD JOB THAT WAS EXCELLENT!
You did an awesome job! And looked gorgeous while doing it too
Monique Pioner aww thank you Monique💕
I don't like people rushing food but hyunee does it for us so that is okay with me.😀😁😂
Honestly woman , how can you eat burger without fries cuz i can’t 😫👏🏻
byun fatin loll I wanted some!! 🤤
Yess you should do maccas burgers next vid, I think you’ll be able to finish them😊😊
2 Simple 💕💕
2 Simple yessss
i've been so busy lately and i missed watching your videos😙 more powers mother bee💛💛
We don’t even have an In n Out in Hawai`i 😭 watching this made me sooooo hungry!
mformarissa aww come visit California💕
hyuneeEats One day ^_^ ! And when I land, In n Out will be the first place I go to eat.. and maybe Phill’s coffee too 💕
Sooo impressed and hungry....loved watching u eat ....BTW ur room looks awesome❤️
omgggf i wanna do this challenge but we don’t even have in n out in brazil 😭
Fernanda Bodini Ribeiro aww come visit California!😉💕
hyuneeEats i really want to!!! can i stay with you?? 😂💙
Or fucking Florida
Fernanda Bodini Ribeiro same lol
Keep doing!!! I’m so happy!! Keep making challenging videos hyunee!!!! 😘
At least you tried hyunee
Jaime Diggs hhaa yup😊
Its always next time
Idk why one of the things I love to see her eat the most is burgers. She's Adorable. 🌹🌹🐝
I love IN N OUT burger.. 🎅🎅🎅🎅 Merry Christmas from the Black family.
Jeanette b me tooo! Happy Holidays💕
Hats off to you girl. Happy holidays. Love your videos 💖❤💗💟
Hiii honey happy holidays be safe as always love youuuu💋
Teshauna Banks Happy Holidays! I love you too💕
Awww.... I knew you can't finish it for 10 minutes but still it's okay at least you tried and I'm a big fan of yours!!!😍😍😍😃😃😃 love you!😍😘😀
The elf on the shelf scares me just sitting there
I am so proud of u hyunee... The things you do for ur hyunee 🐝.. love you ❤️ and thank you..❤️❤️😘😘
Hope you are doing well ❤️❤️
I wish they had in n out here
Amendo P 😭
A person that can actually eat as much as I can eat. Your my new friend as well as your new subscriber. Love the videos, & keep it up
You make me hungry 🍔🤤
Bunji Kugashira yayy mission accomplished!💕
i think you're not eating for a day just to do mukbang challenges haha. But i really do love you hyunee!!!
I'm still here wondering how u don't get fat 😕if I was U right now I'll be 10 times the size U are now
@Lilly Playz Roblox but that's still not good to eat only 1 freaking meal a day
Maria Sanchez actually it doesn’t really matter how many meals you have in a day lol, it’s not bad at all. That is a myth
It’s called exercise
Mariam hassan i gained 70 pounds from just watching this video
You could tell she was enjoying that burger 😂❤️. Definitely gotta try in and out when I go to Cali in the summer
I love that your bringing new content and challenges🙌🏽
Luna The Moon aww thank you Luna💕
Every city needs an in and out burger joint, it would put McDonalds and especially burger king out of business
You really got hard on this challenges! ILY!! 😂😂😘😘
Girl you are always so tempted keep trying hard and don't throw up because eating to fast can make u throw up
kierra barnhart I figured doing this challenges you shouldn’t try to eat too fast, so I didn’t this time! 😛
kierra barnhart agree🤐
Hyunee is so amazing and she should be on americas got talent eating competition but on the cheeseburgers in 10 minutes !
BooBoo Bryan 🍯🐝💕
hyuneeEats ❤🐝💕😘
Hyuneee, you’re the best💕💕💕
I love i sm hyunee u are my favorite youtuber keep it up💞💞💞
Ja'nia Garcia aww thank you! I love you too💕
In n out burgers are really good.. like I know this a time challenge, but I'd definitely take my take time eating those 😍😍
Ur an inspiration to me
Wove you♥️♥️♥️
Sammy Penguin awww I love you too💕💕
m l well no one was asking for ur opinion
I just absolutely ADORE you! Your positivity is contagious! Keep making awesome videos. I love you! 🤗🤗🤗
I love you and your Channel. Nice room decorations
victoria daniel thank you! I love you too💕
O my goodness 😂😂😂😂❤️❤️❤️❤️
The Army army?? Hahaha♥♥♥
Ikr lol x
I am army
I literally got so hungry from watching this 😂
hyunee plzz do the PRINGLES challenge😄😃
Nidhi Jain next
How are you able to eat so much food? 10 burgers in 10 mins I am super impress. Well Done!
I can't even eat 1 in 10 minutes 😭
waeVy haha ☺️💕
waeVy it will take me 20 mins maybe 30 lol
GOD WHY AM I WATCHING THIS WHEN I'M HUNGRY ima go rethink mah life now (Love the video tho)
Love your video
Enjilasherpa 2071 Sherpa thank you 😛
Hi I enjoy all your videos and happy holidays to you and family 🙂🙂
My face hurts watching u eat that much lol. I can't, u wish but i cant lol
yecefer85 hahah🤤
I meant I wish lol
Eating Panda Express btw 🤤🤤
Honey how much did all those burgers cost you? I love in n out! It’s the best hamburgers in America!
Johnny Jen it was about $34 with one large and small drink!
Johnny Jen it’s sponsored and all free for her.
Nella Ab that would be awesome! Can you tell In N Out to sponsor me?!😍
Johnny Jen I don't have one were I live
hyuneeEats 34 Bucks
girl 5 and half of gigantic burgers is a success in my book
Will she heart, reply, and pin this comment? 🤔🤔
Charmaine D'Mello 😘💕
Wow I seriously can't even eat a whole burger in 5 min! U created like a world record!
Good job hyunee!! I’m super happy you got through almost all the burgers! My dream is to travel the world with my girlfriend (yes I am lesbian) and try all sorts of food from around the world, anyway I will try in and out ^^ ❤️❤️
hyunee im one of your two biggest fans!!!!!
😁😁😁😁😁😁😁 I'm soooooo friggen Hungary now
Wendy C 🤤🤤
Yeeeees .. I love that video 😭😍😍😍
King TaJaurion Jones I LOVE YOU GUYS TOO💕
Why you love her she just greedy
loanna xxx shut up i dont care shes still amazing
Daymn girl the struggle is real and the hot peppers too?! I’m craving some now heh 😊
Love ya!!!!
Bianca Jaramillo I love you too!💕
Hyunee when is your next confessions ?
Its so interesting and maybe some advice you give could help me❤❤
You are AMAZING girl but even though im just eleven yrs.old maybe i can eat 5 of that in 20 mins.i feel bad for you cause every time you eat so many its like hard for you to swallow.ohh yah by the way I LOVE YUOR VIDS HYUNEE😍🤤😘!!!and im very slow at eating you can also go on a eating competition cause YOU ARE SOO FAST ON EATING GIRL!and im born on the philippines but im half half korean/filipino/australian.
You are so naughty hyuneeEats. You are making me hungry for burgers now!!! You sure do have a huge appetite and a high metabolism.
My mout is watering 🤤
Romina tabarez 🤤🤤
Romina tabarez L RIGHTTTTT ???!! 😭😩😩😆😆😩😩
Watching ur mukbang at the airport on my way to the US!!!gosh im hungry😭😭😭