Exercise # 1.6 Q9(a,b,c,d) ( Rules of Inference)|| Rosen Discrete Mathematics 7th Edition|| M.Owais
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 18 ธ.ค. 2024
- #discretemathematics #rulesofinference #mathematics #Rosendiscrete #education #ex1.6
• Exercise # 1.6 Q5 to ...
9. For each of these collections of premises, what relevant
conclusion or conclusions can be drawn? Explain the
rules of inference used to obtain each conclusion from
the premises.
a) “If I take the day off, it either rains or snows.” “I took
Tuesday off or I took Thursday off.” “It was sunny on
Tuesday.” “It did not snow on Thursday.”
b) “If I eat spicy foods, then I have strange dreams.” “I
have strange dreams if there is thunder while I sleep.”
“I did not have strange dreams.”
c) “I am either clever or lucky.” “I am not lucky.” “If I
am lucky, then I will win the lottery.”
d) “Every computer science major has a personal com-
puter.” “Ralph does not have a personal computer.”
“Ann has a personal computer.”
e) “What is good for corporations is good for the United
States.” “What is good for the United States is good
for you.” “What is good for corporations is for you to
buy lots of stuff.”
thank you