DSL clip 1 Meaning and Purpose of Law

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 21 ก.ย. 2021
    Hello everyone. My name is Mib. I am from Hanoi but I now live in Melbourne, Australia. I am now in Year 10 at Brunswick Secondary College and I am doing a subject called Legal Studies. I hope to become a lawyer in the future.
    My Dad and I make these videos to share with you what I have learnt about the legal system in Victoria, Australia. I hope you find them useful in your legal studies.
    As we go along, we will make videos on different legal institutions such as Parliament, the courts and tribunals and other dispute resolution bodies. We will also talk about specific matters such as criminal law which covers offences such as murder, robbery as well as defences and sanctions. We will also talk about civil matters such as negligence, defamation, damages and injunctions, etc.
    In this first video, we will talk very generally about the meaning and purposes of the law in order to provide a background for the discussions that will follow in the next videos.
    Now let’s start with a general concept of rules. Of course, every society needs rules for the people to follow to ensure the city’s liveability. Rules tell us what is right and wrong, and makes life and interactions more orderly and predictable. Some, but not all, of these rules may become law which are made by judges or a large group of individuals in a place called parliament. Laws then apply to everyone in society, and if someone disobeys or acts against the law, they could receive a penalty (also known as a sanction or remedy). The rules that do not become law still remain as rules and we call them non-legal rules.
    Let’s first deal with non-legal rules. An example of these are school rules or rules of games. Non-legal rules are made by private individuals or groups in society such as parents or teachers. Non-legal rules are not enforced by officials in parliament, but still have punishments. For example, a non-legal rule is that you can’t use your mobile phone in a school here in Victoria. While this would not result in a fine or sanction, it would result in the confiscation of your phone by the school.
    On the other hand, there are legal rules, also known as laws. These are rules that parliament has enforced and could lead to more detrimental punishments, such as imprisonment. The aim of laws is to protect our society and keep it functioning as they help protect individuals and stop disruptive behaviour. As you can see, not all non-legal rules can become law because otherwise, parliament would be too busy and cannot make all non legal rules into law. In addition, society is diverse and different people may want different rules to apply in their own clubs or schools or families. It is impossible and not desirable to turn all those rules into laws. Only the important rules that should be applied to everybody should become law.
    In summary, both legal and non-legal rules are put in place to maintain order and punish those who act wrongly or unfairly. The main difference between the two is that legal rules are implemented and enforced by parliament, while non-legal rules are not.
    Laws play an extremely important roles in society. Without law, society may become chaotic. There will be no order or discipline. If there were no laws, it wouldn’t matter matter how much money you have, as people can take it away from you without fear of being punished. If that were the case, there would be no equality or justice. Therefore, everybody needs to know and follow the laws to maintain social cohesion. We as lawyers and law students need to study them in order to better implement them into everyday life to help society function more smoothly.

ความคิดเห็น • 5

  • @nguyennhuanulaw
    @nguyennhuanulaw 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Tuyệt quá Thầy ạ! Cám ơn Thầy và em đã chia sẻ!

  • @thaonguyennguyen6813
    @thaonguyennguyen6813 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Mình rất thích giọng của Em Mib, rất rõ ràng dễ nghe, không những giúp mình rèn luyện từ vựng và còn cải thiện kỹ năng nghe nữa.
    Cám ơn anh Hợp và em Mib nhiều nhé !

  • @kimlienhathi9728
    @kimlienhathi9728 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Cảm ơn anh Hợp và Mib nha. Giọng của Mib hay quá đi thôi

  • @sallynguyen4369
    @sallynguyen4369 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Mib giỏi quá! Mib sẽ là luật sư giỏi

  • @hadung87
    @hadung87 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Mib resembles you, anh Hợp, very closely and with more jazz fusion