The thing is you don’t have to go deep into anything, I think the question on everyone’s mind is are you guys still together? You don’t have to tell anyone why, it’s kind of weird how your caption as talking about your personal life knowing people would click on it wanting know what’s going on but you’re ranting about how you don’t like talking about thing deeply with us. Then addressing rumours like I haven’t heard any rumours so it makes me want to know what’s going on more? But yeh weird
Chatting about my personal life... but you didn't?? You said you have a lot going on but find it hard to talk about... which is fine. But why title your video chatting about your personal life when you didn't???
disliked the video cause of it, mutherfuqin hate clickbait, watched/skipped through half the vid until i saw the comments it was clickbait, waste your time 2k18
Sammy that dark makeup suits you SO much. You should totally do that more often. I love it soo much because it compliments your blue eyes so well. Loved your haul as well! The hoops were 👌. Love you soo much xx
Holly Heffernan people always try to hate on others given the opportunity and claim to still like them hence the reason all these people screaming click bait.
When the video ended I was like nooooo I want to see more.. you are so relaxing to watch I absolutely LOVE your energie. You talk to us about your personal life when YOU are ready, or you dont talk about it at all if you dont want to. Do what feels good for you! I will support you no matter what!❤️ but I miss your vloggss! I watch your old vlogs over and over again.. loveyou sammy!!! Love from Amsterdam!!😘❤️
I personally don't care if you tell us about really personal things or not, I think that's your decision and it's normal that you want to keep some things to yourself. The only thing is that, in my opinion, if you don't want to talk about something you simply don't adress it at all, just don't even mention the subject. I am a big fan, been watching you since pretty much the beginning so my words come from a good place! Kisses from Portugal :)
You seem so sad :( I love you and I just hope you're okay. Its honestly none of our business what is going on in your personal life. I just hope you're all good ♡♡♡
My grandma always says that you have to put the cristal in water before you start wearing it. She says that the energy of the people that touch it goes in and in water you clean their energy out. Then when you touch it, your energy goes in! I love all the jewellery btw, you look amazing ❤️
Omg that jewelry and that makeup Sammy!! Looove! I hope everything gets better soon!! It’s so great that u have your family and friends to rely on. We love you 💜💜💜
Have been a big fan for months now. One thing I’ve noticed is that you no longer reply to comments. A bit disappointing as I always thought it was great that you did.
I’m disappointed too.She used to interact with her subscribers on here and Instagram but now nothing. it doesn’t take long to reply to a few comments either :(
Sammy has blown up quite a bit quite fast, she does youtube for a living hence it's gotten more serious about collaborations and stuff to make the money she needs for everyday life. Which is completely understandable! If you see some of her vlogs or follow me around videos you can see how busy she is with meetings, other errands and stuff and on top of that she films, edits and needs to look after herself and live her personal life.. If you really want to get in touch with her I think emails would be the best way.
What? I literally just watched her previous video before this one and she replied to heaps of comments. I think though it might also be because these past few videos people have been commenting alot on her relationship with nick and so she might not feel comfortable and stable enough to read those comments.
I’m a new sub and am already obsessed with your videos..youre a sweet girl and seem humble and i love that ah please keep up with this chill yet engaging content Beyond beautiful by the way xo
I liked the video. How beautiful your ears are pierced, any earrings in them look great. I especially liked how big rings look on your ears when you put them on two pairs at once. I like to wear them like you-in all the holes at once.
Couldn't wait for you to upload a video.😍❤️ Love the jewelleries they look soo amazing definetely considering to buying those. 😜 love you such an inspiring youtuber❤️
Oh the jewellery is absolutely gorgeous!! Def going to research them more online :) please do a makeup video of your look in this video too please. Love it!
How is that clickbait? She addressed that things were going on in her personal life and that she wanted to talk about it but doesn't feel ready, which everyone is just going to have to respect. Everyone is going to be curious obviously but this is her real life. You do whats best for you sammy
Sammy you’re so awesome. I hope you’re doing well :) watching your videos make me so happy because you seem to be such a positive person. You’re probably my favorite TH-camr and you truly inspire me. I hope you’re okay though :)
The thing is you don’t have to go deep into anything, I think the question on everyone’s mind is are you guys still together? You don’t have to tell anyone why, it’s kind of weird how your caption as talking about your personal life knowing people would click on it wanting know what’s going on but you’re ranting about how you don’t like talking about thing deeply with us. Then addressing rumours like I haven’t heard any rumours so it makes me want to know what’s going on more? But yeh weird
Chatting about my personal life... but you didn't?? You said you have a lot going on but find it hard to talk about... which is fine. But why title your video chatting about your personal life when you didn't???
gotta get those view$$$$
she talked about her trip which was what she was probably talking about
disliked the video cause of it, mutherfuqin hate clickbait, watched/skipped through half the vid until i saw the comments it was clickbait, waste your time 2k18
laura gilmore I don’t think we should worry about it
laura gilmore just let it go
Sammy that dark makeup suits you SO much. You should totally do that more often. I love it soo much because it compliments your blue eyes so well. Loved your haul as well! The hoops were 👌. Love you soo much xx
Ak Belieber yeah please do a tutorial:))))
You didn’t actually say what’s going on in your personal life? Click bait 😭😭
i think she meant like shes talking about whats going on in her life
The real title is "Sponsors pay me $$$ to advertise their products" not as catchy
no she talked about her trip so that’s what she was talking about
I don't know you are a hater gurl OKURRRRRR bye
She did, she spoke about her trips and how she was feeling sick and she shared how she felt, what more do you want dude?
I feel like if nick got you the jet lag box thing you would’ve said nick but you said “he” and so the speculation continues haha
Omg Sammy what are you talking about..dark makeup looks stunning on you!! It just beautifully compliments your eyes and skin ❤️
Thank you so much! there is not enough jewelry videos on TH-cam.. Thank you. I love your style!
Amanda Martel ❤️❤️❤️
Technically she is talking about her personal life? Who is to say that her partner is the ONLY aspect of her personal life?....
Holly Heffernan people always try to hate on others given the opportunity and claim to still like them hence the reason all these people screaming click bait.
Honestly is it just me or was the sound of that crispy grape super satisfying? HAHAHA
When the video ended I was like nooooo I want to see more.. you are so relaxing to watch I absolutely LOVE your energie. You talk to us about your personal life when YOU are ready, or you dont talk about it at all if you dont want to. Do what feels good for you! I will support you no matter what!❤️ but I miss your vloggss! I watch your old vlogs over and over again.. loveyou sammy!!! Love from Amsterdam!!😘❤️
I agree I miss her as vlogs as well but I'm so grateful for this human being haha
I say the same thing, such a soothing voice, I feel so relaxed after her videos xx
I am obsessed with your makeup in this video. You’re gorgeous!!!
Maida Latic thanks babe 😊
I personally don't care if you tell us about really personal things or not, I think that's your decision and it's normal that you want to keep some things to yourself. The only thing is that, in my opinion, if you don't want to talk about something you simply don't adress it at all, just don't even mention the subject.
I am a big fan, been watching you since pretty much the beginning so my words come from a good place!
Kisses from Portugal :)
Wow that is the prettiest jewelry I've ever seen!!!
oh my friggen gosh! that is so beautiful I have just subscribed to her page, I love the rings and.. ok everything!
Either say it or say nothing at all. Most of all don’t moan about rumours if you won’t have the balls to tell your truth! JEEZ
The dark makeup looks great! Very glam especially paired with the layered necklaces. Lookin bomb ⭐
You seem so sad :( I love you and I just hope you're okay. Its honestly none of our business what is going on in your personal life. I just hope you're all good ♡♡♡
My grandma always says that you have to put the cristal in water before you start wearing it. She says that the energy of the people that touch it goes in and in water you clean their energy out. Then when you touch it, your energy goes in! I love all the jewellery btw, you look amazing ❤️
How beautiful. That’s good to know. ❤️
Julia P Wtf.
AshleyOSNAP Glad you think so! 💓
Vivi She believes in it, I just wanted to share it!
Omg that jewelry and that makeup Sammy!! Looove! I hope everything gets better soon!! It’s so great that u have your family and friends to rely on. We love you 💜💜💜
Have been a big fan for months now. One thing I’ve noticed is that you no longer reply to comments. A bit disappointing as I always thought it was great that you did.
Tayla Richter I noticed this too😢😥 and also most of her videos are sponsored not that I mind like get that money girl but still 😭
I’m disappointed too.She used to interact with her subscribers on here and Instagram but now nothing. it doesn’t take long to reply to a few comments either :(
Sammy has blown up quite a bit quite fast, she does youtube for a living hence it's gotten more serious about collaborations and stuff to make the money she needs for everyday life. Which is completely understandable! If you see some of her vlogs or follow me around videos you can see how busy she is with meetings, other errands and stuff and on top of that she films, edits and needs to look after herself and live her personal life.. If you really want to get in touch with her I think emails would be the best way.
What? I literally just watched her previous video before this one and she replied to heaps of comments. I think though it might also be because these past few videos people have been commenting alot on her relationship with nick and so she might not feel comfortable and stable enough to read those comments.
I just ordered one of the necklaces! I can’t wait they’re gorgeous
What choker are you wearing at the start? xx
Emily A someone find out please!
Looking gorj with that dark makeup Sammy! You do you girl! Love xxxx
princesspollytv ❤️❤️❤️❤️
You're glowing! That makeup looks gorgeous!
I’m a new sub and am already obsessed with your videos..youre a sweet girl and seem humble and i love that
ah please keep up with this chill yet engaging content
Beyond beautiful by the way xo
Loved the jewelry haul - very pretty. Your makeup is gorgeous. I always get such a wonderful chill happy vibe from your vlogs.
dark makeup looks suits you so well!! the aqua ice ring too😍
Kellie Nicole thanks girl ❤️
You’re so gorgeous! 😭❤️✨🌸
Gorgeous girl!! can you please do a makeup tutorial of the look from this video!! your eyes look amazing
i love your eyelashes now, they look so natural and good I'm jealous
Samantha Iverson thanks beautiful ❤️
To be honest i could sit here all day and watch your videos, your absolutely stunning!!
Sammy! Can you please tell us where your necklace from the beginning is from?! Thank you!!!
I liked the video. How beautiful your ears are pierced, any earrings in them look great. I especially liked how big rings look on your ears when you put them on two pairs at once. I like to wear them like you-in all the holes at once.
I really love your makeup in this video ! Could you please do a tutorial of the make up that you wear in the video please!
This dark makeup is EVEYRTHING on you !!! omg !!
Couldn't wait for you to upload a video.😍❤️ Love the jewelleries they look soo amazing definetely considering to buying those. 😜 love you such an inspiring youtuber❤️
I personally liked that she talked about jewelry! It gives jewelry inspo even if you don't purchase the exact pieces. Xx
your makeup looks AMAZING with the jewelry
The one that dangles hahaha 😂 love u Sammy this made my day
Maheen Khan thanks babe ❤️😂
The jewelry is stunning...I love crystals and believe in their benefits...I loved this video and hope you are feeling better ♥
So I have a question, it's not the typical costume jewlery, you can wet it and it won't go black or tarnish?
Your earrings are really wonderful!
Hi Sammy! Hope everything is ok! Can you please do a tutorial on the makeup in this vlog? It's absolutely stunning!
What necklace are you wearing in the beginning of this video?! I couldn't stop looking at it! Too cute!
Did u and nick break up?
Pleaaase make 1 hour vlogs😍😍
i could sit here all day and watch her vlogs tbh
Yesss! I love long videos!
Just realised she doesn't wear the necklace nick gave her anymore
they broke up!
And he doesnt have their pics on Instagram anymore 😉
Which necklace was it again?
Are her and nick not together or am I missing the rumors ??? 🤔 very pretty with makeup and hair down
I think they broke up he deleted their pics on his Instagram account
he's definitely following her on Instagram so...
Who cheated on who !!
She's not following him on Insta!!!
Carol Azpeitiaecheveste k
Love the crunch of the grape at the end Sammy haha x
You are so so beautiful!! Love all your vlogs!!! More vlogs please!!! 😍😍😍😍
Jennifer Xiong thanks lovely 😘
Was this an AD?
I love that makeup look!!
Do a video about your piercing and what type you get and where do u get them. And I love you 💗💗
The 1st Hoop Earring are seriously gorgeous ✨ cheer up Sammy! You’ve got a LOT of people supporting you all the way! Cheers!
Oh the jewellery is absolutely gorgeous!! Def going to research them more online :) please do a makeup video of your look in this video too please. Love it!
Where is your black jumper from? I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Claudia Drinnan pretty little thing 😘
Hmm seems like this break up is a little bit more complicated than other people's breakups.... 🙄
Your makeup here looks so gorgeous! and I loved, loved the first hooped earrings
Bridget Gordon thanks beautiful 💕💕
PLEASE DO THIS MAKEUP IN A TUTORIALLLLL!!! I am obsessed!!! what did you use on your eyes?? xxxx
Your eyebrows look so good atm! I don’t know if it’s because u tinted them ? Or shaped them more? But they look gorg ❤️
I need another makeup tutorial you're so bloody gorgeous!!
Love the makeup you did, looks so good & different on you 😊🌸
Ziyanda Kraqa thanks babe 💕
Please do a makeup tutorial on this look!!!!
Where is the necklace from that you wore at the beginning of the video?
Linnea Ernstsson someone find out please!
people talk a lot of crap, but I love your easy going demeanor and how you always carry on being yourself and doing as you like
I was sick this week too😩😩 Also, I think the dark makeup really suits you, it's such a look! Love your vlogs, they're so relaxing and chill.
I love your makeup and high bun in this video! You look so pretty girl❤️can you do a tut please?😊 And the jewelry is beautiful!
I can’t stop laughing that she put the earrings on as rings 😂 what a dork. That jewellery is stunnnning good god!!
love you so much Sammy !! so gentle and generous. I love your vids xx
Eloise Vincenzi thank you beautiful 💞
How is that clickbait? She addressed that things were going on in her personal life and that she wanted to talk about it but doesn't feel ready, which everyone is just going to have to respect. Everyone is going to be curious obviously but this is her real life. You do whats best for you sammy
Can you please tell us what necklace you are wearing in the begging of the video? 😊
Wear it all together!!!! It links amazing together
Don’t lie to your subscribers just to let them watch the video it’s not good !! Big dislike 👎🏼
Makeup tutorial on this look please😍
love the double hoop look, so cute x
aurélie ❤️❤️❤️
You should do a video on your weekly workout schedule/routine
where is this jumper from!? x
What camera do you use? Love your content!!
beautiful jewellery!! love these kind of videos
Sammyyy, where did you get the necklace that you had on at the beginning of the video? I’ve been looking for the same one for so long!
Hi Sammy:) Where is your camo mesh top from? love it!
please can you do a makeup tut on this, you look stunningg!!
all that jewelry is gorgeous 😭
Hey Sammy! Can you make a video about how you edit your instagram photos, because your feed is soooo good now ✨✨
Sammy you’re so awesome. I hope you’re doing well :) watching your videos make me so happy because you seem to be such a positive person. You’re probably my favorite TH-camr and you truly inspire me. I hope you’re okay though :)
Jess D thank you gorgeous ❤️❤️
What colour nail polish is this sammy xxx
RM xx sns can’t remember the colour 😬
You are actually so stunning, I can't even comprehend 😍
Bianca Crocombe thank you lovely 💖💖
Omg where is your jumper from ??? 😍😍
Amelia K thanks gorgeous 💓💓
Ahhh!! You're so close to 600k! Xx
Where is your jumper from?
Omg yes i'm dying to know!
been watching Sammy for who knows how many years now, and I still can't get over how beautiful she is omg
Charlie thank you beautiful 💕
You look beautiful! Could you do a tutorial on the look you're wearing? It's stunning💞
I love your nails!!
love you love you love you sending lots of hugs x
natasha thank you gorgeous 💋💋
I spent my whole pay for last week on jewellery with inspiration from you of course 😍 I love your styleeee
I feel betrayed. I honestly felt annoyed the whole time while watching this. And I AM A BIG fan of yours. Anyways you looked soooo gorgeous Sammyy
could u pleasee make a makeup tutorial with this look?
sammy your hair is goal ! love you ♥ I missed your vlogs
Paula Stratanzi thank you lovely 💕