the sound of the holy spirits of matters in spirit in truth anointing spirit to heaven future history of the powerforces is prayer lesson in the light that shine bright in her soul spirit to heaven future history of the holy spirits of matters in spirit in truth of realm reborn gospel music above and beyond into the light that shine bright in her soul spirit to heaven future history of the holy spirits of matters assisted by God in spirit in truth of quality in mother sighting of the holy spirits of matters in spirit in truth of realm of the powerforces is prayer lesson in the light that shine bright in her soul spirit to heaven future history of holy gifts in a spiritual globe day and night my personal love one god bless u natasha agrama from the higher educational design projects in her soul spirit to heaven future of matters of being l love you miss Natasha mate of my life from earth to above and beyond into the light that shine bright in her soul spirit to heaven future history of the holy spirits of matters the light that shine bright in her soul spirit to heaven future history of being of matters seeking god blessing out of above and beyond into the light that shine all over earth as god continue to bless us in prayer lesson above and beyond into the light of the powerforces is peace be into the holy entry in the holy spirits of matters in spirit in truth a living energy force of mothers days in the light that shine bright in her soul spirit to heaven future history of the holy spirits of matters in real purpose of meaning of the matters of continue to exist on earth as god continue to bless us in prayer lesson above and beyond into the light of the holy spirits of matters in spirit of the space bubble that shine bright in down to earth in sight of our holy space soul spirit to heaven future history of the holy spirits of matters in spirit in truth of our birth sights shown to us in prayer lesson above and beyond into the light that shine bright in our soul's to be in holy spirit in the sight of heaven god bless u natasha agrama from the higher educational design projects in her soul spirit to heaven future of matters of manner of the holy universe's above and beyond into the light that shine bright in her soul spirit of holy gifts in a spiritual globe day and night my personal favorite lady in my soul above and beyond into the light that shine bright in her soul.
Lonnie Landry to my love ly spiritual angel in holy spirit sound of global life of bubbles that spread force into a eturnal purpose of the holy spirit in her soul that give iove to meaning of holy heaven that light up in het soul a soundtrack thar come out of heaven above and beyond as she show it her matters of almight god. holy purpose of. holy life that she espress matter insight of God's holy spirit that host us in our holy mission of complishment in the above and beyond into holy heaven mymate in holy quality in matchomonie etunal in the lights in which gpd has shown us in our soul spirit take off into heaven above and beyone into heaven as the holy light shine brighter in our soul's natasha agrama peace continues to be in our holy spiritual space of above and beyond in the holy light that sight in our teaching in our prayer lesson of being of God's matters and purpose for new life bigger than they religion and government forces and they image idols image's almighty god is a holy spirit that move in holy invisible forces on the unholy bullshit that bullsht they pleasure of own lies and sick talk that ages them to be old and wrinkle quickly of. disease og no cure just more curse to pleasure sins of disease spread in they ugent pleasure of the current blood mixing thats not comparible not a life exsisting cell or soul.
angel of her true heart just as passion and compassion to her holy space spirits in take off in her spiritual flights of her holy sight of almighty god holy light in the matter that she shares in her sngs a holy spiritual soul truly heavenly songs matter for earth future geared in space spirits in holy heaven she my favorite star my mate i love her dearly as she keeps her holy spirit spiritually focus in the heaven above and beyond she my moon and my sun my mate of the universe of matter happy new natasha agrama from Lonnie Landry will love always
A angle above and beyond into holy area of our anicent holy heavenly thrinty of heavenly holy throne in areas of moon star's sun above and beyond from my holy scroll from holy heaven sinner unwanted purposes in real prayer of thee holy soul in God's holy scroll came from my anicent ancessory from above and beyond in light elements on god watch on earth elements of spiritual non stop disaster into more spreading diseases and germ movement of they nasty purposes from pleasure leasure time and sinful nesting people that inneed of cure before it spread without warning deaths in all sinful cultural hated in all disease in germs culture of curses of they own filty nasty follow up fatness blow bug cell program provides in the holy books in the truly as the anicent holy showing of being fast in they own punishment of being fast now in they own body ruins they own sex quality sinful disaster and germ soul sickness carryout of germ with no cure in they wait out in dead death roll in the grave yard waits. Just warning mine and mate in germ pass on and pass out with no cure in God s curse that earth is smite with long time ago being justerfied now in sign of now action in they times of purposes pleasure sinful curses of spiritual sperm curses in comflim real sight showing. Body mind and unholy soul they wasn't there in the holy scroll print out of aincent holy time busy fast curses of DNA sinful follow up that gos download into the grounds or pitty soul ashes syle of trash can purposes in they owned filty nasty guilty anicent deed of filty germ in home lieving on fading out in real deed of DNA damage mind germ and diseases in they sicko cells to be heard lies of they nasty purposes pleasure curses cultural elements deed of god holyness in today unholy disaster in they own curse out by Almighty Gods holy ghost hosting holy spirit unsighted forces being posted and spiritual being in war traditioal. Trade war of cheap labor using parish hope and vashes back into faro same line down jone in foolish shock exchange information rich dead broke 8000 year more they germ cell confession in dead deed cell testimonies at a standstill with thee aincent 3 thrinty moon stars sun shine light above and beyond watches they lieing tounge confessions of lies and lier elements amd disasters for clean up bills of more missleading bullshit every body except they sorry lazy lied out sorry filthy guilty nasty. Fat fast acts of disease traveling path dirty deed in germs term spreading of pleasure filty of mixing germ for pleasure disease of unholy quality curse of course in they own deeded domonic sinful needs and desires deed in the wills of the holy tested in thee files of they unholy DNA will files of they true deed return in holy spirits in holy hosting ghost return in serious action in the element in force of disasters forces non stop period.of non stop pressure deeds in the milt down in face off period of plain and simple time and cultural real time of while disaster curses coverages reason in they culture promises from Almighty God from Above and Beyond in earth sight watches of anicent ancessory holy hosting the ghost of the truth in the holy gospel coded in verses returning in holy spiritual in forces returning. Strong ly in elements and disaster s strike standing reviews continue on they faces of misery and misserible energy of madness. Sicko soui of spiritualness sorryness of dump ass of no educational history of brain lack and bullshit continue culture dumped isism in EDIFICE. A holy ghost host in the holy scrolls they wasn't there at all checked the holy scripture and my holy fathet spirit of holy ghost guide and truth of guidelines and not guiity fead deeds of cultural bullshit they DNA disaster damage brain cell. A message to me mine my mate in astrology holy spiritually holy spirits.
Afer listening to angel in her love of what almighty God has blessed and gifted her with she truly has been my inspiration in my holy spirit while my prayers in the holy heaven of my holy thrinty sight in my moonlight my star's my Holy sun i look thur on since time of birth in spirits granted me my gifts to my Holy spirits in space astrol iights and sighting i continue to create in the ho2 holy sights truly sence watching above and beyond into my holy Globe planets purposes of Almighty god holy thrinty to see and sight holy heaven in space in astrol holy spirits in space in sights in dreams and holy visions thur the now element deaster from above and beyond so the album of the watching the holy sun from above and beyond in holy spirits in space you miss natasha agrama are blessed in your artistic purposes and program showing performances of spirits in holy space of quite holy spiris in her godly goals in the universe spreading spirits of holyness of peace being into you .may almighty God bless you in your holy spirits Love you in my prayers. Lonnie Landry
A message from above and beyond in space of Spiritual acts and actions of the global universal forces from above and beyond in space of Spiritual being of service to Almighty God holy Spiritual traveling forces of being of service in the holy spirits of the holy electric elements of the global universal forces traveling in forces above and beyond in space holy heaven in space of Spiritual acts and actions from holy Heaven in space of Spiritual being of service in the holy Heaven my holy spiritual artistic and gifted holy lady who Spiritual traveling forces of being of service to you in forces of Almighty God bless holy Spiritual purposes of the global universal forces above and beyond in space of Spiritual forces of electrical elements in space disaster coming down from holy Heaven in space of Spiritual sightings of Ho2 heavenly Spiritual places of space Spiritual traveling forces of wet holy Quality of the global universal forces of being able to rain all over the place Thur my holy sprinkler from above and beyond a message to my holy spiritual artistic Lady of special spiriual forces of her holy performance in prayer before duty calls in her holy prayers to Almighty God holy Spiritual traveling forces in her prayers blessing of the holy Spirit to travel and Spiritually return in forces of being that's understandable force of Almighty God holy Spiritual purposes of the global universal forces of deed's and action force of disasters warning forces coming down from holy Heaven in space to 👂earth in rain bowls or painful bubbles of unseened spiriual forces in ☁️ clouds of thunder and lightning strike forces in space of Spiritual being of service to Almighty God holy Spiritual traveling forces of awareness of being warned 7/14/20 in storm's of thunderstorm warning of disease discussing germs that's now going on and being spreading in Viruse all over the places on earth in unseened spiriual forces but felt in pain and action force of death calls and calling so my beautiful angel lady Natasha F Agrama from L Landry of universal Spiritual being of service to you for your holy Spiritual performances in holy heaven in space of Spiritual acts and action in prayer to Almighty God holy Spiritual traveling forces of being of service to you in prayer Forces from above and beyond LLandry thanks be to God for you and your family artistic talent brave one Natasha F Agrama from above and beyond LLandry always
A Angel Lady Natasha F Agrama from L Landry of universal global entry into the matter of the global holy heaven in space of Spiritual being of service to you in forces that travels in space of Spiritual being of service to you in forces of holymatter unseened but felt in spiriual purposes forces of being of service to you in forces of you to you my love my life purposes my holy prayers are with you Natasha F Agrama from L Landry of universal Spiritual global warming is unseened forces of being of service to you in forces of unbelievable that travels in space of Spiritual being of love to you and your artistic performance of holy ghost spiriual forces you to know that I love you and miss you so much Natasha F Agrama from L Landry of universal global universal forces from above and beyond in space of Spiritual assistance from Almighty God holy Spiritual traveling forces of my holy spiritual shy self that loves you and misses you in forces of being of service to you in forces of loving Spiritual traveling forces of being of service to you in forces unseened but felt in spiriual forces you to God be the holy ghost spiriual forces in the holy glory of God holy Spiritual traveling forces in gifts from Almighty God holy Spiritual purposes and matters thanks be to God holy Spiritual traveling forces of being of service to you in unseened spiriual being forces of above and beyond I love you Natasha F Agrama from L Landry of universal Spiritual warning of disease and germs of greedy lustful sickness of being sick and in pain and suffering that's leads to death spreading viruses unseen but felt deadly in forces of being in pain and suffering that's being shown in today's Viro viruses continue to spread on earth in sickness and deaths of spreading causes of pain and suffering that's a killer on earth in the Viro viruses non stop action and acts that's being showed today to us on earth tevelvision that shows the matter and purposes why we have pains and suffering of being in pain and suffering of lustful sickness from sperms and germs that's in discussing disease of germs circulation in the organ and problems in the 💓 heart I thank you Natasha F Agrama from L Landry global universal forces of my holy spiritual studies of body mind and soul that love you Natasha F Agrama from L Landry of universal Spiritual study's that's in love with you Natasha F Agrama from L Landry of universal Spiritual being of service to you in forces of being of service to you holy Angel Lady Natasha F Agrama from L Landry of universal Spiritual holy forces of being in my life I'm in love with you Natasha F Agrama from L Landry of universal Spiritual holy spirit of Almighty God holy Spiritual traveling forces of being of service to you in forces unseened but felt in Spirits of being of service to you in forces of love to you and love for you to God be with you and the holy Spirit forces of being of service to you in forces of warning of Almighty God deeds of sin and pleasure sinful pain and suffering. I thank you Natasha F Agrama from L Landry of universal Spiritual prayers are with you Natasha F Agrama from L Landry of universal Spiritual warning in prayer of acts and actions from above and beyond to help you out with matters and purposes of Almighty God holy Spiritual traveling forces into today Viro viruses continue in deed's of service in the matters of the sin of sickness of pain and suffering that's spreading all over 👂 earth in pain and suffering in today's Viro viruses of sickness and of deaths that continues attack human body's of pain and suffering sickness of pain and suffering. I thank you Natasha F Agrama from L Landry of universal global warming is unseened but felt deadly discuss diseases and germs of greedy pleasure of lustful sickness from the Aincent scrolls of Almighty God holy Spiritual purposes and matters.
Thanks be to God holy ghost spiriual forces of being of service to Almighty God holy Spiritual traveling forces above and beyond to help with matters of Almighty God holy Spiritual traveling forces of being that's connected into holy heaven in space of Spiritual acts of kindness to Almighty God holy you Natasha F Agrama from L Landry of universal Spiritual beams in space of Spiritual assistance from Almighty God holy Spiritual traveling forces in space of Spiritual acts and actions in space of Spiritual being of service in the morning ⛅ sunlight's continues to spread the word in spiriual forces of the global disasters warning forces in unbelievable circumstances in forces of special spiriual forces of being of service to Almighty God holy ghost spiriual forces in today's Viro viruses unseen but spreading the deadly discuss Viro viruses all over the world and Earth. thanks be to God for you and your holy performance to Almighty God holy Spiritual traveling forces.of the now unholy unhealthy sickness of pain and suffering that's now deadly spreading in the flesh and blood line cells of DNA test results from the Aincent times until now deadly forces spreading all over in all circumstances non stop action forces of being of service to Almighty God. so beautiful angel lady Natasha F Agrama from L Landry of universal Spiritual forces.
Above and Beyond in the real universe of my holy thrinty ho2 holy sights of holyness in thee holy views of the global being for real holy ghost spirits in almighty God astrol rolls in the real elements act out purposes God's carryout in the aincent holy scrolls back then today now deed of sinful pleasure curses in constant coverage and cover up in unholy souls in sin sickness of the great germs and disaster damage brain lack purposes of prayer of no power do to they aincent ancestry hidden truth of they wanta be roots of holy ghost spirits in truth of knowledge wisdom and holy thrinty of God creation of real holy creation that almighty God made moonlight spirits starlight holy sunlight in holy beam that shine spiritual in a person of holy quality of service in spiritual artistic arts. With heavenly planets in holy Global warning in step accurance do deed in now continue clarification in they wanta be associated curses be showings what they never was yet act they own sin in they own culture of they own culture roots and deeds of sinful cultural curses in sinful contrary lack of knowledge disaster wisdom of being bullshit in almighty God's eye sights sin under the sun light of the holy ghost spirits in the thrinty above and beyond that been viewed watching earth in holy spirits in holy traveling truth treasures aincent scrolls of my angel ancessory being and beams above and beyond in astrol holy heaven beginning of real reality in being a realisted real being as my mate see what i see in the holy spiritual beams in the Adams of Almighty Gods above and beyond astrol ho2 holy sights in the holy ghost spirits of Gods real artistic arts and actually according continue actions earth elements disaster in global growth of spiritual spaces of fools in sicko cells me loving my holy angel that's showing me from a distance to reaching astrol holy heaven out of fool sinner unwanted disaster quality of they own individual sins and sinfulness of they ownselves earthly sinful cultural gatherings roots wanta be s history of companies of contrary roots in booted disaster element lesson. As the holy spirits ghosts the being beams in holy Global bubbles in cycle in circles and forms in dorm lights warning to life exsisting. Thank you miss natasha agrama for showing the global warning continue to retardation disaster astrol coming sight sights and signs. May peace be in you and unto you in almighty God blessing be up on you in these. Dreadful times of global warning astrol coming from above amd beyond action disaster in mad performances and action of time in sinful disaster deeds of Almighty Gods carryouts in prayer fast action spirits from space watches in astrol beams of holylistic view replays in tribulation revelation. Words of love. From Lonnie Landry sighing the holy sight lights in the globe's of the bubbles holy dress in truth purposes in holy watches in holy astrol air.
She's such a joyful singer. Don't understand why she hasn't made it big in the jazz world.
the sound of the holy spirits of matters in spirit in truth anointing spirit to heaven future history of the powerforces is prayer lesson in the light that shine bright in her soul spirit to heaven future history of the holy spirits of matters in spirit in truth of realm reborn gospel music above and beyond into the light that shine bright in her soul spirit to heaven future history of the holy spirits of matters assisted by God in spirit in truth of quality in mother sighting of the holy spirits of matters in spirit in truth of realm of the powerforces is prayer lesson in the light that shine bright in her soul spirit to heaven future history of holy gifts in a spiritual globe day and night my personal love one god bless u natasha agrama from the higher educational design projects in her soul spirit to heaven future of matters of being l love you miss Natasha mate of my life from earth to above and beyond into the light that shine bright in her soul spirit to heaven future history of the holy spirits of matters the light that shine bright in her soul spirit to heaven future history of being of matters seeking god blessing out of above and beyond into the light that shine all over earth as god continue to bless us in prayer lesson above and beyond into the light of the powerforces is peace be into the holy entry in the holy spirits of matters in spirit in truth a living energy force of mothers days in the light that shine bright in her soul spirit to heaven future history of the holy spirits of matters in real purpose of meaning of the matters of continue to exist on earth as god continue to bless us in prayer lesson above and beyond into the light of the holy spirits of matters in spirit of the space bubble that shine bright in down to earth in sight of our holy space soul spirit to heaven future history of the holy spirits of matters in spirit in truth of our birth sights shown to us in prayer lesson above and beyond into the light that shine bright in our soul's to be in holy spirit in the sight of heaven god bless u natasha agrama from the higher educational design projects in her soul spirit to heaven future of matters of manner of the holy universe's above and beyond into the light that shine bright in her soul spirit of holy gifts in a spiritual globe day and night my personal favorite lady in my soul above and beyond into the light that shine bright in her soul.
Lonnie Landry to my love ly spiritual angel in holy spirit sound of global life of bubbles that spread force into a eturnal purpose of the holy spirit in her soul that give iove to meaning of holy heaven that light up in het soul a soundtrack thar come out of heaven above and beyond as she show it her matters of almight god. holy purpose of. holy life that she espress matter insight of God's holy spirit that host us in our holy mission of complishment in the above and beyond into holy heaven mymate in holy quality in matchomonie etunal in the lights in which gpd has shown us in our soul spirit take off into heaven above and beyone into heaven as the holy light shine brighter in our soul's natasha agrama peace continues to be in our holy spiritual space of above and beyond in the holy light that sight in our teaching in our prayer lesson of being of God's matters and purpose for new life bigger than they religion and government forces and they image idols image's almighty god is a holy spirit that move in holy invisible forces on the unholy bullshit that bullsht they pleasure of own lies and sick talk that ages them to be old and wrinkle quickly of. disease og no cure just more curse to pleasure sins of disease spread in they ugent pleasure of the current blood mixing thats not comparible not a life exsisting cell or soul.
angel of her true heart just as passion and compassion to her holy space spirits in take off in her spiritual flights of her holy sight of almighty god holy light in the matter that she shares in her sngs a holy spiritual soul truly heavenly songs matter for earth future geared in space spirits in holy heaven she my favorite star my mate i love her dearly as she keeps her holy spirit spiritually focus in the heaven above and beyond she my moon and my sun my mate of the universe of matter happy new natasha agrama from Lonnie Landry will love always
it heals me. at least it helps.
A angle above and beyond into holy area of our anicent holy heavenly thrinty of heavenly holy throne in areas of moon star's sun above and beyond from my holy scroll from holy heaven sinner unwanted purposes in real prayer of thee holy soul in God's holy scroll came from my anicent ancessory from above and beyond in light elements on god watch on earth elements of spiritual non stop disaster into more spreading diseases and germ movement of they nasty purposes from pleasure leasure time and sinful nesting people that inneed of cure before it spread without warning deaths in all sinful cultural hated in all disease in germs culture of curses of they own filty nasty follow up fatness blow bug cell program provides in the holy books in the truly as the anicent holy showing of being fast in they own punishment of being fast now in they own body ruins they own sex quality sinful disaster and germ soul sickness carryout of germ with no cure in they wait out in dead death roll in the grave yard waits. Just warning mine and mate in germ pass on and pass out with no cure in God s curse that earth is smite with long time ago being justerfied now in sign of now action in they times of purposes pleasure sinful curses of spiritual sperm curses in comflim real sight showing. Body mind and unholy soul they wasn't there in the holy scroll print out of aincent holy time busy fast curses of DNA sinful follow up that gos download into the grounds or pitty soul ashes syle of trash can purposes in they owned filty nasty guilty anicent deed of filty germ in home lieving on fading out in real deed of DNA damage mind germ and diseases in they sicko cells to be heard lies of they nasty purposes pleasure curses cultural elements deed of god holyness in today unholy disaster in they own curse out by Almighty Gods holy ghost hosting holy spirit unsighted forces being posted and spiritual being in war traditioal. Trade war of cheap labor using parish hope and vashes back into faro same line down jone in foolish shock exchange information rich dead broke 8000 year more they germ cell confession in dead deed cell testimonies at a standstill with thee aincent 3 thrinty moon stars sun shine light above and beyond watches they lieing tounge confessions of lies and lier elements amd disasters for clean up bills of more missleading bullshit every body except they sorry lazy lied out sorry filthy guilty nasty. Fat fast acts of disease traveling path dirty deed in germs term spreading of pleasure filty of mixing germ for pleasure disease of unholy quality curse of course in they own deeded domonic sinful needs and desires deed in the wills of the holy tested in thee files of they unholy DNA will files of they true deed return in holy spirits in holy hosting ghost return in serious action in the element in force of disasters forces non stop period.of non stop pressure deeds in the milt down in face off period of plain and simple time and cultural real time of while disaster curses coverages reason in they culture promises from Almighty God from Above and Beyond in earth sight watches of anicent ancessory holy hosting the ghost of the truth in the holy gospel coded in verses returning in holy spiritual in forces returning. Strong ly in elements and disaster s strike standing reviews continue on they faces of misery and misserible energy of madness. Sicko soui of spiritualness sorryness of dump ass of no educational history of brain lack and bullshit continue culture dumped isism in EDIFICE. A holy ghost host in the holy scrolls they wasn't there at all checked the holy scripture and my holy fathet spirit of holy ghost guide and truth of guidelines and not guiity fead deeds of cultural bullshit they DNA disaster damage brain cell. A message to me mine my mate in astrology holy spiritually holy spirits.
Afer listening to angel in her love of what almighty God has blessed and gifted her with she truly has been my inspiration in my holy spirit while my prayers in the holy heaven of my holy thrinty sight in my moonlight my star's my Holy sun i look thur on since time of birth in spirits granted me my gifts to my Holy spirits in space astrol iights and sighting i continue to create in the ho2 holy sights truly sence watching above and beyond into my holy Globe planets purposes of Almighty god holy thrinty to see and sight holy heaven in space in astrol holy spirits in space in sights in dreams and holy visions thur the now element deaster from above and beyond so the album of the watching the holy sun from above and beyond in holy spirits in space you miss natasha agrama are blessed in your artistic purposes and program showing performances of spirits in holy space of quite holy spiris in her godly goals in the universe spreading spirits of holyness of peace being into you .may almighty God bless you in your holy spirits
Love you in my prayers. Lonnie Landry
A message from above and beyond in space of Spiritual acts and actions of the global universal forces from above and beyond in space of Spiritual being of service to Almighty God holy Spiritual traveling forces of being of service in the holy spirits of the holy electric elements of the global universal forces traveling in forces above and beyond in space holy heaven in space of Spiritual acts and actions from holy Heaven in space of Spiritual being of service in the holy Heaven my holy spiritual artistic and gifted holy lady who Spiritual traveling forces of being of service to you in forces of Almighty God bless holy Spiritual purposes of the global universal forces above and beyond in space of Spiritual forces of electrical elements in space disaster coming down from holy Heaven in space of Spiritual sightings of Ho2 heavenly Spiritual places of space Spiritual traveling forces of wet holy Quality of the global universal forces of being able to rain all over the place Thur my holy sprinkler from above and beyond a message to my holy spiritual artistic Lady of special spiriual forces of her holy performance in prayer before duty calls in her holy prayers to Almighty God holy Spiritual traveling forces in her prayers blessing of the holy Spirit to travel and Spiritually return in forces of being that's understandable force of Almighty God holy Spiritual purposes of the global universal forces of deed's and action force of disasters warning forces coming down from holy Heaven in space to 👂earth in rain bowls or painful bubbles of unseened spiriual forces in ☁️ clouds of thunder and lightning strike forces in space of Spiritual being of service to Almighty God holy Spiritual traveling forces of awareness of being warned 7/14/20 in storm's of thunderstorm warning of disease discussing germs that's now going on and being spreading in Viruse all over the places on earth in unseened spiriual forces but felt in pain and action force of death calls and calling so my beautiful angel lady Natasha F Agrama from L Landry of universal Spiritual being of service to you for your holy Spiritual performances in holy heaven in space of Spiritual acts and action in prayer to Almighty God holy Spiritual traveling forces of being of service to you in prayer Forces from above and beyond LLandry thanks be to God for you and your family artistic talent brave one Natasha F Agrama from above and beyond LLandry always
A Angel Lady Natasha F Agrama from L Landry of universal global entry into the matter of the global holy heaven in space of Spiritual being of service to you in forces that travels in space of Spiritual being of service to you in forces of holymatter unseened but felt in spiriual purposes forces of being of service to you in forces of you to you my love my life purposes my holy prayers are with you Natasha F Agrama from L Landry of universal Spiritual global warming is unseened forces of being of service to you in forces of unbelievable that travels in space of Spiritual being of love to you and your artistic performance of holy ghost spiriual forces you to know that I love you and miss you so much Natasha F Agrama from L Landry of universal global universal forces from above and beyond in space of Spiritual assistance from Almighty God holy Spiritual traveling forces of my holy spiritual shy self that loves you and misses you in forces of being of service to you in forces of loving Spiritual traveling forces of being of service to you in forces unseened but felt in spiriual forces you to God be the holy ghost spiriual forces in the holy glory of God holy Spiritual traveling forces in gifts from Almighty God holy Spiritual purposes and matters thanks be to God holy Spiritual traveling forces of being of service to you in unseened spiriual being forces of above and beyond I love you Natasha F Agrama from L Landry of universal Spiritual warning of disease and germs of greedy lustful sickness of being sick and in pain and suffering that's leads to death spreading viruses unseen but felt deadly in forces of being in pain and suffering that's being shown in today's Viro viruses continue to spread on earth in sickness and deaths of spreading causes of pain and suffering that's a killer on earth in the Viro viruses non stop action and acts that's being showed today to us on earth tevelvision that shows the matter and purposes why we have pains and suffering of being in pain and suffering of lustful sickness from sperms and germs that's in discussing disease of germs circulation in the organ and problems in the 💓 heart I thank you Natasha F Agrama from L Landry global universal forces of my holy spiritual studies of body mind and soul that love you Natasha F Agrama from L Landry of universal Spiritual study's that's in love with you Natasha F Agrama from L Landry of universal Spiritual being of service to you in forces of being of service to you holy Angel Lady Natasha F Agrama from L Landry of universal Spiritual holy forces of being in my life I'm in love with you Natasha F Agrama from L Landry of universal Spiritual holy spirit of Almighty God holy Spiritual traveling forces of being of service to you in forces unseened but felt in Spirits of being of service to you in forces of love to you and love for you to God be with you and the holy Spirit forces of being of service to you in forces of warning of Almighty God deeds of sin and pleasure sinful pain and suffering. I thank you Natasha F Agrama from L Landry of universal Spiritual prayers are with you Natasha F Agrama from L Landry of universal Spiritual warning in prayer of acts and actions from above and beyond to help you out with matters and purposes of Almighty God holy Spiritual traveling forces into today Viro viruses continue in deed's of service in the matters of the sin of sickness of pain and suffering that's spreading all over 👂 earth in pain and suffering in today's Viro viruses of sickness and of deaths that continues attack human body's of pain and suffering sickness of pain and suffering. I thank you Natasha F Agrama from L Landry of universal global warming is unseened but felt deadly discuss diseases and germs of greedy pleasure of lustful sickness from the Aincent scrolls of Almighty God holy Spiritual purposes and matters.
Thanks be to God holy ghost spiriual forces of being of service to Almighty God holy Spiritual traveling forces above and beyond to help with matters of Almighty God holy Spiritual traveling forces of being that's connected into holy heaven in space of Spiritual acts of kindness to Almighty God holy you Natasha F Agrama from L Landry of universal Spiritual beams in space of Spiritual assistance from Almighty God holy Spiritual traveling forces in space of Spiritual acts and actions in space of Spiritual being of service in the morning ⛅ sunlight's continues to spread the word in spiriual forces of the global disasters warning forces in unbelievable circumstances in forces of special spiriual forces of being of service to Almighty God holy ghost spiriual forces in today's Viro viruses unseen but spreading the deadly discuss Viro viruses all over the world and Earth. thanks be to God for you and your holy performance to Almighty God holy Spiritual traveling forces.of the now unholy unhealthy sickness of pain and suffering that's now deadly spreading in the flesh and blood line cells of DNA test results from the Aincent times until now deadly forces spreading all over in all circumstances non stop action forces of being of service to Almighty God. so beautiful angel lady Natasha F Agrama from L Landry of universal Spiritual forces.
Above and Beyond in the real universe of my holy thrinty ho2 holy sights of holyness in thee holy views of the global being for real holy ghost spirits in almighty God astrol rolls in the real elements act out purposes God's carryout in the aincent holy scrolls back then today now deed of sinful pleasure curses in constant coverage and cover up in unholy souls in sin sickness of the great germs and disaster damage brain lack purposes of prayer of no power do to they aincent ancestry hidden truth of they wanta be roots of holy ghost spirits in truth of knowledge wisdom and holy thrinty of God creation of real holy creation that almighty God made moonlight spirits starlight holy sunlight in holy beam that shine spiritual in a person of holy quality of service in spiritual artistic arts. With heavenly planets in holy Global warning in step accurance do deed in now continue clarification in they wanta be associated curses be showings what they never was yet act they own sin in they own culture of they own culture roots and deeds of sinful cultural curses in sinful contrary lack of knowledge disaster wisdom of being bullshit in almighty God's eye sights sin under the sun light of the holy ghost spirits in the thrinty above and beyond that been viewed watching earth in holy spirits in holy traveling truth treasures aincent scrolls of my angel ancessory being and beams above and beyond in astrol holy heaven beginning of real reality in being a realisted real being as my mate see what i see in the holy spiritual beams in the Adams of Almighty Gods above and beyond astrol ho2 holy sights in the holy ghost spirits of Gods real artistic arts and actually according continue actions earth elements disaster in global growth of spiritual spaces of fools in sicko cells me loving my holy angel that's showing me from a distance to reaching astrol holy heaven out of fool sinner unwanted disaster quality of they own individual sins and sinfulness of they ownselves earthly sinful cultural gatherings roots wanta be s history of companies of contrary roots in booted disaster element lesson. As the holy spirits ghosts the being beams in holy Global bubbles in cycle in circles and forms in dorm lights warning to life exsisting. Thank you miss natasha agrama for showing the global warning continue to retardation disaster astrol coming sight sights and signs. May peace be in you and unto you in almighty God blessing be up on you in these. Dreadful times of global warning astrol coming from above amd beyond action disaster in mad performances and action of time in sinful disaster deeds of Almighty Gods carryouts in prayer fast action spirits from space watches in astrol beams of holylistic view replays in tribulation revelation. Words of love. From Lonnie Landry sighing the holy sight lights in the globe's of the bubbles holy dress in truth purposes in holy watches in holy astrol air.