Mersana is growing to fast watching the violence very often in her surroundings. She don't deserve it. But if we noticed Mersana look more like Khalil now. Hope she'll be strong to support her mom and her brother. Despite all the chaos and troubles she still love and missed Khalil always and all the time. She showed respect and support and love to her father and mother especially her young brother. God bless them all. Amen and Amen
Khalil, for heavens sake. She, second wife, is nothing but a bratty teenager. What the heck are you thinking? Divorce her & get back with your family! Kobra looks like she will take you back & Mersana needs her Daddy! This is Not hard to figure out & get on with the process! He totally lost it before with such jealousy! I do believe he understands what he has done now! This child bride is Cruel & now trying to kidnap Mersana? How Dare her. The police should have been called on her. She is Dangerous for Kobra now after this Stupid move! OPEN YOUR EYES KHALIL!!
Khalil receives retribution from having Semana as his wife. A spoiled girl, emotional, aggressive, jealous, jealous of her husband and Cabri. Khalil loved him so much that he decided to divorce Khabri. with cute children Kabri is happy with his children, ignores Khalil, and watches them fight.
Its good for Khalil and Kabri be cause Kabri has to see Khalil every day like she cannot survive without seeing him after all he put her tru Kabri can drive why she cannot go for her tiles alone she depends on Khalil for everyting
Him and Cobra is still married. They're allowed to have two wives over there. So stop saying that they're not together they are still married. What they do is nobody's business but theirs.
Khalil must make up his mind or getout of there once and for good! This behaviour is unacceptable towards Kobra and her children!!! Please call the Police and finally have this person put into prision!!!!!
Khalil like my previous comment , if it's impossible for you to get rid of your crazy wife pls stop going to Cobra's house. Cobra call the police and report this harassment and trespassing. Just wondering why you're tolerating Semane's bad behavior. You have to do something to stop this.
He's not going to leave his children I guess you don't know him and Cobra are still married. He's not going to leave his kids. You're such a negative person. All you do is complain about Khalil. Yes he made a mistake whoop-dee-doo get over it. If Cobra can get over it you have no say-so You are a Debbie Downer
@@WandaBaptista-m1x You do realize that him and Cobra are still married right. He has every right to be there those are his kids. If he was to walk away from his kids you would be dogging him for that. Truly it is none of your business what they do.
There is No Child Protective laws in that country and no women's rights.. they both have been abusing that baby from day one they used to let her play with ink pens the ink would be all in her mouth and all over her face and hands and scissors they had her on the roof of that rickety Shack they built
That's not the word to use Samane wild thing. She a stupid s.o.b. All Cobra has to do is go to the police and get a ppo on her, and if she steps a certain feet of Kobra's house she can be arrested and she was trying to take Mersana. She needs to grow up if she don't have her way she throws a tantrum. This stuff that she is doing has got to be STOP. She's one sick s.o.b.
K…Your where you told your girlfriend once that you would never love any wife as much as you love Mersana…that was when you tried to get her to marry you and she said give up Mersana.that’s when you told the girl that…it’s when Kobra fell in the river and you was taking care of Mersana. Never forget those words hon. Don’t let SAMANA take you from Mersana
Report to the Police Authority she is disturbing ,fighting,in front of you.Samana must be learn lessons..she is very abusive,Kalil is only plastering your house for your kids.
Cobra como você pode aceitar esse tipo de situaçã acho que esses policiais que cumprem as ocorrências aí,são falsos.ligue pra polícia de verdade,e denuncie estar mulher,ela não pode chegar gritando,batendo e quebrando suas coisas.seja mulher e aja logo.
Semana is crazy!!! I remember when Khalil used to be the camera man for kabri! And, she disappeared into the water. He raised mersana a long time. Taught her how to walk. I just love this channel. I. Love little mersana. And how Khalil loves her like his own.
Khalil thats in life your choices. Wants more difficult even you struggle to raise 1 wife but in your stupidity leaving your family, chasing you but you pretending you never know them.... When you come back brought second wife now you wanted back your first wife... You deserve going to jail pay your sin
А зачем тебе такой муж? Он привел беду в твой дом,сопливая девчонка устраивает у тебя дома скандалы.А что он? Ничего,просто уходит к ней спать.Зачем тебе эта грязь? Гони его вон,у тебя хватает подпищеков,чтобы оператор помогал.
Khalil this is all your fault!! You didn’t think there would be any confrontations or conflicts between Semana and Kabri? Why did you marry young Semana for in the first place? Are you even going to divorce her or are you just using her, you have obligations to Semana as well. Why did you put Mersana outside by Semana knowing she was upset with you? And why do you let Mersana run around in the tile yard where she could get hurt? You need to go home and settle things with Semana either divorce her or make sure she has a warm secure shelter. Don’t go sneaking over by Kabri and leaving Semana wondering where you are tell her where you’re going and when you will be back, be a man! If you don’t love her file for divorce.😮
Putting Marsana outside with her is child abuse. What’s wrong with you people! You’re getting just like the other channels. Anything for money!! You have people fooled into thinking you need help. I’ve lost all respect for this channel. When you shove a child into this soap opera the child should be removed by child services! Where are all the toys people have sent you? Back at your real house?
I agree where are these toys also how did she get out of car, no respect for the socks wearing outside with no shoes, allows her to do as she likes Evan with hot pans
Estoy de acuerdo es por Dinero que hacen todo esto. No respectan los ninos. .Como en Iran Las madres les entregan ninas a estos hombres adultos ....y fuera de eso casados con hijos Las madres son muy culpable de eso...tango entendido que ya habian proibido los matrimonios con ninas .entonces que estan mostrando solo violencia .que Nina tan violenta no respecta ni kobra ni los ninos y Como este hombre deja que los maltrate de Esa forma. Por que no la denuncian almenos que no valla a la casa de kobra ni los se si no damos Mas me gusta.. esta sinveguensada se tiene wue acabar .por que no educan los hijos escuelashay gratis en todo el mundo ..en Iran tambien existe ya se dedicaron a consegir Dinero facil sin hacer nada
She is absolutely mad staying with Khalil when she knows he don't love her ,how bad it is to watch never will end as long as Khalil does nothing about it she will hurt his children just bad to see this just makes me feel sick poor daughter please don't send her out side to that girl , she could hurt her just dam bad to watch this
Ya khalil vete de casa de kobra tú le causas muchos problemas y eso no es bueno para los hijos de kobra tú sólito te casaste con semaned ahora vete a trabajar y dale una casa a semaned y no estés intentando de quedarte en casa de kobra solo porque a khalil le conviene khalil es un hombre malo que sen temor golpea a una mujer delante de Marsana y no olvidar que golpeó a kobra estando embarazada kobra sacarlo de la casa termina tú el trabajo eres inteligente para que seas feliz con khalil nunca lo estarás Yo recuerdo la primera vez que khalil le pego a kobra fue porque no tenía trabajo y se desquita con ella kobra tú sola con tus hijos llegaras lejos ya tienes tu casa y tendrás muchas cosas más estando con khalil no será así a él solo le importa lo que manda la gente hasta eso le quería quitar a kobra y el policía solo vio cosas de Marsana FUERA KHALIL
The writers need to fix this situation. Khalil IS Mersana's real father. They had Khalil as Kobra's cameraman so they couldn't say she was his child but I think this is going to be a problem eventually for Mersana's self-esteem. Please find a way to fix this issue. Mersana is so very, very smart and sweet and loves her Daddy so much. She is so precious, and she should not be hurt and feel rejected by her father but that could happen if she hears it on here when he says, and Kora says he is not her father.She does not deserve to be hurt. I love you little girl 💕💕💕💕♥♥♥♥♥🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻💮💮💮
Try not to let mersanna be jealous of the baby. She could hurt him when no one is looking . Dont stop giving attention to the baby , let her get used to and understand they are both loved by their parents.
No entiendo como esta mujer Kabri permite esto porque no llama ala policia sis pobres niños viendo todo ests violencia y el mentado kallil no actua como un verdsdeto hombre se deja wue le pegué y lieho se va bien tranquilo con la mujermp entiendo
I do find it weird how Khalil is always kissing and cuddling Marsana and asking her if she loves him and wants her to kiss him all the time she is not his daughter. That would not be right in my country is to much he is not her father . He does not even support the children so has no rights
مرحبا سلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته رسالة لخت كوبرا خليل كذاب يكذب عليك وخطة ياخذون بيتك هو ذا البنت المص أنت شفتي قصة خديجة وعلي وعلي كيف خذوا منها بيتها طها في الشارع مع طفلها ترى الخليل لو انه يحبك ما تزوج عليك تحياتي أخت محب لك الله يسعدك❤❤❤❤
God blesses your day both operator video Grapher camera man and cobra mersana and the little angel and Khalil. God have mercy to this young lady who runs a havoc constantly. Please please please operator, provide money for Khalil so he can pay the dowry to divorce his one of his wife. Kahil did an awful mistakes. He has to pick who is more than in his heart
مرحبا سلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته رسالة لخت كوبرا خليل كذاب يكذب عليك وخطة ياخذون بيتك هو ذا البنت المص أنت شفتي قصة خديجة وعلي وعلي كيف خذوا منها بيتها طها في الشارع مع طفلها ترى الخليل لو انه يحبك ما تزوج عليك تحياتي أخت محب لك الله يسعدك❤❤❤❤
Khalil, you are a man!! Please do something about your crazy 2nd wife!!! Why are you afraid of her? I am very curious to know the reason ..... script writer please explain, it has been going on for too long. Not a good story line, a young wife who keeps on beating the husband??? It's too much!!!!!!!!!!
Though this is fake story or drama but the action and the actor your second wife is over extremely act in this utube channel story and most of the viewers dislike it and might leave watching this utube channel or Khalil you have to divorce her as soon as possible so that you can have a peaceful life together with your wife and kids back .
They will not have a peaceful life with no money and Khalil does not like going to work so their live will never be better and such a sad life for the children they should not have have to like that in a hut in this day and age
Na minha opinião esse casamento com essa moleca não existe, é só uma encenação das piores que já assisti, deveriam se envergonhar de tantas brigas,cobri dê um jeito nessa situação,please,please 🙏🏻
Just look how happy you guys can talk together and there's never no fighting which is so fantastic now you going to go to the park that is so fantastic I just wish you guys were together I wish you would get a divorce I really really do not between you two but the other girl that just doesn't seem to calm down it's just crazy I love you and I love the little girl the baby and the first wife you deserve to be together not with that girl she's never going to change if she does I'd be shocked and maybe she's just jealous before everything was fine remember when she was staying there at your first wife and wanted to hide from you she was staying there and I don't get this at all I just want to see all units together except especially not the second wife❤❤😊
Samaneh is just a teenagers 14 yrs old .. why Khalil should listen to what she says n want .. Divorce samaneh , so u don't have any headache anymore .. marriage is living in happy life , but this small girl is trying to be a QUEEN CONTROL ... Why everyone should be afraid of samaneh .. she have a bad attitude and no manners ..
I know this is all fake, like a soap opera. But subjecting these children to the violence that Kahil's supposely 2nd wife brings is a form of child abuse. Kahil is also responsible for it. Regardless the children should not be subjected to it. Cobra allowing Mersona to get involved in hitting at Semana is so wrong. Children learn their environment that they are subjected to, whether its fake or real. Mersona is too young to understand it's just acting. On top of it, Kahil acts like a coward.
He’s so abusive. Those hits on the head only make her more crazy. Samane has every right to be angry with him. I don’t know why she stays with him. He’s never going to build her a house. But she has no right to enter Kobras house and destroy it. He didn’t build Kobras house, Yocoub did. He helped in the inside but that’s it. I think he has hopes that Kobra will let him stay. I hope she doesn’t, he’s lazy, doesn’t like to work. He’s only helping her out because he wants something in return. Just a comment, I know this ain’t real. I hope they don’t get rid of Samane, cuz then it would be very boring. 😂😂😂
Mi linda Mersana, aún no entiende que est es una historia. No me gusta el jiro que a dado esta historia,enseñando tanta violencia a Mersanita. No hay lake
Халил так тебе и надо. Нашел себе стоящую жену. Ты такую женщину как Кобра променял на ненормальную соплячку. Ведь в начале фильма у тебя была такая любовь к Кобре. Она женщина терпеливая, выдержанная родила тебе сына, так тебе и надо. Теперь ты от этой Саманы не в жизнь не отделаешся. А Кобра даст бог она поднимется, просто у нее сейчас руки связаны детьми маленькими. Будь счастлива Кобра, дай бог тебе сылы и здоровья.
Cabra e muito triste ver tantas brigas quandos esta mulher chegas na tuas casa e triste ver quando ver o hkaili er emboras ver a samaeneh a selvajem que mulher brutas❤❤❤❤❤❤
Kobra went through the same thing with her first husband who took her sister as a second wife. She took Mersana and ran away from him. That’s how she met Khalil when he was her cameraman.
Cobra at some point you will need to have kahlil make a decision. All this fighting for a man that will not leave his second wife. You are bring drama to yourself and marsana. It's kind of ridiculous. Kahlil did this to himself and is dragging you along. I love kahlil but this is too much
Mersana is growing to fast watching the violence very often in her surroundings. She don't deserve it. But if we noticed Mersana look more like Khalil now. Hope she'll be strong to support her mom and her brother. Despite all the chaos and troubles she still love and missed Khalil always and all the time. She showed respect and support and love to her father and mother especially her young brother. God bless them all. Amen and Amen
Khalil pay the dowry and divorce Samane...
He doesn’t like to work, how will he pay the dowry?
Esta criatura vale un mundo Que trabajadora es y esta en tos detalles ayudando a sus padres en todo Es un sol❤😂❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Very gud Mersana 👏👏👏
Khalil, for heavens sake. She, second wife, is nothing but a bratty teenager. What the heck are you thinking? Divorce her & get back with your family! Kobra looks like she will take you back & Mersana needs her Daddy! This is Not hard to figure out & get on with the process! He totally lost it before with such jealousy! I do believe he understands what he has done now! This child bride is Cruel & now trying to kidnap Mersana? How Dare her. The police should have been called on her. She is Dangerous for Kobra now after this Stupid move! OPEN YOUR EYES KHALIL!!
Кабри выгони их обоих если Халил не может решить свои проблемы то ему у тебя делать нечего чтобы на глазах у детей устраивали свои разборки
Khalil receives retribution from having Semana as his wife. A spoiled girl, emotional, aggressive, jealous, jealous of her husband and Cabri. Khalil loved him so much that he decided to divorce Khabri. with cute children Kabri is happy with his children, ignores Khalil, and watches them fight.
Its good for Khalil and Kabri be cause Kabri has to see Khalil every day like she cannot survive without seeing him after all he put her tru Kabri can drive why she cannot go for her tiles alone she depends on Khalil for everyting
ไม่มีตาหรือว่า อีนังงูเห่า ขาดซาดิสผู้ชายไม่ได้ อาลัยผู้ชายตลอดเวลา
Him and Cobra is still married.
They're allowed to have two wives over there.
So stop saying that they're not together they are still married.
What they do is nobody's business but theirs.
Khalil must make up his mind or getout of there once and for good! This behaviour is unacceptable towards Kobra and her children!!! Please call the Police and finally have this person put into prision!!!!!
Khalil like my previous comment , if it's impossible for you to get rid of your crazy wife pls stop going to Cobra's house. Cobra call the police and report this harassment and trespassing. Just wondering why you're tolerating Semane's bad behavior. You have to do something to stop this.
He's not going to leave his children
I guess you don't know him and Cobra are still married.
He's not going to leave his kids.
You're such a negative person.
All you do is complain about Khalil.
Yes he made a mistake whoop-dee-doo get over it.
If Cobra can get over it you have no say-so
You are a Debbie Downer
You do realize that him and Cobra are still married right.
He has every right to be there those are his kids.
If he was to walk away from his kids you would be dogging him for that.
Truly it is none of your business what they do.
TK operator for helping cobra,you!re generous,big heart,feminin spirit mostly scare everything from Canada ❤❤❤❤ God blessing you bye
Stop hitting a woman especially for the sake of Mersanna . Take legal action Divorce this wild thing
There is No Child Protective laws in that country and no women's rights.. they both have been abusing that baby from day one they used to let her play with ink pens the ink would be all in her mouth and all over her face and hands and scissors they had her on the roof of that rickety Shack they built
That's not the word to use Samane wild thing. She a stupid s.o.b. All Cobra has to do is go to the police and get a ppo on her, and if she steps a certain feet of Kobra's house she can be arrested and she was trying to take Mersana. She needs to grow up if she don't have her way she throws a tantrum. This stuff that she is doing has got to be STOP. She's one sick s.o.b.
Sometimes i find it strange how khalil acts with marsana it is not is child,he does not show the love for his son who is his own.
K…Your where you told your girlfriend once that you would never love any wife as much as you love Mersana…that was when you tried to get her to marry you and she said give up Mersana.that’s when you told the girl that…it’s when Kobra fell in the river and you was taking care of Mersana. Never forget those words hon. Don’t let SAMANA take you from Mersana
Report to the Police Authority she is disturbing ,fighting,in front of you.Samana must be learn lessons..she is very abusive,Kalil is only plastering your house for your kids.
Cobra como você pode aceitar esse tipo de situaçã acho que esses policiais que cumprem as ocorrências aí,são falsos.ligue pra polícia de verdade,e denuncie estar mulher,ela não pode chegar gritando,batendo e quebrando suas coisas.seja mulher e aja logo.
The police are fake and they are actors
Semana is crazy!!! I remember when Khalil used to be the camera man for kabri! And, she disappeared into the water. He raised mersana a long time. Taught her how to walk. I just love this channel. I. Love little mersana. And how Khalil loves her like his own.
He only had Marsana for a couple of months if that long until he found Cobra that does not give him parental rights
Khalil thats in life your choices. Wants more difficult even you struggle to raise 1 wife but in your stupidity leaving your family, chasing you but you pretending you never know them.... When you come back brought second wife now you wanted back your first wife... You deserve going to jail pay your sin
Khalil..kesilapan dari kamu..kamu kena perbetulkan keadaan yang kucar kacir...
А зачем тебе такой муж? Он привел беду в твой дом,сопливая девчонка устраивает у тебя дома скандалы.А что он? Ничего,просто уходит к ней спать.Зачем тебе эта грязь? Гони его вон,у тебя хватает подпищеков,чтобы оператор помогал.
Khalil this is all your fault!! You didn’t think there would be any confrontations or conflicts between Semana and Kabri? Why did you marry young Semana for in the first place? Are you even going to divorce her or are you just using her, you have obligations to Semana as well. Why did you put Mersana outside by Semana knowing she was upset with you? And why do you let Mersana run around in the tile yard where she could get hurt? You need to go home and settle things with Semana either divorce her or make sure she has a warm secure shelter. Don’t go sneaking over by Kabri and leaving Semana wondering where you are tell her where you’re going and when you will be back, be a man! If you don’t love her file for divorce.😮
Putting Marsana outside with her is child abuse. What’s wrong with you people! You’re getting just like the other channels. Anything for money!! You have people fooled into thinking you need help. I’ve lost all respect for this channel. When you shove a child into this soap opera the child should be removed by child services! Where are all the toys people have sent you? Back at your real house?
Shame on these parents who are abusing Mersana from day one.
@@nellychagniot4488 the child doesn't know
I agree where are these toys also how did she get out of car, no respect for the socks wearing outside with no shoes, allows her to do as she likes Evan with hot pans
Estoy de acuerdo es por Dinero que hacen todo esto.
No respectan los ninos.
.Como en Iran Las madres les entregan ninas a estos hombres adultos ....y fuera de eso casados con hijos Las madres son muy culpable de eso...tango entendido que ya habian proibido los matrimonios con ninas .entonces que estan mostrando solo violencia .que Nina tan violenta no respecta ni kobra ni los ninos y Como este hombre deja que los maltrate de Esa forma.
Por que no la denuncian almenos que no valla a la casa de kobra ni los se si no damos Mas me gusta.. esta sinveguensada se tiene wue acabar .por que no educan los hijos escuelashay gratis en todo el mundo ..en Iran tambien existe ya se dedicaron a consegir Dinero facil sin hacer nada
She is absolutely mad staying with Khalil when she knows he don't love her ,how bad it is to watch never will end as long as Khalil does nothing about it she will hurt his children just bad to see this just makes me feel sick poor daughter please don't send her out side to that girl , she could hurt her just dam bad to watch this
Meu Deus, que violência é essa na frente da criança 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Kahlli no estás más tranquilo y paz con tus hijos y Kobra y no con esa loca, que incluso pega a Marsana?😢😢😢❤❤❤
Operadora dá um jeito nessa mulher por favor não tehno paciência com essa mulher
BLAGODARIM NA OPERATORA ZA pomo6ta na semeistvoto SLAVA NA BOGA❤❤❤❤❤
Khalil sat on the swings wishing every day could be like this.........but knowing it can't be. But it was his choice to marry Semane.
Ya khalil vete de casa de kobra tú le causas muchos problemas y eso no es bueno para los hijos de kobra tú sólito te casaste con semaned ahora vete a trabajar y dale una casa a semaned y no estés intentando de quedarte en casa de kobra solo porque a khalil le conviene khalil es un hombre malo que sen temor golpea a una mujer delante de Marsana y no olvidar que golpeó a kobra estando embarazada kobra sacarlo de la casa termina tú el trabajo eres inteligente para que seas feliz con khalil nunca lo estarás Yo recuerdo la primera vez que khalil le pego a kobra fue porque no tenía trabajo y se desquita con ella kobra tú sola con tus hijos llegaras lejos ya tienes tu casa y tendrás muchas cosas más estando con khalil no será así a él solo le importa lo que manda la gente hasta eso le quería quitar a kobra y el policía solo vio cosas de Marsana FUERA KHALIL
To try take your daughter call police
طولها شبرين سامانا وتحمل كل هذة الوقاحه والقوة 😮
And can't be more than 16 years old.
Immer den streit anhören geht mir auf die 🙈🤯nerven ,ruft die polizei 👨✈️
철장 가서 살고와요
둘째하고 이혼한 대가 감옥가는수 박에 없지
Lelaki tak mungkin mencintai dua wanita dalam waktu yang bersamaan
Мерсаночка, какая ты хорошая.🎉😘 are very smart n clever girl..i❤u
The writers need to fix this situation. Khalil IS Mersana's real father. They had Khalil as Kobra's cameraman so they couldn't say she was his child but I think this is going to be a problem eventually for Mersana's self-esteem. Please find a way to fix this issue. Mersana is so very, very smart and sweet and loves her Daddy so much. She is so precious, and she should not be hurt and feel rejected by her father but that could happen if she hears it on here when he says, and Kora says he is not her father.She does not deserve to be hurt. I love you little girl 💕💕💕💕♥♥♥♥♥🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻💮💮💮
semana is haven't bad attitude
잘했어요. 칼릴씨 다시는 못오게해요. 마르사나 도 있는데 보기 앓조아요
Try not to let mersanna be jealous of the baby. She could hurt him when no one is looking .
Dont stop giving attention to the baby , let her get used to and understand they are both loved by their parents.
No entiendo como esta mujer Kabri permite esto porque no llama ala policia sis pobres niños viendo todo ests violencia y el mentado kallil no actua como un verdsdeto hombre se deja wue le pegué y lieho se va bien tranquilo con la mujermp entiendo
Mersana is gonna grow like an animal if you idiots keep this up!
I do find it weird how Khalil is always kissing and cuddling Marsana and asking her if she loves him and wants her to kiss him all the time she is not his daughter. That would not be right in my country is to much he is not her father . He does not even support the children so has no rights
مرحبا سلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته رسالة لخت كوبرا خليل كذاب يكذب عليك وخطة ياخذون بيتك هو ذا البنت المص أنت شفتي قصة خديجة وعلي وعلي كيف خذوا منها بيتها طها في الشارع مع طفلها ترى الخليل لو انه يحبك ما تزوج عليك تحياتي أخت محب لك الله يسعدك❤❤❤❤
Halillll Allah yardımcın olsun inşallah bu deliyle
shes crazy .is bad thing to break all utinsel
God blesses your day both operator video Grapher camera man and cobra mersana and the little angel and Khalil. God have mercy to this young lady who runs a havoc constantly. Please please please operator, provide money for Khalil so he can pay the dowry to divorce his one of his wife. Kahil did an awful mistakes. He has to pick who is more than in his heart
Thank you for your support and your prayers! 🙏
مرحبا سلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته رسالة لخت كوبرا خليل كذاب يكذب عليك وخطة ياخذون بيتك هو ذا البنت المص أنت شفتي قصة خديجة وعلي وعلي كيف خذوا منها بيتها طها في الشارع مع طفلها ترى الخليل لو انه يحبك ما تزوج عليك تحياتي أخت محب لك الله يسعدك❤❤❤❤
Khalil, you are a man!! Please do something about your crazy 2nd wife!!! Why are you afraid of her? I am very curious to know the reason ..... script writer please explain, it has been going on for too long. Not a good story line, a young wife who keeps on beating the husband??? It's too much!!!!!!!!!!
Agree with you they have to change their script. Other channels full of fighting .
Call police it is bad influence for mersana to witness
Though this is fake story or drama but the action and the actor your second wife is over extremely act in this utube channel story and most of the viewers dislike it and might leave watching this utube channel or Khalil you have to divorce her as soon as possible so that you can have a peaceful life together with your wife and kids back .
They will not have a peaceful life with no money and Khalil does not like going to work so their live will never be better and such a sad life for the children they should not have have to like that in a hut in this day and age
Stop sending that child outside Kobra,look yourself,stop using Mersana she’s a baby
칼리 둘째랑 이혼하세요
법적이 조치는 받아 드리고 어쩔수 없잔아
코브라 와 아이들이 보는 자리에서 첩은 어쩔수없다
Menima mersana você é linda. Demas
Why don’t Khalil ever hold and love on his son? B
Mersana is very jealous of the baby when Khalil is around,watch the baby
Na minha opinião esse casamento com essa moleca não existe, é só uma encenação das piores que já assisti, deveriam se envergonhar de tantas brigas,cobri dê um jeito nessa situação,please,please 🙏🏻
Just look how happy you guys can talk together and there's never no fighting which is so fantastic now you going to go to the park that is so fantastic I just wish you guys were together I wish you would get a divorce I really really do not between you two but the other girl that just doesn't seem to calm down it's just crazy I love you and I love the little girl the baby and the first wife you deserve to be together not with that girl she's never going to change if she does I'd be shocked and maybe she's just jealous before everything was fine remember when she was staying there at your first wife and wanted to hide from you she was staying there and I don't get this at all I just want to see all units together except especially not the second wife❤❤😊
Será que Cobra ainda acha que ele é marido dela?! Porque não senta no banco de trás! Ainda nais com bebê!😥
This is absolutely horrible.
Marsana makes these videos she so amazing helps mom and so little I love her so❤❤❤
esta situação não pode ficar assim você tem que tomar uma atitude esta mulher esta quebrando tudo você tem que conversar com o pai dos teu filhos
Samaneh is just a teenagers 14 yrs old .. why Khalil should listen to what she says n want ..
Divorce samaneh , so u don't have any headache anymore .. marriage is living in happy life , but this small girl is trying to be a QUEEN CONTROL ...
Why everyone should be afraid of samaneh .. she have a bad attitude and no manners ..
Samantha is only 14 years old??? What is Kahili doing with a child???
카메라맨님 너무하내요
这些男人只可以有两三个老婆跟他睡 他们日子活的很开心,没钱饿死的无所谓 孩子生了又不用养,老婆换了一个又一个,没钱没房没车 都无所谓,最重要老婆要多😂
Por que Khalil não devolve a maluca para o hospício de onde a tirou?
Good job my little princess Mersana by picking all the utensils on the ground.. unlucky you because the second wife of your father.
Thank you for your support and your kind words.
I know this is all fake, like a soap opera. But subjecting these children to the violence that Kahil's supposely 2nd wife brings is a form of child abuse. Kahil is also responsible for it. Regardless the children should not be subjected to it. Cobra allowing Mersona to get involved in hitting at Semana is so wrong. Children learn their environment that they are subjected to, whether its fake or real. Mersona is too young to understand it's just acting. On top of it, Kahil acts like a coward.
Caliu seja homem de verdade toma Titude de homem e decide qual mulher vc quer casou só pra abandonar o outra no deserto toma uma decisão 😮😮
요즘은 첩이 더 무섭다
코브라 가만이 나두나요
목들미 잡고 뱅뱅 돌려 버리지 그래야 겁 먹고 함부러 와서
그런 행동안하지
저여자 아주 무식한 여자다 칼리 저여자 될고집에가서 요절을 내야지
둘이서 가서 싸워야지 왜 아이엄마 한테와서 괴롭히고 있노
He’s so abusive. Those hits on the head only make her more crazy. Samane has every right to be angry with him. I don’t know why she stays with him. He’s never going to build her a house. But she has no right to enter Kobras house and destroy it. He didn’t build Kobras house, Yocoub did. He helped in the inside but that’s it. I think he has hopes that Kobra will let him stay. I hope she doesn’t, he’s lazy, doesn’t like to work. He’s only helping her out because he wants something in return. Just a comment, I know this ain’t real. I hope they don’t get rid of Samane, cuz then it would be very boring. 😂😂😂
salam kalil stop semana to break all utinsel
Marsana is jealous of the baby please do not let her be on her own with the baby she could hurt him.
Why on earth Kobra doh sit in the back seat with the baby and Mersana its dangerous for her to sit in front with the baby
Leva ela junto! Assim ela vai ver quem pag azulejos!
Khalil you should never hit a woman at all. It is disrespecting and besides she is a child too.
Io lo vedo sempre a metà perché quando arriva samane spengo
Esa casa no es de khalil es de cbra😡😡😡😡
Love Marsana, she is very intelligent girl.She act like adult person.God blessed , Marsana.♥️😘
Samane is yang looking another parson
❤❤❤❤kahlil liebe Kobra heiraten fertig ❤
Why are you letting mersana run along the car and be alone in that yard while you are unloading the tile. Very dangerous
Como é que Cobra deixa essa coisa jogar as coisas dele no chão como se fosse lixo. Ela parece que gosta de badala
Mersana is very helpful picking up items for .um❤❤❤
Why don’t you just pay the rest of the walls? It’ll look nice. Painted a color that’s on your tile and be done with it.
Mi linda Mersana, aún no entiende que est es una historia. No me gusta el jiro que a dado esta historia,enseñando tanta violencia a Mersanita. No hay lake
Kobra call the police 🚨
Халил так тебе и надо. Нашел себе стоящую жену. Ты такую женщину как Кобра променял на ненормальную соплячку. Ведь в начале фильма у тебя была такая любовь к Кобре. Она женщина терпеливая, выдержанная родила тебе сына, так тебе и надо. Теперь ты от этой Саманы не в жизнь не отделаешся. А Кобра даст бог она поднимется, просто у нее сейчас руки связаны детьми маленькими. Будь счастлива Кобра, дай бог тебе сылы и здоровья.
Call the police keep her away from the children
la panthere est de retour
Cabra e muito triste ver tantas brigas quandos esta mulher chegas na tuas casa e triste ver quando ver o hkaili er emboras ver a samaeneh a selvajem que mulher brutas❤❤❤❤❤❤
Kobra went through the same thing with her first husband who took her sister as a second wife. She took Mersana and ran away from him. That’s how she met Khalil when he was her cameraman.
You are lucky Jacob is not around..
Cobra at some point you will need to have kahlil make a decision. All this fighting for a man that will not leave his second wife. You are bring drama to yourself and marsana. It's kind of ridiculous. Kahlil did this to himself and is dragging you along. I love kahlil but this is too much
خليل طلق الطفله سامانا المتوحشه
Butun gunu qucaginda uşagi tutub durmsann.niyeee
God love her,picking up the stuff off the floor,not in my world
…and eating it!
Khalil you get a big mistake in your life...much better to devorce her.
Denuncien es secuestro eso q iso😡😡😡👹