@ksa non les traditions c'est pas forcément de la sorcellerie, il y a des traditions qui ne détruits pas, ce qui fait bouger la paille je ne peux pas te le dire malheureusement c'est des secrets qu'on ne diffuse pas sinon j'en subirai des conséquences
SO beautiful and Royal.....loving this, understanding and dispell the true demons on this page daring to try and diminish our greatness which comes from GOD... we of African descent....First beings...came to save this earth when the devil fell and decided it was greater. The greatest of all are the least on this earth..WE AFRICANS WITH OUR MAGIC STRAIGHT FROM GOD
@@enightened12024 Donc le diable c'est l'homme blanc c'est ça ? En fait vous parlez comme les esclavagistes de l'époque... C'est triste. Vous êtes aussi mauvais que ces esclavagistes vous êtes le diable (mais vous personnellement pas tous les noirs) ! Et Mandela qui a été opprimé et jeté en prison pendant des décennies et en sortant qui pardonne à ses oppresseurs ça vous parle ? La grandeur, ça vous dit quelque chose ? Ou vous voulez peut-être nous faire subir ce que vos ancêtres ont subi ? Ouai c'est une solution et après nos petits enfants voudront se venger etc ... On pourrait peut-être avancer, dans les pays démocratiques (qui étaient des pays blancs) aujourd'hui tous les êtres humains ont les mêmes droits ...
الله لا إله إلا هو الحي القيوم لا تأخذه سنة ولا نوم له ما في السماوات و ما في الأرض من ذا الذي يشفع عنده إلا بإذنه يعلم ما بين ايديهم و ما خلفهم و لا يحيطون بشيئٍ من علمه إلا بما شاء وسع كرسيه السماوات والارض ولا يؤده حفظهما و هو العلي العظيم
Hello to you, I am Beninese and I know well the tradition of my country alongside VODOOU as well as the history of slavery in my country. If you want to know better the Beninese religion on the VODOO side or for the history of my country, know that I am the right person to guide you better. My WhatsApp number: +229 67921691 Thank you?
Hello to you, I am Beninese and I know well the tradition of my country alongside VODOOU as well as the history of slavery in my country. If you want to know better the Beninese religion on the VODOO side or for the history of my country, know that I am the right person to guide you better. My WhatsApp number: +229 67921691 Thank you??
Hello to you, I am Beninese and I know well the tradition of my country alongside VODOOU as well as the history of slavery in my country. If you want to know better the Beninese religion on the VODOO side or for the history of my country, know that I am the right person to guide you better. My WhatsApp number: +229 67921691 Thank you..
@@fernandogomes8710 الله تعالى يقول بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم (لا إكراه في الدين) ويقول عز وجل على لسان نبيه (لكم دينكم ولي ديني)... الإيمان يكون في ان يُترك العبد ليختار دينه بنفسه. وهؤلاء أختاروا ديناً لهم.
Ewes lets keep our tradition and culture,tradition and our indigenous spirituality only ourselves.They have ever since been after our great ancestors chasing and with intention to completely destroy our spiritual system which they can never never. As all knowing Evevio,we are and it is deeply rooted in us as it is with Moses in the Bibla
Hello to you, I am Beninese and I know well the tradition of my country alongside VODOOU as well as the history of slavery in my country. If you want to know better the Beninese religion on the VODOO side or for the history of my country, know that I am the right person to guide you better. My WhatsApp number: +229 67921691 Thank you..
Hello to you, I am Beninese and I know well the tradition of my country alongside VODOOU as well as the history of slavery in my country. If you want to know better the Beninese religion on the VODOO side or for the history of my country, know that I am the right person to guide you better. My WhatsApp number: +229 67921691 Thank you.?
_¡¡Vaya, pero qué cosas!!, mira tú. Hasta se da la vuelta el cono ese, como demostrando que en su interior no hay ninguna personas que lo esté moviendo, como muchos dicen que hay alguien ahí adentro, moviéndole. Este vídeo está muy bueno, ¿quiénes lo grabaron?, ¿los francese?_
Hello to you, I am Beninese and I know well the tradition of my country alongside VODOOU as well as the history of slavery in my country. If you want to know better the Beninese religion on the VODOO side or for the history of my country, know that I am the right person to guide you better. My WhatsApp number: +229 67921691 Thank you.?
Hello to you, I am Beninese and I know well the tradition of my country alongside VODOOU as well as the history of slavery in my country. If you want to know better the Beninese religion on the VODOO side or for the history of my country, know that I am the right person to guide you better. My WhatsApp number: +229 67921691 Thank you?
Hello to you, I am Beninese and I know well the tradition of my country alongside VODOOU as well as the history of slavery in my country. If you want to know better the Beninese religion on the VODOO side or for the history of my country, know that I am the right person to guide you better. My WhatsApp number: +229 67921691 Thank you?
É tudo interessante, mas uma cois me deixa na dúvida, o que aconteceu com a galinha? De onde veio? Pra onde foi? Esses espíritos conseguem teletransportar objetos através do espaço tempo? A nossa física iria achar interessante saber como isso funciona.
Aquí en México, y por lo visto en otras culturas, dicen que se puede hacer brujería con partes específicas de los pollos, corazón, vísceras, etcétera. No soy creyente, pero respeto mucho a las personas que si, nunca esta de más... 😅😂
Hello to you, I am Beninese and I know well the tradition of my country alongside VODOOU as well as the history of slavery in my country. If you want to know better the Beninese religion on the VODOO side or for the history of my country, know that I am the right person to guide you better. My WhatsApp number: +229 67921691 Thank you.?
This magicians are using jinns and they sacrifice the blood and animals to them. JINNS are creatures existed with us, Allah created them from smokles fire they see us but we cannot see them, Satan or devils are part of Jinns. Thanks God for Islam that clarifying a lot of things from the knowledge of the unseen
Hello to you, I am Beninese and I know well the tradition of my country alongside VODOOU as well as the history of slavery in my country. If you want to know better the Beninese religion on the VODOO side or for the history of my country, know that I am the right person to guide you better. My WhatsApp number: +229 67921691 Thank you..
This magicians are using jinns and they sacrifice the blood and animals to them. JINNS are creatures existed with us, Allah created them from smokles fire they see us but we cannot see them, Satan or devils are part of Jinns. Thanks God for Islam that clarifying a lot of things from the knowledge of the unseen
This magicians are using jinns and they sacrifice the blood and animals to them. JINNS are creatures existed with us, Allah created them from smokles fire they see us but we cannot see them, Satan or devils are part of Jinns. Thanks God for Islam that clarifying a lot of things from the knowledge of the unseen
If you eat meat, you can't complain about a chicken. If you want to complain, go to the door of big companies that kill millions of cows, pigs and chickens a day.
É isso mesmo? O negócio se move sozinho? Caracas!Se pensarmos que o berço de tudo é lá lá África, não é de se espantar tamanho poder.Juro que eu estou vendo , mas gostaria de encontrar alguma coisa , pra dizer que é um truque.Mas eu acredito.Mesmo porque um dia uma cadeira foi lançada pra cima de mim dentro de casa.E eu estava sozinha.
Y'a quelqu'un à l'intérieur.pourquoi il ne pond pas de l'or où de l'argent à la place du poulet serpent ou crocodile.quand je pense que les gens y croient
Hello to you, I am Beninese and I know well the tradition of my country alongside VODOOU as well as the history of slavery in my country. If you want to know better the Beninese religion on the VODOO side or for the history of my country, know that I am the right person to guide you better. My WhatsApp number: +229 67921691 Thank you..
Hello to you, I am Beninese and I know well the tradition of my country alongside VODOOU as well as the history of slavery in my country. If you want to know better the Beninese religion on the VODOO side or for the history of my country, know that I am the right person to guide you better. My WhatsApp number: +229 67921691 Thank you.?
Hello to you, I am Beninese and I know well the tradition of my country alongside VODOOU as well as the history of slavery in my country. If you want to know better the Beninese religion on the VODOO side or for the history of my country, know that I am the right person to guide you better. My WhatsApp number: +229 67921691 Thank you..
Hello to you, I am Beninese and I know well the tradition of my country alongside VODOOU as well as the history of slavery in my country. If you want to know better the Beninese religion on the VODOO side or for the history of my country, know that I am the right person to guide you better. My WhatsApp number: +229 67921691 Thank you?
Hello to you, I am Beninese and I know well the tradition of my country alongside VODOOU as well as the history of slavery in my country. If you want to know better the Beninese religion on the VODOO side or for the history of my country, know that I am the right person to guide you better. My WhatsApp number: +229 67921691 Thank you.?
@@mclovin3939 This is not spirits, this called jinns another creatures, they see us but we cannot see them. JINNS are creatures existed before human beings and wicked people use magic to work this stuff with them and some magicians can harm people with black magic, thanks God for Islam that made the picture clear for all this.
A África era um continente muito rico antes da democracia, a africa se tornou um lugar pobre e miseravel por causa da grande quantidade de corrupção... Va procurar saber antes de falar merda
1:19 ---- 4 people lifting the thing, seems to be heavy, maybe the weight of the person inside at the top of it? the same person showing the feet here 3:15 - very creative, I read Muslims brothers posting that it is a devil's trick, well, respect, but it isn't witchcraft.
Hello to you, I am Beninese and I know well the tradition of my country alongside VODOOU as well as the history of slavery in my country. If you want to know better the Beninese religion on the VODOO side or for the history of my country, know that I am the right person to guide you better. My WhatsApp number: +229 67921691 Thank you.?
there are cultures and civilizations that date 10,000 years ago outside of Africa .. as for this ... not sure how they are doing it .. but until we get some study and information about it .. i'd say it's just a satanic practice
Hello to you, I am Beninese and I know well the tradition of my country alongside VODOOU as well as the history of slavery in my country. If you want to know better the Beninese religion on the VODOO side or for the history of my country, know that I am the right person to guide you better. My WhatsApp number: +229 67921691 Thank you.?
Salut, j'aimerais savoir pourquoi avoir jeter une poule dans ce "masque du Bénin" , je ne pence pas que la poule sois capable de porter ce masque et tourner de cette façon. dans ce cas ce que je doit comprendre c'est que cette poule a été offerte à quelque chose qui est à l’intérieur de ce masque bénin en échange si l'on peut dire pour qu'il accepte de danser. c'est un rituel. Est ce que c'est un djinn qui danse et qui fait bouger ce Masque sinon qui ça peut bien être si ce n'est pas cela.
Tu as raison , c'est exactement ca qui est entrain de ce passer, le benin est l'un des dernier pays en afrique ou la sorcellerie (ou appel cela comme tu veut lool) est la religion officiel
Appeller ça comme vous voulez. Mais essayez de voir les avant de juger .moi jai vécu dans une zone où ces festivals sont réguliers. C'est un mystère , une spiritualité d'un autre niveau . je t'invite a découvrir un 10 janvier
Hello to you, I am Beninese and I know well the tradition of my country alongside VODOOU as well as the history of slavery in my country. If you want to know better the Beninese religion on the VODOO side or for the history of my country, know that I am the right person to guide you better. My WhatsApp number: +229 67921691 Thank you?
Hello to you, I am Beninese and I know well the tradition of my country alongside VODOOU as well as the history of slavery in my country. If you want to know better the Beninese religion on the VODOO side or for the history of my country, know that I am the right person to guide you better. My WhatsApp number: +229 67921691 Thank you?
J'adore notre tradition africaine 🥰 c'est ma plus grande richesse 😌
@ksa non les traditions c'est pas forcément de la sorcellerie, il y a des traditions qui ne détruits pas, ce qui fait bouger la paille je ne peux pas te le dire malheureusement c'est des secrets qu'on ne diffuse pas sinon j'en subirai des conséquences
SO beautiful and Royal.....loving this, understanding and dispell the true demons on this page daring to try and diminish our greatness which comes from GOD... we of African descent....First beings...came to save this earth when the devil fell and decided it was greater. The greatest of all are the least on this earth..WE AFRICANS WITH OUR MAGIC STRAIGHT FROM GOD
"All sorcerers shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death." - Revelation 21:8
@@christrevelation4043 Jup the sourcerers that came by boat to ensalve and enrich themselfes on the back of others!! in the name of that bible.
@@enightened12024 Donc le diable c'est l'homme blanc c'est ça ? En fait vous parlez comme les esclavagistes de l'époque... C'est triste. Vous êtes aussi mauvais que ces esclavagistes vous êtes le diable (mais vous personnellement pas tous les noirs) !
Et Mandela qui a été opprimé et jeté en prison pendant des décennies et en sortant qui pardonne à ses oppresseurs ça vous parle ? La grandeur, ça vous dit quelque chose ? Ou vous voulez peut-être nous faire subir ce que vos ancêtres ont subi ? Ouai c'est une solution et après nos petits enfants voudront se venger etc ... On pourrait peut-être avancer, dans les pays démocratiques (qui étaient des pays blancs) aujourd'hui tous les êtres humains ont les mêmes droits ...
So impressive and beautiful. Thanks for sharing this amazing video about an amazing culture.
Greetings from Mexico! 🙌🏽🇲🇽✌🏽
الله لا إله إلا هو الحي القيوم لا تأخذه سنة ولا نوم له ما في السماوات و ما في الأرض من ذا الذي يشفع عنده إلا بإذنه يعلم ما بين ايديهم و ما خلفهم و لا يحيطون بشيئٍ من علمه إلا بما شاء وسع كرسيه السماوات والارض ولا يؤده حفظهما و هو العلي العظيم
Please explain
We African's are so powerful hope we could all go back to our cultures and embrace what we have
Isso é puro.... está lá na África no berço da magia e oculto. Fascinante 🙌👐👏👏👏
Obrigado, pelos menos vc não julgou como alguém
Isso é satanismo.
@@Rothschildpobretao educate yourself clown
بسم الله الذي لايضر مع اسمه شي في الارض ولا في السماء وهو السميع العليم
Destination dedougou à ne pas manquer chaque deux ans
2:20 "Lol obviously a person is inside."
2:24 WHAT THE FU-"
But seriously. What the fuck.
أعوذ بكلمات الله التامات من شر ما خلقت بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
دا جن اكيد فعلا
اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم استغفر الله باسم الله الذي لايضر مع اسمه شيء في الارض ولا في السماء وهو السميع العليم
Obaida sord هناك شخص نحيف داخل
ماعتقد انو في شخص نحيف هذا السحر عبدة الشيطان
يضنون أرواح أجدادهم ولاكن مع الأسف هي مجرد شياطين ترقص والعياذ بالله
نغمات المطر
وهل يقدر شخص نحيف يحرك كل هذه وبهذه السرعه الرهيبه اظن انك لو تشيل قطعه من المخيمه تطيح في الارض
هذا السحر يسمونه الفودو
Y más encima danza de cabeza... Increible😯
Hello to you, I am Beninese and I know well the tradition of my country alongside VODOOU as well as the history of slavery in my country.
If you want to know better the Beninese religion on the VODOO side or for the history of my country, know that I am the right person to guide you better.
My WhatsApp number: +229 67921691
Thank you?
ملاحظ ان الأشخاص المحيطين بهذا الشكل المخروطي مهتمين بترتيب القش بين الحين و الآخر ،
وحرصهم هذا يدل على انهم يخشون انكشاف امر الشخص الذي بالداخل
u got right
لو نقرأ عليهم القرآن لما استطاع السحرة تحريك شيء
كلمك صحيح والله
القرآن مخصص لدينك وليس لدين آخر. إذا كنت تهتم به كثيرًا ، فلماذا لا تبحث عن مقاطع فيديو حول القرآن بدلاً من مشاهدة الديانات الأفريقية؟
@@fernandogomes8710 عن أي دين تتحدث في أفريقيا أفريقيا في المسيحية الإسلام وبعض التقاليد القديمة
@@fernandogomes8710 لا يوجد شيء كهذا كله كذب وانت واقع في الكذب القرآن فوق كل شيء
Pois é, concordo
Que Força Sobrenatural 💕..! Esse vídeo mostra que nao tem uma pessoa e ss uma entidade, parabéns..! Estou passada
Tu e MANO?
Like here in our wilderness
Nice dance and music
Hello to you, I am Beninese and I know well the tradition of my country alongside VODOOU as well as the history of slavery in my country.
If you want to know better the Beninese religion on the VODOO side or for the history of my country, know that I am the right person to guide you better.
My WhatsApp number: +229 67921691
Thank you??
If I was the chicken I'd want to run for my life too after being treated like that! I couldn't care less how big an obstacle I had to overcome.
That’s a sacrifice
You better keep quiet and respect our African culture fool. 🇿🇲
@@mambo5476 "African culture fool". Enough said.
Respec our culture
Fcukkk ur culture 🤣
This is the best comment section if you can read all languages lol
Vanessa Owens please let me know what they are saying??
Por supuesto po amigo 🇨🇱
Geweldig als je zoveel talen machtig bent!
Simon Garçon
Hello to you, I am Beninese and I know well the tradition of my country alongside VODOOU as well as the history of slavery in my country.
If you want to know better the Beninese religion on the VODOO side or for the history of my country, know that I am the right person to guide you better.
My WhatsApp number: +229 67921691
Thank you..
La magia esta en el aire, siempre estuvo ahi.
bien sûr
Yo si creo soy religiosa de corazón
el chiste es hacer creer a laspersonas que no haynadie dentro, peroen todo momento hay una persona dentro, con la misma vestimenta
@@venuzanahi1288 Si no has vivido esto en carne propia mejor ni opines.
@@venuzanahi1288 Y una persona no puede correr a tal velocidad.
اعوذ بكلمات الله التامات من شر ما خلق و بكلمات الله التامات من شر ما خلق اعوذ بكلمات الله التامات من شر ما خلق رددوها ثلاث مرات
porque todos dices eso?
que significa?
إذا كان إلهك قويًا كما تقول ، فلن يسمح بوجود أديان أخرى. يريد الله فقط أن يكون للناس حب للآخرين ، فهو لا يهتم إذا اتبعوا الديانات الأخرى.
@@fernandogomes8710 الله تعالى يقول
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
(لا إكراه في الدين) ويقول عز وجل على لسان نبيه (لكم دينكم ولي ديني)... الإيمان يكون في ان يُترك العبد ليختار دينه بنفسه. وهؤلاء أختاروا ديناً لهم.
بسم الله الذي لايضر مع اسمه شيء في الأرض ولا في السماء والسمبع العليم. اعوذ بكلمات الله التامات من شر ما خلق وذرا وبرا.
Go to hell
We all have our culture so you can believe in what you want
Hola,disculpen mi ignorancia pero... dentro de eso hay alguna persona? Como es que se mueve?!
Ewes lets keep our tradition and culture,tradition and our indigenous spirituality only ourselves.They have ever since been after our great ancestors chasing and with intention to completely destroy our spiritual system which they can never never.
As all knowing Evevio,we are and it is deeply rooted in us as it is with Moses in the Bibla
Hello to you, I am Beninese and I know well the tradition of my country alongside VODOOU as well as the history of slavery in my country.
If you want to know better the Beninese religion on the VODOO side or for the history of my country, know that I am the right person to guide you better.
My WhatsApp number: +229 67921691
Thank you..
Hello to you, I am Beninese and I know well the tradition of my country alongside VODOOU as well as the history of slavery in my country.
If you want to know better the Beninese religion on the VODOO side or for the history of my country, know that I am the right person to guide you better.
My WhatsApp number: +229 67921691
Thank you.?
اعوذ بكلمات الله التامات من شر ماخلق اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
متنوع diverse اعوذ بكلمات الله التامات من شر ما خلق
هل هذا حقيقة ام هناك خدعة ؟؟؟
متنوع diverse
@@arrwaarrwa8127 can you please explain this in English.
@@dmetrious7882 google translate
Es correcto
_¡¡Vaya, pero qué cosas!!, mira tú. Hasta se da la vuelta el cono ese, como demostrando que en su interior no hay ninguna personas que lo esté moviendo, como muchos dicen que hay alguien ahí adentro, moviéndole. Este vídeo está muy bueno, ¿quiénes lo grabaron?, ¿los francese?_
Hello to you, I am Beninese and I know well the tradition of my country alongside VODOOU as well as the history of slavery in my country.
If you want to know better the Beninese religion on the VODOO side or for the history of my country, know that I am the right person to guide you better.
My WhatsApp number: +229 67921691
Thank you.?
Magia negra pura .. só quem entende sabe como funciona isso ai, muitos acham que são alguém ali em baixo mas não é..
O quê que tem ali dentro?
eu sei o que é isoo
@@stevenana-e2k Um demônio!...Espíritos não existem, agora demônios sim!
Si hay alguien aabajo ya lo han explicado.
*(ولا يفلح الساحر حيث اتى)*
اعوذ بالله السميع العليم من الشيطان الرجيم
Que tristeza os comentários de brasileiros.. Deve ser impressionante esses rituais ao vivo.
आश्चर्यजनक सत्य ,बहुत बहुत शुभकामनाएं इंडिया से ।
Its so cool the diferents cultures
Hello to you, I am Beninese and I know well the tradition of my country alongside VODOOU as well as the history of slavery in my country.
If you want to know better the Beninese religion on the VODOO side or for the history of my country, know that I am the right person to guide you better.
My WhatsApp number: +229 67921691
Thank you?
todos aqui alabando esa cultura
Que cultura linda 😻
Hello to you, I am Beninese and I know well the tradition of my country alongside VODOOU as well as the history of slavery in my country.
If you want to know better the Beninese religion on the VODOO side or for the history of my country, know that I am the right person to guide you better.
My WhatsApp number: +229 67921691
Thank you?
Isso e macumba
Isto é adoração aos demônios,só deus pode liberta este povo desta segueira
Qu’Allah nous préserve 🤦🏾♀️
Arrete raciste et convertiseur de l'islam
wAllah sa fais grave peur en plus en vrai
É tudo interessante, mas uma cois me deixa na dúvida, o que aconteceu com a galinha? De onde veio? Pra onde foi? Esses espíritos conseguem teletransportar objetos através do espaço tempo?
A nossa física iria achar interessante saber como isso funciona.
Ela é como uma isca, acredito eu, que seja uma oferenda.
E que realmente seja tudo verdade.
Aquí en México, y por lo visto en otras culturas, dicen que se puede hacer brujería con partes específicas de los pollos, corazón, vísceras, etcétera. No soy creyente, pero respeto mucho a las personas que si, nunca esta de más... 😅😂
Like kaderk's spin tables in 19th century. It's a spiritual phenomenon
A torture to the white chicken. Why not leave the chicken alone 😓
Bra chickens are man made we will be ok without chickens
That is not a chiken. It is a spirit in the form of a chicken.
Very good
Hello to you, I am Beninese and I know well the tradition of my country alongside VODOOU as well as the history of slavery in my country.
If you want to know better the Beninese religion on the VODOO side or for the history of my country, know that I am the right person to guide you better.
My WhatsApp number: +229 67921691
Thank you.?
Que hermosas costumbres alrededor del mundo y más de nuestros hermanos los negros 💓
I'm not gonna lie what did I just watch, and did they just possessed a hay stack?🙁🤔 Lmao, 🤣🤣🤣.
This magicians are using jinns and they sacrifice the blood and animals to them. JINNS are creatures existed with us, Allah created them from smokles fire they see us but we cannot see them, Satan or devils are part of Jinns. Thanks God for Islam that clarifying a lot of things from the knowledge of the unseen
Wow mantap! Bisa gitu
Hello to you, I am Beninese and I know well the tradition of my country alongside VODOOU as well as the history of slavery in my country.
If you want to know better the Beninese religion on the VODOO side or for the history of my country, know that I am the right person to guide you better.
My WhatsApp number: +229 67921691
Thank you..
اعود بكلامات الله التام من شري ماخلق
i reject any negative energy and impartations from this video in Jesus name!!
This magicians are using jinns and they sacrifice the blood and animals to them. JINNS are creatures existed with us, Allah created them from smokles fire they see us but we cannot see them, Satan or devils are part of Jinns. Thanks God for Islam that clarifying a lot of things from the knowledge of the unseen
So are you guys telling me there is nobody inside ? 😮
What did you see
This magicians are using jinns and they sacrifice the blood and animals to them. JINNS are creatures existed with us, Allah created them from smokles fire they see us but we cannot see them, Satan or devils are part of Jinns. Thanks God for Islam that clarifying a lot of things from the knowledge of the unseen
poor chicken :(
I know
If you eat meat, you can't complain about a chicken. If you want to complain, go to the door of big companies that kill millions of cows, pigs and chickens a day.
That chicken came spiritually, so it has to go back spiritually. Nothing poor about that chicken.
The motion came from the spirit of the chicken...the chicken transcended in spirit...don't feel sorry..
É isso mesmo? O negócio se move sozinho? Caracas!Se pensarmos que o berço de tudo é lá lá África, não é de se espantar tamanho poder.Juro que eu estou vendo , mas gostaria de encontrar alguma coisa , pra dizer que é um truque.Mas eu acredito.Mesmo porque um dia uma cadeira foi lançada pra cima de mim dentro de casa.E eu estava sozinha.
Realmente esta movendo sozinho, fiquei 3 dias com isso na cabeça, as vezes certas coisas não é bom ver.
Mano isso é réal , édo meu país. São eles que guardam a noite . é do benin
ta sego ou ficou ...tem uma pessoa ai dentro pode que a todo momento os caras ficam ageitndo
Très bonne démonstration
C'est Magnifique!!
Ce masque est de loin le plus mysterieux que j'ai jamais vu.
Y'a quelqu'un à l'intérieur.pourquoi il ne pond pas de l'or où de l'argent à la place du poulet serpent ou crocodile.quand je pense que les gens y croient
@@jennymiller9768 bah pourquoi quand il soulève y’a personne dedans
@@synay_5334 parce qu'il est caché dans les parois
@@jennymiller9768 c un serpent ou un humain qui le contrôle faut savoir … comment ça dans les parois ???😂
@@jennymiller9768 une personne ne peux pas réaliser ces danses il y'a personnes a l'intérieur
سحر و شعوذة ..لا حول ولا قوه الا بالله العلي العظيم.الحمد لله على نعمه الاسلام وكفى بها نعمة.
ولا يفلح الساحر حيث أتى..
That was beautiful 😍
Wonder shall never end
hello i am from indian
Ahora que dirán los que no creen en ésto? V:
Salve Brasil Aqui kkkkk
Salve salve kkkk
Salve ._
Hello to you, I am Beninese and I know well the tradition of my country alongside VODOOU as well as the history of slavery in my country.
If you want to know better the Beninese religion on the VODOO side or for the history of my country, know that I am the right person to guide you better.
My WhatsApp number: +229 67921691
Thank you..
لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله ☝️
You are Fanatic
@@arielfacundo9684 no god but allah . This is the truth
Fedor Amuricano maybe you should take a trip to benin and check him out
@@jamesgoussanou this is stupid illusion
Put a camera inside, the midget is there, camouflaged..
@@JustADude908 you a stupid ass still sleep supid sheep im a african and i know this shit is real ! you lying to yourself
Tsar de quoi tu parle quel illusion tu ne connais rien donc
Ouais t'as vu
L'espace commentaires est un vrai régal pour les polyglottes 😂😂😂
Oh ouaiis 😂😂😂😂
buen video. es bueno recordar la tradición
Hello to you, I am Beninese and I know well the tradition of my country alongside VODOOU as well as the history of slavery in my country.
If you want to know better the Beninese religion on the VODOO side or for the history of my country, know that I am the right person to guide you better.
My WhatsApp number: +229 67921691
Thank you.?
Ninguém é dono da verdade, mas, se fosse na Europa, todos estavam elogiando.
Hello to you, I am Beninese and I know well the tradition of my country alongside VODOOU as well as the history of slavery in my country.
If you want to know better the Beninese religion on the VODOO side or for the history of my country, know that I am the right person to guide you better.
My WhatsApp number: +229 67921691
Thank you..
Como se le llama a eso?
Joga um litro de gasolina aí e toque 🔥, aí a gente vai ter certeza se têm gente ou não.
Tem vídeo que e assim
E so prestar atenção, tem uma parte que ele fica de lado mostrando que não tem ninguem dentro
Não tem gente
Doctor strange is living in Africa
You wanted us to believe that there's no one inside so why the other guys are arranging the stuff
Have you ever been to Africa?
Even it has gone upside down you still dont believe iyeeh take a trip n watch live
Hello to you, I am Beninese and I know well the tradition of my country alongside VODOOU as well as the history of slavery in my country.
If you want to know better the Beninese religion on the VODOO side or for the history of my country, know that I am the right person to guide you better.
My WhatsApp number: +229 67921691
Thank you?
Hello to you, I am Beninese and I know well the tradition of my country alongside VODOOU as well as the history of slavery in my country.
If you want to know better the Beninese religion on the VODOO side or for the history of my country, know that I am the right person to guide you better.
My WhatsApp number: +229 67921691
Thank you.?
Wow this is awesome
Aí está a resposta pq aafrica tem uma nação sofrida, geração após geração
Importante mente horrendo, 😱😱😱😱😱, quien giraba esos conos y de donde salio el muñeco y la gallina, no podre dormir jamás
I want to do more research on this. like what it’s like for them at night when Dey have to sleep? 🤣🤦🏽♀️🔥
I believe they are some type of spirit who they call protectors? Not so sure but nothing holy about this. This is some wicked stuff
@@mclovin3939 its spirits. nothing wicked.
@@RyanHawk1ET nothing holy about it either
@@mclovin3939 define “holy”
This is not spirits, this called jinns another creatures, they see us but we cannot see them. JINNS are creatures existed before human beings and wicked people use magic to work this stuff with them and some magicians can harm people with black magic, thanks God for Islam that made the picture clear for all this.
Africa is rich in everything.
You are right because I know of a powerful voodoo priest there
Realizando estos rituales de ocultismo nos podemos dar cuenta la grave situación de África y por qué les va tan mal, que Dios los perdone
E com que autoridade pode afirmar que o Deus certo é o seu?
Good question .....I'm from south africa
Explain please! What is moving that?
Es algo impactante
No me gusta cómo le tratan a la ave
Igual pobre se la ceno el fantasma qué llevaba a dentro 🤣
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم قل هو الله احد الله الصمد لم يلد ولم يولد ولم يكن له كفوا احد .
no entiendo
Por isso que a africa sofre tanto.
Sufren por la colonization.
A África era um continente muito rico antes da democracia, a africa se tornou um lugar pobre e miseravel por causa da grande quantidade de corrupção... Va procurar saber antes de falar merda
1:19 ---- 4 people lifting the thing, seems to be heavy, maybe the weight of the person inside at the top of it? the same person showing the feet here 3:15 - very creative, I read Muslims brothers posting that it is a devil's trick, well, respect, but it isn't witchcraft.
Not only are smart straws, perhaps the great weight is due to the fact that it is a large piece of wood!
Vive le bénin
Hello to you, I am Beninese and I know well the tradition of my country alongside VODOOU as well as the history of slavery in my country.
If you want to know better the Beninese religion on the VODOO side or for the history of my country, know that I am the right person to guide you better.
My WhatsApp number: +229 67921691
Thank you.?
See how those men around it trying so hard not to expose the person inside it.
The real human cultures are in Africa
More like the real human cultures are outside 'Murica. You can't deny me this. Americans melting pot may be but the culture they have not certainly.
This is Satanism not culture.
Saul Dean this evil Satan not culture
there are cultures and civilizations that date 10,000 years ago outside of Africa ..
as for this ... not sure how they are doing it .. but until we get some study and information about it .. i'd say it's just a satanic practice
@alanbev there are non-white racial groups outside Africa .. i know it sounds insane
but it is how it is ..
... invoquing demons...
bijeto اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
Hello to you, I am Beninese and I know well the tradition of my country alongside VODOOU as well as the history of slavery in my country.
If you want to know better the Beninese religion on the VODOO side or for the history of my country, know that I am the right person to guide you better.
My WhatsApp number: +229 67921691
Thank you.?
How does that move😲
استغفرالله الحمدالله على الاسلام
Amazing cultures
اسم الله الزهره ومحمد وعلي دخيلك ربي
كيف تساوي الله مع خلقه اتقي الله لايجوز الدعاء بغير الله
اخواني وخواتي لا تخافون كل كذب لان في واحد بالداخل هو اللي يرقص ويكذبون على الناس يقولون ان الجن هو اللي يفتر والله كل كذب
ALFDRiLY GeMer الفدرالي قيمر
كذب عينك صدك خشمك !
هدا مايسمى بسحر الفودو
Tellement de choses que vous ignorez.et nous gardons ces secrets pour nous
Salut, j'aimerais savoir pourquoi avoir jeter une poule dans ce "masque du Bénin" , je ne pence pas que la poule sois capable de porter ce masque et tourner de cette façon. dans ce cas ce que je doit comprendre c'est que cette poule a été offerte à quelque chose qui est à l’intérieur de ce masque bénin en échange si l'on peut dire pour qu'il accepte de danser. c'est un rituel. Est ce que c'est un djinn qui danse et qui fait bouger ce Masque sinon qui ça peut bien être si ce n'est pas cela.
Tu as raison , c'est exactement ca qui est entrain de ce passer, le benin est l'un des dernier pays en afrique ou la sorcellerie (ou appel cela comme tu veut lool) est la religion officiel
Appeller ça comme vous voulez. Mais essayez de voir les avant de juger .moi jai vécu dans une zone où ces festivals sont réguliers. C'est un mystère , une spiritualité d'un autre niveau . je t'invite a découvrir un 10 janvier
@@godonoumarius3909 n’empêche c’est la sorcellerie vieux
Ils nous prennent pour des cons, les parois sont aussi large, pour masquer la personne en question dedans.
@@godonoumarius3909 ce sont des démons point.
RAM I love you
Que incrível magnífico😍
Hello to you, I am Beninese and I know well the tradition of my country alongside VODOOU as well as the history of slavery in my country.
If you want to know better the Beninese religion on the VODOO side or for the history of my country, know that I am the right person to guide you better.
My WhatsApp number: +229 67921691
Thank you?
مساكن ملحقهمش الاسلام بقاو غير فى الجهل تاعهم الحمدلله على نعمة الاسلام
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم اعوذ بالله من شر ماخلق
A huevo compadre
That real magicstuff
Hello to you, I am Beninese and I know well the tradition of my country alongside VODOOU as well as the history of slavery in my country.
If you want to know better the Beninese religion on the VODOO side or for the history of my country, know that I am the right person to guide you better.
My WhatsApp number: +229 67921691
Thank you?
سلام قول من رب رحيم
لسه الاسلام مش واصلهم 😢
Que pedo
This is with battery
the real deal
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم