【タイムスタンプ Timestamp】 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 0:01 配信START 1:14 声入り(With voice) 2:00 OPとーく (Opening Talk) 4:37 ボイスガチャランキング (The official announcement of the Voice Gacha ranking will be made next year, but the top winners) 5:18 久しぶりのご褒美結果,,, (MUZU gambled for the first time in a long time and lost.) 9:09 蟹の行方 (MUZU said he would buy crab in yesterday's voice gacha ranking, but he had a busy schedule and couldn't go buy it.) 12:16 「冷凍って無限じゃないの?」 (MUZU is thinking of eating crab that has been stored in the freezer for two years.) 18:45 「買うよ」 (A listener commented, urging MUZU not to eat the crabs they have, and they decide to buy new crabs.) 23:43 猫アレルギー (MUZU is allergic to cats) 25:36 アレルギー対策 (MUZU is allergic to cats so he is taking precautions.) 26:38 ロブスターの値段 (The price of lobster) 27:52 贅沢な幼少期 (When MUZU was a child, he ate a lot of shellfish, but he got tired of eating too many.) 30:05 「向いてない」 (It's very difficult to keep eating the same food) 36:02 一口、二口が食べられない (MUZU cannot finish food even if there is leftover food when he is full.) 39:55 MUZUと食べるペースの波長が合う唯一の人 (MUZU eats at a fast pace, so she's on the same wavelength as her sister.) 42:31 「絶望だよ」 (MUZU's personal story) 1:42:11 チャンネル登録11500人突破 (Over 11,500 subscribers) 2:31:22 MUZUのレパートリー (MUZU repertoire songs) 2:36:00 🎵 2:36:18 いろいろアニメの話 (Various anime chats) 2:48:11 毎日配信継続中 (Streaming every day) 2:51:10 MUZUはのめり込むタイプ (MUZU is the type to get absorbed in) 2:53:53 MUZUが歌っている理由 (Why MUZU is singing) 2:56:51 毎日配信が出来ている理由 (The reason why MUZU continues to stream every day is because the listeners have good manners) 2:58:56 MUZUのチャット読みポリシー (MUZU's chat reading service does not read anti-comments) 3:07:14 MUZUが使用しているPC関連 (Computer keyboard chat) 3:13:59 車のタイヤ (Car Tires) 3:16:41 パンク経験話① (A chat about my experience with a flat tire) 3:22:07 レッカー車のルール (If you need a tow truck from a long distance, you will have to use public transportation.) 3:24:36 タイヤのパンク経験話② (Chatting about my experience with a MUZU tire puncture) 3:28:47 MUZU9連休 (MUZU is worried that the nine-day holiday will distort people's sense of time and end it all too soon.) 3:32:21 今後のスケジュール (MUZU's upcoming stream schedule is "I want to play games") 3:46:44 波酔い経験 (MUZU has experienced seasickness at the beach) 3:50:56 エンディングパート (Ending Talk) 3:53:35 スパチャ&メンバー加入・継続&メンバーギフト感謝お礼読み上げタイム (Time to read out thank you notes for Super Chat, joining/continuing membership, and member gifts) 3:54:48 蟹は来年 (MUZU will purchase crabs next year in a stream to celebrate winning the top positions in the voice gacha rankings) 3:58:03 終わりの挨拶 (End of stream greeting is Otsumuzu) ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー
【セットリスト Setlist】12/28
1:01:17 ~ 1:06:09
(Itteki no Eikyou/UVERworld)
1:09:23 ~ 1:13:12
1:15:00 ~ 1:20:05
(03🤧)Tomorrow never knows/
1:22:51 ~ 1:27:42
1:30:30 ~ 1:35:16
(05🤧)コンプリケイション/ROOKiEZ is PUNK'D
(Complication/ROOKiEZ is PUNK'D)
1:37:05 ~ 1:43:04
(06🤧)一番の宝物(Original version)/karuta
(Iciban no Takarono/karuta)
1:48:21 ~ 1:53:03
(Hiyoku no Hane/eutonius)
1:55:48 ~ 1:59:56
(08🤧)BAKUROCK ~未来の輪郭線~/
(BAKUROCK~Mirai no Rinkakusen~/YA‐KYIM)
2:03:32 ~ 2:09:00
(Hon no Sukosi/UVERworld)
2:10:33 ~ 2:15:29
2:19:18 ~ 2:24:46
(Hai Mondaisaku/UVERworld)
Thank you for the stream
Well done on 11500 subscribers 1:42:28 🎉🎉
Have a good night
【タイムスタンプ Timestamp】
0:01 配信START
1:14 声入り(With voice)
2:00 OPとーく
(Opening Talk)
4:37 ボイスガチャランキング
(The official announcement of the Voice Gacha ranking will be made next year, but the top winners)
5:18 久しぶりのご褒美結果,,,
(MUZU gambled for the first time in a long time and lost.)
9:09 蟹の行方
(MUZU said he would buy crab in yesterday's voice gacha ranking, but he had a busy schedule and couldn't go buy it.)
12:16 「冷凍って無限じゃないの?」
(MUZU is thinking of eating crab that has been stored in the freezer for two years.)
18:45 「買うよ」
(A listener commented, urging MUZU not to eat the crabs they have, and they decide to buy new crabs.)
23:43 猫アレルギー
(MUZU is allergic to cats)
25:36 アレルギー対策
(MUZU is allergic to cats so he is taking precautions.)
26:38 ロブスターの値段
(The price of lobster)
27:52 贅沢な幼少期
(When MUZU was a child, he ate a lot of shellfish, but he got tired of eating too many.)
30:05 「向いてない」
(It's very difficult to keep eating the same food)
36:02 一口、二口が食べられない
(MUZU cannot finish food even if there is leftover food when he is full.)
39:55 MUZUと食べるペースの波長が合う唯一の人
(MUZU eats at a fast pace, so she's on the same wavelength as her sister.)
42:31 「絶望だよ」
(MUZU's personal story)
1:42:11 チャンネル登録11500人突破
(Over 11,500 subscribers)
2:31:22 MUZUのレパートリー
(MUZU repertoire songs)
2:36:00 🎵
2:36:18 いろいろアニメの話
(Various anime chats)
2:48:11 毎日配信継続中
(Streaming every day)
2:51:10 MUZUはのめり込むタイプ
(MUZU is the type to get absorbed in)
2:53:53 MUZUが歌っている理由
(Why MUZU is singing)
2:56:51 毎日配信が出来ている理由
(The reason why MUZU continues to stream every day is because the listeners have good manners)
2:58:56 MUZUのチャット読みポリシー
(MUZU's chat reading service does not read anti-comments)
3:07:14 MUZUが使用しているPC関連
(Computer keyboard chat)
3:13:59 車のタイヤ
(Car Tires)
3:16:41 パンク経験話①
(A chat about my experience with a flat tire)
3:22:07 レッカー車のルール
(If you need a tow truck from a long distance, you will have to use public transportation.)
3:24:36 タイヤのパンク経験話②
(Chatting about my experience with a MUZU tire puncture)
3:28:47 MUZU9連休
(MUZU is worried that the nine-day holiday will distort people's sense of time and end it all too soon.)
3:32:21 今後のスケジュール
(MUZU's upcoming stream schedule is "I want to play games")
3:46:44 波酔い経験
(MUZU has experienced seasickness at the beach)
3:50:56 エンディングパート
(Ending Talk)
3:53:35 スパチャ&メンバー加入・継続&メンバーギフト感謝お礼読み上げタイム
(Time to read out thank you notes for Super Chat, joining/continuing membership, and member gifts)
3:54:48 蟹は来年
(MUZU will purchase crabs next year in a stream to celebrate winning the top positions in the voice gacha rankings)
3:58:03 終わりの挨拶
(End of stream greeting is Otsumuzu)