Special Relativity: This Is Why You Misunderstand It

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 26 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 6K

  • @MrVasile
    @MrVasile ปีที่แล้ว +1309

    I always learn something from Dr. Sabine. Today one of the things I learned is that in Germany they teach the Pythagoras Theorem in kindergarten!

    • @angellestat2730
      @angellestat2730 ปีที่แล้ว +54

      I would not be surprise if she is the one who learn that when she was in kindergarten :)

    • @KwieKokosnuss
      @KwieKokosnuss ปีที่แล้ว +52

      From her view the math and physics of your school time are kindergarten basics. ;-)

    • @garysevenofnine
      @garysevenofnine ปีที่แล้ว +19

      I came here to write this and saw you beat me to it. 😆

    • @janami-dharmam
      @janami-dharmam ปีที่แล้ว +3

      but I now have no questions that answers; I am confused!

    • @jmaniere
      @jmaniere ปีที่แล้ว +28

      Otherwise Sabine's "special" humor ...

  • @treeinthewood
    @treeinthewood ปีที่แล้ว +32

    Things I learned from this video: 1. Einstein obliterated the Minkowski bobblehead industry; 2. Physicists' humor doesn't exceed 45°; 3. Newton was concerned with buckets; 4. Flat earthers aren't entirely wrong; 5. Climbing a mountain can accelerate aging. Taking a selfie near a black hole can promote longevity, though.

  • @jandobbelsteen8953
    @jandobbelsteen8953 ปีที่แล้ว +31

    Nice video! That reminds me: in 2005, the Dutch astrophysicist Vincent Icke published a simple book: "Niks relatief, De speciale relativiteitstheorie zonder formules", which translates to "Nothing relative, Special Relativity without Formulas". It takes him only 70 pages to completely explain in layman's terms what it is all about. The nice thing about the book is, that if you flip it upside down and start reading from the back, you will have a book "Nothing Relative, Special Relativity WITH Formulas". This side only takes 63 pages. I'm sorry, I think it's never been translated into other languages than Dutch, but if you're German, you might be able to read it and understand it (according to a German colleague, you might have to read out loud).

  • @TheReaverOfDarkness
    @TheReaverOfDarkness ปีที่แล้ว +55

    I think your teaching style is great. I always understand things way better after watching your videos than anywhere else. And part of that is because on some of these topics, you're one of the few sources who actually seems to understand the subject in the first place.

    • @w0tch
      @w0tch ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Yeah exactly, the sad truth is that she is among the few who actually deeply understand these stuff

  • @ChuckHenebry
    @ChuckHenebry ปีที่แล้ว +118

    Those books you and I read 30 years ago were written in a style designed to maximize the reader's sense of wonder, because wonder (and a dash of incomprehension) is what sold books. What I love about your videos, Sabine, is that you never stoop to that cheap rhetorical trick. You're here to give us understanding, not gobbledygook.

    • @SirBlot
      @SirBlot ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Maybe I had a better book than ppl on here.

    • @croozerdog
      @croozerdog ปีที่แล้ว +4

      These days it's articles like "The universe isn't real"
      People flip out, not their fault really, these articles don't care to explain what "real" means in science and that it isn't the same as a philosophical or social real haha

    • @Nat-oj2uc
      @Nat-oj2uc ปีที่แล้ว

      Huh what a nonsense. There was no conspiracy or any agenda. First of all maybe you're not smart enough to understand those books. Secondly being taught simplified explanation so you could think you got it isn't the same as actually getting it.
      And the most important thing is those books were written many years ago and there was not enough time to simplify it to your liking. You think she would be able to explain it that way if there was no previous knowledge she built her understanding on?

  • @brilliantcosmicspeck7956
    @brilliantcosmicspeck7956 ปีที่แล้ว +71

    Love your descriptions Sabine. You explain things very well. I have been sending your videos to my mom who, for some reason, is convinced she cannot understand science. Your videos are proving her notion wrong and she is getting interested in science. We now have something additional to talk about. Thank you Sabine !!

    • @stoyanfurdzhev
      @stoyanfurdzhev ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I bet your mom is a very religious person.

    • @ewanholmes4559
      @ewanholmes4559 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I mean my mum is similar and she's not religious at all

    • @lucashouse9117
      @lucashouse9117 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@stoyanfurdzhev most older people are just not interested in learning new things. Religion doesn't have much to do with it.

    • @andoletube
      @andoletube ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@stoyanfurdzhev stupid comment

    • @robertnull
      @robertnull ปีที่แล้ว

      Cool story, though I bet special relativity will still prove to be too hard a topic to digest for her :)

  • @jamesduncan6729
    @jamesduncan6729 ปีที่แล้ว +168

    Sabine's videos contain the most accurate and concise summations of these kinds of topics and I absolutely love it ❤️

    • @eonasjohn
      @eonasjohn ปีที่แล้ว +3


    • @chriskennedy2846
      @chriskennedy2846 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Many of Sabine’s science videos are very informative and provide a great public service to non-scientists looking to better understand confusing topics such as: quantum theory or nuclear fusion. Unfortunately, we will not be able to add this relativity video to her list of shining examples. It is riddled with erroneous statements and also relies on a convoluted explanation that will appear to be complete gobbledygook to a non-scientist seeking a better understanding of relativity and the twin paradox. She even contends that you don’t need gravity or general relativity to solve the twin paradox.
      Einstein’s official explanation for the twin paradox was published in 1918 (titled: Dialog about objections against the theory of relativity) and broke down comparative time dilation events between stationary and traveling twins into 5 steps:
      1) initial acceleration away from Earth 2) constant (inertial) velocity away from Earth after acceleration to desired speed 3) slowing, turning around and reaccelerating to head back toward Earth 4) constant (inertial) velocity toward Earth 5) slowing down and coming to a complete stop back on Earth.
      Contrary to what Sabine claims in this video, Einstein explained that step 3) was responsible for resolving the paradox because a “gravitational field” appeared due to the fact that the traveler experienced an acceleration that was equivalent to gravity. (This is known as the Principle of Equivalence and was published by Einstein in 1911.) This was mentioned by Sabine with her elevator example toward the end of this video as she (correctly) showed that a person in an elevator being pulled up (by the elevator) would feel their feet pressing against the floor and it would be indistinguishable from being in a motionless elevator on the surface of the Earth. Einstein contends that since at the step 3) turnaround, the traveling twin would be in a lower position of the induced gravitational field, the traveler would experience an additional slowing of clock time that the Earth twin would not experience and this would explain how the traveling twin would have aged less than the Earth twin upon reunification at the end of the Journey.
      If you are not familiar with Einstein’s 1911 Equivalence paper, please seek it out and read it or find Richard Feynman’s explanation using light pulses in The Feynman Lecture on Physics series (which you can find for free online).
      Once you have a good grasp of how the elevator explanation justifies the difference in clock times by comparing the frequency shift of light signals (or time intervals of light pulses) you will see how this doesn’t apply to Einstein’s 1918 example. This turned out to be a big problem for Einstein.
      There is nothing (to my knowledge) in the historical record about the reason for the physics community’s endorsement of the Einstein 1918 explanation while Einstein was alive and then later, the quiet shift toward replacing that resolution with the “space-time” diagram example which is now everywhere, including in this video.
      It’s possible that enough smart scientists spotted the error that Einstein made in the attempted resolution of his own theory and replaced it with the “space-time” diagram. By the way - the official resolution used by most spacetime diagrams these days is to completely remove acceleration from the example by having triplets instead of twins. The triplet traveling away from Earth simply transfers her clock time to the third triplet traveling the same velocity (from farther out) toward Earth. The exact moment when their paths cross - the outward triplet will transfer her clock time to the Earthbound triplet and continue the simulated non-accelerating journey. I will give the community credit. Although this explanation is also a complete work of fiction and is science at its almost worst, at least (unlike Einstein 1918) it is self-consistent, so the community will get as much mileage out of this explanation until more people realize that actual time dilation experienced in the GPS clock system (which is a very real phenomenon that I do not dispute) shows that neither Einstein 1918 or space-time 2023 have no basis in reality.

    • @YbisZX
      @YbisZX ปีที่แล้ว +5

      I don't think so. If "acceleration causes time-dialation", you may think that total dialation of time depends on the periods of acceleration.
      But it is wrong. Bob can accelerate in the same short periods (hours) and travels for years with constant velocity - resulting time dialation will depend on time and speed of the main part of the journey. Changing the frame of reference (acceleration) may be the cause of the start of the time-dialation, but amount of dialation depends on total path.

    • @NoNameAtAll2
      @NoNameAtAll2 ปีที่แล้ว

      please add uncertainty values

    • @SheanHoxie
      @SheanHoxie ปีที่แล้ว +1

      It’s cause she gets rid of the gobbledygook 😂

  • @geoffreymilward3293
    @geoffreymilward3293 ปีที่แล้ว +32

    What I particularly liked was your distinction between proper time and co-ordinate time. Thank you. It's really helped me understand geodesics in GR in a much more geometric way.

    • @stylis666
      @stylis666 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Indeed. That was always confusing to me and this was like having all the puzzle pieces that still didn't make a picture just shoved in place in one move by Sabine and boom: picture :D And I was like, ooooooooh, well that explains a lot :D
      Somehow instead of being all abstract and shizzle Sabine ties it to the actual universe making it all far more practical and real and way easier to understand.

    • @iurlc
      @iurlc 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Are you sure you understand really what she is telling with this diagram and 45° light for speed of light and the hyperbolic curves?
      @3:40 45° for speed of light is an error. When something move with the speed of light, the time stand still. There is no choose for an other angle than 0° to the right in the diagram. Think about the light clock which explain special relativity. If the one you look at is standing still relative to you, the light in his light clock jumps up and down. When he accelerate, you will see the light beam of his clock get diagonal and the clock ticks slower. If he gets (which is not real possible) speed of light, the light beam will move horizontal with him and the clock stand still. No ageing!!!
      The explanation of the twin paradox is not correct. Make the twin paradox with 3 twins symmetrically! One is moving to the left, one is moving to the right and on remains on earth. Due to the complete symmetrically situation, the moving twins must see each other younger! And the one remain on earth will see both a little younger. Why should it not possible to see each other younger?
      There is an issue with seeing the other older. Imagine they are real single egg twins (same gender, same look like). If one of the twins see after the journey the other twin older, than he can see into the future. He will see e.g. if he is 20 years after the other return from flight, how he will look like when he is e.g. 40 years like his returning twin. And this should not possible. If you draw your diagram correct, you will see, that there is no possibility, that they can come to the same time coordinate. So there is always a time difference between them, and if you draw the diagrams for both you will see that the other one is always back in time - so the other one is always younger.
      Her acceleration story is also wrong. Imagine an endless train station and an endless train. In each cabin of the train is a light clock you can see also from outside. And at the train station in same distance like the cabins are also light clocks. When standing still all light clocks are synchronized (have the same number of counts on the displays). Both the one on train station and the one in the train see the same time. Now the train accelerate. The one in the train see train light clock with normal speed, but with increasing speed the light clocks at the train station ticks slower. The one at the train station see clock from the train station with normal speed but the clock in the train ticks slower. And when the train decelerate the one in the train see the clocks at the train station become faster until they have the normal speed when the train stops.
      And the one on the train station see the clocks in the train become faster until they have the normal speed when the train stops. But for the one in the train the clocks at the station have less ticks count. For the one at the station the clocks in the train have less ticks count. There is no difference caused by acceleration, if the acceleration is 1g. And at the way back the same happens. So both see each other younger!!!! And even when you take in account length contraction. There is now way, that in this example the clock from one ticks faster then from the other one.
      And finally - if you think the traveling one see the earth one older - what does it mean? It means, that from the view of the traveling one (his clocks tick from his view normal) that the clocks from the earth one have speed up. But which formula on physics show speeding up clocks? If traveling speed e.g. is 0.5c and as long you accelerate with values man did not die, you can neglect the influence of acceleration cause by general relativity.
      I like her videos - but this one was simply retelling wrong stories, which are based on a lot of tiny wrong assumptions - starting with the wrong diagram, where traveling with speed of light is 45° (or other) instead of 0° to the right in her example.

    • @HoratioHoodoo
      @HoratioHoodoo 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      YES! So frustrated that I hadn't heard it stated this way before.

    • @geoffreymilward3293
      @geoffreymilward3293 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@iurlc in SR the light cone always has 45° angles in my frame of reference, in my coordinate time and space. In the rest frame of the photon there isn't a meaningful space time diagram, indeed photons can be said not to have a rest frame. When I taught SR I always emphasized always be clear which frame you are measuring the coordinates in.

    • @iurlc
      @iurlc 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@geoffreymilward3293 This 45° is a big error. Imagine something else than a photon. e.g. small molecule. Imagine it is moving very close to the speed of light. No matter which scale you use for time and space. I can find a speed for this molecule, that with the selected scale of the diagram it will have an angle very close to the x-axis. So speed of light can't be 45°. With logical extension (higher speed than the molecule), it must be 0° (equal the x-axis).

  • @mcwolfbeast
    @mcwolfbeast ปีที่แล้ว +182

    Definitely a great, condensed description that is a lot less confusing and allowed me to grasp a few fundamental principles that eluded me so far because they were never explained to me in relation to each other. Thank you, Sabine!

    • @jovetj
      @jovetj ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Ha! I see what you did there...

    • @stoyanfurdzhev
      @stoyanfurdzhev ปีที่แล้ว

      You deserved your like

    • @ix12
      @ix12 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@jovetj what did s/he do there? :) I feel like I'm missing smth :)

    • @jovetj
      @jovetj ปีที่แล้ว

      @@ix12 Raving about the "condensed" description of things very small (e.g. light)

  • @alonamaloh
    @alonamaloh ปีที่แล้ว +65

    I must have read the same incomprehensible books 30 years ago. I ended up becoming a mathematician and I never formally studied Relativity. This is far, far better. Thank you!

    • @hyperduality2838
      @hyperduality2838 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      GRAVITATION is equivalent or dual (isomorphic) to ACCELERATION -- Einstein's happiest thought, the principle of equivalence or duality!
      Space is dual to time -- Einstein.
      Time dilation is dual to length contraction -- Einstein, special relativity.
      The Twin paradox is duality -- which twin is actually moving?
      Questions are dual to answers.
      Points are dual to lines -- the principle of duality in geometry.
      Space, length, distance is defined by two dual points -- space duality.
      The future is dual to the past -- time duality.
      We predict (syntropy) the future and remember the past.
      Absolute time (Galileo) is dual to relative time (Einstein) -- time duality.
      My absolute time is your relative time and your absolute time is my relative time -- time duality.
      If time is dual them space must be dual.
      Time duality is dual to space duality.
      Duality within duality!
      "Always two there are" -- Yoda.

    • @bsadewitz
      @bsadewitz ปีที่แล้ว +1

      It is astonishingly simple, yet profoundly counterintuitive. I actually had already understood most of what was in this video. To do this, (I think!) you just consider time as another dimension. It doesn't even matter whether it actually is or not (whatever that even means). I thought of it like this: a helicopter has three degrees of freedom it can move in--the three dimensions. Now, just presume that everything actually moves at the speed of light. Add a fourth dimension. Now, think of the helicopter: any motion in one of the three spatial dimensions is motion that is not happening any of the other dimensions--including the temporal dimension. Now, its speed in three dimensions is the sum of its speed moving in each of the spatial dimensions. Now, as everything moves at the speed of light, its motion in the fourth dimension is the speed of light minus however fast it is moving in the fourth dimension. Light, therefore, does not move in the fourth dimension at all, and the faster you go in the three spatial dimensions, the slower you will go in the fourth dimension. Gravity is the curvature of space-time itself, and this changes the "distance" one must travel to get between two points in a given amount of time. That is gravitational time dilation.
      Of course, without the math this is just a fanciful narrative. It does not even get us to a testable hypothesis. If I could do that, I'd be a physicist. ;-)

    • @bsadewitz
      @bsadewitz ปีที่แล้ว

      @@hyperduality2838 Equivalence is not duality. The two concepts are orthogonal.

    • @hyperduality2838
      @hyperduality2838 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@bsadewitz Orthogonality, perpendicularity = duality.
      Duality:- two equivalent descriptions of the same thing -- Leonard Susskind, physicist.
      Are you saying Einstein & Susskind are idiots?
      Equivalence, similarity = duality!
      Wave are equivalent or dual to particles -- quantum duality.
      In physics you learn to generalize everything -- abstraction.

    • @bsadewitz
      @bsadewitz ปีที่แล้ว

      @@hyperduality2838 I didn't even call you an idiot, so why would I be calling Suskind an idiot? What I'm saying is that the equivalence principle simply is not what you seem to be implying it is (?) It refers to the equivalence of gravitational and inertial mass.
      Look, I've been down this road before. William James wrote in his treatise on the subjective effects of nitrous oxide:
      "There is a reconciliation ! Reconciliation ^conciliation ! By God, how that hurts ! By God, how it does n t hurt ! Reconciliation of two extremes. By George, nothing but othmg ! That sounds like nonsense, but it is pure 0#sense ! Thought deeper than speech ! Medical school; divinity school, school! SCHOOL! Oh my
      God, oh God, oh God ! The most coherent and articulate sentence which came was
      this : -
      There are no differences but differences of degree between
      different degrees of difference and no difference."
      This reminds me of what you're saying now. James concluded that, "the togetherness of things in a com
      mon world, the law of sharing, of which I have said so much,
      may, when perceived, engender a very powerful emotion ; that
      Hegel was so unusually susceptible to this emotion throughout
      his life that its gratification became his supreme end, and made
      him tolerably unscrupulous as to the means he employed; that
      indifferentism is the true outcome of every view of the world
      which makes infinity and continuity to be its essence, and that
      pessimistic or optimistic attitudes pertain to the mere accidental
      subjectivity of the moment; finally, that the identification of
      contradictories, so far from being the self-developing process
      which Hegel supposes, is really a self-consuming process, pass
      ing from the less to the more abstract, and terminating either in a laugh at the ultimate nothingness, or in a mood of vertiginous
      amazement at a meaningless infinity."

  • @alex.pozgaj
    @alex.pozgaj ปีที่แล้ว +48

    Wonderful! I saw 1000 videos about these topics already, and I thought to have quite a solid understanding of it sll, but this video really made it all fall into place!
    "Acceleration is not relative" is so important, but I don't think I ever heard it before.

    • @HowardS185
      @HowardS185 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      ditto here, and I have a BS and MS in physics!

    • @snack711
      @snack711 ปีที่แล้ว

      what i dont understand is how you define absolute acceleration without gravity. but maybe im missing the point.

    • @HowardS185
      @HowardS185 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@snack711 If you were in an area of free space, far from any sources of gravity, and someone turned on your rocket engine, you would feel the acceleration. This would happen regardless of your initial motion.

    • @cazcam2000
      @cazcam2000 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@HowardS185 That's because of "Inertia". Inertia opposes a change in motion.

    • @TheHesseJames
      @TheHesseJames ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@c4pt4ina69 It is relative. You could indeed put it like that. You also could say that when on Earth, sitting at your desk you are constantly accelerating at 1 g. It would be equal to sitting in a spaceship accelerating at 1 g.

  • @johnt.inscrutable1545
    @johnt.inscrutable1545 ปีที่แล้ว +21

    This was so entertaining and elucidating as well. Sadly, what it elucidated for me was how little I fully understand these ideas. Though intuitively they seem to makes sense.
    Thank you,

  • @markpmar0356
    @markpmar0356 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    I would say that this explanation of the twins paradox, hyperbolic curves in spacetime, and the difference between co-ordinate time and proper time is the best I've seen so far. I can understand the difference between "e equals m c squared" and "e equals gamma m c squared" more fully now and you've done this with fewer words and fewer diagrams as well. Even the math portion is accessible. So, thumbs-up from this viewer. The key, finally, is to more fully grasp the difference between acceleration and the gravitational effect.

  • @carcharhinus_555
    @carcharhinus_555 ปีที่แล้ว +75

    Oh my god, this was *so much* better than most of the books! It's a comprehensible explanation for anybody with a bit of understanding of maths. Ok, it requires the "leap of faith" in the maths in the beginning, but it answers a lot of questions answers to which are surprisingly hard to find, on which others used hundreds of pages and didn't come close. Immediately bookmarked for the next time someone is curious. Honestly: this is *really* good - or at least it applies very well to my type 🙂

    • @DrWhom
      @DrWhom ปีที่แล้ว

      too bad

    • @BruteZ7957
      @BruteZ7957 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @fkeyvan
      @fkeyvan ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Her explanation is incorrect. But she says with a lot of confidence

    • @BruteZ7957
      @BruteZ7957 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@fkeyvan how so

    • @fkeyvan
      @fkeyvan ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@BruteZ7957 because she says that Alice is at rest because there are no forces on her. And that Alice’s proper time is therefore not the longest. But that’s only true from Alice’s frame. Not from Bob’s. From Bob’s rest frame Alice is moving. According to Bob , Alice moves away turns around and returns. Therefore according to Bob , Alice has the longer proper time and Bob measures Alice’s clock ticking less. I think the mistake Sabine makes is considering all motion from Alice’s frame only. In other words she considers Alice’s frame as absolute rest

  • @morenofranco9235
    @morenofranco9235 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Kerist! Sabine! This sounds like learning calculus at my father's desk. He was fun about everything EXCEPT math. That is when the beating and ear twisting started. I NEVER failed math at school. Failure=Pain. And today, 60 years later... I UNDERSTAND EXACTLY, what relationship you are describing. I love you.

  • @yesthatsam
    @yesthatsam ปีที่แล้ว +100

    It’s clearly the best way to explain it I’ve encountered in over 30 years of interest on the subject. Especially because you presented both special and general relativities, and used each time the same examples (paradoxes, spring, …), that helped so much. I hope there is an award for physics vulgarisation because this video would win it hands down. Thank you very much for this exceptional clarity.

    • @hyperduality2838
      @hyperduality2838 ปีที่แล้ว

      GRAVITATION is equivalent or dual (isomorphic) to ACCELERATION -- Einstein's happiest thought, the principle of equivalence or duality!
      Space is dual to time -- Einstein.
      Time dilation is dual to length contraction -- Einstein, special relativity.
      The Twin paradox is duality -- which twin is actually moving?
      Questions are dual to answers.
      Points are dual to lines -- the principle of duality in geometry.
      Space, length, distance is defined by two dual points -- space duality.
      The future is dual to the past -- time duality.
      We predict (syntropy) the future and remember the past.
      Absolute time (Galileo) is dual to relative time (Einstein) -- time duality.
      My absolute time is your relative time and your absolute time is my relative time -- time duality.
      If time is dual them space must be dual.
      Time duality is dual to space duality.
      Duality within duality!
      "Always two there are" -- Yoda.

    • @berniv7375
      @berniv7375 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      There is not an award for the vulgarisation of physics I am glad to say but there should be an award for the popularisation of physics.

    • @RWin-fp5jn
      @RWin-fp5jn ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Agree, but is also exceptionally wrong. Imagine 100 years of stagnation and confusion amongst top physicists on what they all agree is rather 'basic' theory. You should also watch her colleague Don Lincoln's (Fermilab) explanation of SR on youtube contradicting directly what Sabine claims. It is speed and not acceleration that matters. And he is right! The issue here is that Einstein claims speed is not absolute. But it is in the case of SR! So even Einstein got it wrong. Notice Albert speaks of time 'dilation' (since when do we use a term like that in physics?) and 'length' contraction, as if an object becomes detached from spacetime and shrinks in length all by it selve? Bitte Bitte Herr Einstein und Fraulein Sabine; let's call it for what it is; Speed contracts frontal spacetime. Period! If you speed you have less frontal space (hence appear shrunk) and less frontal time (hence your clock ticks slower). Speed impacts the grid itself!. Goes for macro object (this is what SR is all about) and it goes for the tiny unaligned subatomic particles making top restmass, given the appearance of radial ST contraction around restmass. GR describes that geometry wise. I say hats off to academia to for keeping us in the dark for 100 years, but it is time we start teaching the obvious truth now. Sabine can do way better then this!

    • @richardhussong7232
      @richardhussong7232 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@RWin-fp5jn - Lincoln and Hassenfelder do not contradict one another in any way. Because special relativity is quite counter-intuitive, you cannot expect to understand it by thinking about it in everyday terms. The only way to truly understand it is to do the math. Fortunately, special relativity in one spatial dimension can mostly be done using only high-school algebra, so it is reasonably accessible to most people. The thing to keep in mind is this: if you can't correctly solve the problems in a relativity textbook, then you don't understand relativity at all!

    • @RWin-fp5jn
      @RWin-fp5jn ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@richardhussong7232 Dicky, before adding a comment, I suggest you actually look up youtube and see Don Lincoln explain the twin paradox of special relativity. He sums it up; Anyone who suggests that acceleration determines which twin experiences time dilation does NOT understand special relativity. So if Sabine says it does, then both are NOT in agreement (unless `woke' speech determines contradiction = agreement). But Don is right, if even for the wrong explanation. It is about speed, because the speeding twin physically CHANGES its frontal grid, whilst the static twin does not. This is also the deeper reason behind gravity. It is no wonder we failed to understand gravity for 100 years. Even Einstein got it horribly wrong as far as the fundament under SR is concerned.

  • @Taomantom
    @Taomantom ปีที่แล้ว +25

    I had to digest the last section twice. That was an exceptionally well stated point of view. And my universal understanding of space/time acceleration is enhanced. The working in on the curvature influence helped! Thank you for all you do. Missed you Wednesday.

    • @MarvinMonroe
      @MarvinMonroe ปีที่แล้ว

      Digest twice? That means you had to swallow it again after you had already eaten and digested it. Really gross

  • @auseryt
    @auseryt ปีที่แล้ว +69

    This makes so many videos about space time and general relativity SO MUCH clearer!
    Especially the part between minute 8 and 10.

    • @pluto9000
      @pluto9000 ปีที่แล้ว

      Why is there 3 hyperbaly?

    • @auseryt
      @auseryt ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@pluto9000 you mean the three hyperbolic lines?
      Along such a line all events are at the same proper time according to the length metric of space time.

    • @auseryt
      @auseryt ปีที่แล้ว

      @Balungi Francis can you add anything useful or is spam your only way to communicate?

    • @stoyanfurdzhev
      @stoyanfurdzhev ปีที่แล้ว

      Otherwise everything is cristal clear.

  • @morenofranco9235
    @morenofranco9235 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Sabine. All things are relative. My relatives are things. My relatives took all my things. And I love your work.

  • @VelvetCondoms
    @VelvetCondoms ปีที่แล้ว +14

    I think this was a lot more helpful than the books that I read when I was younger, because at least where I live, mechanical physics and relativistic physics are taught completely separately and they usually just abstract away the Nuance of acceleration rather than velocity for the purposes of special and general relativity. By bridging them, you made this make a lot more sense.

    • @hyperduality2838
      @hyperduality2838 ปีที่แล้ว

      GRAVITATION is equivalent or dual (isomorphic) to ACCELERATION -- Einstein's happiest thought, the principle of equivalence or duality!
      Space is dual to time -- Einstein.
      Time dilation is dual to length contraction -- Einstein, special relativity.
      The Twin paradox is duality -- which twin is actually moving?
      Questions are dual to answers.
      Points are dual to lines -- the principle of duality in geometry.
      Space, length, distance is defined by two dual points -- space duality.
      The future is dual to the past -- time duality.
      We predict (syntropy) the future and remember the past.
      Absolute time (Galileo) is dual to relative time (Einstein) -- time duality.
      My absolute time is your relative time and your absolute time is my relative time -- time duality.
      If time is dual them space must be dual.
      Time duality is dual to space duality.
      Duality within duality!
      "Always two there are" -- Yoda.

  • @LP6_yt
    @LP6_yt ปีที่แล้ว +24

    Excellent video. There have been a number of poor/inaccurate explanations of this by some otherwise decent TH-camrs in recent years. This one hits the mark.

  • @CleverNeologism
    @CleverNeologism ปีที่แล้ว +9

    The "proper" in "proper time" does not mean "correct" or "appropriate"... in this case, "proper" takes on a slightly archaic meaning in English: "belonging to itself". In other words, "proper time" literally means "the time belonging to the object in question", or "it's own time", and is exactly that.

    • @kylelochlann5053
      @kylelochlann5053 ปีที่แล้ว

      Correct. You get a thumbs up. But keep in mind that this eigen-time is physical time.

  • @LesCish
    @LesCish ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I'd never seen an explanation of the twin paradox that made sense to me. Until now. Thank you!

    • @BradleyLayton
      @BradleyLayton ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Agreed, I've been puzzling over that twin's paradox for years. I'll have to go back and do the vector calculus and look at how the answer comes out of the acceleration.

  • @luudest
    @luudest ปีที่แล้ว +31

    11:10 thanks for the info about the difference between speed and velocity. Always thought it is the same.

    • @KaiHenningsen
      @KaiHenningsen ปีที่แล้ว

      Simplistically, Velocity is like speed combined with direction. It's the difference between "you're driving at X km/h (or mph)" and "you're driving from A-city to B-city at X km/h (or mph)".

    • @davidpnewton
      @davidpnewton ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Then you've always misunderstood badly.
      Speed is a scalar quantity. It has only magnitude. Velocity is a vector quantity. It has both magnitude and direction.

    • @luudest
      @luudest ปีที่แล้ว

      @@davidpnewton this!

    • @erinm9445
      @erinm9445 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@davidpnewton This response is rude. Clearly they get it now, and don't need it re-explained. Your response and editorializing adds nothing.

    • @stoyanfurdzhev
      @stoyanfurdzhev ปีที่แล้ว

      No, your are a fool all the same.

  • @ytbit
    @ytbit ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Fun fact: the precision of atomic clocks is such that when a time laboratory moves its clocks to another floor (or even to a different height in a rack) they must calibrate for the change in gravitation.

    • @erinm9445
      @erinm9445 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @thomasherrin6798
      @thomasherrin6798 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      .....change in their acceleration!?!

    • @franklittle8124
      @franklittle8124 ปีที่แล้ว

      Pretty impressive, I know that gravimeters used in geophysical field work can detect the change in gravity between a tabletop and floor, but to be able to detect the relativistic effect of that change is amazing.

    • @MiccaPhone
      @MiccaPhone ปีที่แล้ว

      One could include acceleration sensors into each clock to self-re-calibtate each clock automatically. Wondering if this is already done.

  • @ryancraig2795
    @ryancraig2795 ปีที่แล้ว +70

    I never got as far as relativistic physics in university, but about 30 years ago I read Roger Penrose's "The Emperor's New Mind" which did a pretty good job of explaining these concepts, and more. This was a great refresher - very easy to follow.

    • @kwimms
      @kwimms ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Yeah, I read that story too.

    • @stylis666
      @stylis666 ปีที่แล้ว

      That is so cool! I think that Dr. Penrose is a very insightful and kind man. And I think that he and I would both agree that Sabine is the better physicist because she is as brilliant but has a giant head start because of the work of people like Penrose. He had a lot less to work with, taking him a lot more time to get where Sabine pretty much started from.
      But anyway, that's not why I commented. Do you know what the title of that book is referring too?

    • @hieronymusholt-xj2rg
      @hieronymusholt-xj2rg ปีที่แล้ว

      Should be an endash: -

    • @BillGreenAZ
      @BillGreenAZ ปีที่แล้ว

      I read that book 30 years ago and it's one of my favorite books that I've read in the past 30 years. I should read it again.

    • @kwimms
      @kwimms ปีที่แล้ว

      Douglas Hofstadter had some great books around the same time dealing with more computing science rather than the laymanistic fairy tale put out by Penrose and his 'pal' Hawking. Sabine is an actor, btw. Pop!

  • @gstlb
    @gstlb 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    “As we learned in kindergarten.” I have to quit watching these as I’m drinking my morning coffee 😂

  • @etienne8576
    @etienne8576 ปีที่แล้ว +27

    “as we learned in kindergarten” 😂 That’s why you are so clever Sabine. I wish I attended the same kindergarten!😂

  • @richsadowsky8580
    @richsadowsky8580 ปีที่แล้ว +25

    "Moves just left or right, like American politics maybe..." Sabine, I love the humor you inject into your explainer videos. Long time subscriber here

    • @fannyalbi9040
      @fannyalbi9040 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      “no absolute rest” even in cemetery 😢

    • @franklittle8124
      @franklittle8124 ปีที่แล้ว

      Except that it is more like moves between center and off-the-scale right - with the center governments never quite reversing the damage done by the other.

  • @itfrombit
    @itfrombit ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Wow, what a great video! A frustrating one too, because everytime I believe I know something, you come around with another video and I am reminded of the simple fact that I got it wrong - until now. And I have been thinking about these things for several decades. Sabine is the best science communicator in existence - period. Not making a topic more complicated than necessary, but - most importantly - not making it any easier. I salute you!

    • @octaviannkya9417
      @octaviannkya9417 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      She got it wrong tho, in the water bucket example the cause of concavity is centrifugal Force not acceleration

  • @svensven8994
    @svensven8994 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I'm really glad to see she pointed out that Special Relativity works in any reference frame, i.e., accelerating, rotating, anything, as long as the spacetime you're working in is flat. So many people only think it applies to inertial frames!

    • @stewiesaidthat
      @stewiesaidthat 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Tesla completely rejected the theory of relativity. He insisted that mass and energy were not equivalent and told the New York Times in 1935 that “Einstein's relativity work is a magnificent mathematical garb which fascinates, dazzles and makes people blind to the underlying errors.Sep 26, 2011
      I agree with Tesla about the math making people blind to the errors of relativity.
      Time-dilation?.Where is that coming from? Everyone putting out these Twin Paradox videos is making the same error. Believing that acceleration in space equals less acceleration in time. Sure. You can take a clock, an instrument specially engineered to measure acceleration in space and hold it up as proof of time-dilation. But what is time-dilation?
      In biology, it's acceleration through the milestones of an organism's lifespan. The hatching date of a chicken is determined by the mass of the egg and the radiant heat the egg absorbs. F=ma. Market weight is reached based on the protein levels in the feed. Less protein, less acceleration (weight gain).
      How does gravity, inertial/non-inertial frames affect any of that? Plain an simple. It doesn't.
      Mechanicsl clocks measure acceleration in space. Biological clocks measure acceleration in time (change in the atomic structure of the mass).
      Moving about in space doesn't necessarily affect the atomic structure of the mass. In fact, if you study the engineering specs for the atomic clock, you will see that the cesium-133 atom is chilled to absolute zero to prevent a change in the atoms atomic structure when a force is applied.
      This notion that space and time are one frame belies the total ignorance of the scientific community.
      Want more proof that there is no time-dilation as predicted by relativity. An astronaut's heart rate is in accelerated state during lift-off. You don't need to be biology to understand that an accelerated heart rate equates to a shorter lifespan. Just ask a hummingbird.
      Then, there is the Breakthrough Starshot experiment. The solar sail is heating up with acceleration in space. The atoms of the solar sail are also being accelerated in time as it is being accelerated in space.
      How do you prevent the sail from being accelerated in time? Cryostasis. The same exact solution as employed in the atomic clock.
      No wonder people don't understand Special Relativity. Because it's fecal. It's made up mathematical nonsense that should have never made the light of day.
      But now you are stuck. In a hole so deep you can't extricate yourselves. What are you going to do? Apologize for your ignorance? You certainly can't be trusted with science after lying to the public for 100 years. The public is going to want answers for all of the taxpayers' dollars wasted on your religion.
      It can't be that hard to understand the difference between acceleration in space and acceleration in time. To understand that the clock is an instrument that measures acceleration in space alone.
      I don't know what claiming to have a PhD in physics constitutes. But if you don't understand the Laws of Physics, then you have a worthless degree in mathematical nonsense.

  • @mina_en_suiza
    @mina_en_suiza ปีที่แล้ว +8

    I also had the "Einstein for beginners" book (the German version), but I had the same problem with it as with most popular science books: They went to great length to explain the easy parts very well, but once it gets complicated, they rush through it. This is the frustrating part of 99% of all popular science books: Great at explaining what you already know or can easily understand, but a total loss when getting to the real stuff.
    This video was actually great, but I don't know how helpful it would have been to my younger self. I can't judge, because it actually didn't tell me anything really new. When my kids are a bit older (and know English), they're gonna be my test subjects.

    • @MmmhMarky
      @MmmhMarky ปีที่แล้ว +1

      In college, there was a science textbook that did the same thing. It went into detail like a few pages explaining simple stuffs, but when the hard stuffs appear, it rushed over it.

    • @dennisbrown5313
      @dennisbrown5313 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      LOL - so true in all physic course, even higher level ones.

    • @mina_en_suiza
      @mina_en_suiza ปีที่แล้ว

      @@dennisbrown5313 In mathematics, we cleverly write: "The proof of the following steps is left as exercise to the reader."

    • @renedekker9806
      @renedekker9806 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Part of the reason for that might also be that it is easier to understand stuff you already know... 😉
      That is, the point where the science book gets difficult differ between different people.

    • @mina_en_suiza
      @mina_en_suiza ปีที่แล้ว

      @@renedekker9806 Sure. However, I really noticed a repeating pattern: People putting much less effort in explaining the tough stuff well than the easy parts. I understand the reason: It's easy to explain what you yourself really and truly understand. It gets hard if you approach your own limits.
      That's one of the things, I really appreciate from Sabine: She never pretends that particle physics or general relativity are dead easy, but she makes it less intimidating.

  • @JamesMcCaughan
    @JamesMcCaughan ปีที่แล้ว +4

    The Ptolemaic system of the heavens was a mathematical construction that correctly tracked heavenly movements for 1400 years until Galileo discovered with his telescope that Venus had phases like that of the moon, which were not predicted by the system.
    This led, at first, to the replacement of the geocentric kinematical construction by a similar and simpler heliocentric construction of Copernicus, which gave phases to Venus. But in turn kinematical construction was replaced by dynamical nature with Newton’s law of gravity. There was a reason from nature, not the mathematics, why the sun should be at the centre of the solar system.
    With Newton the philosophy driving the physics switched from idealism, saving the appearances with prediction, to realism, explaining how nature behaved.
    Construction is like a scaffold enfolding a building. The scaffold touches the building, but the links holding the construction together do not reflect how the building is.
    Relativity is a construction. By starting with reference frames it is homocentric. It begins with the mind by choice of frames and not with nature; it remains a mental exercise by working with the links of the construction. Nature does not require a reference frame to do what it does; nature does not require Special Relativity. The twin paradox was solved by George Darwin using light Doppler shift.
    We have two ways of doing physics: Ideal physics or observer based physics and Real Physics or physics of the observed. The philosophy driving the physics determines the type of questions that can be put to nature and the way they can be answered.
    In answering life’s biggest questions through physics in Dr Hossenfelder’s latest book "Existential Physics", the philosophy driving her physics provides her answers.
    In her TH-cam channel presentation "Special Relativity: This is why You Misunderstand It," Dr Hossenfelder leaves us with five takeaways:
    1. Acceleration is absolute.
    2. The reason that time slows down is acceleration
    3. Time dilation is a real effect and has been measured.
    4. Special Relativity does describe acceleration, but only in flat space-time. General Relativity describes gravity in curved space-time.
    5. Gravity is not a force, which is why being at rest with a surface of gravitating body requires an acceleration and that too slows down time.
    The role of acceleration is the critical element in four of the points. The twin paradox is solved through the asymmetry of the experiences of the twins. Although the acceleration at turn around of the travelling twin is identical to the acceleration of the stationary twin as seen by the travelling twin, nevertheless the travelling twin experiences the forces from that acceleration, but the stationary twin does not. The result is that, according to Dr Hossenfelder, the stationary twin reads coordinate time and the travelling twin a shorter proper time.
    This prediction has been entirely a mental process involving acceleration with the construction of Special Relativity (item 4). It uncovers a “phases of Venus” situation for the construction:
    I regret to say that item 2 is false in nature.
    That acceleration does not affect clocks has been experimentally verified at CERN in J. Bailey et al, “Measurement of relativistic time dilation for positive and negative muons in a circular orbit”, Nature 268 (1977) pp 301-305. The acceleration of the muons in the circular orbit was 10^18g, but the dilation of decay times was that of Special Relativity alone.
    Item 5 falls as well, but for a different reason. If gravity is not a force, then there is collateral damage to Newton’s laws of motion. Dr Hossenfelder bases her claim on the fact that one does not feel the force of gravity in free fall, but that is the exception for that force alone. Consider:
    1. A spring stretched between two hands.
    2. The same spring stretched by the same amount pulling a mass with acceleration across a smooth surface.
    3. The same spring and mass hanging vertically at rest in a gravitational field, stretched by the same amount again.
    In the first case the spring, obeying Hooke’s law, is extended by two equal and opposite forces, since the spring is at rest. In the second, the spring has to be extended to exert a force on the mass, but the spring requires two opposite forces at either end to be extended. These forces are not equal because the spring and mass have common acceleration. The force that the mass exerts on the spring is the real inertial force F identically= mg, where g is the acceleration. In the third, the spring is extended by the same amount as in the second, but spring and mass are at rest. The force that the mass exerts on the spring is its weight W= mg from Newton’s second law of motion. One can also write W identically= mg where g is now the strength of the gravitational field. The field is everywhere in the space surrounding the earth.
    Weight is defined as the force exerted by gravity on the mass. When one measures weight on a weighing machine, it is the normal force N from the machine platform that is measured, which yields the weight by keeping the mass at rest through W-N = 0 from Newton’s second law of motion. One is weightless when N disappears in free fall, but W continues.
    Exceptionally, one does not feel W in free fall as gravity applies to every last atom in the body, which does not produce internal strain, either as stretch if the external force pulls, or compression if the external force pushes. One feels the strain as real inertial forces.
    My apologies for spoiling your presentation, but it shows the power of accounting for observations through nature, where force is central, and not from mathematics of a theoretical construction. Lost in Math sums up the situation.
    "Real Physics vs Ideal Physics", near completion, has been developed over 26 years. My background is 50 years teaching undergraduate physics, mainly at the first and second year level, at the University of Sydney, finishing as a Senior Lecturer in 1999 and then Honorary Senior Lecturer till 2015. My research field was Cosmic Radiation (Extensive Air Showers using cloud chambers and image intensifiers) till 1991.
    For the sake of the future of physics we should talk or correspond.
    Yours sincerely, Dr James McCaughan

  • @barryon8706
    @barryon8706 ปีที่แล้ว +57

    Thank you, Sabine! And your wonderful staff, Alice and Bob. They don't get enough credit for the good they've done in physics and cryptography.

    • @human_shaped
      @human_shaped ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Alice and Bob are probably due for an honorary joint Nobel prize by now.

    • @pixelfairy
      @pixelfairy ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Will bob ever get the message? Will Eve foil her plans again?

    • @axle.australian.patriot
      @axle.australian.patriot ปีที่แล้ว +2

      IKR! Alice and Bob are going to start competing with Albert. "Yes, those guys again" lol

    • @hyperduality2838
      @hyperduality2838 ปีที่แล้ว

      GRAVITATION is equivalent or dual (isomorphic) to ACCELERATION -- Einstein's happiest thought, the principle of equivalence or duality!
      Space is dual to time -- Einstein.
      Time dilation is dual to length contraction -- Einstein, special relativity.
      The Twin paradox is duality -- which twin is actually moving?
      Questions are dual to answers.
      Points are dual to lines -- the principle of duality in geometry.
      Space, length, distance is defined by two dual points -- space duality.
      The future is dual to the past -- time duality.
      We predict (syntropy) the future and remember the past.
      Absolute time (Galileo) is dual to relative time (Einstein) -- time duality.
      My absolute time is your relative time and your absolute time is my relative time -- time duality.
      If time is dual them space must be dual.
      Time duality is dual to space duality.
      Duality within duality!
      "Always two there are" -- Yoda.

    • @axle.australian.patriot
      @axle.australian.patriot ปีที่แล้ว

      @@hyperduality2838 So any thoughts on how we solve this paradox? Or like me, I am attempting to accept the paradox as part of the ultimate truth of the universe and write that into my view of the physics?

  • @Dismythed
    @Dismythed ปีที่แล้ว +4

    This was the best video I have seen on the subject. So many people get caught up on the "move away from earth" diagram that they miss that it is about acceleration, not direction. Even slowing down is acceleration and the direction of movement does not matter is what so many science communicators fail to understand or fail to explain to their audience.
    Thanks, Sabine.

    • @stewiesaidthat
      @stewiesaidthat ปีที่แล้ว

      What most people don't understand is that acceleration and deceleration forces DECREASE lifespan. That's why motors and engines are run at a constant speed. It's why passengers/cargo is strapped to the vehicle's frame. So that the vehicle endures the forces, not the passengers. Only at constant velocity, 0 gravity, does lifespan increase. This is all well documented in engineering. Why is physics still stuck in the 18th century?

  • @fsmvda
    @fsmvda ปีที่แล้ว +6

    You could have said that the reason for the 45 degrees being C is that is what you get when you set C = 1 by choosing time and distance units to get that and cancel it out of equations.

    • @JackPullen-Paradox
      @JackPullen-Paradox ปีที่แล้ว

      Or, you could determine that that would make a good graph of a cone, where a three dimensional cone would be (Δ x - h)² + (Δ y - k)² = (Δ z - m)²; so, a four dimensional cone would be (Δ x - h)² + (Δ y - k)² + (Δ z - m)² = (Δ t - n)². Or, eventually, Δ x² + Δ y² + Δ z² = c²Δ t². That leads to Δs² = -c²Δ t² + Δ x² + Δ y² + Δ z², because we want to include the interior as well as the surface of the cone. When² Δs² = 0, we are talking about the surface of the cone; when Δs² < 0 (Δs² is a notation convention, so it can be negative; it is really the differential), then we are talking about the inside of the cone; when Δs² > 0, then we are talking about the outside of the cone. All of these have physical meanings concerning the type of event. Light is represented as the surface of the cone; time-separated as the interior; space-separated as the exterior. The slope of the cone is c. If c = 1 then the slope corresponds to a 45 degree angle. So the 45 degree angle is a convention as you've indicated.

  • @alorcalderon279
    @alorcalderon279 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    As good as it gets for this difficult subject. Thank you! I’ll still look for absolute rest no matter what the physics says about it.

  • @RafaelDominiquini
    @RafaelDominiquini ปีที่แล้ว +4

    If Alice remains on Earth, always experiencing the same acceleration (10 m/s²), and Bob goes on a trip, but his ship always maintain the same acceleration (10 m/s²) for the entire trip, holding a speed close to the speed of light for the majority of the time, when Bobs meets Alice again, will be any time dilation between the two?

    • @robertbutsch1802
      @robertbutsch1802 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Bob has to return to Alice for them to meet again. This requires a change in velocity (because of a change in direction so that Bob can get back to where he left Alice) that Alice doesn’t experience meaning he experiences an acceleration that Alice does not. As Sabine points out, this asymmetric situation is responsible for the different proper times experienced by Bob and Alice.

    • @RafaelDominiquini
      @RafaelDominiquini ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@robertbutsch1802 But in my question the two are experiencing the same acceleration! Imagine that both have a accelerometer with them logging the values the entire time and they can compare the log after...

    • @yziib3578
      @yziib3578 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I like your question. Because it equalise the acceleration, that is the acceleration is the same for both Alice and Bob and so there is no time dilation caused by acceleration.
      Many years ago I read a solution to the twin paradox that does not require the appeal to acceleration. The solution is to do with length contraction. From Alice perspective, it is the length of Bob space ship that is smaller. From Bob perspective it is the length of the journey from the Earth to the destination that is smaller. When they meet up after Bob completes his trip. From Alice point, Bob travelled distance is the total distance there and back. From Bob point, the distance is a fraction of the distance, seen by Alice, and so he has aged less than Alice.

    • @RafaelDominiquini
      @RafaelDominiquini ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@yziib3578 I don't understand your response. First you said there is no time dilation and after you said there are!

    • @yziib3578
      @yziib3578 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@RafaelDominiquini There is 2 causes of time dilation, one is acceleration, greater the acceleration the slower the time, two is relative velocity, the greater the velocity the slower the time.
      My reference to no time dilation was to do with Alice and Bob having the same acceleration, which means same slow down in time and since both experience this there is no time dilation caused by acceleration.
      My reference to time dilation was to do with Alice and Bob having different relative velocity.

  • @robertgoss4842
    @robertgoss4842 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Dr. Hossenfelder: Your videos are among the best learning tools I have ever come across. I'm no physicist, but I think I have a pretty good layman's understanding of the theory of special relativity (far less so of the general theory). This video greatly helped me further grasp the special theory. Thank you for your many careful, and comprehensible, programs

  • @ffggddss
    @ffggddss ปีที่แล้ว +9

    As a grad student 50 yr ago, when MTW* was new, and Prof. Misner was teaching us relativity using that book, I'm glad to see both SR & GR being "properly" presented.
    Praise for Sabine, and for John Archibald Wheeler's vision of the topic!
    Mainly for recognizing that the use of a theory rests on top of a basic understanding of the underlying, important concepts. Which you have conveyed beautifully!
    * MTW = _Gravitation,_ by Misner, Thorne, and Wheeler, IMHO a ground-breaking treatment of special & general relativity

    • @bobjones7908
      @bobjones7908 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Kip signed my copy around 1990, and he added "don't believe everything you read here". I think Taylor was the one who really emphasized you don't need GR for acceleration, but it is buried in MTW.

    • @ffggddss
      @ffggddss ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@bobjones7908 Edwin Taylor, of "Spacetime Physics" by Taylor & Wheeler, 1963/66?
      A friend of mine had that as a textbook in an undergrad course at U.Md.
      Anyway, I didn't think it was "buried" in MTW; I recall a bit of material about Rindler coordinates from there, e.g., and "how to outrun a light ray" (by constant acceleration, a, starting with a "lead" of c²/a), both in flat spacetime, i.e., SR.
      Which, BTW, demonstrates that in a constantly accelerating frame, there's a "horizon!"

    • @daviddavis-vanatta1017
      @daviddavis-vanatta1017 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      100% agree about the excellent, superb job Taylor & Wheeler ("Spacetime Physics") does in explaining relativistic physics, at least to me. I struggled with my undergrad tests on it until I just gave up. Much later in life I found Taylor & Wheeler. Fabulous! If only I could have had that for my UG intro to relativity text, like @ffggddss's friend at U. Md. *sigh* But at least I eventually found that book! I'll go back to look at their treatment of the resolution to the Twin (seeming) Paradox. I think it's a bit different from the one shown here.

  • @relativemotion2077
    @relativemotion2077 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Concerning Newton's buckets and Mach's principle, it's all very well to say "and acceleration is absolute..." but not everyone accepts this as a solution. If acceleration is absolute there must be some kind of field that determines what is and isn't inertial motion, this way acceleration will be absolute, relative to this field (this field is usually called "space-time"). But this is still a case of relative motion.
    Moreover, we can still follow Mach's hypothesis and consider whether this inertial field might be coupled to matter - which in fact it is (this gives rise to gravity); further, we might also consider whether the inertial field might be wholly defined by some integral over matter. This is Mach's principle proper, and it has not been disproven as of yet.

    • @kylelochlann5053
      @kylelochlann5053 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Acceleration is absolute (if we're discussing the 4-acceleration as the 3-acceleration is relative) and is any motion relative to the local gravitational field.

    • @aupotter2584
      @aupotter2584 ปีที่แล้ว

      I agree w you, acceleration is by no means absolute and it's, like velcocity, is also relative, just thinking of centripetal force and the centrifugal force relative to the rotating frame of reference...

    • @GerardP.Kuebler
      @GerardP.Kuebler หลายเดือนก่อน

      I am puzzled when you say gravity is not a force, since gravity does provide the force we call weight. Weight is what stretches the spring near the earth,s surface. The spring would also stretch when suspended in a vehicle going in a circle at constant speed. Also if the earth spins fast enough we would be weightless at the equator.

    • @relativemotion2077
      @relativemotion2077 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@GerardP.Kuebler I have not said that gravity is not a force. I regard it as a force.

  • @davidparker2173
    @davidparker2173 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Didn't grasp much, but did acquire a sore brain, proving I did attend the subject. Amazing I am able to come to some grasp of these topics if I attend them enough. Provides good exercise if nothing else. Appreciate your humor.

    • @vibaj16
      @vibaj16 ปีที่แล้ว

      Vsauce's video "Which way is down?" provides a less in-depth, yet easier to understand explanation of some parts of relativity. It's the first video that made me finally understand how gravity isn't a force, and that freefall is actually not acceleration.

  • @Trias805
    @Trias805 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Dr. Don Lincoln said that it's possible to explain the twin paradox without acceleration. It's simply because Bob's frame or reference changes when he changes direction.

    • @theltalpha
      @theltalpha ปีที่แล้ว +1

      This explains why time dilation works without acceleration. It does not tackle the twin paradox at all.

  • @dumbofliesvermont5684
    @dumbofliesvermont5684 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    Thank you. Understanding the difference between proper time and coordinate time was an eye opener for me. I had always wondered how the traveler in the twin paradox could stay alive because "everything slows down." I expected chemical reaction rates to slow as well and so he would die due to lack of biological activity. Now I see that's laughable. Thank you again.

    • @lawrencedoliveiro9104
      @lawrencedoliveiro9104 ปีที่แล้ว

      What she calls “proper time” is what I learned to call “interval” (Lorentzian distance). The “interval” between two points on the path of the same light beam is always zero.

    • @MiccaPhone
      @MiccaPhone ปีที่แล้ว

      He would rather die from the high g-forces. With low g-forces the time dilation would be too small to be visible to human perception.

    • @Raging.Geekazoid
      @Raging.Geekazoid ปีที่แล้ว

      Death is a biological process, and that slows down too.

  • @tomschmidt381
    @tomschmidt381 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    I really like these videos about time. Casually time seems like such a simple concept yet the deeper one examinees it the more nonintuitive it becomes. I liked the way you explained frames of reference, I thought I understood it but your example crystalized it for me.

    • @KaiHenningsen
      @KaiHenningsen ปีที่แล้ว +2

      The real problem is that all these effects only become noticeable at significant speeds. Since we evolved without ever having interactions with similar speeds, our intuition about the world doesn't include these effects. It is much easier to learn about something that doesn't flat-out contradict our intuitions. Quantum mechanics has similar problems for the same reason. (And failing this kind of leap is what causes flat-earthers, for example.)

  • @pumbaa667
    @pumbaa667 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    That was crystal clear ! One of the best explanation I saw on this topic.

  • @saimon174666
    @saimon174666 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I've seen so many explanations about twin paradox, but this is hands down the best, thanks!

    • @stylis666
      @stylis666 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      And the simplest. She just tells you what happens and why we see what we see. The graphs show me exactly why I didn't understand any of it when other people explained it. And Sabine is like, Bob accelerates and that's what matters. And I was like, ooooooh, well that could've save me 50 hours of lectures that made no sense to me.

    • @MrCmon113
      @MrCmon113 ปีที่แล้ว

      That "acceleration" is absolute should be extremely alarming. That means acceleration isn't just the second time derivative of position. It's fundamental. And it looks exactly like gravity. Why?

  • @brothermine2292
    @brothermine2292 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    It's disappointing that Sabine didn't present the Twins equation that provides the amount of time that passed for Bob's clock as a function of Bob's (constant non-accelerated) velocity, as observed by Alice during a time T measured on Alice's clock. The minus sign in the hyperbolic equation can be removed by simply adding the negative term to both sides of the equation, which produces a Pythagorean equation in 4-dimensional Minkowski spacetime, which shows that the square of Bob's rate of aging (relative to Alice) plus the square of Bob's velocity through 3D space (relative to Alice) equals the square of c (the speed of light through 3D space). In Minkowski 4D spacetime, the time axis is orthogonal to the three spatial axes. By the Pythagorean theorem for right triangles, the left side of the equation equals the square of the hypotenuse of the right triangle. Taking the square root of both sides shows the length of the hypotenuse is c. The hypotenuse is the 4D velocity that Bob is traveling through 4D spacetime, and the fact that it equals the constant c independent of Bob's velocity through 3D space is remarkable, and has an aroma of being fundamental. This Pythagorean equation leads to some well-known corollaries: (1) The faster something travels through 3D space, the more slowly it ages. (2) Anything traveling through 3D space at the speed of light c (such as light and gravity waves) doesn't age. A little-known corollary is that anything traveling through 3D space faster than c ages at an imaginary rate (the square root of a negative number)... but it's unclear whether aging at an imaginary rate is physically possible or even has physical meaning.

    • @pluto9000
      @pluto9000 ปีที่แล้ว +2


    • @brothermine2292
      @brothermine2292 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@pluto9000 : It's much shorter than the video we just watched. I tried to be concise, but without sacrificing clarity.

    • @Kenjuudo
      @Kenjuudo ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Great read. Don't mind the trolls.

    • @marcelob.5300
      @marcelob.5300 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@pluto9000 tsdc (too short, didn't care)

    • @brothermine2292
      @brothermine2292 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@marcelob.5300 : ADHD

  • @thepeff
    @thepeff ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Great analogy for path-dependence in four dimension, great video as always

  • @sanzidarefin
    @sanzidarefin ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Sabine is in a different mood today! It's like if she screams a little louder, "Gravity is not a force" will be a meme GIF and what not with her style of delivery!
    Then again, I understand why she is delivering in this way. I just understood my physics classes are all somewhat wrong! But at least the situation is not like chemistry where every atom model is wrong and every model has an exception!
    No wonder I am a fisheries graduate now. Because now, Only exceptional things are interesting!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    • @Tore_Lund
      @Tore_Lund ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Chemistry is a mess because chemists insists it is a special field of science and not that it in reality is physics and can be deduced to much simpler rules.

    • @sanzidarefin
      @sanzidarefin ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Tore_Lund thats why physicists have the dream of "theory of everything"

  • @CrimWorld9
    @CrimWorld9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Sabine : "Don't worry if you don't know how to do that integral."
    Me : "Don't worry, I don't know what's an integral."

  • @fredflickinger643
    @fredflickinger643 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Thanks Sabine, although I learned that I had a good grasp on Special Relativity, I couldn't have explained it and connected all together so well!

    • @hyperduality2838
      @hyperduality2838 ปีที่แล้ว

      GRAVITATION is equivalent or dual (isomorphic) to ACCELERATION -- Einstein's happiest thought, the principle of equivalence or duality!
      Space is dual to time -- Einstein.
      Time dilation is dual to length contraction -- Einstein, special relativity.
      The Twin paradox is duality -- which twin is actually moving?
      Questions are dual to answers.
      Points are dual to lines -- the principle of duality in geometry.
      Space, length, distance is defined by two dual points -- space duality.
      The future is dual to the past -- time duality.
      We predict (syntropy) the future and remember the past.
      Absolute time (Galileo) is dual to relative time (Einstein) -- time duality.
      My absolute time is your relative time and your absolute time is my relative time -- time duality.
      If time is dual them space must be dual.
      Time duality is dual to space duality.
      Duality within duality!
      "Always two there are" -- Yoda.

  • @skwervin1
    @skwervin1 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I wish I had someone like you 40 years ago when I was learning physics in high school. Biology and chemistry I had no problems with but some parts of physics just melted my mind because my teacher just couldn't explain stuff and just told us to read the book. Back in those days we didn't have TH-cam or the internet.. I honestly think I could have gone further in physics if I'd had a half decent teacher. It also didn't help that in those days, girls were not encouraged to do higher level sciences or maths but then again I did always like proving people wrong!

    • @dancincoolkid
      @dancincoolkid ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Prospective teacher here, hoping to do exactly what you wished a high school physics teacher did for you! I remember taking physics in high school and being equally as perplexed, and then after a degree in college (and with much accompanying, self-taught, grueling hours) things finally made some sort of sense! Hope I can translate that knowledge to other physics hopefuls 🤞

    • @CJ-gn8qm
      @CJ-gn8qm ปีที่แล้ว +1

      How strange? I was the exact opposite at school. Physics made total sense to me and chemistry was hieroglyphics! Not surprisingly I went into engineering! Though for my degree I did have to catch up on the chemistry!

  • @jeremypeltier986
    @jeremypeltier986 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    But Sabine, Newton bucket paradox is still an ongoing paradox that even Einstein did not solve : why isn't acceleration relative? Why is it absolute ? Einstein was very inspired by Mach and its principle that the whole universe explains local physics. Einstein wanted to make a theory where inertia is also relative but did not succeed. I do not think it is that simple. Do you have a theory that fundamentally explains why acceleration is absolute ?

    • @fuxpremier
      @fuxpremier ปีที่แล้ว

      It's an observation, not a theory.
      The same way, Galileo observed uniform motion to be relative. It's something we observe, not something we can deduce out of the blue.
      Mach's idea would induce that inside a rotating bucket in empty space, the shape of water would stay flat. The idea that the shape of water depends on long range action from distant stars is just absurd.

    • @jeremypeltier986
      @jeremypeltier986 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@fuxpremier why would it be absurd?

    • @fuxpremier
      @fuxpremier ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@jeremypeltier986 It is indeed true that this principle did inspired Einstein, he's even the one who came up with the name "Mach's principle", but that doesn't make it correct at all.
      Einstein was looking for a theory that could explain gravitational attraction as an apparent acceleration, i.e. he was trying to prove gravitational forces were not external but inertial. As gravity is induced by the matter surrounding us, he saw Mach's principle as an inspiring idea.
      But Mach's principle is very different from Einstein's theory. Indeed, Mach did not quantify his theory, making it irrefutable, but above all, in his view, it is distant stars which cause inertia, not celestial bodies surrounding us. And above all it's supposed to cause all forms of inertia, not only the apparent inertia due to the curvature of space-time.
      It is not true to say we don't know what causes inertia. It is internal interactions within an isolated system. Massless particles don't have inertia, therefore they travel at the speed of light and don't experience space-time, the spacetime distance between the interaction that creates them and the one that annihilates them is always 0 (ds²=0). But all fundamental particles are massless, they gain their masses only by interacting with one another (fundamental particles gain their mass by interacting with the Higgs field, composite particles gain their masses by the interactions of their fundamental constituents together). Inertia, thus space-time, is an emergent property of interactions within a composite body. A good thought experiment is to consider a massless box full of photons bouncing at the surface of the box. When one try to apply a force to the box, it will show a resistance to acceleration which is proportional to the amount of energy carried by the photons (you can do the maths by applying conservation of energy and momentum to the box): the photons interact with one another by the medium of the box. Individually, they don't have inertia, but the box itself gets one.
      That shows that inertia is not due to the action of distant stars but on the contrary to the internal interactions between the fundamental constituents of the body.
      One doesn't need to postulate the existence of inertia but it's on the contrary an emergent property of interactions theories at large enough scales.
      As inertia is necessary for spacetime to exist, many researchers think that general relativity must also be an emergent theory at larger scale and is not a fundamental feature of the universe. But as long as we have not found a better theory, this is speculation.
      At least though, enough is known about the topic to fully reject Mach's principle.

    • @jeremypeltier986
      @jeremypeltier986 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @Fux Premier I really like your answer! Thank you. I understood Mach's principle about distant stars more like this : through their interactions with other bodies, bodies gain their inertia and the collective of all bodies in the universe contributes to the strengths of the local gravitationnal strength (G). I thought the distant stars idea was more of a poetic illustration than the real principle.

    • @fuxpremier
      @fuxpremier ปีที่แล้ว

      @@jeremypeltier986 Well, I would say that's the classical confusion about Mach's principle. There are dozens of formulations of it but they don't seem to be equivalent. I would blame Einstein for this because he's the one who made reference to it without actually applying it.
      Mach's idea was that the same way we consider distant stars to be fixed in heliocentric model, they are the only fix point that could give a reference for inertial reference frames (as he see it as a relative notion). If this "inertia interaction" was decreasing over distance, that would mean that massive or fast traveling objects would change inertia of closed bodies. The way I understand his idea is that distant stars can't spin fast (around the origin of the coordinates system) in an inertial reference frame because that would mean they would be traveling arbitrarily fast. Because of this argument, the inertial reference frame for the whole universe must somehow be consistent with very distant stars to be fixed points, therefore this hypothetical interaction can't be vanishing with distance.

  • @paulmccaffrey2985
    @paulmccaffrey2985 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Mind Blown! I've been told many times that time dilation was as a result of acceleration, but it was never explained to me. Now I get it! Thank you Dr. Sabine.

    • @schmetterling4477
      @schmetterling4477 ปีที่แล้ว

      Acceleration is required. There is no way to leave and to later come back without changing velocity, hence acceleration. It's just not the correct explanation for the size of the effect.

    • @erikafein4353
      @erikafein4353 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@schmetterling4477 Acceleration is not required if the world is a hypersphere and Bob makes the round trip :)

    • @schmetterling4477
      @schmetterling4477 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@erikafein4353 That's one big if. ;-)

  • @ed.puckett
    @ed.puckett ปีที่แล้ว +25

    Thank you for making this so clear. As you usually do.

  • @stevecreighton3352
    @stevecreighton3352 ปีที่แล้ว +31

    Sabine, you explain things with a clarity that only someone who completely understands the subject can do.

    • @onetruekeeper
      @onetruekeeper ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I don't think she undestands the mistakes in Special Relativity Theory. She has her degree so why should she care whether or not us uneducated people understand it ?

    • @davidbarnett.2313
      @davidbarnett.2313 ปีที่แล้ว

      Ah yes! Like all learning, you have to work the concepts until you understand them. If this discussion does not make intuitive sense, we have Brilliant to help you in your quest. Just a few US dollars please.

    • @Watchyn_Yarwood
      @Watchyn_Yarwood ปีที่แล้ว

      So very true.

  • @j-sonquarc1507
    @j-sonquarc1507 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    You use a 45° angle for c, because the amount of change in space equals the amount of change in time. Correct me, if I'm wrong.

    • @jeanf6295
      @jeanf6295 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      More precisely the ratio of space and time units is arbitrary, so you can choose any kind of angle.
      Do the same diagram in SI units and you would not be able to distinguish the space axis and the light trajectory.

  • @justdev8965
    @justdev8965 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    It appears I shouldn't have even passed kindergarten

  • @jaim3_mm
    @jaim3_mm ปีที่แล้ว +8

    As always that was an amazing experience, thanks for your work Sabine

  • @eonasjohn
    @eonasjohn ปีที่แล้ว +27

    Thank you for the video.

  • @vasilyp
    @vasilyp ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Excellent way to explain time dilation! Thank you! and as always with the appropriate humor and attitude 😉

  • @vesuvandoppelganger
    @vesuvandoppelganger 4 วันที่ผ่านมา

    There are 3 lights in the form of a triangle. A, B, and C are lights and are stationary with respect to each other. S1, S2, S3 are spaceships. S1 is moving from A towards B. S2 is moving from B towards C. S3 is moving from C towards A. A, B, and C flash simultaneously in the frame of reference that is at rest relative to these lights. So in the frame of reference of S3, A flashes first followed by C flashing. In the frame of reference of S2, C flashes first followed by B flashing. In the frame of reference of S1, B flashes first followed by A flashing. So the sequence of flashing is A, C, B, A. But wait! A flashed first. How can it flash last? How can A flash both first and last?

  • @jfvenne
    @jfvenne ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I have a hard time with the fact that gravity is not a force ... by definition F=MA . When falling , even if you don't feel acceleration, your body is still a mass, and your body is still accelerate, then by definition you are affected by a force (keep in mind that acceleration is absolute, like you said)

    • @superbacedia0476
      @superbacedia0476 ปีที่แล้ว

      That's Newtonian physics, which is wrong. It's taught in school because it gives the right answer in any situation your likely to come across unless you go into certain scientific fields. Gravity isn't a force, it's just you being accelerated, like how you feel a little heavier when an elevator starts going up, or when you are pushed back against the seat in a car. If it helps you can think of it as TIME pushing you against the earth. Remember, even if you think you are completely still, you are still moving through TIME. We live in 4D Spacetime, not 3D space moving through time separately.

    • @superbacedia0476
      @superbacedia0476 ปีที่แล้ว

      Sorry, my other comment goes off on a tangent. The actual answer to your question is that the F in F=MA is a different meaning of the term Force. That is force as it is used in reference to things being pushed around rather than a Force like Electromagnetism or Gravity (when people incorrectly refer to gravity as a force)

    • @arandomguy777
      @arandomguy777 ปีที่แล้ว

      F=ma is wrong. Theres an extra term for space time curvature

  • @dubberj2847
    @dubberj2847 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I will need to watch this a few more times to properly understand all of the concepts. However I would say this is one of the best and most concise explanations of Special relatively that I have watched. Especially the explanation of the mathematics and diagrams that describe Spacetime. Sabine makes the mathematics very simple to understand.

    • @aupotter2584
      @aupotter2584 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@nemlehetkurvopica2454 On the contrary, I disagree w the explanation of Twin paradox based on Lorentz transformation alone, as velocity is relative and Sabine has clearly pointed out that both Alice and Bob will get older at the same time which makes no sense at all, though I still dunno why acceleration causes time dilation as told by Sabine, or earlier by one of my Physics professors, because I also think that acceleration is relative as well, just thinking of centripetal force and the centrifugal force relative to the rotating frame of reference...

    • @Kycilak
      @Kycilak ปีที่แล้ว

      @@aupotter2584 Centrifugal force is exactly the consequence of acceleration being not relative. Let me demonstrate:
      Imagine you have 2 people - First and Second - in space and Second is on a carousel. When the carousel is not spinning, both are in a weightless state and at rest relative to each other.
      Now consider the carousel spinning. When looking from outside we can clearly see that carousel acts on Second in its seat because if it didn't second would not go round but instead would go straight. This force that acts on him that makes him go round is called centripetal force.
      From the view of Second the whole world is spinning, so you conclude that he may think that everything is rotating around. But he can feel the seat of the carousel acting on his bottom with the centripetal force. He may not see himself rotating (instead everything else is) but even though he should be at rest (according to his eyes) he knows there is a force acting upon him.
      So we see that both First and Second agree who is the one that the force acts upon and since acceleration is proportional to force they both agree Second is being accelerated. Hence acceleration is not relative.

    • @aupotter2584
      @aupotter2584 ปีที่แล้ว

      ​@@Kycilak You've just shown to me that centripetal and centrifugal forces are relative: the First sees the carousel exerting an inward centripetal force on the Second to maintain the circular motion, while the Second sees the opposite as experiencing an outward centrifugal force. The acceleration is hence relative, pointing inward when viewed from the First's inertial frame at rest, and outward when viewed from the Second's rotating frame of reference.

    • @Kycilak
      @Kycilak ปีที่แล้ว

      @@aupotter2584 If the forces were relative as is speed for example, Second would have to see a force acting upon First. But that is not the case, both know Second is being acted upon.
      And even from Second's view the force is acting inward. The seat of the carousel accelerates him towards the center of rotation from the view of both.

    • @aupotter2584
      @aupotter2584 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Kycilak Good points, but carousel is something we used to play w so we always have 'mixed' feelings from both frames of reference... if we scale it up to our Earth, we won't recognize it spinning fast as viewed from outer space, but we do experience a weaker gravitational force due to the centrifugal force... moreover, rotating frame of reference is not an inertial frame, so we'll also observe a centripetal force acting on every star or galaxy appeared to be spinning around us.

  • @anslicht4487
    @anslicht4487 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Watching your videos from years back vs now (I binge on them repeatedly) it's interesting that your German accent with traces of British has become British with traces of German. Among all your other accomplishments, kudos on being ever more smoothly bilingual as well. I have none of your skills but do appreciate what you bring us (and so am a Patron).

    • @PedroGondalles
      @PedroGondalles ปีที่แล้ว

      did you understand everything ?

  • @philoso377
    @philoso377 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Quoting Stewiesaidthat - Space and Time are two separate frame of reference. Clocks are instruments that measure motion in space. Combining the two frame to believing that clock measures time is what creates the paradox.
    Space-Time diagram? That shows one person is experiencing more space in the same amount of time.

  • @umbertocaurla209
    @umbertocaurla209 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Dear Sabine, I think you have made a great job trying to explain Relativity to those that don´t have a solid mathematical base. Your aproch seems to me just amaizing. I enjoyed a lot every time you said "Because gravity it´s not a force" 😅 Thank you very much for your effort each saturday!

    • @MarkLenhart
      @MarkLenhart ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Scammer. Report them!

  • @daviddavis-vanatta1017
    @daviddavis-vanatta1017 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Dear Dr. Hossenfelder: First, I really like your YT videos. They take some fresh looks at things that I've read before, and even if one of them doesn't answer all my questions and struggles with a topic (some of this actually IS difficult stuff!), each one adds to my understanding, gives some new perspectives, helps raise a different set of questions, etc. So, thank you for these lesson videos. Somewhat incredible to me how the Twin Paradox has produced a century of discussion and debate, and to this day without universal agreement. There are presentations of it that say, as clearly, simply, forcefully, and every bit as certainly that the explanation, or resolution, of the (apparent) paradox requires NO treatment of acceleration whatsoever to explain the real effect of differential aging. Those explanations often require accepting and using the (special) relativistic phenomenon of length contraction, and its effects. One thing is sure, and something not always made clear, while acceleration may (or, to me, may not) be required to resolve the paradox, General Relativity has no place in describing this paradox, and absolutely is not needed for a full resolution of it. One can indeed "totally describe" acceleration within the conceptual theory and the mathematics of special relativity, alone. But acceleration as the correct resolution seems to be not so categorical. Some accept and use it, successfully, and others disagree that the required acceleration is the correct explanation. These latter treatments, the ones that are focused on acceleration as the causal explanation, also seem to use time dilation effects to explain the resolution of the apparent aging paradox. While those that eschew acceleration as the central, causal explanation tend to use length contraction effects. Given that time dilation and length contraction are really one in the same, two sides of one coin, "mirror" effects of each other, etc., I suspect that both resolutions, that is, both those claiming that the causal effects for differential aging are inherent in the acceleration periods, and those who equally say that no treatment whatsoever of the acceleration periods is required to resolve the paradox, are probably both accurate in their thinking and equally in full accord with SR. As wonderful as this lesson is to consider, excellent things in it to absorb, I don't think I can see how it is that some treatment of the three acceleration periods on this journey, provides the sought-after answer here, that is, it is the accelerations that provides the conceptually correct explanation for the differential aging effects found in this experiment that resolve the apparent paradox of the differential aging. For a good write-up that takes the position that “the acceleration incurred by the traveling twin is incidental and the paradox can be fully resolved” without it, see Scientific American, “A Matter of Time,” March, 2012, by Ronald C. Lasky (Dartmouth). A final important fact to note: this apparent paradox is not just theoretical. Its basic tenets have been very well-tested in any number of experimental settings, including ones involving precise clocks and co-relative travel. Without exception, these have confirmed many times, using various setups, that the seemingly paradoxical differential aging effect is both altogether real, all the experiments end with the two clocks no longer having the same time, and that they differ precisely as special relativity says they should.

  • @BuleriaChk
    @BuleriaChk ปีที่แล้ว

    The Process (5,4,3) Pythagorean triangle:
    1. Initially there are two non-interacting identical particles of energy
    (5)^2 = 25 so total energy is 50 = 25 25, where both sides (in this equation and those that follow) are multiplied by 1_(ct)^2 = (ct)^2/(ct)^2 or 1_(ct')^2 = (ct')^2/(ct])^2
    2. When they interact, they share one particle of interaction, so the total energy is (49) = (7)^2 = (3+4)^2 + 24 + 1 = [pp*] + 24 + 1
    3. If they separate, either a particle of interaction is absorbed so the total is again 50, or a second particle of interaction is radiated (to the cosmic background radiation), so the total is
    [48] = [24 24] [1 1] (i.e., 4 non interacting particles
    Note that [48] is even, so is the sum of two primes.
    24 is even so it also is the sum of two primes.
    The process of radiation continues until the final result
    2 = 11
    This is the final contribution to the cosmic background radiation
    I think, since I am (I think, anyway)
    _ Any other monads out there?
    Hegel's monads are "Pure thought thinking about Pure Thought" = Bertrand Russell

  • @marlanebozzi7002
    @marlanebozzi7002 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    "As we learned in kindergarten" 😂

  • @mikehalpin1385
    @mikehalpin1385 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Question: If acceleration slows time, and if I was to build a centrifuge that could create say 1000 G's, and I put an atomic clock in it for delta t my time, would that clock undergo a time dilatation relative to outside the centrifuge? Thanks for all your videos, Mike H.

    • @Tore_Lund
      @Tore_Lund ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Yes that clock would tick slower in respect to an outside observer or a clock closer to the center of the disk.

  • @pedromalafayabaptista3655
    @pedromalafayabaptista3655 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Thank you for the enlightenments you provide, Dr.

  • @user-named
    @user-named ปีที่แล้ว

    5:17 "why is there a minus there?" great explanation.
    This is why you misunderstand it. Because you're trying to understand it.

    • @stewiesaidthat
      @stewiesaidthat ปีที่แล้ว

      Proof positive that the entire scientific community is collectively stupid.
      Sabine should be ashamed of herself for not adequately researching the subject and just spouting a bunch of nonsensical gibberish.
      Look at the facts.
      1) An astronaut's heart rate increases under acceleration. The complete opposite of what Einsten would have you believe.
      2) Inorganic objects disapear into thin ai when a force is applied. They dont gain mass like her boy Einstein wants you to believe. Proof? Which has more mass? Cold water or hot water? Why do solar sales have a temperature problem once past .2c and need some sort of cooling to keep it from losing mass?
      3) Special Relativity was thoroughly disproven with the Hafele-Keating experiment when there was no difference in the amount of energy that each clock used. That, by using synchronized clocks, one could determine who was traveling faster in space (preferred frame of reference). That, even though gravity as a force was no longer acting on a frame of reference, the properties of light make it an excellent constant from which to measure and compare acceleration against.
      4) if Sabine knew anything at all about physics, she would know that you need a constant in which to take measurements from. She would know why the cesium-133 atom is chilled to absolute zero and then accelerated to an oscillation rate corresponding with the Earth's rotational speed for the calibrated location. This makes atomic clocks a constant for measuring motion through space. Not time. Two synchronized clocks measure relative motion through space. Nothing more.
      4) The Lorentz transforms deal only with communication between moving objects and have absolutely nothing to do with the objects themselves. Your acceleration through time is determined by the energy you consume. Northern plants take longer to reach physiological maturity because they receive less sunlight. Not because of the difference in gravity like Einstein wants you to believe.
      These "scientists' are afraid of AI because it threatens to expose their lies for a half century or more. That the 'god' they've been worshipping is a false god who has led them astray with his promises of eternal life at the speed of light or a high gravity field. In relatity, both of those accelerate your demise into the after life.
      Its like they got lost in the math and dont understand the very underpinnings of physics. ENERGY. That Force equals Acceleration.
      Sabine has some explaining to do if she wants to be taken seriously as a physicist and not just another preacher worshipping at the alter of relativity.

  • @Brandon-rc9vp
    @Brandon-rc9vp ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Best quick and clean explanation on TH-cam for twin paradox, great job Sabine!

  • @GrzegorzStyczen
    @GrzegorzStyczen ปีที่แล้ว +4

    What a superb video! I still have one problem with 'gravity is not a force' that I don't understand, we can convert it to energy like electricity (using a waterfall for example). Same with how we use gravity to accelerate spacecraft using a slingshot maneuver, the spacecraft is freefalling so it should not be accelerating? Where's the energy coming from?

    • @erinm9445
      @erinm9445 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I liked your questions so I looked them up! For the slingshot maneuver, the energy comes from whatever planet the spacecraft is being slingshot around. The planet will lose a little bit of kinetic energy (speed), and that energy is transferred to the spacecraft. Here is a stack enchange convo on the topic, the top answer with the cue ball explanation is excellent!
      I wasn't able to find a clear answer for the water wheel, but I'm guessing that it's related to acceleration coming from the earth and from the water wheel itself.

    • @Tore_Lund
      @Tore_Lund ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@erinm9445 I know I'm not answering the core of your question first, but energy is not an intrinsic property in the universe. It is an emergent property of Entropy, the tendency for things to reach the lowest energy level, spread out and mix and equalise. So the waterwheel is driven by fusion in the Sun, like most other energy sources on Earth. Gravity simply acts as a spring, a temporary store of energy in this example, it is the Sun that adds potential energy to the water by lifting it to the top of the mountain. To answer where the free falling spacecraft gets it kinetic energy from in special Relativity and not with Newton, when there is no force acting on it so it isn't accelerating, it is still a question of perspective, The Earth is accelerating up to it and that mass of Earth is transferring kinetic energy to the spacecraft when it crashes onto the surface of of the spacecraft, but until that moment, the spacecraft is at rest. Another help in visualisation is to think of space itself as the only thing feeling the force of Gravity, that earth is reeling space itself in and the spacecraft simply riding along as log on a river no force is acting upon it and it is not experiencing acceleration, the water around it has the same speed as the log.
      Where did that energy come from then?: Not from gravity, either the spacecraft used engines to get potential energy from altitude, a net zero energy gain, like the waterwheel originating from its fuel made with energy from the Sun as well. Or it came from a planet with lower gravity, so indeed a net energy gain. That energy would have come from the inhomogeneities in the Universe causing planets to be different which arose from the slight variations in density and temperatures in the early universe after the Big Bang. So that might be energy originating from the Big Bang itself, but then again, all "energy" originates from the inhomogeneous of the early Universe's ordered state which also caused stars to form . The crux of you question is that you consider "energy" a real tangible phenomenon, but in reality, it is more like a way of accounting for the detours Entropy takes on its way to the bottom, which human engineers have invented to build steam engines. It is really not a "real" property of nature.

    • @GrzegorzStyczen
      @GrzegorzStyczen ปีที่แล้ว

      @@erinm9445 Thanks for helping me understand this folks!
      If the slingshotted spaceship is actually accelerating, I would also guess (as a non-scientist) that the energy to accelerate the spacecraft comes from the planet's own acceleration, but without the things touching to transfer it rises a lot of questions. Relativity makes it even trickier (from the spaceship's point of view the planet is accelerating?).
      I have an alternative explanation: The spaceship is not accelerating but just covers more distance due to time moving slower in a heavy gravity zone.
      But then I don't understand why the spaceship keeps having this boosted velocity even when it comes out of the planet's influence.
      @Tore I must say it's difficult to simplify it all to entropy but I will definitely ponder about that interpretation, thank you

  • @mskiptr
    @mskiptr ปีที่แล้ว +14

    Frankly, the single most confusing thing about understanding SR for me was the hidden assumption of Galilean transformation.
    After I've learned about Lorentz transformation (from minutephysics series about SR) it all suddenly made so much more sense. Even the popsci dumps of trivia and their inaccurate visualizations

    • @-_Nuke_-
      @-_Nuke_- ปีที่แล้ว

      Hello! Can you explain that hidden assumption of Galilean transformation further?

    • @hyperduality2838
      @hyperduality2838 ปีที่แล้ว

      GRAVITATION is equivalent or dual (isomorphic) to ACCELERATION -- Einstein's happiest thought, the principle of equivalence or duality!
      Space is dual to time -- Einstein.
      Time dilation is dual to length contraction -- Einstein, special relativity.
      The Twin paradox is duality -- which twin is actually moving?
      Questions are dual to answers.
      Points are dual to lines -- the principle of duality in geometry.
      Space, length, distance is defined by two dual points -- space duality.
      The future is dual to the past -- time duality.
      We predict (syntropy) the future and remember the past.
      Absolute time (Galileo) is dual to relative time (Einstein) -- time duality.
      My absolute time is your relative time and your absolute time is my relative time -- time duality.
      If time is dual them space must be dual.
      Time duality is dual to space duality.
      Duality within duality!
      "Always two there are" -- Yoda.

    • @mskiptr
      @mskiptr ปีที่แล้ว +3

      ​@@-_Nuke_- Well, it basically boils down to this:
      (sorry for the wall of text)
      Let's imagine you're floating in space. No gravity, friction, etc.
      Now, you throw a rock to the left with a speed of 10m/s
      At the same time you shoot a bullet to the right. It goes 100m/s
      Under normal, Newtonian physics, if you wanted to figure out what speed does the bullet travel at, from the perspective of the rock, it would just be 110m/s - that is the (numerical) sum of their speeds.
      To look at it a bit more formally, from your perspective the rock has a velocity of -10m/s, you have the velocity of 0 and the bullet has the velocity of +100m/s.
      These can be treated as vectors and to transform this situation to the point of view of the bullet, you just subtract its velocity from everything. Thus, the rock moves at (-10m/s) - (+100m/s) = -110m/s, your velocity is 0 - (+100m/s) = -100m/s and the bullet itself has velocity of (+100m/s) - (+100m/s) = 0.
      But what is speed and velocity if not just change of position per unit of time? In relation to that, very similar calculations can be done for relative positions of our three objects at any given point in time. For example, after 5 seconds your position is at 0, rock is at -50 meters and the bullet is at +500 meters. But the positions relative to the bullet are -550m, -500m and 0, respectively.
      This whole situation can be neatly drawn using a spacetime diagram. And yes, we're still in Newtonian physics here. It's just that spacetime diagrams are a really simple concept if you're not doing special relativity, so I guess nobody needed them.
      (grawing with ascii is a bit hard, so I'll just give formulas you can plug into something like GeoGebra)
      If you plot this, you will see this entire 'world' - all it's future and past (though the latter is a bit broken). The y axis is measured in seconds and the x axis in dekameters.
      rock : y = x/-1
      you : 0 = x
      bullet : y = x/10
      Every point there represents some specific time and place. You can see all the places (and their times) the bullet will visit, as well as all the places (and their times) the rock will visit.
      Now, this specific spacetime diagram represents the world from _your_ perspective. However, we can easily obtain one that corresponds to the bullet's perspective. To do this, we just move every horizontal stripe left or right, such that it stays at the same y and all the distances between its points stay the same, but the point representing the bullet is located at x=0.
      This way, we obtain the following diagram:
      rock : y = x/-11
      you : y = x/-10
      bullet : 0 = x
      And that was essentially the Galilean transformation - a way to transform one perspective into another (or one spacetime diagram into another) that respects Newtonian physics and all the classical laws of relative motion.
      But, with special relativity comes Lorentz transformation. A different way of transforming perspectives (or spacetime diagrams) that doesn't have many obvious properties of the Galilean transformation. Like adding or subtracting velocities to get the new perspective, or events maintaining their y when you change the point of view.
      To go back to the example from beginning, the relative velocity between the rock and the bullet isn't 110m/s, because the simple addition 100m/s + 10m/s isn't the correct way in this case

    • @-_Nuke_-
      @-_Nuke_- ปีที่แล้ว

      @@mskiptr I think that in the time of Newton and Galileo they weren't thinking about causality hard enough.
      Of course I don't blame them, it's a really hard topic. But if you really think about causality you will arrive at a Minkowski spacetime.
      If light had the ability to travel instantly from point A to point B, like they used to think back then, then I can think of many causal paradoxes that arise from that. After some thinking I think it's easy to see that it's mandatory for light / and other mass less objects / to have some upper speed limit that they can't travel faster than it.
      Having that upper limit to be equal to 1 for clarity (the units after 1 are irrelevant... They could be anything) and giving it a name like L=1 we have successfully made L a (1) *constant*
      The next big leap would be to understand that this L is the speed limit to our Universe.
      We know that, the more mass sometimes has the more energy it needs for us to spend in order to move it. Reversely the less mass it has the least amount of energy it requires. Following that logic things with no mass are in constant motion. But at what speed?
      It should be a huge speed! One could put those things together, and theorize that the speed that any mass-less object will have will be that L speed. It will be exactly the speed limit of our Universe.
      Finally knowing that in Galilean relativity can only have a relative speed through space. Meaning that even if an object A isn't moving in space, it's speed might still be huge from the perspective of another object B that it's traveling at that huge speed and looking at A and thinking "I'm not traveling in space, he is, and at a huge speed too".
      What does that tell us about a speed limit?
      What do we get if we take Galilean relatively and we plug in an upper speed limit? Well, since we have a speed limit, it's a speed limit that EVERYONE should agree on. So L can't be a relative thing, it should be (2) *invariant*
      Invariant to who is doing the observation - it doesn't matter, since L will always be an upper speed limit from all points of view.
      So from (1) and (2) we have successfully reached the conclusion that L is a constant and invariant speed limit of the Universe. Simply thinking in terms of causality.
      Now, the really good part begins. We have a speed that it's constant and invariant for all observers, so the best way to examine what that means for us, is to make a clock that every "tic" happens at that speed of L.
      We see that once we try to observe the clock while being at rest relative to it VS observing that clock while the clock running away from us - since even light now has a speed limit, we will get different results!
      The more the clock runs away from us, the longer tics we will measure relative to measuring them by moving alongside with the clock.
      Therefore since the clock is measuring time, time itself cannot be absolute in that framework.
      We have arrived at Einstein's relativity!

  • @frankwijnans444
    @frankwijnans444 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    There a very good reason why light is 45degrees: the factor c transforms seconds to meters and visa versa.
    And the system is constructed to ensure the light speed is constant.

  • @francissaffell6853
    @francissaffell6853 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    The maths are not the reality. Reality doesn't care about the maths. The maths are only a way to describe events: They are not THE event. So many people, very smart people, get this wrong. We have tools, but we have no ideals. :)

  • @enforced9550
    @enforced9550 ปีที่แล้ว +91

    I have never came across the concept of hyperbolic distance we use on the space time diagram before, and that it gives us the proper time passed, absolutely stunning and well explained!

    • @zekicay
      @zekicay ปีที่แล้ว +6

      The most interesting thing to me with this proper time is that all particles moving at the speed of light experience no time - their proper time is always zero.

    • @franklittle8124
      @franklittle8124 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@zekicay Yes. A photon is everywhere on its path through the universe at once, from its perspective.

    • @Tore_Lund
      @Tore_Lund ปีที่แล้ว +6

      @@franklittle8124 -or formulated differently: the Universe has no length and no time passes from the photon is created until it interacts with an electron at the other side of the Universe zero distance away.

    • @SandipChitale
      @SandipChitale ปีที่แล้ว +5

      I think the pronounced hyperbolic appearance is because of the choice of 45-degree convention Sabine talks about. If the true proportions were uses between time and space axis the hyperbolas will still be asymptotically hyperbolic but for all practical purposes straight lines near x axis. That will also clarify as to why the photon travelling at the speed of light goes to infinity in no time and thus does not experience it as the elapsed time for its journey is zero. And for same reason photon does not experience the distance as the space gets shortened to zero in its direction of travel.

    • @stoyanfurdzhev
      @stoyanfurdzhev ปีที่แล้ว

      @@zekicay Great!

  • @thamalupiyadigama1216
    @thamalupiyadigama1216 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Good work. Can you do a video about the paradox of an electric charge resting in a gravitational field? (Will it radiate? What is the relation to the Unruh effect?)

    • @deinauge7894
      @deinauge7894 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      that sounds like a fun one :)
      I just checked the calculations and all I can say is: As an observer falling past a resting charge, you would see radiation coming from it. It's the strongest perpendicular to the gravitational field. I guess you knew that part...
      If we consider an accelerating observer (just sitting near the charge, so it is also resting in the gravitational field), the special relativistic calculation doesn't work. All I can say now is:
      Imagine a big charged steel ball sitting on a perfect insulator (to avoid quantum effects... make it as big and heavily charged as possible). Now if it radiates, it has to lose energy. There is no obvious source for it, so I conclude there is no radiation for an observer at rest relative to the charge.
      If we want to calculate that for a single particle we allways run into the problem that we have to bombard it with fields to keep it from falling. the big steel ball is the easier case....
      And the problem(?) remains that all events should be the same in every reference frame. Effects from the field as seen by the free falling observer have to be compensated by other effects as seen by the sitting observer.

    • @brothermine2292
      @brothermine2292 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      By ”resting” I assume you mean accelerating upward so it doesn't fall and appears motionless.

    • @thamalupiyadigama1216
      @thamalupiyadigama1216 ปีที่แล้ว

      @Brother Mine Yes. The charge is accelerating ("upward") with repect to the freely falling frame. But the observer is also in the same frame as the charge. Hence, the charge is in rest for the observer.

    • @thamalupiyadigama1216
      @thamalupiyadigama1216 ปีที่แล้ว

      @dein auge I'd like to add some few points to show why this is an interesting problem.
      1. Uniform gravitational field is flat spacetime viewed by an accelerating observer.
      2. Free falling charge will not radiate as it is rest in its own frame which is an inertial frame.
      3. The charge in rest wrt the observer is accelerating wrt the freely falling frame so it should radiate.
      4. But, if the observer observes the radiation is debatable. If so, living on the earth surface we should observe such radiation.
      5. You have to use Rindler's coordinates to analyse what observer will observe.
      6. Rohlich and some others' calculations suggest there's a event horizon preventing the observer observing the radiation.
      7. As the Rindler coordinates and Kruskal coordinates of a black hole is mathematically related we can discuss analog results in blackhole physics.
      8. As far as I know this is not fully resolved and I have read that there are some interesting consequences when we applies QFT to the problem.

  • @Puffalupagus360
    @Puffalupagus360 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Imagine if a English or Language Arts professor critiqued this video's grammar with the same level of scrutiny. It'd be entertaining.

  • @RWBHere
    @RWBHere ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Thanks Sabine. This is the best explanation I've heard since first learning about this subject, too many decades ago. I'll be sharing this video. The responses should be interesting.

  • @jonathanborrelli2749
    @jonathanborrelli2749 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    You said:
    1. Acceleration solves twin paradox
    2. Gravity is not a force, so it not accelerates you
    So if the twin only uses the force of gravity of a star to turn around and to go back to his twin he did not accelerate to come back. So there is either a paradox or something wrong about what you said

    • @FengXingFengXing
      @FengXingFengXing 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Remember change DIRECTION is also acceleration, velocity is vector.

    • @ChlorieHCl
      @ChlorieHCl 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      If you consider gravity then the one in freefall (using only the gravity effect to return) is not accelerating, but the one staying on the planet *is accelerating* constantly by the ground they're standing on (since that's the only force acting upon them).

    • @FengXingFengXing
      @FengXingFengXing 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Ships clock will run slower when in star's gravity field, same effect if use rocket engine for turn.

    • @SarahBerry-fg5yr
      @SarahBerry-fg5yr 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Acceleration is a vector quantity. You can move around in a circle (or get turned around due to gravity-which isn’t a force but a deformation in spacetime) at a constant speed and you’re still continually accelerating. Acceleration isn’t a force and gravity isn’t a force, but acceleration does account for time dilation.

  • @aleksandrnovakov2578
    @aleksandrnovakov2578 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    What I would have liked to hear more are some exaples on how and why that specific way of measuring distances in space-time "just works". It's probably the very only point that's still unclear to me, but I'll go research it my self. Sabine is awesome as always. My mind is bending just like space-time 😂

    • @amarissimus29
      @amarissimus29 ปีที่แล้ว

      Why does the hypotenuse equal the sum of the squares of the other sides? It was born that way. If the model does not fit the reality and does not make accurate predictions, it's no good. If it does, then 'just works' is perfectly acceptable. Don't go poking at it. That's the path to postmodernism and depression.

    • @td866
      @td866 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@amarissimus29 I hope you're kidding. the mathematics of geometry explains the hypotenuse as well as the Lorentz transformation- it doesn't just work. The equation she shows isn't just a guess at a model but is derived from the geometry. I' think Sabine did a great job but since OP asked about how why the equation works, Brian Greene goes into more detail here th-cam.com/video/XFV2feKDK9E/w-d-xo.html, It doesn't "just work".

    • @Nat-oj2uc
      @Nat-oj2uc ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@td866 string theory is also derived but it is not realistic. You can't just rely on math you need to do a reality check

    • @td866
      @td866 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Nat-oj2uc Dumb reply about string theory and irrelevant to my reply. The guy I was replying to made a comment about the equations (Lorentz) not being something derived but fits with reality and not to worry about where it came from. That guys response was dumber than yours.

    • @Nat-oj2uc
      @Nat-oj2uc ปีที่แล้ว

      @@td866 your reply is the dumbest and yes it's related. It should fit reality. Many theories are derived but only Einstein's theory fits the observations the best. Mathematical proof is not enough

  • @tgifford4
    @tgifford4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    In an education system in which the majority of learning is literacy based most dyslexic individuals experience one failure after another with learning. They come to believe that they have a ‘learning disability’ when in fact they often have an exceptional ability to learn because they are more in tune and aware of the various aspects of their environment. Reading (or even math) becomes overwhelming because many words don’t produce a mental picture such as ‘the’ and ‘for’. Trigger words are abstract words for which there is no mental picture....
    When these individuals encounter a challenge or confusion, their default is to disorient in order to problem solve. Perhaps this is what led Einstein, who often claimed his imagination was his intelligence, to discover the theory of relativity...

  • @winstonsolipsist1741
    @winstonsolipsist1741 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I have some special relatives that I constantly misunderstand.

  • @SarahStarmer
    @SarahStarmer ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Thank you for this video. I have never met two physicists who both have the same interpretation of Special Relativity and I really like the fact that so many different internally consistent interpretations are possible.

    • @stewiesaidthat
      @stewiesaidthat ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Special Relativity is a fallacy, which is why there are many worlds interpretations of it.

    • @Thomas-gk42
      @Thomas-gk42 ปีที่แล้ว

      ​@@stewiesaidthat ooohh, QM.....failed

    • @Thomas-gk42
      @Thomas-gk42 ปีที่แล้ว

      ​@SAMAC AG but she's not an Einstein, she's a woman, a smart one

    • @cinegraphics
      @cinegraphics ปีที่แล้ว +1

      She's wrong. Time dilation does not come from acceleration. You can make the acceleration part as short as you wish and then continue with constant speed for a long time. The more time you travel the bigger the time dilation. So, the acceleration period influence can be made negligible, and time dilation will depend purely on the constant speed part of the trip.
      Hence, acceleration doesn't explain the twin paradox. There's only one thing that does explain it. Velocities aren't relative. They are absolute. Relativity is wrong.

    • @mathematiknet
      @mathematiknet 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I don't think so. If you draw a picture you will see, that the acceleration at the turning point skip more time on the t-axis.

  • @nanow1990
    @nanow1990 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I am writing a paper but I wanted to point out interesting thought experiment: Time dilation is an emergent property of computational resources per particle in given region of space. More p density in fixed volume v the less resources are being allocated per 1 particle and thus slower atomic clock runs, similar to computer when you put more extensive settings in physics simulation you get less frames/iters per second. This explains every single effect in physics, physics are emergent properties of reality, they are an intelligent design around limitation.

    • @stewiesaidthat
      @stewiesaidthat ปีที่แล้ว

      Time is the result of acceleration. Acceleration comes from Force. What causes delayed seed emergence? Egg hatching? Physiological maturity in plants and animals?
      None of that has to do with the ticking of a clock or motion through space other than the Earth's rotational speed creating a 24 hour day/night cycle in which biological organisms have evolved to take advantage of the available energy.
      Take two identical seedlings. Plant one in the south and one in the north. Which one has the longest lifespan? You relativist would say the one in the south because its traveling faster in space. But the one in the north is growing in a higher gravity environment. So which is it?
      Trying to solve for X by using relativity just shows how ignorant and intellectually challenged people really are.

  • @majidmajid3185
    @majidmajid3185 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Whittaker is also remembered for his role in the relativity priority dispute, as he credited Henri Poincaré and Hendrik Lorentz with developing special relativity in the second volume of his History, a dispute which has lasted several decades, though scientific consensus has remained with Einstein.

  • @karelknightmare6712
    @karelknightmare6712 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Newton’s bucket once spinned is not accelerating at all.
    Or it would mean that the change of direction is absolute. That it isn’t the universe spinning around a bucket at rest.
    The universe has been ‘pushed’ as much as the bucket at the beginning.
    Is the whole universe somehow very very slightly pushed at the outside ?
    This video is crystal clear on everything but that.
    It would really great to explain that please.

  • @dexter8705
    @dexter8705 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thank you Sabine this qas a great video, nobody teaches inertial and non inertial frames better than you do.
    Love ya work

  • @s.m.7018
    @s.m.7018 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    This is the third time I have watched this video. I made it to 2:44 until Sabine went over my head. I feel wonderful about it.

    • @stewiesaidthat
      @stewiesaidthat 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Don't feel bad. A lot of people went down that rabbit hole and now they are lost forever.
      Clocks measure motion in space. A slower running clock just means it is experiencing more space.
      Force decreases with distance. Less force (fewer clock cycles) equals more distance traveled.
      Space and Time are separate frames of reference. Suffice it to say, both twins are the same age.

  • @stewiesaidthat
    @stewiesaidthat 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    For those who want to understand SR, here is the math.
    Newton's law of motion, F=ma. Neither acceleration nor mass is defined. It depicts an unbounded, undefined, Infinite universe. Motion is relative
    E=mc. Acceleration is now defined, limited, bounded by the speed of light. Motion is Absolute.
    SOL. Speed is distance/Time. Two completely SEPARATE frames of reference.
    Space and Time are separate frames of reference. There is no combining the two. Whoever decided to make them one single frame does not undress basic physics.
    The earth is rotating on its axis as it orbits the sun. Creating day and year reference points in space. The energy emanating from the sun is what accelerates plants through their lifespan. Going faster or slower doesn't change the amount of energy coming from the sun unless you are moving away or moving towards the sun.
    E=mc. C is absolute acceleration. Both in space and in time. You can't live longer than your predetermined lifespan. Energy consumption is what accelerates you to (c). Not so much your motion in space.
    To reiterate. F=ma. An unfounded, infinite universe where motion is relative.
    E=mc, a universe bounded by and defined by the speed of light. Motion (c) is absolute.
    Speed is distance/Time. Space and Time are two separate frames of reference.
    The list of what's wrong with relativity is infinite. Ask Sabine, what do clocks measure? Why is the clock's cesium-133 atom being chilled to absolute zero. Shouldn't the observers' atoms also be chilled. What is the significance of the clock in motion using the same amount of energy as the stationary clock.
    Newton's gravitational attraction nonsense? Galileo proved that mass does not attract mass.
    .Einstein built his church of relativity on flat earth science. Gravity/mass attraction is what keeps objects from floating away on a stationary plane.
    By the way, for a theory to be valid, it must be equally applicable in ALL frames of reference.
    Where is your evidence that supports SR in ALL frames of Reference? GR? Where is your evidence that mass is an actionable force in ALL frames of reference. That includes Space and Time. which as has been shown, are separate frames of reference.
    I leave you with this. Accelerate water molecules from 0 (ice) to 100 (boiling). Now add more mass (ice). Do you get more acceleration or less?
    E=mc. Motion is absolute. Not relative as with F=ma.
    E=mc. Mass is created/defined by acceleration. Relativity is 180 degrees from reality.
    Don't let these flat earthers bamboozle you with their mathematical nonsense.

  • @richardepp8698
    @richardepp8698 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Twins Paradox
    The Twins situation is not paradoxical when the equations are used properly. The only valid equation for time dilation is the Lorentz Transformation, and the only variable it contains is velocity; and this velocity is not a relative term, but an absolute one. Therefore, the twins must not only agree on a “common” frame of reference, but agree to an “accurate” rest frame of reference.
    We are aware of a “universal” rest frame of reference based on the dipole CMBR (Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation). Although not guaranteed to be the “true” rest frame of reference, all evidence supports that it is and until it is proven false it can be accepted as the “true” rest frame of reference. According to the Lorentz Equation any object at absolute rest will experience the greatest length of (true) time.
    The velocity of the sun relative to the CMB rest frame is 368 ± 2 km/s towards the constellation Leo, equating to a Lorentz Factor of 1.0000007534 for our Sun. Meaning that the sun loses 24 seconds per year or almost 40 minutes per century. The Earth twin will lose only 3.4437 minutes during the course of the 8.7 year experiment compared to the rest frame of reference.
    The Twins Experiment will consist of one twin in a spacecraft instantly accelerating to a constant 99.995% c towards Alpha Centuri A, sling shooting around its gas giant to return home, then instantly decelerating about Earth’s orbit. The second twin will, of course, be “stationary” on Earth’s surface travelling at 368 km/s (0.123% c) towards the constellation Leo. The first twin will be in free-fall the entire trip, including the sling-shot maneuver, and believe that he is in an inertial frame of reference. The second twin will feel the Earth’s gravity and perceive himself to be in an accelerated frame of reference.
    Rest time Event Earth time Alpha Centuri Spacecraft
    (days) (days) time (days) time (days)
    0 Spacecraft leaves Earth 0 0 0
    1,588.806072 Light of departure reaches Alpha Centuri A 1,588.804875 1,588.804875 15.887862
    Light from spacecraft departure is visible 1,588.804875
    1,588.885516 Spacecraft slingshots around Alpha Centuri A 1,588.884319 15.888657
    Light from spacecraft slingshot is visible 3,177.689194
    3,177.771033 Spacecraft arrives at Earth 3,177.768638 3,177.768638 31.777313
    Light from spacecraft arrival visible 4,766.573513
    Days lost compared to “rest time” 0.0023941260 0.0023941260 3,145.993719
    The twin situation only becomes a paradox when the “true” fixed frame of reference is replaced by a “false” self-centred one; a concept that was disproved with Copernicus and should have been eliminated. Acknowledgment that one is not at the centre of the universe and proper use of the Lorentz Equation eliminates this paradox.

  • @niallhamblin
    @niallhamblin 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Subject: Elimination of leap years, days, and seconds under base-375
    numerical system :)
    Would a year with 4140 days eliminate leap years, leap seconds and leap days
    in a base-375 system? If so what would it look like? If not how would the
    leap days apply?
    A year with 4,140 days in a base-375 calendar system would indeed eliminate
    the need for leap years, leap seconds, and leap days, as it's a multiple of
    375 (375 x 11 = 4,125). This makes the calendar very regular, with each year
    consisting of 11 months of 375 "days" each.
    In this scenario, there would be no need for leap years or leap seconds
    because the calendar's year length is a multiple of the base unit (375) and
    doesn't deviate from it.
    So, in your base-375 calendar system with 4,140-day years:
    Each regular year consists of 4,140 "days."
    There are no leap years, leap seconds, or leap days necessary because the
    year length is an integral multiple of the base unit.
    This approach would create a calendar system that eliminates the complexities
    of leap years, leap seconds, and leap days, making it very regular and easy
    to work with. It would be a simple and consistent way to measure time in a
    base-375 system.

  • @vesuvandoppelganger
    @vesuvandoppelganger ปีที่แล้ว +1

    "In May and November, the Earth is moving at "right angles" to the line to Algol. During this time we see minima happening regularly at their 2.867321 day intervals. However, during August, the Earth is rapidly moving towards Algol at about 107,229 km/hr as explained on my How Fast Are We Moving? page. (The Earth moves approximately 202 times its own size in one day.) So in 2.867321 days the Earth moves about 7,379,039 km closer to Algol. _But the varying light from Algol doesn't know this - its light waves left Algol 93 years ago and are travelling at a constant speed._ The result - we "catch a bunch of minima early" during August as shown on Chart 2. Exactly the opposite happens during February - the Earth is moving away from Algol that fast and it takes longer for the group of minima to reach us so we see them taking longer between events. How long? 7,379,039 km divided by the speed of light 299,792.458 km/sec is 24.61382 seconds. So in May and November when we are not moving towards or away from Algol - the period seems constant. It is our rapid movement towards or away from the events in August and February that causes the timing differences."
    I assume that light is passing the earth at c when the earth isn't moving towards or away from Algol.
    In February the earth is moving away from Algol and the time between the eclipses is 2.8675875347 days and the light is passing the earth at 186,265 mi/sec.
    In May and November the earth is not moving towards or away from Algol and the time between eclipses is 2.867321 days and the light is passing the earth at 186,282 mi/sec.
    In August the earth is moving towards Algol and the time between eclipses is 2.8670608912 days and the light is passing the earth at 186,299 mi/sec.

  • @rogerg4916
    @rogerg4916 ปีที่แล้ว

    "Acceleration is absolute". I've never heard any other phycisist say this. She should get a Nobel prize!

    • @schmetterling4477
      @schmetterling4477 ปีที่แล้ว

      Acceleration is just as coordinate dependent as velocity. Is she talking bullshit? Of course she is. Please consult a textbook about the definition of relativistic acceleration and the formulas that apply to it.

  • @phillipcoetzer8186
    @phillipcoetzer8186 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    This explanation got me pondering the whole day ... in my mind it always seemed that acceleration distorts space and velocity distorts time. And the way I understand gravity is like when you pull the plug in a bath of water ... the closer the water gets to the hole the faster it moves so that the amount of water displaced remains the same for any given radius. The idea of distortion does not sit well with my intuition but rather that a body seems to absorb spacetime (or the infamous Ether)somehow. So as we move through spacetime thanks to the earth holding us in place or we accelerate through empty space the same effect appears because the same thing is happening. But intuitively it goes to reason that this line of thought leads to the idea that one can accelerate through space indefinitely till surpassing the speed of light and that corresponds with the idea that one can stand on a planet indefinitely accelerated by its surface.
    The explanation you give seems to imply that once acceleration stops no matter the velocity of two bodies being compared... time moves equally for both.
    And that's what got me pondering.

  • @cfkusnier1
    @cfkusnier1 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    THANK YOU! I have readed the same divulgation books, in 1985. When I was 18 years old. I thought, something doesn't work in relativity theory. Until now. In special: the case of Alice and Bob. It was a mistake of interpretation as you said. It' s the very first time that I can understand Einstein' s theory. I' m biologist. No physics. So I never could studied in detail this questions with a proffesor. Relativity theory was not included in the my two physics(1 and 2). BUT, I LIKE PHYSIC TOO MUCH!!!

    • @schmetterling4477
      @schmetterling4477 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Dude, a person who doesn't know physics doesn't "like" physics. If you had actually "liked" physics, then you would have taken these courses in your university's physics department. I certainly went over to the mathematicians a lot because I actually like math and I was willing to put the work in. ;-)

    • @cfkusnier1
      @cfkusnier1 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@schmetterling4477 I had make too much patch clamp experiments. In cells, slices of mice' s brain. I ' m electrophysiologist. Now I 'm learning to work with an electron microscopy in neuroscience. I like biology, because I think that is a little more realistic than physics. Physics is too more speculative, but I like it. I have not diffilcuties in math at any more, but l don' t like too much equations complications, because, I think that when more complexity the math, more especulative the idea and no correspond to the REAL world. S orry genius, I ' m an ass!!!

    • @schmetterling4477
      @schmetterling4477 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@cfkusnier1 So you are doing trivial shit. Who cares? :-)