Πραγματικά αξιοθαύμαστος ο Κότσιρας στο Άξιον Εστί, το πιο συνταρακτικό έργο της ελληνικής μουσικής. Στιβαρός, μελωδικός, χωρίς περιττές φιοριτούρες και στα πέντε τραγούδια. Το δέος που αισθάνεται καθώς ερμηνεύει δεν κρύβεται!
Rest in peace Mikis! Our deepest condolences from neighbour Turkey. His music and young Kotsiras' charming voice takes me to the Aegean Sea. I miss the last summer when I used to listen to this masterpiece under the same sun shining upon the both sides of the Aegean...We do and will meet under the peaceful wings of art, our kıymetli Éllines adelfoí kai adelfés 🇬🇷 🇹🇷
I have never seen a singer singing so proudly. Don't speak the language but this song gives me goosebumps. Love the composer also. My one year old falls asleep listening to this song in an instant.
Is it possible not to be proud? he is singing that masterpiece side by side with the grandmaster theodorakis, who else can have the chance to do this again?
@@kostasbr51 this was at a period when she had trouble sleeping. I used to dance to this with her in my arms and she would fall asleep. I think it soothed her.
Sun of Justice and you myrtle, branch of glory, do not, I beg you do not forget my country! It has tall mountains shaped like eagles the vines in ranks on the volcanoes’ flanks and the houses more white in the neighbourhood of the azure. My bitter hands with the thunder I am turning them back behind the times, I am calling my old friends forth with threats and with blood!
The lyrics are part of the poem of Odysseas Elytis. He won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1979 because of that. What you hear and see is the outcome of the collaboration of two great Greeks: Elytis and Theodorakis.
Όταν ακούω αυτό το είδος μουσικής, θέλω να απλώσω τα χέρια μου, να πάρω μια βαθιά ανάσα, να νιώσω τον Ήλιο, τη μυρωδιά του θαλασσινού αέρα και την απέραντη ευτυχία.....να χορέψω, να χορέψω και να χορέψω... ..αχ, αγαπημένη μου Ελλάδα! Χαιρετισμούς από Βελιγράδι, Σερβία!!!
all the thousand-year-old glory of Greece in this song is a hymn. All the splendor, all the beauty of this ancient and eternally young country in the amazing voice of this king-priest, as if descended from the frescoes of Crete. And you can always listen and forever enjoy it.
Sun of Justice and you myrtle, branch of glory, do not, I beg you do not forget my country! It has tall mountains shaped like eagles the vines in ranks on the volcanoes' flanks and the houses more white in the neighbourhood of the azure. My bitter hands with the thunder I am turning them back behind the times, I am calling my old friends forth with threats and with blood! This is a translate form the song...but it isn't the exactly the translation of the words because the greek language have words that can't be translate to other languages this is the magic with greek language!!!!👍
Canzone magnifica! Solo il grande Theodorakis poteva comportare e musicarla! Bellissima la voce di Kotsiras.Questa ed altre canzoni greche sono state le uniche da me ascoltate durante la pandemia ed esse hanno sollevato la mia psiche ed il mio animo. Grazie fratelli greci!
Has volado Mikis y el dolor atraviesa el alma d todos aquellos.. que como yo..hemos amado tu música y tu historia.. Vuela alto..sobre las montañas como aguilas..de tu bella Grecia..y un poquito sobre los Andes de mi Argentina también..❤ 🧉 🇦🇷🇦🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷
Χρόνια πολλά Ελλάδα! 🇬🇷🇭🇺 Ünnepeljünk a magyar szöveggel: Fényességes napja az igazságnak * a hősöket koszorúzó mirtusz ne feledjétek soha, * kérve kérlek, az én hazám! Sast formázó csúcsok fölséges lánca * s vulkán hűlt helye szőlőt termő kettős kékség közepén * házak tiszta fehér sora! Villám tüzében nyujtom kezemet * keserűen a Múltba vissza és szólítom átkokkal * s vérrel régi barátaim! Fényességes napja az igazságnak * a hősöket koszorúzó mirtusz ne feledjétek soha, * kérve kérlek, az én hazám! Szabó Kálmán fordítása
Vréchei sti ftochogeitoniá (Βρέχει στη φτωχογειτονιά) Μικρά κι ανήλιαγα στενά και σπίτια χαμηλά μου βρέχει στη φτωχογειτονιά βρέχει και στην καρδιά μου Αχ ψεύτη κι άδικε ντουνιά άναψες τον καημό μου είσαι μικρός και δε χωράς τον αναστεναγμό μου Οι συμφορές αμέτρητες δεν έχει ο κόσμος άλλες φεύγουν οι μέρες μου βαριά σαν της βροχής τις στάλες It's Raining in the Rundown Neighbourhood Narrow and sunless alleys and low houses of mine it's raining in the rundown neighbourhood it's raining in my heart too Ah liar and cheater world you've set my ache on fire you're small and you don't fit my moaning The woes, countless there aren't any more in the whole world my days are going by hard like the drops of rain
@@innosanto you are absolutely right , the song is Tis dikaiosinis ilie noite | Της δικαιοσύνης ήλιε νοητέ Notional sun of justice Notional sun of justice and you glorifying myrtle don’t please don’t forget my homeland! It has eagle-shaped high mountains terraced vineyards on the volcanoes and the whiter houses in the neighbourhood of the blue! It almost meets Asia on one side and almost touches Europe a little it stands in the air and in the sea by itself! My bitter hands with the Thunder I turn them before Time I’m calling my old friends with threats and blood! But all the blood has been remunerated and the threats ah quarried and one against the other the winds are invading! lyricstranslate.com/el/%CF%84%CE%B7%CF%82-%CE%B4%CE%B9%CE%BA%CE%B1%CE%B9%CE%BF%CF%83%CF%8D%CE%BD%CE%B7%CF%82-%CE%AE%CE%BB%CE%B9%CE%B5-%CE%BD%CE%BF%CE%B7%CF%84%CE%AD-notional-sun-justice.html-0
In a world where the democracy is attacked from every where even in democratic countries such as US or France it is fundamental to ear and listen the sound of the poets, the musicians and the people when they try to recover from the wound of the shackles of the dictature.
This song is a musical composition and musicalization of the poem with the same name by Greek poet Odysseas Elytis (winner of the nobel prize for literature in 1978) and makes a reference to Greece and all of it's geological and natural beauty and at the same time references to the suffering that the Greeks had to endure in the 20th Century.
Just recently diskovered this magnificent artist!!!!Unfortunately missed 20 years of musical joy. Great song. . . Best wishes for you Mr. Yiannis !!!!!
„Tis dikaiosinis ilie noite“ НЕДОСТИЖНО СУНЦЕ ПРАВДЕ Сунце правде, о ти бесмртни бранику славе, немој,преклињем те, немој,преклињем те, немој,преклињем те, не заборави моју домовину ! У њој су планине које сежу високо, налик орловима , , редови винограда на падинама су вулкана ,а куће се беле ,плаво се море сусреће се са плавим небом Азија умало додирује Европу ,стоји у ваздуху и у мору ,сама по себи ! Држећи гром у моје усијане руке , враћам их у давнине ,њима машем и старе пријатеље дозивам упркос претњама ,страху и крвљу! али сва крв је плаћена ,а претње су укопане један против другог ,вјетрови кидишу! поздрав , мој скромни превод ,прелепе песме
И двамата са Гении.Вечни !ВЕЧНИ !!!@#####Ще останат в историята .,** Мелодията е същността на музиката ** В.А.Моцарт Много вълнуваща Музика!! Браво Янис!!🎉🎉❤🎉🎉❤🎉
One of my favorites song ❤️ ❤️❤️ I can listen 24/7 and never be enough. Kotsiras have all nice songs , we will listen hem so long we leave .God bless you Kotsiras , and our brother in Gress .
Que belleza de cancion es todo un regalo para el alma aunque no se griego la musica y el sentimiento que produce su melodia es universal gracias por este regalo
„Tis dikaiosinis ilie noite“ НЕДОСТИЖНО СУНЦЕ ПРАВДЕ Сунце правде, о ти бесмртни бранику славе, немој,преклињем те, немој,преклињем те, немој,преклињем те, не заборави моју домовину ! У њој су планине које сежу високо, налик орловима , , редови винограда на падинама су вулкана ,а куће се беле ,плаво се море сусреће се са плавим небом Азија умало додирује Европу ,стоји у ваздуху и у мору ,сама по себи ! Држећи гром у моје усијане руке , враћам их у давнине ,њима машем и старе пријатеље дозивам упркос претњама ,страху и крвљу! али сва крв је плаћена ,а претње су укопане један против другог ,вјетрови кидишу! поздрав , мој скромни превод ,прелепе песме
this is from the long poem of O. Elytis AXION ESTI (worthy it is) O sun of Justice in the mind * and you O glorifying myrtle do not oh I implore you * do not forget my country! It has high mountains eagle-shaped * and rows of vines on its volcanoes and houses very white * for neighboring the blue! Though touching Asia on one side * and brushing Europe on the other it stands there all alone * in aether and in sea! It’s not a foreigner’s idea * nor is it any kinsman’s love but everywhere a mourning * and light is merciless! I turn my bitter hands that hold * the Thunderbolt in back of Time I summon my old friends * call them with threats and blood! But all the blood has gone for lost * and all the threats been quarried now and winds and winds all turn * the one against the other! O sun of Justice in the mind * and you O glorifying myrtle do not oh I implore you * do not forget my country! ODYSSEUS ELYTIS, The Collected Poems of Odysseus Elytis, The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1997, p 155, (translated by Jeffrey Carson and Nikos Sarris)
Y aunque me guste el griego y no lo entiendo pero indudablemente estas melodías son hermosísimas pero me encantan tienen ese acento típico de Grecia opaaaa!!👏👏👏
Grandioso ed eterno Teodorakis !! Bellissima la voce di Kotsiras. Non mi stanco mai di ascoltarli! Grazie, fratelli greci.
Πραγματικά αξιοθαύμαστος ο Κότσιρας στο Άξιον Εστί, το πιο συνταρακτικό έργο της ελληνικής μουσικής. Στιβαρός, μελωδικός, χωρίς περιττές φιοριτούρες και στα πέντε τραγούδια. Το δέος που αισθάνεται καθώς ερμηνεύει δεν κρύβεται!
The most beautiful language to me
It truly is. Most descriptive in its mostly heart-rending song lyrics.
i'm half greek and french but i like too italian language
I agree.I am Serbian,i love greek people and language!! Orthodox brothers
@@nr01vid???? What language ????
Big hug from Split (Croatia) to our Mediterranean brothers
Rest in peace Mikis! Our deepest condolences from neighbour Turkey. His music and young Kotsiras' charming voice takes me to the Aegean Sea. I miss the last summer when I used to listen to this masterpiece under the same sun shining upon the both sides of the Aegean...We do and will meet under the peaceful wings of art, our kıymetli Éllines adelfoí kai adelfés 🇬🇷 🇹🇷
Ως Τούρκος ακούω με χαρά τους τραγουδιστές και τα τραγούδια σου.
Die Steine werden sprechen....die Steine werden sprechen und Zeugnis über Griechenland geben!!! Was für ein Volk!!!
Kotsiras had fever 40 degrees Celsius that day. But as he said, Thedorakis would take the words out of his gut and insides during the performance.
I have never seen a singer singing so proudly. Don't speak the language but this song gives me goosebumps. Love the composer also. My one year old falls asleep listening to this song in an instant.
οι περήφανοι και γενναίοι άνθρωποι της Ελλάδας ... πατριώτες που δίνουν τη ζωή τους για την πατρίδα τους ..
Is it possible not to be proud? he is singing that masterpiece side by side with the grandmaster theodorakis, who else can have the chance to do this again?
@@kostasbr51 this was at a period when she had trouble sleeping. I used to dance to this with her in my arms and she would fall asleep. I think it soothed her.
Sun of Justice
and you myrtle, branch of glory,
do not, I beg you
do not forget my country!
It has tall mountains shaped like eagles
the vines in ranks on the volcanoes’ flanks
and the houses more white
in the neighbourhood of the azure.
My bitter hands with the thunder
I am turning them back behind the times,
I am calling my old friends forth
with threats and with blood!
The lyrics are part of the poem of Odysseas Elytis. He won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1979 because of that. What you hear and see is the outcome of the collaboration of two great Greeks: Elytis and Theodorakis.
Hammer ,ich habe Gänsehaut! Bin deutscher und liebe diesen Song! Danke liebe GRIECHEN!!!!!!!!!!!
@ id 260: Iiiiiiiiaaaaaa... ich auch...... 😍 Es gibt einfach Lieder, Tiede herzen schwingen lassen und zueinander führen. Wunderschön 🌟
Η ερμηνεία του Κότσιρα είναι συγκλονιστική.. Εξίσου η σεμνότητα και η σοβαρότητα με την οποία τραγουδάει! Απίστευτος!
Μπορούμε να πούμε πως συναγωνιζεται άνετα τον τιτανα μπιθικωτση
E está diante de um Mestre!
I can listen till the end of my life. Zivela Grcka,ziveli Grci.
@Athan asios σας ευχαριστώ
Hvala 👏👏 Srbija ❤❤❤❤
I am still listening, this beautiful song, greetings to our Greek brothers from Serbia!
@@goransvensson5547 :?!!!!!
Hello brate
Magna Graecia!
We owe to your land and people so much!
I don't speak this language, but it speaks to me. Magical song
I agree.
Hermosa musica y Yannis la hace muy hermosa
Grey S , that language is Greek 🙂
I can translate the song to English if you'd like
Danke Mikis Theodorakis, deine Musik wird ewig leben
Peter Lehmann: Es freut mich immer wieder wenn Leute aus dem deutschen Sprachraum ein gutes Wort für griechische Musik übrighaben... Danke
@@ykm4818 sehe ich genauso 👍👍 Danke Peter 🤝👏
Non mi stanco mai di ascoltare questa bellissima canzone e la voce incredibile di Kotsiras. Emozionante!!!!
Love greek music, love Mikis Theodorakis, what a beautiful voice Yannis Kotsiras!❤️❤️❤️❤️
Όταν ακούω αυτό το είδος μουσικής, θέλω να απλώσω τα χέρια μου, να πάρω μια βαθιά ανάσα, να νιώσω τον Ήλιο, τη μυρωδιά του θαλασσινού αέρα και την απέραντη ευτυχία.....να χορέψω, να χορέψω και να χορέψω... ..αχ, αγαπημένη μου Ελλάδα! Χαιρετισμούς από Βελιγράδι, Σερβία!!!
all the thousand-year-old glory of Greece in this song is a hymn. All the splendor, all the beauty of this ancient and eternally young country in the amazing voice of this king-priest, as if descended from the frescoes of Crete. And you can always listen and forever enjoy it.
My best song ever, I asked some Greek friends to translate it for me , the words are strong and beautiful, omg, I love you Greece
Try this link th-cam.com/video/gWr4SS_90v4/w-d-xo.html
Sun of Justice
and you myrtle, branch of glory,
do not, I beg you
do not forget my country!
It has tall mountains shaped like eagles
the vines in ranks on the volcanoes' flanks
and the houses more white
in the neighbourhood of the azure.
My bitter hands with the thunder
I am turning them back behind the times,
I am calling my old friends forth
with threats and with blood!
This is a translate form the song...but it isn't the exactly the translation of the words because the greek language have words that can't be translate to other languages
this is the magic with greek language!!!!👍
One of the best songs I have ever heard. So beautiful. I don't know Greek but this music talk to me. Fantastic
If my greek is right it's about like the land of Greece, kinda like god bless America if I can compare it to any song
Canzone magnifica! Solo il grande Theodorakis poteva comportare e musicarla! Bellissima la voce di Kotsiras.Questa ed altre canzoni greche sono state le uniche da me ascoltate durante la pandemia ed esse hanno sollevato la mia psiche ed il mio animo. Grazie fratelli greci!
Sind Sie Italiener?!
My favorite song, Miki teodorakis genius and kotsiras charismatic and perfect singer, perfect duo
The best song ever .I love you Greece from all my heart :)
Now you know why the Greeks civilised the world, bravo Gianni, bravo, as for Mimi's, a true Olympian.
My darling Yiannis Kosturas ,you are a greeat artist!
All my respect!
You sining from hart and soul!
Has volado Mikis y el dolor atraviesa el alma d todos aquellos.. que como yo..hemos amado tu música y tu historia..
Vuela alto..sobre las montañas como aguilas..de tu bella Grecia..y un poquito sobre los Andes de mi Argentina también..❤ 🧉 🇦🇷🇦🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷
ROXANNA, you have written a beautiful tribute to a great citizen of the world. He is now gone but he will always be with us
RIP Mikis We lost a truly amazing man today.
Just wonderful ❤ Greetings from Serbia 🇷🇸
Amo este idioma siento una parte de mi en el mediterraneo y este artista maravilloso
Лек за душата!
Велик композитор
И прекрасен Янис Коцирас
Ό,τι πιο όμορφο έχω ακούσει τον τελευταίο καιρό. Ένας μεγάλος χαιρετισμός στους Ελληνορθόδοξους αδελφούς μας από τη Σερβία ❤❤❤❤
A great artist. One can see the joy on his face. Just love him!!
Bravo Theodorakis & Kotsiras.
Великий Теодоракис и замечательный милый , такой естественный Янис !
RIP Mikis Theodorakis (29 July 1925 - 2 September 2021)!
Χρόνια πολλά Ελλάδα! 🇬🇷🇭🇺 Ünnepeljünk a magyar szöveggel:
Fényességes napja az igazságnak * a hősöket koszorúzó mirtusz
ne feledjétek soha, * kérve kérlek, az én hazám!
Sast formázó csúcsok fölséges lánca * s vulkán hűlt helye szőlőt termő
kettős kékség közepén * házak tiszta fehér sora!
Villám tüzében nyujtom kezemet * keserűen a Múltba vissza
és szólítom átkokkal * s vérrel régi barátaim!
Fényességes napja az igazságnak * a hősöket koszorúzó mirtusz
ne feledjétek soha, * kérve kérlek, az én hazám!
Szabó Kálmán fordítása
...one year later ...and it still touches my soul !!! awesome music !!! I love you my greeks brothers !
Durante la pandemia, tu musica y lo que representas fue una fuente de vida para mi.
Don’t speak the language, but I love it so much!!! 👍❤️
Vréchei sti ftochogeitoniá (Βρέχει στη φτωχογειτονιά)
Μικρά κι ανήλιαγα στενά
και σπίτια χαμηλά μου
βρέχει στη φτωχογειτονιά
βρέχει και στην καρδιά μου
Αχ ψεύτη κι άδικε ντουνιά
άναψες τον καημό μου
είσαι μικρός και δε χωράς
τον αναστεναγμό μου
Οι συμφορές αμέτρητες
δεν έχει ο κόσμος άλλες
φεύγουν οι μέρες μου βαριά
σαν της βροχής τις στάλες
It's Raining in the Rundown Neighbourhood
Narrow and sunless alleys
and low houses of mine
it's raining in the rundown neighbourhood
it's raining in my heart too
Ah liar and cheater world
you've set my ache on fire
you're small and you don't fit
my moaning
The woes, countless
there aren't any more in the whole world
my days are going by hard
like the drops of rain
@@groximoronoximoron3066 this is not the song of the video
@@innosanto you are absolutely right , the song is
Tis dikaiosinis ilie noite | Της δικαιοσύνης ήλιε νοητέ
Notional sun of justice
Notional sun of justice
and you glorifying myrtle
don’t please don’t
forget my homeland!
It has eagle-shaped high mountains
terraced vineyards on the volcanoes
and the whiter houses
in the neighbourhood of the blue!
It almost meets Asia on one side
and almost touches Europe a little
it stands in the air
and in the sea by itself!
My bitter hands with the Thunder
I turn them before Time
I’m calling my old friends
with threats and blood!
But all the blood has been remunerated
and the threats ah quarried
and one against the other
the winds are invading!
we send all our Love and respect from Dubai. you greek people you are greate. you deserved to be loved.
A masterpiece,a divine performance,love Greek music!!
In a world where the democracy is attacked from every where even in democratic countries such as US or France it is fundamental to ear and listen the sound of the poets, the musicians and the people when they try to recover from the wound of the shackles of the dictature.
Wonderful.this is a reason to speak the language! thank you Yannis!!
One of the best tunes I have ever heard
I love the conductor..he feels music in every atom of his body and evey drop of his blood. The voice is beautiful as well. :)
haha the conductor is Mikis Theodorakis the composer of the music. :)
This song is a musical composition and musicalization of the poem with the same name by Greek poet Odysseas Elytis (winner of the nobel prize for literature in 1978) and makes a reference to Greece and all of it's geological and natural beauty and at the same time references to the suffering that the Greeks had to endure in the 20th Century.
In the twentieth century only? The Greeks have always done the right thing, we call it philotimo, but you have to pay for it, just remember that.
I am from Genova. Always remembering Kostas Georgakis
well said!
Greetings from Albania ! ❤
A wonderful Greek song that moves the soul ,great singer Yannis Kotsiras,and Theodorakis composer, Great
Onore a Theodorakis, ai nostri fratelli greci!
Just recently diskovered this magnificent artist!!!!Unfortunately missed 20 years of musical joy. Great song. . . Best wishes for you Mr. Yiannis !!!!!
Carobno,uzivam svim svojim culima!
„Tis dikaiosinis ilie noite“
Сунце правде,
о ти бесмртни бранику славе,
немој,преклињем те,
немој,преклињем те,
немој,преклињем те,
не заборави моју домовину !
У њој су планине које сежу високо, налик орловима ,
, редови винограда на падинама су вулкана ,а куће се беле
,плаво се море сусреће се са плавим небом
Азија умало додирује Европу
,стоји у ваздуху и у мору ,сама по себи !
Држећи гром у моје усијане руке ,
враћам их у давнине ,њима машем
и старе пријатеље дозивам упркос претњама ,страху и крвљу!
али сва крв је плаћена ,а претње су укопане
један против другог ,вјетрови кидишу!
поздрав ,
мој скромни превод ,прелепе песме
@@sofija9546 Pesma je predivna. Hvala Vam za prevod od ❤
Obožavam Grčke pjesme. Pogotovo ovakve kao što pjeva ovaj mladi momak ,Ximeroni, O Kaimos, Athina itsl. 🇭🇷vs🇬🇷. 🎶🎵🎼🎹🎸🪗🪘🥁🎺🎻 Bravo bravo 👏👏👍🏿👍🏿
Greetings from Iraq.
Super, amazing ..... Perfect singer and song. Fantastic.I think and dead body he can awake up with his song...Love it... Regards from Lithuania
aciu Edita, mes Graikai mylime Lietuva
Gleich zweimal mal super! Theodorakis und Kotsiras!
αν μπορούσα να χωρέσω όλη την Ελλάδα σε ένα τραγούδι..
Magnificent song and interpretation,beautiful ,best wishes from Croatia
Immer wieder so geil! Ich liebe dieses Lied
Divna pesma. ♥️♥️♥️ Pozdrav iz Srbije.
Forever Mikis ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Oh ist das schön.... liebe Grüße an Euch alle Menschen in der Welt ❤
Αξέχαστος Ανεπανάληπτος Αναντικατάστατος!
Bonjour , quel est le titre de cette chanson Grecque s'il vous plaît.
И двамата са Гении.Вечни !ВЕЧНИ !!!@#####Ще останат в историята .,**
Мелодията е същността на музиката **
Много вълнуваща
Браво Янис!!🎉🎉❤🎉🎉❤🎉
Beautiful Greek songs, what else to say !
Toppers, both. Unfortunately Mikis is not there anymore .RIP Mikis.
We love you too 😊
One of my favorites song ❤️ ❤️❤️ I can listen 24/7 and never be enough. Kotsiras have all nice songs , we will listen hem so long we leave .God bless you Kotsiras , and our brother in Gress .
Que belleza de cancion es todo un regalo para el alma aunque no se griego la musica y el sentimiento que produce su melodia es universal gracias por este regalo
Ελύτης, Θεοδωράκης, Κότσιρας, φανταστικό αποτέλεσμα...έχω ερωτευτεί το τραγούδι αυτό...
Quelle magnifique chanson ! Et accompagnée par l'immense M. Theodorakis ! Un régal !
Was für. ein tolles Lied !!!!!!
Koliko je moćna ova pesma da bi mogla da se uzme za himnu !
I ako neznam jezik, oni pevaju i sviraju i to se doživi svim culima - magija je tu
„Tis dikaiosinis ilie noite“
Сунце правде,
о ти бесмртни бранику славе,
немој,преклињем те,
немој,преклињем те,
немој,преклињем те,
не заборави моју домовину !
У њој су планине које сежу високо, налик орловима ,
, редови винограда на падинама су вулкана ,а куће се беле
,плаво се море сусреће се са плавим небом
Азија умало додирује Европу
,стоји у ваздуху и у мору ,сама по себи !
Држећи гром у моје усијане руке ,
враћам их у давнине ,њима машем
и старе пријатеље дозивам упркос претњама ,страху и крвљу!
али сва крв је плаћена ,а претње су укопане
један против другог ,вјетрови кидишу!
поздрав ,
мој скромни превод ,прелепе песме
Αχ Ελλάδα μου!!!!
What a combination that music and the singer…and the poem…beautiful
Mikis was such a giant among composers. Respected around the world.....even the Beatles bowed down when they met him:)
Ακούω αυτό το τραγουδι κάθε μέρα.
ΑΘΑΝΑΤΟΣ ο Μίκης...Ο σπουδαιότερος Έλληνας της σύγχρονης ιστορίας της πατρίδας μας...🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷💪🙏
What a beautiful song and what a beautiful voice. I don't understand Greek. I would really appreciate to know what the lyrics say.
this is from the long poem of O. Elytis AXION ESTI (worthy it is)
O sun of Justice in the mind * and you O glorifying myrtle
do not oh I implore you * do not forget my country!
It has high mountains eagle-shaped * and rows of vines on its
and houses very white * for neighboring the blue!
Though touching Asia on one side * and brushing Europe on the other
it stands there all alone * in aether and in sea!
It’s not a foreigner’s idea * nor is it any kinsman’s love
but everywhere a mourning * and light is merciless!
I turn my bitter hands that hold * the Thunderbolt in back of Time
I summon my old friends * call them with threats and blood!
But all the blood has gone for lost * and all the threats been quarried
and winds and winds all turn * the one against the other!
O sun of Justice in the mind * and you O glorifying myrtle
do not oh I implore you * do not forget my country!
ODYSSEUS ELYTIS, The Collected Poems
of Odysseus Elytis,
The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1997, p 155,
(translated by Jeffrey Carson and Nikos Sarris)
Y aunque me guste el griego y no lo entiendo pero indudablemente estas melodías son hermosísimas pero me encantan tienen ese acento típico de Grecia opaaaa!!👏👏👏
Amazing song great rendition 🥰🥰❤❤❤
Ιωάννης has the face of purity and his admiration for Mikis is profound. ❤️😘🥰💕😍🕊
Mikis is King
Γεια σου Γιάννη !!! Καλό ταξίδι Μίκη μας !!!!
magestuoso YANNIS ?tan pocas visualisaciones ? el mejor de GRECIA,gracias¡¡¡¡¡
Wish to accompany this song in a choir someday:))🙏🙏
Ich liebe diese Musik
Rest in peace great master
Mikis Theodorakis... Großartig!!! Ebenso natürlich Yannis Kotsiras... was für ein wunderschönes Zusammenspiel...!!!
Fenomenalno moja glazba iz djetinjstva.pozdrav iz hrvatske
Браво, Греция! Мы помним Яниса!
Простые люди победят.
Почему помним, он жив !
μεγάλε μύστη Οδυσσέα Ελύτη σε ευχαριστούμε!
...Augen schließen so fühlt sich Griechenland an.
Beruehrende worte....
Das ist die richtige Antwort Stefan.
Einfach wundervoll ! 🖐
True magic!
Υπεροχος Κότσιρας αθανατος Μίκης ο δικος μας ελληνας . Ενα τραγουδι υμνος οπως κ ολα. Καλο ταξιδι .