Like I said in the video.... I have made several videos talking about the bad. This is a good first step for him and I want to acknowledge it.All we can do is pray and see if true change comes! It would be nice to see the whole Christian music industry get right! Go back to their first love! Let's just pray and keep our eyes open!
I think it's great that you have a heart for the baby Christians. I also respect you for praying for the people you put in the spotlight. Justin Peters could take a few lessons from you on this issue. His main mission in life seems to be exposing on who he perceives to be fake preachers, etc But he never mentions praying for them or asks his viewers to do so. The few times I watched his videos, I see a self-satisfied look on his face as if he thoroughly enjoys what he does, but the other day I also caught a glimpse of the painting behind him over his head. There is what looks to me like baphomet horns. Its actually a circle, but when he moves a certain way it looks like horns sticking out from his head. The painting has always been there, but I never saw the horns until the other day.
I always did like Kirk Franklin but lately somethings been off with him but God bless him and hopefully he gets it right just like the rest of us, Amen.❤❤❤
Every man weakness is not a laughing matter, if we are called to be like Christ we shouldn't magnify everyones struggles and downfalls. Lets lift each other in prayer
I am so disgusted by the constant gossip, call out and 'I told you so" by Marcus. It's frankly awful. He needs to be using his platform for better things. My word
@@matoniamunroe544Same!!! And the fact that he thinks it’s righteous and right is very telling! Monetizing the downfalls of others is just as bad as the accused.
When he said “Put on some Drake, put on some Biggie”, I think he was trying to sound hip and cool. He seems to want to be accepted by the hip hop community etc. But you can’t serve 2 masters.
The fear of being irrelevant and people pleasing, as well as the love of money, will lead believers in the wrong direction in ministry. We must place our trust in Jesus, seeking to please Him alone. Anything else is a trap.
Amen! Yes, we allll need His mercy, grace, discernment, and wisdom. Thank God there’s that U-turn. Thank God He is accessible. Praying and I appreciate your integrity and boldness.
This is my first time commenting on your video. I have watched many of them and appreciated many of them. This was a greater standard and very well received, my brother. Keep going, watchman🔥🔥🔥
You're Right Minister Marcus, I believe there's no one ever too far gone God cannot reach. Praying You get well soon and absolutely praying for You and You whole Family. 2025 will be greater and very intentional about all things God🙏
Happy New Year Pastor Marcus, everyone! Wishing you God's best this year. Stay prayed up, fasting frequently and most importantly spend time in the word. As for Kirk's video, I feel he loves the spotlight even now. When you have to explain away behavior and actions at your grown age, something is off. The word of God is standard above everything. God loves him still, and as long as we call such contradiction in love, and pray for them, I think change may come. Let's not be distracted by the devil, let's spread the good news of God's love, repentance, His return before it is too late. God bless you, have a blessed New Year!
When he said, "You think gospel music has gone to far, you think we've gotten to radical without a message, you ain't seen nothing yet" he was prophetically speaking into his future and that is why we're where we are now. He is deceived about his behavior and we need to pray that he would confess and repent.
Mr. Marcus! Thank you for the dialogue! This was my first time watching your podcast and I have several comments about your platform and your music. I just want to do it in one shot, so this will be a rather long comment. Thank so so much for your boldness and speaking God's truth. I know the Spirit inside of you by your music, and now your comments. All believers do not have the courage to speak out like you are doing, and God is definitely in the season of separating the wheat from the chaff. You are correct about drinking ... God's Word tells us not to be drunk with wine. Anything that the enemy can use to get in our lives should be avoided. I personally enjoy dancing, but I don't miss the club scene. Jesus does not belong in the club but I don't know why we stop dancing and moving as we get older. I dance at the park in my neighborhood to Christian hip hop, including your music. I just finished a dance routine to Pull Up (not recorded), and the next one might be Level Up. If you ever want to laugh, it is fun to watch a 61 year old woman dancing to Christian hip hop.😃I don't have any pain in my body and I thank God for that, so I have no excuse not to move and have fun doing it! Lastly, I have also been sober for 11 years. I drank fine for 21 years, but again, that is what the enemy used to get me when mid-life hit. When I got sober, God let me know that it was fear that caused me to drink like that, so I wanted to know 1) why we fear; and 2) how to walk through it so I can enjoy this precious gift called life. I wrote a small book about fear based on scripture and since 2018, He has been developing a Fear and Purpose Ministry. It is difficult to get in front of people when you are not known, but I trust God's timing and He reminds me all the time that this is His ministry. I know my purpose is to help believers walk through fear and into purpose, and God has allowed me to have fun doing it! If you are interested, check out the Fear Message my church let me record to use as promotion. It is on my channel for convenience. God bless your journey and continued prayers!
We need to pray for those "celebrity" Christians. New believers are watching them. I have been there, being fooled by their behaviors. I used to do my things and then run to church on Sunday, still drunk from the night before. I thank the LORD that He delivered me in April 2023, and I have been living differently. I am 43 years old, and I started living in 2023.
@@datkiddthosame I heard from people that have been around him. I heard he’s very playful , witty and funny but very much loves the lord. I think many have written him off due to some of these reaction videos where he is portrayed/called everything but a man of God. I appreciate this video from Marcus though. It was done with love and not hate. From what I see the man is a dancer and loves onstage engagement. He will not stop dancing. Just needs to tone it down a bit as Marcus said.
Come on people... there's a different between judging and warning ⚠️ if we see a brother or sister doing something, so blatantly wrong.. please pray and pull them aside in the spirit of love.... 🙏
Love U Marcus! I'm with you and never doubted your passion and sincerity with getting His word out. You're a rock to many... keep it goin! '25 will be better if not just in our spiritual growth. In Jesus name, Amen.
I love this post Brother Marcus, the edification, the encouragement and correction. This is what we know you for and what we come for. It's beautiful to know that you pray for those that you call out. This is the very ministry of the watchman and not the watchdog! God bless you Watchman of The Lord, we love and pray for you.
Kirk needs to be sat down and mentored be a father in the body of Christ. He's struggling and has demons that need casting out. Praying for his deliverance🙏
We need to pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ, especially those in ministry and leadership positions. I believe Kirk's apology was sincere and I hope he continues to glorify the LORD with his gifts because his ministry and music has brought me through some difficult times.
I hate social media. Everybody sees everything and sees people’s imperfections up close and all the time now and all we do is bash and point fingers at each other. It’s draining. Kirk has a lot of humility to address this you never gonna make everyone happy especially judgmental Christians
I just don't understand how this kind of content is edifying to the body of Christ. It feels hypocritical. Many of the examples provided are from years ago; people may have already repented, yet the discussions keep resurfacing. Kirk is apologizing, and having a debate about whether this is legitimate is beyond me-it's so hypocritical. Additionally, many "Christians" talk about collaborating with secular artists, yet they rely on secular producers to create their beats, music, and lyrics, and nobody addresses that. Christians are profiting from this kind of content, which is why it's consistently presented. They're not getting the same views for preaching the word, and that's disappointing. As believers, we are meant to be brothers and sisters in Christ. If it were an individual or their loved one in question, these kinds of conversations wouldn’t take place in public. This content isn’t helping any new Christians; it’s only planting seeds of gossip, fostering a critical spirit, and encouraging slander. We need to do better. This isn’t the gospel. That is how we equip and grow in our faith.
Very well said I always say this under his videos/ content it’s not helping at all and I believe that he should repent for gossiping and slander! Then he always say it’s correction but he’s never ever willing to take correction. I’ve watch many of his videos and when someone come at him he get disrespectful and dismissive. Like the interview with the gay pastors when Marcus spoke they listened and when they spoke he over talked them, turned his camera off and left the screen for a minute simply no respect 😢and whenever God corrects it’s him showing love not condemning! Then he said I not perfect I make mistakes and will probably make more but I love God so why is that only true for him smh he can never be wrong🤦🏽♀️ yall will run away a babe in Christ and remember “if someone should cause anyone of these little ones who believe in me to stumble, it’ll be better to have a millstone wrap around your neck and drown” the body has to do better. Get back to the word Marcus not playing judge and jury. I love you Marcus and I’ll definitely be praying for you.
…every single comment on this social media post can be considered non-edifying to the Body of Christ, especially since what one takes away from reading the comments is subjective to the reader. For example, the posts of those “correcting” Pastor Marcus can be misconstrued and seen as gossip, in the same way that he is said to be gossiping. Essentially, ALL of us, by way of our word choice and, more deeply, the posture of our heart can be “judging” others with the very same measure by which God will judge us. The thing is, the scripture doesn’t stop at “judge not”. We ARE to judge the “fruit” by which we discern the bearer of those fruit. The scripture is telling us that if you are going to judge someone according to the mote in their eye, you’d better be certain that you’ve addressed the beam in your own eye, knowing that the judgment you render toward others will be rendered to you. WE ALL NEED HOLY SPIRIT DISCERNMENT AND GUIDANCE.🙏🏾🙏🏾
Listen… I was in the car with my grandma, a woman that claim to be Christian but don’t walk in Christ, put on Gospel music because it was Sunday, & turned because it sounded so secular, and she said she might as well listen to the secular music. I say this to say, even those in the world know that gospel music nowadays is off.
8] The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit. But you ( a born again person will tell by their fruit) Can the world recognise the fruit of the Spirit?
God bless him for doing a public apology! This is very good! I pray he will get out of the world 🌎 and fully commit back to Jesus and remember his first love 💜 Kirk has gifts 🎁 and talents for sure but he needs to use them to glorify God not self. I feel you Marcus I grew up in the 80’s and 90’s I’m 45 years old and I remember his old music 🎶 as well it was so much better. God bless Kirk ❤❤❤
Thank you for that graceful perspective on Tony Evans❤😢 Dont know what he did, but the sermons got me through tough times. God uses who he will and what Tony preached in the past was 🙏❤❤
I agree with you, and he Bible says bad company (the world) corrupts good character (the children of God). That is why The Lord tells us to guard our hearts. We must stay rooted and grounded in The word of God The Lord Jesus Christ so that we will not flow with every wind of doctrine and we will not be easily swayed. We will stay standing steadfast and immovable on The Lord Jesus Christ AMEN. May The Lord God Bless You and your family.
I swear yall come on to just look for confrontations, if God open the pages of your life I wonder what we will see. That issue is passed now if you don't agree with someone you don't watch them. This now becomes as if you have no type of sin or mistake in ur life that u need to work on. Let every man be a liar and God be true. No one is Good. The heart of men is desperately wicked. It is By God's grace we are still standing.
I just love Kirk, I just see him as so many of us who love God, who truly hear God’s word in our heart, and genuinely want to encourage people in God and still struggle with the flesh. Praying for his soul!
I mean I think if the brother has the Holy Ghost and walking in Holiness then he wouldnt be up here apologizing abt his dancing or his form of dress. The Holy Ghost would stop him from wearing certain clothes and making certain dance moves in his life. Who is he living for? God or man? Its compromise. We all can come to a place where we step over the line and compromise and then REPENT for doing so. Its not about apologizing its about repenting to God and that means He will change. That happens in the presence of the Lord. That change happens in the SPIRIT. If he truly repent abt his behavior then going forward we will see a change in him. Thats truly btw himself and God.
Praying for your recovery, and yes, it seems as if something is in the air because many are sick with something in their chest with lots of coughing. God bless all!🙏🏽💞
That thing about Kirk's countanence, I totally get!!! I felt the same way. Kirk is going through some gthings and we will keep lifting him up in prayer.
I definitely do not like the fact that "Christian" artists do those things the secular artists do. A performance is what the world does. To Minister is what true Christians do. We must use wisdom in everything we do. I'm glad Kirk apologized to the world, but I pray he apologized to God! I pray for Kirk's deliverance. There's a virus going around, and people are talking about the fog. Stay safe men and women of God. Marcus, you are healed in Jesus, name!
You are correct the line is drawn in the sand and the word of God is the final answer. We need worship artists to usher in the spirit of God period. Prayers up ❤
I love u Marcus u always remind me that it’s not mean to make a stand and say I love u all but I’m not playing with sin or anything that’s against my God . I think for a lot of us we do have it in our heads that it’s mean or how can I put them on God if there offended by me , but God has really opened my eyes to see that this how u truly bring people to Christ is by how we live our lives we are an example for them it’s to many Christian’s that scared to be bold scared to stand up for God and what’s right n take a stand for the kingdom of light.They need to see how the Christian walk really work they need to see what God foreal . We can’t let them think it’s ok for us to participate in sin or the things of this world that are against God not even a little bit . Thank u Marcus for your boldness ❤️
Marcus, I can clearly See that your Ultimate Struggle is to FULLY receive God's Grace and to allow others to do so, as well. Your content is very wavering..and it staggers to be FULLY Assured of the Promise. Unlike Abraham, who was FULLY Assured of the Promise and did not waver... who Humbled Himself Enough to Believe in GOD ..and Not in himself... It seems as though when, you, yourself have been confronted with the errors of your ways..then all of a sudden you are pro-grace. But any other time you are the first to casts the first stone. I highly recommend you continue to work out your own Salvation and focus on you & your own relationship with God..and not so much on others. Don't worry about subscribers, what man thinks, or even what others are doing. But Humble yourself before God, and let HIM exalt you... Not by your might, nor by your power, but by His Spirit, Alone.
@@Alicia-RWBMy response is not being dismissive of your question at all. My advice: SEEK GOD with your WHOLE HEART, and you will find Him…He will speak. So much of what is now seen in the “church buildings” versus the actual CHURCH speaks so much to the traditions of men and carnality. Honestly, one of the best things that any of us can do is keep our eyes ON GOD. Read/study the word, and ask God for revelation of what HE is saying. There are too many people using God’s word to say nothing, because they too are stroking and catering to their flesh. We’ve all been guilty of that. In this new year, I encourage you, as I am also encouraged, to seek GOD with everything that you have!!! May God bless, keep, and guide you, in Jesus’ name!! Hebrews 4:16 "Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need" Grace: UNEARNED FAVOR (we cannot/ do not do anything to deserve it) that empowers us to face our challenges. Hebrews 4:16 suggests that we can confidently approach God's throne, knowing that we will receive mercy and grace to help us in our time of need.🙏🏾🙏🏾
@brandijana Abraham did waver many times. Ishmael and Hagar was one. Giving his wife to pharoah calling her his sister another one. Yet He was considered righteous because Abraham worked out his salvation with fear and trembling. Real Grace empowers freedom. Not allowing sin. Jesus giving us a great example in the adulteress woman. He doesn't throw a stone. Holds her accountable and tells her, " go and sin no more." Jesus being full of grace and truth saying this. All this to say to defend Marcus. Marcus understands that if we stay quiet about lawlessness which separates people from God see Matthew 7:23 we are only harming and not helping.
You posting about someone else apology while you yourself need to be apologizing to Johnathan and Susie. Dude sit down somewhere ! Critiquing any and everything while ignoring the beam in your own eye! All for content. God ain’t nowhere near this man! His love for the camera and trying to use God is all Marcus is about. A few seconds later and y’all act like this man didn’t throw that couple under the bus and he continues to speak on behalf of God. Yall are silly, enablers ! This is why fake men thrive ! Emotional silly women and weak men as fans ! Forget his apology bro where is yours at!?
Good job. We have to speak up when brothers and sisters start leading people off the rails. The body of Christ should avoid even the appearance of wickedness. It grieves the body when its members fall. We rejoice together when they get back up. He should not mimic the world that glories in “making a name for themselves.” He appears to be glorying in himself to me.
My only thing about this is when we come here one of his songs could be the tool for deliverance to someone but because we come here what’s edifying God here! Call Him
I watched it, and sometimes we need to have the spiritual eyes to see beyond . I am no one to judge about his apology. God knows the heart better than anyone. I feel that when a person apologizes, they don't need to justify their behavior. I agree with Marcus when he said we need to pray for Kirk.
This is the same man in other interviews that stated he doesn't care about what other people think and in so many words he's gonna do him and dare anyone address him. Now all of a sudden he's doing a 180.
Apology accepted! I was just reading the scripture where it talks about confessing your faults one to another so that we'll be healed, and I think part of our healing and deliverance is connected to confession and repentance. He's apologized for how he made the body look... The word says if our brother is offended by something then not to not be a stumbling block. I appreciate the gesture 🙌🏽 he's definitely the first to do it lol
I am the same way, I don't listen to secular music, because I can't. My spirit won't let me. Those collaborations have bothered me for years. I pray for them, for us. 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙌🏾🙌🏾❤️ Yes a message for Jesus.
Apology and repentance are not the same thing. I really hope Kirk receives ministry, I hope he is truly repentant. He has talked about his trauma and it’s been showing for years. I will be praying Kirk truly comes to Christ. Gospel music is mainly a vehicle for fame and wealth and celebrity Christians are contrary to the scriptures.
We’re not the sincerity level police any time someone apologizes, we are supposed to forgive. At least he acknowledged and apologized for it. Prayer works. He did great with apologizing. He has some great music very talented artist.
Church is not a place of entertainment. Its a place where we should worship , a place where we can allow the Holy Spirit to have its way. We gotta keep praying.
A lot of people don't realize that the purpose of gospel music is to minister to the Lord. Gospel music is to NEVER, EVER be used for entertainment. When you use gospel music for entertainment, Jesus is no longer the focus!
People are talking about the recent fog making them sick. The fog has a firework sulfer smell and taste toxic. The mysterious fog appeared not only in America but in Canada and Europe. God is still in control and the people of God will not be harmed. Stay prayed up saints and let's do well to remember Psalm 91
I don't understand; when you say there are different types of Christians. All believing in the same God? All reading the same Bible? Yet some believe you can do this, and you can do that. God is not the author of confusion, and nothing divided will stand. So what does the BIBLE say? Churches not praising God, they low key running half clean club, in Church turned up and dancing. That's called entertainment not praise.
Like I said in the video.... I have made several videos talking about the bad. This is a good first step for him and I want to acknowledge it.All we can do is pray and see if true change comes! It would be nice to see the whole Christian music industry get right! Go back to their first love! Let's just pray and keep our eyes open!
Amen 🙏
Amen, that’s what I always say when people condemn we must pray for our bro& sisters in Christ❤️🔥🙏🏽❤️🔥
It would be nice to see Pastors on line quit talking about other pastors and mine their own business. It comes off as really self righteous.
I think it's great that you have a heart for the baby Christians. I also respect you for praying for the people you put in the spotlight.
Justin Peters could take a few lessons from you on this issue. His main mission in life seems to be exposing on who he perceives to be fake preachers, etc But he never mentions praying for them or asks his viewers to do so.
The few times I watched his videos, I see a self-satisfied look on his face as if he thoroughly enjoys what he does, but the other day I also caught a glimpse of the painting behind him over his head.
There is what looks to me like baphomet horns. Its actually a circle, but when he moves a certain way it looks like horns sticking out from his head. The painting has always been there, but I never saw the horns until the other day.
Be ye separate from the world, don't compromise. For the God we are serving is Holy so be holy.
I always did like Kirk Franklin but lately somethings been off with him but God bless him and hopefully he gets it right just like the rest of us, Amen.❤❤❤
Let’s just pray for our brothers & sisters in Christ always! What does the Bible say we are to do as pertaining to our FAMILY IN JESUS ❤
Every man weakness is not a laughing matter, if we are called to be like Christ we shouldn't magnify everyones struggles and downfalls. Lets lift each other in prayer
I am so disgusted by the constant gossip, call out and 'I told you so" by Marcus. It's frankly awful. He needs to be using his platform for better things. My word
Amen ‼️❤️🔥🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽
Lord make us one.
@@matoniamunroe544Same!!! And the fact that he thinks it’s righteous and right is very telling! Monetizing the downfalls of others is just as bad as the accused.
Humility is never rejected, but rather welcomed with open arms! Our prayers work! NO ONE IS EXEMPT!!!
We All Far Short! No one is Perfect. Prayers are the Best way to Defeat the Enemy. Amen 🙏🏼
Apology accepted. I can’t judge his heart. If he bold enough to publicly apologize. I’m bold enough to forgive as we are called to do.
What did he do to you
When he said “Put on some Drake, put on some Biggie”, I think he was trying to sound hip and cool. He seems to want to be accepted by the hip hop community etc. But you can’t serve 2 masters.
@ I think God has already dealt with him about that. The ball is in Kirk’s court.
He was not trying to sound "hip and cool".
He is submerged in their pdiddy culture.
The fear of being irrelevant and people pleasing, as well as the love of money, will lead believers in the wrong direction in ministry. We must place our trust in Jesus, seeking to please Him alone. Anything else is a trap.
Amen! Yes, we allll need His mercy, grace, discernment, and wisdom. Thank God there’s that U-turn. Thank God He is accessible. Praying and I appreciate your integrity and boldness.
This was good Brother Marcus. I hear clearly the correction with the Spirit of love in Christ. This was healthy for The Body as a whole. Thanks!✝️
The church is supposed to REDEEM souls OUT OF the world!! NOT to exist in the world.
This is my first time commenting on your video. I have watched many of them and appreciated many of them. This was a greater standard and very well received, my brother. Keep going, watchman🔥🔥🔥
You're Right Minister Marcus, I believe there's no one ever too far gone God cannot reach. Praying You get well soon and absolutely praying for You and You whole Family. 2025 will be greater and very intentional about all things God🙏
If you're filled with Holy Spirit you don't need that stuff AMEN and AMEN
Prayers for you to Marcus get well soon
Happy New Year Pastor Marcus, everyone! Wishing you God's best this year. Stay prayed up, fasting frequently and most importantly spend time in the word.
As for Kirk's video, I feel he loves the spotlight even now. When you have to explain away behavior and actions at your grown age, something is off. The word of God is standard above everything. God loves him still, and as long as we call such contradiction in love, and pray for them, I think change may come. Let's not be distracted by the devil, let's spread the good news of God's love, repentance, His return before it is too late. God bless you, have a blessed New Year!
I Appreciate ya life brother Marcus , God bless you brother and your family in Jesus mighty name. ✝️
It's not about making a name for ourselves, but it's about exalting the name of Jesus.
This is not our battle..... It's the Lords🙏🏽
Absolutely, I got a chill watching him dance her on stage. I will continue to pray for Kirk, he sometimes seems so lost.
When he said, "You think gospel music has gone to far, you think we've gotten to radical without a message, you ain't seen nothing yet" he was prophetically speaking into his future and that is why we're where we are now. He is deceived about his behavior and we need to pray that he would confess and repent.
It’s all about Christ, apologizing to us is kind and appreciated because we live by example but repent and worry no more
Lord make us one, even as you (Jesus) and the father are one.
Mr. Marcus! Thank you for the dialogue! This was my first time watching your podcast and I have several comments about your platform and your music. I just want to do it in one shot, so this will be a rather long comment. Thank so so much for your boldness and speaking God's truth. I know the Spirit inside of you by your music, and now your comments. All believers do not have the courage to speak out like you are doing, and God is definitely in the season of separating the wheat from the chaff. You are correct about drinking ... God's Word tells us not to be drunk with wine. Anything that the enemy can use to get in our lives should be avoided. I personally enjoy dancing, but I don't miss the club scene. Jesus does not belong in the club but I don't know why we stop dancing and moving as we get older. I dance at the park in my neighborhood to Christian hip hop, including your music. I just finished a dance routine to Pull Up (not recorded), and the next one might be Level Up. If you ever want to laugh, it is fun to watch a 61 year old woman dancing to Christian hip hop.😃I don't have any pain in my body and I thank God for that, so I have no excuse not to move and have fun doing it! Lastly, I have also been sober for 11 years. I drank fine for 21 years, but again, that is what the enemy used to get me when mid-life hit. When I got sober, God let me know that it was fear that caused me to drink like that, so I wanted to know 1) why we fear; and 2) how to walk through it so I can enjoy this precious gift called life. I wrote a small book about fear based on scripture and since 2018, He has been developing a Fear and Purpose Ministry. It is difficult to get in front of people when you are not known, but I trust God's timing and He reminds me all the time that this is His ministry. I know my purpose is to help believers walk through fear and into purpose, and God has allowed me to have fun doing it! If you are interested, check out the Fear Message my church let me record to use as promotion. It is on my channel for convenience. God bless your journey and continued prayers!
This is between him and God!!!When he stands before him I will not be present! I will not judge
We need to pray for those "celebrity" Christians. New believers are watching them. I have been there, being fooled by their behaviors. I used to do my things and then run to church on Sunday, still drunk from the night before. I thank the LORD that He delivered me in April 2023, and I have been living differently. I am 43 years old, and I started living in 2023.
Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.
How you play back stage is who you are, Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh,
i’ve spent time with him a few times, he really has a heart for the Lord but has made mistakes. let’s pray for him
@@datkiddthosame I heard from people that have been around him. I heard he’s very playful , witty and funny but very much loves the lord. I think many have written him off due to some of these reaction videos where he is portrayed/called everything but a man of God. I appreciate this video from Marcus though. It was done with love and not hate. From what I see the man is a dancer and loves onstage engagement. He will not stop dancing. Just needs to tone it down a bit as Marcus said.
@ agreed
“Make people happy???” That’s not our responsibility. It’s about teaching people to be HOLY!
Come on people... there's a different between judging and warning ⚠️ if we see a brother or sister doing something, so blatantly wrong.. please pray and pull them aside in the spirit of love.... 🙏
We are called to judge believers we see in sin with a righteous judgement
Something about Kirk just seems so fake.
Yes, that’s why he needs prayer. 🙏🏼 he probably needs redirection n repentance and some deliverance..
@@veronicacamacho1647Well if anybody need repentance, prayer and deliverance it would be Marcus.
You're not wrong
Love U Marcus! I'm with you and never doubted your passion and sincerity with getting His word out. You're a rock to many... keep it goin! '25 will be better if not just in our spiritual growth. In Jesus name, Amen.
I love this post Brother Marcus, the edification, the encouragement and correction. This is what we know you for and what we come for. It's beautiful to know that you pray for those that you call out. This is the very ministry of the watchman and not the watchdog! God bless you Watchman of The Lord, we love and pray for you.
Apologies and repentance are two different things
Kirk needs to be sat down and mentored be a father in the body of Christ. He's struggling and has demons that need casting out. Praying for his deliverance🙏
From my knowledge he was getting mentored by Tony Evan’s.
i’ve spent time with him a few times, he really has a heart for the Lord but has made mistakes. let’s pray for him
We need to pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ, especially those in ministry and leadership positions. I believe Kirk's apology was sincere and I hope he continues to glorify the LORD with his gifts because his ministry and music has brought me through some difficult times.
I hate social media. Everybody sees everything and sees people’s imperfections up close and all the time now and all we do is bash and point fingers at each other. It’s draining. Kirk has a lot of humility to address this you never gonna make everyone happy especially judgmental Christians
I just don't understand how this kind of content is edifying to the body of Christ. It feels hypocritical. Many of the examples provided are from years ago; people may have already repented, yet the discussions keep resurfacing. Kirk is apologizing, and having a debate about whether this is legitimate is beyond me-it's so hypocritical.
Additionally, many "Christians" talk about collaborating with secular artists, yet they rely on secular producers to create their beats, music, and lyrics, and nobody addresses that. Christians are profiting from this kind of content, which is why it's consistently presented. They're not getting the same views for preaching the word, and that's disappointing.
As believers, we are meant to be brothers and sisters in Christ. If it were an individual or their loved one in question, these kinds of conversations wouldn’t take place in public. This content isn’t helping any new Christians; it’s only planting seeds of gossip, fostering a critical spirit, and encouraging slander. We need to do better. This isn’t the gospel. That is how we equip and grow in our faith.
Very well said I always say this under his videos/ content it’s not helping at all and I believe that he should repent for gossiping and slander! Then he always say it’s correction but he’s never ever willing to take correction. I’ve watch many of his videos and when someone come at him he get disrespectful and dismissive. Like the interview with the gay pastors when Marcus spoke they listened and when they spoke he over talked them, turned his camera off and left the screen for a minute simply no respect 😢and whenever God corrects it’s him showing love not condemning! Then he said I not perfect I make mistakes and will probably make more but I love God so why is that only true for him smh he can never be wrong🤦🏽♀️ yall will run away a babe in Christ and remember “if someone should cause anyone of these little ones who believe in me to stumble, it’ll be better to have a millstone wrap around your neck and drown” the body has to do better. Get back to the word Marcus not playing judge and jury. I love you Marcus and I’ll definitely be praying for you.
…every single comment on this social media post can be considered non-edifying to the Body of Christ, especially since what one takes away from reading the comments is subjective to the reader. For example, the posts of those “correcting” Pastor Marcus can be misconstrued and seen as gossip, in the same way that he is said to be gossiping. Essentially, ALL of us, by way of our word choice and, more deeply, the posture of our heart can be “judging” others with the very same measure by which God will judge us. The thing is, the scripture doesn’t stop at “judge not”. We ARE to judge the “fruit” by which we discern the bearer of those fruit. The scripture is telling us that if you are going to judge someone according to the mote in their eye, you’d better be certain that you’ve addressed the beam in your own eye, knowing that the judgment you render toward others will be rendered to you. WE ALL NEED HOLY SPIRIT DISCERNMENT AND GUIDANCE.🙏🏾🙏🏾
Listen… I was in the car with my grandma, a woman that claim to be Christian but don’t walk in Christ, put on Gospel music because it was Sunday, & turned because it sounded so secular, and she said she might as well listen to the secular music. I say this to say, even those in the world know that gospel music nowadays is off.
8] The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit.
But you ( a born again person will tell by their fruit)
Can the world recognise the fruit of the Spirit?
God bless him for doing a public apology! This is very good! I pray he will get out of the world 🌎 and fully commit back to Jesus and remember his first love 💜 Kirk has gifts 🎁 and talents for sure but he needs to use them to glorify God not self. I feel you Marcus I grew up in the 80’s and 90’s I’m 45 years old and I remember his old music 🎶 as well it was so much better. God bless Kirk ❤❤❤
Thank you for that graceful perspective on Tony Evans❤😢
Dont know what he did, but the sermons got me through tough times. God uses who he will and what Tony preached in the past was 🙏❤❤
I agree with you, and he Bible says bad company (the world) corrupts good character (the children of God). That is why The Lord tells us to guard our hearts. We must stay rooted and grounded in The word of God The Lord Jesus Christ so that we will not flow with every wind of doctrine and we will not be easily swayed. We will stay standing steadfast and immovable on The Lord Jesus Christ AMEN. May The Lord God Bless You and your family.
Y'all see how much grace Marcus is tryna give to everyone that he used to bash now after be almost messed up his cash flow with the Lamb stuff 😂,
So Kirk can grow but Marcus can’t? 😅
I swear yall come on to just look for confrontations, if God open the pages of your life I wonder what we will see. That issue is passed now if you don't agree with someone you don't watch them. This now becomes as if you have no type of sin or mistake in ur life that u need to work on. Let every man be a liar and God be true. No one is Good. The heart of men is desperately wicked. It is By God's grace we are still standing.
I just love Kirk, I just see him as so many of us who love God, who truly hear God’s word in our heart, and genuinely want to encourage people in God and still struggle with the flesh. Praying for his soul!
I mean I think if the brother has the Holy Ghost and walking in Holiness then he wouldnt be up here apologizing abt his dancing or his form of dress. The Holy Ghost would stop him from wearing certain clothes and making certain dance moves in his life. Who is he living for? God or man? Its compromise. We all can come to a place where we step over the line and compromise and then REPENT for doing so. Its not about apologizing its about repenting to God and that means He will change. That happens in the presence of the Lord. That change happens in the SPIRIT. If he truly repent abt his behavior then going forward we will see a change in him. Thats truly btw himself and God.
Now this comment I like and agree. It's about worshipping, NOT 95 percent entertainment
Praying for your recovery, and yes, it seems as if something is in the air because many are sick with something in their chest with lots of coughing. God bless all!🙏🏽💞
That thing about Kirk's countanence, I totally get!!! I felt the same way. Kirk is going through some gthings and we will keep lifting him up in prayer.
I definitely do not like the fact that "Christian" artists do those things the secular artists do. A performance is what the world does. To Minister is what true Christians do. We must use wisdom in everything we do. I'm glad Kirk apologized to the world, but I pray he apologized to God! I pray for Kirk's deliverance.
There's a virus going around, and people are talking about the fog. Stay safe men and women of God. Marcus, you are healed in Jesus, name!
This is between him and God!!!We he stand before him I will not be present
God bless you Pastor I really appreciate your honesty 🙏 I do agree with you
AMEN!💯 Praying for you and your beautiful family, as well!🎉🎉🎉
We need videos like this for edification and to know what it wordly and what is not thanks for the vid
You are correct the line is drawn in the sand and the word of God is the final answer. We need worship artists to usher in the spirit of God period. Prayers up ❤
Hallelujah 🙌🏾 praise God now this is a praise report in the name of Jesus won't our heavenly farther do it always on time ❤😇🙏🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾
Yesss! Speak the Truth Pastor Marcus Rogers!👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾…
Welp Marcus wasn't able to take advantage of the Lamb's situation now he's back to mainstream media gossip, his little hiatus was short lived 😂.
God bless you Pastor Marcus
I love u Marcus u always remind me that it’s not mean to make a stand and say I love u all but I’m not playing with sin or anything that’s against my God . I think for a lot of us we do have it in our heads that it’s mean or how can I put them on God if there offended by me , but God has really opened my eyes to see that this how u truly bring people to Christ is by how we live our lives we are an example for them it’s to many Christian’s that scared to be bold scared to stand up for God and what’s right n take a stand for the kingdom of light.They need to see how the Christian walk really work they need to see what God foreal . We can’t let them think it’s ok for us to participate in sin or the things of this world that are against God not even a little bit . Thank u Marcus for your boldness ❤️
Remember the mission!! The Church is here to turn ppl to GOD!
Marcus, I can clearly See that your Ultimate Struggle is to FULLY receive God's Grace and to allow others to do so, as well. Your content is very wavering..and it staggers to be FULLY Assured of the Promise. Unlike Abraham, who was FULLY Assured of the Promise and did not waver... who Humbled Himself Enough to Believe in GOD ..and Not in himself... It seems as though when, you, yourself have been confronted with the errors of your ways..then all of a sudden you are pro-grace. But any other time you are the first to casts the first stone. I highly recommend you continue to work out your own Salvation and focus on you & your own relationship with God..and not so much on others. Don't worry about subscribers, what man thinks, or even what others are doing. But Humble yourself before God, and let HIM exalt you... Not by your might, nor by your power, but by His Spirit, Alone.
I had to read this multiple times. I believe I struggle with this as well. How do we receive His grace fully? I can’t understand what that looks like.
who are you?? The fourth God head😂😂😂please stop
@@Alicia-RWBMy response is not being dismissive of your question at all. My advice: SEEK GOD with your WHOLE HEART, and you will find Him…He will speak. So much of what is now seen in the “church buildings” versus the actual CHURCH speaks so much to the traditions of men and carnality. Honestly, one of the best things that any of us can do is keep our eyes ON GOD. Read/study the word, and ask God for revelation of what HE is saying. There are too many people using God’s word to say nothing, because they too are stroking and catering to their flesh. We’ve all been guilty of that. In this new year, I encourage you, as I am also encouraged, to seek GOD with everything that you have!!! May God bless, keep, and guide you, in Jesus’ name!!
Hebrews 4:16
"Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need"
Grace: UNEARNED FAVOR (we cannot/ do not do anything to deserve it) that empowers us to face our challenges.
Hebrews 4:16 suggests that we can confidently approach God's throne, knowing that we will receive mercy and grace to help us in our time of need.🙏🏾🙏🏾
@brandijana Abraham did waver many times. Ishmael and Hagar was one. Giving his wife to pharoah calling her his sister another one. Yet He was considered righteous because Abraham worked out his salvation with fear and trembling. Real Grace empowers freedom. Not allowing sin. Jesus giving us a great example in the adulteress woman. He doesn't throw a stone. Holds her accountable and tells her, " go and sin no more." Jesus being full of grace and truth saying this. All this to say to defend Marcus. Marcus understands that if we stay quiet about lawlessness which separates people from God see Matthew 7:23 we are only harming and not helping.
Just pray for dude.....if YOU are NOT in his private circle and CAN'T BE a help to him......BE QUIET.
Love u Marcus and I love how u go about these videos! ❤
Welcome to Mr. Rogers’ gossip, divisiveness and Pharisee spirit TH-cam Neighborhood.
Perfectly said! Now this right here is the perfect way to describe this man’s channel. 👏🏾💯
@@RonnieMckinney98but a true comment
So why are you here ????? Clearly you are looking for gossip 🤔 SMT
You posting about someone else apology while you yourself need to be apologizing to Johnathan and Susie. Dude sit down somewhere ! Critiquing any and everything while ignoring the beam in your own eye! All for content. God ain’t nowhere near this man! His love for the camera and trying to use God is all Marcus is about. A few seconds later and y’all act like this man didn’t throw that couple under the bus and he continues to speak on behalf of God. Yall are silly, enablers ! This is why fake men thrive ! Emotional silly women and weak men as fans ! Forget his apology bro where is yours at!?
He's always louder than the gospel message. When I see him repent, then maybe I can believe these "apologies."
You don’t know if he has repented!? He doesn’t have to repent publicly, repentance is to God! He is the only one that can forgive his sins not us!
@brendatate4159 I guess we'll see!!
Good job. We have to speak up when brothers and sisters start leading people off the rails. The body of Christ should avoid even the appearance of wickedness. It grieves the body when its members fall. We rejoice together when they get back up.
He should not mimic the world that glories in “making a name for themselves.” He appears to be glorying in himself to me.
God Bless you brother for 2025💯🙏🏾❤️
My only thing about this is when we come here one of his songs could be the tool for deliverance to someone but because we come here what’s edifying God here! Call Him
I watched it, and sometimes we need to have the spiritual eyes to see beyond . I am no one to judge about his apology. God knows the heart better than anyone. I feel that when a person apologizes, they don't need to justify their behavior. I agree with Marcus when he said we need to pray for Kirk.
This is the same man in other interviews that stated he doesn't care about what other people think and in so many words he's gonna do him and dare anyone address him. Now all of a sudden he's doing a 180.
Agree 💯… if we are filled with the spirit why do we need all that? We dont!
I am with you Marcus. I grew up on Kirk Franklin from his first album which is around the time I first prayed to receive Christ.
Amen let's have a move of God!
Your music is 🔥
Yes Jamaica that's my country 🇯🇲🇯🇲🇯🇲 Kirk I pray for the saving of your soul
Apology accepted! I was just reading the scripture where it talks about confessing your faults one to another so that we'll be healed, and I think part of our healing and deliverance is connected to confession and repentance. He's apologized for how he made the body look... The word says if our brother is offended by something then not to not be a stumbling block. I appreciate the gesture 🙌🏽 he's definitely the first to do it lol
Gospel singers in USA should study their Bible to show themselves approved and win souls to Christ
8:01 that was perfectly put. And I hear it and won't forget it.
I am the same way, I don't listen to secular music, because I can't. My spirit won't let me. Those collaborations have bothered me for years. I pray for them, for us. 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙌🏾🙌🏾❤️
Yes a message for Jesus.
Now that tasha cobbs and nicki minaj song still blesses me till this day! Rkelly gospel album was milk to ny newly Christian soul.....
Apology and repentance are not the same thing. I really hope Kirk receives ministry, I hope he is truly repentant. He has talked about his trauma and it’s been showing for years. I will be praying Kirk truly comes to Christ. Gospel music is mainly a vehicle for fame and wealth and celebrity Christians are contrary to the scriptures.
Shut it down Marcus.
He’s trying to get his viewers to take their eyes off of him meaning Marcus, after the daystar fiasco
@@happymusic75😂😂. It doesn’t work because HE WAS THE CLOWN of the show. That is what he wanted ATTENTION AND FAME. let that disaster follow him.
If I'm louder than the message of Jesus, I've failed.
“GOD” is the ultimate judge that’s what I’m saying!!!🙏🙏🙏
Amen Pastor
We’re not the sincerity level police any time someone apologizes, we are supposed to forgive. At least he acknowledged and apologized for it. Prayer works. He did great with apologizing. He has some great music very talented artist.
Church is not a place of entertainment. Its a place where we should worship , a place where we can allow the Holy Spirit to have its way. We gotta keep praying.
Good video Marcus and alot of what you said is true and I totally concur. Praying for Kirk and I hope his apology is sincere 🙏🏾
Yes being in the presence of God 🎯🎯🎯
You speaking Truth Brother .Shabbat shalom love G-d with all your heart and your neighbor as thyself
This deserves forgiveness
Yes the news said they are spraying some white midst in the air. Praying you feel better. God Bless 🙏🙏🙏
Chem trails
A lot of people don't realize that the purpose of gospel music is to minister to the Lord. Gospel music is to NEVER, EVER be used for entertainment. When you use gospel music for entertainment, Jesus is no longer the focus!
Exactly!!! I speak to expose for the ultimate end - REPENTANCE!!!!
I feel he is being transparent and authentic.
People are talking about the recent fog making them sick. The fog has a firework sulfer smell and taste toxic. The mysterious fog appeared not only in America but in Canada and Europe. God is still in control and the people of God will not be harmed. Stay prayed up saints and let's do well to remember Psalm 91
God says the affliction will not affect His children. Thank You Jesus! ❤️🙌🏼✝️
Also in New Zealand!
I didn't smell that. I didn't taste anything either.
I believe you have to guard your ears & heart as well!
I don't understand; when you say there are different types of Christians. All believing in the same God? All reading the same Bible? Yet some believe you can do this, and you can do that. God is not the author of confusion, and nothing divided will stand. So what does the BIBLE say? Churches not praising God, they low key running half clean club, in Church turned up and dancing. That's called entertainment not praise.