I wouldn't take back wrestling in HS, but I could do without my nose being so destroyed I can't sleep on my right side. Or my destroyed left shoulder, and everything on my body popping when I first get up haha.
Watchin mma as a kid improved my amateur wrestling irl. For some reason, wrist control was never talked about during practice, but I was abusing it out there on the mats once I realized it was an option. You can pick up some stuff by watching the pros man fr.
If hand fighting, 2 on 1, etc was NOT part of EDD - Every Day Disciplines - it makes me wonder the quality & level of Coaching available to you & your Team. This is fundamental teaching that should start in Elementary School Wrestling
yeah it's pretty hilarious how i saw in pro wrestling how long it took someone to fake go to sleep and then get back up while still in the choke, then learn that it only takes seconds and you're not waking up at all till they let go🤣
I don’t really think it’s proper to call Jon Jones a “heel.” Most heels just pretend to be villains, in order to get people interested in fights. Jon actually insults people’s families, cheats with roids, attacks strippers, hits people with his car, and does other evil stuff. Jon Jones is genuinely a psychopath.
He's got an over inflated ego, poor judgement, and serious substance abuse issues. Idk, maybe he's evil, or maybe, in the words of the great Rick James, cocaine is a hell of a drug.
Jon dehumanizes his opponents in the cage, he fights to injure and mame, mostly legal bar the eye poles, but the way he just ruined glovers arms during their fight, or how he dismantled guys like Cormier is crazy. His “loss” against Matt is even worse, when you see Matt’s face it looks like Jones was targeting the eyes, May’s eyes were bloody and swelled shut, Jones literally took away a deaf guys sight (thank god not forever) but he’s like a cat man, they know exactly where to slash you, bite you and slice you in the worst places, Jon is so scary, in a different life I’m convinced he would be a rapist or a killer, like imagine if he wasn’t in the like light and never got caught for these things
I learnt that straight punches beat looping punches.. Just keep putting in the work at whatever you do instead of over thinking and you'll get the results
I learned shifting/switch hitting is a viable method of attack. In boxing there's not many switch hitters but in MMA stance switching is way more common. Also Lobbying probably shouldn't be legal.
Switching stance in mma opens up a lot of strikes that you may otherwise not be able to land as effeciently. For example if you're facing an orthodox fighter and you switch to southpaw you will have an easier time taking the outside foot advantage making it easier to land ur shot first and it opens up the rear roundhouse directly to the liver.
Usually these videos are a bit repetitive but I give this one real props for the effort and thought. It is easy to take for granted the things we learn along the way when we didn't even realize we were learning!
Never lost a round damn it!! Tito tapped, Jones's toe exploded, fedor ran away and hasn't been heard from since, and Mr wannanow wasn't aloud to get close.
Holy shit, given that English is my second language MMA really expanded my vocabulary on all of those topics. Entertainment and knowledge with a side of brain trauma... What a sport! Love ya, Tommy.
My favorite mma on point video thus far! Number 1 is the absolute number one reason why im so hooked on mma. I love the ufc countdowns that set the scene for the fights, giving you a look into the fighters background and how they got to where they are. Ive gotten so bored of american sports and football (soccer) just doesnt do it for me but mma is the uncrowned king of international sports.
@@purplerangergaming6045 yeah totally makes sense that a giant territory in Canada speaks French and has tried to break away from Canada. It just goes without saying to us COMPLETE GENIUSES. Try to imagine a world where you can actually stop and reflect on something. That is actually what lots of humans do! F'ing weird right?
The international aspect of the sport is always fascinating. Stories like Francis Ngannou's and Charles Oliveira's are just incredible. And as much as I love Khamzat, I also find his relationship with Ramzan Kadyrov more than a little disturbing.
@Palestine Adesanya Are you comparing Trump to a guy who is accused of kidnapping, assassination, and torture of human rights activists, critics, and their relatives?
When I was a kid thanks to the movies I thought if you knocked somebody out they were out for like an hour, after watching MMA and seeing tons of knock outs I now know that’s just not a thing. Whenever I watch a movie now and a “bad guy” gets KO’d my mind immediately goes to Jessica Eye, Alistar Overeem and Ben Askren getting flat lined and then getting back up within 5 minutes.
This was an extra great video chaps! The PED entry had my laughing. And you made a lot of good points about things that I learned without even realizing it.
Watching other fights as someone who's learning how to fight is like film study. Formerly playing football, we watched practice film and other teams games to learn formations and routes for RBs/WRs/etc.. and watching fights is no different, Except watching fight films is WAY more fun than watching football film 💀
I regret not wrestling or doing combat sports when I was younger. I feel it was my calling and I missed the last bus. Theres always living vicariously though my kids when I have ‘em, yay.
I'll start with my list. #1 I learned what a hematoma was from joanna. #2 any and all injuries to the body like a torn meniscus or a separated cornea. #3 that striking isn't the most dominant form of combat "imo" no one thinks a wrestler or a jujitsu guy would beat a boxer. Now I know better. #4 I've learned who's winning a fight boxing and MMA. Before you'd never know who's winning until the judges had the final verdict. Now I know what forward pressure is and just who's having more success in a fight. These are just small things that come to mind
@@ihateyoutubecomments8100 y’know, you could’ve just said “I like Jones and have a strong personal attachment to him so I feel insecure and personally attacked when people call him out for the disgusting things he’s done”. That would’ve still gotten your message across lol. Maybe, in the future, don’t idolize a person you have zero personal relationship with?
I learned how to guillotine from watching mma as a kid. I got better at it from wresting my friends and eventually used it in two street scuffles. It helps that I’m six foot eight and both were standing guillotines. If you don’t know being way taller than your opponent gives almost unfair leverage for a standing guillotine
@@trevorwhitaker9082 you’re the kinda guy that when they see me in public they ask if I played basketball, what size shoe I wear, and if my parents are tall
the bleeding thing is the one main stream cant understand, they see the blood on the face and think "wow that's so brutal" not understanding thats one of the lightest injuries some one can have in an contact sports, (thats why wrestlers use to cut themselves all the time, it looked brutal but was really nothing )its the sports with high impact, high "armor" and rarely you see blood that are the most brutal, boxing, nfl, god even pro wrestling is alot more brutal and dangerous (long term) than mma. (which is why i always respected pro wrestling)
This was a good one. Way to think outside of the box. You should do more of these that aren't necessarily inspired by the most recent card, but something a bit more philosophical.
This might be my favorite one yet. Sending this to every MMA fan I know. Really reminded me of how much I have to be grateful for in this sport. Thank you
Watching that cowboy v Tony fight a year later I was drunk and fell on my face and cracked my orbital bone my drunk ass knew not to blow my nose because of that fight lmao
Never drink too much, lad. I'm a heavy drinker too but I know where to stop whenever I feel like I am going to fall down orn gonna get tripped eventually.
The one time I was attacked by an angry man much bigger than me, I was able to cancel out his size and attack by holding him close to me until he tired, which I could feel when it happened. I attribute that to my being an MMA fan, even though I'm not a fighter.
I’m right there with you dude. One of the biggest regrets of my life is not doing wrestling in high school. Even tho I know I wouldn’t have been great at it
Yesterday I wss watching this clip where these two guys got into a fight after a car accident. I was going "Punch,takedown, top control, ground& pound, and that's it". It just shows me how much I've been watching this channel.
Wrestling is by far one of the greatest things I’ve ever used or choose to learn in my life. I use mma to help with set ups and training drills when I coach wrestling sometimes.
I was driving to work tonight listening to “your welcome” and I thought of a possible video. Top ten mma championship fights where the replacement fighters won. If volko beats the 55 guy as the replacement that would be the inspiration for the list
I got into MMA at age 8 and wrestling my freshman year (karate, judo, and boxing growing up). Can def say when a wrestler sees each other its like "fren, you suffered the way I did :3" It really builds that bond, literally I don't need to know the details, I know if you even stuck out one season, you're worth your weight when crap hits the fan. Wrestling training is borderline masochistic but I wouldn't change it for the world, I'm pulling 18yrs that think im 22 (im 31) all by just keeping up wrestling lifestyle and mentality
I was watching this clip where two guys got in a fight and I was just counting things off: punch,takedown,top control, ground£, and then saying this would already be over if it was a MMA fight. Keep in mind that all I know about MMA comes from this channel and Fight Focus.
Hey, I'm an exercise physiologist and your "muscles aren't everything" point can go even deeper. As a muscle becomes larger, the tendon will pull on the insertion point at a more perpendicular angle (because the muscle belly pushes the center of the muscle further away from the underlying bone). When this happens, the insertion will move a shorter distance for a given distance of muscle contraction. Since contraction speed doesn't change a whole lot, that means that as a fighters muscles get larger, their movement will get slower (something we all already know, but most of us probably chalked it up just to having more mass to move around, which is certainly the main factor, but not the only one). Since they also have more mass but slower movement speed, that means that power may or may not increase as a result of having larger muscle mass. Every fighter will likely have a sweet spot for size depending on fiber type proportion, limb proportions, muscle insertion points, fighting style, and so many more factors. So, even aside from technique, muscle size doesn't inherently mean all that much.
I wish the UK had wrestling in schools looking back, I’ve always loved BJJ and after trying wrestling I realised my body type was basically perfect for it.
Possibly one of the most important episodes you have done. Those who follow this sport closely are (accidentally) more informed than the general public. And many of us didn’t realize it. Tommy, you ARE a doctor!
I remember watching the ultimate fighter season 4 and learning so much from Matt serra. So much that a few weeks later when my roommates were drunk and wrestling I was coaching the losing roommate on how to escape back control. 🤣
So true a lot of these but 'I regret not wrestling (or any fight sport for that matter) in high school' really hits, I was taken to do jiu jitsu as a kid and thought 'nah not into it' then years and years later as I discovered MMA I fell in love with it and I keep regretting not liking fighting as a kid :( also I love the culture and language discovering part!
6:57 and ears like heads of cabbage. In high school I always tried to NOT get in fights with wrestlers. If they get you to the ground, it's over. And they have a million ways to get you to the ground.
I base most of my jui jitsu favorite chokes off guillotines darce chokes n everythjng near . When I was 7 my professor who fought in bellator asked where I learned that from I had been watching pride n ufc since I was 4 on repeat
It's a bit different here across the pond. We all know about cauliflower ears from Rugby, and cruciate knee ligaments from Football. CTE I only heard from MMA, and since also in Boxing, Rugby and even footballers recently dying from CTE just from heading a football, let alone suffering severe trauma to the head.
I quit wrestling in school for a dumb reason and it's one of my biggest regrets especially because I was getting really good ..the year I quit I was probably the best wrestler in my school, definitely my weight class, I was undefeated at that point in Iowa of all places really want to get back too it before I get too old 😂
Whats even funnier about the mma/pro wrestling connection is that the class action lawsuit against the ufc pertaining to what constitutes as an independent contractor has literally been a huge topic of discussion regarding wwe and their similar contracts with their talent roster. This channel should do a list on how eerily similar vince mcmahon and dana white are
I bet the Reebok deal REALLY trimmed away the international fighter spectrum down to nothing of what it could be. The roster would probably be 86% international fighters. Brazil fighters were decimated by it, and Vitor alone lost MILLIONS from it. Imagine an up and coming brazilian fighter just trying to get started. It seems truly impossible unless you have major connections.
"I regret not wrestling in high school" is a sentence that comes from my mouth at least once a week🤣
I wouldn't take back wrestling in HS, but I could do without my nose being so destroyed I can't sleep on my right side. Or my destroyed left shoulder, and everything on my body popping when I first get up haha.
We got made fun of for being "gay" in HS for wrestling, but look at me now!
Don't be so hard on yourself.
Signed on for a PE credit my senior year of HS, wish I started earlier. So much fun
Watchin mma as a kid improved my amateur wrestling irl. For some reason, wrist control was never talked about during practice, but I was abusing it out there on the mats once I realized it was an option. You can pick up some stuff by watching the pros man fr.
You must've had a shit coach, my coach during highschool, was always talking about wrist control
If hand fighting, 2 on 1, etc was NOT part of EDD - Every Day Disciplines - it makes me wonder the quality & level of Coaching available to you & your Team. This is fundamental teaching that should start in Elementary School Wrestling
Russian 2 on 1 all day
@@robertnewell4054 you took the words out of my mouth
After years of watching pro-wrestling I found out that the arm bar is actually pretty dangerous
For real dude
Chris Jericho: HOLD NUMBER 934.... ARMBAR!!! HOLD NUMBER 352...... ARMBAR!!!
yeah it's pretty hilarious how i saw in pro wrestling how long it took someone to fake go to sleep and then get back up while still in the choke, then learn that it only takes seconds and you're not waking up at all till they let go🤣
@@extremewrestlinganimation shuuut uuup
I found that out doing wrestling moves on my brother. Some moves you could wrench on and on. Armbar, quick tap every time.
I don’t really think it’s proper to call Jon Jones a “heel.” Most heels just pretend to be villains, in order to get people interested in fights. Jon actually insults people’s families, cheats with roids, attacks strippers, hits people with his car, and does other evil stuff. Jon Jones is genuinely a psychopath.
He's just annoying
He's got an over inflated ego, poor judgement, and serious substance abuse issues. Idk, maybe he's evil, or maybe, in the words of the great Rick James, cocaine is a hell of a drug.
Jon dehumanizes his opponents in the cage, he fights to injure and mame, mostly legal bar the eye poles, but the way he just ruined glovers arms during their fight, or how he dismantled guys like Cormier is crazy. His “loss” against Matt is even worse, when you see Matt’s face it looks like Jones was targeting the eyes, May’s eyes were bloody and swelled shut, Jones literally took away a deaf guys sight (thank god not forever) but he’s like a cat man, they know exactly where to slash you, bite you and slice you in the worst places, Jon is so scary, in a different life I’m convinced he would be a rapist or a killer, like imagine if he wasn’t in the like light and never got caught for these things
@@tapatiothedog8930 stubbing your toe is annoying. Launching your fist into your wife's face is just evil
Jones is the real Boogeyman. Coke this weekend your ass the next
I learnt that straight punches beat looping punches.. Just keep putting in the work at whatever you do instead of over thinking and you'll get the results
I learned shifting/switch hitting is a viable method of attack. In boxing there's not many switch hitters but in MMA stance switching is way more common. Also Lobbying probably shouldn't be legal.
Switching stance in mma opens up a lot of strikes that you may otherwise not be able to land as effeciently. For example if you're facing an orthodox fighter and you switch to southpaw you will have an easier time taking the outside foot advantage making it easier to land ur shot first and it opens up the rear roundhouse directly to the liver.
yeah what boxers can do by switching stances is rather limited and a lot of them are better off focusing on their strong side
Exactly. Dudes that can switch hit really well in boxing like bud Crawford absolutely pick dudes apart.
@@icey2203 Marvelous Marvin as well
@@icey2203 one of the best of not best is Marvelous Marvin but yea tbud is good
Usually these videos are a bit repetitive but I give this one real props for the effort and thought. It is easy to take for granted the things we learn along the way when we didn't even realize we were learning!
The most important thing I learned is that Chael Sonnen is undefeated and undisputed
Best first comment 👌
Never lost a round damn it!! Tito tapped, Jones's toe exploded, fedor ran away and hasn't been heard from since, and Mr wannanow wasn't aloud to get close.
He lost to an Ambien though
Without Chael I wouldn't have a ridge wallet the man's a god of the sport undefeated undisputed 🙌
So original you guys should start a club.
Holy shit, given that English is my second language MMA really expanded my vocabulary on all of those topics. Entertainment and knowledge with a side of brain trauma... What a sport! Love ya, Tommy.
Any topic that you follow the most will increase your vocabulary.
My favorite mma on point video thus far! Number 1 is the absolute number one reason why im so hooked on mma. I love the ufc countdowns that set the scene for the fights, giving you a look into the fighters background and how they got to where they are. Ive gotten so bored of american sports and football (soccer) just doesnt do it for me but mma is the uncrowned king of international sports.
Being a GSP fan led me down a rabbit hole of Canadian colonial history. I only wanted to know why tf he speaks French.
Doesn’t everyone know a big chunk of Canada is descended from French settlers?
Could have something to do with him being French-Canadian but idk😂
@@purplerangergaming6045 yea I think he was curious to why a Canadian man spoke French
@@purplerangergaming6045 yeah totally makes sense that a giant territory in Canada speaks French and has tried to break away from Canada. It just goes without saying to us COMPLETE GENIUSES. Try to imagine a world where you can actually stop and reflect on something. That is actually what lots of humans do! F'ing weird right?
The international aspect of the sport is always fascinating. Stories like Francis Ngannou's and Charles Oliveira's are just incredible. And as much as I love Khamzat, I also find his relationship with Ramzan Kadyrov more than a little disturbing.
@Palestine Adesanya b-b-but twump 😭😭😭
Youre pathetic lmao
@Palestine Adesanya Everyone loves trump tho, he was democratically elected unlike the Chechen guy
@Palestine Adesanya Are you comparing Trump to a guy who is accused of kidnapping, assassination, and torture of human rights activists, critics, and their relatives?
@Palestine Adesanya you’re not seriously comparing trump to kadyrov are you 😭
Watching mma has taught me so many things about the knee the various parts of it and what it can take and what it can't take
When I was a kid thanks to the movies I thought if you knocked somebody out they were out for like an hour, after watching MMA and seeing tons of knock outs I now know that’s just not a thing. Whenever I watch a movie now and a “bad guy” gets KO’d my mind immediately goes to Jessica Eye, Alistar Overeem and Ben Askren getting flat lined and then getting back up within 5 minutes.
MMA on point teaches me all I need to know
The “OH MAN do you know a lot about drugs” was so accurate!
Was waiting for Performance Enhancing Drugs!!
That's how I discovered MorePlatesMoreDates! From his analysis of MMA fighters!
@@AntonAdelson true, he has a ONE HOUR video on Usman, and STILL didn't dig up every red flags Juiceman has
This was an extra great video chaps! The PED entry had my laughing. And you made a lot of good points about things that I learned without even realizing it.
Watching other fights as someone who's learning how to fight is like film study. Formerly playing football, we watched practice film and other teams games to learn formations and routes for RBs/WRs/etc.. and watching fights is no different,
Except watching fight films is WAY more fun than watching football film 💀
Played football and rugby, this is exactly what it feels like to watch mma, by fair the better film study for sureeeee
Football is in, actual football of you know, handegg
The Dana running to get in between Jones and Gus will never get old
It gets the day off on the right foot for sure
I regret not wrestling or doing combat sports when I was younger. I feel it was my calling and I missed the last bus.
Theres always living vicariously though my kids when I have ‘em, yay.
I feel you there.
As a parent I recommend Advising them AGAINST being MMA fighters and they will be drawn right to it! 😉
You could still train even if you don’t decide to compete. And (at least for bjj) being too old doesn’t mean you can’t start and still dominate at it
I train, its just knowing I wont ever go pro is what eats away at me, ya know?
How do you feel that was your calling yet you didn't do it?
"I regret not wrestling in high school".
Every MMA fan's biggest regret.
I'll start with my list. #1 I learned what a hematoma was from joanna. #2 any and all injuries to the body like a torn meniscus or a separated cornea. #3 that striking isn't the most dominant form of combat "imo" no one thinks a wrestler or a jujitsu guy would beat a boxer. Now I know better. #4 I've learned who's winning a fight boxing and MMA. Before you'd never know who's winning until the judges had the final verdict. Now I know what forward pressure is and just who's having more success in a fight. These are just small things that come to mind
It's no longer just trolling when you end up spending nights in jail. Jones is just genuinely an incredible POS
Except he's done more with his life in one year than you could ever do
@@ihateyoutubecomments8100 did I make the little Boney fan boy cry.
He's also taken more Coke in a year than I will ever do in my entire life
@@ihateyoutubecomments8100 So has GSP but I don’t see anyone trashtalk him
@@ihateyoutubecomments8100 y’know, you could’ve just said “I like Jones and have a strong personal attachment to him so I feel insecure and personally attacked when people call him out for the disgusting things he’s done”. That would’ve still gotten your message across lol. Maybe, in the future, don’t idolize a person you have zero personal relationship with?
I learned how to guillotine from watching mma as a kid. I got better at it from wresting my friends and eventually used it in two street scuffles. It helps that I’m six foot eight and both were standing guillotines. If you don’t know being way taller than your opponent gives almost unfair leverage for a standing guillotine
You’re 5’8
@@trevorwhitaker9082 I literally have a profile picture with photographic evidence
@@mjenkins91 5’9 on a good day
@@trevorwhitaker9082 you’re the kinda guy that when they see me in public they ask if I played basketball, what size shoe I wear, and if my parents are tall
@@mjenkins91 you probably wear a size 12 in kids
the bleeding thing is the one main stream cant understand, they see the blood on the face and think "wow that's so brutal" not understanding thats one of the lightest injuries some one can have in an contact sports, (thats why wrestlers use to cut themselves all the time, it looked brutal but was really nothing )its the sports with high impact, high "armor" and rarely you see blood that are the most brutal, boxing, nfl, god even pro wrestling is alot more brutal and dangerous (long term) than mma. (which is why i always respected pro wrestling)
Another day, another 14 minutes of MMA on point, yup. Good day
This was a good one. Way to think outside of the box. You should do more of these that aren't necessarily inspired by the most recent card, but something a bit more philosophical.
This might be my favorite one yet. Sending this to every MMA fan I know. Really reminded me of how much I have to be grateful for in this sport. Thank you
An excellent, thought-provoking video, this one. Good work, guys 👍
Best Channel of MMA ❤.
Watching that cowboy v Tony fight a year later I was drunk and fell on my face and cracked my orbital bone my drunk ass knew not to blow my nose because of that fight lmao
Never drink too much, lad. I'm a heavy drinker too but I know where to stop whenever I feel like I am going to fall down orn gonna get tripped eventually.
The "shoot" from shoot fighting is also a wrestling term.
Um... yep
Keep up the good work, you guys put out genuinely some of the best mma-based content!
Super cool video, it feels good to look at mma and celebrate all the good it does and not just focus on all the negatives. gj :)
The one time I was attacked by an angry man much bigger than me, I was able to cancel out his size and attack by holding him close to me until he tired, which I could feel when it happened. I attribute that to my being an MMA fan, even though I'm not a fighter.
Top ten inebriated/under the influence MMA Performances ranked by how memorable and successful they were!
How many could there be?
I’m right there with you dude. One of the biggest regrets of my life is not doing wrestling in high school. Even tho I know I wouldn’t have been great at it
This might be the best video I've seen from you guys! Great job!
Man these edits are funny they never get old!
Loved this video. Thank you!
Watching mma got me into fighting It looked fun and joined a gym 3 years later and 7 Muay Thai fights later no regrets
Yesterday I wss watching this clip where these two guys got into a fight after a car accident. I was going "Punch,takedown, top control, ground& pound, and that's it". It just shows me how much I've been watching this channel.
One thing the major MMA organizations and the fans do really well like you said, is emphasizing a fighter’s culture.
Make a top 20 list of things you didn't know about Brazil before MMA.
What's Brazil?
Almost all of my world geography and culture knowledge is from mma lmao
MMA has been a real life-changer for me
😎 👍
Wrestling is by far one of the greatest things I’ve ever used or choose to learn in my life. I use mma to help with set ups and training drills when I coach wrestling sometimes.
I was driving to work tonight listening to “your welcome” and I thought of a possible video. Top ten mma championship fights where the replacement fighters won. If volko beats the 55 guy as the replacement that would be the inspiration for the list
Awesome job, as always
I got into MMA at age 8 and wrestling my freshman year (karate, judo, and boxing growing up). Can def say when a wrestler sees each other its like "fren, you suffered the way I did :3"
It really builds that bond, literally I don't need to know the details, I know if you even stuck out one season, you're worth your weight when crap hits the fan. Wrestling training is borderline masochistic but I wouldn't change it for the world, I'm pulling 18yrs that think im 22 (im 31) all by just keeping up wrestling lifestyle and mentality
Wow this was such a cool list, TTH just made it that much funnier and interesting
Great topic! On point. 👌🏾
The chains around the neck while using the hex bar had me dying.
That bloke eating the chocolate whisk is English meme gold. Congrats good knowledge 👏 😂
The editing in this one was on point
I was watching this clip where two guys got in a fight and I was just counting things off: punch,takedown,top control, ground£, and then saying this would already be over if it was a MMA fight. Keep in mind that all I know about MMA comes from this channel and Fight Focus.
Great video guys 👍!
They didn't have wrestling in my highschool until the year AFTER I graduated!
#10 I came to watch MMA having been a wrestling fan prior. So the transition was easy. 🙂
God damn it Tommy your the goat of fight videos
Hey, I'm an exercise physiologist and your "muscles aren't everything" point can go even deeper. As a muscle becomes larger, the tendon will pull on the insertion point at a more perpendicular angle (because the muscle belly pushes the center of the muscle further away from the underlying bone). When this happens, the insertion will move a shorter distance for a given distance of muscle contraction. Since contraction speed doesn't change a whole lot, that means that as a fighters muscles get larger, their movement will get slower (something we all already know, but most of us probably chalked it up just to having more mass to move around, which is certainly the main factor, but not the only one). Since they also have more mass but slower movement speed, that means that power may or may not increase as a result of having larger muscle mass. Every fighter will likely have a sweet spot for size depending on fiber type proportion, limb proportions, muscle insertion points, fighting style, and so many more factors. So, even aside from technique, muscle size doesn't inherently mean all that much.
I wish the UK had wrestling in schools looking back, I’ve always loved BJJ and after trying wrestling I realised my body type was basically perfect for it.
Possibly one of the most important episodes you have done. Those who follow this sport closely are (accidentally) more informed than the general public. And many of us didn’t realize it. Tommy, you ARE a doctor!
I learned that I can't let you get close
"Woo now....woo now....(clap) woo now" 😆
13:02 was shocked to see my home town randomly pop up in an americans youtube video. not many people know about the troubles in ireland.
Once again, top notch content 👌 👏
I think you should make a video about the Brazilian influence in MMA.
But Brazil took all their knowledge from Japan and marketed it as their own. Kimura is from Japan so is the rest of jiu jitsu
I remember watching the ultimate fighter season 4 and learning so much from Matt serra. So much that a few weeks later when my roommates were drunk and wrestling I was coaching the losing roommate on how to escape back control. 🤣
So true a lot of these but 'I regret not wrestling (or any fight sport for that matter) in high school' really hits, I was taken to do jiu jitsu as a kid and thought 'nah not into it' then years and years later as I discovered MMA I fell in love with it and I keep regretting not liking fighting as a kid :( also I love the culture and language discovering part!
I learned to defend a bunch of submissions just by watching the fights
I learned that both fighters in the octogon have had custody custody battles for their children
Was this show awhile back called human weapon was a great some for learning about other customs all over the world
What I learned from fighting is that a lot of people personal fighting styles are woven by their personalities and background
Professor Brock is the real life version of Hulk from Endgame
Not to mention most of us go to brian sutterers page to find out what actually happened when any injury happens. So you can add medical into this too
6:57 and ears like heads of cabbage. In high school I always tried to NOT get in fights with wrestlers. If they get you to the ground, it's over. And they have a million ways to get you to the ground.
The thumbnail on this made me laugh. Thanks!
So close to a million subs!
I wrestle rn and love the sport I’m a top 215 pounder in the state of Oklahoma
I love it, mate. We're like broves
Half of the things listed i actually learned from watching this channel and their breakdowns
Great video
12:28 Yes, Tommy. We would like to see that list!
I base most of my jui jitsu favorite chokes off guillotines darce chokes n everythjng near . When I was 7 my professor who fought in bellator asked where I learned that from I had been watching pride n ufc since I was 4 on repeat
Respect to the lil ultimate frisbee bit 💪🏼☝️
The yakuza running pride was something i didnt expect to learn
english isn’t my first language and I got to say MMA helped me expand my vocabulary.
It's a bit different here across the pond. We all know about cauliflower ears from Rugby, and cruciate knee ligaments from Football. CTE I only heard from MMA, and since also in Boxing, Rugby and even footballers recently dying from CTE just from heading a football, let alone suffering severe trauma to the head.
Glad amature wrestling is getting shout outs in the media.
incredible editing, I forgot to breathe until you went into your closing. What's next bud? I'm not the only one that got the hint.
I wait tables for a living and a guy from Manchester came in and he was blown away i knew abt cllitheroe. Shoutout bisping
No 1 is not news from anyone outside of America 🇺🇸.
I quit wrestling in school for a dumb reason and it's one of my biggest regrets especially because I was getting really good ..the year I quit I was probably the best wrestler in my school, definitely my weight class, I was undefeated at that point in Iowa of all places really want to get back too it before I get too old 😂
Whats even funnier about the mma/pro wrestling connection is that the class action lawsuit against the ufc pertaining to what constitutes as an independent contractor has literally been a huge topic of discussion regarding wwe and their similar contracts with their talent roster. This channel should do a list on how eerily similar vince mcmahon and dana white are
Dana is essentially the love child of McMahon and Arum.
That thumbnail is phenomenal 😂
Props for the "community" reference
i love this channel
Not one of your best videos that’s for sure, clutching at a lot of this list imo! Keep up the good work though guys
Top 10 MMA Nations based on the number of Champions in Major Promotions (Division Champs, Tournament/GP Champs and in case of UFC TUF Winners) 😁✌🏻
This kind of fits into #1 but I learned so many flags I wouldn’t know since watching ufc
I bet the Reebok deal REALLY trimmed away the international fighter spectrum down to nothing of what it could be. The roster would probably be 86% international fighters. Brazil fighters were decimated by it, and Vitor alone lost MILLIONS from it. Imagine an up and coming brazilian fighter just trying to get started. It seems truly impossible unless you have major connections.
Ahhh I still remember my first Mark Homnick hematoma like it was yesterday