Head canon: Paimon knows both Aether And Lunime, Paimon can switch to each demesion. The reason why Paimon doesnt tell them where their sibling is because, After she returns she forgets what she did so she forgets everytime she switches Back to the original world.
oh god- my mom joked abt my dog being without his sister ( my other dog) bc she’s at the vet but the way she said it was like: “aww he’s without his little sister” AND I IMMEDIATELY LOOKED AT AETHER
Every other game I play (example: Sky) I treat it as one of the worlds the twins explored. And if there’s one character, I just say they’ve been separated-
You know... I have a strange yet scary theory. What if- Lumine who's playing as a villain already lived Aether's journey and is the reason why she's playing the villain. For people playing Lumine- Aether would be the villain. But yeah- what if they had done this road and the other hasn't experienced it yet.
0:01 Everyone looking at that one person in P.E who said 6 at strike 2 and then we have to start all over again (Btw when we were doing 5 jumping jacks that one little hoe says 6 when the teacher said if we say 6 we start all over again 😃)
When i get genshin impact Lisa has joined the server My brother being the brother Slap me slap Him:slap Me:your going on slaps harder Him:slaps even harder Mom joins server *acting like angels*
Аоэ, когда то смотрела тебя из за Наруто. Если честно то это шикарно, хоть я ещё не смотрела я знаю. Я твой далёкий подписчик, я подписывалась вроде 10-15к было.
Dude lunime has her reason and I think os righ her trough UnU... And no lunime dont wanna destroy teyvat what she had is revenge with Celestia cuz her destroy their home... Sou I sopport her...
Head canon: Paimon knows both Aether And Lunime, Paimon can switch to each demesion. The reason why Paimon doesnt tell them where their sibling is because, After she returns she forgets what she did so she forgets everytime she switches Back to the original world.
I love and hate how the knowledge of paimon supports this 🤣
That could explain why she disappears a lot
and she can change the time and teleport? she has odd control over the world. without her genshin would be even harder than it already is.
I love how Aether said Child instead of his real name 😂
He called him Tartaglia tho-.....?
Yep Childe is another name for him
@@paimon3658 two paimons XD
I think they meant “child” instead of “childe”
@@creative.cloudy i think that their first language is Russian and if you say childe in Russian it will sound like child
I was searching for "xiao eats snow" but this is good
edit: dont ask why i searched it
Lol what
@@skyy.s Don't even (probably) question it
What the-?
🥲there’s a sad meaning behind why he eats snow I forgot it tho
I love genshin impact
Me three
I hate genshin impact
@@laufey78864 why?
@@wiishxo because
There’s a “E” at the end of lumine btw but it’s really good otherwise
im pretty sure shes not fluent in english it is either translated or spelt by her lol
And also in childe
And its not Monstad its Mondstadt and Its not iter its Aether and 7:27 its Jean not Jinn and Dulic not Dilyuk
Markiplier proud
oh god- my mom joked abt my dog being without his sister ( my other dog) bc she’s at the vet but the way she said it was like: “aww he’s without his little sister” AND I IMMEDIATELY LOOKED AT AETHER
Знаете, Я не люблю ошибки в словах. Но Я так угарнула с надписи "дилюкъ".Реально
Let’s just say, this video is amazing
Every other game I play (example: Sky) I treat it as one of the worlds the twins explored. And if there’s one character, I just say they’ve been separated-
i play sky too along with genshin
Я так тебя люблю, почти никто не делает реакцию на Люмин, Боже ты лучшая, спасибо, жду с нетерпением новых видео
*when ur like the only one who
Picked lumine*
Lumin is fucking badass but i never level her up 😭
*wipes tear* that was good , paimon like it
@3:43 childe in the booth: ARE YOU TRYING TO GET ME KILLED!?!
I love how you spell my name Wenti :D
Paimon is a talking food😌
Молодец) я ждала
Ither and child😭
This my favorite video I keep on watching it over and over again
Jean,lisa and keya be like:👁️ 👄 👁️
Diluc and Childe are good dancers 😏😏😏
You know... I have a strange yet scary theory. What if- Lumine who's playing as a villain already lived Aether's journey and is the reason why she's playing the villain.
For people playing Lumine- Aether would be the villain. But yeah- what if they had done this road and the other hasn't experienced it yet.
@@yukiii2627 Yes that's what I'm saying O-O And my guess is that she was in Aether's exact situation.
2:01 poor Tortilla
Как же я обожаю твои видео и так грустно что они заканчиваються Т^Т
Good video :D
геншин, вау!!
так неожиданно, благодарю за новую реакцию:3🍡✨
@@MizukieditsHD :3
О великий Архонт Чжун Ли это ты???
@@КурараКу возможно я..
@@aesop_q Всмысле возможно?!?🗿👊🏻 Ааа точно ты же у нас Дед🌚👍
@@КурараКу и то верно, вх.
4:09 Там Итэр,там Люмин, там Кейя, Дилюк и Джин, я знаю,я верю.....
3:20 I was vibing to the seven deadly sins music 😫
I love thiss
Just saying, his name is not "Ither", it's "Aether"
It's a great video thoo :D
If you ever make another part, can they react to the Wellerman pirate AU? It could explain why Venti knows Lumine
The anime got me laughing😂 so when that child said whatever I said it in a very funny way
Вау! У тебя прекрасная реакция, редко встречаешь такие на русском.
А будет вторая часть? Буду ждать её)
@@MizukieditsHD очень надеюсь, что вторая часть будет😊
when you called venti a wenti
Yassssss i waited
I guess that 'Childe' Really is an Child☆~ ^^
Боже это шедевр тут не Эдиты а нормальные видио по канону я плачу это шикарно
видео по канону, это типа шутка такая...? 🤨
Aether be a overpreotective bro
Ah, yes, Limin.
Can you do liyue react to lumine if you want?
Everyone looking at that one person in P.E who said 6 at strike 2 and then we have to start all over again
(Btw when we were doing 5 jumping jacks that one little hoe says 6 when the teacher said if we say 6 we start all over again 😃)
I kinda enjoy this...
7:36 aww he is trying to seduce lumine so her brother wont kill him anymore
I heard the fnaf song its been so long in other language XD
7:08 is actually my fav TikTok
Awww thank you for hearting me!
спасибо что вставили айдишки создателей видео х)💕
Is the part where she spys on Aether in the game? I haven't seen that yet and I'm ar40 :')
I found you
дилюк на протяжении всего видео: дохлое лицо
Childe=Child but is also a Child
7:23 Мои глаза были благословенны?
0:55 What's the name of that music? 🥺
Времена идут а переходик не меняется)
0:53 song pls
Obito : ugaaaaa
m gusto UWU
Could you make them react more to traveller lumine as I use lumine as Mc character
What is the song in intro???????
I like the fact that you wrote lumine and aether wrong but tartaglia right
hi! idk if you know this or not but im pretty sure thier names are spelled Aether and Lumine 😅 i might be wrong though
2:20 song? 👁👁
Just a heads up:
You spelled Lumine wrong but hey I made that mistake as well so :b
You forgot the e in lumine
Wenti? Lumin? Child? No, i dont know them.
I only know Venti, Lumine, Childe
Do you even play the game? It's mondstadt and Lumine.
Anyways what adventure rank are you?
They probably don't speak English and I think they speak Russian.
3:32 No you. **uno reverse card**
Just you typing all of their names wrong lol like wenti and diluk xD
And lumine you forgot the e xD
what song at 6:48
Lumin as kaguya otsutsuki and nanatzu no tazai girls
Скидываемся на похороны чайлда
Poor childe lol
-а это тип игры? Если да,то пожалуйста скажите название этой игры👀🙏
3:10 Music?
lumin qween😳🤯😧✨✨✨✨✨🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳😁😀😆😁😆😀😆😀😀😀😀😆😆😆
When i get genshin impact
Lisa has joined the server
My brother being the brother
Slap me slap
Me:your going on slaps harder
Him:slaps even harder
Mom joins server
*acting like angels*
Can they react to xiaolumi or chilumi?
And I'm dying of child 😂✋ his new name is child🔥
I actually feel like that Jean is lumine’s sister in theory
Аоэ, когда то смотрела тебя из за Наруто. Если честно то это шикарно, хоть я ещё не смотрела я знаю. Я твой далёкий подписчик, я подписывалась вроде 10-15к было.
Дилюк и Тарталья в конце:опоп
Lumine* mondstat*
Интересный факт, 5:40 все улыбаются а итер плачет 😐
Он типо плачет от радости
А можно реакцию на злого Итера( хотя не злой , ну на принца Бездны???)
In this world there is no e in names or nicknames
Спасибо благодарю тебя😊❤
Можно теперь Лю Э реакция?
Someone can tell me why Aether at Suck it up is smiling????
What ar are you on genshin impact?
Я так и не поняла, кто в этом видео канонный гг, итер или люмин??
Dude lunime has her reason and I think os righ her trough UnU... And no lunime dont wanna destroy teyvat what she had is revenge with Celestia cuz her destroy their home... Sou I sopport her...
Why don't you show them how that villain went into the abyss, he would be surprised.
Я Кста русская:D
tiktok : suck it u-
What level you on in Genshin?
@@MizukieditsHD im 23 :’)
Im 41
I'm at 35😥
@@m1kann I’m 33 now lmfao nice
And potato nice reply
Omg why is there a man saying owaaaaa after every video-