Rozhovor s Hansem Beltingem I Interview with Hans Belting

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 3 ก.ค. 2024
  • Nezapomenutelný rozhovor Hanse Beltinga a Ivana Folettiho o dějinách umění a dalších naléhavých otázkách. Natočeno v bytě Hanse Beltinga v Berlíně. I A rare interview with Hans Belting and Ivan Foletti on Art History and other pressing issues. Shot in Hans Belting's apartment in Berlin.

ความคิดเห็น • 3

  • @waylonwraith5266
    @waylonwraith5266 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I love: “The book has many advantages over the Internet which will eventually come to sight.” Indeed! From “Christopher Forgues and the Poetry of Comix” by James D Bowman 3: “Forgues has been no less preoccupied with the possibilities of the book. In a panel discussion for Kramer’s Ergot, Volume 10, at Strand Bookstore, he made the following statement vis-a-vis the potency (if not, now, the primacy) of the non-online book-as-object, which demonstrates his interest in the surprisingly avant-grade potential of the ‘conventional’ in this age of technological acceleration: ‘I like to make books because they’re like machines in places that you might not intentionally go. So it could be in someone’s house, or you could come across it accidentally, which (now) is hard to do since you have a guided, mediated experience with almost all of the culture , in one way or another, because of the numbers and things.’ Books as machines: yet another instance of Forgues’ nonconformist, self-guided, non-mediated relationship with the technological; with techne-as-an-extremity-of-[base*]-materiality.” *in the Bataillean sense.

  • @silvanaoliveira1284
    @silvanaoliveira1284 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Gratificante único. .....................yfhhvjvhi