I love your work! You made me fall in love with the sound of guzheng. I had never before heard such emotional sounds, I don't think any person could put so much emotion into their voice as you produce from the guzheng. You have shared such a beautiful thing with the world playing this instrument. Thank you!
I love your work! You made me fall in love with the sound of guzheng. I had never before heard such emotional sounds, I don't think any person could put so much emotion into their voice as you produce from the guzheng. You have shared such a beautiful thing with the world playing this instrument. Thank you!
Man, that is one together lady! A life very well lived🙏🙏❤️!
Beautiful and talented lady
You’re the Guzheng player I have met and fall in love with everything from you Han fu, elegant, respectful all in one. Thank you Jingxuan 🙏
I think it's beautiful and so are you I wish I had passion in life like you do for music
please let me know where you are street performing i would like to come and listen to you.
Your performance is wonderful, amazing
Some people can not afford to go to the opera so they are very lucky to listen this music for free in the street
2:53 後面的畫都嚇到了
@@vincentwan7678 看看被迫害的法輪功;天安門被槍殺的學生!每年數十萬上訪受冤屈的百性;這些苦難的百性,在臺灣是不可能發生的,在土匪一般的共產黨治理下,根本沒有法律這種事。
@@vincentwan7678 看看在中國檢舉犯罪的人,他們有沒有好下場呢?共產黨不是土匪,誰是土匪?在臺灣,檢舉犯罪的人,大都視為英雄,美國如此、以法治國的國家皆是如此。
@@健中周 台灣是犯罪的天堂,好人不長命,禍害一千年,人家談的是音樂、樂器、文化,您來這裡談政治不適當吧!
@@cnexpat1009 想想看,若中國真的好,我會不回去嗎?我在臺灣是外省人第二代,因為家父是十多年的國小老師,在1949年被迫逃亡,後為國民黨的軍隊所救,轉經登步島之役才來臺灣,在臺灣所接收到的資訊,是全面的,不會因為批評了國家領導人而獲罪,更不會因為揭發弊案而活不下去,更不會遇到昨是今非的情形,工作不是沒有,就看願不願意去做;那是誰像長不大的孩子呢!!!!!!!!!!