First time watching! | Firefly 1x05 "Safe" REACTION

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 28 ก.ย. 2024

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  • @andelain
    @andelain  8 หลายเดือนก่อน +21

    Hey everyone! Just as a heads up, I won't be looking at comments until I've had someone go through and check for spoilers! As before, please don't take it personally if your comment gets deleted. 🤍

    • @htim8997
      @htim8997 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Very wise.

  • @Carrot421911
    @Carrot421911 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

    "You're on my crew. Why're we still talking about this?" I love that line so much. So simple, yet says so much about Mal's character.

  • @noahrobin1941
    @noahrobin1941 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +21

    There’s a sequence in this episode that I’ve come to appreciate fairly recently. River makes her comment about how the cows didn’t know who they were whilst they were on the ship, and a few short scenes later she finds the dancers and, briefly, remembers herself.

  • @GoodOldGamer
    @GoodOldGamer 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +16

    Now that you're a few episodes in, I think it's safe to say that the crew are representing aspects of Mal. Book is his faith, Kaylee is his innocence, Jayne is his brashness, Zoe is his pragmatism, Wash is his humor, Simon is his selflessness, River is his intuition, and Inara is his heart. That's how it comes across, anyway. That's why he ultimately puts his crew first above himself, like going to the dreaded Alliance to get aid for Book, even though he hates them.

  • @r2streu
    @r2streu 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +12

    Firefly is, above everything else, a show about found family. Mal, as the strict father figure, isn't impulsive so much as he quickly makes the necessary decision and doesn't always feel the need to explain himself. Sending Simon and River off wasn't so much about getting rid of them as it was the fact that they were about to meet with crooked, unsavory types who wouldn't blink at turning them in if they got an inkling of who they are.
    The telling scenes for me were the contrast between Simon's father saying, "I won't come for you" and Mal explaining the rescue with, "You're on my crew." This is the essence of found family, and the show will continue to move in that direction as we go.

  • @gamesman0118
    @gamesman0118 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +24

    Mal was kind of broken by the experiences of the war. He lost his faith and he often feels like everything is against him. This is why he often regrets things he says or does.

  • @looleeland
    @looleeland 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +17

    I've read this elsewhere, but when River mentions that daddy will come, she was expressing that she knew that Mal would be back for them.

    • @alancrofoot
      @alancrofoot 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

      I agree 100%, Just like when Book says "it's good to be home", River thinks of Serenity as home and Mall as a sort of father figure.

  • @gethriel
    @gethriel 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +13

    Simon and River were lost to them but ALIVE. Mal left because it was the only way to keep his crew. It was easy to take the time to search for the doctor; not easy to keep shepherd Book alive. I'd have done the same thing in an instant

    • @sirmoonslosthismind
      @sirmoonslosthismind 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      simon is a doctor and is quite accustomed to the concept of triage. he and mal were completely (if retroactively) on the same page in that regard.

    • @ldkinbote
      @ldkinbote 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@sirmoonslosthismind This exactly what I said, "It's triage."

  • @anthonyleecollins9319
    @anthonyleecollins9319 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

    One of my favorite episodes. Sean Maher and Summer Glau are amazing here. Joss Whedon has said that their relationship (Simon and River) is his favorite on the show, and I sometimes agree (depends on which episode I've watched most recently 🙂 ).

  • @spamfilter32
    @spamfilter32 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Mal telling Simon he came back for them because he and River are on his crew, stands in contrast to Simon's dad saying he wouldn't come back for him despite being his son

  • @lawrencewestby9229
    @lawrencewestby9229 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +14

    When there is trouble Mal falls back on his military experience. He makes quick decisions, issues orders, and expects those orders to be followed without his needing to explain his reasoning. The only person he may listen to is Zoë as he trusts her completely.

  • @salishseamermaid
    @salishseamermaid 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    This show does character development really well.

  • @derrisreaditbefore
    @derrisreaditbefore 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I'm having a lot of fun watching you go through these early episodes. The thing that gets me in this one is River's moment of lucidity. "You gave up everything you had to find me. You found me broken." Then seemingly she falls out of it, when she tells Simon that "Daddy will come." In hindsight, after watching the rest of the episode and SEEING that their father stated clearly "I won't come for you" I've always believed that she's conflated her father with Mal. The authority figure in their lives now. The 'head of the family' that's been formed aboard Serenity. The gruff person who looks after them all. Simon doesn't make the leap, *because* his own father "won't come". It's that statement that causes Simon to question why Mal DID. He doesn't understand how someone who doesn't even like him, would come to save him.

    • @andelain
      @andelain  5 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Ooh, I hadn't thought of that - that River might've been refering to Mal. Interesting!

  • @maddwitch
    @maddwitch 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    6:04 That's the local sheriff and his deputies. Simon is just worried that the sheriff might recognize him from the Alliance's equivalent of a wanted poster and call the feds.
    10:30 Mal learned to compartmentalize and prioritize in the war. He makes the hard decisions and does what needs to be done. His choices are to stay and look for Simon and River, probably loosing Shepherd, or getting Shepherd help and then coming back to search for Simon and River. While they're in an unknown situation, their odds of dying in the meantime are lower than Shepherds. Mal always meant to come back for them. He just had to put the most endangered crew member first.
    15:48 River sees what Simon doesn't yet. Serenity is home and the crew are a family.

  • @salyx
    @salyx 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    You seem all-in emotionally and that’s great! Here’s to many more laughs and tears for our space family.

  • @Educated2Extinction
    @Educated2Extinction 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    This episode illustrated an interesting contrast between Mal and Simon. Mal was rude because he has a ship and crew to look after. Simon did it just because he was entitled and didn't think about the feelings of the peasantry(Kaylee). In a way, Simon was as narrowly focused on River as his parents were on themselves. Remember when Simon threatened to let Kaylee die, unless Mal ran from the Feds?

  • @joshuawiedenbeck6944
    @joshuawiedenbeck6944 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Mal falls into the "Chaotic Good" category. He doesn't have any particular love of authority or "lawful" people, but he always chooses what is right in the end. Sometimes his methods just seem a little unconventional.

    • @michaelearl6765
      @michaelearl6765 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      He's a funny sort of chaotic, if he is at all, though. He may not care for the current authorities, and he's strongly pragmatic, but he's also very much a man of principle - he has a code and adheres to it unswervingly.

    • @Kavala76
      @Kavala76 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Though Mal, as the captain, expects his orders to be obeyed :)
      Maybe he is more Neutral Good in a society run by a Lawful Neutral/Lawful Evil authority?

  • @Ernwaldo
    @Ernwaldo 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Hello. I liked your reaction to this episode. Was nice to see when you were touched by the emotional scenes. Just hope you weren’t upset too badly. I’ve seen others’ comments, but I wanted to also say that you may be misinterpreting when Mal is curt, as well as his true intentions. He’s not nearly as rude as Jayne, but his responsibility to his ship & crew, as well as former military experience definitely shape his personality & actions. He had attempted to explain to Simon that the noises River was making could lead to trouble, but Simon was attempting to “explain it away” instead of complying. Saying, “Gag her if you have to,” was probably Mal’s next step, and could have been worse. And telling Simon & River to leave the area where the cattle were before the deal happened, was to keep them safe. Mal new something such as what happened could put them in harm’s way. Just unfortunate they were kidnapped. And, of course, Mal’s decision to leave Simon & River wasn’t taken lightly. Just prioritizing and I assumed he always planned to return to look for them. Thank you, again. Looking forward to your next reaction.

  • @anyone9689
    @anyone9689 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    hi nicely done ....this and the next 3 are my favs , get ready .

  • @serenity4eva89
    @serenity4eva89 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Mal lost his faith once during the war, he wasn't going to lose it a second time. Saving Book was part of saving himself (even if he wouldn't admit it, and routinely mocks Book for it), and in turn saving River and Simon ❤

  • @spamfilter32
    @spamfilter32 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    In this episode, Simon hurts Kaylee's feelings, and then he gets kidnapped.

  • @jeffburnham6611
    @jeffburnham6611 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I don't think Mal would have come to the planet if there was an Alliance presence. Those lawmen were not Alliance, just backwoods small-town law enforcement.

  • @catindigo9907
    @catindigo9907 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I really enjoy your reactions.
    Shepherd Book has a secret background which I will tell you after you watch the movie.

  • @michaelrunnels7660
    @michaelrunnels7660 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Mal made a decision that he would not sacrifice Book's life to search for Simon and River. Searching for Simon and River guarantees that Book dies. He figured he could save Book and also come back to find them. Adelain, why do you think that was a bad decision? Mal knew that the people he was selling the cows to were a very dangerous bunch and trouble was likely. He didn't want Simon and River around while he was dealing with them. It turned out to be a wise decision don't you think?

  • @Callimachus33
    @Callimachus33 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Might be good to avoid the recap, there is at least one episode when the recap gives a huge spoiler.

  • @steviemcintyre1497
    @steviemcintyre1497 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +26

    Mal sets his priorities and then follows them methodically. Book was dying, River and Simon were just missing. It was a logical progression. When Mal said "forget them" he had no such intention in mind. I suspect that line was included to heighten the suspense.

    • @VerMaarte
      @VerMaarte 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +15

      He reacts exactly as a military commander would do. Assess the situation and weigh the priorities. Comes over as blunt, but is effective in a crisis.

    • @happyslapsgiving5421
      @happyslapsgiving5421 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      More like "forget them" because he couldn't promise that they'd manage to get them back, even though he intended to.

    • @Finians_Mancave
      @Finians_Mancave 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      Exactly. Shepherd being shot in the chest required imminent action. Simon and River were likely kidnapped, and could take days to find. What was Mal supposed to do? Just leave Shepherd dying while they went off to search for Simon and River? And note that Mal risked everything by flagging down an Alliance ship to try and help the Shepherd!

    • @TommygunNG
      @TommygunNG 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      In truth, Mal could have left Jane and Zoe to search for the Tams while he got Shepherd medical attention. The writers probably never thought of that.

    • @Finians_Mancave
      @Finians_Mancave 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@TommygunNG Maybe... but I think it's more likely the writers wanted the viewers to think Mal had left Simon and River.

  • @michaelshea8086
    @michaelshea8086 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +12

    I think this is one of the best episodes on many levels.
    Sean's facial acting especially after Mal says, "You're on my crew, why we still talking about this..chows in need to dress..."
    If you watch with the commentary, Joss Whedon said when they finished shooting they were short 45 seconds. So he had Adam Baldwin (Jayne) improvise the 2 scenes where he takes Simon's stuff and then returns it.
    The scene with River and Simon when she tells him she knows that he gave up everything he had gets me weepy no matter how many times I see it.
    Still my all-time favorite Sci-fi series (and movie).
    The episodes just get better from here on.
    Glad you are enjoying this show.
    Great reactions and insight.

    • @JoshFollmann
      @JoshFollmann 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Ha, I'd never heard this. Great work on Adam's part, I've always thought the "dear diary" line is one of the funniest bits in the whole show.

  • @Audra1964
    @Audra1964 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    I love watching someone react who is an empathetic soul.
    I think one of the main themes here is a compare/contrast of Simon and River’s father and Mal. When River said, “Daddy will come, and take us home”, she meant Mal. Because Mal takes care of his crew the way their father should have taken care of them.
    One thing to keep in mind about Mal seeming harsh is the fact that he is the leader, The Captain. He has to make the hard decisions in a hurry in order to solve the problem in front of him. Sometimes hesitation is deadly. Sometimes he has to motivate others to action in a way that may not be too nice, but is needed. Sometimes the crew has to just trust and obey. The responsibility for the outcome, good or bad rests on Mal’s shoulders. Not many of us are strong enough to bear that burden.
    He is by no means perfect, but he’s The Captain and being a part of his crew means living by his rule. The difference between this crew and one who is under military command is that this crew is free to leave.

  • @Cobinja
    @Cobinja 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    Ah, the age-old question of "Who is he" when Shepherd Book gets taken to the infirmary at once.

  • @kevinjohnson613
    @kevinjohnson613 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    Warning! Some of the, Previously on Firefly scenes, have small spoilers in them.

    • @vgalea
      @vgalea 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Absolutely, those "recap" intros have too many spoilers. They're not worth it.

    • @linusasemyr4707
      @linusasemyr4707 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Are the intros from when Firefly was first on TV? When it was out of order. They are not included on DVD or bluray.

  • @michaelhoward142
    @michaelhoward142 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    It's testament to how good Firefly is when, no matter which episode you're watching, it feels like the best episode. This show is incredible.

  • @goldenageofdinosaurs7192
    @goldenageofdinosaurs7192 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Mal IS empathic, but he’s also pragmatic. When you’re in charge of everyone, you can’t always be the ‘nice guy.’ I don’t think anything he said to Simon was particularly rude. I think brusque would be closer.

  • @zatornagirroc7175
    @zatornagirroc7175 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    There is a phrase for Mal that I have enjoyed using over the years - tactics over tact. You mentioned you thought he was impulsive, and while I think there are times he yeets himself into action without knowing all the details, this was not one of them. Leaving them was a cold, hard decision - and yeah, he comes off as cold and hard sometimes because it is necessary to accomplish the goal. While he likes to plan and weigh options, Book's condition wouldn't allow for that. He summed up the decision quite nicely - "We have already lost two people, and if I can help it we wont lose a third". Simon and River were gone.
    To me, the "gag her if you have to" line was not a "just gag her, please" notion, but rather a "do what you have to do to keep her from spooking the cattle". Mal has a desire for things to proceed in a logical way, and can get quite short when people foul up the plan. He was a sergeant, remember. :) You know why he left, so I wont belabor that point. Did he feel guilt? I don't think so - once the emergency was resolved, he could think and plan what is next.
    You will find out he has TREMENDOUS empathy for his crew including Book, Simon and River, but sometimes the display of that empathy has to take a back seat to the immediate problems he is facing. And tact is the first casualty when Mal is tackling a problem.

  • @Flastew
    @Flastew 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    I really enjoyed your reaction to this wonderful series. The show can stir many emotions. Love your comments and how you're really figuring out the personality of each crew member.

  • @user-kg7co9vi5r
    @user-kg7co9vi5r 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    I find myself enjoying your reserved but interested reactions. You are really understanding the nuanced way these characters are developing. The show has very good writing and acting with a cast where the chemistry between them was real and obvious. This episode we teased us with the shepherd being more than advertised.

  • @jasonrd316
    @jasonrd316 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I think the thing that confuses you about Mal is that he's direct. Things happen and he snaps into action. He doesn't beat around the bush. As a vet this is refreshing...when the s*** hits the fan, you want a leader that is direct and can get you out of danger.
    This episode really highlights how Simon didnt think he belonged. It shows his home life wasnt all he thought it was cracked up to be, and in the end he is a major part of this crew and has a true place to belong. Incredible episode!

  • @BrendonChase_2015
    @BrendonChase_2015 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Mal impulsive? Dunno. When it comes to decisions re: Serenity & its crew, Mal is quite the opposite of impulsive. The rational decision to leave was a perfect illustration of this. As to expressing oneself in a nice & emphatic way well, there's a time & a place. Knowing when & when not to and also with what kind of person makes a good captain as you'll come to understand ;) Cheers!

  • @doug3691
    @doug3691 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    I enjoyed your reactions to this one, Andelain. And the episodes just get better from here.

  • @dalesharp9953
    @dalesharp9953 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Great reaction. Great Simon and River moments.

  • @Skye_Writer
    @Skye_Writer 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    The thing about Mal is that in any given moment, he is always going to do what isthe most important thing first. He's like the triage unit in a hospital E.R.; make a snap decision about which case is the most important one to look after first, who is likely to die as a result of him not acting right now.
    In the moment, the way he says things sounds harsh/abrupt, because he doesn't always have the time to explain things, so when he says they are leaving Simon and River right now so he can help Book instead, it comes off as a little heartless. But in retrospect, you can see his point; right now, Book has a bad wound that might kill him, so he do the most pragmatic thing and go somewhere to get him help right away, _or_ he and the crew can wander around in the hills, _hoping_ they can find not just _a_ settlement, but the _right_ settlement where River and Simon are being kept.
    And supposing they find the right group of settlers, how hard did Simon fight? Did they beat him up when they took him? Is he going to be in any shape to treat Book once they get him?
    Was he able to get away on his own? After all, he's smart and capable as Mal has pointed out, so maybe the settlers don't have him.
    How mean and tough are these settlers and how many of them are there? Are Mal and the crew going to have to go in guns blazing and risk getting shot/hurt themselves and need the services of a doctor, only to find out their doctor isn't there/isn't capable at the moment of treating them?
    These are the kinds of things Mal has to think about in a nanosecond, the kinds of things that as a platoon leader in the war he learned how to evaluate so he can do what's best for his people. It doesn't mean he doesn't care, but he can't always show it in the moment and he can't take the time with a man bleeding out in the infirmary to comfort Kaylee and explain to her that once this emergency is taken care of, he'll go back and get the Tams.
    Ofc Joss Whedon being Joss Whedon (and to be honest, Tim Minear being Tim Minear, because really he worked on the show day to day more than Joss did), he uses those camera angles and quick edits he's so famous for in order to throw off the audience and make you think Mal is a heartless bastard who won't give River and Simon a 2nd thought.
    But then you get that moment when Jayne is so happy that "life will be simpler" not having to carry to "'fugees" (refugees) around with them and the key to the scene is that Zoe--who nows Mal better than the audience and better than anyone on the ship--takes the time to say to Mal, "He _is_ right, you know." Why would she bother to say it unless she knows already that it's in his nature to go back and get them?
    Anytime you want to know what Mal is really thinking, look to Zoe. She's never wrong.

  • @flynngames4703
    @flynngames4703 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    What people usually gets confused about with Mal isn’t his actions it’s the way he explains (or lack of) his actions.

  • @Kaylakaze
    @Kaylakaze 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    "This girl reads minds and spins falsehoods!"
    Well, which one is it? Is she reading your mind or spinning falsehoods because she doesn't need to do the former to do the latter.

  • @aaroncraven1572
    @aaroncraven1572 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Under a very intentional layer of comedy there are so many genuine feelings and emotions in this series. It's really well performed in order to keep those messages so real and believable.

  • @Mr.johninjax
    @Mr.johninjax 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Were you tearing up there a little?
    Yep. Does it to me also every time.

  • @maidden
    @maidden 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

    If you think about it, if he hadn't told Simon to take River out, they would've been RIGHT THERE during the shootout with the cops and the buyers and could've been hurt. Also, the cops asked for papers on the cattle, they could've asked for ID on Simon and River and figured out they were fugitives. But yeah, Mal can be quite abrupt and is absolutely not accustomed to having his orders questioned.

  • @lonsharp
    @lonsharp 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

    “Daddy will come, and take us home”. But she isn’t talking about their father.

  • @braintrustslayton8755
    @braintrustslayton8755 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    ON CAPTAIN MAKEN THEM LEAVE....... There is ALWAYS a chance of things going wrong (shady deals mostly do), and having TWO bystanders to be POTENTIAL targets/pawns is not advantageous.

  • @kileypaet8221
    @kileypaet8221 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Why do all the reactors get worked up and see it as Captain Mal abandoned Simon and River? I see it as he was trying to save Shepherd Book and he was always going to go back for them.

  • @tvdroid22
    @tvdroid22 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Now you sound like Inara. "So few men are (so complicated)," when speaking of Mal. Have to remember, Mal is a war vet living in space job-to-job. He's gonna be a little rough on the edges. I like how they paced River's recovery. Gradually more stable, and her abilities begin to open up as well. It was nice connecting with you Ladybug. Don't take it the wrong way, but you have a very composed, some might say, cool appearance. Seeing those tears as the final scene played out verified my suspicions about you. It's good to see how moved you were, as am I.

  • @Kavala76
    @Kavala76 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The predicament: 1 person dying vs. two people missing. Which is more immediately important? Frankly, I agree with Mal's choice.
    This episode was all about family. Mal treats his crew more like family than Simon's own father did.
    Also, note how about the only time Simon gets violent is when River is threatened. Otherwise he is usually calm and peaceful.

  • @seanmcmurphy4744
    @seanmcmurphy4744 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The theme of _Firefly_ is civilized values versus frontier values; for all their faults (displayed honestly in this episode), frontier values are better.
    Simon's parents and their planet, Osiris, represent civilized values. They are so scared of the intrusive government that they refuse to recognize that their own daughter has been abducted and tortured. On the planet Jiangyin, the Patron represents civilized values. He could have saved River from the mob, but because she threatens to expose his corruption and murder of his predecessor, he eggs them on to burn an innocent girl to death.
    Compare this to the 'found family' of Firefly, which represents frontier values. Mal risks his ship to take Shepard Book, a passenger he has just met, to the Alliance cruiser for medical care. The Alliance, representing civilization, refuses to help the injured, dying man until his ID card changes their mind. Then Mal goes back to rescue Simon and River, fugitives who are a threat to him. Why? "You're on my crew". The crew of Firefly are more a true family than Simon's actual family. The final scene of them around the dinner table carries the message that, on the frontier, family is where you find it.

  • @dallassukerkin6878
    @dallassukerkin6878 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    :smiles: Your reaction to this one just got you on my Favourite TH-camrs list

  • @jonathanvaux2715
    @jonathanvaux2715 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    This is my favourite episode of any television series ever.
    The contrast of Simon's father declaring that he will not come to his sons aid again, then Mal just matter of factly responding, "You're on my crew," just gets me every time.

  • @erich5819
    @erich5819 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    When Jayne and Zoe discuss how things would be "simpler" without the Tams, Mal doesn't disagree. But "simpler" does not mean "better" or "correct" and Mal is fiercely devoted to his crew. He is not about saying "the right thing", he is about doing the right thing in very difficult circumstances.

  • @matthewfowler133
    @matthewfowler133 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Suggestion: don't watch the "previously on" segments... sometimes I think they give too much away.

  • @coyotej4895
    @coyotej4895 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    By how nonchalant Simon and Rivers parents are I got the distinct impression that they knew what was going with River and did not care. We never got the story but I sense perhaps they participated in a eugenics experiment, Artificial Insemination of a Genetically enhanced embryo perhaps? Just a thought to explain why they felt so cold toward River.

  • @ojpete
    @ojpete 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Always remember, you don't have to like your family to love them. And you don't need to like your coworkers to work well together. I share that with new hires all the time, and sometimes on the Internet too, and it surprises me that it's an epiphany to so many people.
    Thanks for the great reaction to a wonderful show and a really good episode. Glad your enjoying your journey, and may you have a wonderful day. Well, if you're up for that, at least have a very pleasant day.

  • @Tampahop
    @Tampahop 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Sometimes there are no good choices and you just have to meddle through as best you can. Mal is keenly aware that he is responsible for everyone on his crew, but he can't play favorites or waste time and effort playing nice. Even if you may not like it, you always know where you stand with Mal.

  • @aboynam3dblu3
    @aboynam3dblu3 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    To be fair when Mal tries to give Simon an order without being an asshole Simon never just follows the order, he always pushes back, no matter what. Then Mal makes it real clear that it isn’t a discussion.

  • @RoGueNavy
    @RoGueNavy 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I purchased a habdmade pewter hat pin at a local Renaissance Faire, that reads "Big Damn Hero".

  • @joeshaver1104
    @joeshaver1104 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Not sure if you caught this but in the first episode at the opening battle, Mal is wearing a cross.... he was religious. After the war, he lost his faith. Actually I'd go so far as to say he hates his faith.

  • @rromano158
    @rromano158 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I think the reason you see recaps at the beginning of some of the episodes is because Fox originally aired them out of order.

  • @geraldtodd6633
    @geraldtodd6633 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Tears at the end? Mal is tugging at those emotions!

  • @Br0nto5aurus
    @Br0nto5aurus 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    You're the first reactor I've seen who didn't say "Is that Zac Efron?" when watching this episode. Zac Efron plays young Simon.

    • @andelain
      @andelain  7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I thought I recognised him but couldn't place the actor! 😂

  • @ernesthakey3396
    @ernesthakey3396 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    One reason Mal didn't search is that there are probably several small holdings in the hill, and no telling which group of hill folk took the Tams. So searching might well have taken longer than Shepherd Book had. When Wash reported back, he just said "people in the hills" - not a specific location, so they wouldn't have known just where to go.

    • @wendyheatherwood
      @wendyheatherwood 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      They don't even know for sure that's what happened. It's the most likely explanation, but not the only one
      They could visit every settlement near the town and find they're not at any of them.

    • @ernesthakey3396
      @ernesthakey3396 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@wendyheatherwood exactly!

  • @NormanTheDormantDoormat
    @NormanTheDormantDoormat 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    What's that logo on your sweater? Looks pretty good.

    • @andelain
      @andelain  7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Thank you! It's a boss from Elden Ring - Malenia.

  • @becca1189
    @becca1189 8 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @Otokichi786
    @Otokichi786 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    "Safe": At home with the Tam family. "Serenity" lands on Jianying with the cattle herd intact, Jayne likes "smackin' 'em." the crew goes window shopping in town, Simon gets it wrong, River wanders off to an outdoor dance, the cattle sale goes South and a gunfight breaks out. Shepherd Book is caught in the crossfire, Hill People nab a Doctor, River finds Simon, and Mal goes in search of medical care. Book's ID suddenly opens the Alliance cruiser's ER, Simon "settles in," and River uncovers uncomfortable truths of the Hill People. A stake is prepared to "burn the witch," Jayne is "armed and hanging out," and the "big damn heroes" arrive for "our witch." Found family quote: "You're on my crew."