Ohhh Seher I’m so proud of you that’s the right thing to do because you shouldn’t allow anyone to use violence against you and to force you stay somewhere when you don’t want . You’re doing the right thing
i cat express how proud i am of her, she got her pride and self respect back,, he thought she would submit to his mind games and now realized his mistake .. sooner or later people will fight back she has had ENOUGH!!!!
But the writer make her behave stupidly by breaking the law. I don’t about Turkey, but in my country, seher can be charged with arson for setting the fires to the switchboard which can create electrical short circuit n explosion. Seher can burn down the mansion n kill everyone including yusof . She also can get criminal charges, together with Firat n the nurse/ doctor for administering unintended medication Both firat n the nurse can be fired from their jobs n lose their licenses This is so unethical! P/s: pls writers, do your research before simply portraying the story line to the audience . Where is your social responsibility to your society n your country by giving bad or negative contents? U can’t simply said that it’s fictional bcoz you are still attached to your socio-cultural environment of your country.
@@mazlindamohdyusoff if u paid attention the cloth she used wasn't flammable , plus yaman should of already been in jail for everything he has done to her..
Wow this scene incredible just like he left her in the street after she get hit by the car I really wasn’t expecting this I thought he played her but she outsmart him
She didn’t out smart him her so call brother the cops help not fair. The dumb cops are not doing their job, they’re broke the law by doing this to him. They aren’t even looking for any information about all this, they just want to get him on anything. Emanet didn’t get wealthy by being dumb. He’s smarter them those dumb cops. So don’t give her so much credit, she should have used some of that with the ugly sisters.😡
@@yolandagarcia3985... I don't like her behavior here either. She just follow what they tell her to do. Seher so u didn't love this man at all. STRENGE . WHEN u will know that he is innocent how will u arrange it..WRITER
So sad though? I know she’s desperate but she’s behaving like a villain. But he was wrong to expect them to stay after that confession. Her character would normally have questioned his lie and believed he was not capable of it. How many times did he save her life????
Queen Seher. He has manipulated her, lied to her, pushed her around, thrown her on the floor, confessed to killing her own siseter and won't let her leave the house. She is a Krimli, she learned from the best. She will feel bad when she finds out the truth - obviously - but don't forget who made her like this. He looks fine in the fragman anyway.
But she once said she will never be like him!! She always said that she grew up in a family poor but never saw violence , her father yelled at her when he called her for breakfast only!! Where is the girl that that always said that you solve problem by talking not hitting!! At least Yaman has an excuse HE grew up in a rough world!! She and Selim are fake!!
@@gildas.5452 if she chose to stay weak and not do wrong she will have to accept to live with her sister's murder , he will continue treating her violently, using Yussuf until the end, she has every right to take a child from his mother's killer and to refuse to live with him
@@gildas.5452 'Where is the girl that always said that you solve problem by talking not hitting?' She was told by the love of her life that he killed her own sister and Yusuf's mom. How do you ignore that? How is she just supposed to know that he is lying to protect Ziya. She will do anything for Yusuf, that was never in question. Even he knows that. There is no excuse for him abusing her. Where is the guy that said he would never hurt her again? Was she just supposed to accept what he confessed and play pretend?
Jaja morí morí qué pasó nos cambiaron la chica al go le tenía que a prender al yaman dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres 🤣🤣 bravo por eso que pretendía el yaman confesandole que mato ala hermana y que ella Aga chava la cabeza y se guía como si nada 🤣🤣ese burro grandullón estaba horinando fuera del tiesto🤣🤔
@@carmenrosarodriguezbaron3888 si es verdad y comparto contigo, pero si bien es cierto que la guionista debió hacer estas escenas mucho antes no le veo el objetivo de hacerlas al final aunq ella si lo ve porq mandan una segunda temporada que viene siendo lo mismo la misma ira el mismo odio otros traumas y un menor por delante y todos terminamos aburridos, creo que los únicos Que vemos esa serie es el público extranjero esa serie no tiene reiting en turkia jajajaja la verdad no se porq ahora les Llaman temporadas esos doscientos tantos capítulos y no se resuelve nada antes por el contrario la enreda y se vuelve cansona 🙄
@@carmenrosarodriguezbaron3888 cuando las series las alargan tanto pierden el sentido en 200 y tantos capítulos que vimos todos los días lo mismo solo muerte, ira y escasos capítulos de tranquilidad, por ahí me estaba viendo una serie CANDAKI KIZ, La chica de la ventana bueenaa y solo 9 capítulos de la primera temporada en espera de la segunda.
Pero que fuerte, Seher a engañado a Yaman (y a mi también) de forma sibilina, un plan bien ejecutado….sabía cómo reaccionaría Yaman leyendo su lenguaje corporal y lo ha aprovechado al máximo…..claro que después llorara como la Zarzamora cuando vea la verdad….pero ahora solo 👏👏👏👏
@@paquisanchezgonzalez8989 siiii pero debieron hacer esos capítulos antes no al final a mi parecer. Siento que deja un sin sabor en el final de la temporada, viene una 2 temporada y debían estar unidos bueno lo más seguro es que zuhal se case con Yaman esa es la típica él entrará en una depresión peor Ziya, 🐍menor y Vendra a jorobar la paciencia otra vez a Seher. y Seher quedará wayando como dice la canción.
@@eybes.55v20 pues espero que no se case con la bicho 🐍 pequeña, soy optimista y al fin aclarará las cosas con Seher, noche de bodas y bebés….FIN y todos (excepto la señora guionista) contentos 😃😄😁
@@eybes.55v20 en estas novelas tan largas es verdad que tanto Yaman como Seher podrían terminar con otras personas, pero no me imagino en que circunstancias un hombre guapo, rico y poderoso termine casado con una mujer que lo engañó y ni si quiera le cae bien. Moderado el mal carácter a Yaman le debe sobrar opciones.
She is not genius it was not her plan! But Fırat she is stupid that she did believe this lie from him, she is getto g on myn nerves she aresed everything he did for her.
@@rashidapatel722 I clap because she finally shown him her true savage side ! There is a saying in my country: where the devil cannot go , he will send a woman in his stead. And now it is soooo satisfying to crush his ego for once!
Estoy feliz por Seher, me pareció cruel porque usó a Yusuf, pero él también usa al niño para manipularla, yo de ella no me arrepentiría aún sabiendo toda la verdad.
@@leaves4523 I’m just getting so frustrating that all these people that are defending yaman’s action and hating seher by saying she said she would have believed him common he didn’t even gave a chance to her to explain but she gave to him and it was him who forced to believe such a thing and expected that she would stay with him please seher is just protecting herself and Yusuf and yaman is the one who created the new seher he deserves all that for telling such a terrible lie
Nothing is more dangerous than a woman's scorn. If Yaman should have shown remorse instead of acting like a bloody mafia Seher would not be so vicious. Yaman has really pushed Seher over the edge, cannot blame her for retaliate, Yaman is to blame.
Yes, unfortunately, he brought it all on himself, he has treated her like garbage...and now wants to kiss and make up...yeah right...live in the real world Yaman....We are so happy that she stood up, and stayed strong....but we have to say, we still love Yaman, what a guy!!!🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂
Yes Yaman you have to suffer the consequences but i want to tell you Yaman i am suffering with you because i love you so much come let me rub your head maybe that might help but still you caused that on yourself love you all Emanent fans
Jesús María José.! Esto ya valió madres ! Y como yo no soy partidaria de la segunda temporada me retiro en verdad pensé que termina bien. Nazzzz! solo espero que en la segunda tengas buenos argumentos para las que todavía seguirán viéndola le guste
No hay argumento para la segunda temporada solo traerá más odio y venganza porq me. Imagino que Seher y Yaman no quedan juntos en esta temporada, tiene que aparecer la zusoloca con la Grabación ellos se divorciaron él se casara con zuhal y seguimos me imagino que aparecerá la madre de Yaman exigiendo que debe ser más mala que el diablo jajajaja si Yaman y Seher se reconcilia será por allá en el último capítulo de tercera temporada con 930 capítulos jajajajaja
Los tendra, porq por lo menos esta devolviendole a Yaman un poco de lo q El le hizo El dia q la atropello El auto y El la dejo en El Medio de la Calle tirada Como un perro. Ahora es su turno Eso es todo. Como dice el dicho "Life's a btch"
Uhuuuuuu 👏👏👏, Seher arrasou, agora que ele fica mais apaixonado por ela kkkk, sinto muito ele que pediu, quem mandou não confiar nela e inventar essa mentira terrível e ser um ogro com ela. Mas ele ainda é meu malvado favorito 🤗🤭😍
Santo Cielo.... Hasta que aprendió a defenderse, hay Yaman hermoso, precioso el Karma existe. Ya era justo y necesario que se defendiera un poco Sehercita linda👍👍👍👍
Lo malo que de tanto que le hicieron las hermanas loquitas ya no sabe en quien confiar y pues Yaman tiene la culpa por hacer esa confecion tan real y pues hay están las consecuencias 😟🥺😱😭
A eso llamas defenderse ? A disparar a una persona (con intención de matarla )? Por eso hay tanta violencia , de genero y no de genero. Si hubiera sido al revés estariamos indignados. Yo desde luego lo estoy, y esta guionista podra hacer lo que quiera , pero para mi Seher es una asesina y para mi esta de mas en la novela. Añado que siempre se ha sabido defender, y a veces muy injustamente. Seher a veces me ha parecido tonta, pero muy pocas veces ,buena !
@@pepasanchez2552 así es y tal vez el que es más culpable es Firat porque el sabía que Yaman no estaba en la mansión cuando la hermana de Seher se calló de las escaleras y en vez de investigar,la solución fue esa salir huyendo con Yussuf y hacerlo sufrir aún más al pequeño y así venganse de Yaman 😬🤨
🙊👏👏👏 a seher muy bien. Con esto siento paz cuando el casi la ahoga en el mar amarrada de los pies , le tiro flechas , la encerro con un perro , la volvio a encerrar , la matrato fisica y mentalmente, casi le deja caer de un balcon , la dejo o regreso cuando fue golpeada x un carro , le grito , la humillo, y dijo palabras hirientes y ella se agunto x yusuf ahora el con una vacunita y si logra irse ya dicen q no la perdonara si el es causante de estos .
Totalmente de acuerdo contigo, pero algunas piensan todavía que a los hombres hay que aguantarles todo, pero una mujer no puede usar las mismas armas para defenderse .
@@paquisanchezgonzalez8989 no es que haya que aguantarle todo pero si ver a tiempo, ahora si todo eso iba a suceder porq no hicieron esa Escenas mucho antes no al final de la temporada deja como aahhh perdí mi tiempo viendo la misma tontería porq la 2 temporada viene igual o peor bueno la guionista sabrá lo que hace.
entonces nunca debio aceptarlo si nunca lo perdono, yo creo que Seher se caso con yaman solo por que le convenia para no perder a Yusuf y nunca lo perdono
Pues a mi me encanta q Seher saque su lado oscuro a veces las personas no entienden con palabras necesitan q se les devuelva el golpe y Yaman q se cree poderoso e invensible necesita ver q también tiene sus debilidades
We all went against Yaman for throwing Seher on the floor and Yusuf was crying well I must say Seher has got her evil side too she didn't care that Yusuf will be scared seeing his uncle like that.
They both are not thinking how all this is going to affect this child, no logical thinking on both sides, even though he created this tension for both.
🤣 buena esa jugada Seher y Firat fue al estilo Ikbal, me gusto que le pateaste la llave a Yaman😂quedo en shock , neutralizado ,no se esperaba que lo agarraras a lo mas pendejo👏,Que bueno estaba este capitulo.
@@cristinaepul645 Creo que nos va a dejar con la boca abierta, nos van a dar una sorpresa para el final , con el adelanto de hoy parece que cualquier cosa puede pasar con nuestra parejita hermosa.
It shows that this dark side has always been inside her. I have always hated her character, but now more than ever. She is not only stupid, frigid, and asexual, but now also a pure evil .
El corazón de Seher está más negro que el del viejo yaman.... Jajaja que locura, Es increíble todas estas escenas innecesarias que se inventan en esta serie para poder alargarla🤮 por hacer esto hace que se baya perdiendo el interés de la historia 😖
Jajajajaja Seher y Firat deben ir presos también y dejarlos un rato ahí han resultado peor que las zusolocas y el sopas jajajajaja dos capítulos más de esta temporada para que acaben hasta con la casa del perro 🙄🙄🙄👎
BRAVO que orgullosa,estoy de mi Seher,la alumna supero al maestro,qiuen con lobos se junta a aullar aprende, estoy muy feliz ,el gigante Yaman recibio un reves, esa es la Seher que, queremos,valiente no debil,ojo por ojo y diente por diente,desde Ecuador con muchisimoooooooo cariño.
@@clemenmonserrate1732 jajajajaja en esta vida hay bastantes 👁️👁️👁️👁️porq los Tenemos por pares pero en su gran mayoría no ven sin estar ciegos jajajajaja
Eso se llama la encarnación de Ikbal jajajajaja se lleno de odio jajajajaja esta resultando más maluca que las hermanas serpienturas y ella, Firat y la Enfermera deben ir presos porque eso que hicieron es un delito puede llamarsele intento de homicidio.
@@eybes.55v20 es más mala que la carne de cochino 😅😅😅😅 pero el se lo merecía la neta el la orilló hacer locura 🤦♀️😅😅🤦♀️😅 y como dice Lilly es una tremenda locura esto
@@eybes.55v20 Ikbal nunca dió la cara para hacerlo las maldades, todo lo que hacía era sembrar intrigas, Seher se la pasó diciéndole a Yaman que se iba a llevar a Yusuf lejos de él, incluso ahora fué ella misma a quitarle a Yusuf. Creo que Firat actuó sabiendo las consecuencias por la desesperante situación de Seher y supongo que ala enfermera le dijeron que era parte de un operativo o algo así porque no me explico que la motivó a participar en esta trampa.
Bueno el se lo busco quien lo manda no hablar, los problemas se resuelven dialogando, debio decir la verdad, es que a el se le esta regresando todo la maldad que el le ha hecho a ella.
A Seher depois de tanta humilhação e maus tratos feitos por Yaman, ela aprendeu. Além dela estar tentando proteger seu legado, e foi ele que disse que era o assassino da irmã, agora aguenta as consequências.
The only person my heart goes out to is Yusef. He's in the middle of all of this😭😭😭🤧 The kid will be traumatized for life, especially if he doesn't receive therapy
U ok there? The guy is murdered how can she stay with her sisters killer and look for justice or run away. Yamans character is cunning he is just like his mother
@@innasmeraldo6378 Yaman did not kill Seher's sister he only confessed to a crime he didn't commit to save his brother who also didn't ....Iqbal is killed Seher's sister
@@innasmeraldo6378..you right, she can't stay with her sister murderer. She can leave him quietly and go. Saying all horrible things. All the cry she cried for him she was faking. Since he is not the killer of her sister. I don't know how Firat her will handle it. I will like to see their face .
Anissa S girl I know that m saying it as a viewer. Seher doesn’t know that he is innocent thnx to Yamans constant lie n abuse she begged even Cenger to tell her the truth but no they all made her believe her that he is guilty. Yaman deliberately did it, put her in this heartbreaking situation believing that she would choose him over the justice her sister deserve. I think he thought very low of Seher if he believed that she would stay with him knowing he is the murderer. Imagine choosing ur husband who is also ur sisters murderer or fight for the justice ur sister deserve. Again just know that Seher is nt viewer who knows that it was Iqbal but a character who was forced to believe that it was her husband who killed her sister. It’s abnormal to expect her to stay with him. I would rather nt watch a show where a character is to live with a her own sisters murderer coz I quote “ he loves her or saved her” 🤮
@@omacharya1548 Yes he did he set up the fraud charge for Seher when she got custody of Yusuf, that landed her behind bars, and being stabbed by another prisoner.
Seher the moment you fell in love you lost. Even If you win it's like saying "you won the battle lost the war", you lost it in a way hurts the most. This drama is super stressful. Seher by stabbing yaman in the back you stabbed yourself in the heart .
Kirimli -vs- Kirimli ...Wow, Seher made chills go up my body, Yaman taught her well, to be a true Kirmili, I dont blame her at all, she believes he killed her sister and its his fault for making her believe it, but I hope he doesnt get behind the wheel in that state like an idiot.
No se pero me encanto, que a Seher le saliera un plan bien 😅y que le ganara en astucia a Yaman, claro con la ayuda de su hermano, estabes dejó de llorar y hizo lo que cualquier madre haría por proteger a su hijo, por que piensa que es malo🤷♀️🤷♀️
East or West my yamancim is the best I don't care whatever he is mafia, killer, beast, still I love the way he is and his megnifficent acting just nailed it You always rock yaman
Muito gente criticando Seher, ela está certíssima, só está se defendendo do Yamam. Ele procurou, agora aguente. Tudo tem limite, o cara diz que matou sua irmã e ainda obriga ela a ficar vivendo sobre o mesmo teto que ele, sinto muito, vamos ser coerentes, que pessoa não ficaria assustada e não procuraria uma solução pra esse problema.
*This time Seher will be the person who will regret it big time* *The rolls has been changed. Remember when we hated Yaman for what he did to Seher. Now is Seher the person who treating Yaman like shit. Never thought that Seher will be this evil* 😳
Eso queda así yo me retiro del juego jajajajaja que aburrimiento ya tengo bastante con los problemas emocionales q tengo como para estarme infectando mas con esa serie no no no vemos series para relajarnos.
Recuerdo cuando la atropellaron que casi la dejaba como perro ahí tirada esa mirada de yaman hacia ella es la misma que tiene ella con el que para mi seher le esta dando un poco de lo que se merece en ese aspecto apoyo a seher mi humilde opinión
@@teresatufino3641 esa escena fué la que no me dejó disfrutar totalmente del romance de ellos, para mí no había ninguna excusa para que dudará en auxiliarla, no importa si la cogía con las manos en la masa.
@@teresatufino3641 Y sí, claro que el merece pasar x esto, a pesar q el solito se lo buscó. Cómo leí en otro comentario, cada uno está recibiendo lo que se merece (menos Zuhal), que esperemos que pague 10 veces más de lo que ya pagó.
Seher fez o certo e eu faria o mesmo. Nada de confiança, sempre coloca ela em último lugar, mente, maltrata, que mulher consegue viver presa a esse tipo de relacionamento??? Isso é aprendizado pra Yaman, pra aprender a tratar bem quem ele diz que ama.
Ela aprendeu com o mestre Yaman .Entendo que ele queria proteger o irmão, mas força-la a ficar com ele, ela acreditando que foi ele que matou a irmã dela, aí já é demais.
Verdade. Ele não confiou em contar pra ela o que ouviu de Ziya e do médico. Escolheu o caminho da mentira. Agora aguenta. A verdade tem que aparecer, aí cabe a Serher se aceita ou não. Muito triste dona Naz!!😟
Alleluia! Finally a scene that is logically built 🤣🤣🤣 But I will not applaud because with the flashback scene between Firat and Seher it's not actually Seher who came out with the idea of baiting Yaman , so again she needs to smart it up! However, the car scene at the end well done with the words Mrs Krimli, finally she did not spend all this time staring at Kirimli for nothing!
Ofcourse she can. She is a nasty asexual vestal Virgin. There is a devil inside all frigid women, they can be really cruel to the men. Because they have no femininity.
So Seher poisoned Yaman? Making her no better than Ikbal and Zuhal. The shrew never even tried to poison Zuhal for attempting to kill Her but she is ready to poison the make she claims to love. Oh well
She should have thought of a better way, no one made her do it, she chose to do it. The same way that Yaman chose to leave her on street after she met with the accident. No need for Seher to reciprocate his behavior.
@@mhmaapr but you do realise he has all the security around the mansion and he was also keeping sehr in mansion forcefully . i am sure you wouldn't want your loved one around someone who is a killer ( we know it wasn't him but she doesn't) also yaman thought sehr will embrace him with open arms after his confession? obv she wants to protect herself and yusuf?
@@AamnaN I understand and do realise all these, but it was looking like Seher hitting Yaman below the belt which I think he did not deserve. She should not have done this at least, she could have chosen some other way (no options are striking me now). Also, she should have chosen another time to leave him, not at a time when Ziya is at hospital, and Yaman and family in crisis. Why is it so urgent for her to leave him now ? If Yaman did bad things, if he were a killer in the eyes of Seher, it does not mean she also stoop to that level. It was like she was sneaking from him without getting to the bottom of Kevser's death with proofs. Somehow I didn't like it at all.
seher vicious face is scarier than those snakes..... kirimli family should learn to make plans from her.... 😂.. sad for yaman it was a bouncer for him🥺
💞💞💞Al final Seher resultó tener más maldad que Yaman, y que nunca lo amo 😡😡 No tiene ningún sentimiento hacía él , sólo Odio y tampoco ha demostrado amor hacia su sobrino, porque lo quiere separar a esta altura de su tío, el cual siente adoración por él, Seher se ha convertido en la versión Yaman femenina😭
Chicas no olviden que también fue malo con ella, ahora solo se la esta devolviendo, como diría mi abuela, 2 de sal por 1 de cal, pero da risa 😂🤣🤣🤣se la esta aplicando a yaman
Como quieren que reaccione, para ella, él asesino a la madre de yusuf lo más lógico es quiera alejarlo Me da gracia como siempre quisieron que seher dejará de llorar y ahora que lo hizo le llueven las críticas
Acho que ela aprendeu a ser forte como ele. A jogar como ele. Obvio que pensando ser por uma boa causa. Realmente virou uma Kirimli. Não esquece que ela acha que ele matou a irmã. Quem não protegeria o "filho" e a si mesma de um assassino?? 🤷🏻♀️
En verdad los dos se están destruyendo , pero también es culpa de yaman por no volver a confiar y bueno seher no está pensando bien las cosas 🙄🙄 pero esta vez seher se la comió con el plan el no le está dejando opciones, hay que ver cómo acaba esto 😞😞
This is bad, somehow I didn't like this heartless behaviour from Seher. Yaman does not deserve this from her. She should have adopted some other better way to take Yousuf from him.
Yaman no le perdonara a Seher tan fácilmente. Se llevó a su sobrino. Vamos a esperar 3 meses. Cuídense mucho porque en Septiembre quiero ver sus lindos comentarios familia EMANET.
Seher will regret this when the truth came out. I hope Yaman can let her go for good this time. Their marriage is just in papers .. formality after all. She maybe outsmart Yaman but also a loser in the end.
Ohhh Seher I’m so proud of you that’s the right thing to do because you shouldn’t allow anyone to use violence against you and to force you stay somewhere when you don’t want . You’re doing the right thing
i cat express how proud i am of her, she got her pride and self respect back,, he thought she would submit to his mind games and now realized his mistake .. sooner or later people will fight back she has had ENOUGH!!!!
But the writer make her behave stupidly by breaking the law.
I don’t about Turkey, but in my country, seher can be charged with arson for setting the fires to the switchboard which can create electrical short circuit n explosion. Seher can burn down the mansion n kill everyone including yusof .
She also can get criminal charges, together with Firat n the nurse/ doctor for administering unintended medication
Both firat n the nurse can be fired from their jobs n lose their licenses
This is so unethical!
P/s: pls writers, do your research before simply portraying the story line to the audience . Where is your social responsibility to your society n your country by giving bad or negative contents? U can’t simply said that it’s fictional bcoz you are still attached to your socio-cultural environment of your country.
@@mazlindamohdyusoff very well said.. faintly some one noticed the truth...saher is culpet together with firat and that medical staff...
@@mazlindamohdyusoff if u paid attention the cloth she used wasn't flammable , plus yaman should of already been in jail for everything he has done to her..
I've loved too❤️
Same here
The Giant has fallen I like 3, also that’s called woman power
Emenet bahasa indonesia episede 204 205
Guau eso no me lo esperaba!!! Qué fuerte!!!! Y yo también me la creí que el plan había fallado!!! Genial giro!!! Sorpresivo y emocionante!!!
Wow this scene incredible just like he left her in the street after she get hit by the car I really wasn’t expecting this I thought he played her but she outsmart him
This is madness and real betrayal. They should have divorced.
She didn’t out smart him her so call brother the cops help not fair. The dumb cops are not doing their job, they’re broke the law by doing this to him. They aren’t even looking for any information about all this, they just want to get him on anything. Emanet didn’t get wealthy by being dumb. He’s smarter them those dumb cops. So don’t give her so much credit, she should have used some of that with the ugly sisters.😡
Exactly! Did not like her behaviour here! 😤👎
@@yolandagarcia3985 no according to them he is a killer so it’s a plan
@@yolandagarcia3985... I don't like her behavior here either. She just follow what they tell her to do. Seher so u didn't love this man at all. STRENGE . WHEN u will know that he is innocent how will u arrange it..WRITER
Now she's real Kirimli, female version of Yaman
So sad though? I know she’s desperate but she’s behaving like a villain. But he was wrong to expect them to stay after that confession. Her character would normally have questioned his lie and believed he was not capable of it. How many times did he save her life????
It was all Firat's plan not hers. She just follow through
@@ranianabli6127 Agreed no doubt his past was dark.
No, I think seher is female version of Ikbal
Queen Seher. He has manipulated her, lied to her, pushed her around, thrown her on the floor, confessed to killing her own siseter and won't let her leave the house. She is a Krimli, she learned from the best. She will feel bad when she finds out the truth - obviously - but don't forget who made her like this. He looks fine in the fragman anyway.
💯 !..really feel 😕 sorry for seher.
But she once said she will never be like him!! She always said that she grew up in a family poor but never saw violence , her father yelled at her when he called her for breakfast only!! Where is the girl that that always said that you solve problem by talking not hitting!! At least Yaman has an excuse HE grew up in a rough world!! She and Selim are fake!!
@@gildas.5452 And seher grew up watching yaman using violence and mistrust against her !
@@gildas.5452 if she chose to stay weak and not do wrong she will have to accept to live with her sister's murder , he will continue treating her violently, using Yussuf until the end, she has every right to take a child from his mother's killer and to refuse to live with him
@@gildas.5452 'Where is the girl that always said that you solve problem by talking not hitting?' She was told by the love of her life that he killed her own sister and Yusuf's mom. How do you ignore that? How is she just supposed to know that he is lying to protect Ziya. She will do anything for Yusuf, that was never in question. Even he knows that. There is no excuse for him abusing her. Where is the guy that said he would never hurt her again? Was she just supposed to accept what he confessed and play pretend?
She played him so good, we cannot lie. I sure didn't expect this, I was very surprised
Ahahaha her playing somebody?SHe just did what Firat told him to do. We saw the real her in 131 episodes....
A mi me encantó ver una Seher empoderada. Ahora las escenas van a ser más 🔥🔥🔥🤣🤣
Ha está Seher me hubiera gustado , desde un principio ... Jajaja
Jaja morí morí qué pasó nos cambiaron la chica al go le tenía que a prender al yaman dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres 🤣🤣 bravo por eso que pretendía el yaman confesandole que mato ala hermana y que ella Aga chava la cabeza y se guía como si nada 🤣🤣ese burro grandullón estaba horinando fuera del tiesto🤣🤔
@@carmenrosarodriguezbaron3888 si es verdad y comparto contigo, pero si bien es cierto que la guionista debió hacer estas escenas mucho antes no le veo el objetivo de hacerlas al final aunq ella si lo ve porq mandan una segunda temporada que viene siendo lo mismo la misma ira el mismo odio otros traumas y un menor por delante y todos terminamos aburridos, creo que los únicos Que vemos esa serie es el público extranjero esa serie no tiene reiting en turkia jajajaja la verdad no se porq ahora les Llaman temporadas esos doscientos tantos capítulos y no se resuelve nada antes por el contrario la enreda y se vuelve cansona 🙄
@@carmenrosarodriguezbaron3888 cuando las series las alargan tanto pierden el sentido en 200 y tantos capítulos que vimos todos los días lo mismo solo muerte, ira y escasos capítulos de tranquilidad, por ahí me estaba viendo una serie CANDAKI KIZ, La chica de la ventana bueenaa y solo 9 capítulos de la primera temporada en espera de la segunda.
Empoderada?? Que decepcion, donde estas la mujer que Ella nunca Seria como El (Yaman) y no dejaria que Yusuf fuera como el Tampoco!! Que hipocrita!!
Pero que fuerte, Seher a engañado a Yaman (y a mi también) de forma sibilina, un plan bien ejecutado….sabía cómo reaccionaría Yaman leyendo su lenguaje corporal y lo ha aprovechado al máximo…..claro que después llorara como la Zarzamora cuando vea la verdad….pero ahora solo 👏👏👏👏
Si estuvo genial
Me ha encantado seher, ya está bien de ser siempre la víctima de todos.
@@paquisanchezgonzalez8989 siiii pero debieron hacer esos capítulos antes no al final a mi parecer. Siento que deja un sin sabor en el final de la temporada, viene una 2 temporada y debían estar unidos bueno lo más seguro es que zuhal se case con Yaman esa es la típica él entrará en una depresión peor Ziya, 🐍menor y Vendra a jorobar la paciencia otra vez a Seher. y Seher quedará wayando como dice la canción.
@@eybes.55v20 pues espero que no se case con la bicho 🐍 pequeña, soy optimista y al fin aclarará las cosas con Seher, noche de bodas y bebés….FIN y todos (excepto la señora guionista) contentos 😃😄😁
@@eybes.55v20 en estas novelas tan largas es verdad que tanto Yaman como Seher podrían terminar con otras personas, pero no me imagino en que circunstancias un hombre guapo, rico y poderoso termine casado con una mujer que lo engañó y ni si quiera le cae bien. Moderado el mal carácter a Yaman le debe sobrar opciones.
Seher is that you???How can you do this😱😱Can’t believe😠
Now that’s too much seher🤯
She thinks he killed her sister! How is it to much?
He confessed killing her sister, refused to pay , continued treating her horribly, forced her to stay with him, she had no choice
Shes so intelligent and brave she believed he killed wai wai sehere bravo
Why? she has no wrong. It is all his faults
Seher is a genius! I always said he underestimated her values. Now she played him over like a true queen. Check-Mate! Yaman bey!
Shocking !!!who would have thought seher would do this to yaman bey ?!!!! ?not sure to clap 👏 or cry 😢 .
She is not genius it was not her plan! But Fırat she is stupid that she did believe this lie from him, she is getto g on myn nerves she aresed everything he did for her.
@@rashidapatel722 I clap because she finally shown him her true savage side ! There is a saying in my country: where the devil cannot go , he will send a woman in his stead. And now it is soooo satisfying to crush his ego for once!
@@ka5930 so kudos for Firat too. But she played the main part in deceiving him. She should be praised she outsmarted the devil.
Nice move seher but i wont celebrate this win yet, its too early. Yaman may have lost today but lets see wht happens on friday
Estoy feliz por Seher, me pareció cruel porque usó a Yusuf, pero él también usa al niño para manipularla, yo de ella no me arrepentiría aún sabiendo toda la verdad.
El lo estaba pidiendo a voses muy bien por ella el no miro las consecuencias por toma !!!
Ciertooo yo tambien
Hasta yo estoy feliz seher no hizo nada comparado con todas las maldades de yaman. 🤣🤣🤣 Dulces venganza en pocas palabras.
Kkkkkkk eu também não ele foi errado em mintir.
Yaman deserves it all. It's what he gets for being a lier!
This is no relationship or marriage. Just toxic anyway.
He deserves this and more..This is not the same as the blue file at all where he assumed stuff about Seher. Here he Confessed to Seher.
@@leaves4523 so true
Agree with you, no matter what happpen don't lying..
@@Silaabazi316 Glad to see other following logical thinking here. I am getting really confused by the number of people defending Yaman's actions.
@@leaves4523 I’m just getting so frustrating that all these people that are defending yaman’s action and hating seher by saying she said she would have believed him common he didn’t even gave a chance to her to explain but she gave to him and it was him who forced to believe such a thing and expected that she would stay with him please seher is just protecting herself and Yusuf and yaman is the one who created the new seher he deserves all that for telling such a terrible lie
Nothing is more dangerous than a woman's scorn. If Yaman should have shown remorse instead of acting like a bloody mafia Seher would not be so vicious. Yaman has really pushed Seher over the edge, cannot blame her for retaliate, Yaman is to blame.
You are 100000000 percent correct he caused all that is going on thank you
Yes, unfortunately, he brought it all on himself, he has treated her like garbage...and now wants to kiss and make up...yeah right...live in the real world Yaman....We are so happy that she stood up, and stayed strong....but we have to say, we still love Yaman, what a guy!!!🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂
Yes Yaman you have to suffer the consequences but i want to tell you Yaman i am suffering with you because i love you so much come let me rub your head maybe that might help but still you caused that on yourself love you all Emanent fans
Jesús María José.! Esto ya valió madres ! Y como yo no soy partidaria de la segunda temporada me retiro en verdad pensé que termina bien.
Nazzzz! solo espero que en la segunda tengas buenos argumentos para las que todavía seguirán viéndola le guste
No hay argumento para la segunda temporada solo traerá más odio y venganza porq me. Imagino que Seher y Yaman no quedan juntos en esta temporada, tiene que aparecer la zusoloca con la Grabación ellos se divorciaron él se casara con zuhal y seguimos me imagino que aparecerá la madre de Yaman exigiendo que debe ser más mala que el diablo jajajaja si Yaman y Seher se reconcilia será por allá en el último capítulo de tercera temporada con 930 capítulos jajajajaja
Los tendra, porq por lo menos esta devolviendole a Yaman un poco de lo q El le hizo El dia q la atropello El auto y El la dejo en El Medio de la Calle tirada Como un perro. Ahora es su turno Eso es todo.
Como dice el dicho "Life's a btch"
Uhuuuuuu 👏👏👏, Seher arrasou, agora que ele fica mais apaixonado por ela kkkk, sinto muito ele que pediu, quem mandou não confiar nela e inventar essa mentira terrível e ser um ogro com ela. Mas ele ainda é meu malvado favorito 🤗🤭😍
Santo Cielo.... Hasta que aprendió a defenderse, hay Yaman hermoso, precioso el Karma existe. Ya era justo y necesario que se defendiera un poco Sehercita linda👍👍👍👍
Eu amei essa jogada da Seher que golpe ela deu no ogro.
Lo malo que de tanto que le hicieron las hermanas loquitas ya no sabe en quien confiar y pues Yaman tiene la culpa por hacer esa confecion tan real y pues hay están las consecuencias 😟🥺😱😭
A eso llamas defenderse ? A disparar a una persona (con intención de matarla )?
Por eso hay tanta violencia , de genero y no de genero. Si hubiera sido al revés estariamos indignados.
Yo desde luego lo estoy, y esta guionista podra hacer lo que quiera , pero para mi Seher es una asesina y para mi esta de mas en la novela.
Añado que siempre se ha sabido defender, y a veces muy injustamente.
Seher a veces me ha parecido tonta, pero muy pocas veces ,buena !
Para defenderse esta la justicia , la venganza siempre es degradante.
@@pepasanchez2552 así es y tal vez el que es más culpable es Firat porque el sabía que Yaman no estaba en la mansión cuando la hermana de Seher se calló de las escaleras y en vez de investigar,la solución fue esa salir huyendo con Yussuf y hacerlo sufrir aún más al pequeño y así venganse de Yaman 😬🤨
So it's a good idea to spice up your marriage from time to time ... but Seher and Yaman don't overdo it. 😂😂😂
Is this spice 🤔🤔 it's poison
It looks like the top of the spice jar popped open and the whole container spilled 😬
La acorraló tanto que la hizo hacer cosas que ni ella misma creería que haría que duras desiciones 🥺🥺
Seher is being more cruel than ever🤯
6:32 this breaks my heart💔
Bravo! Finally Seher brave and powerful woman, I love the way Seher kick Yaman car key.🙋♀️
🙊👏👏👏 a seher muy bien. Con esto siento paz cuando el casi la ahoga en el mar amarrada de los pies , le tiro flechas , la encerro con un perro , la volvio a encerrar , la matrato fisica y mentalmente, casi le deja caer de un balcon , la dejo o regreso cuando fue golpeada x un carro , le grito , la humillo, y dijo palabras hirientes y ella se agunto x yusuf ahora el con una vacunita y si logra irse ya dicen q no la perdonara si el es causante de estos .
Totalmente de acuerdo contigo
Totalmente de acuerdo contigo, pero algunas piensan todavía que a los hombres hay que aguantarles todo, pero una mujer no puede usar las mismas armas para defenderse .
@@paquisanchezgonzalez8989 no es que haya que aguantarle todo pero si ver a tiempo, ahora si todo eso iba a suceder porq no hicieron esa Escenas mucho antes no al final de la temporada deja como aahhh perdí mi tiempo viendo la misma tontería porq la 2 temporada viene igual o peor bueno la guionista sabrá lo que hace.
entonces nunca debio aceptarlo si nunca lo perdono, yo creo que Seher se caso con yaman solo por que le convenia para no perder a Yusuf y nunca lo perdono
Pues a mi me encanta q Seher saque su lado oscuro a veces las personas no entienden con palabras necesitan q se les devuelva el golpe y Yaman q se cree poderoso e invensible necesita ver q también tiene sus debilidades
Cierto lo mas triste es que siempre la maltrato y siempre fue mucho daño el que le hace hasta el final la sacrifico a ella
Y ella su mayor debilidad lo dejo tendido.
Esa era la Seher que en un principio deseabamos, para enfretar la maldad de las brujas.
We all went against Yaman for throwing Seher on the floor and Yusuf was crying well I must say Seher has got her evil side too she didn't care that Yusuf will be scared seeing his uncle like that.
She is evil.
They both are not thinking how all this is going to affect this child, no logical thinking on both sides, even though he created this tension for both.
Ahora si me gusto, por fin algo interesante
Me encanta esta nueva Seher Kirimli, me encanta que luche y devuelva la ofensa 💕.....es mucho mejor que pasar toda la serie llorando por los rincones.
bravo x seher a mi esa parte m gusto 👏👏👏
simplesmente amei esses últimos capítulos.
🔥The real plan beginss😄
Really amazing plan🔥🔥🔥
🤣 buena esa jugada Seher y Firat fue al estilo Ikbal, me gusto que le pateaste la llave a Yaman😂quedo en shock , neutralizado ,no se esperaba que lo agarraras a lo mas pendejo👏,Que bueno estaba este capitulo.
si estub bueno el capitulo de hoy veremos mñn😊👍
@@cristinaepul645 Creo que nos va a dejar con la boca abierta, nos van a dar una sorpresa para el final , con el adelanto de hoy parece que cualquier cosa puede pasar con nuestra parejita hermosa.
What kind of love story is this. He hurt her. She hurt him. And they both hurt us 😒
Yaman made the right decision to take Ziya's place in the accusation
Bravo seher ya era hora que tu seas la que mueva el tablero.
he shold be proud she is strong enough to play him ..☺
Dark side of Seher😱, never expected this from her..she'll definitely regret.
digna esposa de él mafiosa igual a él 👏
yaman deserve it.
She's so stupid...i think she doesnt love yaman...it's get so noisy serial.....
Infinity love 🤣🤣🤣🤣my foot....oh my what a storyline
It shows that this dark side has always been inside her. I have always hated her character, but now more than ever. She is not only stupid, frigid, and asexual, but now also a pure evil .
Firat can't even carry out a proper investigation but he can hatch an escape plan. Uff
El corazón de Seher está más negro que el del viejo yaman.... Jajaja que locura, Es increíble todas estas escenas innecesarias que se inventan en esta serie para poder alargarla🤮 por hacer esto hace que se baya perdiendo el interés de la historia 😖
Si es cierto ya no la veo me aburrió la nivela mejor miro la novela en blanco y negro ya voy viensola 4 veses
@@solangelmercadobarba1509 Porque Ferat Aslan deja huella, 😂😂😂.
solo tengo una palabra horrible y encima utilizó al niño
En la querra del amor y afecto todo se vale 😂😂 seher jugo con el asi el sabra que su esposita no es tonta
Jajajajaja Seher y Firat deben ir presos también y dejarlos un rato ahí han resultado peor que las zusolocas y el sopas jajajajaja dos capítulos más de esta temporada para que acaben hasta con la casa del perro 🙄🙄🙄👎
BRAVO que orgullosa,estoy de mi Seher,la alumna supero al maestro,qiuen con lobos se junta a aullar aprende, estoy muy feliz ,el gigante Yaman recibio un reves, esa es la Seher que, queremos,valiente no debil,ojo por ojo y diente por diente,desde Ecuador con muchisimoooooooo cariño.
Ojo por ojo y el mundo se quedará ciego. Ghandi.
@@teresa-357 querida lo que mas hay, son ojos por todos lados ,que nos estan viendo,sin darnos cuenta, ajajajajajaj,que tengas buenas tardes.
@@clemenmonserrate1732 😅😅😅😅😅 es bien cierto. Buenas tardes para ti, aquí, en España, ya casi buenas noches.
@@clemenmonserrate1732 jajajajaja en esta vida hay bastantes 👁️👁️👁️👁️porq los Tenemos por pares pero en su gran mayoría no ven sin estar ciegos jajajajaja
@@teresa-357 buenas noche y buen sueño ,lo nesecitamos por este ultimo capitulo de emanet.
Es digna mujer de yaman ...lo engaño en su juego jajaja😭😝😍
Yaman ; tough guy don't be afraid.
Yusuf ; l' m not afraid. But you are, auntie says so. I win the bet because the shot didn't scare you. 😂😂😂
Sehar rocked yaman shocked 😁😁 what a beautiful scene 🤭🤭🤭
Que tristeza!!! Con que necesidad llegar a esto .... 😭😭
Bueno así nos quedamos en espera de la 2 temporada de 510 capítulos si la primera tiene 205 la segunda debe doblarla
Só falta aparecer o pai d yusuf. Querendo a guarda d filho.
Gente gostei dessa versão da Seher boa jugada.
This clip was too good! Finally Seher is winning at least one round! 🙈
😂😂😂😂 engole o veneno agora... foi o próprio Yaman que criou a versão feminina dele. Agora lida com ela kkkk
Pobre Yaman 😪ahora Seher está actuando como una psicópata 😱😱
Que locura
Eso se llama la encarnación de Ikbal jajajajaja se lleno de odio jajajajaja esta resultando más maluca que las hermanas serpienturas y ella, Firat y la Enfermera deben ir presos porque eso que hicieron es un delito puede llamarsele intento de homicidio.
@@eybes.55v20 es más mala que la carne de cochino 😅😅😅😅 pero el se lo merecía la neta el la orilló hacer locura 🤦♀️😅😅🤦♀️😅 y como dice Lilly es una tremenda locura esto
@@eybes.55v20 Ikbal nunca dió la cara para hacerlo las maldades, todo lo que hacía era sembrar intrigas, Seher se la pasó diciéndole a Yaman que se iba a llevar a Yusuf lejos de él, incluso ahora fué ella misma a quitarle a Yusuf. Creo que Firat actuó sabiendo las consecuencias por la desesperante situación de Seher y supongo que ala enfermera le dijeron que era parte de un operativo o algo así porque no me explico que la motivó a participar en esta trampa.
Ela teve bons professores kkkk
Bueno el se lo busco quien lo manda no hablar, los problemas se resuelven dialogando, debio decir la verdad, es que a el se le esta regresando todo la maldad que el le ha hecho a ella.
A Seher depois de tanta humilhação e maus tratos feitos por Yaman, ela aprendeu. Além dela estar tentando proteger seu legado, e foi ele que disse que era o assassino da irmã, agora aguenta as consequências.
The only person my heart goes out to is Yusef. He's in the middle of all of this😭😭😭🤧 The kid will be traumatized for life, especially if he doesn't receive therapy
Both are until to raise Yusuf.
Yes so true ,them woman that likes to cry men be carful of them
They don't care about him anymore, their anger is more important.
The kid does not deserve this unending trauma 😟
Aí que dó do Yaman😭😭😭 mas Seher está lutando por algo que ela acha certo como Yaman 😭😭😭
So all the crying Seher did in the past for Yaman to not die and now she does this bravo Seher you are becoming the enemy and the police is a waste
could not have said it any better
U ok there? The guy is murdered how can she stay with her sisters killer and look for justice or run away. Yamans character is cunning he is just like his mother
@@innasmeraldo6378 Yaman did not kill Seher's sister he only confessed to a crime he didn't commit to save his brother who also didn't ....Iqbal is killed Seher's sister
@@innasmeraldo6378..you right, she can't stay with her sister murderer. She can leave him quietly and go. Saying all horrible things. All the cry she cried for him she was faking. Since he is not the killer of her sister. I don't know how Firat her will handle it. I will like to see their face .
Anissa S girl I know that m saying it as a viewer. Seher doesn’t know that he is innocent thnx to Yamans constant lie n abuse she begged even Cenger to tell her the truth but no they all made her believe her that he is guilty. Yaman deliberately did it, put her in this heartbreaking situation believing that she would choose him over the justice her sister deserve. I think he thought very low of Seher if he believed that she would stay with him knowing he is the murderer. Imagine choosing ur husband who is also ur sisters murderer or fight for the justice ur sister deserve. Again just know that Seher is nt viewer who knows that it was Iqbal but a character who was forced to believe that it was her husband who killed her sister. It’s abnormal to expect her to stay with him. I would rather nt watch a show where a character is to live with a her own sisters murderer coz I quote “ he loves her or saved her” 🤮
Yaman created a monster. Renaming the series as Dr. Frankestein kirrimli and his monster!
Firat is way smarter than ikbal.what a move man. Seher's last dialogues omg u have proven that ur true kirimli
Ye..she is Iqbal kirlili.... yaman kirmili never stabeyed on back to eny one 👎👎👎
@@omacharya1548 Yes he did he set up the fraud charge for Seher when she got custody of Yusuf, that landed her behind bars, and being stabbed by another prisoner.
Seher the moment you fell in love you lost. Even If you win it's like saying "you won the battle lost the war", you lost it in a way hurts the most. This drama is super stressful.
Seher by stabbing yaman in the back you stabbed yourself in the heart .
so true.
No me espere de Seher esa jugada wow estoy que flipooooo!!!!!
Seher you betrayed your husband, 😭😭😭😭, What happened to Yaman 🥺🥺?
She doesn't know that because of his lies.
She never betrayed him. He said he betrayed her for all this time and KILLED HER SISTER, MOTHER OF YUSUF.
Omg i can't believe she did that she really going to regret it
Kirimli -vs- Kirimli ...Wow, Seher made chills go up my body, Yaman taught her well, to be a true Kirmili, I dont blame her at all, she believes he killed her sister and its his fault for making her believe it, but I hope he doesnt get behind the wheel in that state like an idiot.
Right ! But the scene at 6:36 broke my heart !!
I think exactly the same. He make her real Kirimly wife because of his lies.
@@hasena7742 yes, his reality sets in
Well heard something about him having an accident and ending up in a coma, and drugging a person was a dangerous idea.
@@zmac8689 oh I hope not, that would be horrible, maybe the promo they showed where yaman says her name and I love you is a dream.
No se pero me encanto, que a Seher le saliera un plan bien 😅y que le ganara en astucia a Yaman, claro con la ayuda de su hermano, estabes dejó de llorar y hizo lo que cualquier madre haría por proteger a su hijo, por que piensa que es malo🤷♀️🤷♀️
Seher com ajuda de Firat e Yaman (sempre)com ajuda do Nedim 1X1.
Pues si así tenía que ser para que la trama siga 😬🤨
Uau. Congratulations, Seher! Unfortunately he only respects violence and coldness. She finally learned with him.
East or West my yamancim is the best I don't care whatever he is mafia, killer, beast, still I love the way he is and his megnifficent acting just nailed it You always rock yaman
I so agree !!! I watch it now only for his acting ! Period !
woooah! Seher you are deadly girl!!
and your not crying ... Boom!!! 🤗🤗🤗
Yaman was looking so hot in that scene 😍💁 don't get me wronged even if it was meant to be a dramatic scene.😅
She's never loved Yaman 🥺🥺💔💔
“ I always knew who I was messing with ......and now do you “!!! 👌🏽 that was a good line 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
This series is crazy but that was a good line 😂😜
Muito gente criticando Seher, ela está certíssima, só está se defendendo do Yamam. Ele procurou, agora aguente. Tudo tem limite, o cara diz que matou sua irmã e ainda obriga ela a ficar vivendo sobre o mesmo teto que ele, sinto muito, vamos ser coerentes, que pessoa não ficaria assustada e não procuraria uma solução pra esse problema.
Fragman just love. He call by her name and say love you 😘😘😘💃💃💃💃💃
*This time Seher will be the person who will regret it big time*
*The rolls has been changed. Remember when we hated Yaman for what he did to Seher. Now is Seher the person who treating Yaman like shit. Never thought that Seher will be this evil* 😳
I hope so ..she can be angry as hell with yaman bcz of his lie ...but she should also regret big time for wht she is doing
@@leeroy9627 she is hurting him so bad. When she will found out the truth she will be so sorry and regret it big time.
@@neverlosehope.8690 i hope so ..
But if she didn't i will be greatly disappointed
@@leeroy9627 she will. Season finali will be a very sad one. She will regret every word she said to Yaman.
Yes she's going to REGRET everything that she Did to Yaman 😭💔
Həmişə arxandayıq Səhər!!! Güclü ol onun qarşısında👌👌
Ahí está SEHER Kirimill, ahora en la oscuridad igual a su marido. Esto parece no tiene retroceso.😭😭😭
Eso queda así yo me retiro del juego jajajajaja que aburrimiento ya tengo bastante con los problemas emocionales q tengo como para estarme infectando mas con esa serie no no no vemos series para relajarnos.
@@eybes.55v20 Si es verdad, para relajarnos, pero a veces de tantas estupideces o te da risa? Xq salen con cada cosas
Recuerdo cuando la atropellaron que casi la dejaba como perro ahí tirada esa mirada de yaman hacia ella es la misma que tiene ella con el que para mi seher le esta dando un poco de lo que se merece en ese aspecto apoyo a seher mi humilde opinión
@@teresatufino3641 esa escena fué la que no me dejó disfrutar totalmente del romance de ellos, para mí no había ninguna excusa para que dudará en auxiliarla, no importa si la cogía con las manos en la masa.
@@teresatufino3641 Y sí, claro que el merece pasar x esto, a pesar q el solito se lo buscó. Cómo leí en otro comentario, cada uno está recibiendo lo que se merece (menos Zuhal), que esperemos que pague 10 veces más de lo que ya pagó.
Seher fez o certo e eu faria o mesmo. Nada de confiança, sempre coloca ela em último lugar, mente, maltrata, que mulher consegue viver presa a esse tipo de relacionamento??? Isso é aprendizado pra Yaman, pra aprender a tratar bem quem ele diz que ama.
Realmente...ele diz q ama mas ñ confia nela. Isso é tão triste...
Falou e disse, é isso mesmo querida 👏👏👏👏👏
Esse homem é bipolar 😲😲😲
Ela aprendeu com o mestre Yaman .Entendo que ele queria proteger o irmão, mas força-la a ficar com ele, ela acreditando que foi ele que matou a irmã dela, aí já é demais.
Só sei de uma coisa .
os dois se merecem Os dois estão errados.
Verdade. Ele não confiou em contar pra ela o que ouviu de Ziya e do médico. Escolheu o caminho da mentira. Agora aguenta. A verdade tem que aparecer, aí cabe a Serher se aceita ou não. Muito triste dona Naz!!😟
Que fuerte!! Pobre mi yamancito jejejeje
Y ahora se va querer vengar de seher😬🙃
😭😭😭finally after 205 eps yaman is gonna call seher by her name in fragman
Ihope is not a dream
Wow only took a short time
Did you see a clip?
Both her name and his love for her being declared were the most expected moment in this dizi up to now. 🙏😘👏🏽
@@maureen1031 yes
Alleluia! Finally a scene that is logically built 🤣🤣🤣 But I will not applaud because with the flashback scene between Firat and Seher it's not actually Seher who came out with the idea of baiting Yaman , so again she needs to smart it up! However, the car scene at the end well done with the words Mrs Krimli, finally she did not spend all this time staring at Kirimli for nothing!
Hay Dios mío lo que se ha buscado Yaman por sus mentiras. 😢😢😢😢🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Ihh kkkk ah yamam tu caiu bonitinho, ai ai ai yamam ,tão inteligente, seher tá se saindo melhor que a encomenda rsrsrsrsrs
is this a revenge episode, Can a person like Seher go so far worse than ikbal? Pathetic writers.
Ofcourse she can. She is a nasty asexual vestal Virgin. There is a devil inside all frigid women, they can be really cruel to the men. Because they have no femininity.
Yaman 💕Yusuf
Tava na hora dessa mulher fazer algo além de chorar!!!
Choquei! E tô chocada até agora! Amei! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Eu também, amei essa Seher kkkkk super Kimrili, agora ele fica mais louco por ela kkkk
Para aquelas que diziam que Seher só chorava...🤣🤣🤣🤣
Me lasquei kkkk
amei esse final
Whoa! Never expected this ! 😳😳😳. What a plot twist! I don’t care what anyone says - Naz can write a scene! 👏👏👏
E isso aí SERER 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👋👋👋🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷
Premiere :waitng for another heart break
Look new promo 😉
@@zala8812 dont scare me plz
💯 Indeed, only pain/ suffering 😭💔
Eita Que A Seher Colocou O Yaman No Chinelo Ele Se Acha Tão Esperto 👍👏👏
El del plan fue de firat
Super Seher bravo por ella
Okay to have used Yusuf for her game is just really really low even for her. She really outdid everyone.
Yaman teached her to how can be strong and smart...now she is teaching yusuf how can to be fake and stub stub some one on back 😭
Meninas eu amei a Seher enfrentar a Yaman. Eu voltei aos primeiros capítulos com os pulmões cheios de arrrrrrrrrr.
Wow I’m just smiling from ear to ear well done firat
I felt that their roles were
reversed. As if she is him, and he is her.
Just like the story in the book in 93 episodes “I became him and he became me”
They are. This is the parallel storyline to the file, with their roles reversed this time!
@@somialazghem592 I guess she has learned a few things whilst living under the same roof as Yaman.
So Seher poisoned Yaman? Making her no better than Ikbal and Zuhal.
The shrew never even tried to poison Zuhal for attempting to kill Her but she is ready to poison the make she claims to love. Oh well
i am guessing it is only to put him to sleep and nothing life threatening.. yaman made her do it
@@AamnaN exactly
She should have thought of a better way, no one made her do it, she chose to do it. The same way that Yaman chose to leave her on street after she met with the accident. No need for Seher to reciprocate his behavior.
@@mhmaapr but you do realise he has all the security around the mansion and he was also keeping sehr in mansion forcefully . i am sure you wouldn't want your loved one around someone who is a killer ( we know it wasn't him but she doesn't)
also yaman thought sehr will embrace him with open arms after his confession? obv she wants to protect herself and yusuf?
@@AamnaN I understand and do realise all these, but it was looking like Seher hitting Yaman below the belt which I think he did not deserve. She should not have done this at least, she could have chosen some other way (no options are striking me now). Also, she should have chosen another time to leave him, not at a time when Ziya is at hospital, and Yaman and family in crisis. Why is it so urgent for her to leave him now ? If Yaman did bad things, if he were a killer in the eyes of Seher, it does not mean she also stoop to that level. It was like she was sneaking from him without getting to the bottom of Kevser's death with proofs. Somehow I didn't like it at all.
I understand her reasoning but she is so out of character. Is she the new villain?🤣
Yes it didnt suit her.
seher vicious face is scarier than those snakes..... kirimli family should learn to make plans from her.... 😂.. sad for yaman it was a bouncer for him🥺
💞💞💞Al final Seher resultó tener más maldad que Yaman, y que nunca lo amo 😡😡 No tiene ningún sentimiento hacía él , sólo Odio y tampoco ha demostrado amor hacia su sobrino, porque lo quiere separar a esta altura de su tío, el cual siente adoración por él, Seher se ha convertido en la versión Yaman femenina😭
Lo que siempre dije, jamas lo amo y mucho menos como El amo a ella. Que Vida de m... Ha tenido y tiene Yaman
Chicas no olviden que también fue malo con ella, ahora solo se la esta devolviendo, como diría mi abuela, 2 de sal por 1 de cal, pero da risa 😂🤣🤣🤣se la esta aplicando a yaman
Como quieren que reaccione, para ella, él asesino a la madre de yusuf lo más lógico es quiera alejarlo
Me da gracia como siempre quisieron que seher dejará de llorar y ahora que lo hizo le llueven las críticas
@@djlf1747 totalmente de acuerdo con usted
Acho que ela aprendeu a ser forte como ele. A jogar como ele. Obvio que pensando ser por uma boa causa. Realmente virou uma Kirimli.
Não esquece que ela acha que ele matou a irmã. Quem não protegeria o "filho" e a si mesma de um assassino?? 🤷🏻♀️
What was that attitude when she kicked the key....🙄
En verdad los dos se están destruyendo , pero también es culpa de yaman por no volver a confiar y bueno seher no está pensando bien las cosas 🙄🙄 pero esta vez seher se la comió con el plan el no le está dejando opciones, hay que ver cómo acaba esto 😞😞
Loved this!! Loved this. Go girl..
This is bad, somehow I didn't like this heartless behaviour from Seher. Yaman does not deserve this from her. She should have adopted some other better way to take Yousuf from him.
Yaman no le perdonara a Seher tan fácilmente. Se llevó a su sobrino. Vamos a esperar 3 meses. Cuídense mucho porque en Septiembre quiero ver sus lindos comentarios familia EMANET.
Todavia no se sabe si se va yaman tambien es listo .
Yo no veo más esa telenovela no voy a seguir perdiendo mi tiempo ,en esa seria mala
@@oneidamarquez3306 😂😂😂😂 te entiendo.
Today premieres are flowing😂
Last 2 episodes so they thought of entertaining a bit with these premieres cause they can't entertain with their story line anymore 😑😑😑😑🙂🙂
Yesss😂 bcz after cloud of premieres, there will be rain of tears, I think so.....
@@floweryfirefly6609Hallelujah to that, I don't know what to do no more with this Premieres 🤦♀️🤣🤣
Look how selfless seher is🤣🤣
Seher will regret this when the truth came out. I hope Yaman can let her go for good this time. Their marriage is just in papers .. formality after all. She maybe outsmart Yaman but also a loser in the end.
Hope Ali arrest First and Sehar 😡😡😡
Seher learned from the best... she plays the game very well now!