Shes got PERSONALITY!!! And will dance with grace at her own space for ever. Even with your camera not focused on her..she would have stood out among the crowed...toooo coool...your like cookie. this was fun to watch ..
i just searched kid dancing to feliz navidad bc i was hoping to find a video of a like 17 year old that i saw on instagram but then i found this and im watching it at midnight bc it has like a million views
Hi tapestrae! They are the sweetest!! Soooo love how they're having fun! Can you share with me which version of Feliz Navidad this is please? Would like to find this particular one to do a kindergarten dance this Christmas. Help please!!
So very very cuties...they light up our Christmas...why r they sooooo cute..feel like having them all..
Lord bless u all tiny ones...lots of
Lord i love you for for all these beautiful creations you gave us thanks Lord!!!😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😀
Shes got PERSONALITY!!! And will dance with grace at her own space for ever. Even with your camera not focused on her..she would have stood out among the crowed...toooo coool...your like cookie.
this was fun to watch ..
Awww. what a sweet comment. I'm kind of partial to her. :)
Sandra Rose
Sandra Rose x,,,
Sandra Rose hufytisuKdoxjdurdhgdnahgj
Bravissimo♥️, bellissimo💞
They are so adorable! ☺💖👍😉😊😄😁
Ganda galing nila ksi senior npo Ako merry x mass po
i just searched kid dancing to feliz navidad bc i was hoping to find a video of a like 17 year old that i saw on instagram but then i found this and im watching it at midnight bc it has like a million views
Annie Knight you are rong they are good
Very nice..So Beautiful Song 🙏💜
They are adorable give that boy credit willing to dance with the girls and he did very well
How come some people don’t like this? How?? They are so cute and the dance is adorable!
They’re soooo cute!!!
The little ones are so cute. Thank you for a lovely video. Best regards from a new friend. 🧡👍😊
Le plus grand souvenir de Noël et de vacances que quiconque puisse chérir.
i love cute kids dancing eagarly , and audiences voice of joy.
😂 Very Nice... Kids Are so Beautifull😗
I like the kid how there dress and they look beautiful have a Merry Christmas
Ihana esitys. Kiitos kiitos 🥰
Love the performance..looking so adorable... Can u please give me the artist who sing this version of feliz navidad..I can't find this version
The kids are amazing.👍👭👭
That was cute :) would love to meet the Choreographer
This is precious!
Hello!!! coul you help me find this version of Feliz Navidad. I really need it
Ce sera toujours mignon. Des souvenirs comme ceux-ci durent toute une vie.
That Was Just Too Cute 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 Bravo Bravo 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
Bravissime!!! 👏👏👏
mọi người có thể cho em xin tên của bài hát này đk k ạ?
"Feliz Navidad" by Los Niños Cantores De Navidad
hEllo . i can't find it at the same rhyme and sound but in english version. Could you help me?
I think it's two songs that have been put together. The 2nd part is the link above. I don't know what the first part is.
tapestrae hello
I had a Spanish teacher at my school and she taught me Felice of Rita and I sing it in my play
Its feliz navidad
awwww so cute 💚💚💚💚
Fantastic, ain't they so cute?
Thanks Lord
I love it so much when you guys going to post videos again
Merry crisma🎅🎅🎅🎅🎅🎅🎅🎅🎅
C'est pourquoi j'aime les récitals de danse. Surtout lorsque vos jeunes et vos bébés font partie de ce genre de choses.
Ich finde es sehr süüüüüüs😍Aber ich habe auch gelacht 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂❤️
Can u kindly send me the audio that they used for this recital? I want to teach my kids for dis christmas...
Very beautiful babies♥️⭐️🎄
Cuuuute Kids.. hahaha. Miss my teaching days..
So cute little girls love it 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥳🥰cute little dance👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
Hai,I am Neysa,it is good.Many children are dancing.
¡Feliz Navidad!Espero que todos tengan una Navidad fantástica.
Самое прекрасное что есть на свете.👍💞💞💞💞💞
Praise the Lord brother
So adorable. Reminds me of my daughter when she was in dance class.
wow so cute and joyful
2m views for this video! It's amazing
So cute all of kids😍😚😙🤗
love ya dancing it is so cute
She is great graceful and love how she looks and dances
Quá khứ
they are so so cuteeeee 😘😘
who is in Dec 2019
Jesus was born on Christmas Day😀😀😀😀
Of course he was
Dec. 2023
Großartig ❤️
I love it a lot little gril is so cute and sweat awww🎵🎵🎵🎤🎤🎤🎶🎶🎻🎻🎻🎶🎤🎤🎵🎻🎵🎻🎹
So sweet!
jeejeje se quedo sin sombrero muy bonito las felicito
Good job ladies
Beautiful ♥️🎄
Kids are so beautiful and cute good job kids
Cities ♥️♥️♥️ stole my heart
Tisha 0
There sooo good!😃
Tari topenggong
Tarian topemggong
So cute😍😘😉
I love this dance. But I love that cute girl.
I love that cute girl, too. Thanks!
How adorable!!!
Wow verry nice the kids are so cute
😍so cute.. 😘😘
Wishing lovely parents organize the REPLAY event , let them kids have more fun, they are the sweetest thing in the world
Entre elas sempre tem aquela que chama mais atenção🤣🤣😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
Kids always great :D really love kids :) they performed with they own style :)
aloysius shiendy That's not "their own style", that's their inability to follow choreography exactly.
just dance not intreasting
aloysius shiendy dguyx6thh
aloysius shiendy m. P
+hable48 how to
I love the fact you have to connect with your kids
Diciembre ★★★★★ 2019 Colombia ♥♥♥♥♥ 2020
그냥보기만해도 이쁘당 메리크리스마스 예쁜 아기들
May God bless you all
Super gemacht ihr Mäuschen
very nice baby girls 😁😁😁👋👗👗👗👗
So cute O.M.G😀😀😀😊😊😊😆😆
So cutee😭❤️❤️ november 2019?🥺🎄❤️❤️❤️ miss cristmash🥺😭🎄❤️
Que lindo vestuario y que lindo baile se ven chistosa la dos niñas mas chiquitas
Hi tapestrae! They are the sweetest!! Soooo love how they're having fun! Can you share with me which version of Feliz Navidad this is please? Would like to find this particular one to do a kindergarten dance this Christmas. Help please!!
merry Christmas!!!!!!!!🎅🎅🎅🎅🎅🎅🎅
Joye Turnage same
Joye Turnage nnnkkkokkkkcllxiii
So cute.
Merry Christmas and happy new year
she was sooooooooooooooooooo CUTEEEEEEE
baja fue muy lindo 😊 una ternurita que por poco y se queda va sin sombrero 😂 y fue muy chistoso por la niña gueriita 😂😂
Bonita Guzman edvcgbggfh
Bonita Guzman pendeja😂
Bonita Guzman Ata
@@marimargarito3055 lo
Yêu qua cơ
Happy x mas👍
Omg they are very good woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cutiesssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
Toutes ces petites filles anges sont les filles les plus mignonnes de l'univers que j'ai jamais vues dans ma vie.
So cute eee eee.............😘😘
cuteness overload
Laura Macias ร่ารัก
Thay are so good
feliz navidad para todo mis Amigos y amigas de todo Nicaragua gracias señor oy y siempre
Молодцы. Начинающие артисты
Soooo cute🤗
So cute. Little Angels.
So cute ❤️❤️❤️
so cute they made me to feeling happy 😘😘 i love them
Bravo bravo excellent
Tooo cute 😁😁🌸🌸🌈🎶🎶
so cute
It more fun when they are that age they are in there20s now . Its very cute
Feliz Navidad (Y)
Que lindos con su ternura nos alegra. Dios bendiga a todos los niños