🐥Take My Natural Chicken Raising Course - bit.ly/3Ia8Iap Learn to brood & hatch chicks, Korean Natural Farming, ferment feed & other foods, making & using supplements, $ saving tips, & much more + answering your questions with community support.
I had two randomly wonder onto my property, showed up out of the blue, intergrated with our flock, laid eggs outside and hatched a bunch of little ones and now they all live in our coop together.
I'm not intending to get guinea fowl, but I have most certainly benefitted from your Natural Chicken Raising course!! I would highly recommend this course to anyone new to chicks/hens or new to KNF. My granddaughter and I got our first batch of baby chicks tow weeks ago; and using your guidelines, these are CRAZY HEALTHY ACTIVE CHICKS! We are having fun!!
Some years ago in Virginia we incubated and hand raised some guineas. They would sit on our shoulders (on a towel) and sleep. We never fed them. They are superb foragers. The do not scratch like chickens, which can be a plus if you want to maintain a lawn. They simple peck and pick. We had several cats and never saw a flea or a tick. We had two mothers, one of which laid 54 eggs before she began setting. They would fly over our fence and be unable to get back. I finally had to make a little "gate" so that I could heard them back through the fence. The owls got many of them because they would not roost in the henhouse. They were exceptionally loud, to the degree that we finally gave them away. But I really loved them.
We keep 30 to 40 guineas to keep bugs out of the surrounding crop land. They’ll go into tall grass or crops when chickens won’t. They range up to a mile. Neighboring farmers like them too. In years past when grasshoppers decimated crops or farmers needed massive sprays our area didn’t. If left to pasture hatch they do so together as a flock. If threatened they circle the young within the females. The males on the outer ring and flanking the attackers.
I've always heard they are #1 at eliminating ticks, far far better then chickens. But unless you have a severe tick problem they have lots of quirks to deal with lol.
We were taking 50-60 ticks off of our dogs and ourselves our first year living here. in our second year with guineas (3), we were taking ~5 a day for a few weeks and then none. Now I am not sure if they are worth those quirks lol
That's a really significant difference. I have a huge ravine/ creek my dog just loves to flop in, but has come out with 40+ ticks...might be worth a little noise.
Thank you, I always wondered about guineas..good info here. I'm glad you are continuing to make videos. I always learn so much from you; hope your mother is well...I remember her from previous videos about her garden. God bless you and your wife, and your momma/ family.😊❤
I've read also that Guinea Fowl will eat plant predators but will not eat bees, so they will help keeping your plants safe, which is another plus! Can you confirm?
I have guinea mostly for ticks. A lot of them here in south Central Missouri. We have decided to pull back on how much we look after them now due to the issue of them going to our neighbors every day. The neighbors free feed and put out copious amounts of scratch. We feed 60 percent of their food in the morning and the remainder a couple of hours before bed. Im not going to change that. For now, our neighbors are chasing them back with a water gun. We also are tired of their nesting habits. A lot end up dead because they choose the worst places to nest.
We have three guineas now to help with ticks, and they are such a pain haha. They are bullies, and are SOOOOO LOUD. I don't think we will be getting anymore...
@@TheConlinHomestead you either love or hate guinea. The noise is an issue for most people. The noise doesn't really bother us. The issue for us is that they are basically doing tick control at our neighbors property.
I had 9 GF that I mingled with our chickens. They are not very bright and have no sense of self preservation. After 3 months I was down to one, who is still alive only because she does whatever the chickens do now.
Our family had them for a while due to a fantasy of them sounding an alarm when something happens, but they *never* shut up (boy who cried wolf) and they're very, very loud, as you said. Others may have had different experiences, but ours align with yours. Ours slowly died out from wandering too far and being able to jump our fencing into coyote territory.
Ya they aren't for everyone are they, people seem to love or hate them. I'm down to 1 now because it stayed outside the coop at night.. 1 has been great barely any noise.
I wanted them for the ticks. But, they all busted out of the enclosure and started sitting right outside our bedroom window and honked! Then, all but one went awol!
We had about six guineas, along with ten or twelve chickens several years ago. The chickens pretty much shunned the guineas...wisely enough. I had always heard that guineas were so great for alerting about intruders, and the same things you mentioned about them being aggressive and noisy about predators. Maybe our group was a poor representation of the species, but the only thing that particular bunch did with regard to predators was to FEED the predators...one guinea at a time. They had quit returning to the coop with the chickens in the evening, preferring to roost in trees, instead. That was the beginning of their demise. We never tried to eat any of them, but apparently the predators liked them. Even before that, they proved to be as dumb as a box of rocks. One flew over a 4' wire fence, then couldn't figure out how to get back to the other five. The entire group ran continuously back and forth about thirty yards...one on one side, five on the other...screaming and making a terrible ruckus for the longest time, until I finally had to open the gate and literally herd the one back to the other side. (Herding cats has nothing on herding guineas!) Honestly, I was GLAD for the predators (fox, raccoon, or coyote, I suppose) when they finally ate the last one of those wretched birds! If I had one predator, one guinea, and one round, I'd shoot the guinea!
My Grandparents always had Guineas on their farm. They never did anything with them, they were just there. Every now and then they would find a nest of eggs and they would put them in the incubator and raise them just like chickens. I guess they were there for pest control, fertilizer and predator alert just like you explained.
I love mine. I have 7. Yes they are loud.But it's not constant. Noisy when they want let out in the morning, see intruders, or if one gets separated from the rest. They graze quietly a lot of the time. It took till they were 2 years old to get them to easily go in the coop at night though, and sometimes they try to walk up the road to bother neighbors. I have fence to keep them in back. Of course they can fly over it but rarely want to. Odd thing about them is they have trouble figuring out how to get around objects, they try to move in a direct line of sight so can get stuck behind gates etc. They do require patience. But they don't scratch the ground so I don't mind them in the garden.
@Mil-dot6.5 Chickens will tear up a yard, vegetable patch, etc. The point of guineas for me is they don't destroy anything and eat significantly more ticks in a week than a chicken will in a lifetime. I'm hoping having 3 females will keep noise to a minimum as compared to larger flocks that contain a male.
@@thatguychris5654 yes I have 7 total of which 3 are males. I have 2 different color patterns. The males get along together pretty nicely, if that's what you are wondering. Not like roosters at all.
I thought that I wanted Guinea fowl as a protector for my chickens and alarm system and went to Tractor supply and was mis-sold barred rock chicks as Guinea Keats. It ended up absolutely being an act of God. I actually wanted more barred rock chicks in my flock anyhow and ended up getting goslings instead. Geese are proving to be a much better fit for my flock on an acre. Loud, but not THAT loud. And possible to contain. Guinea fowl. What was I thinking?? Cool birds though!
I had guinea fowl the first time in high school in the 1970s. and different times later. They have a tendency to spend time in trees which a close neighbor may not like. They taste quite a bit like pheasant.
I had guineas, the biggest problem I had was they wandered to far when free ranging. I have 14 acres but they occasionally went to the neighbors. They roosted in the coop at night with my chickens. The noise didn’t bother me, I lost some to a distant neighbor allowing their two Great Danes to roam. We finally had a hearing at the magistrates, and they were heavily fined. I also lost to a woman walking on the road with her dog off lease, and it came onto my property and grappled one and took off running with it. Dogs were my biggest problem.
As long as they don’t start to Roost in any trees near the house you may enjoy the noise from a distance. Keep the predators away and watch them multiply like rabbits.
I’ve had them forever but I’m unfortunately down to one 10 year old male. I’d like to find some local eggs to buy and hatch if anyone lives in SC or NC. I’d be happy to pick them up within a couple of hours. I live off the 501 right on the NC/SC border.
We are hoping to cul the explosion of Giant African Snails by getting a pair or two. Your video was very helpful. Do you know anyone who has had success using the GF in this way?
We love our French Guineas… they journey all over the place. The downside is that hawks have attacked our Guineas and only wound them… thankfully they get away but they are no match to Coyotes… we have lost 15 to them in the day time.
They're super loud and they're really mean to our chickens. My rooster even runs from them. We have decided to get rid of them awfully fast. They do eat ticks, but so do our chickens. And everyone says oh well, they'll alarm you when something is in your yard. Yeah, right, the alarm you all the time. 20 4 7, they're super loud super annoying. Ours go back to the coop and sleep with our chickens to, but they're super mean to the chickens
We integrated ours as baby chicks as well. And they're still mean to our chickens. My advice is to get one or the other. Either get Guinea, hands or get chickens. Or house them separately
I have guineas I love them the eggs are so good. My boys eat them before chicken eggs. I had to sell the chicken eggs cuz I had so many cuz the guinea eggs were gone
I had a male guinea chick that I raised with an Easter egger pullet. When he grew up, he mated with the hens and almost killed my Buff Orpington rooster. I kept him separate from them, and he stayed a loud but devoted pet for 11 years. NEVER AGAIN.
I have a large flock of hens and Guinea hens. The Guinea Hens have a higher frequency of living than the hens. The hens don't like the commotion and pecking the Guinea's do to the hens. I keep my Guinea hens in a separate building about 50 feet away from the hens but they still want to be with the hens and eat their food. During mating season the Guinea Hens will attack the rooster. The hens are chill but the Guinea Hens want constant energy. There are days when things are blissful but days when there is no peace. I have 19 Guinea hens now and would prefer to have about 6. Oh and their poop smells really bad, harder to remove from roosts.....
We got two for free from someone wanting to get rid of them. They were loud and really destroyed the peace and quiet, going off all day. They wouldn’t go into coops at night, they would sit on the gate, so were sitting ducks for the bobcat that’s been coming around. They didn’t go off when a predator came in so we found them a good home. Way too loud. We have plenty of roosters that go off when a predator comes in.
how do you not have coyotes?, way bigger threat to chickens than any other predictor (at least around here), i thought they are everywhere in north America!
Guinea Fowl really downgrade the experience of country homestead living with all the noise. It might be worth obtaining consent from all neighbors within a half mile before you decide to get them, having them is equivalent to having a full time logging operation on your land or other major industrial use imho. They scare off all the other birds, and lots of other wildlife, they're also quite mean, even with 20 acres of woods to wander around on.
My brother has Guinea hens and I don't see anything good about them. They broke a glass window in the chicken shed trying to fly out. The "they keep predators away" claim I'll have to see it to believe. I'll be fair: the Guinea hens flock with the chickens and turkeys without issue, they look nice, their noises are idiosyncratic, watching them fly is fun- they make for decent low maintenance pets. They just aren't an animal that I would keep.
I always seem to want to add my two cents worth in but here it goes if you have problems chronic problems with coyotes fox any bird that's going to get out of here run and wander around is going to be meet for them creatures and there's nothing you can do about it because they will prevail just a warning
Here is the thing, they are TOO ALERT...everything seems to set my guineas off haha! I am getting warned every 5-10 minutes...ALL DAY...EVERYDAY. So I cannot really rely on their warning. And yes, they are loud...very very loud. They are also very aggressive and to be honest cause a lot of issues with our flock because of this.
The best treatment for anemia is a combination of ferric ammonium citrate and nicotinic acid, as discovered and discussed by Dr Dmitry Kats. Aka Hom3ostasis protocol
We had them on our farm for years, the negative out weighs the pros beyond words. Too much drama, stress they give. Everything you said can be true of them, but most often not. Not for the elderly homesteader unless you want a great workout ") In Joy
Hi I am from South Africa. You have west African fowl. Similar to those in French farm Yards. The French reckon on 300 eggs per year. Also they have a very similar flavour as English Ring necked pheasants but are much better eating if you plump them up. Your shot of carcasses look like babies and not plump. Give them a chance. They don't go off at half past 23 on a summers morning when you are stressing over your finances. Chickens are horribly noisy in the hours before dawn
You cannot have a better answer for ticks! They will keep your property clear of them! They are also friendly to a garden only eating the pest bugs and beetles 🪲 They leave vegetables and flowers 💐 alone!!
They roam, they fly, they are wild... They don't lay in the winter, they are picky layers... they are not fast growing and most importantly as someone who lives right next to a bunch of them... They never shut the... up. Chickens, ducks and even geese are much much quiter in my first hand experience and I live right up and close with all of them... every day of my life. Ducks, if they were not messy would be the perfect bird... Pekin, does not fly... full meat size in 12 weeks from hatch... great layers and always lays in the morning first thing... PERFECT. But... you need to change there kiddie pool and they are gross. Chickens are clean... but are lesser in my experience in all other categories. (Ducks also can't hurt you like a roo).
@ 1:48, your audience founf out that you do not EAT your guineas, or the eggs. That is 'wanton waste of wildlife!' You should be stripped of your wildlife privilege.
I find it absolutely ludicrous that your channel is called "nature is always right" meanwhile you're trying to espouse the pros and cons of a bird that nature didn't put here. Lol. If nature is always right then they would be native to here.
Ad blockers ramp up the RAM on computers They track your movements and data when on the phone. Selling to the highest bidder Pull up your task manager and watch memory when ad blocker is used. They are trying to burn up your computer by overworking it. works My ads are not personalized. There are options for that. The ad is used on communities, and im just visiting this one, so they used it on me. @henrywolf5332
I would rather watch a Joe Biden ad than one for that pseudo-conservative, DJT. Come to think of it, DJT is a lot like the guineas, a lot of racket signifying nothing.
🐥Take My Natural Chicken Raising Course - bit.ly/3Ia8Iap
Learn to brood & hatch chicks, Korean Natural Farming, ferment feed & other foods, making & using supplements, $ saving tips, & much more + answering your questions with community support.
I had two randomly wonder onto my property, showed up out of the blue, intergrated with our flock, laid eggs outside and hatched a bunch of little ones and now they all live in our coop together.
Lol, talk about unexpected guests 😂
This is more evidence that guinea fowls have never truly been domesticated 😂
That's awesome. I want some, but I live on the edge of the Swamp and not sure they'll make it
So cool 😅
in rural areas in Texas they're used to control snakes they love copperheads
Ok that's badass
This is one of the main reasons I like them here in NC.
@@Doktracy We only have little tiny snakes up here in our part of Canada. Less snakes, more bears? haha
@@DoktracyI was about to say the same thing 👍 to many of those copperheads in NC!!!
Tx Fish & Game tried them as game animals in 1940's?. Didn't work. Young probably need security of barnyard to survive.
I'm not intending to get guinea fowl, but I have most certainly benefitted from your Natural Chicken Raising course!! I would highly recommend this course to anyone new to chicks/hens or new to KNF. My granddaughter and I got our first batch of baby chicks tow weeks ago; and using your guidelines, these are CRAZY HEALTHY ACTIVE CHICKS! We are having fun!!
Some years ago in Virginia we incubated and hand raised some guineas. They would sit on our shoulders (on a towel) and sleep. We never fed them. They are superb foragers. The do not scratch like chickens, which can be a plus if you want to maintain a lawn. They simple peck and pick. We had several cats and never saw a flea or a tick. We had two mothers, one of which laid 54 eggs before she began setting. They would fly over our fence and be unable to get back. I finally had to make a little "gate" so that I could heard them back through the fence. The owls got many of them because they would not roost in the henhouse. They were exceptionally loud, to the degree that we finally gave them away. But I really loved them.
Great Summary
Yoiu must have had odd guineas, proof they scratch, rewatch the vid at 4 min mark, they are scratching right over his shoulder!
We keep 30 to 40 guineas to keep bugs out of the surrounding crop land. They’ll go into tall grass or crops when chickens won’t. They range up to a mile. Neighboring farmers like them too. In years past when grasshoppers decimated crops or farmers needed massive sprays our area didn’t. If left to pasture hatch they do so together as a flock. If threatened they circle the young within the females. The males on the outer ring and flanking the attackers.
This is such cool behavior thanks for sharing.
I've always heard they are #1 at eliminating ticks, far far better then chickens. But unless you have a severe tick problem they have lots of quirks to deal with lol.
We were taking 50-60 ticks off of our dogs and ourselves our first year living here. in our second year with guineas (3), we were taking ~5 a day for a few weeks and then none. Now I am not sure if they are worth those quirks lol
That's a really significant difference. I have a huge ravine/ creek my dog just loves to flop in, but has come out with 40+ ticks...might be worth a little noise.
Thank you, I always wondered about guineas..good info here. I'm glad you are continuing to make videos. I always learn so much from you; hope your mother is well...I remember her from previous videos about her garden. God bless you and your wife, and your momma/ family.😊❤
More to come! Thank you!
I started watching your videos when you were in California it's good to see you. Be well&safe and thriving.
I've read also that Guinea Fowl will eat plant predators but will not eat bees, so they will help keeping your plants safe, which is another plus! Can you confirm?
My guy you got the Rock Lee Eyebrows! Much respect! THE POWER OF YOUTH!
I have guinea mostly for ticks. A lot of them here in south Central Missouri. We have decided to pull back on how much we look after them now due to the issue of them going to our neighbors every day. The neighbors free feed and put out copious amounts of scratch. We feed 60 percent of their food in the morning and the remainder a couple of hours before bed. Im not going to change that. For now, our neighbors are chasing them back with a water gun. We also are tired of their nesting habits. A lot end up dead because they choose the worst places to nest.
We have three guineas now to help with ticks, and they are such a pain haha. They are bullies, and are SOOOOO LOUD. I don't think we will be getting anymore...
@@TheConlinHomestead you either love or hate guinea. The noise is an issue for most people. The noise doesn't really bother us. The issue for us is that they are basically doing tick control at our neighbors property.
@@greenriveracres haha that would be frustrating! My issue is they walk up to my office window or my front door and just yell for hours. lol
I got two hens. They cackle and chirp and I love them. They integrated well with my flock of leghorns.
Really good video man. I just got 2 guineas and 9 chickens. They are the protectors haha
I had 9 GF that I mingled with our chickens. They are not very bright and have no sense of self preservation. After 3 months I was down to one, who is still alive only because she does whatever the chickens do now.
Haven’t met a bird yet that was truley smart! Turkeys, (wild) are as close as you’ll get!
do you have to free range them ? We have 3 hens in a tractor and move it every other day
Our family had them for a while due to a fantasy of them sounding an alarm when something happens, but they *never* shut up (boy who cried wolf) and they're very, very loud, as you said. Others may have had different experiences, but ours align with yours. Ours slowly died out from wandering too far and being able to jump our fencing into coyote territory.
Ya they aren't for everyone are they, people seem to love or hate them. I'm down to 1 now because it stayed outside the coop at night.. 1 has been great barely any noise.
I wanted them for the ticks. But, they all busted out of the enclosure and started sitting right outside our bedroom window and honked! Then, all but one went awol!
That other guy in comments probably got some.😊
😂 sitting outside the bedroom window. That’s gotta be a loud wake-up call
We had about six guineas, along with ten or twelve chickens several years ago. The chickens pretty much shunned the guineas...wisely enough. I had always heard that guineas were so great for alerting about intruders, and the same things you mentioned about them being aggressive and noisy about predators. Maybe our group was a poor representation of the species, but the only thing that particular bunch did with regard to predators was to FEED the predators...one guinea at a time. They had quit returning to the coop with the chickens in the evening, preferring to roost in trees, instead. That was the beginning of their demise. We never tried to eat any of them, but apparently the predators liked them. Even before that, they proved to be as dumb as a box of rocks. One flew over a 4' wire fence, then couldn't figure out how to get back to the other five. The entire group ran continuously back and forth about thirty yards...one on one side, five on the other...screaming and making a terrible ruckus for the longest time, until I finally had to open the gate and literally herd the one back to the other side. (Herding cats has nothing on herding guineas!) Honestly, I was GLAD for the predators (fox, raccoon, or coyote, I suppose) when they finally ate the last one of those wretched birds! If I had one predator, one guinea, and one round, I'd shoot the guinea!
Omg 😂 was this supposed to be funny ?
@@getrich1324 Maybe a little sarcastic humor, but every bit of it's true!
I also picked up on a little dark humor in there as well, but at least it wasn’t boring
My Grandparents always had Guineas on their farm. They never did anything with them, they were just there. Every now and then they would find a nest of eggs and they would put them in the incubator and raise them just like chickens. I guess they were there for pest control, fertilizer and predator alert just like you explained.
lol just there
Guinea hens are my favorite bird because of their noise and they're just plain funny.
I have a terrible tick problem and am planning on getting 3 guinea hens to roam the fenced 2 acres. Is it worth it?
Recommend chickens. Guineas will drive you crazy, ever heard a wheel bearing going out in a car, magnify it.
I love mine. I have 7. Yes they are loud.But it's not constant. Noisy when they want let out in the morning, see intruders, or if one gets separated from the rest. They graze quietly a lot of the time. It took till they were 2 years old to get them to easily go in the coop at night though, and sometimes they try to walk up the road to bother neighbors. I have fence to keep them in back. Of course they can fly over it but rarely want to. Odd thing about them is they have trouble figuring out how to get around objects, they try to move in a direct line of sight so can get stuck behind gates etc. They do require patience. But they don't scratch the ground so I don't mind them in the garden.
@Mil-dot6.5 Chickens will tear up a yard, vegetable patch, etc. The point of guineas for me is they don't destroy anything and eat significantly more ticks in a week than a chicken will in a lifetime. I'm hoping having 3 females will keep noise to a minimum as compared to larger flocks that contain a male.
@@hoosierpioneer does your flock contain any males?
@@thatguychris5654 yes I have 7 total of which 3 are males. I have 2 different color patterns. The males get along together pretty nicely, if that's what you are wondering. Not like roosters at all.
I thought that I wanted Guinea fowl as a protector for my chickens and alarm system and went to Tractor supply and was mis-sold barred rock chicks as Guinea Keats. It ended up absolutely being an act of God. I actually wanted more barred rock chicks in my flock anyhow and ended up getting goslings instead. Geese are proving to be a much better fit for my flock on an acre. Loud, but not THAT loud. And possible to contain. Guinea fowl. What was I thinking?? Cool birds though!
I had guinea fowl the first time in high school in the 1970s. and different times later. They have a tendency to spend time in trees which a close neighbor may not like. They taste quite a bit like pheasant.
I only had 2 guineas with 14 chickens but the guineas tended to bully the chickens.
They are bullies!
Agreed! Big bullies
I got 6 guineas 7 hens and a Rooster. They were raised together and get along fine.
My parents had guineas on the farm when I was growing up. I’d like to get some, but I live in a town. They throw a fit over a few backyard chickens.
If they get upset over chickens, guineas will give them palpitations. 😅
I had guineas, the biggest problem I had was they wandered to far when free ranging. I have 14 acres but they occasionally went to the neighbors.
They roosted in the coop at night with my chickens.
The noise didn’t bother me, I lost some to a distant neighbor allowing their two Great Danes to roam. We finally had a hearing at the magistrates, and they were heavily fined.
I also lost to a woman walking on the road with her dog off lease, and it came onto my property and grappled one and took off running with it. Dogs were my biggest problem.
We have chickens and many other animals but our distant neighbors have guineas and they are indeed VERY loud lol but he has ALOT of them.
As long as they don’t start to Roost in any trees near the house you may enjoy the noise from a distance. Keep the predators away and watch them multiply like rabbits.
We have 7 Guinea hens very loud I love them We got them because of a tick problem they free range with are ducks and chickens
Thanks for a great video! Do you incorporate guinea fowl into your flock at the same type of year as chickens? Also, is there a minimum number?
I’ve had them forever but I’m unfortunately down to one 10 year old male. I’d like to find some local eggs to buy and hatch if anyone lives in SC or NC. I’d be happy to pick them up within a couple of hours. I live off the 501 right on the NC/SC border.
I heard that noise and I said NOPE!!!
Angry machine guns, all the time 😂
You should breed soldier flies for Bird feed,.
Love these vids. Wish I could get land.
We started with 18 guineas .. got them because they eat bugs.. thanks for this information
My absolute favorite gumbo is made with guinea (I'm in South Louisiana 😊).
A guinea could only hope to end up as gumbo
are they easy to keep around if there are wild ones close to you?
Do chickens eat ticks?
We are hoping to cul the explosion of Giant African Snails by getting a pair or two. Your video was very helpful. Do you know anyone who has had success using the GF in this way?
Well how did those guineas taste?
We love our French Guineas… they journey all over the place. The downside is that hawks have attacked our Guineas and only wound them… thankfully they get away but they are no match to Coyotes… we have lost 15 to them in the day time.
Does anyone know, will guineas protect chickens (and eggs) from snakes?
Yes - they love to eat snakes 🐍
They're super loud and they're really mean to our chickens. My rooster even runs from them. We have decided to get rid of them awfully fast. They do eat ticks, but so do our chickens. And everyone says oh well, they'll alarm you when something is in your yard. Yeah, right, the alarm you all the time. 20 4 7, they're super loud super annoying. Ours go back to the coop and sleep with our chickens to, but they're super mean to the chickens
We integrated ours as baby chicks as well. And they're still mean to our chickens. My advice is to get one or the other. Either get Guinea, hands or get chickens. Or house them separately
I have guineas I love them the eggs are so good. My boys eat them before chicken eggs. I had to sell the chicken eggs cuz I had so many cuz the guinea eggs were gone
i like guinea fowl and would like to integrate them into my farm but their noise is ridiculously loud 😂
I had a male guinea chick that I raised with an Easter egger pullet. When he grew up, he mated with the hens and almost killed my Buff Orpington rooster. I kept him separate from them, and he stayed a loud but devoted pet for 11 years. NEVER AGAIN.
Got any videos about the dog?
I have a large flock of hens and Guinea hens. The Guinea Hens have a higher frequency of living than the hens. The hens don't like the commotion and pecking the Guinea's do to the hens. I keep my Guinea hens in a separate building about 50 feet away from the hens but they still want to be with the hens and eat their food. During mating season the Guinea Hens will attack the rooster. The hens are chill but the Guinea Hens want constant energy. There are days when things are blissful but days when there is no peace. I have 19 Guinea hens now and would prefer to have about 6. Oh and their poop smells really bad, harder to remove from roosts.....
19 Guinea is a lot! I can imagine how loud they get when they get going. Interesting info thanks!
We got two for free from someone wanting to get rid of them. They were loud and really destroyed the peace and quiet, going off all day. They wouldn’t go into coops at night, they would sit on the gate, so were sitting ducks for the bobcat that’s been coming around. They didn’t go off when a predator came in so we found them a good home. Way too loud. We have plenty of roosters that go off when a predator comes in.
We have 30 guineas love them!
WOW!!!! That must be quite the show when they all get excited haha
@@TheConlinHomestead yes they fly over the fence come over to our door and scream at our dogs lying on the steps hahaha
@@thomasjcorson7502 They love to come by my window and yell at me while I am working. haha
how do you not have coyotes?, way bigger threat to chickens than any other predictor (at least around here), i thought they are everywhere in north America!
Yay one channel I like to see
They taste very similar to pheasant
Guinea Fowl really downgrade the experience of country homestead living with all the noise.
It might be worth obtaining consent from all neighbors within a half mile before you decide to get them, having them is equivalent to having a full time logging operation on your land or other major industrial use imho. They scare off all the other birds, and lots of other wildlife, they're also quite mean, even with 20 acres of woods to wander around on.
They are my redneck alarm system.
If you have tick problems these are the perfect pets. Don’t know why but I’m just going to say it because we had them at our home and it worked. 😎
Great info. Thanks
My only issue is they cross the road to eat grasshoppers after the highways are mowed and get hit by cars.
My brother has Guinea hens and I don't see anything good about them. They broke a glass window in the chicken shed trying to fly out. The "they keep predators away" claim I'll have to see it to believe.
I'll be fair: the Guinea hens flock with the chickens and turkeys without issue, they look nice, their noises are idiosyncratic, watching them fly is fun- they make for decent low maintenance pets. They just aren't an animal that I would keep.
I always seem to want to add my two cents worth in but here it goes if you have problems chronic problems with coyotes fox any bird that's going to get out of here run and wander around is going to be meet for them creatures and there's nothing you can do about it because they will prevail just a warning
Here is the thing, they are TOO ALERT...everything seems to set my guineas off haha! I am getting warned every 5-10 minutes...ALL DAY...EVERYDAY. So I cannot really rely on their warning. And yes, they are loud...very very loud. They are also very aggressive and to be honest cause a lot of issues with our flock because of this.
Their meat is good for people that are anemic because she’s high in iron that’s why if you look how it’s a lot darker than chicken meat.❤
The best treatment for anemia is a combination of ferric ammonium citrate and nicotinic acid, as discovered and discussed by Dr Dmitry Kats. Aka Hom3ostasis protocol
We had them on our farm for years, the negative out weighs the pros beyond words. Too much drama, stress they give. Everything you said can be true of them, but most often not.
Not for the elderly homesteader unless you want a great workout ") In Joy
I used to be annoyed by my grandpas guineu birds. The males are so kool lookin
Hated them, so loud, and it doesn’t stop. Worst mistake I ever made.
Hi I am from South Africa. You have west African fowl. Similar to those in French farm Yards. The French reckon on 300 eggs per year. Also they have a very similar flavour as English Ring necked pheasants but are much better eating if you plump them up. Your shot of carcasses look like babies and not plump. Give them a chance. They don't go off at half past 23 on a summers morning when you are stressing over your finances. Chickens are horribly noisy in the hours before dawn
Thanks for the experienced info! Yes those birds weren't that old maybe 5-6months if I remember. True chickens can also cause a racket too.
They are the most troublesome critters .
There's no need to cut down the guineas. they are capable of talking care of themselves..... they are very Kool birds....
You cannot have a better answer for ticks! They will keep your property clear of them! They are also friendly to a garden only eating the pest bugs and beetles 🪲
They leave vegetables and flowers 💐 alone!!
They don't work as an alarm system... You go blind to their noise as they never shut up.
They roam, they fly, they are wild... They don't lay in the winter, they are picky layers... they are not fast growing and most importantly as someone who lives right next to a bunch of them... They never shut the... up. Chickens, ducks and even geese are much much quiter in my first hand experience and I live right up and close with all of them... every day of my life.
Ducks, if they were not messy would be the perfect bird... Pekin, does not fly... full meat size in 12 weeks from hatch... great layers and always lays in the morning first thing... PERFECT. But... you need to change there kiddie pool and they are gross. Chickens are clean... but are lesser in my experience in all other categories. (Ducks also can't hurt you like a roo).
It’s possible to trim eyebrows.
Mine are great at doing their job.
It is not possible that you do not enjoy the meat.
Guinea gumbo is suppose to be number one!
Guineas are the best. I like them better than the chickens but nothing beats the ducks.
Nop selling or linking on You Tube. Legality on bottom of home page. Suggest removing links.
@ 1:48, your audience founf out that you do not EAT your guineas, or the eggs. That is 'wanton waste of wildlife!' You should be stripped of your wildlife privilege.
Soar like an eagle and shit like an emu, never again.
helo farm ! helo everyone
The owels will pick them off at night if they sleep in trees. Guinea is blind at night
They'll plop down.....which means their going to get killed. LMAO That was funny.
They are noisy , eat snakes ,mice ,bugs. I pickel there eggs, l think GOD eats peafoul ( peacock) eggs for breakfast so so good
Had 4. Glad they’re no longer here.
They're all loud hell.They're better than guard dogs
dogs only bark on alert, these things never freaking stop. I hated mine.
guineas dont tear up plants like your chickens will...
have you ever eat Guineas? The answer falls by it s own weight : "CHICKEN IS BETTER" in every way. Period!
I just ate some last night. Chicken is definitely better but Guinea tastes great and is going to have a lot a good nutrition in that dark meat.
Very stupid but very smart at the same time lol
You couldn't afford a special camera to film resolution at least 4k 60 fps
They are the worst bird ! Avoid
You left your woman eyes on from last night, I know it was rough, but take the whole costume off lol
just dont!
If you like your neighbors… no 😂
I find it absolutely ludicrous that your channel is called "nature is always right" meanwhile you're trying to espouse the pros and cons of a bird that nature didn't put here. Lol.
If nature is always right then they would be native to here.
T nói rồi đéo có nhây vs nhảm ,đến lúc khỗ thân éo hiểu tại sao😢.
Joe biden obama ad before showing your amazing video.
It’s personalized and why are you not using a blocker
Ad blockers ramp up the RAM on computers
They track your movements and data when on the phone. Selling to the highest bidder
Pull up your task manager and watch memory when ad blocker is used.
They are trying to burn up your computer by overworking it. works
My ads are not personalized. There are options for that. The ad is used on communities, and im just visiting this one, so they used it on me.
Let them waste their money paying me haha it's going to a good cause.
I would rather watch a Joe Biden ad than one for that pseudo-conservative, DJT. Come to think of it, DJT is a lot like the guineas, a lot of racket signifying nothing.