Hey everyone! Do you want to receive prayer for healing? I plan to minister healing over zoom and/or social media live streams in the near future. Send me an email for more information. If you want to support my channel, you can help by leaving a positive comment, subscribing, and liking the video. If you want to give a $5 donation, click here linktr.ee/davidwalle. Let me know in the comments how this encourages you or if you have any questions!
Hey everyone! Do you want to receive prayer for healing? I plan to minister healing over zoom and/or social media live streams in the near future. Send me an email for more information. If you want to support my channel, you can help by leaving a positive comment, subscribing, and liking the video. If you want to give a $5 donation, click here linktr.ee/davidwalle. Let me know in the comments how this encourages you or if you have any questions!