I remember seeing rugs made in Isfahan and I didn't comprhend it. Now that I weave I have a better understanding of what you are doing. You are truly an artist. and a teacher of an ancient art form, Thank you so much for sharing it with us.
I am in awe of you work, your patience and the graph is stunning. I would be honoured to own such a beautiful carpet create by someone as talented as yourself. I found you after watching how to make a rag rug loom for myself. I know it is centuries of difference to your précis work. But I know I can make the loom and create rag rugs for different areas in my little cottage. Thank you so much for sharing your artisan artistic skills. I find I have missed out on so many skills I could have been very able to do. But to begin at 69 yo and having neuropathy issues in my right hand from chemotherapy treatments. So a rag rug I can do the whole lot myself. I crochet, knit, sew, garden so I keep myself busy happily while locked down due to the COVID19 issue which we are all in it together. Take care Stay Home Stay Safe from an Australian Granma I am never going to forget what I learnt from you today. 🙏🏻❤️🇦🇺
+Jezi M yes, I did take this risk, my husband made me a present with two heddles to try it. He knows my passion about carpet weaving and once already had an extreme experience. We just got married and he came from a business trip, just to see me closung the bedroom door. Sounds funny, yes, I just wanted to prepare hum to the fact that half of the bedroom is occupied by a huge metal frame. So he knew, that this time I might take half the flat with a giant loom, abd choose a smaller evil 😁
@@HandicraftsAz I am from this nation The nation's job is to make clothes This nation is known as Julaha in India 🇮🇳 ansari also speaks to jolaha caste Weaving is the highest number of Muslims in the world I felt very good watching this video of you, may Allah give you a lot of progress in this world as well as in the hereafter The Hereafter facebook.com/profile.php?id=100052233919581 th-cam.com/channels/JExCrvD5phc52TTCRf6pgQ.html
I landed on this while looking for weaving houndstooth scarf on a 4frame table loom.... and i am in awe !.... this is unreal and i have a new subject for youtubing the next week or 2 until early/late morning hours... respect respect respect to all carpet weavers of this type, to those doing it traditionally and those continuing/learning or taking up the craft
Oh! I didnt know you could do carpet on a rigid heddle!!😯 I recieved one for Christmas and they are limited, but I'm so impressed with how much you can do! Just needs imagination amd experience! Thank you for this lovely video. Your work is gorgeous! 😊
Спасибо, скоро будет серия уроков на русском языке на канале АЗбука рукоделия. Ссылку добавлю как появятся уроки. Но в принципе по моей фирменной доске можно узнать
Вот тут через пару недель будет подробно все описано th-cam.com/users/c%D0%90%D0%97%D0%B1%D1%83%D0%BA%D0%B0%D0%A0%D1%83%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BB%D0%B8%D1%8F
I was one of the rug weaving trainer in Tehran/Iran. Your training is good and I was amazed however I found some lack of basic training before starting weaving. How to set up loom and warp and introducing the tools in carpet weaving for beginners. Maybe next video?
Alla te bendiga por compartir tan maravillosa enseñanza siempre quise aprender a tejer alfombras persas pero ya casi nadie le interesa compartir por favor si pudieras enseñarnos desde el inicio del telar sería genial, muchas gracias y saludos desde cualquier lugar del mundo bendiciones.
I really enjoyed your video. I have wanted to learn how to make a carpet for a long time. I would like to know where to purchase the tools you are using and please continue to share your tutorial videos with us. Thank you.
ذكرتيني عملت سجادة صغيرة واهديتها لزوجة اخي وعندما تشاجرت مع امي حقدت عليها وقمت بسحب السجادة من غرفتها غفر الله لي كنت طفلة صغيرة لااعرف الاصول الحمد لله على نعمه الكثيرة
I cheat on the frame ~ Amazon has a adjustable metal frame which is on wheels called a clothes rack and it comes in many sizes ( 2foot across up to 6 foot across) they have covers too and are sold separately!
I love your tutorials and am interested in trying your technique for making rugs. However, where can I buy those tools? It would be great if you could make them available for purchase on your website. And I would love to hear the singing in the background too. Keep up the good work.
Hello you can buy all of tools and materials carpet & rugs in my page in instagram (@katysilk) i’m managing the carpet specialized center in Iran good luck 💐
For the 50 knots per 4 inches I use 15 ply carpet warp, for 60 knots 12 ply. Wool can be any available, wool, semi-wool, even acrylic, as long as it all the same fiber for the whole project. The size can be sock weight 2 threads, aran weight one thread per knot.
I was so happy to find this! I've gone back to my small Persian carpet on my loom after 6 years and needed instruction again. You are a wonderful teacher! Do you know where I could find authentic patterns/cartoons? I drew my own for my first small rug. Again, khalie mamnoon! Lisa
My loom is stuck in storage right now. Took me years of searching in u.s.a. to find someone who could get me a loom. They brought it from Turkey. Unfortunately much bigger than I wanted. I have about a foot or two woven and knotted. Most all the knots I did with out knife. By the time I got knife and comb I lost the place I was keeping it and had to put it in storage. My heart is burning to work with it again. I wish I had a smaller one. I'm not in a secure place now and it's quite big and I need to bother a helper and rent a van all to bring it from storage. But I want a better place 1st. How is your weaving going? Hope you remember to work on it everyday. I need to get this from storage. This is a great little video for us. Very, very inspiring. Thank you to the video maker.
Hi Am a fan of Persian carpet would like to know how to repair mine , the fringe is coming out. And would like to do a small one.please let me know where I can order the tools as where am living we don't have such things. By the way am from Mauritius .
I so admire your teaching video! I have a small ghordes knot carpet on a huge loom that I'm picking up again. It was wonderful watching you. As to finding a pattern/cartoon to use, do you have a suggestion? I drew my own for my first little basic carpet. I would love to find some authentic ones. Khalie mamnoon!
Search internet for tapestry loom with tensioning devices, regular crochet hook and knife can be used, the brush can be used from a barber trimmer and beater cam be found with loom sellers
It looks like a lot of fun. My main hobby is cross stitch so I think following the pattern wouldn't be too hard. Im just curious do they use pdf patterns at all? I would think it would be much easier to keep track of what row your on that way. I really don't need another hobby but it does look like fun😁
The crosstitch patterns can be used too. In fact I have some really nice pillows covers patterns stacked for future projects. And pdf is a bit difficult, since you have to have it in front of you most of the time and f.e. having 4 people working on the same carpet is costly. It's easier if each one has a hard copy and works independently
Does anyone here know where I can purchase the double handled scissors in the US? I found the hook knife and beater at the NYC place but am still looking for those height adjustable double scissors...
few questions, A: what Dent are you using on your rigid heddle? and B: what size of wool yarn? always curious to see what people prefer to use. Great tutorial, thanks a bunch!
what is this kind of technique/knotting type called? I'm trying to find charts on the internet but do not get the right search words. can one use needlepoint charts?
The knot itself called a Turkish knot. I doubt that you can find the exact azeri patterns in the internet, since the antique rugs are usually are hard to see, and the most modern ones are still under the copyright protection. But I will make a review on some of the elements in the future. Meanwhile any crosstitch pattern that doesn't require backstitch are fine to use
Is the oriental rug scheme you work from available for purchase from the US? I'd love, LOVE to make a needlework from it. I've worked a few oriental rugs from a book, but this one is just amazing. I can see it's Russian from the inscription on the bottom of the paper, but this would be no problem. Thanks so much.
so after each row of Turkish knots you have to pass through the write and blue thread in and out and out and in before you can continue making turksih knot?
+Trisha Goodstein i guess you can ask amy body shop that have a laser cutting equipment. That would be the best solution. Or just use a crochet hook and a knife aside.
خيرٌ لك وأبقى وهن الباقيات الصالحات - سُبحان اللّه - الحمدُللّه - لا إلَه إلآ اللّه - اللّه أكبَر -سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم -أستغفر الله العظيم الذي لا إله إلا هو الحي القيوم و أتوب إليه -لا إلهَ إلاَّ اللَّه وحدهُ لاَ شَرِيكَ لهُ، لَهُ المُلْكُ، ولَهُ الحمْدُ، وَهُو عَلَى كُلِّ شَيءٍ قَدِيرٌ، -لَا إِلَهَ إِلَّا أَنْتَ سُبْحَانَكَ إِنِّي كُنْتُ مِنَ الظَّالِمِينَ -حَسْبِيَ اللَّهُ لا إِلَـهَ إِلاَّ هُوَ عَلَيْهِ تَوَكَّلْتُ وَهُوَ رَبُّ الْعَرْشِ الْعَظِيمِ -لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله -الله أكبر الله أكبر الله أكبر لا إله إلا الله الله أكبر الله أكبر ولله الحمد -اللهم لك الحمد حمداً كثيراً طيباً مباركاً فيه كما ينبغي لجلال وجهك ولعظيم سلطانك - اللهم صل على محمد وعلى آل محمد كما صليت على إبراهيم وعلى آل إبراهيم إنك حميد مجيد، اللهم بارك على محمد وعلى آل محمد كما باركت على إبراهيم وعلى آل إبراهيم إنك حميد مجيد { وَذَكِّرْ فَإِنَّ الذِّكْرَى تَنْفَعُ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ }
Только искать по спец магазинам. Или если есть знакомые в Иране, попросить там купить. Онлайн к сожалению нетнигде, набор получается слишком тяжелый для посылки, под три кило весом, и соответственно дорогой
Зависит от плотности. Для ковров используют хлопок особой крутки, чтобы выдержать многократное растяжение и усадку при мойке ковра. Эта, если не ошибаюсь, 9 нитей в крутке, варьируется, от 6 до 18, чем больше нить, тем меньше плотность ковра, 18 используют для килимов и совсем грубых ковров, в таком случае иногда заменяют шерстяной основой
+Gary Blackburn maybe ebay has some sellers, I usually buy them from a local shop, and I guess they are either made by a local smiths(like big scissors you see in the video) or imported from the country, that is under US sanctions. If not that, I could sell it on etsy. But...
Thank you for the link. Have now saved it so I can get them. Love watching the vidio. So much information shared, learn something every time I watch. Thank you.
Good question. The white fixes the knots and the color one is setting the warp in working order. Quess they are different colors, because when you leave a work away for a while and returning to it, it's easy to tell, which row you are working on right now
@@HandicraftsAz hello, could you pretty please explain it in different words maybe, i dont get it and have same question.. what is the blue one for ..? Nice watching you!
@@majamarkulis9434 the white thick weft is creating a pick of plain weave, but it widens the space between the warp, that causes a knot loose and it can fall off during exploitation. The blue one is used to narrow that space, to push raised heddle threads up, so when the knot is done, it's tightly packed
I remember seeing rugs made in Isfahan and I didn't comprhend it. Now that I weave I have a better understanding of what you are doing. You are truly an artist. and a teacher of an ancient art form, Thank you so much for sharing it with us.
I am rug weaving trainer in Iran. I'm surprised when I saw your teaching. It's completely correct.
Hi Rokhsar, I'm so happy to know that Im this video is correct! I was wondering where I could find the hook tool, thank you! Angela in NY
much respect to you and all the traditional artisans, all of you work is like magic. I'm glad that she took the time and showed us how it's done 💖
I would like to learn how to do this in Iran. Can you tell me where you are training? How much does it cost?
@@marcosshibuta4659 Full course should not be more than 200 or 300 dollar
@@battyrubble We recommend www.hmnabavian.com in 36 E 31st St
Thank you so much.I've been looking for years for a rug weaving tutorial.God bless you for sharing your incredible skill.Not many people do.
I am in awe of you work, your patience and the graph is stunning. I would be honoured to own such a beautiful carpet create by someone as talented as yourself.
I found you after watching how to make a rag rug loom for myself.
I know it is centuries of difference to your précis work. But I know I can make the loom and create rag rugs for different areas in my little cottage.
Thank you so much for sharing your artisan artistic skills.
I find I have missed out on so many skills I could have been very able to do. But to begin at 69 yo and having neuropathy issues in my right hand from chemotherapy treatments.
So a rag rug I can do the whole lot myself. I crochet, knit, sew, garden so I keep myself busy happily while locked down due to the COVID19 issue which we are all in it together.
Take care Stay Home Stay Safe from an Australian Granma I am never going to forget what I learnt from you today.
Wow! Such beautiful work! It always amazes me to see different kinds of artists at work. I hope I get to try doing something like this one day.
Finally i found what i want since i was a child! Thank you so much for those wonderful videos
You are welcome, enjoy weaving!!
Thank you. Very relaxing for me to watch. Even with a cold you have a nice voice. I admire your skill.
Thank you! It is great to see someone doing rug work on a rigid heddle loom that doesn't risk damaging the loom.
+Jezi M yes, I did take this risk, my husband
made me a present with two heddles to try it. He knows my passion about carpet weaving and once already had an extreme experience. We just got married and he came from a business trip, just to see me closung the bedroom door. Sounds funny, yes, I just wanted to prepare hum to the fact that half of the bedroom is occupied by a huge metal frame. So he knew, that this time I might take half the flat with a giant loom, abd choose a smaller evil 😁
@@HandicraftsAz I am from this nation The nation's job is to make clothes This nation is known as Julaha in India 🇮🇳 ansari also speaks to jolaha caste Weaving is the highest number of Muslims in the world I felt very good watching this video of you, may Allah give you a lot of progress in this world as well as in the hereafter
The Hereafter
Thanks you are the onley one make this stap to learn us 👍👋👋👋👋😍😍😍😍😍😍
I landed on this while looking for weaving houndstooth scarf on a 4frame table loom.... and i am in awe !.... this is unreal and i have a new subject for youtubing the next week or 2 until early/late morning hours... respect respect respect to all carpet weavers of this type, to those doing it traditionally and those continuing/learning or taking up the craft
Thank you very much, very detailed. Exactly what I was searching for ❤
You work is nothing short of magic. You are a true artisan and it was such a treat to watch your video. Thank you so much for sharing this.
Thank you so much for sharing tutorials on your incredible art!!! Please consider making more videos and sharing patterns as well!
I found a company in NYC that sells the tools, I am following your amazing tutorials and going to try making a little cup rug, thank you so much!!
plz do tell where you found the tools plz? I am currently using a hook for spinning wheel, a reg hair comb..and a dinner fork. LOL
@@sharonjones-pierce3478 www.hmnabavian.com really nice people, call if you don't see what you need, or if you are in NYC go there
Angela Haws thanks for sharing the link! 😊
😍 So beautiful! I can imagine a room full of weavers is a most magnificent place! 😍
Excellent teaching rug weaving.
Thank you so much for this video !!! Thank you for teaching us this craft 😊
This is precious information. Thank you for sharing. I would also like to know how to make a loom base before starting carpet knots.
If you check other videos in this playlist, you will find the information
СпасиБо, такой милый акцент
Для меня самое тяжелое - подготовительные работы, первые ряды
Успехов в работе!
Oh my god~ you have magical patience really.💔
Thank you so much for the nice lesson.
Oh! I didnt know you could do carpet on a rigid heddle!!😯
I recieved one for Christmas and they are limited, but I'm so impressed with how much you can do! Just needs imagination amd experience!
Thank you for this lovely video. Your work is gorgeous! 😊
Интересная работа, спасибо, что показываете! Всего хорошего!
Спасибо, скоро будет серия уроков на русском языке на канале АЗбука рукоделия. Ссылку добавлю как появятся уроки. Но в принципе по моей фирменной доске можно узнать
Вот тут через пару недель будет подробно все описано
*I Totally love this..... Thank you Soooooo much!!!!
спасибо большое, мы в детстве в худ. школе так плели, никак не могла припомнить, как это там делалось, благодарю вас и интернет!))
Fascinating how you do that, thank you for sharing
Спасибо большое! И ковроделие начала осваивать и английский подтянула.
I was one of the rug weaving trainer in Tehran/Iran. Your training is good and I was amazed however I found some lack of basic training before starting weaving. How to set up loom and warp and introducing the tools in carpet weaving for beginners. Maybe next video?
👍 You are Excellent teacher! Thank u! :)
WOW - Its the most satisfying thing I watched.👍
very useful, thank you..I wish you make more videos
Alla te bendiga por compartir tan maravillosa enseñanza siempre quise aprender a tejer alfombras persas pero ya casi nadie le interesa compartir por favor si pudieras enseñarnos desde el inicio del telar sería genial, muchas gracias y saludos desde cualquier lugar del mundo bendiciones.
This is awesome! Thanks so much for sharing! 💕
I really enjoyed your video. I have wanted to learn how to make a carpet for a long time. I would like to know where to purchase the tools you are using and please continue to share your tutorial videos with us. Thank you.
Hi, thank you for your hard work. You are a super woman. I would seriously like to see how it all starts. From buying wool to weaving.
such a good job! wow! congratulations
عملت سجادة صغيرة واهديتها لزوجة اخي
وعندما تشاجرت مع امي
حقدت عليها وقمت بسحب السجادة من غرفتها
غفر الله لي كنت طفلة صغيرة لااعرف الاصول
الحمد لله على نعمه الكثيرة
thank you for your videos. when will you give us the continuation of this amazing work?
Yes, I definitely will. I will have a small break from studies in August and will try to make as many tutorials as possible
Very surprising but really i like ur work and teaching. Will u teach me how could i make the frame for rug?
Check internet for metal frame tapestry loom. They are the best, used in carpet shops. Wooden ones last only for two-three carpets only
I cheat on the frame ~ Amazon has a adjustable metal frame which is on wheels called a clothes rack and it comes in many sizes ( 2foot across up to 6 foot across) they have covers too and are sold separately!
you are so calm
i like
hello from Egypt
Can I please ask what the tools are called? Thank you so much for a brilliant video.
I have to say forget this life’s too short there’s no way I patience for this! Great work but not for me give me a shuttle!
It's a traditional craft in my country, I made my first knots when I was 11
I love your tutorials and am interested in trying your technique for making rugs. However, where can I buy those tools? It would be great if you could make them available for purchase on your website. And I would love to hear the singing in the background too. Keep up the good work.
you can buy all of tools and materials carpet & rugs in my page in instagram (@katysilk)
i’m managing the carpet specialized center in Iran
good luck 💐
What wool do you use? And what do you choose for the warp?
For the 50 knots per 4 inches I use 15 ply carpet warp, for 60 knots 12 ply.
Wool can be any available, wool, semi-wool, even acrylic, as long as it all the same fiber for the whole project. The size can be sock weight 2 threads, aran weight one thread per knot.
I was so happy to find this! I've gone back to my small Persian carpet on my loom after 6 years and needed instruction again. You are a wonderful teacher! Do you know where I could find authentic patterns/cartoons? I drew my own for my first small rug. Again, khalie mamnoon! Lisa
My loom is stuck in storage right now.
Took me years of searching in u.s.a. to find someone who could get me a loom. They brought it from Turkey.
Unfortunately much bigger than I wanted.
I have about a foot or two woven and knotted. Most all the knots I did with out knife. By the time I got knife and comb I lost the place I was keeping it and had to put it in storage.
My heart is burning to work with it again. I wish I had a smaller one. I'm not in a secure place now and it's quite big and I need to bother a helper and rent a van all to bring it from storage. But I want a better place 1st.
How is your weaving going?
Hope you remember to work on it everyday.
I need to get this from storage.
This is a great little video for us.
Very, very inspiring.
Thank you to the video maker.
Wow... just getting to the end. Never knew about those special scissors.
Amazing i got another hoby to add on my many hoby list
Queria muito aprender essa arte, eu BORDO tapeçarias no ponto Arraiolos ...eu sou Angelita Sousa, são Paulo Brasil...
Am a fan of Persian carpet would like to know how to repair mine , the fringe is coming out. And would like to do a small one.please let me know where I can order the tools as where am living we don't have such things. By the way am from Mauritius .
Waw nice👌👌👌👌
I so admire your teaching video! I have a small ghordes knot carpet on a huge loom that I'm picking up again. It was wonderful watching you. As to finding a pattern/cartoon to use, do you have a suggestion? I drew my own for my first little basic carpet. I would love to find some authentic ones. Khalie mamnoon!
I would love to know where you find your tools. I want to start knotting rugs and would love to use the proper hook/knife tool!
You can use a wooden tapestry beaters from any of the loom maker, hook can be cut from a knife in the car bodyshops that use cutting equipment
Very Lovely!
Thank you
Кропотливо,изящно 1000лайк 💯 %
Hi I am bigener I wouner how can I find all staff.can you please advise me ?thanks for your perfect videos
Search internet for tapestry loom with tensioning devices, regular crochet hook and knife can be used, the brush can be used from a barber trimmer and beater cam be found with loom sellers
Love it! Thanks fro sharing.
Could you sell tools on Etsy so we buy them easier too please 🙏
It looks like a lot of fun. My main hobby is cross stitch so I think following the pattern wouldn't be too hard. Im just curious do they use pdf patterns at all? I would think it would be much easier to keep track of what row your on that way. I really don't need another hobby but it does look like fun😁
The crosstitch patterns can be used too. In fact I have some really nice pillows covers patterns stacked for future projects.
And pdf is a bit difficult, since you have to have it in front of you most of the time and f.e. having 4 people working on the same carpet is costly. It's easier if each one has a hard copy and works independently
Wow , that's a crazy amount of work . i would lose patience after five minutes .
Amazing work🙏🙏🙏
Does anyone here know where I can purchase the double handled scissors in the US? I found the hook knife and beater at the NYC place but am still looking for those height adjustable double scissors...
And do they have a Turkish or other name I can search for?
I can't really advise on US. the one I use are made in Azerbaijan and are too heavy to be shipped overseas, would cost a fortune
Yes, the Turkish name is "halcha gaychi" which means carpet scissors ✂️
Where can I find cartoons/patterns for knotted rug weaving? Thanking you in advance, Lee
Thanks for your video! Really interesting! Do you have tips where to find a hooked knife like that? Thanks!
Google for Persian carpet repair tool, there was a site in New York that sold it
Thanks for a Nice work and Nice explanation. Where are you from?
What do they call that brush tool you have? a weaving claw? I might get one for my weaving :D
شكرآ علئ هاذه التصوير بس نريدالترجمه العربيه
ممكن تعلمينا نلف الخيط حول النول ازاى
great video .....I would love to get one of the tools your using for making the knots does anyone know where to find one online i am living in the US
i like handicrafts spesially old persian rugs and carpets
few questions, A: what Dent are you using on your rigid heddle? and B: what size of wool yarn? always curious to see what people prefer to use. Great tutorial, thanks a bunch!
I use two 12.5 dpi heddles.
Thread is a local woven carpet yarn, but you can use acrylic or wool blend, 300-400 meters per 100 gr
what is this kind of technique/knotting type called? I'm trying to find charts on the internet but do not get the right search words. can one use needlepoint charts?
The knot itself called a Turkish knot.
I doubt that you can find the exact azeri patterns in the internet, since the antique rugs are usually are hard to see, and the most modern ones are still under the copyright protection. But I will make a review on some of the elements in the future.
Meanwhile any crosstitch pattern that doesn't require backstitch are fine to use
@@HandicraftsAz thank you so much for the answer!!!
This was fascinating. Are there more in the series?
+Robert Johnson there definitely will be more, right now I am a bit busy with magnificent world of programming for Windows.
Is the oriental rug scheme you work from available for purchase from the US? I'd love, LOVE to make a needlework from it. I've worked a few oriental rugs from a book, but this one is just amazing. I can see it's Russian from the inscription on the bottom of the paper, but this would be no problem. Thanks so much.
I don't have a scanner, probably in September I will try to scan them, since there are so many patterns that I would love to talk about
Great work
Haw can I learn this magnificent kind of art !?
Where which country !?
Mohammad Alhuniti Turkey
Give Me A Mix
Thank you 🙏🏽
What is the best thread to weave a carpet?
so after each row of Turkish knots you have to pass through the write and blue thread in and out and out and in before you can continue making turksih knot?
i am a carpet master and i am from tebriz
Darling please from where in Iran you bought the big cissor with 2 sides handle? My family in Iran I want them to buy the tools for me. Thank you alot
Ghada, they are made in Azerbaijan
أنا صنيع سجاد يدوي
Can u please do video tutorials how to make kilim please
A bit later, I almost completed my degree in computer science, and will have more time for weaving after January
what is the name of that hook? I want to try this out!
Carpet hook knife
Это работа я каждый день ,у нас ручная работа большие ковры ,вам это очень с трудом я вижу
Jag bor i Göteborg,jag undrar finns dina utbildning?🙏
طريقه شرحها جابتلى ضيق فى النفس
هيه بتتكلم كأنها حتطلع فى الروح اوف 😂😂
Fantastic! Thank you.
May Stewart Olson Zk
Your video is inspiring and I’d love to try weaving a rug. Where can I purchase a knife with a hook like you are using?
+Trisha Goodstein i guess you can ask amy body shop that have a laser cutting equipment. That would be the best solution. Or just use a crochet hook and a knife aside.
www.hmnabavian.com/rug_repair/ I bought a hook knife and beater here
May I ask what yarn you use for the warp. Is it cotton? How thick is the thread?
خيرٌ لك وأبقى
وهن الباقيات الصالحات
- سُبحان اللّه
- الحمدُللّه
- لا إلَه إلآ اللّه
- اللّه أكبَر
-سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم
-أستغفر الله العظيم الذي لا إله إلا هو الحي القيوم و أتوب إليه
-لا إلهَ إلاَّ اللَّه وحدهُ لاَ شَرِيكَ لهُ، لَهُ المُلْكُ، ولَهُ الحمْدُ، وَهُو عَلَى كُلِّ شَيءٍ قَدِيرٌ،
-لَا إِلَهَ إِلَّا أَنْتَ سُبْحَانَكَ إِنِّي كُنْتُ مِنَ الظَّالِمِينَ
-حَسْبِيَ اللَّهُ لا إِلَـهَ إِلاَّ هُوَ عَلَيْهِ تَوَكَّلْتُ وَهُوَ رَبُّ الْعَرْشِ الْعَظِيمِ
-لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله
-الله أكبر الله أكبر الله أكبر لا إله إلا الله الله أكبر الله أكبر ولله الحمد
-اللهم لك الحمد حمداً كثيراً طيباً مباركاً فيه كما ينبغي لجلال وجهك ولعظيم سلطانك
- اللهم صل على محمد وعلى آل محمد كما صليت على إبراهيم وعلى آل إبراهيم إنك حميد مجيد، اللهم بارك على محمد وعلى آل محمد كما باركت على إبراهيم وعلى آل إبراهيم إنك حميد مجيد
{ وَذَكِّرْ فَإِنَّ الذِّكْرَى تَنْفَعُ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ }
АсСаламу галайкум! Скажите где можно купить нож?
Только искать по спец магазинам. Или если есть знакомые в Иране, попросить там купить. Онлайн к сожалению нетнигде, набор получается слишком тяжелый для посылки, под три кило весом, и соответственно дорогой
Where did you buy the Chaghoo?
In a local crast shop
What are you using for the warp?
Truly amazing!
Здравствуйте! Подскажите пожалуйста какого диаметра должна быть нить основы?
Зависит от плотности. Для ковров используют хлопок особой крутки, чтобы выдержать многократное растяжение и усадку при мойке ковра. Эта, если не ошибаюсь, 9 нитей в крутке, варьируется, от 6 до 18, чем больше нить, тем меньше плотность ковра, 18 используют для килимов и совсем грубых ковров, в таком случае иногда заменяют шерстяной основой
@@HandicraftsAz Спасибо большое за ответ!
This is amazing. Where could one find the tools you use? Would love to try this one day.
+Gary Blackburn maybe ebay has some sellers, I usually buy them from a local shop, and I guess they are either made by a local smiths(like big scissors you see in the video) or imported from the country, that is under US sanctions. If not that, I could sell it on etsy. But...
Please offer these tools and a selection of yarn on Etsy. I have been looking for these for a few years.
www.hmnabavian.com/rug_repair/ I bought a hook knife and beater here, very nice people.
www.hmnabavian.com/rug_repair/ I bought a hook knife and beater here, really nice people
Thank you for the link. Have now saved it so I can get them. Love watching the vidio. So much information shared, learn something every time I watch. Thank you.
Hermosa aprendí a tejer pero enebrar el telar no la profesora es muy mayor una pena
it is perfect
Why 2 different colored weft threads?
Good question. The white fixes the knots and the color one is setting the warp in working order. Quess they are different colors, because when you leave a work away for a while and returning to it, it's easy to tell, which row you are working on right now
@@HandicraftsAz hello, could you pretty please explain it in different words maybe, i dont get it and have same question.. what is the blue one for ..? Nice watching you!
@@majamarkulis9434 the white thick weft is creating a pick of plain weave, but it widens the space between the warp, that causes a knot loose and it can fall off during exploitation. The blue one is used to narrow that space, to push raised heddle threads up, so when the knot is done, it's tightly packed
Do you teach classes in person?
hi can you tell me where can i find patterns thank you
you can use any crosstitch pattern,there are also plenty on Persian rug patterns, including in the Ashford rigid heddle loom manuals
Ben gül türküm ha li söylüyosun burda olsan beraber dokuruz kolay gelsin