Davide Marzocchi Ok, it wasn't grind-core growl, but there was that Hetfield-esque anger in his voice, which I liked very much. This is way too clean, almost aseptic. :/ I'm sad, they were so good before...
@@tduic Don't worry - I'm singing it with the growl for him as I watch this! I love his voice on all the albums, but I think the Icon stuff needs more of the growl for definite!
One of my favourites from this band. Just love this album.
Great band and great songs but wish they had stuck to the Gothic and Shades type style. That was the class Paradise era....
Eternally Paradise Lost
Porque sera que la voz de NIck sa ha hecho tan aguda?
be angry or a fool !!!
Holmes, where's the growl? :(
in the original song from icon, there was not growling, but hars vocal, here he sing clean without hars his voice.
Davide Marzocchi
Ok, it wasn't grind-core growl, but there was that Hetfield-esque anger in his voice, which I liked very much. This is way too clean, almost aseptic. :/ I'm sad, they were so good before...
@@tduic Don't worry - I'm singing it with the growl for him as I watch this! I love his voice on all the albums, but I think the Icon stuff needs more of the growl for definite!
esta de hueva con esa voz melodica
extraño al viejo paradise lost
por estos que estoy viendo no doy ningun peso
Nadie te obliga a dar un peso