This is the magnum opus of Nightwish. The band are giving their all in this, there’s a lot going on during this performance. The descending blade from Floor, with corresponding descending notes and her quiet “thank you” at the end. The emotion she poured into this was immense. Floor made a comment at the end of this video too.
It is a common misunderstanding that Tuomas was suicidal back then, he wasn't. I just feel so bad for him when people talk, because it is not true 😟 I have been spreading this quite recent quote from Tuomas when it comes to Poet and the Pendulum: “I was never suicidal, it wasn’t even close, but I was in a really dark place. It was the worst period of my life. Call it depression, but not suicidal. I want to make that clear.” It is a really good interview from April 2022 (Loudersound, Dave Everley), where Tuomas talks about the history of Nightwish and the dark times after Tarja was fired.
Thank you for doing a reaction to this song again. ❤ It's a masterpiece but I already wrote that in the first reaction. The last part, part V, still gets me. I cry, now not of my father and mother who always supported me in my life but I lost my mother two months ago. 😢 Losing a parent is hard, very hard. And I will always will connect this song with the love she gave me when I went through a severe depression. With love from The Netherlands.
suesue I think it's fantastic to see how you've delved into nightwish ❤️ I'm almost 69 and ended up at nightwish at about the same time as you and I haven't listened to any other music since then
This just really is something else. It’s so much more then a song, music or the show I’ll call it over a concert because it seems like more then a concert. Extreme artistry, when so much feeling and emotion go in it makes such a impact . It wouldn’t matter if someone liked Nightwish or not. This in particular is just its own. Thanks for replaying it and reacting to it again. A great reaction too. 🙏🙏🙏
My excited anticipation for this was warranted. Good job SueSue! Now you fully appreciate this masterpiece. Likely my favorite Nightwish song, this performance in particular, with Floor. That last movement is just perfection. Seeing Tuomas singing always gets to me. They only did this 20 times with Floor and not since 2016, well before Marko left. (3 of those performances were in Texas and I wasn’t there! 😞). I think Buster just wanted a hug.
@@SueSueandthewolfman yeah, I know! Unfortunately, I had not yet discovered the greatness of Floor and Nightwish in 2015. They played TPATP in Houston, Dallas, El Paso, Ft. Lauderdale, and Orlando in the US that year. Will be one of the regrets of my life missing that.
@@kentk2215 I was thinking that was before you told me you had discovered them. Who knows maybe the US will be included in their next tour. We can all go together and get a good parking spot bcz we now have a handicapped placard 😂
Absolutely a true masterpiece, in my top 3 of Nightwish songs with Floor Jansen as female vocalist. A hidden masterpiece is Swanheart sung by Tarja Turunen. Scaretale by Anette Olzon is an other one. I would recommend giving also comments with respect to After Fover, the former band of Floor Jansen. Black Tomb, Intrinsic, and Dreamflight are superbe songs with her golden voice.
I see the 1000 pages of erased text as all the music Tuomas would have written had Tarja remained in the band. TPATP , along with The Greatest Show on Earth, has the most parts(5) in one of their songs. Unless you count Disc 2 of Human:II:Nature as 1 song with 8 parts. I think Buster said "But Mom.......".😁 SInce you want to hear more from Tarja, recommend The Siren from the End of an Era show.
I truly appreciate you revisiting this masterpiece after the "studying" you did with the interviews. I've watched so many where Tuomas handles unprepared interviewers with an obvious objective, with such grace and professionalism. If I was going to interview the Bach or Mozart of my lifetime, I would certainly treat him with more respect instead of trying to get him to say something negative about his former friend and bandmate. To be completely honest, I've never been a fan of Tarja, but I recognize her incredible ability in a style for which I have no patience or appreciation. I found them at least twenty years ago and walked away because the operatic style sounds so "stuffy" to me, then missed out on a lot of great stuff after she left because I didn't know about the change. I owned all the early albums, but only listened to certain songs. With this video, you've approached this incredible musical journey with a pair of new ears, and certainly, a different understanding, and it was great to experience with you. As a writer and poet myself, I view Tuomas as the greatest composer of my lifetime, and he has had an influence on several of my poems, as I have tried different approaches because of him. The Greatest Show On Earth is, by far, my favorite and I consider it the greatest composition of my lifetime. I truly believe college students should get credit in Evolutionary Science for listening to it. I have studied the lyrics, and they are nothing short of brilliant. Thank you, SueSue ... I do appreciate all of the hearts in your house. I think Buster sensed you were emotional and was trying to comfort you. He is precious.
Thoumas has asked his audio cut off during this song because it's so personal. Marko , Empuu, checks on him. But even Floor looks at him knowing how it effects him. She is an empath so it also it hurts her to see his pain. A bit ago Thoumas said they would no longer play this song live. Just too much to rehash.
7:05 Also note how serious Emppu is throughout this song. Nothing of his usual joking around. This song goes deep for all of them. 8:45 Yeah this gets me every time too. Heard this song over a hundred times now, still get a lump in my throat just from her sound at that moment, regardless of the lyrics. And at 15:15 it's the lyrics that get to me. 11:00 The expression on Tuomas' face on every beat, like it physically hurts to play this part. 17:20 I still think this has a double meaning. You can interpret it as checking on Tuomas, but they also turn their backs on the singer. Its solidarity, but also a separation.
You would understand more of how it all went if you've been in Finland at the time, how the press attacked Tuomas. For months they did go on and on and didn't left one stone untouched. I must admit, at the time I thought he did wrongful towards Tarja, mostly because I didn't know the whole story at all, until I read it all in the book of Nightwish story. But I really should have been able to understand everything listening to just this one song.
I've always wondered if the 'pages of erased text' wasn't because of the material he had been working on with Tarja in mind and now that she was gone, he got to start from scratch. So many ways to interpret these lyrics, Tuomas really is a mastermind.
Great reaction-revisit! You hit all the important and meaningful moments, said your sage words from the place of a mom... Idk if it's well known, but it's certainly never talked about... there was another tragedy playing out this night. Selling out Wembley arena was a career pinnacle, to be certain...the entire band felt the weight of responsibility and of Nightwish's success all at once. It was a very important show. And thus, the wives and family members were there with the band, sitting just off curtain, on the stage. Marko was in the early years of his sobriety, and performing at peak level, this night...but with a very heavy heart. He and his 1st wife, the mother of his twin sons, had finally agreed to divorce (something that Marko felt as a personal failure), but after this show was she was there with the other family members. Marko had just flown into London the day of the show (he was performing on the "Heavy Christmas" tour) and so, the event was bittersweet for this legend of a musician and singer... he was healthy and sober, celebrating a career high...and churning inside from the weight of his failed marriage, all at once. The pro performer never let that turmoil be seen that night...and we can all enjoy his performance, on DVD forever... but take a closer look at Marko... his eyes betray him.
Thanks a lot for the reaction. There aren't many reactors who come back to a song after they know the band. I remember the year 2005. The breakup broke our hearts. And not only Tuomas cried, but also Tarja. Both of them hit rock bottom at that time and fell into depression. She wrote songs Enough and Diva reffering to that breakup . And The Poet and the Pendulum is a masterpiece of course.
Thanks Suesue. Do this Masterpiece again, with more Background. For me, this is the most emotinal Song, i hear in my Life. ( forget, greetings to the Wolfman from nothern Germany).
After that "three minutes and counting" the cutting of his own throat was the suicide he did in this song. After that the heartbeat slows down and stops. That's how I interpret that part.
One of the most important tips for reaction video makers is that when doing this one - do back research first and you understand this masterpiece a bit better cause it is complex and difficult for the first time listener form outside. Note the timing is just 3 min as said when the blade comes...perfection. Buster needs attention "please note me" he says. "The Greatest Show on Earth" was to be 45 min long but he shortened it to some 27 min on album and shorter in live having several chapters.
When Anette was in the band, she was in a custody fight. At one concert, she found out she lost and during this song she ran crying from the stage. This caused some friction inside the band. At the time, band members tended to want the members to be focused solely on the band. This had been a breaking point with Tarja - her husband was interfering a lot. This triggered another song on the Dark Passion Play album, but it has never been performed by the group live - ever. The song is titled "Master, Passion, Greed" and is aimed directly at Tarja's husband. It is sung by Marco and the song is angry and the heaviest song they've ever done. However, I don't get the feeling that they're proud of it. There's a lyric version. They were definitely venting when they recorded it.
Well, you've seen all my comments of course. December 2015 (not 2016) and Marco said it was his biggest concert. My no 1 as you also know. In case you have forgotten though: "Tuomas is a very special person and this is, for me, the pinnacle of his work. Nothing surpasses it. For him it is one of the deepest songs. Quotes from the band on the making of the album and the song... TUOMAS: We will never play "Bye Bye Beautiful" or "Master Passion Greed" live again, [sic] because the lyrics are just too unambiguous and personal. There was at least as much gloom behind "The Poet and the Pendulum", too, but it leaves a bit more room for interpretation. It's easily one of our best songs but especially, the "Mother and Father'" part in the end always stirs up such a storm of emotions that it's impossible for me to do it every night. Playing "The Poet and the Pendulum' is a real rollercoaster ride - it makes me feel anxious, blush, laugh, and, in the end, just happy that that part of my life is behind me. My notes: My number 1 Nightwish song and for good reasons. (No 2, Song of Myself, No 3 7 Days to the Wolves.) This is a deeply emotional and meaningful song with which I empathise and it helped me to see that there was a way forward when depression struck. I am not alone in being "saved" by Nightwish, a fact that Tuomas has referred to and said he could not terminate the band because he knows they have meant so much to some fans who feel their lives have been saved by Nightwish. He feels that he has a responsibility to the fans - not your standard rock musician then. Floor is worth watching closely, her facial, hand and whole-body motions reflect the emotions she is portraying. Hands in Mother and Father for example. Tearing her hair in the Dark Passion Play section. Note that when Tuomas talks about "Poet" he is always referencing himself. It happens throughout his ouvre. You will see other cross-references too. Tuomas does that deliberately to give the fans a sort of anchor. Meadows of Heaven is another example - a song in itself and often referenced. For what it's worth, here are are my thoughts and interpretations... End to beginning - death of one era of the band, beginning of a new era. Regarding the end of the first Era, I see no point in the blame game. The band split, that is all we need to know. Whatever the causes there was bound to be emotion on both sides so I leave it at that. But this masterpiece is what came out of Tuomas' emotions. The beginning is a boy soprano, Guy Elliott who also does the spoken parts. The whispering at the beginning is the central spoken section, but played in reverse. Then we get the whole section "Home". I see the "shoulder cries more" as having no shoulder to cry on because the other members of the band - his friends - were equally upset. The "whore for the cold world" I see as the selling of his whole life to the music industry (the metaphorical pimps, hence the "whore" references) which is not interested in the person, only what they can get from the band. The two faces bit is self explanatory; almost everyone will have been in situations where they have to hide their feelings and present a false front to the world. The reference to betrayal is again obvious and there are lots of metaphors in the surrounding words. The altar I think, is the tie to the band - these upheavals in 2004/5 were not the first time Tuomas had felt like ending the band. By the way, note the 3 minutes and counting: exactly 3 minutes later you get the guillotine motion. By the way, Marco made the demo version of this, with all the lyrics sung by himself and with harsher lyrics at this point too. Next we get to the Mother and Father section with Floor, Marco and Emppu all sitting, while Floor sings lyrics reflecting the words from his mother when he went back home for a break in the middle of all this turmoil. These are the words of love and then of advice, that he was given. Floor here is using her finger movements to accentuate emotion. This whole section and the way Floor sings it, is packed with those damned Onion Ninjas. Marco's harmonies are wonderful. We end with the final ethereal notes from Floor and here is another tingle-factor moment. Then a gentle piano ending, the calm after the emotional storm. Here, as in Sparkle my Scenery, the choir on the original album is replaced by Floor who wanted to sing them herself (and proved completely capable of it) which Anette could not have done - she could probably get the notes but the emotion is there in the choral original and is amplified when Floor sings it. The low brass used in many places is really effective. On the performance itself: When Emppu goes over to Tuomas and later both Marco and Emppu go over, it is a sign of moral support. They both know how difficult this is for him - eventually he had the vocals turned off in his in-ear, so he didn't have to listen to them because Floor put such emotion into them. At the end, she does not say "Thank you" immediately, as she does normally. Instead she looks over for a few seconds to check on him from her position. BTW, I have never bought the theory that Tuomas was "in love" with Tarja. Those who say he asked her to join the band because he knew her from school - she was suggested by Emppu who had known her as an acquaintance at school. Yes, nothing to do with Marco leaving. Tuomas said long, long before that, that they wouldn't pkay it again.
Greetings and Love from Germany again. Awesome that you refreshed the Poet And The Pendulum. You've mentioned that you really love poetry. Well, i feel quite the same way. And what might could be any better as poetry by itself. Yes, great poetry, surrounded by lyrics at it best, with outstanding musicianship & pure emotions. I know, you SueSue, you would love this song from my suggestion. It's Iron Maiden's masterpiece from 1984. It's based on the book from Samuel Taylor Coleridge. His poem is called "The Rime Of The Acient Mariner". And so is their song called. Always go with the live versions from Maiden. They are best live. As i said, its just a suggestion from an odinary subcriber. And not from a patreon or a donator. So mine is an empty hope, my expendation for a Maiden reaction is at zero. However, i hope Wolfman is doing better soon and we see him sitting right on your side again. Have a peaceful day & stay safe, my dear..oh, wait..also hugs & cuddles to BooBoo and Buster❤ PEACE
I think you should also listen to the demo with Marco: it is so raw in pain! I listened to the Annette version and it was then that i realised annette was like a soft bandage on the wound. With Floor they cleaned out the wound so it has not to be sung again!❤❤❤❤
I agree you could do a whole poetry class on the lyrics. I’d take it if you taught it. The Greatest Show on Earth has 5 parts, and All the Works of Nature Which Adorn the World has 8 parts.
I cannot say for sure, because I am not in Tuomas' head, but I strongly suspect that he had no desire to ever perform this song live again, but then when Floor joined the band, he realized that he could do a proper interpretation of what he heard in his head, when he created this piece, so he decided to do it on Floor's first new tour with the band, record it at Wembley and then be done with it.
More parts? I don't think so. Even "The Greatest Show on Earth" from NW is five I think. Many classical symphonies were four parts. The three were the ones who were the members of the band when Tarja was fired. As a suicide survivor, this is still a raw listen still.
greatest show on earth
I find the humble thank you every time so impressive. For me, that's towards Tuomas .
I listen to this song practically every day .my favorite
I can listen to this over and over. And I have!
I guess Nightwish made me discover this Suesue and the Wolfman channel, so I thank the band for that 🙂
This is the magnum opus of Nightwish. The band are giving their all in this, there’s a lot going on during this performance.
The descending blade from Floor, with corresponding descending notes and her quiet “thank you” at the end. The emotion she poured into this was immense.
Floor made a comment at the end of this video too.
Tears in my eyes....everytime
Thanks Suesue fore thise wonderful song ❤❤
Great reaction Sue 💥🤡😘 and Light from Holland to y'all 💜🌷🦁
This was their masterpiece. By far.
Thanks Suesue. You do this Masterpiece again, and now with much more Background.
Aww poor Buster, he's like "Mom! please help me, I can't stand this turning chair" So cute lol 😍
True! He’s a precious boy 🩷🩷🩷
It is a common misunderstanding that Tuomas was suicidal back then, he wasn't. I just feel so bad for him when people talk, because it is not true 😟
I have been spreading this quite recent quote from Tuomas when it comes to Poet and the Pendulum:
“I was never suicidal, it wasn’t even close, but I was in a really dark place. It was the worst period of my life. Call it depression, but not suicidal. I want to make that clear.”
It is a really good interview from April 2022 (Loudersound, Dave Everley), where Tuomas talks about the history of Nightwish and the dark times after Tarja was fired.
I can only hear this song once in a while. Magnificently written and performed but so emotional.
Thank you for doing a reaction to this song again. ❤ It's a masterpiece but I already wrote that in the first reaction. The last part, part V, still gets me. I cry, now not of my father and mother who always supported me in my life but I lost my mother two months ago. 😢 Losing a parent is hard, very hard. And I will always will connect this song with the love she gave me when I went through a severe depression. With love from The Netherlands.
🤗🍒🤘🏻😘Well done Suesue on your own It's an intense song 🥰
suesue I think it's fantastic to see how you've delved into nightwish ❤️ I'm almost 69 and ended up at nightwish at about the same time as you and I haven't listened to any other music since then
This just really is something else. It’s so much more then a song, music or the show I’ll call it over a concert because it seems like more then a concert. Extreme artistry, when so much feeling and emotion go in it makes such a impact . It wouldn’t matter if someone liked Nightwish or not. This in particular is just its own. Thanks for replaying it and reacting to it again. A great reaction too.
My excited anticipation for this was warranted. Good job SueSue! Now you fully appreciate this masterpiece. Likely my favorite Nightwish song, this performance in particular, with Floor. That last movement is just perfection. Seeing Tuomas singing always gets to me. They only did this 20 times with Floor and not since 2016, well before Marko left. (3 of those performances were in Texas and I wasn’t there! 😞). I think Buster just wanted a hug.
He wanted to add some levity to a serious situation 😂. Wow - in Texas? How did you miss this ?
@@SueSueandthewolfman yeah, I know! Unfortunately, I had not yet discovered the greatness of Floor and Nightwish in 2015. They played TPATP in Houston, Dallas, El Paso, Ft. Lauderdale, and Orlando in the US that year. Will be one of the regrets of my life missing that.
@@kentk2215 I was thinking that was before you told me you had discovered them. Who knows maybe the US will be included in their next tour. We can all go together and get a good parking spot bcz we now have a handicapped placard 😂
@@SueSueandthewolfman May hold you to that! 🤞
Absolutely a true masterpiece, in my top 3 of Nightwish songs with Floor Jansen as female vocalist. A hidden masterpiece is Swanheart sung by Tarja Turunen. Scaretale by Anette Olzon is an other one. I would recommend giving also comments with respect to After Fover, the former band of Floor Jansen. Black Tomb, Intrinsic, and Dreamflight are superbe songs with her golden voice.
I see the 1000 pages of erased text as all the music Tuomas would have written had Tarja remained in the band.
TPATP , along with The Greatest Show on Earth, has the most parts(5) in one of their songs. Unless you count Disc 2 of Human:II:Nature as 1 song with 8 parts. I think Buster said "But Mom.......".😁
SInce you want to hear more from Tarja, recommend The Siren from the End of an Era show.
And of course the epic 3 minute mark,his writing is on the second precise.😊
I truly appreciate you revisiting this masterpiece after the "studying" you did with the interviews. I've watched so many where Tuomas handles unprepared interviewers with an obvious objective, with such grace and professionalism. If I was going to interview the Bach or Mozart of my lifetime, I would certainly treat him with more respect instead of trying to get him to say something negative about his former friend and bandmate. To be completely honest, I've never been a fan of Tarja, but I recognize her incredible ability in a style for which I have no patience or appreciation. I found them at least twenty years ago and walked away because the operatic style sounds so "stuffy" to me, then missed out on a lot of great stuff after she left because I didn't know about the change. I owned all the early albums, but only listened to certain songs. With this video, you've approached this incredible musical journey with a pair of new ears, and certainly, a different understanding, and it was great to experience with you. As a writer and poet myself, I view Tuomas as the greatest composer of my lifetime, and he has had an influence on several of my poems, as I have tried different approaches because of him. The Greatest Show On Earth is, by far, my favorite and I consider it the greatest composition of my lifetime. I truly believe college students should get credit in Evolutionary Science for listening to it. I have studied the lyrics, and they are nothing short of brilliant. Thank you, SueSue ... I do appreciate all of the hearts in your house. I think Buster sensed you were emotional and was trying to comfort you. He is precious.
Thoumas has asked his audio cut off during this song because it's so personal. Marko , Empuu, checks on him. But even Floor looks at him knowing how it effects him. She is an empath so it also it hurts her to see his pain. A bit ago Thoumas said they would no longer play this song live. Just too much to rehash.
7:05 Also note how serious Emppu is throughout this song. Nothing of his usual joking around. This song goes deep for all of them.
8:45 Yeah this gets me every time too. Heard this song over a hundred times now, still get a lump in my throat just from her sound at that moment, regardless of the lyrics. And at 15:15 it's the lyrics that get to me.
11:00 The expression on Tuomas' face on every beat, like it physically hurts to play this part.
17:20 I still think this has a double meaning. You can interpret it as checking on Tuomas, but they also turn their backs on the singer. Its solidarity, but also a separation.
You would understand more of how it all went if you've been in Finland at the time, how the press attacked Tuomas. For months they did go on and on and didn't left one stone untouched. I must admit, at the time I thought he did wrongful towards Tarja, mostly because I didn't know the whole story at all, until I read it all in the book of Nightwish story. But I really should have been able to understand everything listening to just this one song.
I've always wondered if the 'pages of erased text' wasn't because of the material he had been working on with Tarja in mind and now that she was gone, he got to start from scratch. So many ways to interpret these lyrics, Tuomas really is a mastermind.
Great reaction-revisit! You hit all the important and meaningful moments, said your sage words from the place of a mom...
Idk if it's well known, but it's certainly never talked about... there was another tragedy playing out this night. Selling out Wembley arena was a career pinnacle, to be certain...the entire band felt the weight of responsibility and of Nightwish's success all at once. It was a very important show. And thus, the wives and family members were there with the band, sitting just off curtain, on the stage. Marko was in the early years of his sobriety, and performing at peak level, this night...but with a very heavy heart. He and his 1st wife, the mother of his twin sons, had finally agreed to divorce (something that Marko felt as a personal failure), but after this show was she was there with the other family members. Marko had just flown into London the day of the show (he was performing on the "Heavy Christmas" tour) and so, the event was bittersweet for this legend of a musician and singer... he was healthy and sober, celebrating a career high...and churning inside from the weight of his failed marriage, all at once. The pro performer never let that turmoil be seen that night...and we can all enjoy his performance, on DVD forever... but take a closer look at Marko... his eyes betray him.
I noticed his eyes ! Less engaged looking.
So many things to celebrate but the heartache dominates - poor guy.
Thanks a lot for the reaction. There aren't many reactors who come back to a song after they know the band. I remember the year 2005. The breakup broke our hearts. And not only Tuomas cried, but also Tarja. Both of them hit rock bottom at that time and fell into depression. She wrote songs Enough and Diva reffering to that breakup . And The Poet and the Pendulum is a masterpiece of course.
Thanks Suesue. Do this Masterpiece again, with more Background. For me, this is the most emotinal Song, i hear in my Life. ( forget, greetings to the Wolfman from nothern Germany).
After that "three minutes and counting" the cutting of his own throat was the suicide he did in this song. After that the heartbeat slows down and stops. That's how I interpret that part.
Muzica lor este ca un medicament pentru mine.Te salut din Romania!😇🤟🤟🤟
One of the most important tips for reaction video makers is that when doing this one - do back research first and you understand this masterpiece a bit better cause it is complex and difficult for the first time listener form outside. Note the timing is just 3 min as said when the blade comes...perfection. Buster needs attention "please note me" he says. "The Greatest Show on Earth" was to be 45 min long but he shortened it to some 27 min on album and shorter in live having several chapters.
When Anette was in the band, she was in a custody fight. At one concert, she found out she lost and during this song she ran crying from the stage. This caused some friction inside the band. At the time, band members tended to want the members to be focused solely on the band. This had been a breaking point with Tarja - her husband was interfering a lot. This triggered another song on the Dark Passion Play album, but it has never been performed by the group live - ever. The song is titled "Master, Passion, Greed" and is aimed directly at Tarja's husband. It is sung by Marco and the song is angry and the heaviest song they've ever done. However, I don't get the feeling that they're proud of it. There's a lyric version. They were definitely venting when they recorded it.
Well, you've seen all my comments of course.
December 2015 (not 2016) and Marco said it was his biggest concert.
My no 1 as you also know.
In case you have forgotten though:
"Tuomas is a very special person and this is, for me, the pinnacle of his work.
Nothing surpasses it.
For him it is one of the deepest songs.
Quotes from the band on the making of the album and the song...
TUOMAS: We will never play "Bye Bye Beautiful" or "Master Passion Greed" live again, [sic] because the lyrics are just too unambiguous and personal. There was at least as much gloom behind "The Poet and the Pendulum", too, but it leaves a bit more room for interpretation. It's easily one of our best songs but especially, the "Mother and Father'" part in the end always stirs up such a storm of emotions that it's impossible for me to do it every night. Playing "The Poet and the Pendulum' is a real rollercoaster ride - it makes me feel anxious, blush, laugh, and, in the end, just happy that that part of my life is behind me.
My notes:
My number 1 Nightwish song and for good reasons.
(No 2, Song of Myself, No 3 7 Days to the Wolves.)
This is a deeply emotional and meaningful song with which I empathise and it helped me to see that there was a way forward when depression struck. I am not alone in being "saved" by Nightwish, a fact that Tuomas has referred to and said he could not terminate the band because he knows they have meant so much to some fans who feel their lives have been saved by Nightwish.
He feels that he has a responsibility to the fans - not your standard rock musician then.
Floor is worth watching closely, her facial, hand and whole-body motions reflect the emotions she is portraying. Hands in Mother and Father for example. Tearing her hair in the Dark Passion Play section.
Note that when Tuomas talks about "Poet" he is always referencing himself. It happens throughout his ouvre.
You will see other cross-references too. Tuomas does that deliberately to give the fans a sort of anchor. Meadows of Heaven is another example - a song in itself and often referenced.
For what it's worth, here are are my thoughts and interpretations...
End to beginning - death of one era of the band, beginning of a new era.
Regarding the end of the first Era, I see no point in the blame game.
The band split, that is all we need to know.
Whatever the causes there was bound to be emotion on both sides so I leave it at that.
But this masterpiece is what came out of Tuomas' emotions.
The beginning is a boy soprano, Guy Elliott who also does the spoken parts. The whispering at the beginning is the central spoken section, but played in reverse.
Then we get the whole section "Home".
I see the "shoulder cries more" as having no shoulder to cry on because the other members of the band - his friends - were equally upset.
The "whore for the cold world" I see as the selling of his whole life to the music industry (the metaphorical pimps, hence the "whore" references) which is not interested in the person, only what they can get from the band.
The two faces bit is self explanatory; almost everyone will have been in situations where they have to hide their feelings and present a false front to the world.
The reference to betrayal is again obvious and there are lots of metaphors in the surrounding words. The altar I think, is the tie to the band - these upheavals in 2004/5 were not the first time Tuomas had felt like ending the band.
By the way, note the 3 minutes and counting: exactly 3 minutes later you get the guillotine motion.
By the way, Marco made the demo version of this, with all the lyrics sung by himself and with harsher lyrics at this point too.
Next we get to the Mother and Father section with Floor, Marco and Emppu all sitting, while Floor sings lyrics reflecting the words from his mother when he went back home for a break in the middle of all this turmoil.
These are the words of love and then of advice, that he was given.
Floor here is using her finger movements to accentuate emotion.
This whole section and the way Floor sings it, is packed with those damned Onion Ninjas.
Marco's harmonies are wonderful.
We end with the final ethereal notes from Floor and here is another tingle-factor moment. Then a gentle piano ending, the calm after the emotional storm.
Here, as in Sparkle my Scenery, the choir on the original album is replaced by Floor who wanted to sing them herself (and proved completely capable of it) which Anette could not have done - she could probably get the notes but the emotion is there in the choral original and is amplified when Floor sings it.
The low brass used in many places is really effective.
On the performance itself:
When Emppu goes over to Tuomas and later both Marco and Emppu go over, it is a sign of moral support. They both know how difficult this is for him - eventually he had the vocals turned off in his in-ear, so he didn't have to listen to them because Floor put such emotion into them.
At the end, she does not say "Thank you" immediately, as she does normally. Instead she looks over for a few seconds to check on him from her position.
BTW, I have never bought the theory that Tuomas was "in love" with Tarja. Those who say he asked her to join the band because he knew her from school - she was suggested by Emppu who had known her as an acquaintance at school.
Yes, nothing to do with Marco leaving. Tuomas said long, long before that, that they wouldn't pkay it again.
I think that Thomas was somewhat in love with Tarya which is why it affected him so much.
Greetings and Love from Germany again. Awesome that you refreshed the Poet And The Pendulum. You've mentioned that you really love poetry. Well, i feel quite the same way. And what might could be any better as poetry by itself. Yes, great poetry, surrounded by lyrics at it best, with outstanding musicianship & pure emotions. I know, you SueSue, you would love this song from my suggestion. It's Iron Maiden's masterpiece from 1984. It's based on the book from Samuel Taylor Coleridge. His poem is called "The Rime Of The Acient Mariner". And so is their song called. Always go with the live versions from Maiden. They are best live. As i said, its just a suggestion from an odinary subcriber. And not from a patreon or a donator. So mine is an empty hope, my expendation for a Maiden reaction is at zero. However, i hope Wolfman is doing better soon and we see him sitting right on your side again. Have a peaceful day & stay safe, my dear..oh, wait..also hugs & cuddles to BooBoo and Buster❤ PEACE
'Piece of Masters' 🤘😁👍💙🇫🇮
I think you should also listen to the demo with Marco: it is so raw in pain!
I listened to the Annette version and it was then that i realised annette was like a soft bandage on the wound. With Floor they cleaned out the wound so it has not to be sung again!❤❤❤❤
I agree you could do a whole poetry class on the lyrics. I’d take it if you taught it. The Greatest Show on Earth has 5 parts, and All the Works of Nature Which Adorn the World has 8 parts.
Should of done the Mexico City version .
I cannot say for sure, because I am not in Tuomas' head, but I strongly suspect that he had no desire to ever perform this song live again, but then when Floor joined the band, he realized that he could do a proper interpretation of what he heard in his head, when he created this piece, so he decided to do it on Floor's first new tour with the band, record it at Wembley and then be done with it.
More parts? I don't think so. Even "The Greatest Show on Earth" from NW is five I think. Many classical symphonies were four parts. The three were the ones who were the members of the band when Tarja was fired. As a suicide survivor, this is still a raw listen still.
Where is the Wolfman?😐
He is not always feeling well and has memory trouble so I did this one on my own 🤷🏻♀️💜
@@SueSueandthewolfman 😮💨
Some mistakes in the lyrics. I think it should be songwriter's "death" not dead..