I used to watch this as a child, now watching this as an adult, I love the overuse of sound effects. Example, Xena turning her head sharply, sound effect. lol
Same here! But was there a live action Sinbad The Pirate or something too? Set during the pirate/privateers heyday if i remember correctly. Tried searching for it, but i distinctively remember that the main character was pretty dark compared to the blonde, bearded white dude i found 😅 I'm trying to get a nostalgia hit by finding old shows, done Pacific Blue, Power Rangers, Biker Mice From Mars, this and now I'm looking for that Sinbad dude. I think i remember there being some pretty cool fight scenes in it for a early-mid 90's show. All i know is that there was a lot of them 😅
3:43 لا شيء في الطبيعة يعيش لنفسه .. النهر لا يشرب ماءه، والبحر لا يأكل سمكه، والزهرة لا تعبق لنفسها، والشمس لا تشرق لذاتها .. خلقت الأشياء لتخدم غيرها .. هذه حكمة الله الخالق البارىء المبدىء المعيد المحى المميت الحى القيوم العلى القدير العظيم المقتدر السميع البصير ، ورسالته لنا 🧡✨
0:57 "علّموا أولادكم أن الصلاة خيرٌ من النوم ، ومن الحُب ، ومن الصُحبة ، ومن البُكاء ، ومن الكلام ، ومن المال ، ومن الضحك ، ومن الأكل ، ومن العمل ، ومن السفر ، ومما تتمنّى ، ومما تملك ومما لا تملك ، ومن ضعفك ، ومن قوّتك ، علّموهم أن الصلاة خيرٌ من الدنيا وما فيها 🌸❤️
2:37 نشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له له الملك وله الحمد يحيي ويميت وهو على كل شيء قدير ونشهد أن نبينا وحبيبنا وشفيعنا ورسولنا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم عبده ورسوله، اللهم صل وسلم وبارك على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين كما صليت وسلمت وباركت على سيدنا إبراهيم وعلى آل سيدنا إبراهيم فى العالمين إنك حميد مجيد.
Hello my lovely friend how are you doing is i really love and appreciate your comments so I decided to write you up. nice to meet you⚘you where are you really from?
every day after jhs.....then when she was on Battle Star....I wish the people ruining movies now, would take a lesson. A powerful female lead can be everything a male lead can be.... its ok...She was allways a Woman.
This was one of my favorite series to follow! She has the neatest blue eyes. One of my favorite singer/songwriters Antje Dukevot, has a lyric about “the warrior princess” … and this series always is brought to mind.
Lucy Ryan (Xena) is a very talented singer; she was personally tutored in 'voice' as a young woman by Sister Mary Leo, who also taught a young Kiri Te Kanawa, considered one of the world's great opera singers
1:29 أبو العتاهية اختصر الدنيا في ٦ أبيات شعرية، جميلة جداً ، - نأتي إلى الدنيا ونحن سواسية طفلُ الملوكِ كطفل الحاشية - ونغادر الدنيا ونحن كما ترى متشابهون على قبور حافية - أعمالنا تُعلي وتَخفض شأننا وحسابُنا بالحق يوم الغاشية - حور، وأنهار، قصور عالية وجهنمٌ تُصلى، ونارٌ حامية - فاختر لنفسك ما تُحب وتبتغي ما دام يومُك والليالي باقية - وغداً مصيرك لا تراجع بعده إما جنان الخلد وإما الهاوية ( نسأل الله للجميع حسن الخاتمة )
Nora of Kelmendi was a 17th-century Albanian woman now legendary for her beauty and valor. She is sometimes referred to as the "Helen of Albania" as her beauty also sparked a great war. She is also called the Albanian Brünhilde too, for she herself was the greatest woman warrior in the history of Albania.
Nora of Kelmend killed the Montenegrin Pasha on her own after the war broke out between Albanian tribes of the North and those of Montenegro's ottomans sparked by her family refusing Pasha in marrying her. Her father clearly told the Pasha that Albanian traditional laws forbade any Albanian woman marrying any foreigners outside the Albanian race, but the Ottoman Pasha was really determined to have her at all costs and that costed him his life.
I just played the PS1 Xena game and thought that maybe it’d be good to check out what the series was like… And everything looks like a 3D render now. The guy’s clothes, the backgrounds, the fire, everything.
Hercules and Xena were my heroes from childhood. In Greece they still play on tv although the last decade not so often like it was before. I remeber watching the show.
40 inches? You're underselling it a bit. The horse is maybe 60 inches average and the rider is a bit over 2 1/2 feet (say 32 inches). Xena jumped 7 and a half feet in the air, easy!
this episode was always so fun to watch, realising Xena is essentially taking the hits and playing for time until she spots Gabrielle in the crowd then she takes everyone down with no effort.
Always loved that move at 5:16. Oh, Lucy. She really made the show what it was. An absolute perfect casting and so weird to think she got the role by accident.
I am from india and during my boxing days in my childhood.. There are only 3 posters in my room..... Bruce Lee ( enter the dragon ones) , Arnold (commando),and xena
4:35 دعاء مستجاب بإذن اللّٰه : يارب تمم لي أموري القادمه علي خير وبشرني بما أنتظره منك فأنت خير المبشرين ، اللهم أرح قلبي وهون علي ما أثقلني كتمانه وإسقني صبرا ، يارب اجعل كل ما دعيته لك سرا وجهرا تكتبه لي واقعا يفرح قلبي ، يارب إني وكلتك وأنت خير وكيل فدبر لي أمري فإني لا أحسن التدبير يا رب بحق سورة يس والبقرة ومحمد وآل عمران أن تُسعد قلب كل من دخل وحوقل فإنها رافعة نافعة دافعة وكنز من كنوز الجنة 💙.
2:51 3:18 صباح الخير والحب والبهجة والتفاؤل والرضا والسرور والورد المنثور، صباح الجمال والسعادة والسكر الزيادة، تحياتي وسلاماتى واحتراماتى ومودتى واعتزازى وتقديري للجميع وبتمنالكم عيد أضحى مبارك وسعيد اعاده الله علينا وعليكم بالخير واليمن والبركات وبتمنالكم يوم ثلاثاء سعيد ومبارك وبتمنى للجميع حياة سعيدة وهانءة ورغدة وخالية من المشاكل والهموم والأحزان والمتاعب، دمتم فى حفظ الله وأمنه ورعايته والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ومغفرته.
oh man i remember times when i was staying up late when i was a kid and i saw this show on tv. I'm pretty sure there was also another show about Hercules. good times.
Yup Hercules the Legendary Journeys. Both shows crossed over a few times. Actually Xena started as a villain character on Hercules destined to be axed but her popularity sky rocketed and so she got her spinoff show as a redemptive warrior
I remember watching as a child and wanted to be just like xena
Xena's music: starts playing
Every true Xena child: Your ass is grass...
@@GuardianGrarl Lululululululu
Me too
I still want to be like her and I'm grown asf
I used to watch this as a child, now watching this as an adult, I love the overuse of sound effects. Example, Xena turning her head sharply, sound effect. lol
It's done in a very satisfying and amplifying way. It's super cheesy, but they go all in.
Same like kung fu movies with those kicks and punches making big sounds.
Or how about the fact that she was struck dead on including once in the head with a spiked flail and was still standing🤷♂️
@@jerichojoe307 pure comedy.
Same here! But was there a live action Sinbad The Pirate or something too? Set during the pirate/privateers heyday if i remember correctly. Tried searching for it, but i distinctively remember that the main character was pretty dark compared to the blonde, bearded white dude i found 😅
I'm trying to get a nostalgia hit by finding old shows, done Pacific Blue, Power Rangers, Biker Mice From Mars, this and now I'm looking for that Sinbad dude. I think i remember there being some pretty cool fight scenes in it for a early-mid 90's show. All i know is that there was a lot of them 😅
Karl Urban as Julius Caesar was a highlight of the Xena series.
2:19 قُلْ يَا عِبَادِيَ الَّذِينَ أَسْرَفُوا عَلَى أَنفُسِهِمْ لا تَقْنَطُوا مِن رَّحْمَةِ اللَّهِ إِنَّ اللَّهَ يَغْفِرُ الذُّنُوبَ جَمِيعًا إِنَّهُ هُوَ الغَفورُ الرَّحيمْ - سورة الزمر - الآية 53
4:59 The "I'm tired of your shit" theme
Gabrielle had a alot of character building in this season. It was intriguing.
3:43 لا شيء في الطبيعة يعيش لنفسه ..
النهر لا يشرب ماءه، والبحر لا يأكل سمكه، والزهرة لا تعبق لنفسها، والشمس لا تشرق لذاتها ..
خلقت الأشياء لتخدم غيرها .. هذه حكمة الله الخالق البارىء المبدىء المعيد المحى المميت الحى القيوم العلى القدير العظيم المقتدر السميع البصير ، ورسالته لنا 🧡✨
0:57 "علّموا أولادكم أن الصلاة خيرٌ من النوم ، ومن الحُب ، ومن الصُحبة ، ومن البُكاء ، ومن الكلام ، ومن المال ، ومن الضحك ، ومن الأكل ، ومن العمل ، ومن السفر ، ومما تتمنّى ، ومما تملك ومما لا تملك ، ومن ضعفك ، ومن قوّتك ، علّموهم أن الصلاة خيرٌ من الدنيا وما فيها 🌸❤️
Awwww!! Xena!! I loved this series as a kid!😭😭😭😭
Hello Grace, how are you doing today?
Poor Gabrielle. She wanted to do the right thing to put his ring back. Yet she realized that Xena was right about Crassius.
Во блин и клин Рыжекам как всегда не везёт 😂❤
i wanna see xena with GoT budget
A dream come true!
Ironically, another warrior princess avenged the Red Wedding in Justice League.
Can anyone imagine Xena sitting on the Iron Throne?
no one can replace Lucy as Xena though.
3:25 لعلك المقصود : لَن ينسَاك ربك، سيُؤتيك من الغيْب أحلَاه، ثُم يعوِّضكَ بِما يليقُ بِقلبك، فـ لا تظنُ أن دعواتك السابقة والحالية ذهبت سُـدى ! كلَّا والله ، ما كانَ ربُكَ نَسِيَّا.
2:37 نشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له له الملك وله الحمد يحيي ويميت وهو على كل شيء قدير ونشهد أن نبينا وحبيبنا وشفيعنا ورسولنا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم عبده ورسوله، اللهم صل وسلم وبارك على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين كما صليت وسلمت وباركت على سيدنا إبراهيم وعلى آل سيدنا إبراهيم فى العالمين إنك حميد مجيد.
Stone cold choice you made there, Gabrielle, but you just upped your character building.
Damn, I miss this show.
Good day
Hello friend.. how are you doing today I hope you are fine ..I would like to know more about you if you don't mind
The greatest Kiwi of all time! Lucy is an icon
Merhaba 🌹🌹
Before Game Of Thrones and everything there was Xena!
amr magdy speak English or write, I wanna understand lol.
amr magdy o
amr magdy atolladero
Xena for the warrior princesses and Hercules for the hero spirits.
It all goes back to the classics!
4:56 When you hear the iconic Warrior Princess Theme you know Xena takes on the battle... 😎
Yes you know it’s about to really go down when that theme hits
Little detail: Pompey is rooting for Xena.
(See 5:06).
I don’t think I will ever fall out of love with Xena. This woman is hella inspiring.
Love this show so much that l name my daughter xena
حسن حمد ايوووا بقي يلاااا بقي خمسه مواااه بحبك فيفي
@@حسنحمد-و4د بموت شكل الجفاف العاطفي واصل حده يا الخفيف 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I want to thank the mastermind who made xena!!! So many memories ❤️
Hello my lovely friend how are you doing is i really love and appreciate your comments so I decided to write you up. nice to meet you⚘you where are you really from?
What memories with this wonderful series I remember 6 whole parts
Watching in 2024🤦🏽♂️🤣
Lucy Lawless was just *FLAWless* in this show.
She was my awkward fantasy about strong independent woman.
every day after jhs.....then when she was on Battle Star....I wish the people ruining movies now, would take a lesson. A powerful female lead can be everything a male lead can be.... its ok...She was allways a Woman.
OMG, I can't stop watching it... Are you on WhatsApp? We can watch it together on my next break period
I always found her sidekick more attractive
Good to see where Lucretia Batiatus got her start. No wonder why Quintus loved her so.
i remember watching this as a kid and having a huge crush on her. few years later bam! turns out i was in fact gay.
Dude same
Her and kalisto
Why are you geh?
@@ariedevs why don't you have COVID
@@splitfries69 why should I?
Ops.I remembered my childhood
I addicted to watch this tele drama.I was scolded so many time.
Hercules and xena
0:36 هل تعرفون ماهي الأمنيات المذكورة في القرآن الكريم ؟
ياليتني - كُنت ترابا !
ياليتني - قدمت لحياتي !
ياليتني - لم أوتَ كتابيه !
ياليتني - لم أتخذ فلاناً خليلآ !
ياليتنا - أطعنا الله وأطعنا الرسولآ !
ياليتني - أتخذت مع الرسولَ سبيلآ !
ياليتني - كنتُ معهم فأفوز فوزاً عظيما !
جميعها أمنيات الأموات التي يمكننا إدراكها الآن فلنتداركها مادمنا أحياء قبل فوات الأوان ..
اللهم أيقظ قلوبنا من الغفلة وأنر حياتنا بنور القرآن ..🌹
Combat yeah, Hercules
What memories with this wonderful series I remember 6 whole parts
This was one of my favorite series to follow! She has the neatest blue eyes. One of my favorite singer/songwriters Antje Dukevot, has a lyric about “the warrior princess” … and this series always is brought to mind.
My childhood right here 😁
The fact that Karl Urban played Caesar floors me.
He did great. Always couldn't stand him lol
He also played Aphrodites son, cupid.
@@josephpellegrini3864he had 3 roles at whole Xena series.
Is that Karl Urban as Cesar?
Kirk wasn’t the only one who encountered a warrior princess.
@@keelychow4569 he also met Queen Maeve in The Boys later. 😆
OMG that's what I keep thinking
He played two roles on the show. He later played as Aphrodite's son, Cupid.
i will never leave your side xena, love this show
All they did was hate on Joxer... Cuz he's
Joxer... Joxer the mighty ...😁✊🏼
Lucy Ryan (Xena) is a very talented singer; she was personally tutored in 'voice' as a young woman by Sister Mary Leo, who also taught a young Kiri Te Kanawa, considered one of the world's great opera singers
Long time ago I knew a real Xena.. she was beautiful in every way, but her eyes weren't piercing blue. They were Hazel !
I remember if this film was my childhood it's fantastic I always watched it every weekend at home ,love it warrior princess
I used to watch this as a kid on WB 11
1:29 أبو العتاهية اختصر الدنيا في ٦ أبيات شعرية، جميلة جداً ،
- نأتي إلى الدنيا ونحن سواسية
طفلُ الملوكِ كطفل الحاشية
- ونغادر الدنيا ونحن كما ترى
متشابهون على قبور حافية
- أعمالنا تُعلي وتَخفض شأننا
وحسابُنا بالحق يوم الغاشية
- حور، وأنهار، قصور عالية
وجهنمٌ تُصلى، ونارٌ حامية
- فاختر لنفسك ما تُحب وتبتغي
ما دام يومُك والليالي باقية
- وغداً مصيرك لا تراجع بعده
إما جنان الخلد وإما الهاوية
( نسأل الله للجميع حسن الخاتمة )
Xena was my first childhood crush. Though since then, I had had many more
So remember when I was a kid. Sunday never Miss watching this movie,,,,,
Nora of Kelmendi was a 17th-century Albanian woman now legendary for her beauty and valor. She is sometimes referred to as the "Helen of Albania" as her beauty also sparked a great war. She is also called the Albanian Brünhilde too, for she herself was the greatest woman warrior in the history of Albania.
Hello Pamela, how are you doing today?
Nora of Kelmend killed the Montenegrin Pasha on her own after the war broke out between Albanian tribes of the North and those of Montenegro's ottomans sparked by her family refusing Pasha in marrying her.
Her father clearly told the Pasha that Albanian traditional laws forbade any Albanian woman marrying any foreigners outside the Albanian race, but the Ottoman Pasha was really determined to have her at all costs and that costed him his life.
Xena was my childhood film really loved it 😍
1:42 that sound is from P.T when the light is swinging
I need to watch Xena again, I remember as I a child trying to be all xena like
Yo that Verkinix dude that they saved is Hot !! Loll
I just played the PS1 Xena game and thought that maybe it’d be good to check out what the series was like… And everything looks like a 3D render now. The guy’s clothes, the backgrounds, the fire, everything.
Xena perfect 🏆♥️👍♥️
Hercules and Xena were my heroes from childhood. In Greece they still play on tv although the last decade not so often like it was before. I remeber watching the show.
didn't know she had a 40 inch vertical lmaoo
40 inches? You're underselling it a bit. The horse is maybe 60 inches average and the rider is a bit over 2 1/2 feet (say 32 inches). Xena jumped 7 and a half feet in the air, easy!
More like 140
Mad hops. Lmao
this episode was always so fun to watch, realising Xena is essentially taking the hits and playing for time until she spots Gabrielle in the crowd then she takes everyone down with no effort.
I never knew she was a kiwi actress until I watched this witches documentary, so proud ♡♡
Childhood memories don't come back I was 3 years old and now I'm 30 years old
I always loved the "we can almost be bothered" production of Zena.
It gives it a charm like the wonky sets of Dr Who.
It was the 90s, this was the best as it gets 😂
اجمل مسلسل شاهدته زينــه بوقتها انعرض على تلفزيون الشباب طبعأ بس جيل الطيبين يذكر TV الشباب
وسام العراقي mushy..
My childhood hero Xena warrior princess!!
Who's Wonder Woman? Xena rulezz!!
Captain who? Both Xena and Buffy rule!
Wonder woman ain't shit compared to Xena lol. Forever my favorite childhood hero💕
Captain Marvel got nothing on both Xena and Buffy.
Oh i remembered my childhood....always watching xena the warrior princess
Ryan clapper call 📞☎️,7058080450
I love Xena!
افلام الثمانينات والسبعينيات وبدايت التسعينات لن تتكرر مستحيلة
Love Gabriel ❣️
I don't think there is no one like her I wish I was like her.
I love XENA.😍
Always loved that move at 5:16. Oh, Lucy. She really made the show what it was. An absolute perfect casting and so weird to think she got the role by accident.
100%. Definitely one of the greatest hero characters in tv/film history.
ذذذ١١١١ ١١١١١١١١١١ذ١١١١١١١دطحذا١ىذ١١ذ١ذ١ذذ١
Xena & Gabrielle, i loved that couple!
0:10 Xina the warrior prinSex 😂
Wow that's a young Karl Urban,1st scen
I'm 21 and I know xena since I have 8-9, miss me so much
And I'm sorry for my English i'm from France
Nous sommes très contents que tu aimes ça!
My daughter's name is Xena.. Because i love the princess Warrior Xena deeply
I thought the emperor or whatever was played by Jim Carry at first
One of my favourite episodes of xena and I love this scene its Brilliant xx
This show is a classic
I like their drip back then. It is surprising no one has to tried to emulate it in some modern styles.
never mind the blood and gore.......I laughed my socks off in "Chimpacles vs Xena:
And Xena Always showed out for Her Homie when Gab Was In Sight. ❤😂😅
I am from india and during my boxing days in my childhood.. There are only 3 posters in my room..... Bruce Lee ( enter the dragon ones) , Arnold (commando),and xena
Saturday evenings for me as a kid
4:35 دعاء مستجاب بإذن اللّٰه :
يارب تمم لي أموري القادمه علي خير وبشرني بما أنتظره منك فأنت خير المبشرين ، اللهم أرح قلبي وهون علي ما أثقلني كتمانه وإسقني صبرا ، يارب اجعل كل ما دعيته لك سرا وجهرا تكتبه لي واقعا يفرح قلبي ، يارب إني وكلتك وأنت خير وكيل فدبر لي أمري فإني لا أحسن التدبير يا رب بحق سورة يس والبقرة ومحمد وآل عمران أن تُسعد قلب كل من دخل وحوقل فإنها رافعة نافعة دافعة وكنز من كنوز الجنة 💙.
That music.. Nostalgia ❤️❤️
When even the movements of Xena's head had sounds. 💪❤️
I can’t believe how CAMPY THIS IS 😂😂😂
Very good thanks from hamou fahem Skikda Algeria
Everytime i have a man bully day at work i watch my favorite childhood hero
2:51 3:18 صباح الخير والحب والبهجة والتفاؤل والرضا والسرور والورد المنثور، صباح الجمال والسعادة والسكر الزيادة، تحياتي وسلاماتى واحتراماتى ومودتى واعتزازى وتقديري للجميع وبتمنالكم عيد أضحى مبارك وسعيد اعاده الله علينا وعليكم بالخير واليمن والبركات وبتمنالكم يوم ثلاثاء سعيد ومبارك وبتمنى للجميع حياة سعيدة وهانءة ورغدة وخالية من المشاكل والهموم والأحزان والمتاعب، دمتم فى حفظ الله وأمنه ورعايته والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ومغفرته.
omg i fouundd ittt.. yea lately my mom just told me that she named me after Xena and her bestfriend Gabrielle cuz she loves this film HAHAHAHHA
It was a very unrated and under funded show at the time.
Why is their so many dislikes? is their a reason for this ? I know the budget was low but still you have to remember this came out in the late 1990s
oh man i remember times when i was staying up late when i was a kid and i saw this show on tv. I'm pretty sure there was also another show about Hercules. good times.
Yup Hercules the Legendary Journeys. Both shows crossed over a few times. Actually Xena started as a villain character on Hercules destined to be axed but her popularity sky rocketed and so she got her spinoff show as a redemptive warrior
I like when that music hits and she beats those 2 up!
﴿وَاسْتَغْفِرْ لِذَنبِكَ وَلِلْمُؤْمِنِينَ وَالْمُؤْمِنَاتِ﴾
«اللَّهُمَّ اغْفِرْ لِلمُؤْمِنِينَ وَالمُؤْمِنَاتِ ، وَالمُسْلِمِينَ وَالمُسْلِمَاتِ ، الأحْيَاءِ مِنْهُمْ وَالأمْوَاتِ»......
Bring Xena back!
اوووف اشتم ريحت فسوتج وفسوت زينه
private tv show that plays every sunday
Xena la mejor, the best 👍
I was little when I watched this film I love it
Me too
I watch this series and i play this game on playstation. Such a big fan of xena!
Warrior Princess... is Princess always War. Xena the Warrior Princess.
Any other bad guys can turn invisible beside the helmet of hades?
...and she is still beautiful.
My favorite movie when I was a teenager, today I'm looking to reminisce 😀😀
Every Saturday afternoon i was waiting seating, mom brought my supper and i watch xena... this vid brings good memories thanks princess warrior..