Hannah made it against all the odds. Anne and Margot Frank didn't. One wonders what those girls would have become had they been given a chance to live. Hate ... is a terrible thing.
Hannah's incredible story and moving testimony is told with clarity and ends with such positivity !-it also enriches ones' knowledge of Anne Frank with her personal insight into their friendship.
Thank you Yad Vashem - Hannah and all the other courageous ones who share their personal story. These amazing and moving stories must continue to be told - Jew and gentile alike who know the truth have a grave responsibility to educate the young people in this generation and instill in them that responsibility. My husband and I visited Yad Vashem in 2019 and after 12 minutes of being in the museum I was so grief stricken I could not bear staying inside. We sat in the garden for two hours in sorrowful contemplation and prayer, including for Israel and her people. We continue to pray, and we know the Elohim of Israel has not forgotten His people.
I have always hoped that I would have the chance to meet them and talk to them personally. I would tell them how impressed I was with their story and how they have inspired many people towards life. ❤💖💝
Holland remained neutral in WW1...that’s why a lot of European Jews immigrated there before WW2 hoping that if that there was another war it would remain neutral as before. Unfortunately that was not going to happen.
The journey of who we are as a spiritual being, soul, takes us through every experience imaginable, for good or bad, depending upon our karma. The Non-fiction book written by a rabbi, “return from the ashes”, is a great read.
What a story. I have so much admiration for these people who survived this horrible things and you can hear they are full of love and hope
She seems like such a happy and full of life woman, you would have never known what she went through
Hannah made it against all the odds. Anne and Margot Frank didn't. One wonders what those girls would have become had they been given a chance to live. Hate ... is a terrible thing.
Thank you for your courage, the humanity, the resilience and your capability to love. Thank you for your witnesses. We will never forget. We can’t.
Hannah's incredible story and moving testimony is told with clarity and ends with such positivity !-it also enriches ones' knowledge of Anne Frank with her personal insight into their friendship.
Thank you Yad Vashem - Hannah and all the other courageous ones who share their personal story. These amazing and moving stories must continue to be told - Jew and gentile alike who know the truth have a grave responsibility to educate the young people in this generation and instill in them that responsibility. My husband and I visited Yad Vashem in 2019 and after 12 minutes of being in the museum I was so grief stricken I could not bear staying inside. We sat in the garden for two hours in sorrowful contemplation and prayer, including for Israel and her people. We continue to pray, and we know the Elohim of Israel has not forgotten His people.
Extremely sad but beautiful in its own little way , HOPE .
I have always hoped that I would have the chance to meet them and talk to them personally. I would tell them how impressed I was with their story and how they have inspired many people towards life. ❤💖💝
I could listen to her stories all day
Never Forget. I know how life is as a child of parents how were Holocausts survivors. May their sol rest in peace.
EXACTLY, speaking of one of my favorite words: HOPE.
Beyond words! Thank you ever so much for uploading it here! Much love and respect from Brazil.
Holland remained neutral in WW1...that’s why a lot of European Jews immigrated there before WW2 hoping that if that there was another war it would remain neutral as before. Unfortunately that was not going to happen.
Very touching moving story Todah
Such a hard life.
The journey of who we are as a spiritual being, soul, takes us through every experience imaginable, for good or bad, depending upon our karma. The Non-fiction book written by a rabbi, “return from the ashes”, is a great read.
Your pains bravery courage and hope make my woes nil. Shalom
how could G0d fearing people allow all of this to happen