@Pk Amponn "Teach one another" is not the same as teaching a congregation. You say Paul tells men and woman to teach again but in the context of teaching a congregation Paul says with the Inspiration of the Holy Spirit that he does not permit a woman to teach or have authority over a man because of how original sin entered. I know you mean well, I hope the Holy Spirit gives you eyes to see and ears to hear.
@Pk Amponn Respectfully, I'd ask a few questions: What does Isaiah 3:12 mean to you? Does Judges 4:4 mention any appointment, as God does for Othniel, Ehud, Gideon, Jephthah and Samson? Who was General Barak? Did Deborah speak publically? What do Judges 17, 18, 19 and 21 have in common?
@Pk Amponn Isaiah 3:12 You said "sinful woman and children are not to rule over them." Are there any non-sinful people? See Proverbs 20:9, Ecclesiastes 7:20, Romans 3:23, 1 John 1:8-10. David and Gideon lived in completely different times. Even from Deborah, we see Gideon wasn't even born yet. Deborah never commanded an army. Barak did. Deborah never directed an army. Barak did. However, Deborah advised Barak. Judges 4:4 Deborah's husband was Lappidoth Judges 4:6 Barak was a commander Judges 4:8 Barak was a coward Exodus 23:33 They shall not dwell in your land, lest they make you sin against me; for if you serve their gods, it will surely be a snare to you." Joshua 6:12 The Lord said, "Judah shall go up; behold, I have given the land into his hand." Judges 1:2 Failure to drive out the inhabitants. Judges 1:27-36, 2:1-5 A generation who did not know the Lord Judges 2:10-15 After this, Judges were appointed to save them out of the hand of those who plundered them. Judges 2 16-23 Othniel Judges 3:9-10 Ehud Judges 3:15 Shamgar Deborah The people of Israel went to her. She did not go to them. Judges 4:5 No mention of her speaking publically. She spoke to Barak only. Gideon called by the Lord Judges 6:14 Tola and Jair arose Judges 10:1-3 These go one. The context is Israel's disobedience. Pausing at Deborah, we are to understand that Barak was not only a coward, he was greedy for glory. Were Judges a good thing for Israel? Sure. Where they also a judgement? Most definitely. The entire book is judgement on Israel. They were taught war. The Lord hates war. No war is started without breaking the 7th commandment. Only then, is war justified and pleasing to the Lord. It is then the only remedy for cruel oppression as seen throughout the book of Judges.
@Pk Amponn No offense, but you are inserting an unbiblical principle into the scriptures to validate something that is not there. Isaiah 3:12 is a scathing condemnation for the sins of a nation if children oppress and women rule over them. They would be sinful if they did so, but the general context is the sinfulness of the nation would bring that type of rule, which is wrong. And to equate that to Deborah in Judges 5 is wrong. First, the judges weren't rulers (kings), they were deliverers. That is the reason Judges 21:25 repeats Judges 17:6, there were no kings during that time. This is also why the last judge, Samuel, was told by God to appoint a king and even then the people wanted the wrong type of king, so they got Saul (1 Samuel 8). Second, in Judges 4:6-8, we see Deborah exhorting Barak to deliver the people like God commanded him, but Barak didn't feel comfortable doing so and needed Deborah's companionship. In other words, Barak was originally told by God to be the judge, but his disobedience led to Deborah (a prophetess) to assist him. She wasn't originally supposed to rule anything; God sent Barak and the fact that Deborah was raised up shows Barak's disobedience and shame in that area. Also Deborah was the wife of Lapidoth (Judges 4:4) As for Colossians 3:16 and 1 Timothy 4:11, these are general commands for Christians to teach one another. The way God has teaching and preaching in the church in an orderly fashion are laid out in other scriptures. It is bad interpretation to take a general command and insert that it means women can do so in the church (by implication or inference) when the context of 1 Timothy 2:9-15 is a clear didactic set of verses that tell us women shouldn't teach or usurp authority over a man in the church. And as Tom Ascol pointed out, Paul's explanation is the creative order, not cultural. We don't negate culture, but the inspired text says nothing about the culture, but goes back to Genesis 1:27. Again, to insert a cultural reason when the text already gives you a Biblical one is bad interpretation. And finally, God has roles for men and women that don't negate their worth. Women can certainly proclaim the gospel and teach outside of the preaching of a church congregation (after all, Timothy was brought up by women in the Lord in 2 Timothy 1:5), but this thinking that we can insert feminism (and this is exactly what it is) into the roles and duties in the church is unbiblical. We don't pull out interpretations to make women able to do something in the church because it does damage to God's plain teaching on the subject. (And as you have pointed out in some posts here and others, you deny original sin from Genesis 3:6-15 and Romans 5:12, therefore it is no surprise that if you get that basic doctrine wrong, your understanding of other doctrines will also be skewed.)
@Pk Amponn The Spirit through Paul wrote he does not permit a woman to teach or have authority over a man. Our ways are not God's ways. Was it misogynistic of God to make a helper for Adam and assign a role for the genders? Both are equal in God's eyes but roles are taught throughout Scripture. God the Father sent God the Son who Obeyed the Father, both being equal yet having separate roles. I believe the Word of God to be just that. I pray you do too.
@@messengerministries2253 what about Timothy 3? Is it pagan as well? All books written by men. All Major prophets were men. Jesus choose 12 men and Paul after. Was it fake as well? If you don’t like the lord word get out of my religion.
@@amaledward2147 i'm Not the Author...Only the Lord's messenger... my Father ISN'T the author of man made denominations/sunday churches.... your comment Proves that you Don't Know the Scriptures..and/or...Have ANY of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit --- >>>>>>------ NEITHER male or female Here's the TRUE SUFFICIENCY of SCRIPTURE...WithOUT...the Carnal Denominational FALSE Bias -- Galatians 3:28 - There cannot be Jew nor Aramean, there is no slave nor freeman, there is no male and female; for you are all one (echad), united in Messiah Yahshua. >>>>>----- No Where in the Gospels Does Jesus say Women Can't Minister..... “All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit” - Acts 2:4 women INCLUDED SOON to be FulFilled Scripture - Acts 2:18 - And also I will pour out My Spirit on My servants and hand maids in those days, and they shall prophesy. (Joel 2:28-29 ) “And spare my people” - Esther 7:3 ---- the Lord uses Esther to SAVE the Hebrew Nation..!!! “My soul glorifies the Lord” - Luke 1:46 --- No ONE can imagine any better argument for women ministers in all of scripture than Mary -- His Mom Mature women who can serve, teach, and disciple are essential in any healthy church. Sometimes, women like Priscilla are even used by God to help influential men like Apollos and “explain the way of God more accurately” - Acts 18:26. Romans 16:1 - Phoebe was a deacon Junia, who the Bible describes, not only as an apostle, but an outstanding one - Romans 16:7 Exodus 15:20 - And the sister of Aaron, Miriam the prophetess, Judges 5:7 - Deborah was a Judge..a warrior...a minister... one of five female prophets in the Bible..!!! 2Kings 22:14 - Huldah the prophetess Luke 2:36 - And there was Anna, a prophetess, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Aser: To this number we can add Lydia, and even the woman at the well from Samaria as the first to bring the gospel to their own family and towns. One of the most profound examples is Mary Magdalene, whom Jesus chose to be the first to witness his resurrection. She was entrusted with bringing the good news to the disciples the Resurrection Sabbath evening - Matthew 28:1 Philippians 4:2-3 is an admonition, Paul is clear that both Euodia and Syntyche “labored side by side with me in the gospel together with Clement and the rest of my fellow workers.” This was evangelistic effort, and one that bore fruit through the faithfulness of these women. 2Timothy 1:5 - Timothy received training from his godly grandmother Lois and his mother Eunice in the doctrines of the faith .>>>>-------- my Hope for you is to Become Saved..... Jesus Never started a new denomination called...churchanity
*Long post warning* I appreciate the debate, though I did grow frustrated with it from time to time. What I appreciated: 1. Mckissic brought arguments that I had not heard before. Usually, when this position is being debated, the side that affirms female preaching is usually held by someone who does not believe in the inerrancy of the scriptures. Mckissic clearly holds a high view of the Bible and does not want to compromise the importance of its authority. 2. They were cordial and kind toward each other 3. They mostly stuck to the issue at hand What I did not like: 1. Mckissic repeatedly violated the basic rules of debate. He did this by A. Speaking over the top of his opponent B. Asking questions of his opponent, during his opponent's cross-examination time. (This is where Dr. White's "You can ask me that when it is your turn" line comes in handy) C. Using his own cross-examination time to preach, rather than to cross-examine (this is where Dr. White's "Is that a question" line comes in handy) These are important rules. They help ensure that the material is properly covered and that the best possible cases are made. Those were very frustrating violations 2. I don't think it would be unfair of me to claim that Mckissic either held a double standard or simply caught himself in a contradiction (you can decide which one) repeatedly. He did this by: A. Quoting scholars who hold to his position, but then dismissing Ascol's position because some Christians disagree with the position of the scholars that Ascol quoted. So Mckissic can quote scholars who disagree with Ascol's position, but it is invalid for Ascol to quote scholars who disagree with Mckissic's position....because some people disagree with those scholars. B. When Ascol would make the argument for the historical precedents of his positons, Mckissic would say something along the lines of "Yes, but the church has been so wrong on race and gender issues in the past", he would then turn around and try to make an argument for the historical precedents of his own position...by quoting people.....from the same denomination....that he just dismissed.....for being wrong about things in the past. 3. Mckissic equated complementarianism with abuse. This is either slander, or a slip of the tongue. Either way, I am glad that Ascol shut that down. 4. While Mckissic did attempt to make a biblical case for his position, he relied almost completely on anecdotal evidence, experience, and (I believe it is fair to say) emotional pleas. 5. Honestly, I think that the lowest point in the entire debate took place during Mckissic's closing remarks. When he took this issue and turned it into a race issue....I think it reached a new level of low (that is...granting that point #3 was simply a slip of the tongue). This is a horrible way to think about our brothers and sisters. To accuse us of being fine with women preaching, as long as it is not over a white man is....well...it's disgusting. I am not simply trying to take it easy on Ascol. I honestly did not find a logical contradiction, a double standard, or even a violation of basic debate etiquette in his presentation. If there was one thing I would want to change about Ascol's presentation, I would simply want him to be more protective of his time, and not allow Mckissic to eat up so much of it with long stories and mini-sermons. But really, that is the Moderator's job most of the time. However, I do understand that this debate was supposed to be more on the friendly side. I am very thankful for this debate. And I am very thankful that these two brothers both hold to the inerrancy and infallibility of the scripture.
Hey man realize this has been posted like a year ago but I like your views and would love, if you desire so to relate with you more on this topic. thnk you
You just summed up my observations as well. I think Mckinssic (Is that how it is spelt?) came to the table thinking having separate roles for the different genders means “abusing” and “oppressing” them. The difference cannot be more stark, Mckinnsic thinks that Ascol is in sin and is preaching over him. Ascol is expecting a debate but what he got was a sermon.
Hey, this two Dudes just took sides to help us look/cross examine our ignorance on the issue in different angles, it was not meant for competition sir! Just examine yourself and give us your opinion on the matter!
There is no biblical evidence of women pastors in the church period. Women however played a roll most definitely but if we are sticking to the scriptures no evidence anywhere.
@@atestring1379 Please use Scripture, am I missing somewhere in Scripture that clearly states women are to be Pastor's? Ascol said that in 1 Corinthians 14:34, the Apostle Paul says that women should be silent in church. “Paul identifies two activities, teaching and exercising authority over men in the church,” Ascol said. 1Co 14:34 Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law. 1Co 14:35 And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church. Ascol said. “Christian women are spiritually gifted like men are. We must reject any attempt to use a gift in a way contrary to God’s word.” He mentioned: 1Co 11:5 But every woman that prayeth or prophesieth ... To prayeth or prophesieth is expected, however Preaching at the Pulpit is different and not Biblically accepted, nor is it oppressive. 1Ti 2:12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, McKissic said "...It oppressive and sinful to deny women that opportunity.” Against God's Inspired Word. 1Co 4:6 I have applied all these things to myself and Apollos for your benefit, brothers, that you may learn by us not to go beyond what is written, that none of you may be puffed up in favor of one against another. 2Ti 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: Heb 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever. Heb 13:9 Be not carried about with divers and strange doctrines. For it is a good thing that the heart be established with grace; *_God Bless_*
@@savedmanmuathime2642 Romans 1:22-32 22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, OUT OF ALL HE SAID, YOU STILL CAN'T DENY THIS SCRIPTURE 1 Timothy 2:12 12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. THE WORD SAYS PROPHESY, NOT PREACH OR TEACH
What happens where the males are not saved and there is a woman who fears and loves the Lord? Will there not be the spirit of Deborah? I understand where there is the presence of the male men who loves and fears the Lord, then there should be order!
Read Judges chapter 4 8 Barak said to her, “If you go with me, I will go; but if you don’t go with me, I won’t go.” 9 “Certainly I will go with you,” said Deborah. “But because of the course you are taking, the honor will not be yours, for the Lord will deliver Sisera into the hands of a woman.” So Deborah went with Barak to Kedesh.(V) 10 There Barak summoned(W) Zebulun and Naphtali, and ten thousand men went up under his command. Deborah also went up with him. Where the male men is spiritually asleep, God will a-times use women for leadership!
A lot of conflation and experience-driven approaches on Pastor McKissic's part. Women not being allowed to vote, Jim Crow and segregation has NOTHING to do with women being prohibited from teaching and preaching in the LORD'S CHURCH!
NT Wright? Scott McKnight ? In response to an expert reference analyzing the contextual history of first century Ephesus ? Jim Crow - Segregation ? For the love of Pete … McKissic Speaks out of both sides of his mouth and then becomes highly defensive… Does he even know what a hermeneutic is? “As long as the man is the pastor, I’m ok…” lol He’s all over the place….
Years ago before his departure, I asked One of my deceased mentors ( whose name I won’t mention), known as undeniably the greatest theological scholar of his time, what Biblical support did he have for women preachers? He responded, “ well I don’t support it from a Biblical posture…” I then kinda tuned out. The Bible does not support women in this position of church authority. It has become culturally acceptable based on the successful rise of feminism, but the church must not be echoes of the world.
"11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. 12 But I ***suffer not a woman to teach***, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to ***be in silence. 13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve. 14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression" 1 Tim 2:11-14 (KJV) That is God's declared Will on the subject, and so is irrevocable! Only the "Devil and his angels" will contend differently, fooling and deceiving the weak and feeble-minded!
This scripture can be interpreted in reference to a man and woman in a marriage relationship. In other words the husband is the head of the wife. A man outside of that marriage covenant cannot be the head of another mans wife. So in relation to the church, one can argue that women are not restricted from teaching and leading men in general, if they are in submission and under the headship of her husband
@@messengerministries2253 do you mean, Emma stark is more than the Bible? Canonical 66 books are accepted as God's inspiration. Even the early version is the same. Kindly don't misguide the people . You yourself try to find the various versions and read that and even look into the older version.
@@earnestlycontendingforthef5332 real question for you. Does your Church services look anything remotely like what the Apostle Paul wrote? Tell me how many gifts of the Spirit are being exercised where you attend. I'm very curious to know.
You put aside God's command and obey human teachings. And Jesus continued, "you have a clever way of rejecting God's law in order to uphold your own teaching. Mark 7:8-9
It seems that one side says: "This is what God said and continues to say" (Ascol) and the other saying " Did He really?" (Mckissic). McKissic argument and hermeneutical approach is feeling and emotion based. Its the same approach currently being used by the Gay "christian" movement.; infiltrate the church, undermine the word of God and eventually try to destroy the church.
Thank God our Father and the LORD Jesus that He helped you see that and come to that conclusion. The very principle revealed in the Garden of Eden by satan is revealed in this debate and you observation. Well said.
One man is guided by what's written in the Bible. The other man is guided by the feelings and emotions of men. One will do anything to secure his paycheck. The other will only say what the Bible says. One believes the Bible as it is written. The other man doesn't believe the Bible. In the end, it comes down to this one thing. It sounds like one man was called, but the other man chooses preaching as his career according to his personal feelings. That's the problem here. This debate shouldn't happen if the Bible was accepted and believed.
Thanks to Dr.Ascol,he has been full of grace in his remarks,well seasoned and tackles the opponent with kindness,he is really a Christian to emulate search a scenario.Congratulions Ascol
I love me some Tom Ascol! He is a very gracious man even on a topic he disagrees on. Tries to be clear as he speaks and most of all stands on the word of God
Maybe both of you are wrong. We are assuming that church practice of the the 21st century is the same as what was happening in the 1st century. It is doubtful that people met in huge buildings in which they sat in rows listening to Bible exposition. Churches were home based and more relational and interactive than our current religious culture. Both of you are starting with wrong assumptions about how churches operated therefore the conclusions are erroneous.
A 1 hour and 36 min debate that I can sum up in one second....NAH! I had the opportunity to meet Pastor McKissic a few months ago for breakfast while he was here in Houston. Very gracious and warm conversation we had concerning this very subject. A funny story occurred that day that I must share here. I remember before ending our conversation he informed me about his upcoming debate with Tom Ascol and asked if I had any resources that would help better buttress his position. I asked him which position did he support? He said he supports women preaching and teaching in the church. I said, "I got nothing for ya, Doc!" 😉😂
Numbers 27:16 Let the LORD, the God of the spirits of all flesh, set a man over the congregation, 27:17 Which may go out before them, and which may go in before them, and which may lead them out, and which may bring them in; that the congregation of the LORD be not as sheep which have no shepherd.
"Let's be honest. The question on women preachers is not something that God's word is unclear about. What God says is not unclear, its just unpopular." - Tom Ascol Don't really know what to say to that!
In the bible, YAHWEH chose a woman to be His prophet..the bible says prophets are the best teachers..if YAHWEH CHOSE WOMAN TO BE A TEACHER OF GOD'S WORD..WHO IS MAN TO OPPOSE IT.. PAUL WILL NOT CONTRADICT GOD..o It is only man who contradicts the bible word..contradiction is misnterpretation ..misinterpretation is false teaching
@@janettemuana8614 I would appreciate any scriptural references you have to back up your 2 claims. Claim #1: Yahweh chose a woman to be His prophet. Claim #2: The Bible says prophets are the best teachers.... Also, from the sounds of it, you reject Paul's writings as scripture inspired by God (2Tim 3:16-17). Where and how do you draw the line on what is and what isn't scripture, if you don't accept the Canon as it is? Thanks
“And as they went to tell his disciples, behold, Jesus met them, saying, All hail. And they came and held him by the feet, and worshipped him. Then said Jesus unto them, Be not afraid: go tell my brethren that they go into Galilee, and there shall they see me.” Matthew 28:9-10 KJV www.bible.com/1/mat.28.9-10.kjv
I'm an African American minister here in Virginia. Thanks to men like Dwight and other unlearned church goers it's almost impossible to find a fellowship that will bring in a man who oppose women preachers. I left the national baptist convention church I was raised in, licensed and ordained in. Now they have a woman leading them. When he and his ilk is done with the SBC, you will be just like the NBC. All anyone has to do in this discussion is Read, Listen and obey the word of God.
Dennis Dabney amen, my own pastor, who happens to be a white man, was ordained in the National Baptist Convention, has said that the Black Church is dominated by women. God bless you, Rev. Praying for you.
@@paulheadley1737 Brother Headley, Thank you sir for your comment and more importantly your prayers. To some this shift in the ministry of word from what it was in the 60's and 70's has the so-called blessing of the civil rights moment. This was a grave error on the part of my kinsmen according to the flesh to give women the opportunity to teach the word of God and preach the gospel when the assembly has come together in the name of equality. This decision has and will further weaken the local New Testament church according to the Holy Scriptures. The Spirit of God was clear as to why women can't teach and usurp authority over the man. He gave four conditions which made what is transpiring currently in the local assemblies forbidden. 1. Adam was created first. 2. Eve was created after him, and not before he had received the Word of God and subsequently joined the Lord God as he worked in the Garden of Eden. 3. He was not decieved. 4. The woman was decieved as she discussed the Word of God with the serpent and as she taught her husband as he listened to her words. Genesis 3:17.
@@dennisdabney4039 Awesome, bro! I agree with you! Let's be friends on Facebook: Joshua Zeegers is my name. We really should unite about this subject. I laugh and the Lord laughs at all the people who teach that women should even speak in church. Hate me all you want. You can have your one world religion. I will follow The Word of God. Your prayers are not heard unless you repent. Please stop pretending to obey God. in like manner also, that the women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with propriety and moderation, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or costly clothing, but, which is proper for women professing godliness, with good works. Let a woman learn in silence with all submission. And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence. For Adam was formed first, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression. Nevertheless she will be saved in childbearing if they continue in faith, love, and holiness, with self-control. I Timothy 2:9-15 NKJV bible.com/bible/114/1ti.2.9-15.NKJV For God is not a God of confusion but of peace. As in all the churches of the saints, the women should keep silent in the churches. For they are not permitted to speak, but should be in submission, as the Law also says. If there is anything they desire to learn, let them ask their husbands at home. For it is shameful for a woman to speak in church. Or was it from you that the word of God came? Or are you the only ones it has reached? If anyone thinks that he is a prophet, or spiritual, he should acknowledge that the things I am writing to you are a command of the Lord. If anyone does not recognize this, he is not recognized. So, my brothers, earnestly desire to prophesy, and do not forbid speaking in tongues. But all things should be done decently and in order. 1 Corinthians 14:33-40 ESV bible.com/bible/59/1co.14.33-40.ESV
@@StrangeDays25 Thanks Bro Joshua. I appreciate your response to my comment on the subject. At this point I am not on Facebook but may consider joining this year if for no other reason to address this matter. I look forward to speaking with you soon my friend. May the Lord richly bless you and yours.
@@dennisdabney4039 Thanks, please pray for me, as I am an American living in the Philippines. Please remember that God promised that you would do greater things than he did.
@Pk Amponn You must read the text in context. If you continued to 1 Corinthians 14:34 you would see "Let your women keep silent in the churches, for they are not permitted to speak; but they are to be submissive, as the law also says." Also listen to the response at 1:27:39
@@samrhodes3510 Why did they say that, the women would yell to there husbands (wanting to know what was said or understand what he meant) while in church plus they had to sit away from there husbands, those were the rules. Please read more of the Bible and you will see the truth and do some fasting while praying and God will answer you.
I agree with Tom and I am a black woman. The other speaker is all over the place. The scriptures can not be changed. They are what they are. He turned the rules of the Bible into a issue of race. Wow. A mess
Thank you! We need more debates like this. Performed graciously for the one goal of glorifying God. I will say that Mckissic used a method of arguing that is in error. History, and what some have done in the past does not validate what God says on a matter. Also, equating white/black to man/woman is also illogical. God did not assign roles to black/white but He did to man/woman. Thank you again for this video. All glory to God!
what roles? The church supports women who go to the mission field to preach the gospel or even stand on the sidewalk handing out tracts and telling others of the good news. But when a woman steps inside the church to preach the exact same message she is labeled a heretic, rebellious, disobedient. If the church building were to blow away in a tornado leaving an empty lot, could she then stand where the church once stood and preach the gospel? P.S. The early church did not have pulpits or what we call church buildings. They met in private homes. Pulpits and church buildings came in centuries later. Women were there from the beginning.
@susanbarackman-artist7670 Preaching, as in the Great Commission, is different from shepharding a flock. Being a spiritual leader. Scripture is clear on roles.
@@PhoenixPestControlTN saying the bible is clear is a way of shutting down discussion....actually the bible says we see through a glass darkly how do you explain the underground church in iran led by women? why didn't God call a man? or Soujourner Truth, black ex=slave and 2 quaker women in the civil war south, told by God to preach against slavery?
McKissic's last comment in his closing statement is very telling as to why he ultimately doesn't want to adhere to clear scripture. Just because evil people take advantage of the submission of faithful Christians, doesn't mean submission isn't what God called us to do.
As much as I don't want this to be the case, there seems to be a sweeping Romans 1 issue in the modern Church setting. People are intentionally suppressing the Truth in unrighteousness. Elevating Creation (in this case women) over Gods clear instruction.
Thank God for men like Tom Ascol....FYI though, Voddie Baucham only has credibility amongst White Unregenerate American Evangelicals. However, he is smart enough to get your vote, qualifying himself for a piece of the American Patriotic Pie!
@@Testifydesignfactorywhat is it your trying to say with this comment? Your saying voddies following is unregenerate white people? I would surely surely hope that’s not what your saying
Sometimes the problem with us is we try to interpret God’s Word based on our feeling and thinking. If part of the word doesn’t make sense to us then it can’t be what it says. If we don’t feel right about the Word, then it isn’t what it says. These are the similar arguments used to say how can a loving God send people to hell? If there’s God and He is good how come He allows evil? How can God hate? We can’t decide which scripture to obey and which to disobey based on our senses. Dependence on senses was why Isaac was deceived by Jacob. We must obey the Word regardless of how we feel about it.
I recently have been considering leaving my church for reasons applying to this. We have 30 women’s groups and. Zero men’s groups outside of a one hr once a month bible study! Pastor tiptoes around this topic obviously not to offend the feminists and the lesbian spirit that has run rampant in our culture lately! This is unacceptable to me for reasons being clearly stated in scripture that the man is the head... how can our church teach men to be the head and to express biblical, natural leadership in our households if they only teach women and don’t even offer anything to teach biblical manhood and biblical directions to being the head Of household and main leader and disciple of our own families! This is a HUGE problem in our modern day churches and mine is losing a contributing and dedicated member bcuz of the adaptation to the spirit of the age which is evil, and satanic and against the word of God in sooo many ways
The Bible does however tell older women to instruct younger women. The idea of a women's group isn't necessarily anti-scriptural, but it is unfortunate that your church seems to be lacking men who are willing to lead like the women are. Have you perhaps thought about stepping up and putting something together?
Sir.. we are individualized church of God in SPIRIT..GOD deals with us individually.. just like God will judge us individually... it is our responsiblity to cry out unto GOD to have an encounter to GOD..THE LORD WILL DO THAT TO YOU...CRY AND ASK MERCY TO GOD TO OPEN YOUR EYES TO THE TRUTH...GOD ANSWERS PRAYERS OF THOSE WHO SEEK HIM...GOD WILL SHOW YOU THE MYSTERY OF THE BIBLE.
Drenathor yes my “old” church preaches biblical manhood and leadership but doesn’t offer the gatherings or classes or groups to teach us men how to do that! But have at least 30 women’s groups! Which to me tells me they have adopted to this feminist culture and aren’t interested in teaching or encouraging men to be biblicala nd to lead and disciple their families. But they are teaching their women to do that. The churches adapting and encouraging the culture is a huge red flag for me! It should be for everyone!! It is the main reason why people are turning from God and believe Christianity to be hypocritical! “Practice what you preach” even Barry White knew that one lol. I left that church. Another thing is my pastor told me he wanted to start a mans group which I was excited about and offered to run it however he wanted but then he told me it would have to be secret😳😳 wtheck is that about?? Why would it need to be secret! That was the final straw for me!
@@Lambdamale. If that church has that many feminists and then you say lesbians??? !!!!!! Or they are pro lesbian? If that's truly the case, run, don't walk out of that church, get out of there. One of the reasons of women wanting to lead and women wanting to teach and women wanting to be pastors is because of the weak men are not strong in scriptures they are weak and spiritual wimps, all over the nation and that's why we have feminists so much in the Church, weak men and weak pastors.
I'm watching this in October 2021. If Dr. M is missing it on race in the Kingdom, I must conclude he's missing it on women preachers. We need more biblical truths and zero cultural and emotional driven conclusions. I have questions about tithing and Hell. For now, I must go with the biblical interpretations of the Reformist preachers until I learn better.
"Let [your] women be silent in the assemblies, for it is not permitted to them to speak; but to be in subjection, as the law also says." "I do not suffer a woman to teach nor to exercise authority over man, but to be in quietness...". What is debatable?
I suggest my short essay on Deborah. God ruled Israel through the Judges. A Judge was the most important spiritual leader of this time period, according to scripture.
I so appreciated the Christian friendship that was apparent even though you both have very different views on the subject. Tom Ascol was especially level and kind.
God is so good that he actually made the scripture very simple & clear..Therefore it should be easy to detect who's misinterpreting the text; the bigger the lie the bigger the explanation
I don't think so , its a valid point. The bible has been used as a weapon during that time, but it was not the subject. Wish he had used more scripture for his point.
He lost NOTHING, why are you focused on the COMPETION, contrary, he is an OUTCRY that represents something you may never know! Don't focus on the PERFORMANCE, otherwise you will miss the BIG PICTURE!
As a Christian that is black, stop using our color to deal with this issue. Women can preach and witness yet in Gods congregations, 1 Timothy 2:11 is clear. Please dont allow the culture, your past experiences to be your authority. In love bro.
I completely agree. When skin color comes into the picture, it's time to rethink the argument about gender(conservative term) roles. Women are great to have as teachers, especially over children. Who better to spread the word of the resurrection? When it comes to discipleship, this needs to be left to the men. We lead our families, so it's only proper (from the creation order as well) that men teach men how to lead and disciple other men.
More than once to make it clear like hell?and being born again he used 2 metaphors because our flesh is dull in understanding and our spiritual ears are carnally numb
I enjoyed watching this debate but I was disappointed with Pastor McKissick’s emotional stance on the issue.It was clear that once Pastor Ascol refuted the notion that Phoebe was to be received as someone giving the word authoritatively and that the gift of prophecy and prophecy is defined by God in scripture so that the office of pastor and the gift of prophecy are different,Mckissick still clung to the notion out of emotion,taking a stance of personal experiences,and pride in himself and those who don’t adhere to 1 Tim 2:12 and verses like these. As someone who has been so heavily influenced by women,growing up in a house with all sisters,and matriarchy within my particular home(not entire family) men like this have the tendency to have emotional demeanors when confronted with contradictions and sin,more so than men raised or influenced by men of God who truly believe in inerrancy of scripture. I submit this verse to you all, “For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12 KJV Ascol’s questions regarding why Mckissick thinks the way he does was meant to be,and I believe stated, that his defense of women in the church was based in personal experience and not the Word of God.Friends that is a slippery slope into hellfire for many souls. Whenever we hold our personal experiences over the Word of God,we say to God “you were wrong.” This does not keep us penitent and is rooted in pride. This debate,in my estimation,to Mckissick,was to show the SBC that they need to repent,and at this point may have been true,but that wasn’t the point of this debate;he came with an ulterior motive to,in my words “show the oppressed that we can rise up and battle this oppressive hegemony and make sense like they do.” But that’s the thing,at a few different points he didn’t make sense and “For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.” 1 Corinthians 14:33 KJV He says on one hand,”SBC has been wrong before and they’re probably wrong now.” And on the other he quotes different members of the SBC...so they’re only right when he quotes them? So if the SBC can’t be trusted all the time,who should you trust all the time?The Lord Himself. “but we had the sentence of death in ourselves, that we should not trust in ourselves, but in God which raiseth the dead:” 2 Corinthians 1:9 KJV It makes total sense that Paul appeals to creation itself in the function of men and women in the church and his indication that the fall itself tells you that women are not equipped the same way men are to resist temptation reconciling certain matters of emotion and logic,thus The Holy Spirit indicating through Paul that women are not to teach,have authority over a man,and are to keep silent in places of worship,in order to preserve the sanctity of the Body of Christ,and not give foothold to the enemy to cause the church to stumble! Pastor Ascol was right,anyone in true alignment and acceptance of God’s order and sovereignty,won’t feel oppressed by His laws:it’s those who seek their own will that rebel in whatever fashion. I believe the SBC has historically,and currently had major problems but to quote different members to preserve your own argument(indeed it is not the Lord’s) dismiss Ascol for quoting the same and say “they’ve been wrong before.” Is disingenuous and heavily implies that his discernment is superior and it’s clearly not! We are to use the Bible to interpret the world and our experiences,not in reverse. Pastor Mckissick may have repented by now but this line of thinking is ubiquitous in Christendom and needs to be exposed.
1Tim 2:12 -- is a roman Mis-Translation.... Yah Can Use ANYONE HE WANTS.... The Age of The Church Split Is Coming - Prophetic Word From Emma Stark th-cam.com/video/cbk_oZCIR8Q/w-d-xo.html
Have you ever noticed that a person who is wrong can never answer a simple question . They always have to go off topic. Do not be deceived the truth can be answered directly.....always be ready to give account for what you believe. The Bible doesn't give permission for woman to be pastors or to teach the Bible from the pulpit to mixed congregations.....stick with the word.
We are dealing with Biblical outlines, not what we think or want. I do not find anything in the Bible that says anything about a woman preaching or teaching. In Corinthians Paul admonishes the women to be silent. It most likely had something to do with the church in Corinth more than women in general although in Judaism, women were not even allowed to participate in the service with the men, nor were they acceptable witnesses. But the real question is whether women can or should be pastors. That is a far greater role than teacher or preacher. I guess I am oldfashioned. Teach and preach, but do not pastor.
Do more research besides that one scripture. A woman needed to learn before they speak in that scripture. Things needed to be order. It’s like If you didn’t understand a topic but added your input, you might as well keep silent until you know what you are talking about.
@@ericac.4316 I noticed you didn’t back any of that up with any scripture, you just gave me your own Opinion. Explain what God means by he does not permit a woman to have authority over a man or to speak in church they are to keep quiet explain what God means
@@fireandgrace9456 right and as a woman I agree with God he said keep silent in the church so she isn't preaching at all and women teach other women is what he said
The issue is bassed on a misunderstanding. Carefuly study the word preach ( euangelidzo, keyruso) in its context an discover that it is not a ministry for the church rather for lost people. The passage in first tim. 2. That forbids women to preach is not the greak word for preaching rather (didascos) this shows that the ministry of making disciples is an intimate relationship with authority witch would not be appropriate for a woman to have over a man for. obvious reasons. The traditional paradigm makes the entire subject confusing. Take off your traditional sun glasses and put yourself in the context of the primitive church and the confusion goes away.
Pastor Mckissic gave a good, albeit not biblically founded, lecture for his position. His skills as an orator were incredibly impressive. But in his closing statement when he equated not allowing women to preach from the pulpit on the Lord's Day with racism ("When we allow it overseas...but don't allow it here, practically what we are saying is it's alright for a woman to preach to people of color all over the world they just can't preach to white men over here.") he lost all credibility he had earned in the debate. I was hoping that Pastor Ascol would not let that one slip by but it went without recognition. Overall, good debate but it in no way benefited Pastor Mckissic's position.
The man is wrong. He has a wrong agenda. He has caved to the culture of death and caos. Press him a little bit further and you will have a marxist pro reparations pro democratic liberal preacher.
I think that Pastor Ascol was in fact right not to engage with the closing statement remarks of Pastor Mckissic. According to basic debating rules, The closing statement is not a rebuttal time. You're not supposed to offer new arguments for your position during this time, but rather to summarize your position and your refutation of the opponents arguments for the audience. Bringing up fresh arguments at the last moment is unfair for the other side, since there is no opportunity to rebuttal.
May be Mckissic saw a demonic correlation, and may be Ascol understood it! How come you saw it differently. People also get confused by the term Black lives matter!
Pastor Mckissic is a very smart man and very very knowledgeable in the scriptures. I give him so much props for that. But at the end when they are going back and forth discussing the issue, its alot of personal opinion and alot "I feel." Very smart man and very well knowledgeable in the bible. But the bible makes it very clear that women should not usurp authority over man.
@Angel you doing what Paul says but Jesus give woman an opportunity , I say no no rape or sexual abuse ,among pastor men to do what they like ?? woman will not silence , going to bible college then what , God is equal with men and woman , God pour out his spirit upon son and daughter , Jesus give woman more opportunity to speak, should the woman at the well keep her mouth shut ? should Mary the adultery should be stone because of what she done ?? should Mary madalence who found the body of Jesus as 1st One person or should be the other way round as Peter or Thomas should be the 1st One ??? Tell me why was Mary the entire experience with Jesus was taken out of the Bible ???????????????????????????
While studying through the book of James and teaching about the mindset he teaches us to have through life's trials God uses to equip us with endurance, wisdom and the crown of life, I was asked, "Do you believe God will not call a woman to preach?" Now, I'm praying for wisdom and searching for truth in that. My immediate response would be, "Sure! God would equip and call a woman to preach. " But I have to ask myself, even if it feels right- is it true? Would the Holy Spirit call a homosexual to be a preacher and senior pastor and not convict him of the sin of homosexuality? He may look like he is bearing all the fruit, and he may convince me that he's called and can remain a practicing homosexual- but is it true. I think that's the real question here, and I would say the pro- women's preaching side represented the emotional side of that answer and the anti women's preaching represented the character of God that is consistent throughout his Bible. It was easy for the pro women's rep to move into black oppression because he relates to the emotions resulting from culture's victim hood morality. Let's get away from victim hood and have the approach that James has in James 1:1. We are a slave of Jesus who is God. He bought and owns us- but we are not victims. We are his children. What Gid says is true, just as Jesus was asked about divorce and he explained that it was not God's design but allowed because of the evil in men's hearts, it was not God's design for women to shepherd over men. God's order is the Father- the Son- man- woman- children. It's a good order because God is good. Let's praise God in Spirit and in truth and let our emotions be led by praising him and humbling ourselves. PTL
I suggest my short and free essay on Deborah. Men and women are perfectly equal spiritually. She was a pastor, according to the scriptures. This is how the Judges are described in Chronicles. To say a woman can be a Judge over Israel, but a woman can't be an elder in a small church, just doesn't make any sense scripturally.
@user-iz8np3vv4i Why do you call the prophet of Israel during their rebellion against God a pastor? God will raise up a woman to lead when a man isn't present. Example, 73% of blacks in America have no father in the home. A mother who is a believer in dwelled with the Holy Spirit is called to pastor her family, leading them spiritually and teaching them to find joy in Jesus. However, the Holy Spirit doesn't work outside of his own word. Best case scenario, a father is at home and is spiritually equipped to pastor and lead his family. But, yes Deborah was a prophet in that she spoke God's word to Israel. However, that was during a time of rebellion against God and was not taught to be the norm.
@@lionkj12 A Judge at this time, was VERY different from a judge in our time. The Judge was over the nation of Israel. But not as a man, as King, or as a woman, as Queen, because God was not rejected as King as yet. God ruled Israel through the Judges. Wheresoever I have walked with all Israel, spake I a word to any of the judges of Israel, whom I commanded to feed my people, saying, Why have ye not built me an house of cedars? -excerpt 1 Chronicles 17 verse 6 KJV Major modern English translations like the NASB use the phrasing ...whom I commanded to shepherd My people... [PASTOR - Origin: late Middle English: from Anglo-Norman French pastour, from Latin pastor ‘shepherd’.] In all places where I have walked with all Israel, have I spoken a word with any of the judges of Israel, whom I commanded to shepherd My people, saying, ‘Why have you not built Me a house of cedar?’ -excerpt 1 Chronicles 17 verse 6 NASB translation Also: Also I will ordain a place for my people Israel, and will plant them, and they shall dwell in their place, and shall be moved no more; neither shall the children of wickedness waste them any more, as at the beginning, and since the time that I commanded judges to be over my people Israel. -excerpt 1 Chronicles 17 verses 9 and 10 KJV -God speaking to Nathan the prophet More, proving a Judge was a pastor: But it came about, when the judge died, that they would turn back and act more corruptly than their fathers, in following other gods to serve them and bow down to them; they did not abandon their practices or their obstinate ways. -excerpt Judges 2 What happened after Deborah's time?: Then the sons of Israel did what was evil in the sight of the Lord; and the Lord handed them over to Midian for seven years. -excerpt Judges 6 -first sentence
@@8784-l3b What was the state of Israel when Deborah became prophet? Also, would you say Balaam was a prophet used by God? If so, does that mean Balaam could've led Israel? And if so, why does Jesus speak against Balaam in the Revelation? You see, God's order is his order and not subject to changes by today's culture involving people's feelings. God is the same yesterday and today.
@@lionkj12 Search the scriptures. Was there a gender qualification to be a Judge over Israel? Taken from my essay again: THE REASON GOD SENT HER here: ...the Lord was moved to pity... And when the Lord raised up judges for them, the Lord was with the judge and saved them from the hand of their enemies all the days of the judge; for the Lord was moved to pity by their groaning because of those who tormented and oppressed them. -excerpt Judges 2 The sending of a Judge meant God was showing mercy to His people. It wasn't a judgment against them.
Dr. Mckissic got me confused. Wish he would had expounded on the Scriptures rather than relying so much on scholars and experience. It is hard to debate Mckissic. I wouldn't have wasted my time debating Mckissic especially since he made a near race issue.
Let me preface by saying that I am a staunch conservative Christian, raising my children in The Faith under my God fearing husband. With that said, I am very disappointed as I read these comments. How do you reconcile the women leading the Iranian church today? That’s right. We know because of relief teams there that the Lord is rapidly moving through the Iranian underground church which is predominantly women. Have any of you considered the fact that God uses available and willing vessels? Those who worship me must do so in spirit and truth. What I mean by that is that these women have experienced Christ’s love and are sharing it at the expense of their lives and freedoms. Where are the men? Why is this? Who exactly can God use to preach when the men won’t answer? Why is it that there are little to no men? Only two possible reasons. God hasn’t called many men OR the men are not ANSWERING. God uses faithful and willing vessels. See, this is just one inconvenient truth that must be taken into account. These women are filling a role where there are no males to lead. This isn’t limited to Iran. This is going on worldwide as I follow the Voice of the Martyrs. I want to leave you with this. Of course we know that God’s Word is crystal clear on women Lording over, ruling over, or having authority over men. It is not His perfect order but when there are no men to lead, HE WILL use a willing vessel to accomplish His purposes. Also, I truly believe that a woman must submit to male leadership whenever and wherever possible. This includes her being allowed to preach or teach by her male authority. No woman should Pastor or council a man. I think it’s quite a luxury to even be able to pontificate on this topic. What a privilege we have here in the USA! We have an abundance of male leadership. No one is saying women should take over as head of church. Women are absolutely “qualified” to teach and preach under the authority of a male. Dr. McKissic prevailed here. Hands down. Blessings to all!
THIS!!! THIS 10,000% Those scriptures are being taken to literally! Those scriptures meant for the woman that thought they knew stuff when they didn't. They were being a false prophet just like in this debate from the comments I read, I did not watch it. The man they were defending was being a false prophet from what I understood just by the comments themselves.
I would go a step further and say that these women were definitely called. Who knows why there are no men accepting the call. Perhaps they don’t have tender hearts towards God right now. I dislike the idea that God only calls women when men won’t step up. I’ve heard men use this definition of why God appointed Deborah as judge. I’m just glad women are listening and obeying. They could use these scriptures to not spread the gospel if they took them at face value and did not study why Paul was saying them. Can you imagine if they just shut up and were quiet in their churches, which are probably wherever they can secretly meet, and refused to teach the truth of the gospel? Everyone forgets that the true church is the body of Christ and our bodies are the temple of God.
Error #1 You are interpreting scripture and the Word and will of God by your experience or outward appearance rather than the otherway around; thus performing the very error that the Scriptures taught to thwart. Error #2 You have a poor comprehension of the facts both from a biblical and sociological and cultural stand point. If you had an accurate understanding of the facts, you would understand the reasons for lack of men being saved and therefore in leadership, which creates the void or vacum that God (allows) to be filled by women who are saved (maybe) but does not ordain in the normal order. It is a muslim society and culture not Christian.
You either believe the pastoral epistles or you don't. God's Word is the final authority. People change but God doesn't. Emotionalism, Traditionalism and Demoninalism are going to get people sent to hell.
Women are not to teach, preach, or usurp authority over a man period. It matters not what program or place they're in! Prophesying is totally different than teaching and preaching. So many claim that Jesus had women teachers, and all but they're taking the Word of God out of context and will have to pay for the misleading of people and perversion of His Word.
TRUTH! Proverbs 23:23. They can teach other women and of course children. The Bible is very plain. God is a God of order and His Word shows that. God has a place for everyone. We all have gifts. Praise the LORD!
@@susannahwhite7561 the bible doesn't say...Women can teach other women...Where does it say that ...What scripture??....Paul say let the women keep silent and learn at home...He NEVER said as long as it's other women and children...So if your gonna use that scripture to say women can't preach and teach men...That same scripture said let them keep silent IN THE CHURCH...... periodt.... he basically told them to shut up...
The fact is Paul was addressing a problem the church,about silent ( making noise) and teaching men ( their husbands) in the sense of disrespecting men ,who are supposed to be head of the house ,it wasn't about teaching .if the church is the bride ( female) of Jesus and he gave the gospel, gifts to his bride for the edification of the his body ,how can one say , women can't , shouldn't teach ,then the church the bride (woman in a marriage) can't or shouldn't teach the gospel ?
Women please bear in mind, on your coming Judgment Day you will be judged on your willingness and obedience to the Divinely endorsed Scripture teachings and instructions that follow. Now, regarding the false teaching for the emancipation of women in the Christian fraternity. Such 21st-century contrived beliefs are in contravention and defiance of the Lord's command for women to remain silent in the church assemblies. "As [is the practice] in all the churches of the saints (God's people), 34 The women should keep quiet in the churches, for they are not authorized to speak, but should take a secondary and subordinate place, just as the Law also says. 35 But if there is anything they want to learn, they should ask their own husbands at home, for it is disgraceful for a woman to talk in church [ for her to usurp and exercise authority over men in the church]. 36 What! Did the word of the Lord originate with you [Corinthians], or has it reached only you? 37 If anyone thinks and claims that he is a prophet [filled with and governed by the Holy Spirit of God and inspired to interpret the divine will and purpose in preaching or teaching] or has any other spiritual endowment, let him understand (recognize and acknowledge) ***What what I am writing to you is a command of the Lord***. 38 But if anyone disregards or does not recognize [ that it is a command of the Lord], he is disregarded and not recognized [he is one whom God knows not]. 1 Corinthians 14:33-38 (AMPLIFIED ,BIBLE) Thus if any insist on disregarding the Lord's command for a woman's silence they have become "One whom God knows not" Which is a most undignified and ungodly position any man or woman could possibly find themselves. For even St. Paul's instruction makes it quite plain that women are forbidden to teach men and must not usurp their God given authority. "11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. 12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. 13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve. 14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression" 1 Timothy 2:10-14 (KJV)
1 Corinthians 14:33 For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints. 14:34 Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law. 14:35 And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church. 14:36 What? came the word of God out from you? or came it unto you only? 14:37 If any man think himself to be a prophet, or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things that I write unto you are the commandments of the Lord. 14:38 But if any man be ignorant, let him be ignorant. 14:39 Wherefore, brethren, covet to prophesy, and forbid not to speak with tongues. 14:40 Let all things be done decently and in order.
So, you can see by verses 37 that Timothy was having issues with some women who were speaking in tongues. If you go to Romans 16 you can see Paul address plenty of women who had leadership roles in the church. Phoebe, Junia, Priscilla, etc. Acts 2:14-18 says your sons and daughters shall prophesy. There are four examples of prophetesses in the Old Testament and plenty more in the New Testament. Examples Judges chapter 4 Deborah the prophetess and leader of Israel also a warrior and a judge and Exodus 16:20 Miriam the Prophetess.
Numbers 27:16 Let the LORD, the God of the spirits of all flesh, set a man over the congregation, 27:17 Which may go out before them, and which may go in before them, and which may lead them out, and which may bring them in; that the congregation of the LORD be not as sheep which have no shepherd.
Isaiah 3:12 As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths.
@ Matthew , yeah obey Paul or Jesus ?? no rape or sexual abuse ,among pastor men to do what they like ?? woman will not silence , going to bible college then what , God is equal with men and woman , God pour out his spirit upon son and daughter , Jesus give woman more opportunity to speak, should the woman at the well keep her mouth shut ? should Mary the adultery should be stone because of what she done ?? should Mary madalence who found the body of Jesus as 1st One person or should be the other way round as Peter or Thomas should be the 1st One ??? Tell me why was Mary the entire experience with Jesus was taken out of the Bible ???????????????????????????
Great debate..personally I’m in a journey to hear female pastors and their biblical interpretation as a general experience for the foreseeable future. My prayer is that more women become pastors and I will celebrate them when they do. We are fully educated and capable in 2023 of being experts and ministers of Biblical word and men would gain much by listening.
Since a woman could be a pastor in the Old Covenant, a woman can be a pastor in the New Covenant. Simple really. I suggest my short and free essay on Deborah. Men and women are perfectly equal spiritually. She was a pastor, according to the scriptures. This is how the Judges are described in Chronicles, by God. A woman could only be given the authority by God to execute a man for his sin, if women are spiritually equal to men. A Judge could judge homicide cases according to Deuteronomy. Therefore Deborah, as a Judge, could execute a man for his sin. A Judge was cleared to teach from scripture as he/she gave a verdict, according to Deuteronomy. Since in Judges 4, men went to Deborah to be judged, a woman could teach men, even in the Old Covenant in a public setting.
@@anthonyhuggins1789 Wheresoever I have walked with all Israel, spake I a word to any of the judges of Israel, whom I commanded to feed my people, saying, Why have ye not built me an house of cedars? -excerpt 1 Chronicles 17 verse 6 KJV (In case the reader in unaware, the word pastor and the word shepherd are the same word. I prefer shepherd, because it has obvious meaning to the average person.) Major modern English translations like the NASB use the phrasing ...whom I commanded to shepherd My people... In all places where I have walked with all Israel, have I spoken a word with any of the judges of Israel, whom I commanded to shepherd My people, saying, ‘Why have you not built Me a house of cedar?’ -excerpt 1 Chronicles 17 verse 6 NASB translation Some believe that pastor (or shepherd), is a position that was created in the New Covenant. This is not true. In the Old Testament shepherds are mentioned multiple times. Often in a negative way. “My people have become lost sheep; Their shepherds have led them astray. -excerpt Jeremiah 50 For an entire chapter on worthless shepherds, the reader may check out Ezekiel 34.
It is said that we should not look at experiences, but isn’t the Old Testament compiled of history and experiences that are advised by scriptures in the New Testament to be used for our examples ?
Given the turbulent times in which we find ourselves globally Christian Bible believers and non. I am trying to process why debates like these need to take place. Surely there are more hard pressing issues that need to be addressed relating to the human condition. If ever the world needs to hear the story of the good news it's now. Whether through the mouths of male or female. Let's return to our first love, get the job done and when Jesus returns all academic arguments and denominational differences will be brought to naught. It's no wonder non believers are confused. As Christians we come across as divided holding differing opinions perspectives on eschatology calvinism relativism existentialism let's get back to basics. Jesus Christ only begotten son of God born of a virgin was crucified for the redemption of humankind so that we might be reconciled to God, spend our lives in Him working out our salvation with gratitude and deeply appreciative for this gift bestowed upon humankind by God.
"11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. 12 But I ***suffer not a woman to teach***, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to ***be in silence. 13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve. 14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression" 1 Tim 2:11-14 (KJV) That is God's declared Will on the subject, and so is irrevocable! Only the "Devil and his angels" will contend differently, fooling and deceiving the weak and feeble-minded!
Ma'am u are right: this are men of God no doubt; but I think the devil is happy seeing them holding back the gospel with unnecessary debates. If they were Even talking about what women are doing wrong against God, that will be reasonable: but they are instead talking against the good work that women are trying to do in the kingdom. This is actually insane and out of the context of why Paul wrote what he wrote. If they were saying women are usurping authority over men as in the context of Paul, it'll be understood. Paul said they shouldn't teach because they'll try to be violent or aggressive in their art of teaching against not Everyman, but against their own men. If the women in that church could conduct themselves well, Paul won't have band them: so why don't we focus today on why Paul issued that statement and watch if women are doing Same rather than chasing the winds and creating division and confusion in times when much work needs to be done. Paul's bases was on the conduct of a woman, not on her gender. All of this anti women preachers will never be heard castigating a woman of God because of her going astray in doctrinal practices but on mere gender inequalities with make the topic none contextually fitting. Today there's a compiled document of the word that wasn't in those days which was the reason why women couldn't be effective. Today learning in silence of the woman had gain maturity; there's a manual for everyone to use for teaching as it wasn't in those days. This letters of paull and other apostles which made up scriptures today weren't there back then: they weren't compiled as a complete Bible.
@@earnestlycontendingforthef53328:21 Joel 2:28-29 [28]“And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions. [29]Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days.
Perfect example of “ reading into a scripture regarding Phoebe. He assumes / reads into the text that she was there to teach or perform as a pastor. Text does not say that.
@@hyacinthmcdonald3706 Paul said he has the Spirit so he could make any decisions and Jesus allowed it. Jesus gave his Apostles power to allow and disallow things upon earth. B( bind and loose). He also said follow me as I follow Christ. He had that authority from Christ. Also Christ said to his disciples anyone who hears you hears me. Luke 10 verse 16. Also if you reject the teachings of his Apostles you also reject him Jesus. Paul also said the Gospel he preached was revealed to him by Jesus. No man never taught him. So he didn’t go to school to learn anything about the GOSPEL. Galations 1. Jesus revealed everything to him. So I believed Paul and also Pastor Jennings because he preaches the TRUTH of GODS’ WORDS. Of course one has to KNOW the word to prove if what a preacher said if he’s preaching the TRUTH.
@@gennisparry4352 so who do you serve Paul or Jesus , Jesus gave woman opportunity so if you dont like shame on you for rejecting woman because you dont like woman , what she say it the truth while Pastors male rape and sexual abuse please write a letter to all Bible College to close woman attending to bible college not become a student which prevent them not become pastor or bible teaching , MEN ONLY , tell God NEVER outpouring anointing woman to Preach or teaching what the word says ONLY MEN , is that okay ???
@@gennisparry4352 if you know Pastor jenning preaching the Truth dose he know what behind the curtain , even you dont even know what he do behind the curtain cause he want woman to keep their mouth shut , NO ! Woman must Speak Out in the name of Jesus !
What does God say in the beginning? The man rules over the woman or household. That is one criteria of being a bishop or pastor in 1 Timothy 3:2-4. (Genesis 3:16) "Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and HE shall rule over thee (i.e. the woman Eve). (1 Timothy 3:2-4) "A bishop then must be blameless... {4} one that ruleth HIS own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity;"
A biblical debate is supposed to only involve biblical evidence. Let the scripture speak for it's self. If you have to go outside of the scripture to try and convince people it's the truth. Then it means you are hiding what you believe behind lies... The scripture is plain. It says exactly what it was meant to say.
God was the same then ,now and forever is understood by some but not by all Pastors , and some Christians. It is very important to teach God’s Word correctly. His Word is easy to understand. Women need to be obedient unto God.
We have a speaking serpent in the Bible, a talking donkey in the Holy Scriptures, a virgin that conceived in the Word of God, and two men ( Enoch and Elijah) who did not see physical death in the "canon". All of these events happen only once! Hermeneutically, these are all "Exceptions" in the Holy Scriptures, not the "rule". Now suggesting such when approaching the remainder of the Holy Scriptures corrupts the revelation of God. Deborah who was a prophetess and judge cannot be used as precedent for future ministry in the Old Testament temple service or synagogue gatherings and certainly not the Church of our Lord Jesus Christ.
1 Samuel 15:22 And Samuel said, “Hath the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams.
But Paul did not say anything about Artemis or culture in that verses. nothing to do with cultural issues of that time..he referred to the order of creation, right??
McKissec is wrong, I'm a woman, I don't need an apology and don't feel oppressed for the something that happened to ears ago. I follow God's word. Not mans. He is trying to teach and preach his feelings.
The apostle Paul instruction is explicit and he explains why, all in just three verses in 2 Timothy 2:12-14 - “I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet. For Adam was formed first, then Eve; and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor.” The keywords that Dwight Mckissic have failed to see that in preaching from the pulpit to the congregation on a Sunday worship service is, “to exercise authority over a man”. We are dealing with the Word of God during worship. This has nothing to do with suppressing or oppressing the rights of women, though the world will see it that way, hypocritically. The reason for this which this is forbidden is cited in God’s creation ordinance from Genesis. The apostle’s justification is explicit and short to the point. That is, there is a natural order of authority in God’s creation of mankind.
In the world sir yes!in the physical world yes! But in the SPIRITUAL WORLD"NO" because by ranking we are equal in GOD'S SIGHT FOR ONLY GOD IS THE ONLY ONE IN COMMAND..the Lord teaches us to respect the king but DANIEL DISOBEY the king...DANIEL'S GOD is not the king..daniel is living in the other part of the kingdom..in the kingdom of daniel the GOD IS YAHWEH...if the bible is SPIRITUAL ...it is the language of the SPIRIT KINGDOM..the criteria of the preacher must be the criteria given in the SPIRIT KINGDOM...this man should be with the SPIRIT OF GOD...in the SPIRIT KINGDOM it is eve being decieved by satan so paul must be pertaining to the character of a man adam...man is more stronger than woman in a sense of making desicion..woman are weak and emotional...that's why the bible says husband love thy wife for she is weak..meaning man must guide the woman because they decide better than the woman because woman are more emotional...the bible says, those who are strong must be the strength of the weak;those who are guided by the SPIRIT must be the streght of the weak...we are all weak in the spirit both man and woman ,but GOD SPIRIT made us strong...we are born again by the SPIRIT OF GOD therefore we must live our life guided by the SPIRIT OF GOD; though we are in this world; but we live in the kingdom of God..for we understand GOD because of HIS SPIRIT THAT IS IN US.....the bible says GOD STARTED TO RULE IN THE HEARTS OF HIS CHILDREN...WE ARE GOD'S CHILDREN BECAUSE OF CHRIST....ONLY THOSE WITH GOD'S SPIRIT CAN UNDERSTAND GOD'S WORD...that is the only criteria that could fit to paul's requirement, it is not the man that was decieved but the woman...those who has no SPIRIT OF GOD are those satan can decieved for satan blinded them of the truth and how could a blind guide the blind, both of them will fall...NICUDEMUS A TEACHER OF THE LAW FAILED TO UNDERSTAND THE SPIRIT KINGDOM BECAUSE HE WAS NOT BORN IN THE SPIRIT OF GOD...it is not the gender paul is pertaining, it is the character that a man has:adam was not decieved and by rank he is the first one created, the old are more trained than the new one...NOW IT IS THE STRONG FOUNDATION OF THE CHURCH- THE SPIRIT FILLED MAN WITH ALL THE CHARACTER OF THE SPIRIT OF GOD- THE FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT HE POSESS-THE GIFT OF THE SPIRIT OF GOD IS WITH HIM》》》THE HEAD OF THE CHURCH "JESUS CHRIST"...paul and JESUS could be misinterpret because they are using the word of the world but pertaining to the SPIRIT KINGDOM...temple but Jesus body....born again but the resurrection in SPIRIT....paul as we all know does not depend on what he heard from JESUS CHRIST when HE was still in the earth....not like the 12 disciples they restated JESUS words..paul is different, he was called after JESUS left the world...the word of paul comes direct from the SPIRIT OF GOD...JESUS always talked to His disciples in parables and even to the people..the disciples will ask Jesus to explain his words...why only to us you explained the apostle said....same as paul,the SPIRIT guides paul like JESUS;...so the words of paul could also be given a different meaning...the problem with paul it's not explained well unlike to JESUS the apostles asked explanation from Him. ...besides sir,before paul spoken that; YAHWEH CALLED A WOMAN AS HIS PROPHET IN THE OLD TESTAMENT..YAHWEH IS MORE HIGHER IN RANK WITH PAUL..THE WORD OF YAHWEH IS MORE POWERFUL THAN PAUL..PAUL CANT EVEN CHANGED YAHWEH'S WORDS.... THE BIBLE ALSO STATED THAT THE PROPHET IS THE BEST TEACHERS.. PROPHETS ARE MORE BETTER THAN THE TEACHER BECAUSE THEY CAN ASK GOD IF IT IS HARD FOR THEM TO UNDERSTAND GOD...GOD HIMSELF CHOSE A WOMAN TO preach HIS WORDS!!!THEN WHO IS MAN TO OPPOSE IT!!!
@chris Tan no rape or sexual abuse ,among pastor men to do what they like ?? woman will not silence , going to bible college then what , God is equal with men and woman , God pour out his spirit upon son and daughter , Jesus give woman more opportunity to speak, should the woman at the well keep her mouth shut ? should Mary the adultery should be stone because of what she done ?? should Mary madalence who found the body of Jesus as 1st One person or should be the other way round as Peter or Thomas should be the 1st One ??? Tell me why was Mary the entire experience with Jesus was taken out of the Bible ???????????????????????????
@@StrangeDays25 They key words in your post are troubling. Saying "Probably" and "I doubt it" means you have no idea what they were doing in their worship service. The Bible is not clear on exactly what they did and how they did it. And how do you know they didn't pray in front of people? Did they sing in their worship services? The Bible doesn't give us a clear explanation of exactly what they did in worship services in the first century. We don't have a clear answer on the question and to say you know what they were doing in the church two thousand years ago is disingenuous. You can't possibly know. Neither can I or anyone else in the 21st century.
Great debate on this very sensitive issue in the Churches with women accepted and needed in ministry . I learnt from this sensitive debate on Pastoring Preaching and ministering that God has a creative Order as the scriptures were quoted to support spiritual matters in respect to Egalitarianism and Complimentalism in our changing culture of secular humanism invading the churches. Great debate very Educational as Gods word on this issue takes preeminence.
The black pastor is not going on scripture he’s going in his feelings. Although I can appreciate his wanting equality in the pulpit, the Bible speaks plainly as to the role of women in the church. At the end of the day we have to adhere to what scripture says. We can not pick and choose which parts of the doctrine we should obey. Yes the times have changed but the Bible in its context has not.
One point that seems to be missed. 1 Timothy 2:12 is singular. A woman. The man (KJV). Example of Adam and Eve, a married couple. Paul did not say women should not teach men. Paul said a woman should not teach the man. It seems very clear to me that this is in the context of a marriage, where a woman is usurping authority over her husband, and in fact, several versions (Youngs Literal etc.) translate it that way. On top of that, Paul describes it in more of a personal way than a general prescription. “I” do not allow. As though he’s speaking of situations personal to him when he’s with couples.
In reference to 1 Timothy look at the whole context. Paul was addressing an issue Timothy was having with an all-female cult who were spreading false teachings. You have to look at the entire setting and understand why that verse was placed there to understand what was going on. If you look at Romans 16 Paul commends plenty of women who were leaders in the church.
1 Timothy epistle = The Whole Context is a Pastoral Letter Paul wrote this epistle with the pastoral ministry in view. The entire letter makes that clear. Roman 16 says nothing about leadership, nothing concerning teaching the Local New Testament and certainly not preaching to assembly. That is being imposed upon 1 Timothy and Romans. You have failed to provide one verse, only opinions.
THANK YOU!!! A woman us NOT to have authority over a man AT ALL!! POINT BLANK! All that means is she is not to have power over him as in question his teachings in church but to wait until they are HOME! That means so that the congregation will NOT think more of her than what she really intents and make assumptions. A woman not teaching on the pulpet just means pretty much the same thing, she is not to correct his teaching, change his teaching or over through. That would be being ignorant! That scripture also means that the woman Paul was writing to where FALSE PROPHETS! They did NOT know what they were talking about so they should keep quite
@@alyssabeale1095 .......Bravo!!! "11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. 12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. 13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve. 14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression." 1 Timothy 2:11-14 (KJV)
Why did Pastor Dwight have to bring race into this arguement? He also wasn't quoting the bible. He was just bringing up non-biblical teachings and stories. I would've taken him more seriously and cheered for him if he left race out and pointed to biblical verses that affirmed his position. Good for Pastor Tom for following the bible and not current culture. We don't need political correctness. We need the biblical truth. ✝️
1787 Black men where only 3/5 human what did the church say at that time. There could have so many different issues solved if the church would have stood up. 1787 would have been an awesome start.
They were deemed 3/5 human BECAUSE the BIBLE said ALL men were created equal and men had to rationalise their treatment of them. Let's not judge the WORD of God by man's manipulation of it for their own reasons....much like their abdication of their leadership roles in the home AND the church.
This was a great debate. I 've watched it several times and it seems that brother McKissic contradicted his standards of Biblical interpretation several times.
The Devil is having a field Day, this is exactly what he does best to cause Confusion in the Church. Have a Debate about What God said, to create Devision, and Confusion. When at any time have you seen a Debate bring people together, and allow us to be in One Accord? Never;. The Character of God is what we should striving to be, that will bring us Together and in One Accord. Why Do we have Question everything God Said. And Where are the Scriptures to back up the Arguments? In the Book of Timothy, Its is Written That a Bishop should have ONE WIFE. and Rule his House. That is Refering to a Man. Jedus has Twelve Desciples, they were all Men. Follow Jesus's Example.
"11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. 12 But I ***suffer not a woman to teach***, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to ***be in silence. 13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve. 14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression" 1 Tim 2:11-14 (KJV) That is God's declared Will on the subject, and so is irrevocable! Only the "Devil and his angels" will contend differently, fooling and deceiving the weak and feeble-minded!
@Glenda Duncan. You're speaking truth. Titus 3:9 tells us to avoid such things. "But avoid foolish controversies, genealogies, dissensions, and quarrels about the law, for they are unprofitable and worthless".
Tom Aschol is very well-spoken in this debate. I agree with him..as I think he brings Biblical clarity to the subject. We recently left a church where women just treated the church service like a free for all. The piano player would speak out of her own accord whenever she felt like it...alot of gibberish. Male leadership should not compromise in this.
Dr. McKissic brought race into this so much. Why? The debate was on male and female roles in the church. Specifically, whether a woman can or cannot preach. Yet the last thing he said in his closing statement (or rebuttal I can't remember) was that it boils down to how we allow women to preach to black men over seas, but not to white men here. His hermeneutic is based off of what color you are.
Dear Pastor Ascol, the directness and scripture you show in your closing statements (see 1:25:00 there about) was what you could opened with, cut to the chase and not have to fight all the “straw men” and side issues and rabbit trails and anecdotal “evidence (hah) “ put up by your opponent. Thank you.
Paul did not go back to "before the fall", he went back to "after the fall" so Pastor Mckissic is in error with his statement that going back to Genesis 3 puts women back into bondage. Are men still commanded to work by the sweat of his brow? Even post flood men have historically had to work from the sweat of his brow. Do thorns and thistles still exist?
Ascol lost me at "Eve usurped" - that is not what the scripture states. That is a deliberate misrepresentation of the Genesis story to attempt synchronization with 1 Timothy 2. Rather, it is a better lesson that we do not go along with someone who is deceived, instead stand firm. This includes men who are deceived in the flesh that they must dominate or rule over others. 1 Timothy 2 does discuss a woman not dominating a man, especially in a place where there were rampant false teachers and pagan myths being passed through church - but this is a universal ethic. No Christian is meant to Lord over another (see Jesus' statements in Matthew 20), but rather to serve in love. For Christians are to submit to one another (Ephesians 5:21) and live in harmony as much as it depends on them and NOT conform to the pattern of this world (Romans 12), which includes domination of one over another. For in Christ there is neither male nor female, for all are one (Galatians 3). A woman ruling over a man is no worse than a man ruling over a woman - either is done selfishly. Genesis is clear that Eve was deceived but Adam sinned knowingly. So how does Adam's open rebellion qualify men to leadership in some type of natural order? It doesn't. Only the heart submitted to God through the grace that sets aside the curse is qualified and even then only at His will. Submission to God is unnatural in this fallen world for it is heaven-minded, and foolishness to those who are perishing (1 Corinthians 1). Both men and women were created for the ultimate destiny of sonship in God (Galatians 3) with the astounding gift of co-inheritance with Christ, and to be priests in Christ's kingdom (Revelation 1:6). Oh how I wish men and women could treat each other with eternity in mind.
@end time message no rape or sexual abuse ,among pastor men to do what they like ?? woman will not silence , going to bible college then what , God is equal with men and woman , God pour out his spirit upon son and daughter , Jesus give woman more opportunity to speak, should the woman at the well keep her mouth shut ? should Mary the adultery should be stone because of what she done ?? should Mary madalence who found the body of Jesus as 1st One person or should be the other way round as Peter or Thomas should be the 1st One ??? Tell me why was Mary the entire experience with Jesus was taken out of the Bible ???????????????????????????
2 Samuel 20:16-22 New King James Version 16 Then a wise woman cried out from the city, “Hear, hear! Please say to Joab, ‘Come nearby, that I may speak with you.’ ” 17 When he had come near to her, the woman said, “Are you Joab?” He answered, “I am.” Then she said to him, “Hear the words of your maidservant.” And he answered, “I am listening.” 18 So she spoke, saying, “They used to talk in former times, saying, ‘They shall surely seek guidance at Abel,’ and so they would end disputes. 19 I am among the peaceable and faithful in Israel. You seek to destroy a city and a mother in Israel. Why would you swallow up the inheritance of the Lord?” 20 And Joab answered and said, “Far be it, far be it from me, that I should swallow up or destroy! 21 That is not so. But a man from the mountains of Ephraim, Sheba the son of Bichri by name, has raised his hand against the king, against David. Deliver him only, and I will depart from the city.” So the woman said to Joab, “Watch, his head will be thrown to you over the wall.” 22 Then the woman in her wisdom went to all the people. And they cut off the head of Sheba the son of Bichri, and threw it out to Joab. Then he blew a trumpet, and they withdrew from the city, every man to his tent. So Joab returned to the king at Jerusalem.
Thank you, Mr. McKissick, for finding the one verse in Scripture that is not inspired, inerrant and infallible. I'm going to cut it out of my Bible right now. I hope Timothy isn't turning in his grave that his book loses a verse. That would be remarkably chauvinistic of him. -- "But did God really say...?" The serpent strikes again.
The First Gentleman just stopped making sense about 3 minutes into his opening remarks. He lost me after the 20th “I think.” This topic is pretty clear in the Bible, which should exclude at least 95% of those “I thinks.”
It is written in the New Testament that women are cited to not have the right to become PASTORS or PRIESTS. One of these is found in 1 TIMOTHY 2:12...Also noted in 1 CORINTHIANS 11:3-12; 14:34,35:1 TIMOTHY 2:11-15 and TITUS1,2. These passages are for the foundation for the conclusion that WOMEN CANNOT BE LEAD PASTORS IN CHURCHES 😇🙏🙏🙏
It seems that Pastor McKissic's positions are based in his feelings and emotional responses as opposed to God's Word.
@Pk Amponn "Teach one another" is not the same as teaching a congregation. You say Paul tells men and woman to teach again but in the context of teaching a congregation Paul says with the Inspiration of the Holy Spirit that he does not permit a woman to teach or have authority over a man because of how original sin entered. I know you mean well, I hope the Holy Spirit gives you eyes to see and ears to hear.
@Pk Amponn Respectfully, I'd ask a few questions:
What does Isaiah 3:12 mean to you?
Does Judges 4:4 mention any appointment, as God does for Othniel, Ehud, Gideon, Jephthah and Samson?
Who was General Barak?
Did Deborah speak publically?
What do Judges 17, 18, 19 and 21 have in common?
@Pk Amponn
Isaiah 3:12
You said "sinful woman and children are not to rule over them."
Are there any non-sinful people? See Proverbs 20:9, Ecclesiastes 7:20, Romans 3:23, 1 John 1:8-10.
David and Gideon lived in completely different times. Even from Deborah, we see Gideon wasn't even born yet. Deborah never commanded an army. Barak did. Deborah never directed an army. Barak did. However, Deborah advised Barak.
Judges 4:4
Deborah's husband was Lappidoth
Judges 4:6
Barak was a commander
Judges 4:8
Barak was a coward
Exodus 23:33
They shall not dwell in your land, lest they make you sin against me; for if you serve their gods, it will surely be a snare to you."
Joshua 6:12
The Lord said, "Judah shall go up; behold, I have given the land into his hand."
Judges 1:2
Failure to drive out the inhabitants.
Judges 1:27-36, 2:1-5
A generation who did not know the Lord
Judges 2:10-15
After this, Judges were appointed to save them out of the hand of those who plundered them.
Judges 2 16-23
Judges 3:9-10
Judges 3:15
The people of Israel went to her. She did not go to them.
Judges 4:5
No mention of her speaking publically. She spoke to Barak only.
Gideon called by the Lord
Judges 6:14
Tola and Jair arose
Judges 10:1-3
These go one.
The context is Israel's disobedience. Pausing at Deborah, we are to understand that Barak was not only a coward, he was greedy for glory. Were Judges a good thing for Israel? Sure. Where they also a judgement? Most definitely. The entire book is judgement on Israel. They were taught war. The Lord hates war. No war is started without breaking the 7th commandment. Only then, is war justified and pleasing to the Lord. It is then the only remedy for cruel oppression as seen throughout the book of Judges.
@Pk Amponn No offense, but you are inserting an unbiblical principle into the scriptures to validate something that is not there. Isaiah 3:12 is a scathing condemnation for the sins of a nation if children oppress and women rule over them. They would be sinful if they did so, but the general context is the sinfulness of the nation would bring that type of rule, which is wrong. And to equate that to Deborah in Judges 5 is wrong. First, the judges weren't rulers (kings), they were deliverers. That is the reason Judges 21:25 repeats Judges 17:6, there were no kings during that time. This is also why the last judge, Samuel, was told by God to appoint a king and even then the people wanted the wrong type of king, so they got Saul (1 Samuel 8). Second, in Judges 4:6-8, we see Deborah exhorting Barak to deliver the people like God commanded him, but Barak didn't feel comfortable doing so and needed Deborah's companionship. In other words, Barak was originally told by God to be the judge, but his disobedience led to Deborah (a prophetess) to assist him. She wasn't originally supposed to rule anything; God sent Barak and the fact that Deborah was raised up shows Barak's disobedience and shame in that area. Also Deborah was the wife of Lapidoth (Judges 4:4)
As for Colossians 3:16 and 1 Timothy 4:11, these are general commands for Christians to teach one another. The way God has teaching and preaching in the church in an orderly fashion are laid out in other scriptures. It is bad interpretation to take a general command and insert that it means women can do so in the church (by implication or inference) when the context of 1 Timothy 2:9-15 is a clear didactic set of verses that tell us women shouldn't teach or usurp authority over a man in the church. And as Tom Ascol pointed out, Paul's explanation is the creative order, not cultural. We don't negate culture, but the inspired text says nothing about the culture, but goes back to Genesis 1:27. Again, to insert a cultural reason when the text already gives you a Biblical one is bad interpretation.
And finally, God has roles for men and women that don't negate their worth. Women can certainly proclaim the gospel and teach outside of the preaching of a church congregation (after all, Timothy was brought up by women in the Lord in 2 Timothy 1:5), but this thinking that we can insert feminism (and this is exactly what it is) into the roles and duties in the church is unbiblical. We don't pull out interpretations to make women able to do something in the church because it does damage to God's plain teaching on the subject. (And as you have pointed out in some posts here and others, you deny original sin from Genesis 3:6-15 and Romans 5:12, therefore it is no surprise that if you get that basic doctrine wrong, your understanding of other doctrines will also be skewed.)
@Pk Amponn The Spirit through Paul wrote he does not permit a woman to teach or have authority over a man. Our ways are not God's ways. Was it misogynistic of God to make a helper for Adam and assign a role for the genders? Both are equal in God's eyes but roles are taught throughout Scripture. God the Father sent God the Son who Obeyed the Father, both being equal yet having separate roles. I believe the Word of God to be just that. I pray you do too.
There is no question with what the Bible says. Why are we even having this conversation? People need to know the Word of God!
You already answered yourself!
@@messengerministries2253 what about Timothy 3? Is it pagan as well? All books written by men. All Major prophets were men. Jesus choose 12 men and Paul after. Was it fake as well? If you don’t like the lord word get out of my religion.
@@amaledward2147 i'm Not the Author...Only the Lord's messenger...
my Father ISN'T the author of man made denominations/sunday churches....
your comment Proves that you Don't Know the Scriptures..and/or...Have ANY of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit ---
>>>>>>------ NEITHER male or female
Here's the TRUE SUFFICIENCY of SCRIPTURE...WithOUT...the Carnal Denominational FALSE Bias --
Galatians 3:28 - There cannot be Jew nor Aramean, there is no slave nor freeman, there is no male and female; for you are all one (echad), united in Messiah Yahshua.
>>>>>----- No Where in the Gospels Does Jesus say Women Can't Minister.....
“All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit” - Acts 2:4 women INCLUDED
SOON to be FulFilled Scripture - Acts 2:18 - And also I will pour out My Spirit on My servants and hand maids in those days, and they shall prophesy. (Joel 2:28-29 )
“And spare my people” - Esther 7:3 ---- the Lord uses Esther to SAVE the Hebrew Nation..!!!
“My soul glorifies the Lord” - Luke 1:46 --- No ONE can imagine any better argument for women ministers in all of scripture than Mary -- His Mom
Mature women who can serve, teach, and disciple are essential in any healthy church. Sometimes, women like Priscilla are even used by God to help influential men like Apollos and “explain the way of God more accurately” - Acts 18:26.
Romans 16:1 - Phoebe was a deacon
Junia, who the Bible describes, not only as an apostle, but an outstanding one - Romans 16:7
Exodus 15:20 - And the sister of Aaron, Miriam the prophetess,
Judges 5:7 - Deborah was a Judge..a warrior...a minister... one of five female prophets in the Bible..!!!
2Kings 22:14 - Huldah the prophetess
Luke 2:36 - And there was Anna, a prophetess, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Aser:
To this number we can add Lydia, and even the woman at the well from Samaria as the first to bring the gospel to their own family and towns. One of the most profound examples is Mary Magdalene, whom Jesus chose to be the first to witness his resurrection. She was entrusted with bringing the good news to the disciples the Resurrection Sabbath evening - Matthew 28:1
Philippians 4:2-3 is an admonition, Paul is clear that both Euodia and Syntyche “labored side by side with me in the gospel together with Clement and the rest of my fellow workers.” This was evangelistic effort, and one that bore fruit through the faithfulness of these women.
2Timothy 1:5 - Timothy received training from his godly grandmother Lois and his mother Eunice in the doctrines of the faith
.>>>>-------- my Hope for you is to Become Saved.....
Jesus Never started a new denomination called...churchanity
prophecy is not preaching the word this is already out of order.
@@amaledward2147 What a Christian response. Why did Jesus pick only Jewish disciples?
*Long post warning* I appreciate the debate, though I did grow frustrated with it from time to time.
What I appreciated:
1. Mckissic brought arguments that I had not heard before. Usually, when this position is being debated, the side that affirms female preaching is usually held by someone who does not believe in the inerrancy of the scriptures. Mckissic clearly holds a high view of the Bible and does not want to compromise the importance of its authority.
2. They were cordial and kind toward each other
3. They mostly stuck to the issue at hand
What I did not like:
1. Mckissic repeatedly violated the basic rules of debate. He did this by
A. Speaking over the top of his opponent
B. Asking questions of his opponent, during his opponent's cross-examination time. (This is where Dr. White's "You can ask me that when it is your turn" line comes in handy)
C. Using his own cross-examination time to preach, rather than to cross-examine (this is where Dr. White's "Is that a question" line comes in handy)
These are important rules. They help ensure that the material is properly covered and that the best possible cases are made. Those were very frustrating violations
2. I don't think it would be unfair of me to claim that Mckissic either held a double standard or simply caught himself in a contradiction (you can decide which one) repeatedly. He did this by:
A. Quoting scholars who hold to his position, but then dismissing Ascol's position because some Christians disagree with the position of the scholars that Ascol quoted. So Mckissic can quote scholars who disagree with Ascol's position, but it is invalid for Ascol to quote scholars who disagree with Mckissic's position....because some people disagree with those scholars.
B. When Ascol would make the argument for the historical precedents of his positons, Mckissic would say something along the lines of "Yes, but the church has been so wrong on race and gender issues in the past", he would then turn around and try to make an argument for the historical precedents of his own position...by quoting people.....from the same denomination....that he just dismissed.....for being wrong about things in the past.
3. Mckissic equated complementarianism with abuse. This is either slander, or a slip of the tongue. Either way, I am glad that Ascol shut that down.
4. While Mckissic did attempt to make a biblical case for his position, he relied almost completely on anecdotal evidence, experience, and (I believe it is fair to say) emotional pleas.
5. Honestly, I think that the lowest point in the entire debate took place during Mckissic's closing remarks. When he took this issue and turned it into a race issue....I think it reached a new level of low (that is...granting that point #3 was simply a slip of the tongue). This is a horrible way to think about our brothers and sisters. To accuse us of being fine with women preaching, as long as it is not over a white man is....well...it's disgusting.
I am not simply trying to take it easy on Ascol. I honestly did not find a logical contradiction, a double standard, or even a violation of basic debate etiquette in his presentation. If there was one thing I would want to change about Ascol's presentation, I would simply want him to be more protective of his time, and not allow Mckissic to eat up so much of it with long stories and mini-sermons. But really, that is the Moderator's job most of the time. However, I do understand that this debate was supposed to be more on the friendly side.
I am very thankful for this debate. And I am very thankful that these two brothers both hold to the inerrancy and infallibility of the scripture.
If Christians are debating this as an issue it simply means that one part does not love God. Full stop.
Hey man realize this has been posted like a year ago but I like your views and would love, if you desire so to relate with you more on this topic. thnk you
You just summed up my observations as well. I think Mckinssic (Is that how it is spelt?) came to the table thinking having separate roles for the different genders means “abusing” and “oppressing” them.
The difference cannot be more stark, Mckinnsic thinks that Ascol is in sin and is preaching over him. Ascol is expecting a debate but what he got was a sermon.
Hey, this two Dudes just took sides to help us look/cross examine our ignorance on the issue in different angles, it was not meant for competition sir! Just examine yourself and give us your opinion on the matter!
Simple: accept the authority of Scripture and follow it. Simple!
Simple! Amen!
It really is.
They can't. They want to cave to the culture! LBGT is proof! Total EVIL!!
I believe the word of God is powerful and above us
We should not bring personal experiences and try to compare to the word
I agree with pastor Tom
Tom Ascol stands solely on scripture, God's Word is Law.
Absolutely I agree
There is no biblical evidence of women pastors in the church period. Women however played a roll most definitely but if we are sticking to the scriptures no evidence anywhere.
Dwight McKissic stands solely on scripture
God's word is law!
@@atestring1379 Please use Scripture, am I missing somewhere in Scripture that clearly states women are to be Pastor's?
Ascol said that in 1 Corinthians 14:34, the Apostle Paul says that women should be silent in church. “Paul identifies two activities, teaching and exercising authority over men in the church,” Ascol said.
1Co 14:34 Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law.
1Co 14:35 And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.
Ascol said. “Christian women are spiritually gifted like men are. We must reject any attempt to use a gift in a way contrary to God’s word.”
He mentioned:
1Co 11:5 But every woman that prayeth or prophesieth ...
To prayeth or prophesieth is expected, however Preaching at the Pulpit is different and not Biblically accepted, nor is it oppressive.
1Ti 2:12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man,
McKissic said "...It oppressive and sinful to deny women that opportunity.” Against God's Inspired Word.
1Co 4:6 I have applied all these things to myself and Apollos for your benefit, brothers, that you may learn by us not to go beyond what is written, that none of you may be puffed up in favor of one against another.
2Ti 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
Heb 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.
Heb 13:9 Be not carried about with divers and strange doctrines. For it is a good thing that the heart be established with grace;
*_God Bless_*
I'm sorry but the black dude is basing his argument on issues that have nothing to do with scripture .
Very true.. and leave him troubling
@@thisgeneration2894 No he does, he is just too deep! He is speaking of the tree by describing very well of the "FRUIT"!
@@savedmanmuathime2642 Romans 1:22-32
22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
1 Timothy 2:12
12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.
What happens where the males are not saved and there is a woman who fears and loves the Lord? Will there not be the spirit of Deborah?
I understand where there is the presence of the male men who loves and fears the Lord, then there should be order!
Read Judges chapter 4
8 Barak said to her, “If you go with me, I will go; but if you don’t go with me, I won’t go.”
9 “Certainly I will go with you,” said Deborah. “But because of the course you are taking, the honor will not be yours, for the Lord will deliver Sisera into the hands of a woman.” So Deborah went with Barak to Kedesh.(V) 10 There Barak summoned(W) Zebulun and Naphtali, and ten thousand men went up under his command. Deborah also went up with him.
Where the male men is spiritually asleep, God will a-times use women for leadership!
A lot of conflation and experience-driven approaches on Pastor McKissic's part. Women not being allowed to vote, Jim Crow and segregation has NOTHING to do with women being prohibited from teaching and preaching in the LORD'S CHURCH!
Bro McKissic's argument was very weak!!
Another example of using American culture to interpret the Word of God.
@@hamcom5477 exactly what went on in this debate.... exactly what is happening in the church by large.
Ahem! *Corinthians 14:34-35*
NT Wright? Scott McKnight ? In response to an expert reference analyzing the contextual history of first century Ephesus ?
Jim Crow - Segregation ? For the love of Pete …
McKissic Speaks out of both sides of his mouth and then becomes highly defensive… Does he even know what a hermeneutic is?
“As long as the man is the pastor, I’m ok…” lol He’s all over the place….
Wow! Great example of graciousness by pastor Tom. Much to learn from how he handled this.
Years ago before his departure, I asked One of my deceased mentors ( whose name I won’t mention), known as undeniably the greatest theological scholar of his time, what Biblical support did he have for women preachers? He responded, “ well I don’t support it from a Biblical posture…” I then kinda tuned out.
The Bible does not support women in this position of church authority. It has become culturally acceptable based on the successful rise of feminism, but the church must not be echoes of the world.
"11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.
12 But I ***suffer not a woman to teach***, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to ***be in silence. 13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve. 14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression"
1 Tim 2:11-14 (KJV)
That is God's declared Will on the subject, and so is irrevocable!
Only the "Devil and his angels" will contend differently, fooling and deceiving the weak and feeble-minded!
This scripture can be interpreted in reference to a man and woman in a marriage relationship. In other words the husband is the head of the wife. A man outside of that marriage covenant cannot be the head of another mans wife. So in relation to the church, one can argue that women are not restricted from teaching and leading men in general, if they are in submission and under the headship of her husband
@@messengerministries2253 do you mean, Emma stark is more than the Bible? Canonical 66 books are accepted as God's inspiration. Even the early version is the same. Kindly don't misguide the people . You yourself try to find the various versions and read that and even look into the older version.
@@earnestlycontendingforthef5332 real question for you. Does your Church services look anything remotely like what the Apostle Paul wrote? Tell me how many gifts of the Spirit are being exercised where you attend. I'm very curious to know.
You put aside God's command and obey human teachings. And Jesus continued, "you have a clever way of rejecting God's law in order to uphold your own teaching. Mark 7:8-9
It seems that one side says: "This is what God said and continues to say" (Ascol) and the other saying " Did He really?" (Mckissic). McKissic argument and hermeneutical approach is feeling and emotion based. Its the same approach currently being used by the Gay "christian" movement.; infiltrate the church, undermine the word of God and eventually try to destroy the church.
Genesis 3:1 ... "Did God really says"..
God is in charge
Well said. Spiritual warfare.
Good Lord, so true.
Thank God our Father and the LORD Jesus that He helped you see that and come to that conclusion. The very principle revealed in the Garden of Eden by satan is revealed in this debate and you observation. Well said.
One man is guided by what's written in the Bible. The other man is guided by the feelings and emotions of men. One will do anything to secure his paycheck. The other will only say what the Bible says. One believes the Bible as it is written. The other man doesn't believe the Bible. In the end, it comes down to this one thing. It sounds like one man was called, but the other man chooses preaching as his career according to his personal feelings. That's the problem here. This debate shouldn't happen if the Bible was accepted and believed.
I feel the same thing....l totaly agree 🙏
Thanks to Dr.Ascol,he has been full of grace in his remarks,well seasoned and tackles the opponent with kindness,he is really a Christian to emulate search a scenario.Congratulions Ascol
I love me some Tom Ascol! He is a very gracious man even on a topic he disagrees on. Tries to be clear as he speaks and most of all stands on the word of God
Thank you, brother. You are too kind!
You were busy listening to the PERFORMANCE, try again and listen to the issues!
Dwight won,cause he used Bible
Maybe both of you are wrong. We are assuming that church practice of the the 21st century is the same as what was happening in the 1st century. It is doubtful that people met in huge buildings in which they sat in rows listening to Bible exposition. Churches were home based and more relational and interactive than our current religious culture. Both of you are starting with wrong assumptions about how churches operated therefore the conclusions are erroneous.
@@savedmanmuathime2642 😊
A 1 hour and 36 min debate that I can sum up in one second....NAH!
I had the opportunity to meet Pastor McKissic a few months ago for breakfast while he was here in Houston. Very gracious and warm conversation we had concerning this very subject.
A funny story occurred that day that I must share here. I remember before ending our conversation he informed me about his upcoming debate with Tom Ascol and asked if I had any resources that would help better buttress his position. I asked him which position did he support? He said he supports women preaching and teaching in the church.
I said, "I got nothing for ya, Doc!" 😉😂
Let's be friends on Facebook :Joshua Zeegers
That ending seems rather curt for being directed to a 'gracious and warm' conversationalist, I must say.
neither dose the bible
Who wins the race, in the the NASCAR competition, the car Driver or the Team? Yes it is not a trick question, but be careful it can be tricky to some!
Numbers 27:16 Let the LORD, the God of the spirits of all flesh, set a man over the congregation, 27:17 Which may go out before them, and which may go in before them, and which may lead them out, and which may bring them in; that the congregation of the LORD be not as sheep which have no shepherd.
No comments
"Let's be honest. The question on women preachers is not something that God's word is unclear about. What God says is not unclear, its just unpopular." - Tom Ascol
Don't really know what to say to that!
I know what to say..."Amen!!"
In the bible, YAHWEH chose a woman to be His prophet..the bible says prophets are the best teachers..if YAHWEH CHOSE WOMAN TO BE A TEACHER OF GOD'S WORD..WHO IS MAN TO OPPOSE IT..
It is only man who contradicts the bible word..contradiction is misnterpretation ..misinterpretation is false teaching
@@janettemuana8614 I would appreciate any scriptural references you have to back up your 2 claims. Claim #1: Yahweh chose a woman to be His prophet. Claim #2: The Bible says prophets are the best teachers.... Also, from the sounds of it, you reject Paul's writings as scripture inspired by God (2Tim 3:16-17). Where and how do you draw the line on what is and what isn't scripture, if you don't accept the Canon as it is?
@@janettemuana8614 you Jezabel, support your claim with scriptures whenever you say "the bible says".
“And as they went to tell his disciples, behold, Jesus met them, saying, All hail. And they came and held him by the feet, and worshipped him. Then said Jesus unto them, Be not afraid: go tell my brethren that they go into Galilee, and there shall they see me.”
Matthew 28:9-10 KJV
I'm an African American minister here in Virginia. Thanks to men like Dwight and other unlearned church goers it's almost impossible to find a fellowship that will bring in a man who oppose women preachers. I left the national baptist convention church I was raised in, licensed and ordained in. Now they have a woman leading them.
When he and his ilk is done with the SBC, you will be just like the NBC.
All anyone has to do in this discussion is Read, Listen and obey the word of God.
Dennis Dabney amen, my own pastor, who happens to be a white man, was ordained in the National Baptist Convention, has said that the Black Church is dominated by women. God bless you, Rev. Praying for you.
@@paulheadley1737 Brother Headley,
Thank you sir for your comment and more importantly your prayers. To some this shift in the ministry of word from what it was in the 60's and 70's has the so-called blessing of the civil rights moment. This was a grave error on the part of my kinsmen according to the flesh to give women the opportunity to teach the word of God and preach the gospel when the assembly has come together in the name of equality.
This decision has and will further weaken the local New Testament church according to the Holy Scriptures.
The Spirit of God was clear as to why women can't teach and usurp authority over the man. He gave four conditions which made what is transpiring currently in the local assemblies forbidden.
1. Adam was created first.
2. Eve was created after him, and not before he had received the Word of God and subsequently joined the Lord God as he worked in the Garden of Eden.
3. He was not decieved.
4. The woman was decieved as she discussed the Word of God with the serpent and as she taught her husband as he listened to her words. Genesis 3:17.
@@dennisdabney4039 Awesome, bro! I agree with you! Let's be friends on Facebook: Joshua Zeegers is my name. We really should unite about this subject.
I laugh and the Lord laughs at all the people who teach that women should even speak in church. Hate me all you want. You can have your one world religion. I will follow The Word of God. Your prayers are not heard unless you repent. Please stop pretending to obey God.
in like manner also, that the women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with propriety and moderation, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or costly clothing, but, which is proper for women professing godliness, with good works. Let a woman learn in silence with all submission. And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence. For Adam was formed first, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression. Nevertheless she will be saved in childbearing if they continue in faith, love, and holiness, with self-control.
I Timothy 2:9-15 NKJV
For God is not a God of confusion but of peace. As in all the churches of the saints, the women should keep silent in the churches. For they are not permitted to speak, but should be in submission, as the Law also says. If there is anything they desire to learn, let them ask their husbands at home. For it is shameful for a woman to speak in church. Or was it from you that the word of God came? Or are you the only ones it has reached? If anyone thinks that he is a prophet, or spiritual, he should acknowledge that the things I am writing to you are a command of the Lord. If anyone does not recognize this, he is not recognized. So, my brothers, earnestly desire to prophesy, and do not forbid speaking in tongues. But all things should be done decently and in order.
1 Corinthians 14:33-40 ESV
@@StrangeDays25 Thanks Bro Joshua. I appreciate your response to my comment on the subject. At this point I am not on Facebook but may consider joining this year if for no other reason to address this matter.
I look forward to speaking with you soon my friend.
May the Lord richly bless you and yours.
@@dennisdabney4039 Thanks, please pray for me, as I am an American living in the Philippines. Please remember that God promised that you would do greater things than he did.
Oh this is an easy one. No debate needed. No.
@Pk Amponn You must read the text in context. If you continued to 1 Corinthians 14:34 you would see "Let your women keep silent in the churches, for they are not permitted to speak; but they are to be submissive, as the law also says." Also listen to the response at 1:27:39
I agree no need of debate on this issue the Bible is clear
@@samrhodes3510 Why did they say that, the women would yell to there husbands (wanting to know what was said or understand what he meant) while in church plus they had to sit away from there husbands, those were the rules. Please read more of the Bible and you will see the truth and do some fasting while praying and God will answer you.
The problem with playing loose with the text on something like this, is chances are they’re playing loose with other parts of the text
I agree with Tom and I am a black woman. The other speaker is all over the place. The scriptures can not be changed. They are what they are.
He turned the rules of the Bible into a issue of race. Wow. A mess
I agree with you my sister it have nothing to do with race the word is the word God word he is bringing his own believes and ideology.
Praise God for men like Dr Ascol!
Silence is not talking about singing it's talking about teaching
Brilliantly debated Pastor Tom! Bravo!
I agree 👍 with Pastor Tom Ascol🙏
Thank you! We need more debates like this. Performed graciously for the one goal of glorifying God. I will say that Mckissic used a method of arguing that is in error. History, and what some have done in the past does not validate what God says on a matter. Also, equating white/black to man/woman is also illogical. God did not assign roles to black/white but He did to man/woman. Thank you again for this video. All glory to God!
what roles?
The church supports women who go to the mission field to preach the gospel or even stand on the sidewalk handing out tracts and telling others of the good news.
But when a woman steps inside the church to preach the exact same message she is labeled a heretic, rebellious, disobedient.
If the church building were to blow away in a tornado leaving an empty lot, could she then stand where the church once stood and preach the gospel?
P.S. The early church did not have pulpits or what we call church buildings. They met in private homes.
Pulpits and church buildings came in centuries later. Women were there from the beginning.
@susanbarackman-artist7670 Preaching, as in the Great Commission, is different from shepharding a flock. Being a spiritual leader. Scripture is clear on roles.
@@PhoenixPestControlTN saying the bible is clear is a way of shutting down discussion....actually the bible says we see through a glass darkly
how do you explain the underground church in iran led by women? why didn't God call a man?
or Soujourner Truth, black ex=slave and 2 quaker women in the civil war south, told by God to preach against slavery?
Paul set the standards that we should follow.When we change something then we can change it all.
THE WORKS of the HOLY SPIRIT, receive Him, He's got it all!
@manofgod9843-Paul had no authority! Jesus was the authority and he did not give anyone not even the disciples authority!
McKissic's last comment in his closing statement is very telling as to why he ultimately doesn't want to adhere to clear scripture. Just because evil people take advantage of the submission of faithful Christians, doesn't mean submission isn't what God called us to do.
As much as I don't want this to be the case, there seems to be a sweeping Romans 1 issue in the modern Church setting. People are intentionally suppressing the Truth in unrighteousness. Elevating Creation (in this case women) over Gods clear instruction.
Voddie Baucham would say...
“if you can’t say Amen, just say OUCH!”
Yep, try silence too, even a silent fool can be deemed wise!
Thank God for men like Tom Ascol....FYI though, Voddie Baucham only has credibility amongst White Unregenerate American Evangelicals. However, he is smart enough to get your vote, qualifying himself for a piece of the American Patriotic Pie!
Ouch I love the word of God but this one hurts .
@@Testifydesignfactorywhat is it your trying to say with this comment? Your saying voddies following is unregenerate white people? I would surely surely hope that’s not what your saying
Sometimes the problem with us is we try to interpret God’s Word based on our feeling and thinking. If part of the word doesn’t make sense to us then it can’t be what it says. If we don’t feel right about the Word, then it isn’t what it says. These are the similar arguments used to say how can a loving God send people to hell? If there’s God and He is good how come He allows evil? How can God hate? We can’t decide which scripture to obey and which to disobey based on our senses. Dependence on senses was why Isaac was deceived by Jacob. We must obey the Word regardless of how we feel about it.
Dwight's arguments can be used to justify homosexuality and any other deviation from scripture.
I recently have been considering leaving my church for reasons applying to this. We have 30 women’s groups and. Zero men’s groups outside of a one hr once a month bible study! Pastor tiptoes around this topic obviously not to offend the feminists and the lesbian spirit that has run rampant in our culture lately! This is unacceptable to me for reasons being clearly stated in scripture that the man is the head... how can our church teach men to be the head and to express biblical, natural leadership in our households if they only teach women and don’t even offer anything to teach biblical manhood and biblical directions to being the head Of household and main leader and disciple of our own families! This is a HUGE problem in our modern day churches and mine is losing a contributing and dedicated member bcuz of the adaptation to the spirit of the age which is evil, and satanic and against the word of God in sooo many ways
The Bible does however tell older women to instruct younger women. The idea of a women's group isn't necessarily anti-scriptural, but it is unfortunate that your church seems to be lacking men who are willing to lead like the women are. Have you perhaps thought about stepping up and putting something together?
Sir.. we are individualized church of God in SPIRIT..GOD deals with us individually.. just like God will judge us individually...
Drenathor yes my “old” church preaches biblical manhood and leadership but doesn’t offer the gatherings or classes or groups to teach us men how to do that! But have at least 30 women’s groups! Which to me tells me they have adopted to this feminist culture and aren’t interested in teaching or encouraging men to be biblicala nd to lead and disciple their families. But they are teaching their women to do that. The churches adapting and encouraging the culture is a huge red flag for me! It should be for everyone!! It is the main reason why people are turning from God and believe Christianity to be hypocritical! “Practice what you preach” even Barry White knew that one lol.
I left that church. Another thing is my pastor told me he wanted to start a mans group which I was excited about and offered to run it however he wanted but then he told me it would have to be secret😳😳 wtheck is that about?? Why would it need to be secret! That was the final straw for me!
Leave now
If that church has that many feminists and then you say lesbians??? !!!!!! Or they are pro lesbian? If that's truly the case, run, don't walk out of that church, get out of there. One of the reasons of women wanting to lead and women wanting to teach and women wanting to be pastors is because of the weak men are not strong in scriptures they are weak and spiritual wimps, all over the nation and that's why we have feminists so much in the Church, weak men and weak pastors.
And the word of God doesn't change according to times...
I'm watching this in October 2021. If Dr. M is missing it on race in the Kingdom, I must conclude he's missing it on women preachers. We need more biblical truths and zero cultural and emotional driven conclusions. I have questions about tithing and Hell. For now, I must go with the biblical interpretations of the Reformist preachers until I learn better.
We must follow the truth in God's Word
Which question about tithing and hell ?
"Let [your] women be silent in the assemblies, for it is not permitted to them to speak; but to be in subjection, as the law also says."
"I do not suffer a woman to teach nor to exercise authority over man, but to be in quietness...".
What is debatable?
I suggest my short essay on Deborah. God ruled Israel through the Judges. A Judge was the most important spiritual leader of this time period, according to scripture.
I so appreciated the Christian friendship that was apparent even though you both have very different views on the subject. Tom Ascol was especially level and kind.
God is so good that he actually made the scripture very simple & clear..Therefore it should be easy to detect who's misinterpreting the text; the bigger the lie the bigger the explanation
He lost the debate when he played the race/slavery card.
I don't think so , its a valid point. The bible has been used as a weapon during that time, but it was not the subject. Wish he had used more scripture for his point.
@@godlovesrivera9343 scripture doesn't back his point at all. Race card is pathetic. The bible never condones racism
@@andrewk8636 I agree. God created all of us. Sin cause us to hate each other. I personally don’t HATE no race but don’t like their ways.
He lost NOTHING, why are you focused on the COMPETION, contrary, he is an OUTCRY that represents something you may never know! Don't focus on the PERFORMANCE, otherwise you will miss the BIG PICTURE!
As a Christian that is black, stop using our color to deal with this issue. Women can preach and witness yet in Gods congregations, 1 Timothy 2:11 is clear. Please dont allow the culture, your past experiences to be your authority.
In love bro.
I completely agree. When skin color comes into the picture, it's time to rethink the argument about gender(conservative term) roles.
Women are great to have as teachers, especially over children. Who better to spread the word of the resurrection? When it comes to discipleship, this needs to be left to the men. We lead our families, so it's only proper (from the creation order as well) that men teach men how to lead and disciple other men.
@Steven Irizarry not in the congregation but in the streets
Woman can't preach ahab
D M said this is the only time we build a doctrine on one verse. How many times does God have to say something to make it true?
More than once to make it clear like hell?and being born again he used 2 metaphors because our flesh is dull in understanding and our spiritual ears are carnally numb
I enjoyed watching this debate but I was disappointed with Pastor McKissick’s emotional stance on the issue.It was clear that once Pastor Ascol refuted the notion that Phoebe was to be received as someone giving the word authoritatively and that the gift of prophecy and prophecy is defined by God in scripture so that the office of pastor and the gift of prophecy are different,Mckissick still clung to the notion out of emotion,taking a stance of personal experiences,and pride in himself and those who don’t adhere to 1 Tim 2:12 and verses like these.
As someone who has been so heavily influenced by women,growing up in a house with all sisters,and matriarchy within my particular home(not entire family) men like this have the tendency to have emotional demeanors when confronted with contradictions and sin,more so than men raised or influenced by men of God who truly believe in inerrancy of scripture.
I submit this verse to you all,
“For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”
Hebrews 4:12 KJV
Ascol’s questions regarding why Mckissick thinks the way he does was meant to be,and I believe stated, that his defense of women in the church was based in personal experience and not the Word of God.Friends that is a slippery slope into hellfire for many souls.
Whenever we hold our personal experiences over the Word of God,we say to God “you were wrong.” This does not keep us penitent and is rooted in pride.
This debate,in my estimation,to Mckissick,was to show the SBC that they need to repent,and at this point may have been true,but that wasn’t the point of this debate;he came with an ulterior motive to,in my words “show the oppressed that we can rise up and battle this oppressive hegemony and make sense like they do.”
But that’s the thing,at a few different points he didn’t make sense and
“For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.”
1 Corinthians 14:33 KJV
He says on one hand,”SBC has been wrong before and they’re probably wrong now.” And on the other he quotes different members of the SBC...so they’re only right when he quotes them?
So if the SBC can’t be trusted all the time,who should you trust all the time?The Lord Himself.
“but we had the sentence of death in ourselves, that we should not trust in ourselves, but in God which raiseth the dead:”
2 Corinthians 1:9 KJV
It makes total sense that Paul appeals to creation itself in the function of men and women in the church and his indication that the fall itself tells you that women are not equipped the same way men are to resist temptation reconciling certain matters of emotion and logic,thus The Holy Spirit indicating through Paul that women are not to teach,have authority over a man,and are to keep silent in places of worship,in order to preserve the sanctity of the Body of Christ,and not give foothold to the enemy to cause the church to stumble!
Pastor Ascol was right,anyone in true alignment and acceptance of God’s order and sovereignty,won’t feel oppressed by His laws:it’s those who seek their own will that rebel in whatever fashion.
I believe the SBC has historically,and currently had major problems but to quote different members to preserve your own argument(indeed it is not the Lord’s) dismiss Ascol for quoting the same and say “they’ve been wrong before.” Is disingenuous and heavily implies that his discernment is superior and it’s clearly not!
We are to use the Bible to interpret the world and our experiences,not in reverse.
Pastor Mckissick may have repented by now but this line of thinking is ubiquitous in Christendom and needs to be exposed.
1Tim 2:12 -- is a roman Mis-Translation....
The Age of The Church Split Is Coming - Prophetic Word From Emma Stark
Have you ever noticed that a person who is wrong can never answer a simple question . They always have to go off topic. Do not be deceived the truth can be answered directly.....always be ready to give account for what you believe. The Bible doesn't give permission for woman to be pastors or to teach the Bible from the pulpit to mixed congregations.....stick with the word.
I agree! A person who permits women.. doesn’t agree of what the scriptures said. It is not hard to understand, but simple it is hard to swallow.
Thank you Tom Ascol!
We are dealing with Biblical outlines, not what we think or want. I do not find anything in the Bible that says anything about a woman preaching or teaching. In Corinthians Paul admonishes the women to be silent. It most likely had something to do with the church in Corinth more than women in general although in Judaism, women were not even allowed to participate in the service with the men, nor were they acceptable witnesses. But the real question is whether women can or should be pastors. That is a far greater role than teacher or preacher. I guess I am oldfashioned. Teach and preach, but do not pastor.
Mckissic is sadly inconsistent and arbitrary in his approach.
This was the Greatest spirit filled Debate I have Ever watched!👏👏👏👏👏👏👏Great Job♥
Finally, You seem to be the only one who was LISTENING!
Looks for a church of Christ near you,
1 Timothy
“I do not permit a woman to teach nor to have authority over a man.”
Do more research besides that one scripture. A woman needed to learn before they speak in that scripture. Things needed to be order. It’s like If you didn’t understand a topic but added your input, you might as well keep silent until you know what you are talking about.
@@ericac.4316 I noticed you didn’t back any of that up with any scripture, you just gave me your own Opinion.
Explain what God means by he does not permit a woman to have authority over a man or to speak in church they are to keep quiet explain what God means
@@ericac.4316 don’t do research about GOD’s WORDS, ask GOD directly. He will Bless you His WORDS in Jesus name.
@@fireandgrace9456 right and as a woman I agree with God he said keep silent in the church so she isn't preaching at all and women teach other women is what he said
@@LuvDet6564 God over Christ, Christ over man, man over woman, and women over children..
The issue is bassed on a misunderstanding. Carefuly study the word preach ( euangelidzo, keyruso) in its context an discover that it is not a ministry for the church rather for lost people. The passage in first tim. 2. That forbids women to preach is not the greak word for preaching rather (didascos) this shows that the ministry of making disciples is an intimate relationship with authority witch would not be appropriate for a woman to have over a man for. obvious reasons. The traditional paradigm makes the entire subject confusing. Take off your traditional sun glasses and put yourself in the context of the primitive church and the confusion goes away.
Pastor Mckissic gave a good, albeit not biblically founded, lecture for his position. His skills as an orator were incredibly impressive. But in his closing statement when he equated not allowing women to preach from the pulpit on the Lord's Day with racism ("When we allow it overseas...but don't allow it here, practically what we are saying is it's alright for a woman to preach to people of color all over the world they just can't preach to white men over here.") he lost all credibility he had earned in the debate. I was hoping that Pastor Ascol would not let that one slip by but it went without recognition.
Overall, good debate but it in no way benefited Pastor Mckissic's position.
The man is wrong. He has a wrong agenda. He has caved to the culture of death and caos. Press him a little bit further and you will have a marxist pro reparations pro democratic liberal preacher.
I actually mentioned that same thing in my comment. It was shocking, honestly.
I think that Pastor Ascol was in fact right not to engage with the closing statement remarks of Pastor Mckissic.
According to basic debating rules, The closing statement is not a rebuttal time. You're not supposed to offer new arguments for your position during this time, but rather to summarize your position and your refutation of the opponents arguments for the audience.
Bringing up fresh arguments at the last moment is unfair for the other side, since there is no opportunity to rebuttal.
@Missy B That's not the specific issue addressed here. Did you watch the video?
May be Mckissic saw a demonic correlation, and may be Ascol understood it! How come you saw it differently. People also get confused by the term Black lives matter!
I agree with Tom.. period!!!
As a blk woman I agree with the white guy cos I ❤️ God and Gods Word!!
Pastor Mckissic is a very smart man and very very knowledgeable in the scriptures. I give him so much props for that. But at the end when they are going back and forth discussing the issue, its alot of personal opinion and alot "I feel." Very smart man and very well knowledgeable in the bible. But the bible makes it very clear that women should not usurp authority over man.
He was trying to use alot of words to his the fact that everything he said he feels, is his opinion.
Yep, the Devil used the serpent, he is never upfront, he is now using DEVICES, he is a master of deception!
@Angel you doing what Paul says but Jesus give woman an opportunity , I say no no rape or sexual abuse ,among pastor men to do what they like ?? woman will not silence , going to bible college then what , God is equal with men and woman , God pour out his spirit upon son and daughter , Jesus give woman more opportunity to speak, should the woman at the well keep her mouth shut ? should Mary the adultery should be stone because of what she done ?? should Mary madalence who found the body of Jesus as 1st One person or should be the other way round as Peter or Thomas should be the 1st One ??? Tell me why was Mary the entire experience with Jesus was taken out of the Bible ???????????????????????????
While studying through the book of James and teaching about the mindset he teaches us to have through life's trials God uses to equip us with endurance, wisdom and the crown of life, I was asked, "Do you believe God will not call a woman to preach?" Now, I'm praying for wisdom and searching for truth in that. My immediate response would be, "Sure! God would equip and call a woman to preach. " But I have to ask myself, even if it feels right- is it true? Would the Holy Spirit call a homosexual to be a preacher and senior pastor and not convict him of the sin of homosexuality? He may look like he is bearing all the fruit, and he may convince me that he's called and can remain a practicing homosexual- but is it true. I think that's the real question here, and I would say the pro- women's preaching side represented the emotional side of that answer and the anti women's preaching represented the character of God that is consistent throughout his Bible. It was easy for the pro women's rep to move into black oppression because he relates to the emotions resulting from culture's victim hood morality.
Let's get away from victim hood and have the approach that James has in James 1:1. We are a slave of Jesus who is God. He bought and owns us- but we are not victims. We are his children. What Gid says is true, just as Jesus was asked about divorce and he explained that it was not God's design but allowed because of the evil in men's hearts, it was not God's design for women to shepherd over men. God's order is the Father- the Son- man- woman- children. It's a good order because God is good. Let's praise God in Spirit and in truth and let our emotions be led by praising him and humbling ourselves. PTL
I suggest my short and free essay on Deborah.
Men and women are perfectly equal spiritually.
She was a pastor, according to the scriptures.
This is how the Judges are described in Chronicles.
To say a woman can be a Judge over Israel, but a woman can't be an elder in a small church, just doesn't make any sense scripturally.
@user-iz8np3vv4i Why do you call the prophet of Israel during their rebellion against God a pastor? God will raise up a woman to lead when a man isn't present. Example, 73% of blacks in America have no father in the home. A mother who is a believer in dwelled with the Holy Spirit is called to pastor her family, leading them spiritually and teaching them to find joy in Jesus. However, the Holy Spirit doesn't work outside of his own word. Best case scenario, a father is at home and is spiritually equipped to pastor and lead his family. But, yes Deborah was a prophet in that she spoke God's word to Israel. However, that was during a time of rebellion against God and was not taught to be the norm.
A Judge at this time, was VERY different from a judge in our time.
The Judge was over the nation of Israel. But not as a man, as
King, or as a woman, as Queen, because God was not rejected as King as yet.
God ruled Israel through the Judges.
Wheresoever I have walked with all Israel, spake I a word to any of the judges of Israel, whom I commanded to feed my people, saying, Why have ye not built me an house of cedars?
-excerpt 1 Chronicles 17 verse 6 KJV
Major modern English translations like the NASB use
the phrasing ...whom I commanded to shepherd My people...
[PASTOR - Origin: late Middle English: from Anglo-Norman French pastour,
from Latin pastor ‘shepherd’.]
In all places where I have walked with all Israel, have I spoken a word with any of the judges of Israel, whom I commanded to shepherd My people, saying, ‘Why have you not built Me a house of cedar?’
-excerpt 1 Chronicles 17 verse 6 NASB translation
Also I will ordain a place for my people Israel, and will plant them, and they shall dwell in their place, and shall be moved no more; neither shall the children of wickedness waste them any more, as at the beginning, and since the time that I commanded judges to be over my people Israel.
-excerpt 1 Chronicles 17 verses 9 and 10 KJV -God speaking to Nathan the prophet
More, proving a Judge was a pastor:
But it came about, when the judge died, that they would turn back and act more corruptly than their fathers, in following other gods to serve them and bow down to them; they did not abandon their practices or their obstinate ways.
-excerpt Judges 2
What happened after Deborah's time?:
Then the sons of Israel did what was evil in the sight of the Lord; and the Lord handed them over to Midian for seven years.
-excerpt Judges 6 -first sentence
@@8784-l3b What was the state of Israel when Deborah became prophet? Also, would you say Balaam was a prophet used by God? If so, does that mean Balaam could've led Israel? And if so, why does Jesus speak against Balaam in the Revelation? You see, God's order is his order and not subject to changes by today's culture involving people's feelings. God is the same yesterday and today.
@@lionkj12 Search the scriptures. Was there a gender qualification
to be a Judge over Israel?
Taken from my essay again:
...the Lord was moved to pity...
And when the Lord raised up judges for them, the Lord was with the judge and saved them from the hand of their enemies all the days of the judge; for the Lord was moved to pity by their groaning because of those who tormented and oppressed them.
-excerpt Judges 2
The sending of a Judge meant God was showing mercy to His people.
It wasn't a judgment against them.
Dr. Mckissic got me confused. Wish he would had expounded on the Scriptures rather than relying so much on scholars and experience. It is hard to debate Mckissic. I wouldn't have wasted my time debating Mckissic especially since he made a near race issue.
Let me preface by saying that I am a staunch conservative Christian, raising my children in The Faith under my God fearing husband. With that said, I am very disappointed as I read these comments. How do you reconcile the women leading the Iranian church today? That’s right. We know because of relief teams there that the Lord is rapidly moving through the Iranian underground church which is predominantly women. Have any of you considered the fact that God uses available and willing vessels? Those who worship me must do so in spirit and truth. What I mean by that is that these women have experienced Christ’s love and are sharing it at the expense of their lives and freedoms. Where are the men? Why is this? Who exactly can God use to preach when the men won’t answer? Why is it that there are little to no men? Only two possible reasons. God hasn’t called many men OR the men are not ANSWERING. God uses faithful and willing vessels. See, this is just one inconvenient truth that must be taken into account. These women are filling a role where there are no males to lead. This isn’t limited to Iran. This is going on worldwide as I follow the Voice of the Martyrs. I want to leave you with this. Of course we know that God’s Word is crystal clear on women Lording over, ruling over, or having authority over men. It is not His perfect order but when there are no men to lead, HE WILL use a willing vessel to accomplish His purposes. Also, I truly believe that a woman must submit to male leadership whenever and wherever possible. This includes her being allowed to preach or teach by her male authority. No woman should Pastor or council a man. I think it’s quite a luxury to even be able to pontificate on this topic. What a privilege we have here in the USA! We have an abundance of male leadership. No one is saying women should take over as head of church. Women are absolutely “qualified” to teach and preach under the authority of a male. Dr. McKissic prevailed here. Hands down. Blessings to all!
THIS!!! THIS 10,000% Those scriptures are being taken to literally! Those scriptures meant for the woman that thought they knew stuff when they didn't. They were being a false prophet just like in this debate from the comments I read, I did not watch it. The man they were defending was being a false prophet from what I understood just by the comments themselves.
I would go a step further and say that these women were definitely called. Who knows why there are no men accepting the call. Perhaps they don’t have tender hearts towards God right now. I dislike the idea that God only calls women when men won’t step up. I’ve heard men use this definition of why God appointed Deborah as judge. I’m just glad women are listening and obeying. They could use these scriptures to not spread the gospel if they took them at face value and did not study why Paul was saying them. Can you imagine if they just shut up and were quiet in their churches, which are probably wherever they can secretly meet, and refused to teach the truth of the gospel? Everyone forgets that the true church is the body of Christ and our bodies are the temple of God.
Error #1 You are interpreting scripture and the Word and will of God by your experience or outward appearance rather than the otherway around; thus performing the very error that the Scriptures taught to thwart.
Error #2 You have a poor comprehension of the facts both from a biblical and sociological and cultural stand point. If you had an accurate understanding of the facts, you would understand the reasons for lack of men being saved and therefore in leadership, which creates the void or vacum that God (allows) to be filled by women who are saved (maybe) but does not ordain in the normal order. It is a muslim society and culture not Christian.
You either believe the pastoral epistles or you don't. God's Word is the final authority. People change but God doesn't. Emotionalism, Traditionalism and Demoninalism are going to get people sent to hell.
Women are not to teach, preach, or usurp authority over a man period. It matters not what program or place they're in! Prophesying is totally different than teaching and preaching. So many claim that Jesus had women teachers, and all but they're taking the Word of God out of context and will have to pay for the misleading of people and perversion of His Word.
TRUTH! Proverbs 23:23. They can teach other women and of course children. The Bible is very plain. God is a God of order and His Word shows that. God has a place for everyone. We all have gifts. Praise the LORD!
@@susannahwhite7561 the bible doesn't say...Women can teach other women...Where does it say that ...What scripture??....Paul say let the women keep silent and learn at home...He NEVER said as long as it's other women and children...So if your gonna use that scripture to say women can't preach and teach men...That same scripture said let them keep silent IN THE CHURCH...... periodt.... he basically told them to shut up...
The fact is Paul was addressing a problem the church,about silent ( making noise) and teaching men ( their husbands) in the sense of disrespecting men ,who are supposed to be head of the house ,it wasn't about teaching .if the church is the bride ( female) of Jesus and he gave the gospel, gifts to his bride for the edification of the his body ,how can one say , women can't , shouldn't teach ,then the church the bride (woman in a marriage) can't or shouldn't teach the gospel ?
Women please bear in mind, on your coming Judgment Day you will be
judged on your willingness and obedience to the Divinely endorsed
Scripture teachings and instructions that follow.
Now, regarding the false teaching for the emancipation of women in the Christian fraternity.
Such 21st-century contrived beliefs are in contravention and
defiance of the Lord's command for women to remain silent in the church
"As [is the practice] in all the churches of the saints (God's people),
34 The women should keep quiet in the churches, for they are not
authorized to speak, but should take a secondary and subordinate place,
just as the Law also says.
35 But if there is anything they want to learn, they should ask
their own husbands at home, for it is disgraceful for a woman to talk in
church [ for her to usurp and exercise authority over men in the
36 What! Did the word of the Lord originate with you [Corinthians], or has it reached only you?
37 If anyone thinks and claims that he is a prophet [filled with and
governed by the Holy Spirit of God and inspired to interpret the divine
will and purpose in preaching or teaching] or has any other spiritual
endowment, let him understand (recognize and acknowledge)
***What what I am writing to you is a command of the Lord***.
38 But if anyone disregards or does not recognize [ that it is a
command of the Lord], he is disregarded and not recognized [he is one
whom God knows not].
1 Corinthians 14:33-38 (AMPLIFIED ,BIBLE)
Thus if any insist on disregarding the Lord's command for a woman's silence they have become "One whom God knows not"
Which is a most undignified and ungodly position any man or woman could possibly find themselves.
For even St. Paul's instruction makes it quite plain that women
are forbidden to teach men and must not usurp their God given authority.
"11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.
12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.
13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve. 14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression"
1 Timothy 2:10-14 (KJV)
Thank you Mr. Tom Ascol
1 Corinthians 14:33 For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints. 14:34 Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law. 14:35 And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church. 14:36 What? came the word of God out from you? or came it unto you only? 14:37 If any man think himself to be a prophet, or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things that I write unto you are the commandments of the Lord. 14:38 But if any man be ignorant, let him be ignorant. 14:39 Wherefore, brethren, covet to prophesy, and forbid not to speak with tongues. 14:40 Let all things be done decently and in order.
So, you can see by verses 37 that Timothy was having issues with some women who were speaking in tongues. If you go to Romans 16 you can see Paul address plenty of women who had leadership roles in the church. Phoebe, Junia, Priscilla, etc.
Acts 2:14-18 says your sons and daughters shall prophesy. There are four examples of prophetesses in the Old Testament and plenty more in the New Testament. Examples Judges chapter 4 Deborah the prophetess and leader of Israel also a warrior and a judge and Exodus 16:20 Miriam the Prophetess.
No problem he was not having a problem there was no woman preaching in scripture the Bible give details so let me give you the law
Numbers 27:16 Let the LORD, the God of the spirits of all flesh, set a man over the congregation, 27:17 Which may go out before them, and which may go in before them, and which may lead them out, and which may bring them in; that the congregation of the LORD be not as sheep which have no shepherd.
@@cbdw7143 did God have a problem dont think so
Isaiah 3:12 As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths.
No women apostles,no women priests in the old testaments. That should settle debate.
....but sparks alot of good and great questions if you have the humility to swallow the Biblical answers!
@ Matthew , yeah obey Paul or Jesus ?? no rape or sexual abuse ,among pastor men to do what they like ?? woman will not silence , going to bible college then what , God is equal with men and woman , God pour out his spirit upon son and daughter , Jesus give woman more opportunity to speak, should the woman at the well keep her mouth shut ? should Mary the adultery should be stone because of what she done ?? should Mary madalence who found the body of Jesus as 1st One person or should be the other way round as Peter or Thomas should be the 1st One ??? Tell me why was Mary the entire experience with Jesus was taken out of the Bible ???????????????????????????
Great debate..personally I’m in a journey to hear female pastors and their biblical interpretation as a general experience for the foreseeable future. My prayer is that more women become pastors and I will celebrate them when they do. We are fully educated and capable in 2023 of being experts and ministers of Biblical word and men would gain much by listening.
Since a woman could be a pastor in the Old Covenant, a woman
can be a pastor in the New Covenant. Simple really.
I suggest my short and free essay on Deborah. Men and women are perfectly equal spiritually. She was a pastor, according to the scriptures. This is how the Judges are described in Chronicles, by God.
A woman could only be given the authority by God to execute a man for his sin, if women are spiritually equal to men. A Judge could judge homicide cases according to Deuteronomy. Therefore Deborah, as a Judge, could execute a man for his sin.
A Judge was cleared to teach from scripture as he/she gave a verdict, according to Deuteronomy. Since in Judges 4, men went to Deborah to be judged, a woman could teach men, even in the Old Covenant in a public setting.
Scripture says in the latter days men would have eching ears, Scripture says there's nothing new under the sun.
No the elders who sat at the gate were men, spiritual leaders and a judge is different.
Wheresoever I have walked with all Israel, spake I a word to any of the judges of Israel, whom I commanded to feed my people, saying, Why have ye not built me an house of cedars?
-excerpt 1 Chronicles 17 verse 6 KJV
(In case the reader in unaware, the word pastor and the word
shepherd are the same word. I prefer shepherd, because it has
obvious meaning to the average person.)
Major modern English translations like the NASB use
the phrasing ...whom I commanded to shepherd My people...
In all places where I have walked with all Israel, have I spoken a word with any of the judges of Israel, whom I commanded to shepherd My people, saying, ‘Why have you not built Me a house of cedar?’
-excerpt 1 Chronicles 17 verse 6 NASB translation
Some believe that pastor (or shepherd), is a position that
was created in the New Covenant. This is not true. In the Old Testament
shepherds are mentioned multiple times. Often in a negative way.
“My people have become lost sheep;
Their shepherds have led them astray.
-excerpt Jeremiah 50
For an entire chapter on worthless shepherds, the reader may
check out Ezekiel 34.
1:35:48 This sums up the debate: "Exegetically, I'm not there." Then he refers to emotions.
It is said that we should not look at experiences, but isn’t the Old Testament compiled of history and experiences that are advised by scriptures in the New Testament to be used for our examples ?
Given the turbulent times in which we find ourselves globally Christian Bible believers and non. I am trying to process why debates like these need to take place. Surely there are more hard pressing issues that need to be addressed relating to the human condition. If ever the world needs to hear the story of the good news it's now. Whether through the mouths of male or female. Let's return to our first love, get the job done and when Jesus returns all academic arguments and denominational differences will be brought to naught. It's no wonder non believers are confused. As Christians we come across as divided holding differing opinions perspectives on eschatology calvinism relativism existentialism let's get back to basics. Jesus Christ only begotten son of God born of a virgin was crucified for the redemption of humankind so that we might be reconciled to God, spend our lives in Him working out our salvation with gratitude and deeply appreciative for this gift bestowed upon humankind by God.
"11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.
12 But I ***suffer not a woman to teach***, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to ***be in silence. 13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve. 14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression"
1 Tim 2:11-14 (KJV)
That is God's declared Will on the subject, and so is irrevocable!
Only the "Devil and his angels" will contend differently, fooling and deceiving the weak and feeble-minded!
Ma'am u are right: this are men of God no doubt; but I think the devil is happy seeing them holding back the gospel with unnecessary debates. If they were Even talking about what women are doing wrong against God, that will be reasonable: but they are instead talking against the good work that women are trying to do in the kingdom. This is actually insane and out of the context of why Paul wrote what he wrote. If they were saying women are usurping authority over men as in the context of Paul, it'll be understood. Paul said they shouldn't teach because they'll try to be violent or aggressive in their art of teaching against not Everyman, but against their own men. If the women in that church could conduct themselves well, Paul won't have band them: so why don't we focus today on why Paul issued that statement and watch if women are doing Same rather than chasing the winds and creating division and confusion in times when much work needs to be done. Paul's bases was on the conduct of a woman, not on her gender. All of this anti women preachers will never be heard castigating a woman of God because of her going astray in doctrinal practices but on mere gender inequalities with make the topic none contextually fitting. Today there's a compiled document of the word that wasn't in those days which was the reason why women couldn't be effective. Today learning in silence of the woman had gain maturity; there's a manual for everyone to use for teaching as it wasn't in those days. This letters of paull and other apostles which made up scriptures today weren't there back then: they weren't compiled as a complete Bible.
@@earnestlycontendingforthef53328:21 Joel 2:28-29
[28]“And afterward,
I will pour out my Spirit on all people.
Your sons and daughters will prophesy,
your old men will dream dreams,
your young men will see visions.
[29]Even on my servants, both men and women,
I will pour out my Spirit in those days.
Perfect example of “ reading into a scripture regarding Phoebe. He assumes / reads into the text that she was there to teach or perform as a pastor. Text does not say that.
The Bible said they shouldn’t teach right?
@ Gennis but who said that ?? Paul or Jesus ??
@@hyacinthmcdonald3706 Paul said he has the Spirit so he could make any decisions and Jesus allowed it. Jesus gave his Apostles power to allow and disallow things upon earth. B( bind and loose). He also said follow me as I follow Christ. He had that authority from Christ. Also Christ said to his disciples anyone who hears you hears me. Luke 10 verse 16. Also if you reject the teachings of his Apostles you also reject him Jesus. Paul also said the Gospel he preached was revealed to him by Jesus. No man never taught him. So he didn’t go to school to learn anything about the GOSPEL. Galations 1. Jesus revealed everything to him. So I believed Paul and also Pastor Jennings because he preaches the TRUTH of GODS’ WORDS. Of course one has to KNOW the word to prove if what a preacher said if he’s preaching the TRUTH.
@@gennisparry4352 so who do you serve Paul or Jesus , Jesus gave woman opportunity so if you dont like shame on you for rejecting woman because you dont like woman , what she say it the truth while Pastors male rape and sexual abuse
please write a letter to all Bible College to close woman attending to bible college not become a student which prevent them not become pastor or bible teaching , MEN ONLY , tell God NEVER outpouring anointing woman to Preach or teaching what the word says ONLY MEN , is that okay ???
@@gennisparry4352 if you know Pastor jenning preaching the Truth dose he know what behind the curtain , even you dont even know what he do behind the curtain cause he want woman to keep their mouth shut , NO ! Woman must Speak Out in the name of Jesus !
What does God say in the beginning? The man rules over the woman or household. That is one criteria of being a bishop or pastor in 1 Timothy 3:2-4.
(Genesis 3:16) "Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and HE shall rule over thee (i.e. the woman Eve).
(1 Timothy 3:2-4) "A bishop then must be blameless... {4} one that ruleth HIS own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity;"
A biblical debate is supposed to only involve biblical evidence. Let the scripture speak for it's self. If you have to go outside of the scripture to try and convince people it's the truth. Then it means you are hiding what you believe behind lies... The scripture is plain. It says exactly what it was meant to say.
God was the same then ,now and forever is understood by some but not by all Pastors , and some Christians. It is very important to teach God’s Word correctly. His Word is easy to understand. Women need to be obedient unto God.
We have a speaking serpent in the Bible, a talking donkey in the Holy Scriptures, a virgin that conceived in the Word of God, and two men ( Enoch and Elijah) who did not see physical death in the "canon". All of these events happen only once!
Hermeneutically, these are all "Exceptions" in the Holy Scriptures, not the "rule". Now suggesting such when approaching the remainder of the Holy Scriptures corrupts the revelation of God.
Deborah who was a prophetess and judge cannot be used as precedent for future ministry in the Old Testament temple service or synagogue gatherings and certainly not the Church of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Exceptions" in the Holy Scriptures, not the "rule" ... and today, HELPERS/Women needed where there are "NO MEN"/ Heads! lol
1 Samuel 15:22 And Samuel said, “Hath the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams.
But Paul did not say anything about Artemis or culture in that verses. nothing to do with cultural issues of that time..he referred to the order of creation, right??
I believe so. I am a woman and I believe this scripture. My women church sisters does not agree with me.
I am gland someone is beginning to look at several ANGLES!
McKissec is wrong, I'm a woman, I don't need an apology and don't feel oppressed for the something that happened to ears ago. I follow God's word. Not mans. He is trying to teach and preach his feelings.
The apostle Paul instruction is explicit and he explains why, all in just three verses in 2 Timothy 2:12-14 - “I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet. For Adam was formed first, then Eve; and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor.”
The keywords that Dwight Mckissic have failed to see that in preaching from the pulpit to the congregation on a Sunday worship service is, “to exercise authority over a man”.
We are dealing with the Word of God during worship. This has nothing to do with suppressing or oppressing the rights of women, though the world will see it that way, hypocritically.
The reason for this which this is forbidden is cited in God’s creation ordinance from Genesis. The apostle’s justification is explicit and short to the point. That is, there is a natural order of authority in God’s creation of mankind.
In the world sir yes!in the physical world yes! But in the SPIRITUAL WORLD"NO" because by ranking we are equal in GOD'S SIGHT FOR ONLY GOD IS THE ONLY ONE IN COMMAND..the Lord teaches us to respect the king but DANIEL DISOBEY the king...DANIEL'S GOD is not the king..daniel is living in the other part of the kingdom..in the kingdom of daniel the GOD IS YAHWEH...if the bible is SPIRITUAL ...it is the language of the SPIRIT KINGDOM..the criteria of the preacher must be the criteria given in the SPIRIT KINGDOM...this man should be with the SPIRIT OF GOD...in the SPIRIT KINGDOM it is eve being decieved by satan so paul must be pertaining to the character of a man adam...man is more stronger than woman in a sense of making desicion..woman are weak and emotional...that's why the bible says husband love thy wife for she is weak..meaning man must guide the woman because they decide better than the woman because woman are more emotional...the bible says, those who are strong must be the strength of the weak;those who are guided by the SPIRIT must be the streght of the weak...we are all weak in the spirit both man and woman ,but GOD SPIRIT made us strong...we are born again by the SPIRIT OF GOD therefore we must live our life guided by the SPIRIT OF GOD; though we are in this world; but we live in the kingdom of God..for we understand GOD because of HIS SPIRIT THAT IS IN US.....the bible says GOD STARTED TO RULE IN THE HEARTS OF HIS CHILDREN...WE ARE GOD'S CHILDREN BECAUSE OF CHRIST....ONLY THOSE WITH GOD'S SPIRIT CAN UNDERSTAND GOD'S WORD...that is the only criteria that could fit to paul's requirement, it is not the man that was decieved but the woman...those who has no SPIRIT OF GOD are those satan can decieved for satan blinded them of the truth and how could a blind guide the blind, both of them will fall...NICUDEMUS A TEACHER OF THE LAW FAILED TO UNDERSTAND THE SPIRIT KINGDOM BECAUSE HE WAS NOT BORN IN THE SPIRIT OF GOD...it is not the gender paul is pertaining, it is the character that a man has:adam was not decieved and by rank he is the first one created, the old are more trained than the new one...NOW IT IS THE STRONG FOUNDATION OF THE CHURCH- THE SPIRIT FILLED MAN WITH ALL THE CHARACTER OF THE SPIRIT OF GOD- THE FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT HE POSESS-THE GIFT OF THE SPIRIT OF GOD IS WITH HIM》》》THE HEAD OF THE CHURCH "JESUS CHRIST"...paul and JESUS could be misinterpret because they are using the word of the world but pertaining to the SPIRIT KINGDOM...temple but Jesus body....born again but the resurrection in SPIRIT....paul as we all know does not depend on what he heard from JESUS CHRIST when HE was still in the earth....not like the 12 disciples they restated JESUS words..paul is different, he was called after JESUS left the world...the word of paul comes direct from the SPIRIT OF GOD...JESUS always talked to His disciples in parables and even to the people..the disciples will ask Jesus to explain his words...why only to us you explained the apostle said....same as paul,the SPIRIT guides paul like JESUS;...so the words of paul could also be given a different meaning...the problem with paul it's not explained well unlike to JESUS the apostles asked explanation from Him.
Awesome, bro! I agree with you! Let's be friends on Facebook: Joshua Zeegers
Over a man?
Many of Paul's writings are of his own will not God's. Also is double-sided in his writings as well. So stop taking scripture out of context.
@chris Tan no rape or sexual abuse ,among pastor men to do what they like ?? woman will not silence , going to bible college then what , God is equal with men and woman , God pour out his spirit upon son and daughter , Jesus give woman more opportunity to speak, should the woman at the well keep her mouth shut ? should Mary the adultery should be stone because of what she done ?? should Mary madalence who found the body of Jesus as 1st One person or should be the other way round as Peter or Thomas should be the 1st One ??? Tell me why was Mary the entire experience with Jesus was taken out of the Bible ???????????????????????????
The question to be asked is, 'Did 1st-century church services even have sermons as we do now?'
Greg B exactly. Simple answer: NOPE!
I doubt it. They certainly didn't pray in front of people. Probably just read the scripture and confessed their sins.
@@StrangeDays25 Acts 13:3 Acts 22:17 Acts 12:12 Acts 14:23 Acts 20:36 Acts 4:31
I believe church probably looked different than it does now. However for preaching sermons maybe reference: Acts 8:12 Acts 9:27 Acts 6:2 Galatians 1:8
@@StrangeDays25 They key words in your post are troubling. Saying "Probably" and "I doubt it" means you have no idea what they were doing in their worship service. The Bible is not clear on exactly what they did and how they did it. And how do you know they didn't pray in front of people? Did they sing in their worship services? The Bible doesn't give us a clear explanation of exactly what they did in worship services in the first century. We don't have a clear answer on the question and to say you know what they were doing in the church two thousand years ago is disingenuous. You can't possibly know. Neither can I or anyone else in the 21st century.
Great debate on this very sensitive issue in the Churches with women accepted and needed in ministry . I learnt from this sensitive debate on Pastoring Preaching and ministering that God has a creative Order as the scriptures were quoted to support spiritual matters in respect to Egalitarianism and Complimentalism in our changing culture of secular humanism invading the churches. Great debate very Educational as Gods word on this issue takes preeminence.
Thought that was td jakes at first
darrenjohnson 519 me too
@@Patriarchyforever Me three😂
Me too lol that's why I even tuned in to this one :)
A year later... I thought so too
Me too 🤫
The black pastor is not going on scripture he’s going in his feelings. Although I can appreciate his wanting equality in the pulpit, the Bible speaks plainly as to the role of women in the church. At the end of the day we have to adhere to what scripture says.
We can not pick and choose which parts of the doctrine we should obey. Yes the times have changed but the Bible in its context has not.
this was great , do you guys have more debates like it on the channel ?
Clarification: scripture is very clear with role and function distinctions
One point that seems to be missed.
1 Timothy 2:12 is singular. A woman. The man (KJV). Example of Adam and Eve, a married couple. Paul did not say women should not teach men. Paul said a woman should not teach the man. It seems very clear to me that this is in the context of a marriage, where a woman is usurping authority over her husband, and in fact, several versions (Youngs Literal etc.) translate it that way. On top of that, Paul describes it in more of a personal way than a general prescription. “I” do not allow. As though he’s speaking of situations personal to him when he’s with couples.
In reference to 1 Timothy look at the whole context. Paul was addressing an issue Timothy was having with an all-female cult who were spreading false teachings. You have to look at the entire setting and understand why that verse was placed there to understand what was going on. If you look at Romans 16 Paul commends plenty of women who were leaders in the church.
1 Timothy epistle = The Whole Context is a Pastoral Letter
Paul wrote this epistle with the pastoral ministry in view. The entire letter makes that clear.
Roman 16 says nothing about leadership, nothing concerning teaching the Local New Testament and certainly not preaching to assembly. That is being imposed upon 1 Timothy and Romans. You have failed to provide one verse, only opinions.
THANK YOU!!! A woman us NOT to have authority over a man AT ALL!! POINT BLANK! All that means is she is not to have power over him as in question his teachings in church but to wait until they are HOME! That means so that the congregation will NOT think more of her than what she really intents and make assumptions. A woman not teaching on the pulpet just means pretty much the same thing, she is not to correct his teaching, change his teaching or over through. That would be being ignorant! That scripture also means that the woman Paul was writing to where FALSE PROPHETS! They did NOT know what they were talking about so they should keep quite
@@alyssabeale1095 .......Bravo!!!
"11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.
12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.
13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve. 14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression."
1 Timothy 2:11-14 (KJV)
Why did Pastor Dwight have to bring race into this arguement? He also wasn't quoting the bible. He was just bringing up non-biblical teachings and stories. I would've taken him more seriously and cheered for him if he left race out and pointed to biblical verses that affirmed his position. Good for Pastor Tom for following the bible and not current culture. We don't need political correctness. We need the biblical truth. ✝️
1787 Black men where only 3/5 human what did the church say at that time. There could have so many different issues solved if the church would have stood up. 1787 would have been an awesome start.
They were deemed 3/5 human BECAUSE the BIBLE said ALL men were created equal and men had to rationalise their treatment of them. Let's not judge the WORD of God by man's manipulation of it for their own reasons....much like their abdication of their leadership roles in the home AND the church.
God will judge all of them that is a fact.
This was a great debate. I 've watched it several times and it seems that brother McKissic contradicted his standards of Biblical interpretation several times.
The Devil is having a field Day, this is exactly what he does best to cause Confusion in the Church.
Have a Debate about What God said, to create Devision, and Confusion.
When at any time have you seen a Debate bring people together, and allow us to be in One Accord?
Never;. The Character of God is what we should striving to be, that will bring us Together and in One Accord.
Why Do we have Question everything God Said.
And Where are the Scriptures to back up the Arguments?
In the Book of Timothy, Its is Written That a Bishop should have ONE WIFE.
and Rule his House. That is Refering to a Man.
Jedus has Twelve Desciples, they were all Men.
Follow Jesus's Example.
"11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.
12 But I ***suffer not a woman to teach***, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to ***be in silence. 13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve. 14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression"
1 Tim 2:11-14 (KJV)
That is God's declared Will on the subject, and so is irrevocable!
Only the "Devil and his angels" will contend differently, fooling and deceiving the weak and feeble-minded!
@Glenda Duncan. You're speaking truth. Titus 3:9 tells us to avoid such things. "But avoid foolish controversies, genealogies, dissensions, and quarrels about the law, for they are unprofitable and worthless".
Scripture clearly states. A seeking the office of a bishop (he) is to be a (husband)of one wife. He is male.
Tom Aschol is very well-spoken in this debate. I agree with him..as I think he brings Biblical clarity to the subject. We recently left a church where women just treated the church service like a free for all. The piano player would speak out of her own accord whenever she felt like it...alot of gibberish. Male leadership should not compromise in this.
Got to keep his job instead of the soul Matthew 7:21-24
STOP LOOKING AT THE GUYS, just listen and come with your view, lets see how you much up!
This was great.
Dr. McKissic brought race into this so much. Why? The debate was on male and female roles in the church. Specifically, whether a woman can or cannot preach. Yet the last thing he said in his closing statement (or rebuttal I can't remember) was that it boils down to how we allow women to preach to black men over seas, but not to white men here. His hermeneutic is based off of what color you are.
Yup the critical race theory trumps the authority of the Bible sadly
I haven't watched this yet but race should NEVER be brought into a subject that has nothing to do with the particular subject
Dear Pastor Ascol, the directness and scripture you show in your closing statements (see 1:25:00 there about) was what you could opened with, cut to the chase and not have to fight all the “straw men” and side issues and rabbit trails and anecdotal “evidence (hah) “ put up by your opponent. Thank you.
What Women preachers got to do with racism?! 🤦🏾♀️🤦🏾♀️🤦🏾♀️
Paul did not go back to "before the fall", he went back to "after the fall" so Pastor Mckissic is in error with his statement that going back to Genesis 3 puts women back into bondage. Are men still commanded to work by the sweat of his brow? Even post flood men have historically had to work from the sweat of his brow. Do thorns and thistles still exist?
Awesome, bro! I agree with you! Let's be friends on Facebook: Joshua Zeegers
This debate has change my approach on the sexes role in which I'm brought up. Adam and Eve material are different.
Do thorns and thistles still exist? YES THEY DO, inform of demonic oppression in ones heart void of Gods Leadership!
Ascol lost me at "Eve usurped" - that is not what the scripture states. That is a deliberate misrepresentation of the Genesis story to attempt synchronization with 1 Timothy 2. Rather, it is a better lesson that we do not go along with someone who is deceived, instead stand firm. This includes men who are deceived in the flesh that they must dominate or rule over others. 1 Timothy 2 does discuss a woman not dominating a man, especially in a place where there were rampant false teachers and pagan myths being passed through church - but this is a universal ethic. No Christian is meant to Lord over another (see Jesus' statements in Matthew 20), but rather to serve in love. For Christians are to submit to one another (Ephesians 5:21) and live in harmony as much as it depends on them and NOT conform to the pattern of this world (Romans 12), which includes domination of one over another. For in Christ there is neither male nor female, for all are one (Galatians 3). A woman ruling over a man is no worse than a man ruling over a woman - either is done selfishly. Genesis is clear that Eve was deceived but Adam sinned knowingly. So how does Adam's open rebellion qualify men to leadership in some type of natural order? It doesn't. Only the heart submitted to God through the grace that sets aside the curse is qualified and even then only at His will. Submission to God is unnatural in this fallen world for it is heaven-minded, and foolishness to those who are perishing (1 Corinthians 1). Both men and women were created for the ultimate destiny of sonship in God (Galatians 3) with the astounding gift of co-inheritance with Christ, and to be priests in Christ's kingdom (Revelation 1:6). Oh how I wish men and women could treat each other with eternity in mind.
Direct answer is she should not preach or be a pastor but she can testify .
@end time message no rape or sexual abuse ,among pastor men to do what they like ?? woman will not silence , going to bible college then what , God is equal with men and woman , God pour out his spirit upon son and daughter , Jesus give woman more opportunity to speak, should the woman at the well keep her mouth shut ? should Mary the adultery should be stone because of what she done ?? should Mary madalence who found the body of Jesus as 1st One person or should be the other way round as Peter or Thomas should be the 1st One ??? Tell me why was Mary the entire experience with Jesus was taken out of the Bible ???????????????????????????
2 Samuel 20:16-22
New King James Version
16 Then a wise woman cried out from the city, “Hear, hear! Please say to Joab, ‘Come nearby, that I may speak with you.’ ” 17 When he had come near to her, the woman said, “Are you Joab?”
He answered, “I am.”
Then she said to him, “Hear the words of your maidservant.”
And he answered, “I am listening.”
18 So she spoke, saying, “They used to talk in former times, saying, ‘They shall surely seek guidance at Abel,’ and so they would end disputes. 19 I am among the peaceable and faithful in Israel. You seek to destroy a city and a mother in Israel. Why would you swallow up the inheritance of the Lord?”
20 And Joab answered and said, “Far be it, far be it from me, that I should swallow up or destroy! 21 That is not so. But a man from the mountains of Ephraim, Sheba the son of Bichri by name, has raised his hand against the king, against David. Deliver him only, and I will depart from the city.”
So the woman said to Joab, “Watch, his head will be thrown to you over the wall.” 22 Then the woman in her wisdom went to all the people. And they cut off the head of Sheba the son of Bichri, and threw it out to Joab. Then he blew a trumpet, and they withdrew from the city, every man to his tent. So Joab returned to the king at Jerusalem.
Thank you, Mr. McKissick, for finding the one verse in Scripture that is not inspired, inerrant and infallible. I'm going to cut it out of my Bible right now. I hope Timothy isn't turning in his grave that his book loses a verse. That would be remarkably chauvinistic of him.
"But did God really say...?"
The serpent strikes again.
:D funny. cracked me up!
Paul wrote Timothy my brother
The First Gentleman just stopped making sense about 3 minutes into his opening remarks. He lost me after the 20th “I think.” This topic is pretty clear in the Bible, which should exclude at least 95% of those “I thinks.”
It is written in the New Testament that women are cited to not have the right to become PASTORS or PRIESTS. One of these is found in 1 TIMOTHY 2:12...Also noted in 1 CORINTHIANS 11:3-12; 14:34,35:1 TIMOTHY 2:11-15 and TITUS1,2. These passages are for the foundation for the conclusion that WOMEN CANNOT BE LEAD PASTORS IN CHURCHES 😇🙏🙏🙏