I am a Girl Scout and honestly, this is great. At Girl Scouts we go camping twice in the entire year. At Boy Scouts they go camping every other week. Although I would admit doing community service is really fun.
Why not just combine the two groups into " The scouts " and have optional activities so if the boys want to learn more about some stuff the girls scouts normally would they can, and the girls can learn from that the boy scouts do if they want. Any one else?
Not worth it for me, joining a conservative organization riddled with scandals on intolerance and abuse it's worth camping. Like you said girl scout going camping twice a years (which actually depends on where you are, I've know troops that go do it once a month) that still getting the joy camping along with community service.
@@dylanhaugen3739 Discussions about combining the two organizations were proposed several times over the last 30 years. Obviously, they never went anywhere.
Boy scouts do not go camping anywhere near every other week. Every other month is closer to it, in my experience. It is still well more than girl scouts do, and a much more authentic camping experience. Most girls I know in gsa have never spent a night in a tent. Source: I was a scout, have children in both organizations.
I really want to see a behind the scenes of her like actually doing girl scout stuff. She probably had fun with those kids and I feel like Desi always got this sarcastic kind of time whenever she's in a video.
@@maythesciencebewithyou Right, cuz kids can't tell when they're being mocked and someone's joking about what they like to do. Like Desi is funny but was clearly not trying to be in the sisterhood, nothing wrong with dismissing her
@@TahtahmesDiaryOf course, everyone knows that Girl Scouts have no sense of humour. You need to get over your traumatic GS experience. Seriously this was about as jokey as a skit can get.
Boy scouts accepting girls sounds like a death sentence for girl scouts. If you have a son and a daughter it's easier to pick them up and drop them off at the same location.
God I hated being a Girl Scout. We didn’t do anything. We sold cookies, and the badges we got were useless busy work. Our troop leader wasn’t even present half the time. The other girls in the troop were aimless and didn’t do anything for more than five minutes. I would have done anything to be a part of the Boy Scouts.
Having a good troop leader is essential. In Boy Scouts ours was amazing and after he stepped away I think the troop didn’t favor nearly as well. It would be a tough responsibility to hold, I can’t imagine putting in that kind of effort and time. Looking back I’m very thankful that I had all of those experiences and that our parents and group leader were willing to do all of that for us.
Both totally depends on the leader. Boy scouts are not great if the leader is weak. Same with Girl Scouts. I am sorry you got a bad leader. I changed troops for my kid when I saw the leader was weak.
My guess is that this troop and others like it are the exception and not the rule. Or at least its only gotten like this recently and had not been this way traditionally. I do believe that this director with a STEM background helped to push more STEM inclusion in the Girls Scouts which is great but I dont doubt that many troops across the US are focusing way too much on those cookie sales.
It really depends on the troop, but a lot of the GS literature(yes! there's books involved with getting badges!) is now focused on self-esteem/STEM/etc. There are GS summer camps wholly focused on STEM; some colleges allow for summer camps on campus too. It's been this way for a while. However, cookies ARE still a big thing for many troops. It's how troops get money and there are a ton of prizes involved.
Actually being separate but equal has been use in boy scouts the venture scouts from their enception in 98 scouts could choose from an a boys troop , all girls troop and a coed group
I support Boy Scouts allowing girls to join. I don't really understand why people are against it. It is not saying that girls would no longer be in Girl Scouts (Girl Scouts wouldn't be abolished), but simply that you get the option of either. I listened to an excellent episode of the podcast The Daily that interviewed twin sisters who were in Girl Scouts. One decided she was going to join Boy Scouts in 2019 and one was going to stay in Girl Scouts, and they talked about their personalities and why each had made that decision. Let girls make their own choices y'all.
I think the fear is that boy scouts doesn't have the same history in providing for girls. They might not have the resources to offer overnight camps to their girl members for example. They at the start also won't have the connections of former members to pull in as mentors for girls. In addition, I've heard people worry that girls might be shuttled to the background of these programs, as some people have this expectation of what girls want vs what boys want or are good at. There's also the historical issues with boy scouts while girl scouts are generally considered more progressive with issues like gender identity and religious belief requirements.
Both are private organizations and are unaffiliated with each other. So it's the leadership of the Boy Scouts that is choosing to admit girls, and the leadership of the Girl Scouts that is choosing to admit only girls. These should be considered independent decisions.
I'm not against the integration but everything is already integrated.. what spaces are left for kids to be who/what they are without the pressure. And what happens when the #Metoo movement reaches the first unisex camping trip? If men and women have not led by example and equalized the playing field; why are we expecting 9 year olds to do it? How about we start by integrating the republican senate? So why bother having the different organizations at all? Wasn't the whole point to allow the children the freedom to embrace 'what' they are? As in if guys wanna discuss ball's itching and girl's want to discuss pms they don't have to worry about a person being present who can't relate or who may be offended?
When my son was a Cub Scout his troop spent the night on the deck of an air craft carrier. They went caving. I was a Girl Scout leader for three years. I tried to lead adventure! Because of training requirements I could only do back yard camping with the girls. We had no deep ties or traditions or relationships offering adventurous opportunities. Thank you Boy Scouts for opening up to girls who want more!
I love being a Girl Scout leader, and I loved being a Girl Scout myself. Honestly my favorite event as a scout was World Thinking Day. Getting to explore all the other countries was super fun. And once I got to the Senior level, my troop hosted the WTD for our service unit. I remember one time we started the opening ceremonies with a rap performance 😂😂😂. Besides my Gold Award and journies, the other most memorable thing my troop did was run a camporee for our entire council. I ran the Pledge of Allegiance and Girl Scout Law. It was so awesome to stand in front of all those girls and lead them. People think it's all crafts and cookies but it is so much more. As a Girl Scout leader now, my girls learn that women can do anything, and they learn how to change the world. Most of the Eagle Scouts I have met have a very militaristic mood to them, and are very good at doing what they are told. But Gold Award scholars are some of the most ambitious young women out there. Knowing both sets of requirements, the Gold Award is much, much harder. Your project is required to have a very wide impact- simply repaving a nature trail like many Boy Scouts do won't cut it. Most Gold Award projects are educational campaigns for what the girls are passionate about. And that doesn't count the Take Action projects involved at the end of the journies, which are similar in requirements just without the specific documentation and approval rules. Anyway, I think Girl Scouts gets a bad rep too often. It's about learning how to lead and be ambitious. My girls also learned outdoor skills- they were cutting branches with pocket saws at 8 years old, and building fires at 9. They could have survived in the wild if they wanted to, but I cared far more that they became ambitious leaders who wanted to change the world, and that they did.
I am a Boy Scout, I am for this inclusion. Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts offer very different curriculums. I say there should still be two different scouting organizations.
I joined the girl scouts for a millisecond. All they did was make bracelets and sell cookies at mine, so I didn't stay too long. I would have loved to have joined the boy scouts.
Funnily enough the BSA has changed it but bc Girl Scouts still exist it hasn't really caught on. And yes I put BSA because it's seriously a hard habit to break
i’m really happy i was a Girl Scout when i was a kid; i was able to have all these experiences and learn all sorts of new skills that weren’t taught in school. also, knowing that the Girl Scouts was started to be more inclusive and to build a wide array of social skills and taught me to care about others without expecting anything back. I don’t know what it’s like to be a Boy Scout, but i know that spending my childhood as a Girl Scout made me a better person
Girl scouts is hella antiquated. They keep getting in these older women to run the organization who can't relate to the youth or know what will make the organization work for them. Once you get to middle school, girls drop out because the process of getting achievements (badges, but they're not always called that) gets extremely difficult without an organized leader who makes the effort for the older girls. Also, they instated all these weird hurdles girls have to get over in order to even start the gold award process. It's hard to have a sisterhood when the organization forcefully weeds girls out over time. The younger ones don't get anyone to look up to.
There's always new girls every year. And I genuinely don't think the top realizes how the current system weeds out older girls. It's difficult to find troops with many older girls, so they get spread out and quit because they're heavily outnumbered by girls in their troop 5+ years younger than them. There's currently no way to search for individual troops in your area, let alone a breakdown of membership to see if there are girls of a similar age. I think the problem could be solved if the older girls could find troops with girls of a similar age in their area. There's strength in numbers.
Honestly, from what I remember about being in girl scouts is the activities that they had for us was determined by which troop mom was in charge that week. One had us learn how to make different knots and properly make a camp fire, the other one had us learn about different cultures.
I was a Campfire Girl and we did a lot of fun stuff. I remember camping, cooking over fire, learning how to make a fire, pouring candles in sand, carving soap animals and lots of outings and hikes.
Fun fact! I went to one of those obstacle courses on a school field trip, and I slipped and gashed my leg open. I had to go to the ER and get stitches 😂
My 8 year old daughter is in her 2nd year of Girl Scouts and she loves it. This organization is about strengthening leadership skills and community service. We have a great troop leader. Some troops are run by parent volunteers so sometimes that effects what kind of experience you may have if they haven't been involved before. And yes, she has gone camping.
In my country Kenya we only have one united scouts association and all of us were trained in the knowledge of Boden Powell. I went camping, was a troop leader and worked together with boys to build campsites, work with bamboo and create everything we need from utensil cabinets to temporary showers. Sometimes I am reminded that even though America is advanced in most cases, they are also intensely backwards in other forms.
"So I have decided to make the decision to tell you to decide to make decisions for yourself" 🤣🤣😂😂😂😂 Lol that's exactly like Johnny Depp in Pirates of the Carribean... I died laughing on that
Funnily enough it ain't, we even have a two openly lgbtq+ members in our troop which is me and a gay Life Scout. Not saying that Scouts isn't rooted with conservative minded people but we also have accepting members, even in Southern Region
Yeah, the Boy Scouts have declining membership, thus declining revenue so they opened it up to girls to be cub scouts. I guess being a bunch of homophobes didn't pay off in the long run. Plus, how do you compete with awesome cookies--not with stale ass popcorn.
Duh here's what a boy scout is (with commentary from me)" TRUSTWORTHY. Tell the truth and keep promises. People can depend on you. (sounds good) LOYAL. Show that you care about your family, friends, Scout leaders, school, and country. (hmm sure) HELPFUL. Volunteer to help others without expecting a reward. (nice) FRIENDLY. Be a friend to everyone, even people who are very different from you. (ok….don’t know why it’s worded like that) COURTEOUS. Be polite to everyone and always use good manners. (nice) KIND. Treat others as you want to be treated . Never harm or kill any living thing without good reason. (ni…… “a good reason”…what’s a good reason?) OBEDIENT. Follow the rules of your family, school, and pack. Obey the laws of your community and country. (Okay…the implications here aren’t um good in all cases) CHEERFUL. Look for the bright side of life. Cheerfully do tasks that come your way. Try to help others be happy. (great….still thinking of the last two) THRIFTY. Work to pay your own way. Try not to be wasteful. Use time, food, supplies, and natural resources wisely. (seriously why did KIND include killing) BRAVE. Face difficult situations even when you feel afraid. Do what you think is right despite what others might be doing or saying. (sure but um…the combination of thoughts here might need some cleaning up) CLEAN. Keep your body and mind fit . Help keep your home and community clean. (okay back on track, good) REVERENT. Be reverent toward God. Be faithful in your religious duties. Respect the beliefs of others. (WAIT WHAT?!?!) Okay Girl Scouts need to start accepting boys because NO CHILD should be apart of the former Boy Scouts.
Honestly I am so proud to be the mom of a Girl Scout! My girl is a Daisy and we are already discussing camping! We have a Super Stem focus thanks to our troop leader Betsy (who is an Engineer) whose dedication to the Girl Scout STEM focused programs has ignited a fire in our girls! I am so thankful for the roles each of these organizations has played in my children’s lives. I am glad to be a Girl Scout Volunteer and Parent!
Everyone knows that if you want to create more discrimination, you have to seperate the 2 different groups. Same goes for sexism, if you seperate girls and boys (or men and women) when it's not neccessary to seperate them (like with toilets or locker rooms). You'll just encourage sexism and the creation of stereotypes. But that's just my opinion lol
I get ya. People just can’t relate if they don’t interact. Treating the separation of boys and girls in team sports and programs never really solves sexist issues, they just avoid them and tend to separate people further by eliminating things that could bring the groups closer together.
some troops miss out on a lot but I remember I did alot of fun things in my troop. the most memorable thing I remember was dissecting a human brain for a badge. we also had a cross country road trip and went to see Wicked on Broadway
The separation of the organisations always confused me when I was younger. I was a Cub Scout and then a Scout in Ireland. We were for both boys and girls, and had a pretty even mix the whole way through and everybody learned and experienced all that was available to us. It was a great experience and a wonderful foundation for adult life. Having said that, this piece actually made me think. My initial thought was 'of course they should be mixed', but honestly I'm not sure anymore.
Girl Scouts is an amazing organization but it wouldn’t have lost as many people if troops did cool stuff like Boy Scouts. I left my troop because all we did was sewing and cookie selling; I didn’t even learn to tie one knot
The biggest issue with girl scouts vs boy scouts is that the boys ALWAYS get to do cooler stuff. When i was a brownie i wanted to be a cub scout so bad cause they did stuff that was always more interesting than we did on any given week. Young girls don't particularly wanna be around young boys so if the girl scouts wanna keep their numbers simply start doing actually start letting girls do outdoorsy "scout" stuff....thats it
As a Girl Scout leader for 11 years recently ...and a Girl Scout for 11 years (in the late 60s to 1978) and a card carrying Boy Scout in the 1970s....I can honestly say that Girls Scouts are wonderful...with very helpful badge books, day camps, overnights and outings...some of our girls/young women even had a free 3 week trip to camp with their Italian counterparts.... and they all grew up very well.... I am proud of them all!
Not trying to bash on girl scouts or boy scouts but... no one ever talks about the Venture Crew. A co-ed section of the Boy Scouts for ages 14-21 that do pretty much everything they Boy Scouts do and high adventure stuff too. My sister switched to venture crew from girl scouts and enjoyed it a whole lot better.
yeah but girl scout don't only sell cookies, it's like a sisterhood, we have brotherhood "boys scouts" and a sisterhood "girlscouts" they could have events togethers n shit .but if everybody start joining the older one and more popular girl scouts will become the less fun with less people's version.
@@dark3rthanshadows I see your piont. However, the separation is mostly an American thing. In many other countries scouts are just scouts. So, Americans might also learn to move to a new concept of siblinghood! Or not! :)
yes i say that cause where i'm from scouts are just scouts, yet we have groups that are majority masculine and groups that are in majority feminine. of what u mean with "separation" don't they go to summer camps etc etc ? But if they were going to follow our ways they would disban both boy scouts and girl scouts and make just scouts
@@dark3rthanshadows The boy scouts will still have groups that are majority masculine and may in time have majority feminine groups. And yes they go to summer camps, but they don't go to each other's summer camps.
It’s always so weird to me to see how Americans segregate their Scouts. Here in Israel they’re gender-mixed, and gay people can be scout leaders just fine.
@@NeelLLumi-AnCatDubh www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=www.advocate.com/world/2016/2/29/outrage-mounts-after-israel-marks-lgbt-rights-day-vetoing-lgbt-rights-bills%3Famp&ved=2ahUKEwjP7rHGn_XdAhVPQBoKHY0OCy04ChAWMAF6BAgJEAE&usg=AOvVaw0W67Lcb5jxzEFLLryb9Ft-&cf=1&cshid=1538946947007 And the 2017 protest www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=www.timesofisrael.com/thousands-protest-in-tel-aviv-over-governments-anti-gay-adoption-policy/amp/&ved=2ahUKEwiRyvCan_XdAhWx4IUKHaPRDekQFjABegQICBAB&usg=AOvVaw0Ey3IQzhAf65G0RCAhhIzI&cf=1 And the 2018 protests www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=www.timesofisrael.com/tens-of-thousands-protest-in-tel-aviv-over-lgbt-exclusion-from-surrogacy-law/amp/&ved=2ahUKEwiRyvCan_XdAhWx4IUKHaPRDekQFjAAegQIABAB&usg=AOvVaw19kUytEHP7n9oLFdL0R5t0&cf=1 You see where this is going Plus If youre palestinian lgbt its even worse Because you get none of these thingd that protect you And are treated like a black man in aprathied south africa because thats what israel is Aparthied
When I was a kid, my brother was a boy scout and my father was a den leader, so I ended up being sort of an honorary boy scout just so I wouldn't be left home alone when they went camping or to other events. It was a lot of fun and at least at the time, offered a lot of activities that the Girl Scouts weren't known for. Also I love Trail's End popcorn (the equivalent of Girl Scout cookies). Obviously both organizations have evolved but I am grateful for the time I got to spend cooking meals over a fire, learning knots, carving pinewood derby cars, and proving I could keep up with the boys.
Just let girls do whatever the boys do. But very few girls would do it all. Only some are genuinely interested. It's not a problem. It's just who they are.
"Well congratulations you just got your snitching badge"
"I've been to target on Saturday, I can handle this." My life in a nutshell
Smh 😂😂😂
Go to Target day after Thanksgivings.
@@jemiebridges3197 yeah no, I know my limits
ahhh consumerism, what a life to live.
Dr Phot the
I thought she was pulling out a gun for a minute... eeeeck!
i seriously thought that took a wild dark turn for a second
she pulled it out like she was about to start blasting
Underrated comment
"So, anyway, I started blasting. "
Me too
I am a Girl Scout and honestly, this is great. At Girl Scouts we go camping twice in the entire year. At Boy Scouts they go camping every other week. Although I would admit doing community service is really fun.
Why not just combine the two groups into " The scouts " and have optional activities so if the boys want to learn more about some stuff the girls scouts normally would they can, and the girls can learn from that the boy scouts do if they want. Any one else?
Yeah, that would work pretty well. A combination of community service and camping would be way better.
Not worth it for me, joining a conservative organization riddled with scandals on intolerance and abuse it's worth camping. Like you said girl scout going camping twice a years (which actually depends on where you are, I've know troops that go do it once a month) that still getting the joy camping along with community service.
@@dylanhaugen3739 Discussions about combining the two organizations were
proposed several times over the last 30 years. Obviously, they never went anywhere.
Boy scouts do not go camping anywhere near every other week. Every other month is closer to it, in my experience. It is still well more than girl scouts do, and a much more authentic camping experience. Most girls I know in gsa have never spent a night in a tent. Source: I was a scout, have children in both organizations.
I really want to see a behind the scenes of her like actually doing girl scout stuff. She probably had fun with those kids and I feel like Desi always got this sarcastic kind of time whenever she's in a video.
i think its her job to try and make it funny
I also wish she'd dial back the snark....
trinity b: I was thinking the same thing. I would love to get to see the behind the scenes of this one! :)
@@heatherm2140 Clearly you don’t understand the point of the show then…
The little girls are kinda judgmental towards her, it's pretty hilarious 😂
that's sisterhood for ya
Girl on girl scout made me cry. Im not even into that genre.
The way the 2 looked at each other when she ran with their badge lol
@@maythesciencebewithyou Right, cuz kids can't tell when they're being mocked and someone's joking about what they like to do. Like Desi is funny but was clearly not trying to be in the sisterhood, nothing wrong with dismissing her
@@TahtahmesDiaryOf course, everyone knows that Girl Scouts have no sense of humour. You need to get over your traumatic GS experience. Seriously this was about as jokey as a skit can get.
Unfortunately, Girl Scouts often don’t do the same activities as Boy Scouts even though they’re advertised as doing so.
TheRealDanBond no one cares, girls don’t want to do them, all u adults keep trying to control other people’s futures
@@1dk_0bi Oh I see what you mean man ... Like Republicans and Abortion ... Gotcha :))))))))))))))))))))
Yeah, I was in Girl Scouts and we never went to camp or did any of those fun things. I always wanted to join Boy Scouts when I was little.
Boy scouts accepting girls sounds like a death sentence for girl scouts. If you have a son and a daughter it's easier to pick them up and drop them off at the same location.
MysticMarble sarcasm?
We going to ignore the fact that Desi looks cute in Girl Scout uniform 🥋 😍😍
Yes officer this simp right here
God I hated being a Girl Scout. We didn’t do anything. We sold cookies, and the badges we got were useless busy work. Our troop leader wasn’t even present half the time. The other girls in the troop were aimless and didn’t do anything for more than five minutes. I would have done anything to be a part of the Boy Scouts.
what they made the boy do ..... .had the girl did would be big lawsuit.... let face it... you re american ruin everything... you do anyhow...
Having a good troop leader is essential. In Boy Scouts ours was amazing and after he stepped away I think the troop didn’t favor nearly as well. It would be a tough responsibility to hold, I can’t imagine putting in that kind of effort and time. Looking back I’m very thankful that I had all of those experiences and that our parents and group leader were willing to do all of that for us.
Both totally depends on the leader. Boy scouts are not great if the leader is weak. Same with Girl Scouts. I am sorry you got a bad leader. I changed troops for my kid when I saw the leader was weak.
@@bucsr.6106 geez that would sound creepy if it were not about scouts
My respect for the Girl Scouts just increased by watching how well they put up with Desi’s antics for an entire day! Love this humor.
In India it's "scouts and guides" Camps happen together, awards are the same
its just the ncc mate and the % of involvement is getting lower and lower every year
@@celestialrex551 Yeah! Ncc isn't helping get a job
@@Narray5 i know that mate , people are being fundamentalist and joining the RSS, Bajrang DAL . We hindus must wake up before its too late
@Lucas Andersson well atleast 1.3 billion+ people do
In Switzerland it's inclusive from the beginning
@Ronald Reed Nah, it's more of being soy.
Desi cracks me up: “You just got your snitching bag”
My guess is that this troop and others like it are the exception and not the rule. Or at least its only gotten like this recently and had not been this way traditionally. I do believe that this director with a STEM background helped to push more STEM inclusion in the Girls Scouts which is great but I dont doubt that many troops across the US are focusing way too much on those cookie sales.
I am a girl scout and have met dozens of girl scout troops. I can safely assure that this is the rule, not the exception.
It really depends on the troop, but a lot of the GS literature(yes! there's books involved with getting badges!) is now focused on self-esteem/STEM/etc. There are GS summer camps wholly focused on STEM; some colleges allow for summer camps on campus too. It's been this way for a while. However, cookies ARE still a big thing for many troops. It's how troops get money and there are a ton of prizes involved.
@@pacifactor shut up dear god.
I love this girl. She is well suited for the role she plays.
Wow i didnt expect that answer of she being a rocket scientist 😂
My Boy Scouts leader tolled me about this and he said it was “separate but equal” and I was like “Wait hold on...”
Actually being separate but equal has been use in boy scouts the venture scouts from their enception in 98 scouts could choose from an a boys troop , all girls troop and a coed group
LISA BURGOS Dang I forget about this, sorry but this is a year old and I have moved on to other political issues.
I support Boy Scouts allowing girls to join. I don't really understand why people are against it. It is not saying that girls would no longer be in Girl Scouts (Girl Scouts wouldn't be abolished), but simply that you get the option of either. I listened to an excellent episode of the podcast The Daily that interviewed twin sisters who were in Girl Scouts. One decided she was going to join Boy Scouts in 2019 and one was going to stay in Girl Scouts, and they talked about their personalities and why each had made that decision. Let girls make their own choices y'all.
I think the fear is that boy scouts doesn't have the same history in providing for girls. They might not have the resources to offer overnight camps to their girl members for example. They at the start also won't have the connections of former members to pull in as mentors for girls. In addition, I've heard people worry that girls might be shuttled to the background of these programs, as some people have this expectation of what girls want vs what boys want or are good at. There's also the historical issues with boy scouts while girl scouts are generally considered more progressive with issues like gender identity and religious belief requirements.
Both are private organizations and are unaffiliated with each other. So it's the leadership of the Boy Scouts that is choosing to admit girls, and the leadership of the Girl Scouts that is choosing to admit only girls. These should be considered independent decisions.
Would you also support a boy joining the Girl Scouts? See how stupid that sounds.
Girls scouts should allow boys in as well. Or even combine as one organization. Kids can learn all skills from both.
I'm not against the integration but everything is already integrated.. what spaces are left for kids to be who/what they are without the pressure. And what happens when the #Metoo movement reaches the first unisex camping trip? If men and women have not led by example and equalized the playing field; why are we expecting 9 year olds to do it? How about we start by integrating the republican senate?
So why bother having the different organizations at all? Wasn't the whole point to allow the children the freedom to embrace 'what' they are? As in if guys wanna discuss ball's itching and girl's want to discuss pms they don't have to worry about a person being present who can't relate or who may be offended?
When my son was a Cub Scout his troop spent the night on the deck of an air craft carrier. They went caving.
I was a Girl Scout leader for three years. I tried to lead adventure! Because of training requirements I could only do back yard camping with the girls. We had no deep ties or traditions or relationships offering adventurous opportunities.
Thank you Boy Scouts for opening up to girls who want more!
"wow were did u learn how to shoot like that"
"Girl scouts"
I loved the little girl that said, "she was speaking nonsense " Hilariously said from a young lady.
I love being a Girl Scout leader, and I loved being a Girl Scout myself. Honestly my favorite event as a scout was World Thinking Day. Getting to explore all the other countries was super fun. And once I got to the Senior level, my troop hosted the WTD for our service unit. I remember one time we started the opening ceremonies with a rap performance 😂😂😂. Besides my Gold Award and journies, the other most memorable thing my troop did was run a camporee for our entire council. I ran the Pledge of Allegiance and Girl Scout Law. It was so awesome to stand in front of all those girls and lead them. People think it's all crafts and cookies but it is so much more. As a Girl Scout leader now, my girls learn that women can do anything, and they learn how to change the world. Most of the Eagle Scouts I have met have a very militaristic mood to them, and are very good at doing what they are told. But Gold Award scholars are some of the most ambitious young women out there. Knowing both sets of requirements, the Gold Award is much, much harder. Your project is required to have a very wide impact- simply repaving a nature trail like many Boy Scouts do won't cut it. Most Gold Award projects are educational campaigns for what the girls are passionate about. And that doesn't count the Take Action projects involved at the end of the journies, which are similar in requirements just without the specific documentation and approval rules. Anyway, I think Girl Scouts gets a bad rep too often. It's about learning how to lead and be ambitious. My girls also learned outdoor skills- they were cutting branches with pocket saws at 8 years old, and building fires at 9. They could have survived in the wild if they wanted to, but I cared far more that they became ambitious leaders who wanted to change the world, and that they did.
I am a Boy Scout, I am for this inclusion. Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts offer very different curriculums. I say there should still be two different scouting organizations.
But this lady doesn't want boys in the Girl Scouts
"Kiegel Scout" --- hahaha! Good one, Desi!
eponymousIme Was it that? Dunno what it means, I thought she might've referred to Kegel as in the pelvic exercises.
Not really. They're kids. Same with the adult "girl on girl scout" joke.
I normally like Desi but I thought this joke sucked. Especially this week. Not funny.
Pretty sure kegal was the joke
@@jameswest9388 that was a good joke, but how many people did get it ?
"You can be a girl scout or a boy scout or a girl on girl scout." Hands down best line.
I had to replay the "girl on girl scout" part if I heard that right 😂
You guys gonna ignore the suggestion to call them "Keagle Scouts"? LOL
I joined the girl scouts for a millisecond. All they did was make bracelets and sell cookies at mine, so I didn't stay too long. I would have loved to have joined the boy scouts.
But you can't. Know why? Because it's for boys!
@@DoubIoons so basicly if I'm a girl a can't do anything a boy does?
@@DoubIoons why can't they fix the girl scout organization instead of everyone joining the boy scouts?
@@BeDangerousSomeMore that's the fault of the women leading girl scouts though not the BSA
"Borl Scouts" ...Why don't you just rename to Scouts
Funnily enough the BSA has changed it but bc Girl Scouts still exist it hasn't really caught on. And yes I put BSA because it's seriously a hard habit to break
@@docwulff907 i know, 2 years later still sometimes call it that
i’m really happy i was a Girl Scout when i was a kid; i was able to have all these experiences and learn all sorts of new skills that weren’t taught in school. also, knowing that the Girl Scouts was started to be more inclusive and to build a wide array of social skills and taught me to care about others without expecting anything back. I don’t know what it’s like to be a Boy Scout, but i know that spending my childhood as a Girl Scout made me a better person
Why not just have "Scouts" or add the activities boy Scouts do to the girl Scouts program to maintain both the sisterhood and introduce new activities
Girl scouts is hella antiquated. They keep getting in these older women to run the organization who can't relate to the youth or know what will make the organization work for them. Once you get to middle school, girls drop out because the process of getting achievements (badges, but they're not always called that) gets extremely difficult without an organized leader who makes the effort for the older girls. Also, they instated all these weird hurdles girls have to get over in order to even start the gold award process.
It's hard to have a sisterhood when the organization forcefully weeds girls out over time. The younger ones don't get anyone to look up to.
@@professorthread I don't get it, what's in it for the organization if they forcefully weed out older girls?
There's always new girls every year. And I genuinely don't think the top realizes how the current system weeds out older girls. It's difficult to find troops with many older girls, so they get spread out and quit because they're heavily outnumbered by girls in their troop 5+ years younger than them. There's currently no way to search for individual troops in your area, let alone a breakdown of membership to see if there are girls of a similar age. I think the problem could be solved if the older girls could find troops with girls of a similar age in their area. There's strength in numbers.
Well the real answer is because they're separate organizations with their own agendas and infrastructure.
“Kegel Scouts” omg I love Desi 😹
Did Desi say girl on girl scouts?!🤣
She also said "Keagle Scouts"...Bwahahahahaha
Honestly, from what I remember about being in girl scouts is the activities that they had for us was determined by which troop mom was in charge that week. One had us learn how to make different knots and properly make a camp fire, the other one had us learn about different cultures.
I'm an eagle scout and I support both boy scouts and girl scouts. I support the new decision as well. People need to lighten up.
I was a Campfire Girl and we did a lot of fun stuff. I remember camping, cooking over fire, learning how to make a fire, pouring candles in sand, carving soap animals and lots of outings and hikes.
"It was just nonsense, really" 😂😂😂
The girl's face @ 5:16 has been my face for the year! This country is in #TheTwilightZone
Fun fact! I went to one of those obstacle courses on a school field trip, and I slipped and gashed my leg open. I had to go to the ER and get stitches 😂
I saw that Girl Scout Instructor rolling her eyes when Desi was on the rope yelling for help! That part was priceless!!
Desi is so freaking cute
Man of high culture her... take my like!
Yeah, but I was so embarrassed at her cringe worthy humor that I had to stop the video...even the little girls didn't find her amusing..
Cant believe I had to scroll down so much to find this comment!
She had me rolling🤣😂🤣 #snitch #badge
"I could tell I was really reaching them" - while girl picks out shapes in the clouds...
Congratulations, you just got your snitching badge
.. I'm dead 😂
My 8 year old daughter is in her 2nd year of Girl Scouts and she loves it. This organization is about strengthening leadership skills and community service. We have a great troop leader. Some troops are run by parent volunteers so sometimes that effects what kind of experience you may have if they haven't been involved before. And yes, she has gone camping.
In my country Kenya we only have one united scouts association and all of us were trained in the knowledge of Boden Powell. I went camping, was a troop leader and worked together with boys to build campsites, work with bamboo and create everything we need from utensil cabinets to temporary showers. Sometimes I am reminded that even though America is advanced in most cases, they are also intensely backwards in other forms.
Oh my God...
Kegel scout!
Wow...and LOL!
Those were very nice girls, gamely going along with her silliness.
0:52 Did she just say "proportion labs" lol?
"So I have decided to make the decision to tell you to decide to make decisions for yourself"
Lol that's exactly like Johnny Depp in Pirates of the Carribean...
I died laughing on that
Wait... hold it.
Boy Scouts? Progressive? Please tell me that was a joke.
Funnily enough it ain't, we even have a two openly lgbtq+ members in our troop which is me and a gay Life Scout. Not saying that Scouts isn't rooted with conservative minded people but we also have accepting members, even in Southern Region
Yeah, the Boy Scouts have declining membership, thus declining revenue so they opened it up to girls to be cub scouts. I guess being a bunch of homophobes didn't pay off in the long run. Plus, how do you compete with awesome cookies--not with stale ass popcorn.
“Kegel Scout” omg so funny
Woudn't it be Keagle in this instance? LOL
We had an eagle scout in our family and just short of Kavanaugh he's the least honorable person I know.
Duh here's what a boy scout is (with commentary from me)"
TRUSTWORTHY. Tell the truth and keep promises. People can depend on you. (sounds good)
LOYAL. Show that you care about your family, friends, Scout leaders, school, and country. (hmm sure)
HELPFUL. Volunteer to help others without expecting a reward. (nice)
FRIENDLY. Be a friend to everyone, even people who are very different from you. (ok….don’t know why it’s worded like that)
COURTEOUS. Be polite to everyone and always use good manners. (nice)
KIND. Treat others as you want to be treated . Never harm or kill any living thing without good reason. (ni…… “a good reason”…what’s a good reason?)
OBEDIENT. Follow the rules of your family, school, and pack. Obey the laws of your community and country. (Okay…the implications here aren’t um good in all cases)
CHEERFUL. Look for the bright side of life. Cheerfully do tasks that come your way. Try to help others be happy. (great….still thinking of the last two)
THRIFTY. Work to pay your own way. Try not to be wasteful. Use time, food, supplies, and natural resources wisely. (seriously why did KIND include killing)
BRAVE. Face difficult situations even when you feel afraid. Do what you think is right despite what others might be doing or saying. (sure but um…the combination of thoughts here might need some cleaning up)
CLEAN. Keep your body and mind fit . Help keep your home and community clean. (okay back on track, good)
REVERENT. Be reverent toward God. Be faithful in your religious duties. Respect the beliefs of others. (WAIT WHAT?!?!)
Okay Girl Scouts need to start accepting boys because NO CHILD should be apart of the former Boy Scouts.
my favorite..."I can do this, I've been to Target on a Saturday" so funny!
Proud Girl Scout here, all the way to Cadet. Very positive impact on my life. #GIRLSCOUTSUSA
Desi Lydic is the best!!! Everytime you do a check in with her I damn near die laughing!
“We are girl experts” STOPIT
"The Kegel Scouts" 😂😂🤣🤣 I can't!
When I saw the notification I said "oh no, I gotta see this"
Honestly I am so proud to be the mom of a Girl Scout! My girl is a Daisy and we are already discussing camping! We have a Super Stem focus thanks to our troop leader Betsy (who is an Engineer) whose dedication to the Girl Scout STEM focused programs has ignited a fire in our girls!
I am so thankful for the roles each of these organizations has played in my children’s lives. I am glad to be a Girl Scout Volunteer and Parent!
Everyone knows that if you want to create more discrimination, you have to seperate the 2 different groups. Same goes for sexism, if you seperate girls and boys (or men and women) when it's not neccessary to seperate them (like with toilets or locker rooms). You'll just encourage sexism and the creation of stereotypes. But that's just my opinion lol
Or did y'all forget about all of the seperate but equal stuff lol
I get ya. People just can’t relate if they don’t interact. Treating the separation of boys and girls in team sports and programs never really solves sexist issues, they just avoid them and tend to separate people further by eliminating things that could bring the groups closer together.
Bathrooms shud be seperate (excluding trans people) theres a lot of creeps out there
Fucking wise words. Act accordingly, because you just wrote how a huge problem can be solved. You should guide us and I'm serious.
Eve Speiser I do still agree with you. Naked boys and girls together, no matter the context, usually stirs up trouble.
some troops miss out on a lot but I remember I did alot of fun things in my troop. the most memorable thing I remember was dissecting a human brain for a badge. we also had a cross country road trip and went to see Wicked on Broadway
wow, in mexico that has happened since long time ago, only called "scouts" without gender.
Same in philippines.
The separation of the organisations always confused me when I was younger. I was a Cub Scout and then a Scout in Ireland. We were for both boys and girls, and had a pretty even mix the whole way through and everybody learned and experienced all that was available to us. It was a great experience and a wonderful foundation for adult life.
Having said that, this piece actually made me think. My initial thought was 'of course they should be mixed', but honestly I'm not sure anymore.
Girl Scouts is an amazing organization but it wouldn’t have lost as many people if troops did cool stuff like Boy Scouts. I left my troop because all we did was sewing and cookie selling; I didn’t even learn to tie one knot
Girl on girl scout... I die.
Desi is hilarious! 🤣😂🤣😂Fantastic episode, Desi! You are awesome!😎👏
A little Jeb Bush jab at the end, LOL.
The biggest issue with girl scouts vs boy scouts is that the boys ALWAYS get to do cooler stuff. When i was a brownie i wanted to be a cub scout so bad cause they did stuff that was always more interesting than we did on any given week. Young girls don't particularly wanna be around young boys so if the girl scouts wanna keep their numbers simply start doing actually start letting girls do outdoorsy "scout" stuff....thats it
As a Girl Scout leader for 11 years recently ...and a Girl Scout for 11 years (in the late 60s to 1978) and a card carrying Boy Scout in the 1970s....I can honestly say that Girls Scouts are wonderful...with very helpful badge books, day camps, overnights and outings...some of our girls/young women even had a free 3 week trip to camp with their Italian counterparts.... and they all grew up very well.... I am proud of them all!
I was a girl scout. I still have my uniform. It was ok
Not trying to bash on girl scouts or boy scouts but... no one ever talks about the Venture Crew. A co-ed section of the Boy Scouts for ages 14-21 that do pretty much everything they Boy Scouts do and high adventure stuff too. My sister switched to venture crew from girl scouts and enjoyed it a whole lot better.
LMAO!!! Kegel scouts!! I don't think anybody got that joke.
I love her dry sarcastic humour, Desi is a gem..
that was always my question if the boy scouts accept girls what happen to girl scouts ?
They continue selling cookies!
yeah but girl scout don't only sell cookies, it's like a sisterhood, we have brotherhood "boys scouts" and a sisterhood "girlscouts" they could have events togethers n shit .but if everybody start joining the older one and more popular girl scouts will become the less fun with less people's version.
@@dark3rthanshadows I see your piont. However, the separation is mostly an American thing. In many other countries scouts are just scouts. So, Americans might also learn to move to a new concept of siblinghood! Or not! :)
yes i say that cause where i'm from scouts are just scouts, yet we have groups that are majority masculine and groups that are in majority feminine. of what u mean with "separation" don't they go to summer camps etc etc ?
But if they were going to follow our ways they would disban both boy scouts and girl scouts and make just scouts
@@dark3rthanshadows The boy scouts will still have groups that are majority masculine and may in time have majority feminine groups. And yes they go to summer camps, but they don't go to each other's summer camps.
I thought she was gonna pull out a pistol🤣
This might be your funniest this year 👍
Go Girl Scouts!!
(And Boy Scouts, of course)
I needed this laugh out loud, thanks.
It’s always so weird to me to see how Americans segregate their Scouts. Here in Israel they’re gender-mixed, and gay people can be scout leaders just fine.
Speaking of gay people
Israel a few months ago passed a law that said lgbt dont deserve full human rights
@@TheMe26 The hell are you talking about?
@@NeelLLumi-AnCatDubh www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=www.advocate.com/world/2016/2/29/outrage-mounts-after-israel-marks-lgbt-rights-day-vetoing-lgbt-rights-bills%3Famp&ved=2ahUKEwjP7rHGn_XdAhVPQBoKHY0OCy04ChAWMAF6BAgJEAE&usg=AOvVaw0W67Lcb5jxzEFLLryb9Ft-&cf=1&cshid=1538946947007
And the 2017 protest
And the 2018 protests
You see where this is going
If youre palestinian lgbt its even worse
Because you get none of these thingd that protect you
And are treated like a black man in aprathied south africa because thats what israel is
sexual orientation != gender
@@transsexual_computer_faery I’m well aware.
Love these skits lol
Hilariously beautiful.
4:55 She just pulls out a Gun!!!!!!
Jk but looks like it the way she does it is very genius lmao
I think instead of joining Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts should be better🤔
I love this. Keep up the good work.
In Brazil the Boys Scouts is alredy for boys and girls
The absolute best coresspondent. More Desi!
Samosa information 😂
Cookie pusher 😁😁😁😁
I just can't stop laughing!!! 🤣
The Kegel scouts!! LOL.
Women empowering women. Right on! 🌎✌
Love the sisterhood! 💚💚
Jet proportion labs...
How about making the equivalent to the Eagle Scouts, like...I don't know, the Kegel Scouts.
God I love this woman.. LOL
So instead of fighting for boy scouts to change shouldnt people fight for girl scouts to change?
that was the point of this vdo
Snitching badge lol 😂
"girl on girl scout"
Hmm... I think I've seen this -porn- documentary.
Desi rocks the Bedazzling Badge! I'd also bestow the Talking Nonsense badge for good measure! This is one kooky, loveable reporter. Rock on Des.
When I was a kid, my brother was a boy scout and my father was a den leader, so I ended up being sort of an honorary boy scout just so I wouldn't be left home alone when they went camping or to other events. It was a lot of fun and at least at the time, offered a lot of activities that the Girl Scouts weren't known for. Also I love Trail's End popcorn (the equivalent of Girl Scout cookies). Obviously both organizations have evolved but I am grateful for the time I got to spend cooking meals over a fire, learning knots, carving pinewood derby cars, and proving I could keep up with the boys.
Love Desi’s skits ✅
😂😂 The beginning is so savage
Just let girls do whatever the boys do. But very few girls would do it all. Only some are genuinely interested. It's not a problem. It's just who they are.