Hey Jeff I don’t know if you’ll see this, but I developed a gauge control module specifically for modernizing old gauges while keeping the classic aesthetic. I made it because I was tired of seeing awesome old cars using electronic screens. It can read both can bus and analog signals, and uses stepper motors to operate the gauge needles. Hit me up if this sounds like something you’d be interested in.
That sounds like it would be great for most applications like this and originally I was looking for something like this. The issue with mine is that I have now gutted the original gauges and none of it is left. It also would have been an issue as the original tacho only went to 7 and this engine revs to 9.
@@HomeBuiltByJeff maybe I need to make a little video of what I have built, but that sounds like it would be not a problem at all. I gutted my oem gauges and 3d printed something to hold the stepper motors in place.
Shame that you could not get the dash dials to work, but after seeing binky, I can totally understand the screen choice. A screen combined with a 3D printed replica of the Alfa dash will look great. Thanks Jeff & Mrs Jeff, happy crimbo
I had a similar steering issue with my MINI r53. Power steering would drop out intermittently at low revs. Apparently it's a symptom of alternator going bad and low voltage triggers the logic to disable the pump. Glad you found the solution!
Congratulations on getting this amazing piece of art together and running so sweetly. I'm looking forward to seeing you explore where the grip limits are on some mountain twisties or a circuit. You've got big fat tyres, all the revs, as much power as you can use, lovely sounds and bugger all weight. Recipe for a real hoot I reckon.
My Sunday is complete with another Jeff video! It's so nice to see that you struggle through the little details like the rest of us, and show it with such enthusiasm and ingenuity every time. It's motivating. Thanks to people like you, and a few other smaller channels I was able to tackle my first paint project this weekend, with good results. Loving the progression over the years!
for the indicators, you could try hitting that spring with the blow torch (carefully), it sometimes allows them to 'spring back' to the original shape instead of sort of stretched out. on the dash side, if you want to go screens but not just a large rectangle behind a 3d printed shroud to cover up 50% of it, you could look at doing 4 to 6 round screens. the small ones are easy to come by online. you can check out a youtuber called upir for some Arduino/esp32 automotive gauge ideas/knowledge. when it comes time for the headers. one thing you could do if you get the engine bay and engine 3d scanned is line the 2 scans up via the engine mounts then use the scans (after being converted to a solid) to 'cut' out the negative space to leave you with a 'blob' the shape of where the exhaust can go. I don't blame you for wanting to fix all these little things on the alfarrari, the weather is getting nice so its a good time of year to be able to drive it, particularly when your not used to the handling and power of it yet.
Jeff , I know you have space limitations on the alternator so you can't put in a larger one ,but you could put on a smaller pulley that would raise the output at idle.Luv the Alfa.
Hi Jeff, shoutout all the way from south africa. I enjoy your content brother. I also appreciate the level of detail in all the work you do. Your crazy algorithm is how n found you in the 1st place. I love checking in on a Sunday when I lounge on my lazyboy in my cinema room waiting for the next round of black ops 6 multi-player. Consider me a FAN
So awesome seeing you gradually improve the car and make it more usable. Now I totally respect it’s your car, and you can do as you like, but I think you should reconsider the painted veneer dash inserts. I really think a matte finish spun Aluminium insert would look absolutely awesome. Just my 2c on what is an absolutely epic build that has the whole world talking! Well done mate
Look at the indicator self cancelling set up from an XF-ED Falcon, very simple setup and pretty common and looks like it will be easily adaptable to your setup
Since the 360 is basically two four-cylinder engines running in harmony I wouldn't have a problem with it sounding like a pair of Alfas driving together, ie already sounds pretty great. Best wishes to you both for Christmas and New Year!
LCS - I’m just here to feed the algorithm. Patreon for the win. Maybe look to a vintage late 60s or early 70s GM or Ford indicator stalk? There’s plenty of them, they’re cheap and simple.
85-87 Subaru Leone has an indicator stalk that only does high beam actuation also as the lights and wiper switches are on the dash. But from memory (it's been 25 years since I owned one) it still sits in kind of a bulky plastic housing because the hazard light switch is also on top of it and might still look too modern for this project
Jeff- check out the Volvo p1800 turn signal stalk. The self cancelling is really simple. Also look at speedhut in Utah for custom modern gauges. I had them do a set for my "volvrarri" and they are excellent quality.
Lucas indicator stalks are simple and self contained. there is a little stick in the steering shaft that goes past a paw one way and cancels the other way.
Citroen and London taxis used not to have self cancelling indicators. You 16:43 could go for that sort of setup and add a motorcycle timed cancellation. Indicators would be just a pair of micro switches to detect indications requested with the motorcycle box holding the indicators for eg 15s
Jeff, look into BMW motorcycles from 1990-2000, they had indicator relay that was self cancelling after a certain distance or time, maybe that can work on your rig!!!
For your steering column/indicator debacle, I'd suggest looking into a MK1 MR2 as it has a single indicator stalk, with the rest of it's controls being on the dash. That might slot onto your yaris column? If you're completely replacing the column, try looking at an early fox mustang.(79 to 81) It's got the two stalks on the left, and looks pretty close to the alfa's design. it also has a tilt function for the wheel.
Last week you mentioned it does not sound like a Ferrari. I'd agree even if it does sound sweet with some revs. Years ago I used Ansa exhausts on my Alfa which transformed the sound. I have no idea if suitable Ansa mufflers for your application are available or what they might cost, but given these are often oem on Ferrari's it might be worth looking into down the track. A digital display in a printed housing, top idea.
Jeff, The x-pipe you have in your exhaust is similar to a crossover and will change the sound. Removing it may improve the exhaust note. Adding a send battery may stabilize electrical system and provide more power when the alternator can’t. A log type header with a tapered log can offer good flow and provide more space to allow larger oem style vibration absorbing mounts.
You could try a different indicator stalk with a cam on the column to make it cancel. The early MGB 1960's used a similar stalk with a cam on the column that might be suitable.
I think the screen is the way to go for now. You can always go on a BOM style Odyssey in the future to make perfect mechnical gauges, but for now you can make a shroud around a screen and get good enough looks with reliable functionality.
Hey Jeff,I had a similar problem with my kit car and I resorted to an MGB indicator assembly it uses a pin in the boss to trigger the cancellation of the indicators.Failing that have a look at Car Builders Solutions in the UK they have an indicator assembly that may fit the bill.Keep up the good work guys and thank you for the inspiration
FYI: There are two American flat plane crank engines. Ford's Voodoo powered the previous Mustang GT350. GM has the Gemini powering the latest Z06 and ZR1. In the ZR1, the Gemini makes a mere 1064 hp. No idea what Jeff would do with that much power.
Hey Jeff, have you looked into Dakota Digital gauges? They make complete sets of gauges that have a very retro look to them and are nearly plug and play with modern EFI systems.
When you park the car for a spell. Leave it in the gear that it likes to jump out of. I did that and the rubber "went that way" Mine hasn't jumped out of gear since. 😉
I am 100% positive speedhut gauges are the solution you need. They’re great to work with, and make custom dials with fully matched faces and any color you want. And its not that expensive. A screen would absolutely ruin the look and feel of this car.
Well my F355 which was arguably the best sounding Ferrari flat plane made had a valved and merged section that slipstreamed from each bank header then combined into the rear box. However although it sounded epic outside it still sounded like a 4 pot in the cabin Im afraid like they all do. The best sounding V8 of all time is the Maserati v8 imo. I have that same stalk on my Duetto and it is a bit crap I agree but part of the charm I guess, maybe try something simple like bmc mini set up.
Just go back to the spring design for the auto cancel. It works, yeah? Send it. Otherwise try one of the vintage/hot rod shops in the states. They would have something for sure. A classic Mustang kit or something.
Interestingly, without whatever modifications to make it "scream", it really almost sounds like the original Alfa engine - on steroids, with higher revs ;) I really could also see that being part of the car´s character. Not Ferrari, but Alfa on steroids.
And I´m jealous of your power steering, I made the mistake to put 7x15 without any assistance. Parking and low-speed-driving is a pain in the b*** ;) I love your series, keep it up. Please more shakedowns and test-drives on a track ;)
I don't know what you're on about, Jeff. The car sings when cruising but screams and growls when you get on it. It doesn't sound like a Ferrari? It doesn't sound like an Alfa either. I think you've got this part right already.
Congratulations on an epic build Jeff, this is one very special Alfa 105! I would appreciate if you could clear up one aspect for me please: When you were talking about the cars exhaust note , you said you don't have a crossover in the system, but in the video when you were installing the additional mounts it looked like there actually was a crossover. Did I misunderstand as I also believed that a crossover exhaust is only beneficial on a cross plane crank engine and isn't necessary on a flat plane crank engine? Have you been able to sort out the idling issue on the Merc?
I'm curious where this dash LCD is going to go. Are you going to try to use a rectangle LCD, make a replica-looking Alfa shroud to fit, then figure out how to program the gauges and spacing to fit behind the bezel arrangement, and if your existing ECU has any tools for building such a graphic output in software, OR if you're going to use a series of ROUND OLEDs... usually attached to SBCs or Arduinos - with the requisite coding... or if, since coding might be involved ANYWAY, just turn you existing dials into basic X-27 style stepper motors - for which there's support, and get them working and looking as they currently are (though it might require making a custom PCB - which is cheap.. but would be a learning curve.
About the indicator stalks: Have you taken a look at the contraption of the Spider S3 from 1986 or the Spider S4? I think the stalks might work a bit differently, but still retaining the same setup. The indicator stalk seems not too flimsy, it rather tends to break off. Ask me how I know :P
Love TH-cam channel and videos. I have been trying to let the glass in the hood/bonnet grow on me, for a long time. I just dont get it😂 Your taste, your build, your car. All the respect in the world to you! - But why??? Why the glass? What is the idea?
Have you checked out the Ferrari dash that comes from the same model as the engine? And have you checked out the VDO gauges? Personally, I like the round gauges, mainly because that was what I grew up with, either way, I hope you find the solution that you want.
Mentioned it on FB a while ago, but have you considered a modern Alfa cluster? The Mito one (cheap on ebay) looks not overly far from your shape - and considering you could remake the top hump cover it might work
I can't get over how fantastic this whole thing is. The last 10% of a project is always a bitch, bu this isn't really a "project," is it? This should have been a thing back in the day, but I suspect that you've exceeded the level of care and attention the average Italian automotive firm from the 70s could manage.
4 mufflers ? nasty . different muffler choices may get you the scream you desire , Those designed for V 8 rumble may not provide , Ive had little success in finding aftermarket muffler to provide The sound I desire for my V6 . good luck
Have a look at fluid motor union youtube channel and see what you think of their megaphone idea in the exhaust. They make some cool sounding exotic exhausst and seem to do a lot of R&D.
Hey Jeff I don’t know if you’ll see this, but I developed a gauge control module specifically for modernizing old gauges while keeping the classic aesthetic. I made it because I was tired of seeing awesome old cars using electronic screens. It can read both can bus and analog signals, and uses stepper motors to operate the gauge needles. Hit me up if this sounds like something you’d be interested in.
I am interested. Please share more details. There is a market for what you describe
That sounds like it would be great for most applications like this and originally I was looking for something like this. The issue with mine is that I have now gutted the original gauges and none of it is left. It also would have been an issue as the original tacho only went to 7 and this engine revs to 9.
@@HomeBuiltByJeff maybe I need to make a little video of what I have built, but that sounds like it would be not a problem at all. I gutted my oem gauges and 3d printed something to hold the stepper motors in place.
@@greenflavoredstuff Send me an email and we can discuss it further if you like. Remember I also need an odometer as this is a road car.
Shame that you could not get the dash dials to work, but after seeing binky, I can totally understand the screen choice. A screen combined with a 3D printed replica of the Alfa dash will look great. Thanks Jeff & Mrs Jeff, happy crimbo
I had a similar steering issue with my MINI r53. Power steering would drop out intermittently at low revs. Apparently it's a symptom of alternator going bad and low voltage triggers the logic to disable the pump. Glad you found the solution!
Congratulations on getting this amazing piece of art together and running so sweetly. I'm looking forward to seeing you explore where the grip limits are on some mountain twisties or a circuit. You've got big fat tyres, all the revs, as much power as you can use, lovely sounds and bugger all weight. Recipe for a real hoot I reckon.
My Sunday is complete with another Jeff video!
It's so nice to see that you struggle through the little details like the rest of us, and show it with such enthusiasm and ingenuity every time. It's motivating.
Thanks to people like you, and a few other smaller channels I was able to tackle my first paint project this weekend, with good results.
Loving the progression over the years!
for the indicators, you could try hitting that spring with the blow torch (carefully), it sometimes allows them to 'spring back' to the original shape instead of sort of stretched out.
on the dash side, if you want to go screens but not just a large rectangle behind a 3d printed shroud to cover up 50% of it, you could look at doing 4 to 6 round screens. the small ones are easy to come by online. you can check out a youtuber called upir for some Arduino/esp32 automotive gauge ideas/knowledge.
when it comes time for the headers. one thing you could do if you get the engine bay and engine 3d scanned is line the 2 scans up via the engine mounts then use the scans (after being converted to a solid) to 'cut' out the negative space to leave you with a 'blob' the shape of where the exhaust can go.
I don't blame you for wanting to fix all these little things on the alfarrari, the weather is getting nice so its a good time of year to be able to drive it, particularly when your not used to the handling and power of it yet.
That is exactly what I am planning to find the space for the exhaust ;)
As for the steering bar binding - Well so much for your county’s crazy opinion inspection process to make the car road worthy.
I absolutely love this car. We need a big road trip video
Have a look at an indicator stalk from a Morris Mini or Minor; looks very similar and you might be able to get the way they did it working.
Even old Landover or early landcruiser
Jeff , I know you have space limitations on the alternator so you can't put in a larger one ,but you could put on a smaller pulley that would raise the output at idle.Luv the Alfa.
Hi Jeff, shoutout all the way from south africa. I enjoy your content brother. I also appreciate the level of detail in all the work you do. Your crazy algorithm is how n found you in the 1st place. I love checking in on a Sunday when I lounge on my lazyboy in my cinema room waiting for the next round of black ops 6 multi-player. Consider me a FAN
So awesome seeing you gradually improve the car and make it more usable. Now I totally respect it’s your car, and you can do as you like, but I think you should reconsider the painted veneer dash inserts. I really think a matte finish spun Aluminium insert would look absolutely awesome. Just my 2c on what is an absolutely epic build that has the whole world talking! Well done mate
Wonderful to see my dream car progressing. Not jealous. Not at all...
every mile with a smile, enjoy it man, that's what you've been building up to all this time🙂👍🏻
Project Binks is great, those guys are very talented. I do like their printed circuit board.
Keep after it! You'll get it perfect soon! After all hot rods are never finished!
A comment for the thingy. Great work Jeff, keep nibbling away at it and your smile will never disappear. Nicely done too Mrs Jeff!
Look at the indicator self cancelling set up from an XF-ED Falcon, very simple setup and pretty common and looks like it will be easily adaptable to your setup
Since the 360 is basically two four-cylinder engines running in harmony I wouldn't have a problem with it sounding like a pair of Alfas driving together, ie already sounds pretty great. Best wishes to you both for Christmas and New Year!
LCS - I’m just here to feed the algorithm. Patreon for the win.
Maybe look to a vintage late 60s or early 70s GM or Ford indicator stalk? There’s plenty of them, they’re cheap and simple.
Sounds good. I'll check it out.
85-87 Subaru Leone has an indicator stalk that only does high beam actuation also as the lights and wiper switches are on the dash. But from memory (it's been 25 years since I owned one) it still sits in kind of a bulky plastic housing because the hazard light switch is also on top of it and might still look too modern for this project
Jeff- check out the Volvo p1800 turn signal stalk. The self cancelling is really simple. Also look at speedhut in Utah for custom modern gauges. I had them do a set for my "volvrarri" and they are excellent quality.
Lucas indicator stalks are simple and self contained. there is a little stick in the steering shaft that goes past a paw one way and cancels the other way.
Citroen and London taxis used not to have self cancelling indicators. You 16:43 could go for that sort of setup and add a motorcycle timed cancellation. Indicators would be just a pair of micro switches to detect indications requested with the motorcycle box holding the indicators for eg 15s
Jeff, look into BMW motorcycles from 1990-2000, they had indicator relay that was self cancelling after a certain distance or time, maybe that can work on your rig!!!
For your steering column/indicator debacle, I'd suggest looking into a MK1 MR2 as it has a single indicator stalk, with the rest of it's controls being on the dash. That might slot onto your yaris column? If you're completely replacing the column, try looking at an early fox mustang.(79 to 81) It's got the two stalks on the left, and looks pretty close to the alfa's design. it also has a tilt function for the wheel.
Great to see the progress on the Alfarrari! Also nice to see the @ThrottleStopGarage t-shirt - Keep your stick on the ice 😂
It is really becoming a useable car. Throttle Stop is great stuff as well ;)
Last week you mentioned it does not sound like a Ferrari. I'd agree even if it does sound sweet with some revs. Years ago I used Ansa exhausts on my Alfa which transformed the sound. I have no idea if suitable Ansa mufflers for your application are available or what they might cost, but given these are often oem on Ferrari's it might be worth looking into down the track. A digital display in a printed housing, top idea.
Glad you took lessons watching project Binky on the instrumentarium.
Screens in the original cavities wil look very tastefull.
The x-pipe you have in your exhaust is similar to a crossover and will change the sound. Removing it may improve the exhaust note.
Adding a send battery may stabilize electrical system and provide more power when the alternator can’t.
A log type header with a tapered log can offer good flow and provide more space to allow larger oem style vibration absorbing mounts.
He already blocked-off the X-pipe internally.
Jeff how about a Ferrari yellow diel for the speedo, the roll bar would look good coverd in leather
Great work Jeff, it will be great when you've nailed all the teething problems. :)
Love the Volvo T at the end👍
Check out Throttle Stop Garage on TH-cam. Great content.
You could try a different indicator stalk with a cam on the column to make it cancel. The early MGB 1960's used a similar stalk with a cam on the column that might be suitable.
The mad exhaust scientist has been mentioned again
Mark 1/2 Austin Mini indicator stalk - self cancelling turn signals, high beam that's it. Classic look to suit the Alfa!
I think the screen is the way to go for now. You can always go on a BOM style Odyssey in the future to make perfect mechnical gauges, but for now you can make a shroud around a screen and get good enough looks with reliable functionality.
It's a good thing you're a patient man love your work
In the UK 🇬🇧 we have a plug and play box that wires into the computer, which will give you all the performance sounds you like. Racechip, tdi etc
Hey Jeff,I had a similar problem with my kit car and I resorted to an MGB indicator assembly it uses a pin in the boss to trigger the cancellation of the indicators.Failing that have a look at Car Builders Solutions in the UK they have an indicator assembly that may fit the bill.Keep up the good work guys and thank you for the inspiration
FYI: There are two American flat plane crank engines. Ford's Voodoo powered the previous Mustang GT350. GM has the Gemini powering the latest Z06 and ZR1. In the ZR1, the Gemini makes a mere 1064 hp. No idea what Jeff would do with that much power.
Yeah, I did know that but they are very special and very limited so I was happy to gloss over that in this context.
Nice work. Well done.
Hey Jeff, have you looked into Dakota Digital gauges? They make complete sets of gauges that have a very retro look to them and are nearly plug and play with modern EFI systems.
Keep the good work up Jeff
IDK, I love how the alfararri sounds. To my ear it sounds somewhere between the 360 and a 3.2 Busso. Both some of the best sounding engines ever!
When you park the car for a spell. Leave it in the gear that it likes to jump out of. I did that and the rubber "went that way" Mine hasn't jumped out of gear since. 😉
I am 100% positive speedhut gauges are the solution you need. They’re great to work with, and make custom dials with fully matched faces and any color you want. And its not that expensive. A screen would absolutely ruin the look and feel of this car.
Jeff blinker switch from a late 60's beetle should do the trick cheers glenn
Well my F355 which was arguably the best sounding Ferrari flat plane made had a valved and merged section that slipstreamed from each bank header then combined into the rear box. However although it sounded epic outside it still sounded like a 4 pot in the cabin Im afraid like they all do. The best sounding V8 of all time is the Maserati v8 imo. I have that same stalk on my Duetto and it is a bit crap I agree but part of the charm I guess, maybe try something simple like bmc mini set up.
355 is definitely the best sounding road Ferrari, no question.
Hq indicators setup is simple and would adapt to your setup, just needs 2 pins added to the the boss kit
Just go back to the spring design for the auto cancel. It works, yeah? Send it.
Otherwise try one of the vintage/hot rod shops in the states. They would have something for sure. A classic Mustang kit or something.
Old BMW's had a very simple indicator self cancelling system. Check like an E30 steering wheel/self cancelling.
r32 skylines have a very simple turn signal switch. Just up/down for signals I believe
Odd firing V10s sound and make more power with crossover pipes too ;)
Sound - also look at adding conical shapes post cat.
Interestingly, without whatever modifications to make it "scream", it really almost sounds like the original Alfa engine - on steroids, with higher revs ;)
I really could also see that being part of the car´s character. Not Ferrari, but Alfa on steroids.
And I´m jealous of your power steering, I made the mistake to put 7x15 without any assistance. Parking and low-speed-driving is a pain in the b*** ;)
I love your series, keep it up. Please more shakedowns and test-drives on a track ;)
One gauge might help with the gauges, they do a round display, i'm thinking through how to replace my 911 gauges and them to the ECU, long way to go.
What is Mrs Jeff's first name out of interest 🤷♂️🤔 She's great.
Mrs ;)
😆 Brilliant
Jeff something tells me that after Mrs Jeff drives the Alfarrari, you’ll never get the keys back!!👍
I don't know what you're on about, Jeff. The car sings when cruising but screams and growls when you get on it. It doesn't sound like a Ferrari? It doesn't sound like an Alfa either. I think you've got this part right already.
you should try the indicator stalk from a 70-71 or 72-79 beetle , you will be surprised how nice they feel and they are very cheap .
Congratulations on an epic build Jeff, this is one very special Alfa 105! I would appreciate if you could clear up one aspect for me please: When you were talking about the cars exhaust note , you said you don't have a crossover in the system, but in the video when you were installing the additional mounts it looked like there actually was a crossover. Did I misunderstand as I also believed that a crossover exhaust is only beneficial on a cross plane crank engine and isn't necessary on a flat plane crank engine? Have you been able to sort out the idling issue on the Merc?
Cross over in internally blocked
7:43 left exhaust notch is dented? 😢 did the pipe do that?
I'm curious where this dash LCD is going to go. Are you going to try to use a rectangle LCD, make a replica-looking Alfa shroud to fit, then figure out how to program the gauges and spacing to fit behind the bezel arrangement, and if your existing ECU has any tools for building such a graphic output in software, OR if you're going to use a series of ROUND OLEDs... usually attached to SBCs or Arduinos - with the requisite coding... or if, since coding might be involved ANYWAY, just turn you existing dials into basic X-27 style stepper motors - for which there's support, and get them working and looking as they currently are (though it might require making a custom PCB - which is cheap.. but would be a learning curve.
The mufflers look pretty big……..with the central ones too……for the algorithm 😊
About the indicator stalks: Have you taken a look at the contraption of the Spider S3 from 1986 or the Spider S4? I think the stalks might work a bit differently, but still retaining the same setup.
The indicator stalk seems not too flimsy, it rather tends to break off. Ask me how I know :P
Did you ever consider an Alfa 4C engine?…Love the choice you went with just the same.
Guess you could use a cancelling system of a motor bike which works electronically rather than mechanically.
Please get some driving shots from the outside next week🙏
Check into Dakota digital gauges. They have some nice sets factory looking too
Fluid Motor Union channel has some great vids on stepped headers and other techo exhaust concepts that are inline with what you're aiming to achieve.
My 73 GTV indicater is not very good either. I would look at the Lucas switch from MG/Triumph very compact should be easy and works well.
Try a mk 1 golf indicator stork 👍
You have to flog it - max hp at max rpm
Hi Jeff love this car,have you considered 911 indcator stork or 70s beetle 911 dose turn and high beam?
Take a look at how the indicators on mgbs, mg midgets, tr6 self cancels
Love TH-cam channel and videos.
I have been trying to let the glass in the hood/bonnet grow on me, for a long time.
I just dont get it😂
Your taste, your build, your car. All the respect in the world to you!
- But why??? Why the glass? What is the idea?
why 4 hanger combination vertical horizontal if you can do 2 diagonal hanger
Keen to see a drag race with Harry……..😂
Is your indicator spring the original one? It may have stretched. New ones are available from Classic Alfa.
Liked subscribed, algorithm fed.. Thanks for the videos
Have you checked out the Ferrari dash that comes from the same model as the engine?
And have you checked out the VDO gauges?
Personally, I like the round gauges, mainly because that was what I grew up with, either way, I hope you find the solution that you want.
Just about any pre 90s GM will have a suitable indicator system that you can possibly still buy new.
Fantastic channel!
What about buttons on the steering wheel for indicators? Not sure how you would get them to self cancel though!
Love it ❤️💪
I think i like the F80, lets see hkw this v6 sounds first tho haha
Mentioned it on FB a while ago, but have you considered a modern Alfa cluster? The Mito one (cheap on ebay) looks not overly far from your shape - and considering you could remake the top hump cover it might work
Does the Mito rev to 9? Converting a modern CAN instruent panel over and calibrating everything would be insanely difficult.
@@HomeBuiltByJeff Some pics looked like 7-8k rpm; I supposed it'd depend of style of mechanism whether they could sweep passed that or not
The devils in the details.
I can't get over how fantastic this whole thing is. The last 10% of a project is always a bitch, bu this isn't really a "project," is it? This should have been a thing back in the day, but I suspect that you've exceeded the level of care and attention the average Italian automotive firm from the 70s could manage.
To be honest, of all the Ferraris made, if I had to choose one, it would be the 1970 246 GT Dino
That's not a real Ferrari! Enzo Ferrari said a Ferrari has a v12 engine.
I am supposed to be told what a real Ferrari's by @holdencaulfield1001 ???
So what was the mapping change that improved the low speed driveability?
Threre were a few different changes that I don't totally understand but it is transformed
Jeff it looks like your rear left oil cooler is leaking?
That is an A/C condenser, where the fuel overflow has dripped through it. I have fixed that now as well.
have a look at car SOS show with the James bond Lotus Esprit for dash board idea
Ferrari V8 💪
I build cars then watch Jeff build cars.
I wonder if Jeff builds cars then watches me build cars?
Doubt it. Lol.
4 mufflers ? nasty . different muffler choices may get you the scream you desire , Those designed for V 8 rumble may not provide , Ive had little success in finding aftermarket muffler to provide The sound I desire for my V6 . good luck
Motor Union have developed an exhaust megaphone to get an F1 type sound on Lamborghini engines. I will find the episode and post it for you.
Have a look at fluid motor union youtube channel and see what you think of their megaphone idea in the exhaust. They make some cool sounding exotic exhausst and seem to do a lot of R&D.