Hi Derek enjoying the vids. Do you know anywhere I can get replacement windows? I have perspex in at the moment and it's basically turned brown. I'm tempted to give it a go myself with polycarbonate.
Drop me a note to my email address: dfmclarke@hotmail.com and I'll send you something from the Leisure Owners Assc on this subject. Are you a member already & have access?
That's the freak thing about the leisure she will keep you right no matter what great video Derek!
Hi Derek enjoying the vids. Do you know anywhere I can get replacement windows? I have perspex in at the moment and it's basically turned brown. I'm tempted to give it a go myself with polycarbonate.
Drop me a note to my email address: dfmclarke@hotmail.com and I'll send you something from the Leisure Owners Assc on this subject. Are you a member already & have access?