It's been a rough day, but thanks to you Xar, I went to the gym, came home and saw you'd just uploaded this absolutely banter fest of a video! Keep being legendary my guy! 💪🏼🤘🏻
Awesome seeing you guys play arena with such joy, a breath of fresh air for sure. Glad you both found this outlet to inspire and bring joy to others. Peace and love.
Just the familiarity between the two makes this vid amazing haha I haven’t been keeping up with xar or pika but even if I had never heard of these two I can tell they’re buds, and that’s nice !
@@nelsonmatheuss going 5-1 in any lobby I waited 40 mins for isn’t fun. I don’t know why everyone is trying to stick up for the current system. It sucks.
I started disc priest for the first time about a week ago (thanks to you), currently sitting at 1650 CR for solo shuffle. I feel like maybe I'm casting Flash of Light too often after this video though? I know this video wasn't a guide or anything, but after a while I started noticing you weren't casting Flash of Light, like, ever. I know you play Surge of Light as well, based off your armory at least. How do you even see when you have the proc up as well? I don't see it on your bars.
wow, you focused so much better in the second shuffle. you got owned by fears and got generally outplayed in the 1st shuffle with a few lucky wins on your side; but reversed your game and deservedly won the games in the 2nd solo Q... those life swaps:)
If there could be some educational purposes aswell, so you know what not to do (as healer, or pointers for dps specs while playing with a disc priest) that would be greatl. Anyways Xar and Pika banter is always legendary
@@maagi1 I did, but I commented early and they didn't say his name for quite a while. Pika mentioning having a corrupted glad on his team should have clicked for me lol
@@teej143 Everyone has different taste let them rock whatever they want to. You are here for the gameplay and hilarious commentary between these two so just enjoy it 🙂
You guys have such good chemistry your so entertaining to watch
literally, i remember in a recent vid he called pikaboo his wow best friend and it was so wholesome
Xar vs Pika healer battle, never thought I’d see the day. 😂
Solo queve is amazing.
I love these random meetings in ss. Great content.
That was the most fun I've had watching a wow video. Your brains are on another level to have such quality banter when so much is happening!
It's been a rough day, but thanks to you Xar, I went to the gym, came home and saw you'd just uploaded this absolutely banter fest of a video! Keep being legendary my guy! 💪🏼🤘🏻
Awesome work Dave, glad you enjoyed!
So nice of Xar to let his son join in on comms and pretend to be the other priest. Always good to see.
That was never a good meme
@@sbsftw4232 dont care
@@vurruckt I thought it was a hilarious reference
@@sbsftw4232 i find it funny
@@sbsftw4232 Fitting that you even look like the type of person who'd say this.
listening to pika as he walks around as a panda cracks me up
Awesome seeing you guys play arena with such joy, a breath of fresh air for sure. Glad you both found this outlet to inspire and bring joy to others. Peace and love.
You two are a blessing to watch, loving the banter here haha
pika: Do you need a map? are you lost? XDDDD
This is the best thing I've watched in quite some time. Well done. Love it.
Just the familiarity between the two makes this vid amazing haha I haven’t been keeping up with xar or pika but even if I had never heard of these two I can tell they’re buds, and that’s nice !
Going for a fear, tell your guy not to tremor totem.
....alright, don't tremor
Xar Pika and Hansol in one lobby, lets go
Can't believe Ele with purge & a war with mortal strike didn't target a disc that was in the open most of the game.
"how many times i gotta teach you this lesson old man"
Pikaboo "I'm just gonna dome my boys here " 🤣🤣🤣
All these Xaryu videos I watch and I JUST noticed that my boy has the Vegeta hairline
So great to watch an listen to yall
You guy ! I always say it !! Best chemistry.. Pika is fkn hilarious 😂
So nice that this pro gamer helps out some casual that can't connect his two mustachs
woow shoutout Hansol! didn't realize he was still playing
Peak content
You two together are pure gold and it's really does bring joy to my day every time
Def saw xar clicking unit frames 😂😂😂
both of you healing and being against is top tier content
-50 for going 2-4 is actually insane
i already did 5-0 and win 0 point at 1k6cr, I know my mmr is not the best, but pls 5-0 and nothing
I have gone games 5-1 and gained 0 rating. They need to change it to points based off matchmaking value opposed to current value.
@@gregharte9050 that was because your mmr was way lower than your actual rating, little to do with overall rating
@@nelsonmatheuss going 5-1 in any lobby I waited 40 mins for isn’t fun. I don’t know why everyone is trying to stick up for the current system. It sucks.
@@gregharte9050 it is based off mmr lol…
"I didn't press my cooldowns again??? WHAT IS MY TEAM DOING?"
Lol. Every healer ever.
These never get old
Feel like Hanny boy just carried either team every round lmao
chemistry between you two is something else xD
The 2cend Elemental pumped man
Xaryu got that Nozdormu hairline
By the way, don't know if you know, but you can dispel the hunters' explosive shot. Will do 0 dmg.
yeah, i was screaming "dispell" every time. this guy obviously doesn't know how to play
ngl this is one of the greatest videos ever
Saw this shit live and it was hilarious.
its kinda impressive that pika is the rating he is being a clicker. also how he is 2nd place in AWC with no addons and 0 awareness. props
When you’re just that good at the game who needs that stuff 😂😂😂
I love the soundtrack during the matches. What’s the song or genre?
Scrollwheel up/down for targeting is such a good tip
" Im pressing everything when im wiz " hahhahahahahahahahahah
I started disc priest for the first time about a week ago (thanks to you), currently sitting at 1650 CR for solo shuffle. I feel like maybe I'm casting Flash of Light too often after this video though?
I know this video wasn't a guide or anything, but after a while I started noticing you weren't casting Flash of Light, like, ever. I know you play Surge of Light as well, based off your armory at least. How do you even see when you have the proc up as well? I don't see it on your bars.
xaryu what keybindings are you using to cycle through your own team to heal them
This was one of the most entertaining clip ever! You too are hilarious!
lmao you guys just talk with eachother while being enemies in the games.
nice strat
Your shaman missed the dome😂 good old arena brain fart
Can we all take a moment to recognize how insane pikaboo is at multiclassing
I love these guys so much
the title lol
wow, you focused so much better in the second shuffle. you got owned by fears and got generally outplayed in the 1st shuffle with a few lucky wins on your side; but reversed your game and deservedly won the games in the 2nd solo Q... those life swaps:)
Pika def got screwed on these teams lol
amazing duo!
This is glorious
If there could be some educational purposes aswell, so you know what not to do (as healer, or pointers for dps specs while playing with a disc priest) that would be greatl. Anyways Xar and Pika banter is always legendary
if warriors still had gladiator stance my man Russelcrowe would 6-0 this lobby
I havent laughed this hard in a minute haha
Great vid really funny
I'm the only one who doesn't understand how such bad players get caught on 2.7... I'm for the Hunt!
And isn't Sol Hansol?
It is, they said it a few times.
You didn't watch the video?
@@maagi1 I did, but I commented early and they didn't say his name for quite a while. Pika mentioning having a corrupted glad on his team should have clicked for me lol
have you tried dark and darker?
lower mmr than pika but it's YOUR solo shuffle LOL
2700 mmr and the hunter cant stun trap more than 1 time xd
Xar has a hairline like Vageta :D
I was actually hoping for u guys to face each other on disc
Funny thing is am 2500 and i still click the party frame XD.
I do too lol always will when you do it for so long it would be weird to do otherwise.
13:02? lol
that's some grade A trash talk - honed over many hours of gameplay
how does he get +5 rating with a lose? I usually lose like 70 when its 2/2 and gain 40 at 6/6 xd
Im curious to know if there are people not playing wow at all, who are watching these videos
Oh yeah blame the dps 🤣🤣🤣🤣
that was fun🤣
Xaryu and Pikaboo need an appointment with a barber to clean up their face. Take a couple of hours break to get groomed.
Lmao they are actually trying to grow it out 😂
@@milivoje922 yeah they shouldnt.. ugly with a capital UGH
@@teej143 Everyone has different taste let them rock whatever they want to. You are here for the gameplay and hilarious commentary between these two so just enjoy it 🙂
is that righ
Nice wintrading bois, so fucking obvious
If you don't throw your freebie win then are you really playing wow
Don’t get banned for win trading. 😊
ye its so obvious
Yall should both do Feral next
I DoNT lIkE pvP. iM nOT gONnA PVP.
Just say you don’t have a honest take on the game before you make click bait videos
super low rating...2700..sure xar
this is cringe