It's like an auction except the gold gets distrubuted to everyone in the raid at the end. So you can go to one and not roll on anything and make money. Tanks usually get a percent cut
If you close your eyes and listen to the raid leader, it's like your listening to a wise old man, who you've stumbled across while hiking the Himalayan Mountains. You haven't seen a soul in 100 miles, and you ask yourself how a man of his age could survive such a harsh climate. But then you get a good look at him, he's not just surviving, he's thriving, the situation is so confusing, yet fascinating that you can't help but stay a while and listen.
How you know Guzu dont play alliance on The server Gehennes, well all of these hundreds bids would be in The thousands 😅 hundreds dont exist on Gehennes only thousands or 10s of thousands 😂
You’re teaching me things I never knew how to do and you did it with commentary. I’ve never done the attunement
that rogue voice is just game breaker, couldn t stay still while hearing that xD
You were actually pumping considering gear, cant wait to see the numbers a month or two from now
I laughed so hard at the Italian/Sicilian godfather voice xD
🦆 Guzu Gang 🦆 Welcome to the Quack Pack 🦆
Another step on the journey to chad warrior dominance
great! video man im enjoying watching
Goddamn I love that rogues voice
Hes right about bringing spirit to a raid. That spirit ring got lots of it lmao
The Godfather raid Pog
And no one will think that sheild is good btw most positive wow player ever
Had the craziest BWL gdkp. DFT, 2 gems, the chromaggus sword, nef’s tear and that axe off nef
Pot was 22k at the end
That simpsons hit and run music in the intro. Ah that takes me back
Great video! What gdkp run was this? In on Earthshaker and havnt seen a GDKP MC discord yet
arthalas pugs, they're a bunch of friendly people!
i want the old guzu gang outro back :angwyface:
I need to transfer servers, or find broke GDKPs apparently lol, quick-strike goes for over 4 K in ours for, and toep went for over 7k
didn´t notice that the godfather is playing MC
You're acutally owning DPS in MC, Scheisse! :-D
how this works? random guy just put up a raid and people pay him to give u the drops :p?
It's like an auction except the gold gets distrubuted to everyone in the raid at the end. So you can go to one and not roll on anything and make money. Tanks usually get a percent cut
anybody think that the prices of those items went for were really cheap?
right on
Quick strike ring sold for 4000 on the server I play on
14:14 jo nech mu to XD
Forget about it !
haha nice!
Nice :)
wow i got a choker for 550.
you actually just got 80g from all this xD
and some good laughs
worth! LOL
QSR starts for 1k and goes for 3k normslly
This is so frustrating to see as a paladin main pepeSad
Dude this is so sad you need some gold
I was here
discord voice xD
If you close your eyes and listen to the raid leader, it's like your listening to a wise old man, who you've stumbled across while hiking the Himalayan Mountains.
You haven't seen a soul in 100 miles, and you ask yourself how a man of his age could survive such a harsh climate. But then you get a good look at him, he's not just surviving, he's thriving, the situation is so confusing, yet fascinating that you can't help but stay a while and listen.
How you know Guzu dont play alliance on The server Gehennes, well all of these hundreds bids would be in The thousands 😅 hundreds dont exist on Gehennes only thousands or 10s of thousands 😂
I have a rogue on gehennas too!
Bruh, whats wrong with Africa?