Best song about all comfort zones whether is for young people (rarely but happens) , middle aged and every other kind of sleepiness ... The greatest tragedy of every life is not to live it in full in whatever position any human is. Just look how almost everyone with some or even more, severe invalidity BURNS TO LIVE IN THEIR SOULS AS MUCH AS THEY CAN , but the people who have everything , every single thing they can buy are just so effin stupidly lazy and afraid to leave their comfort zone ,whatever it is! This song is about consumerism as it's about comfort. She clearly says in one sentence something about "neoliberalism" which is all about BUY OR DIE , and when you become hooked , your life stops in a virtual world ... Surprise , you're dead already. Tragic problem of 21st CENTURY SHIZOID man, as King Krimson predicted 50 years ago.
@@Gea2222 Pa Nobl je vec objavljena pesma u triptihu uz Mekano i in corpore sano. Posto su ove dve dobile acoustic verziju nadamo se da ce se to desiti ii sa Nobl.
"Мекано", or soft, as they translated it, means the zone of comfort. We do everything society expect us to and call ourselves "individuals" even tho we all do the same things, that's why we we will leave "not a shadow under the Moon", cause we are oh-so-afraid to be different, and do other things but those that are defined by societal norms. She's just breathtakingly amazing and a lyrical genius.
konstraka mi je otkrice decenije i mnogo volim ovu pesmu ali nisam kapirao refren i znacenje tog mekanog. hvala ti na objasnjenju,sad mi sve ima smisla
Sve je to tako u zivotu.Uobicajene zivotne radnje....ali takav zivot je dosadan svima.Sve najbolje sto covek moze sebi da priusti,vremenom postaje dosada.. Duh trazi uzvisenost... I sta sad?
@@iamsomething4316 Basicallly what happened is that Konstrakta and her band made Triptih and applied to the Pesma za Evroviziju to promote their new project. Konstrakta said they chose In Corpore Sano because it was the one that was under 3 minutes. That's the only reason. And she really, really didn't expect to win. 🙂 I on the other hand, as an ESC fan, knew from the beginning, back in February, that it is a winner song and potentially a top 10 song. Everybody was hyping the two favorites in PEZ, but I was upset how nobody sees the ESC potential of In Corpore Sano. And then surprise, surprise! The rest is history! 😄😄🥰🥰🇷🇸🇷🇸
Kakav genije je ova žena ! 🙌 Skromna, nenametljiva, originalna, svoja... Hvala ti Bože što je stvori da se u moru ovog šunda i kiča danas a gde su napumpane sise, dupeta i pačije usne sinonim za lepotu i preduslov za uspeh. Tuga na šta nam estradne ličnosti liče danas a posebno ženski deo. Toliko toga lošeg kroz meinstrim medije se danas namerno nameće kao prava vrednost da se prosto pitam da li ima nade za ovo naše društvo!? Konstrakta pokazuje da ima, ja joj verujem! 🤝
It is the specific, narrow, boring comfort zone under legalized evil that is capitalism. Because idk a tribal human today or ancient, or a non-human, like a capibara, can have their comfort zones, and that's ok just different story, but here Konstrakta deconstructs the dumb, lost, obedient, brainwashed comfort in the hell we livin and dyin in
5 dana, 2 dana..... Mažemo se, sunčamo,plivamo....... Ako vam je performans ove umetnice čudan, odbojan, budite sigurni da ste navikli na proste, lake note i sigurne note. Zar nije cilj umetnosti da provocira, tera na razmišljanje, menja nas, menja svet! BRAVO KONSTRAKTA ! srećan sam što je ovakav biser isplivao u Srbiji !
...stvar ukusa moj bracala i o tome je suludo diskotovati....vreme ce pokazati svoje Ja mislim da do godine u ova doba za ovu pesmu i slicne ovoj se nece znati za razliku od :tome,čole,pušenja,azre,corbe,ekvi jos more drugih muzickih izvodjaca i njihovih dela (mislim na sve vrste muzike)... Mislim da je ovo samo neki trenutni fazon i nesto novo sto na trenutak zapali masu ali brzo ispari i padne onoj stvari za uši(sto znaci da je bilo truć/buć,smuckaj pa prospi...)... Ali kao sto rekoh vreme ce pokazati istinu ,a do tada ko voli neka uziva a ja licno idem da se isplacem za 4:40 min koje potrosih na gledanje ovog videa ...
@@visimirmedjunogovic188 Ne radi se o ukusu već o umetničkoj vrednosti. Kada bi primera radi Suncokrete od Van Goga stavili medju amaterske slike, kod 99 % onih koji bi ih videli, više bi se svidele amaterske slike jer oni ocenjuju na osnovu vizuelne dopadljivosti a ne na osnovu umetničke vrednosti, naprosto, nisu kompetentni za to.
Konstrakta je vec pobedila odlaskom u Torino. Pobediti muzicku industriju koja izbacuje sund u neogranicenim kolicinama je samo po sebi ogroman uspeh i potvrda da nije tacna izreka da narodu serviraju, ono sto narod voli.
I am crying from happiness and literally feel miraculous energy. She cleaned the dust from our souls destroyed by comformism and capitalism ❤❤❤ She is a contemporary saint! Consiousness channel!
This is brilliant. Konstrakta is in her own lane in this competition, no one touches what she is doing. I hope she gets the appreciation and recognition she deserves. Lots of love from Italy (ci vediamo a Torino). ♥️🇮🇹🇷🇸
"The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls" Pablo Picasso. Konstrakta's brilliant "Mekano" is washing circulus vitiosus off our lives. Ty Konstrakta❤
Jednom rečju, ona je - hrabrost. Sve što čuči u nama, sve pojave oko nas i sve devijacije o kojima se nismo usudili da pevamo i govorimo, ona uzima za temu i lajt motiv ne razmišljajući o komercijalnosti i prihvaćenosti te muzike. Bravo za sve članove benda i prateće vokale!
Umetnici su često neshvaćeni... Mislim da je to slučaj i sa Konstraktom. Svi su navikli na tra la la pesmice tipa sve je super, žurkice, alkohol, provod, super se zezamo. A dotaći ovako duboke i ozbiljne teme ne može svako. Hvala umetnice... Ostani zdrava!
Nismo svi navikli na idiotske pesmice oskudno odevenih i oskudnog IQ srpskih pevaljki. Mozak me boli od njihovih stihova i vriske. Bukvalno se psihički ne osećam dobro u tih nekoliko sekundi dok ne prebacim na sledeći kanal tv. Kako ljudi mogu 'to' da slušaju? Šta sa njima nije u redu?
Tema je ozbiljna, ali je tekst dosta sirov, na primer, ja pričam sa nekim o ovoj temi, i snimim taj razgovor, posle samo to prevedem u tekst, to mi se ne dopada, nije poetično, kao James Hetfield kada piše tekstove 😉
The strongest part of the song .... "you respect my individuality, I respect your individuality, we are idndividuals" And the performance is brutal !!!
Pa, sad poslušajte nešto od Severine nakon ove ljepote glasa, prirodnog izgleda (žena, majka i djevojčica), djetinjasta i zrela, privlačna,, neusporediva je bilo s kim. Nije trenutni hir, postoje 20 godina ali ovo je erupcija nakon dugogodišnje posvećenosti glazbi, ustrajnosti i bez ikakve računice. Došlo je vrijeme da za nju čuje svijet
A Jel ima neko alternativu?Ljudi od postanka sanjaju I necemu uzvisenom,o boljem svetu,pa zato imamo religije,razne ideologije,filozofske pravce,Isprobali smo u praksi da napravimo bolji svet,Socijalizam,Komunizam...Pa skoro niko nije spreman da se zrtvuje za druge.,Uvek se sve svodi na isto..Isto kao veliki umetnici 70ih,80ih,Koji su borili da ne pobedi "narodna" muzika,a u Isto vreme zalazuci se za zapadno slobodno trziste.Ono kada je doslo,opet Ceca po zakonu trzista popularnija od Caneta I Gileta...To je jednostvano ljudska priroda..I sama Konstrakta zivi tako,ona moze kao umetnica da kritikuje to stanje uma, u kome smo,Ali I ona sama tako zivi.
I cry every time I listen to this. The song is brilliant and probably many of us really felt it 😥 It makes you wonder about the meaning of your life if you live it in the usual way which takes away your freedom. I have creative projects of my own that I don't have time to work on due to this way of living and it drives me crazy. When weekend comes I just want to get out and spend time in nature but in the end the other, bigger part of my true self gets buried every day.
Revolucionaran iskorak u muzici, poeziji,u ulozi umetnost. Ana sve to nosi kao Bogom dana. Bravo za nju i njen tim. Od kada su eksplodirali u javnosti sa "In corpore samo" nešto je kvrcnulo i napravilo pozitivan zaokret u kolektivnom duhu Srbije. Za druge narode ne znam, ali se nadam. Videćemo za desetak dana. + + +
Порука? да ли сам разумела. Ниједан траг није остао - сви људи су остали у зони комфора нико не одскаче, нико није оставио трага иза себе, нико не размишља изван 'зоне комфора' као овце у тору.
Charming style, sound and personality as she already had shown with In Corpore Sano. One of the most interesting artists of this edition. I wish her all the best, love from Italy :)
I cannot stop admiring this woman and her art! Finally something innovative, different, unique in our music, totally out of the box! Thank you Konstrakta for shaking our music scene and Serbia itself :)
Not literally but in this song yes. Soft is mekano
6 หลายเดือนก่อน
It is the specific, narrow, boring comfort zone under legalized evil that is capitalism. Because idk a tribal human today or ancient, or a non-human, like a capibara, can have their comfort zones, and that's ok just different story, but here Konstrakta deconstructs the dumb, lost, obedient, brainwashed comfort in the hell we livin and dyin in
Ja sam MEKANO doživeo drugačije. Ima jedna izreka u našem narodu kad kažeš da je najgore kad vodiš ljubav "mekanim"... I kako je sve tako mekano, jadno...
Or soft like something u get drown into, which of u can't get out, you can't pick yourself up and grow and change things in your life, u get too deep in soft
Auuu, ovo ubija na mestu, pesma i performans :) Možda i najbolja pesma u sjajnom Triptihu, a činjenica da bar jednako dobro funkcioniše u ovom aranžmanu samo govori o tome koliko je zapravo dobra. Konstrakta i ekipa oko nje su genijalci.
This song talks about how we repeat the same routines every day (we work we shop ..) and we don't leave any trace on the soft because we don't achieve anything by repeating the same things every day, and how are we afraid to do New things. This is Just one layer of this song
Oof, it truly gives goosebumbs. I fell in love with Serbian thanks to Konstrakta. The part that says "We are relaxed.." sounds to me in my language Czech as "Jsme opuštění" which means "We are lonely/abandoned" giving it yet another layer of meaning, especially with the lyric right after it "We are individuals"
@@neznamsta1 oh haha, the false friends here are really interesting. Napuštěný would mean "filled up (with some liquid)" and odpuštění would be "forgiveness". Fired from a job could be "propuštěný".
Actually, she also talking about lonliness in some sense. Because if we don 't leave our zone of comfort even with the loved one it means we don 't grow as a personalities.. Doesn 't that means that we are alone?! Individuals!
@@matyashansel438 It's really funny how we have these words in both languages and they have different meanings: 1) opušten - relaxed; sagging 2) otpušten - (of an employee) fired, discharged, relieved of duty; (ecclesiastical) forgiven - Lord's Prayer (otpusti nam dugove naše...) 3) napušten - abandoned 4) propušten - missed (opportunity or means of transport); propušten kroz - (of fruit, vegetables) passed through (an appliance such as a food processor), by extens. propušten kroz šake - (of a person) passed through hands, i.e. given a good beating 5) raspušten - disbanded; (of children, teenagers) disobedient, rowdy 6) ispušten - (of an object) dropped; (of liquid or liquid waste) discharged, released 7) prepušten - (of a duty) handed over; prepušten sam sebi - left on one's own 8) popušten - given some slack, loose; na popustu - (of shopping items) discounted There may be more of these that I cannot think of now, but I find it interesting how some of these words, which are almost exactly the same in spelling between the two languages, have developed different meanings over time.
Ono kada doživiš da ti se jedan od najomiljenijih bendova, čije si pesme već godinama slušao i pevao popne na vrh vrhova, i više nisi jedan od retkih koji njihovu muziku slušaju. Da već jednom ceo svet ima priliku čuti njihove pesme! Zemlja Gruva/ Konstrakta KIDAJU!!! Ovo je umetnost koja vrisne iz svake njihovih pesama! ❣️🙏✊😘👌
Ova žena i njeno ponašanje, pjevanje, inteligencija, stav, komunikacija, ma sve...dopalo mi se od prvog trenutka, a priznajem da sam je zapazio tek na "Izboru za Eurosong".A sada, posle ovog nastupa i teksta pjesme, još i više.Kraljica!!!
All her yrics are with deep metaphorically meaning. At the first may seem weird and incomprehensible but provoke the listener to think and to recognize the symbols. Very unike artist.
Best song about the emptiness and shallowness of middle age comfort zone I've ever heard
i like the lyrics too and i got pleasantly surprised with the quality of chorus. it's actually quite catchy, but not in an annoying way
*middle class
Best song about all comfort zones whether is for young people (rarely but happens) , middle aged and every other kind of sleepiness ... The greatest tragedy of every life is not to live it in full in whatever position any human is. Just look how almost everyone with some or even more, severe invalidity BURNS TO LIVE IN THEIR SOULS AS MUCH AS THEY CAN , but the people who have everything , every single thing they can buy are just so effin stupidly lazy and afraid to leave their comfort zone ,whatever it is! This song is about consumerism as it's about comfort. She clearly says in one sentence something about "neoliberalism" which is all about BUY OR DIE , and when you become hooked , your life stops in a virtual world ... Surprise , you're dead already. Tragic problem of 21st CENTURY SHIZOID man, as King Krimson predicted 50 years ago.
@@rg78w54 l
I am mesmerized. Thank you, Serbia. Congratulations from Belgium!
I'm becoming obsessed with konstrakta, her lyricism is out of this world, makes me want to study serbian to appreciate it even better
I have the same.
vero pure io
I have the same and I have started to translate the songs and study bc I just want to understand these masterpieces! 😍❤️👌🏻
You are all welcome.
Same same ❤️
Every single one of her songs has a deep meaning! 12 points from Slovenia!
oh and this one...can not be deeper
Song name "Nobl" is the best
@@tamara79139 sad ocekujemo Nobl😊❤
@@radamilovanovic8301 rekla je nova pjesma iza Evrovizije
@@Gea2222 Pa Nobl je vec objavljena pesma u triptihu uz Mekano i in corpore sano. Posto su ove dve dobile acoustic verziju nadamo se da ce se to desiti ii sa Nobl.
Volim je ko da mi je iz kuće rođene.
Konstrakta ti si ponos balkana.
Voli te Bosna 🇧🇦🇷🇸🍒
I srbija voli bosnu ❤️
Lepo je to kad nekom kazete da ga volite kao da vam je iz kuce rodjene. Srdacno, toplo i lepo. Veliki pozdrav.
Bravo 🇭🇷🇷🇸🇧🇦
I Makedonija ve saka! 🇧🇦🇲🇰🇷🇸🇭🇷
"Мекано", or soft, as they translated it, means the zone of comfort. We do everything society expect us to and call ourselves "individuals" even tho we all do the same things, that's why we we will leave "not a shadow under the Moon", cause we are oh-so-afraid to be different, and do other things but those that are defined by societal norms. She's just breathtakingly amazing and a lyrical genius.
Kombinezon kao univerzalno radno odelo😯
@@radamilovanovic8301 da upravo, bravo
konstraka mi je otkrice decenije i mnogo volim ovu pesmu ali nisam kapirao refren i znacenje tog mekanog. hvala ti na objasnjenju,sad mi sve ima smisla
@@steffid6949 nema na cemu! Slazem se u potpunosti
5 days, 2 days, 5 days, 2 days, 5 days, 2 days, summer swimming, winter skiing.
the rhythm of our lives
This woman... i have no words
She's so genuinely spectacular. 12 points from Alaska USA
Love for Alaska from Serbia!
LOL, Alaska sends 12! that is one long distance love! thnx!
Denali! ❤️❤️❤️
@@НангаПарбат-ц9щ good vibes from serbia, Denali
Us can vote too? That's great
Serbia is my winner this year. Go, Konstrakta. Bit, bit, bit, biti zdrava 🇷🇸♥️🇦🇿
Mine too
@@giovanniscg8540 Grazie mille
Thank You, You guys are awesome too
@@miastojiljkovic9074 ciao!!
this is one of the most genuine performance i have ever seen! excelence by itself.
Not a shadow under moon
not a trace left behind
let the damn comfort zone
this, unfortunately, would never win Eurovision
She’s her own competition, hope she wins from 🇵🇱!!
I'm love with the art of this woman.
Greetings from Chile :)
Gracias hermano, saludos desde Belgrado.
😂😂😂😂😂 ok
I didn't expect to find another Chilean here! And yes, Konstrakta is so amazing! This song is now on repeat inside my head
Con 3 alcanza para un fun club de Komstracta?
God she's winning huh??? She's definitely in different league. Let's go Konstrakta, LET'S GO SERBIA!!!
I don't think eurovision is critical enoifh tbh
this aged poorly
@@hanabolik poor like milk 💀
But still proud of her 😌❤️
@@hanabolik what do you mean? 5th place is really great and we all knew who was going to win anyways
She said let's go up and ski and wait in line and do it more than once
Congratulations to Serbia for creating, feeding and cultivating this elevated individual, Ana the Prophetess, just what our world needed in 2022.
She was in my top 3 but with this performance she clearly became my favourite artist this year. She is unique in the best way possible ♥️
In that case make sure to vote for her.
You have GOT to be joking 😂 wtf???!
@@VisibleMajority sjasi Kurta
Jos mi je lepsa ova unplugged verzija, svaka cast!
Yet another masterpiece by KONSTRAKTA
the depth of this woman's lyrics amaze me. What a joy to see this also in Eurovision! Congratulations from Spain! 🥰😘
Sve je to tako u zivotu.Uobicajene zivotne radnje....ali takav zivot je dosadan svima.Sve najbolje sto covek moze sebi da priusti,vremenom postaje dosada..
Duh trazi uzvisenost...
I sta sad?
@@kostakostic9696 odgovaras špancu na srpskom ?????
@@ventipanda5017 fascinantno je koliko ljudi u komentarima to radi
I agree with everything you've said! It's truly genius!
Gracias de corason
This is my favorite song from Konstrakta. I'm glad she decided to present it to Eurovision audience. So haunting.
Same, but I guess she didn’t choose this one because of the length
@@iamsomething4316 Basicallly what happened is that Konstrakta and her band made Triptih and applied to the Pesma za Evroviziju to promote their new project. Konstrakta said they chose In Corpore Sano because it was the one that was under 3 minutes. That's the only reason. And she really, really didn't expect to win. 🙂 I on the other hand, as an ESC fan, knew from the beginning, back in February, that it is a winner song and potentially a top 10 song. Everybody was hyping the two favorites in PEZ, but I was upset how nobody sees the ESC potential of In Corpore Sano. And then surprise, surprise! The rest is history! 😄😄🥰🥰🇷🇸🇷🇸
@@milanavucicevic3500 svaka cast tebi onda. Ja stvarno nisam primetio sve do polufinala
Haunting - perfect word
Konstrakta is the biggest phenomenon in the art world in recent decades. Sonja Lončar completes the musical experience. Respect! 🙏
Kakav genije je ova žena ! 🙌
Skromna, nenametljiva, originalna, svoja... Hvala ti Bože što je stvori da se u moru ovog šunda i kiča danas a gde su napumpane sise, dupeta i pačije usne sinonim za lepotu i preduslov za uspeh. Tuga na šta nam estradne ličnosti liče danas a posebno ženski deo. Toliko toga lošeg kroz meinstrim medije se danas namerno nameće kao prava vrednost da se prosto pitam da li ima nade za ovo naše društvo!? Konstrakta pokazuje da ima, ja joj verujem! 🤝
Upravo to, i dostojanstvena!
Mekano actually means "comfort zone". God damn the comfort zone. There are singers and there is Konstrakta. God bless her!
She's the discovery of the year! Thank you Eurovision ❤️❤️
Captivity in the comfort zone 👌👍 genius performance and lyrics 😎💯
They should've translated mekano as comfort zone.
@@Alina77777 You're right! That would be a better translation. 🙂🙌
@@Alina77777 Nah, мекано (soft) is a relevant metaphor in this case.
Thank you. Now it makes sense.
It is the specific, narrow, boring comfort zone under legalized evil that is capitalism. Because idk a tribal human today or ancient, or a non-human, like a capibara, can have their comfort zones, and that's ok just different story, but here Konstrakta deconstructs the dumb, lost, obedient, brainwashed comfort in the hell we livin and dyin in
so minimalistic and iconic... and true! Konstrakta 💖💖💖
She's so beautiful 😍❤✨
12 unofficial points from Russia 🇷🇺❤🇷🇸✌✌✌
Спасибо Никита! Привет из Белграда! 🇷🇸💙🇷🇺
@@serbsrb Привет из Новосибирска !!
@@nikitajilkin7017 🤗🤗🤗 Вы там держитесь, родные! Не думайте, что за границей всё ненавидят русских! Воть мы вас любим и поддерживаем.
@@serbsrb Огромное спасибо вам за поддержку, дорогие !!! Сейчас это правда очень важно, поддерживать друг друга.
Люблю вас ❤🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸
@@serbsrb не только русских, всех россиян
5 dana, 2 dana..... Mažemo se, sunčamo,plivamo....... Ako vam je performans ove umetnice čudan, odbojan, budite sigurni da ste navikli na proste, lake note i sigurne note. Zar nije cilj umetnosti da provocira, tera na razmišljanje, menja nas, menja svet! BRAVO KONSTRAKTA ! srećan sam što je ovakav biser isplivao u Srbiji !
...stvar ukusa moj bracala i o tome je suludo diskotovati....vreme ce pokazati svoje
Ja mislim da do godine u ova doba za ovu pesmu i slicne ovoj se nece znati za razliku od :tome,čole,pušenja,azre,corbe,ekvi jos more drugih muzickih izvodjaca i njihovih dela (mislim na sve vrste muzike)...
Mislim da je ovo samo neki trenutni fazon i nesto novo sto na trenutak zapali masu ali brzo ispari i padne onoj stvari za uši(sto znaci da je bilo truć/buć,smuckaj pa prospi...)...
Ali kao sto rekoh vreme ce pokazati istinu ,a do tada ko voli neka uziva a ja licno idem da se isplacem za 4:40 min koje potrosih na gledanje ovog videa ...
@@visimirmedjunogovic188, plakanje ok, razlog kriv, potrošen je život
@@nebojsajuricic1779 sam i mislio..ode mi 4:40 min zivota na ,blago receno,glupost...
Stvarno me izprovocira 🤯 neznam sta ona stim kritikuje i koga?
@@visimirmedjunogovic188 Ne radi se o ukusu već o umetničkoj vrednosti. Kada bi primera radi Suncokrete od Van Goga stavili medju amaterske slike, kod 99 % onih koji bi ih videli, više bi se svidele amaterske slike jer oni ocenjuju na osnovu vizuelne dopadljivosti a ne na osnovu umetničke vrednosti, naprosto, nisu kompetentni za to.
Okay, I'm opening a cult in the name of this fantastic artist and start praying immediately 🛐🛐🛐 Unbelievably good!
This is serbian soul and humor when it's BEST!
Ova izvedba pjesme Mekano je 3000 puta bolja od originalne verzije. Hvala ti KONSTRAKTA za ovo izvođenje.
Konstrakta je vec pobedila odlaskom u Torino. Pobediti muzicku industriju koja izbacuje sund u neogranicenim kolicinama je samo po sebi ogroman uspeh i potvrda da nije tacna izreka da narodu serviraju, ono sto narod voli.
Šta se popularno, narod "voli", kao što je i ovo trenutno popularno
Bravo za komentar!
pobedila je Pink,IDJ, Grand,CobiRasteJalaBube, GologuzeVruštulje, Narikače! Ovo je pobeda ZDRAVOG DELA SRBIJE!
Greetings from Moscow to the best singer! ❤️
She is just too much iconic.
I am crying from happiness and literally feel miraculous energy. She cleaned the dust from our souls destroyed by comformism and capitalism ❤❤❤
She is a contemporary saint! Consiousness channel!
Yeah, I felt exactly the same. She's definitely an advanced soul, we all should learn from her.
This is brilliant. Konstrakta is in her own lane in this competition, no one touches what she is doing. I hope she gets the appreciation and recognition she deserves. Lots of love from Italy (ci vediamo a Torino). ♥️🇮🇹🇷🇸
She signed a deal with Virgin music so I guess she will get the recognition definitely.
Ce vediamo, amici❣️❣️
@@braca977 gde si to procitao?
@@nenadmatic7370 pa bilo je u svim medijima pre desetak dana !
This is amazing. 👏
Serbian language is beautiful . 🤍❤
So entertaining performance. 💐
An other masterpiece. 👍
Just love her!!!!! Love from Greece!
Greetings from Germany - i love the depth of the lyrics!
my favourite part of triptih so happy to hear it like this
She is genius.
I started crying halfway through. Whatever I picked up from the song, she's right. Thanks Konstrakta 💖💖💖
"The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls" Pablo Picasso. Konstrakta's brilliant "Mekano" is washing circulus vitiosus off our lives. Ty Konstrakta❤
Zato ona krpom brise klavir-prasini sa nasih dusa i mozgova otupljenih !
@@radamilovanovic8301 Vama i svim dobrim komentatorima se zahvaljujem na zapažanjima jer bih mnogo toga propustio da nisam čitao.
@@bogdankukic341 ❤
Ova mi je verzija bolja od originala, klaviristica je bomba! 😍
If historians of the future want to research our times, all they need is this legendary song.
Great comment!
Konstrakta is such a genuis, the way she constructs songs - truly hypotizing!
Jednom rečju, ona je - hrabrost.
Sve što čuči u nama, sve pojave oko nas i sve devijacije o kojima se nismo usudili da pevamo i govorimo, ona uzima za temu i lajt motiv ne razmišljajući o komercijalnosti i prihvaćenosti te muzike.
Bravo za sve članove benda i prateće vokale!
Umetnici su često neshvaćeni... Mislim da je to slučaj i sa Konstraktom. Svi su navikli na tra la la pesmice tipa sve je super, žurkice, alkohol, provod, super se zezamo. A dotaći ovako duboke i ozbiljne teme ne može svako. Hvala umetnice... Ostani zdrava!
Ovakve pjesme i tekstovi razotkrivaju maloumnike i intelektualce.
@@bobashmusic9134 slazem se
Nismo svi navikli na idiotske pesmice oskudno odevenih i oskudnog IQ srpskih pevaljki. Mozak me boli od njihovih stihova i vriske. Bukvalno se psihički ne osećam dobro u tih nekoliko sekundi dok ne prebacim na sledeći kanal tv. Kako ljudi mogu 'to' da slušaju? Šta sa njima nije u redu?
Tema je ozbiljna, ali je tekst dosta sirov, na primer, ja pričam sa nekim o ovoj temi, i snimim taj razgovor, posle samo to prevedem u tekst, to mi se ne dopada, nije poetično, kao James Hetfield kada piše tekstove 😉
@@amirphoenix2327 drago mi je da si spomenuo Hetfield-a. Metallica je inače moj omiljeni bend, a njegovi tekstovi ... poezija !
The strongest part of the song .... "you respect my individuality, I respect your individuality, we are idndividuals" And the performance is brutal !!!
Exactly!! I was trying to explain this to every girl for the past 10 years. When I heard it in this song it was a deep cut
So amazing and unique 🌟
Voting for Serbia this year, love from Ukraine 💜
Thank you and god bless 🇺🇦 we pray for you
@@Jepse89 thank you so much 😢🤍
Thank you!! god bless you all 💙💛
PA BRAVO! Da svijet vidi da i ostale njene pjesme imaju duboko znacenje. Svaka cast srpskom PR timu na svemu, idemo top 3 ❤️
Pa, sad poslušajte nešto od Severine nakon ove ljepote glasa, prirodnog izgleda (žena, majka i djevojčica), djetinjasta i zrela, privlačna,, neusporediva je bilo s kim. Nije trenutni hir, postoje 20 godina ali ovo je erupcija nakon dugogodišnje posvećenosti glazbi, ustrajnosti i bez ikakve računice. Došlo je vrijeme da za nju čuje svijet
Bitno je da ne ostane samo na njoj. Nadam se da će se konačno dopustiti da kvalitet dominira.
Mighty Kontrakta protiv šunda i kiča.
Upravo tako
Ustvari,mekano znaci koliko smo uljuljkani u sopstvenoj isprogramiranosti.Slobodna volja nam se sastoji samo iz pristanka na sve to 😭😔
A šta bi hteli
@@amirphoenix2327 LoL
A Jel ima neko alternativu?Ljudi od postanka sanjaju I necemu uzvisenom,o boljem svetu,pa zato imamo religije,razne ideologije,filozofske pravce,Isprobali smo u praksi da napravimo bolji svet,Socijalizam,Komunizam...Pa skoro niko nije spreman da se zrtvuje za druge.,Uvek se sve svodi na isto..Isto kao veliki umetnici 70ih,80ih,Koji su borili da ne pobedi "narodna" muzika,a u Isto vreme zalazuci se za zapadno slobodno trziste.Ono kada je doslo,opet Ceca po zakonu trzista popularnija od Caneta I Gileta...To je jednostvano ljudska priroda..I sama Konstrakta zivi tako,ona moze kao umetnica da kritikuje to stanje uma, u kome smo,Ali I ona sama tako zivi.
@@vannajs5024 beg u planine, rurarnu oblast....van diktiranog načina života od strane sistema.
@@amirphoenix2327 Dje si ba... Šta ima?
Eurovision do not deserve her!!!Really!!!She is amazing!!! 👏👏👏
she hacked it for an anticapitalist manifesto
So unique, intelligent and genius!
Beautiful 🇷🇸❤
I like it!! Good luck from 🇺🇦❤
🙏 🇺🇦
She Is so impressive!
Ladies and Gentlmen, the one and only , Music Revolution Slay Queen Konstrakta ! :) ))
This is pure art, damn! 🇷🇸
Amazing performance 🎭 Konstrakta 😍 Good luck 🍀🍀🍀
This is LEGENDARY! Konstrakta for the win! 🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸🏆🏆🏆🏆
Omg! Amazing. Lots of love from Macedonia ♡
This is so amazing! I like Konstrakta! All I need now is her winning! Good luck from Russia, Serbia!
Just when you thought this song couldn't be more perfect... The piano
I cry every time I listen to this. The song is brilliant and probably many of us really felt it 😥 It makes you wonder about the meaning of your life if you live it in the usual way which takes away your freedom. I have creative projects of my own that I don't have time to work on due to this way of living and it drives me crazy. When weekend comes I just want to get out and spend time in nature but in the end the other, bigger part of my true self gets buried every day.
I feel the same way, this routine we are living is stealing our precious time and our own life passes by 😔😔😔
Feel the same
I guess that's the way government wants us to behave, maybe the complete freedom in some ways leads to rebellion !
There is no 'usual way'. 'The usual way' like you call it doesn't take away your freedom (if you even know what freedom really is).
Oh, 🥺 I feel the same. I wish you'd snap out of it. Good luck
(Sorry for my bad English)
Pure love this woman is pure love...and she 's gonna saved the world💖💖💖
Let it be!
Grande donna ,great Artist
Revolucionaran iskorak u muzici, poeziji,u ulozi umetnost. Ana sve to nosi kao Bogom dana. Bravo za nju i njen tim. Od kada su eksplodirali u javnosti sa "In corpore samo" nešto je kvrcnulo i napravilo pozitivan zaokret u kolektivnom duhu Srbije. Za druge narode ne znam, ali se nadam. Videćemo za desetak dana. + + +
"Nijedna senka pod mesečinom.
Nijedan trag nije ostao,
Mekano - nek je prokleto!"😏
Omiljena iz Triptiha 👌🏼
A život prolazi
I meni.
Порука? да ли сам разумела. Ниједан траг није остао - сви људи су остали у зони комфора нико не одскаче, нико није оставио трага иза себе, нико не размишља изван 'зоне комфора' као овце у тору.
@@НевенаДрагојевић Jeste, i ja sam mekano doživela kao zonu komfora, kao strah od promene.
@@НевенаДрагојевић bravo za ovo tumacenje, njiedan trag nije ostao, bas tako..
The Best voice!!! I love her....
Charming style, sound and personality as she already had shown with In Corpore Sano. One of the most interesting artists of this edition. I wish her all the best, love from Italy :)
Fun fact: my personal opinion Italy or Serbia are the only 2 songs worthy of win.. All the rest is so overheared!
I'm so happy she chose this song for the House party it's amazing. Fenomenal. So true.
Her Brain is such amazing. Im feeling inspired as an german adhd human 🥰👌🏼
~ We Are individuals ………..~
Tiefgründig und trotzdem so cool und auch noch unterhaltend. Ich bin begeistert.
Brilliant! I hope she wins!
She just is iconic
All her songs is so good in conporesano is so good and this song is good and song named žvaka is too good 12 points from Montenegro 🇲🇪❤️🇷🇸
Ti si, ženo, Dar sa Neba 🙏🏼🎯❤❤❤
I cannot stop admiring this woman and her art! Finally something innovative, different, unique in our music, totally out of the box! Thank you Konstrakta for shaking our music scene and Serbia itself :)
Her songs are quite interesting and unique.
P.S> According to my dictionary, mekano actually means comfort zone.
Not literally but in this song yes. Soft is mekano
It is the specific, narrow, boring comfort zone under legalized evil that is capitalism. Because idk a tribal human today or ancient, or a non-human, like a capibara, can have their comfort zones, and that's ok just different story, but here Konstrakta deconstructs the dumb, lost, obedient, brainwashed comfort in the hell we livin and dyin in
This Mekano actually means The zone of comfort.
Interesting. "Damn the comfort zone, the comfort zone."
Oh. It makes much more sense
Ja sam MEKANO doživeo drugačije. Ima jedna izreka u našem narodu kad kažeš da je najgore kad vodiš ljubav "mekanim"... I kako je sve tako mekano, jadno...
Or soft like something u get drown into, which of u can't get out, you can't pick yourself up and grow and change things in your life, u get too deep in soft
Ima sto puta za redom da pustim ovu pesmu, baš je instantna klasika.
Auuu, ovo ubija na mestu, pesma i performans :)
Možda i najbolja pesma u sjajnom Triptihu, a činjenica da bar jednako dobro funkcioniše u ovom aranžmanu samo govori o tome koliko je zapravo dobra. Konstrakta i ekipa oko nje su genijalci.
Genijalno!U šta smo se pretvorili...
A suština je u zajednici!
This song talks about how we repeat the same routines every day (we work we shop ..) and we don't leave any trace on the soft because we don't achieve anything by repeating the same things every day, and how are we afraid to do New things. This is Just one layer of this song
Masterpiece ✔️
Reče Italijanski ambasador da je Konsraktina pesma ispred svog vremena. Ja bih rekao da je Triptih, tri ikone vanvremenske...
Senza compromessi, meravigliosa. 🏆
Oof, it truly gives goosebumbs. I fell in love with Serbian thanks to Konstrakta. The part that says "We are relaxed.." sounds to me in my language Czech as "Jsme opuštění" which means "We are lonely/abandoned" giving it yet another layer of meaning, especially with the lyric right after it "We are individuals"
Wow, that's so cool, and it really adds to the meaning. In Serbian, napušteni means abandoned, and we also have otpušteni meaning fired from a job🙂.
@@neznamsta1 oh haha, the false friends here are really interesting. Napuštěný would mean "filled up (with some liquid)" and odpuštění would be "forgiveness". Fired from a job could be "propuštěný".
@@matyashansel438 "Jsme opušteni" on Serbian could be "Mi smo opušteni" or how she said "Opušteni smo". We are relaxed.
Actually, she also talking about lonliness in some sense. Because if we don 't leave our zone of comfort even with the loved one it means we don 't grow as a personalities.. Doesn 't that means that we are alone?! Individuals!
@@matyashansel438 It's really funny how we have these words in both languages and they have different meanings:
1) opušten - relaxed; sagging
2) otpušten - (of an employee) fired, discharged, relieved of duty; (ecclesiastical) forgiven - Lord's Prayer (otpusti nam dugove naše...)
3) napušten - abandoned
4) propušten - missed (opportunity or means of transport); propušten kroz - (of fruit, vegetables) passed through (an appliance such as a food processor), by extens. propušten kroz šake - (of a person) passed through hands, i.e. given a good beating
5) raspušten - disbanded; (of children, teenagers) disobedient, rowdy
6) ispušten - (of an object) dropped; (of liquid or liquid waste) discharged, released
7) prepušten - (of a duty) handed over; prepušten sam sebi - left on one's own
8) popušten - given some slack, loose; na popustu - (of shopping items) discounted
There may be more of these that I cannot think of now, but I find it interesting how some of these words, which are almost exactly the same in spelling between the two languages, have developed different meanings over time.
Nikada mi se nije desilo da neki izvođač tako duboko dirne moju dušu... Hvala Kontraskta na osvješćivanju i buđenju ♥️
Divan komentar, isto osetih!
Ono kada doživiš da ti se jedan od najomiljenijih bendova, čije si pesme već godinama slušao i pevao popne na vrh vrhova, i više nisi jedan od retkih koji njihovu muziku slušaju. Da već jednom ceo svet ima priliku čuti njihove pesme! Zemlja Gruva/ Konstrakta KIDAJU!!! Ovo je umetnost koja vrisne iz svake njihovih pesama! ❣️🙏✊😘👌
Oduvek su bili velicanstveni! Samo im je trebalo njihovih 5 min! I evo desava se 😍
Upravo, takav motiv svakom coveku da treba raditi u ono sto verujes.
Stvarno je unikatna. Sviđa mi se. Pozdrav iz Republike Srpske! ❤️
У срцу мом,најљепша звијезда сја...
Bosna? pozdrav iz Srbije za Bosnu
@@colinafobe2152 Coline, ма бјажи...
@@ratkastajic9739 прво научи правопис српског језика
@@colinafobe2152 može li bez seljačkog i nacionalističkog provociranja? Moj otac se borio za RS i za mene će ona uvijek biti cjelina. Pozdrav!
That’s what a full artist means.
Ma genijalna si bre! Ježim se na ovu verziju.
Very meaningful lirics which makes you think! Well done Konstrakta!
Looooooooove It!!!!!!!! Wow this Lady.... love her!
Nisam mislila da može bolje od in corpore sano ali sam oduševljena. Kako je lepo da čujem da ima neko drugi sto ovako razmišlja
Ova žena i njeno ponašanje, pjevanje, inteligencija, stav, komunikacija, ma sve...dopalo mi se od prvog trenutka, a priznajem da sam je zapazio tek na "Izboru za Eurosong".A sada, posle ovog nastupa i teksta pjesme, još i više.Kraljica!!!
Na muzickoj sceni je 20 godina :)
@@zoranstanisic4130 sada znam da jeste, moj propust.Ali za dobre stvari nikad' nije kasno.
Just amazing...thank you Konstrakta.
Ana (Alias Konstrakta) La Serbie🇷🇸🇷🇸♥️🇩🇿💋🇨🇵♥️😃♥️🇷🇸 nos télévote 12 POINTS de Paris .
All her yrics are with deep metaphorically meaning. At the first may seem weird and incomprehensible but provoke the listener to think and to recognize the symbols. Very unike artist.