@bluegaming002 I'm just saying what they're talking about, they're just making fun out the war in particular against Iranians since that's who they fought with
I do not care what religion the people of Iraq follow, I will always sympathize and support the people and citizens of the great Iraq nation, and I do hope their home country becomes more safe for them. Glory to people of Iraq 🇮🇶
اغلب المستمعين والمعلقين لا يعلمون معنى (الكافور) ويسمونه بالخطأ (كافوري) ، الكافور هو عطر طبيعي ذو رائحة جميلة جدا ، ويقصد الشاعر هنا ان الجندي يخاطب الارض العراقية : ايها الارض عندما اقع جريحا او صريعا ويروي جسدي ترابك دما فان دمي سيكون ذو رائحة عطرية جميلة مثل عطر الكافور ، هذه المقطوعة من الاغنية من يفهمها سيتأثر جدا لانها كلمات تلامس القلب والروح الوطنية للعراقي وتجعل الاجداد الاوائل فخورين جدا بالعراقيين ، سومر ، بابل ، اشور ، اكد ، عاشت بلاد الرافدين وعاشت الجمهورية العراقية ، جمهورية عابرة للدين والعرق والطوائف.. سيقبى العراق شامخا مهما تآمر عليه البدو ورعاة الابقار
@@刘轶洋-r1j لم افهم ماذا تعني ب "كفن جلد الحصان" أو نبات الشيح ، لكن الكافور هو مادة طبيعية عطرية تعطي عطر جميل جدا ، يقول الجندي العراقي للارض ان دمه سيكون له رائحة عطرية جميلة مثل عطر مادة الكافور .. والكافور هو مادة طبيعية عطرية مميزة استخدمها العراقيون منذ العهد السومري والبابلي القديم لذا هي اصبحت موروث .. اتمنى ان اكون قد ساعدتك تحياتي الى جمهورية الصين الشعبية
I am also proud of your country, and when I think of how my country was deceived by a perfect storm of tricksters and bigoted imbeciles into attacking yours in 2003-with the loss of so many good and righteous people on all sides, the opportunity for Iran to gain power and success, and the rise of evil, violent criminals because of what happened-I am wracked with guilt and shame. We were tricked, and unworthy people convinced themselves that what they were stupidly assuming was in fact true. I remember that the Iraqi Minister of Information stated, “When the ancestors of Mr. Bush and Mr. Blair were living in caves, the Iraqi people CREATED the law.” In his words, there is a great deal of truth. I believe in the Last Day as you do ... and now look what has happened.
@@hoffenwurdig1356 well, at least you guys got rid of Saddam, the invasion of iraq itself wasn't the bad part, but the way the invasion was conducted is the bad part
Long live Iraq. The flame present in every Iraqi soul will never go out because Allah is with you from the beginning to the end of the centuries. Big hug and eternal admiration from a humble Brazilian
The problem with so many of us Muslims is that we are so soft and forgiving.Why do we tolerate our brothers getting killed and our sisters raped why do we forget?? Bosnia ,thousands of Bosniak women and young girls were RAPED in such brutal ways and so many other horrible war crimes and this is just Bosnia ,( 1992-1995 ).
Honestly I feel sad for the people of Iraq A handful of pro US ppl gave the coalition enough excuse to invade and depose Saddam Don’t get me wrong he was a dictator who killed many, but with his death ended peace and stability, it didn’t end oppression only oppression from him at most Warlords
@@Vaiboooooo we want Jammu Kashmir as apart of Pakistan too but we can’t because the Hindu BJP have a strangle hold on the land and they are fortifying it and settling Hindus there to replace the Muslim majority
Brother, what happened to Iraq? Yemen, Palestine, Iran and Hezbollah is fighting Israel while the Tiger of Middle East is still asleep. What happened to Iraq i used to know brother? @@i-am-ali1672
@@manalibrahim2195 ايي وآني كلت شنهاي شكو شو كلها تحبنه احنه ما متعودين الوادم تحبنه من كثر ما الخليج والعرب حاقدين علينه كلت معقوله ما يريدون شي ما معقوله يتلوكون النه على سواد عيونه يجوز يريدون نفط😂
They falsely clames IRANIAN KHOZESTAN Provence!!! Just in your dreams!!! We do not want war BUT if you think 8 years were not enough it's your problem. You just make IRANIAN PEOPLE to haet you. KHOZESTAN IS IRANIAN TERETORY!!!
Я мусульманин из Ирака. Я люблю великую Россию, ее народ и ее великого лидера господина Владимира Путина. Приветствую вас. Я надеюсь однажды посетить Россию🇷🇺💗🇮🇶
Those days are the days that have passed and left the spirit of the former president in the hearts of honorable Iraqis (Heaven awaits you, my late sir)
Lyrics in English : Oh precious land, your soil is my shroud, in the trench my rifle sang (x4) Rush into the trenches and drive back the invaders We broke their arms, with the help of Allah We levelled the enemy's houses, we have destroyed their forces We are the lions, with the blessings of Allah (x2) Oh precious land, your soil is my shroud, in the trench my rifle sang (x4) If our prosperous and proudly built country is filled with evil Saddam will sail our country, with the help of Allah We healed the wounds in your soil and defeated the ones that threatened you Justice will not perish, because of Allah! (x2) Oh precious land, your soil is my shroud, in the trench my rifle sang (x4) If our prosperous and proudly built country is filled with evil Saddam will sail our country, with the help of Allah We healed the wounds in your soil and defeated the ones that threatened you Justice will not perish, because of Allah! (x2) ~ Lyrics in Arabic : ياكاع ترابج كافورِ عالساتر هلهل شاجوري (x4) عالساتر كلنا تعنينا نرجع الراد يلاوينا مكسورة ذراع اي والله وعونج ياكاع دار العدوان نساويها ونخلي اسفلها بعاليها ذولة احنا سباع اي والله وعونج ياكاع (x2) ياكاع ترابج كافورِ عالساتر هلهل شاجوري (x4) معمورة وبالعز مبنية ولو فاضت بالغير الدنية صدام شراع اي والله وعونج ياكاع جرح من ترابج داويته والراد يذلج ذليته والحق ماضاع اي والله وعونج ياكاع (x2) ياكاع ترابج كافورِ عالساتر هلهل شاجوري (x4) معمورة وبالعز مبنية ولو فاضت بالغير الدنية صدام شراع اي والله وعونج ياكاع جرح من ترابج داويته والراد يذلج ذليته والحق ماضاع اي والله وعونج ياكاع (x2)
این نقشه بخشی زیادی از خاک ایران را به ناحق و اشتباه ادعا دارد که درست نیست. ما با هیچ کس دشمنی نداریم ولی ۸ سال مقاومت گردیم تا یک وجب از خاک ایران آشغال نشود. اگر کسی ادعای بخشی از خاک کشور ما را دارد در میدان مبارزه جواب خواهد گرفت !!!
Don't worry dear, Baath Party will return to Iraq and Saddam Hussein will have his monument in Baghdad as once when MEK will seize power in Iran. IRGC is finished and won't block nothing in Iraq. And they will pay for crimes which did to Iraqis. Portraits of Qaseem Soleimani are burning in Iran.
@@theroundtable6371 And of course statue of Saddam Hussein in Baghdad as once. And hard kick in ass to IRGC agents. 😉😂 They are devils. I didn't met yet worse people.
We will return, God Almighty willing, all the lands before 1958, and with the permission that Ahwaz will remain the pivotal issue for Iraq, it will remain one after that.
- سُبحان الله. - الحمدلله. - لا إله إلا الله. - اللهُ اكبر. - سـبحان الله وبحمدهِ. - سُبحان الله العظيم . - أستغفِرُالله واتوبُ إليهِ. - لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله. -اللهم صل وسلم على نبينا محمد ﴿ﷺ﴾ - لاإله إلا انتَ سبحانك اني كُنت من الظالمين .
Regards and respect from a Swiss German! We Germans openly protested and demonstrated against the illegitimate and falsified invasion of Iraq! George Bush will pay! Peace and prosperity be upon the great Iraqi people. 🇨🇭🇩🇪♥️🇮🇶
@@emersonbouillon Of course, especially when it comes to standing up for what is right - in this case, protesting against Bush's illegal and destructive war on Iraq.
@zone929I Agreed with you! We truly hope! A war criminal who has the blood of millions of people on his hands can't get away with this. He simply must be held accountable.
@iranian soldier Who wins: Some bozo nation that supports a bum who hated democracy and was socialist Or A based giga-chad fighting imperialist Iraqi socialists and communists for their homeland. Glory to Iran
Bruh people dont understand that the reason why khuzestan is part of Iraq in this map is because this song was mostly sung during the war, and its the vision of a greater Iraq. Beautiful song and beautiful people of Iraq. May God bless and help rebuild Iraq. Seriously tho im addicted to this song and im not even an Iraqi or an Arab to understand the lyrics lol.
@@cowz1812The Australian people are to blame; the Australian government is to blame for the murder of its parents by the Australians, with whom they love Australia. 🇦🇨🇮🇶🇮🇶🇮🇶
so trv king
💪iraq strong
Lion all time 🇮🇶💎
عراقي وكافر باين
"Oh land your soil is my funeral shroud, in my trenches my magazine did sing"
That line is fucking cold.
its closer to oh my land youre soil is my (cafur)a type of perfume that’s expensive and lovely and from top the cover my magazine sang
@@عليالمرسومي-ب5ظفي العراق تختلف
@@عليالمرسومي-ب5ظ kafur actually is a cloth in Islam which the dead body is covered with
Nah cold = sadam hussain
No man, there is a difference between a shroud and camphor. @@fy.araf1
When your Iranian classmate stole your pencil
@@bluegaming002 Iran-Iraq War, 1980-1988
@bluegaming002 I'm just saying what they're talking about, they're just making fun out the war in particular against Iranians since that's who they fought with
@@bluegaming002 ur country was supporting kurdish te****ists in iraq in 1975
@@bluegaming002because you try to topple out government with your revolution nonsense
I do not care what religion the people of Iraq follow, I will always sympathize and support the people and citizens of the great Iraq nation, and I do hope their home country becomes more safe for them. Glory to people of Iraq 🇮🇶
@@كاف_313 I still sympathize with them, even if their government would kill me for being gay
@كاف_313 I am not trying to enter conversation and I know your ideas are different. So are mine, mine being slightly Roman
Our nation will return as strong as it was more than 7,000 years ago🇮🇶
Lol so you are the "queers for Palestine" crowd 😂
اغلب المستمعين والمعلقين لا يعلمون معنى (الكافور) ويسمونه بالخطأ (كافوري) ، الكافور هو عطر طبيعي ذو رائحة جميلة جدا ، ويقصد الشاعر هنا ان الجندي يخاطب الارض العراقية : ايها الارض عندما اقع جريحا او صريعا ويروي جسدي ترابك دما فان دمي سيكون ذو رائحة عطرية جميلة مثل عطر الكافور ، هذه المقطوعة من الاغنية من يفهمها سيتأثر جدا لانها كلمات تلامس القلب والروح الوطنية للعراقي وتجعل الاجداد الاوائل فخورين جدا بالعراقيين ، سومر ، بابل ، اشور ، اكد ، عاشت بلاد الرافدين وعاشت الجمهورية العراقية ، جمهورية عابرة للدين والعرق والطوائف.. سيقبى العراق شامخا مهما تآمر عليه البدو ورعاة الابقار
@@刘轶洋-r1j لم افهم ماذا تعني ب "كفن جلد الحصان" أو نبات الشيح ، لكن الكافور هو مادة طبيعية عطرية تعطي عطر جميل جدا ، يقول الجندي العراقي للارض ان دمه سيكون له رائحة عطرية جميلة مثل عطر مادة الكافور .. والكافور هو مادة طبيعية عطرية مميزة استخدمها العراقيون منذ العهد السومري والبابلي القديم لذا هي اصبحت موروث .. اتمنى ان اكون قد ساعدتك تحياتي الى جمهورية الصين الشعبية
كلامك جميل ولكن عندي تحفظ على كلمة رعاة الغنم او البدو لان خير البشر وحبيب الله ص كان راعي بقر وهذا ليس مقياس لمعرفة مستوى الانسان او قيمته المجتمعية
@@IRAQI_22 الرسول كان بالاصل تاجر ، اما الغنم فقد رعى الغنم مع ابناء حليمة السعدية ، وليس كان غناما كما المتعارف عليه
@@IRAQI_22 كما انني لم اذمهم لانهم يرعون ، بل اوصل للقارئ انهم لا يملكون غير هذا...
The most beautiful blessing in my life is that I am Iraqi. I am truly proud of my country, a country of civilization and history🇮🇶
I am also proud of your country, and when I think of how my country was deceived by a perfect storm of tricksters and bigoted imbeciles into attacking yours in 2003-with the loss of so many good and righteous people on all sides, the opportunity for Iran to gain power and success, and the rise of evil, violent criminals because of what happened-I am wracked with guilt and shame. We were tricked, and unworthy people convinced themselves that what they were stupidly assuming was in fact true. I remember that the Iraqi Minister of Information stated, “When the ancestors of Mr. Bush and Mr. Blair were living in caves, the Iraqi people CREATED the law.” In his words, there is a great deal of truth. I believe in the Last Day as you do ... and now look what has happened.
Let's hope there will be no second Iraq war soon... Considering Iran-Isreal tensions @@hoffenwurdig1356
@@hoffenwurdig1356 LMAO
@@hoffenwurdig1356 يا كاع ترابج كافوري على الساتر هلهل شاجوري 🤙🏻
dude you have to chill your government were dogshit and still so it was their fault
@@hoffenwurdig1356 well, at least you guys got rid of Saddam, the invasion of iraq itself wasn't the bad part, but the way the invasion was conducted is the bad part
تحيا من مصر الي اخواتي الاحباء العراقيين
كل الحب لمصر الحبيبة
حياكم الله وبياكم ❤
اعشق مصر❤❤❤❤
مصر 🎖️❤️
تسلم 🪖🔺🔺✌️🪖🪖✌️🔺🔺🇮🇶🇮🇶
Iraq is one of my favorite countries and the Arabs are one of the people i respect the most in the world. Greetings from Brazil 👋
We love you too Long live the country of samba from Iraq
Long live Iraq. The flame present in every Iraqi soul will never go out because Allah is with you from the beginning to the end of the centuries. Big hug and eternal admiration from a humble Brazilian
Thank you so much 💐
I saw avicii studio sesions in his channel and it´s exactly this kind of vibe
The problem with so many of us Muslims is that we are so soft and forgiving.Why do we tolerate our brothers getting killed and our sisters raped why do we forget?? Bosnia ,thousands of Bosniak women and young girls were RAPED in such brutal ways and so many other horrible war crimes and this is just Bosnia ,( 1992-1995 ).
Honestly I feel sad for the people of Iraq
A handful of pro US ppl gave the coalition enough excuse to invade and depose Saddam
Don’t get me wrong he was a dictator who killed many, but with his death ended peace and stability, it didn’t end oppression only oppression from him at most
Love Iraq 🏴❤🇮🇶
تحياتنا للعراقيين اخوتنا سنة او شيعة من تونس 🇹🇳
واهلن بيك همين نورتنه
احلى شعب تونسي
شعب غير طائفي ❤
@@safouenbargaoui857 عمري والله على راسنا
اعوذبالله الارهاپ الشيعي احذرو منهم لعنهم الله
this makes me patriotic for Iraq as a Turk
Böyleyiz biz ıraklı türkmenler , hemde Türk olmak için hemde Iraklı olmak için gurur duyuyoruz..
@Бэтмен20077 All respect to our Turkmen brothers ❤❤
Thank you brother 🙏
@@Бэтмен20077 من كركوك لو الموصل ؟
Same bro.
the picture shows a soldier throwing his shoes at someones picture (i believe its ayatullah) i respect that soldier
Thats indeed Ayatollah Khomeini. Its a shame what happend to iraq and Iran.
now Iraq is an Iranian background. what a shame
@@wrxborg ikr
Long live the great Iranian nation
@@Mateo72519 ok good for you
Oh my brother's and sisters in Iraq. May Almighty Allah ease your sufferings and bless you all.
@Abdullah-pl4mpKashmir is Pakistan brother, blessings to Iraq, LONG LIVE THE ISLAMIC REPUBLIC!
احلى صوره المجوس خميني ❤
@@AJaved786 can you travel to Srinagar? I thought y'all wanted independent kashmir I'm confused
@@Vaiboooooo we want Jammu Kashmir as apart of Pakistan too but we can’t because the Hindu BJP have a strangle hold on the land and they are fortifying it and settling Hindus there to replace the Muslim majority
Long live the great Iraq 🇮🇶🇮🇶
انت من يا بلد
congratulations for reached 1 millions views! Long live Iraq!
All love to my Iraqi brothers and sisters 🇹🇳❤🇮🇶
Love Iraq from Switzerland 🇨🇭💙🇮🇶
Bro your country bordered in platinum
@@baqrestora1971 what's platinum?
@@EvanTheBag Switzerland is the platinum
@@baqrestora1971 but what is platinium
@@EvanTheBag l just mean Switzerland didn't get any invadings in history that's why I called it PLATINUM
حب الأبدي 🇲🇦🇮🇶🇵🇸
عندك حق 🎉
مسه المغرب
From Yemen 🇾🇪 you will always be our brothers, Iraq 🇮🇶 will be restored to its former glory inshallah.
May Allah protect you and watch over you, brave Yemeni brothers and sisters. Much love from Iraq 🇾🇪❤🇮🇶
Brother, what happened to Iraq?
Yemen, Palestine, Iran and Hezbollah is fighting Israel while the Tiger of Middle East is still asleep. What happened to Iraq i used to know brother?
This is an absolute banger i cant stop listening to dis! Love from albania
Thank you so much 💞💞💞💞💞💞💞
Glory to Socialist Albania
@@christopher5846r u ok?
Love the people of another ancient civilization 🙏🇮🇳🇮🇶
Iraq was a treasure for the Muslims💔
Love from Bangladesh🇧🇩
No iran was a treasure fpruslims
@@islammonira1931 Have you heard the name of Baghdad?Read the history of Baghdad first!
@@islammonira1931Sunni Persians were treasure not u
Love from tanzania 🇹🇿❤️🇮🇶
Thanks brother 🇹🇿❤🇮🇶
أحب ان العراق و الروسية. نحن حبيبينا. أحب ان استمعي الموسيقى عن العراق. ✊🏼✊🏼🇮🇶🫱🏼🫲🏽🇷🇺
Thanks you
ترجمة ال كوكل
@@thulfeqar- 😂
يحيا العراق تحيى روسيا
Love iraq from Malaysia 🇲🇾❤️🇮🇶
Love Malaysia from Iraq🇮🇶❤🇲🇾
عاش العراق❤ 🇮🇶 سوراقي 🇸🇾❤
my persian neigbor liked this song so much he threw a brick at my window to hear it better
احذر منه انهم غدارين
Does he also control your entire house now? :D
@@سيد_كرّار_الأعرجي100% true
@@benaw4603 After the neighbour lost half his family and had to beg police. Perhaps lol
"In the trench my magazine sang"
Pure poetry 🔥🔥🔥💯💯
Bro it's good wdym
Hello again
For the jihadists ?
@@HolyArmor jihadists is a neat name for "people funded by America".
@maric7558 But what about those who want that "their magazine sing" ?
Proud to be a half Iraqi🇧🇭🇮🇶
حياك الله يا بطل
Full Iraqi here
التعليقات شكد تخبل ومليئة حنيه 🩷
صحيح 😂
حته اني انصدمت معقوله العالم هيج اتحبنه🗿
@@manalibrahim2195 ايي وآني كلت شنهاي شكو شو كلها تحبنه احنه ما متعودين الوادم تحبنه من كثر ما الخليج والعرب حاقدين علينه
كلت معقوله ما يريدون شي ما معقوله يتلوكون النه على سواد عيونه يجوز يريدون نفط😂
@@معصومة_عبداللهالاجانب عاده ما تلكى بكلوبهم حقد اتجاه الدول ،عكس الي دنشوفه من الدول المجاوره حاليا
صحيح خاصه الدول العربيه تكره العراق عكس الاجانب@@envyl1
I love Iraq 🇮🇶🇵🇰
عاشت العراق 🇮🇶💙
It doesn't matter if you put Saddam's photo, terrorists are bred in your land
They falsely clames IRANIAN KHOZESTAN Provence!!!
Just in your dreams!!!
We do not want war BUT if you think 8 years were not enough it's your problem.
You just make IRANIAN PEOPLE to haet you.
As IRANIAN citizen we are NOT your enemy BUT this map is Wrong that claims our lands.
Did not 8 years of war enough?!!!
thanks ❤
السلام عليكم من داغستان إلى شعب العراق ❤
وعليكم السلام وتحيه من العراق الى الشعب الداغستاني المحافظ على الاسلام
@@amhe1987zr أنتم من العراق ؟
@@ЛегендаКатара نعم من العراق ونعرف عنا واباءنا عن حفاظكم عن الاسلام وهم قالو لنا و راينها عنكم حفظكم الله بعينه التي لا تنام
وعليكم السلام با ابطال تحية الى داغستان
@@ЛегендаКатара وعليكم السلام ، تحية الى دولة الاتحاد الروسي ومن ضمنه جمهورية داغستان الروسية
Iam proud to be an Iraqi from maysan 🇮🇶
وهو شنو العراق علمود تفتخر بي اشو شارع عدل مابي
هم صح بس وطني الحب لا إرادي @@stodrne
ابن محافظتي ❤
@user4.h7g هلا 🌷
@@uutaiba هلا 🗿🌹
انا عراقي وتحية لكل دولة ومواطن يحب العراق وشعبه 🇮🇶🇮🇶🇮🇶🫶
From 🇧🇷❤️
@@lofi1122 Welcome, brother
I am a Muslim from Russia and I give Salam to all the Iraqi brothers 🇮🇶🇷🇺
I'm Christian iraqi but salam to you to. We love russia 🇷🇺 ❤
@@esilali-ry6qr thank you
Салам алайкум.
Ты откуда, брат?
@@ЛегендаКатараУлейкум Ассалям,я с Мурманска, я по национальности азербайджанец
Я мусульманин из Ирака. Я люблю великую Россию, ее народ и ее великого лидера господина Владимира Путина. Приветствую вас. Я надеюсь однажды посетить Россию🇷🇺💗🇮🇶
Long Live Iraq 🇮🇩❤️🇮🇶
Is this the flag of Monaco or Poland?
Ling live lndonesia
Greetings to our brothers in Indonesia 🇮🇩❤🇮🇶
جمال عراق العظیم 🇮🇶💙🇵🇰
حبيبي تحيه يلا باكستان
Those days are the days that have passed and left the spirit of the former president in the hearts of honorable Iraqis (Heaven awaits you, my late sir)
Love Iraq from Brazil! Great country, Great Saddam
Thank you ❤🇮🇶🇧🇷🤍
كل الحب للعراق من كربلاء 🇮🇶❤🇮🇶
The best song in history
love iraq from türkiye our history and religion is shared 🇹🇷♥🇮🇶
Im Muslim from Russia love Iraq and Turkiye not erdogan
@@Dinar234 yeah erdoğan isnt a good president
@@Dinar234 What did he do to you?
انتى في الذات لا تتكلم عن الحب😅😅😅😅😅😅😅اننم سيئين جدا اكرهكم
Love to Iraq from Libya
One Arab People!
Allah willing ❤️
I respect my Libyan brothers
Love Libya ❤️
One Arab people ❤❤
Im from Russia and Love Iraq 🇷🇺❤️🇮🇶
thanks we from Irak love Russia
thank u ❤️🇷🇺🇮🇶
When the Kuwaiti girl breaks your heart
Greetings from Türkiye to Iraq ❤️🔥💞
Thank you and greetings to all our dear neighbors.
Irak hate it bad neighbors like Iran and Turkey
Lyrics in English :
Oh precious land, your soil is my shroud, in the trench my rifle sang (x4)
Rush into the trenches and drive back the invaders
We broke their arms, with the help of Allah
We levelled the enemy's houses, we have destroyed their forces
We are the lions, with the blessings of Allah (x2)
Oh precious land, your soil is my shroud, in the trench my rifle sang (x4)
If our prosperous and proudly built country is filled with evil
Saddam will sail our country, with the help of Allah
We healed the wounds in your soil and defeated the ones that threatened you
Justice will not perish, because of Allah! (x2)
Oh precious land, your soil is my shroud, in the trench my rifle sang (x4)
If our prosperous and proudly built country is filled with evil
Saddam will sail our country, with the help of Allah
We healed the wounds in your soil and defeated the ones that threatened you
Justice will not perish, because of Allah! (x2)
Lyrics in Arabic :
ياكاع ترابج كافورِ عالساتر هلهل شاجوري (x4)
عالساتر كلنا تعنينا نرجع الراد يلاوينا
مكسورة ذراع اي والله وعونج ياكاع
دار العدوان نساويها ونخلي اسفلها بعاليها
ذولة احنا سباع اي والله وعونج ياكاع (x2)
ياكاع ترابج كافورِ عالساتر هلهل شاجوري (x4)
معمورة وبالعز مبنية ولو فاضت بالغير الدنية
صدام شراع اي والله وعونج ياكاع
جرح من ترابج داويته والراد يذلج
ذليته والحق ماضاع اي والله وعونج ياكاع (x2)
ياكاع ترابج كافورِ عالساتر هلهل شاجوري (x4)
معمورة وبالعز مبنية ولو فاضت بالغير الدنية
صدام شراع اي والله وعونج ياكاع
جرح من ترابج داويته والراد يذلج
ذليته والحق ماضاع اي والله وعونج ياكاع (x2)
Romanization, where can I find a transliteration of this?
Your translation is all wrong.
No hes right@@Apocalypse-ff5ut
This is the best song I've ever heard.
Long live my great country, Iraq 🇮🇶🤍.
when kuwaiti classmate took ur pencil
Then he tells to the iranian principal💀
@@kin2horizn298 wth, im not even kuwaiti
Iraq and Russia are brothers for ever! 🇮🇶 🇷🇺
both terrorists
@@van0tot100America and israel are te*****ists.
@@van0tot100just get tf off this video pls
Русские не знают о стране под названием Ирак, оккупировавшей мир во времена Нимрода.❤❤
We will remain brothers forever🇮🇶❤️🇷🇺
Wallah Iraq shall be great again.
In Sha Allah
Will be part of greater Syria, Nasser is down, saddam is down, Bashar is left.
I hope so my bother
@@apollo268 bashar is the coward dog of middle east
And I swear
Bravo!!! Bravo!!! Greetings from Poland!!:)
المجد للوطن 🇮🇶
We miss the sword of iraq 🇮🇶
الاحترام والتحية للعراق... من تايلند...
Respect to Iraq... from Thailand sir...
I played this on my high school's intercom to every classroom I don't think the teachers liked it.
L teachers honestly
@@Roblox_masterboyfacts, they suffer from L opinion disease.
@@syrex076 agreed bro
@@syrex076 probs cause they were probably Kuwaiti
You're teachers are all persian
هو يقول على ساتر الحرب غنى سلاحي اي ان السلاح هو المغني او المطرب في ارض المعركه 😮 المعنى الحرفي جميل جدا
Iraq is soul of world ❤I am so proud in my 😢 country
حتى أننا، نحن الإيرانيون، أنقذناكم من داعش، ومازلتم ضدنا
صحيح تحياتي لكم و لايران@@یداللهچوپانی
😂😂😂😂😂 انتم من ادخل داعش يا مجوس على من تضحك يا عبد العمامة 😂@@یداللهچوپانی
@@یداللهچوپانی اولا العراق تحرر بفتوه السيد علي السيستاني
ثانيا وان تمت المساعده نعم ساعدتنا إيران لاننا شيعه وايران شيعه
نحن بلد واحد وقياده واحده
دطير أكبر اعداء العراقيين هذول الفرس@@حسنالكنانيالمضريالعدناني
As half American half Somali, I love Iraq Inshallah you guys will be glorious again ❤
يعيش الإسلام! نحن مسلمون ولا نخاف إلا ربنا الله أكبر!
@TELL LIE VISION television و احفاد علي بن ابي طالب
Uyanın ve Amerika İsrail Rusya gibi pislikleri kovun onlara acimayin 🇦🇿🇹🇷
@@EzOi_PaiN احفاد علي البگارة بسوريا و النعيم و آل الحسني و الحسيني و الشريف بالخليج
@@survivor057 شني
إسلام كي ما كا بوسدا 🤣🤣
انا عیراقي شكرا لكم🇮🇶🇮🇶🇮🇶🇮🇶
This song stuck in my head always reminds me of the war with Iran 😭😭
@i----irxpecargo----i4083 😂A few days ago, there was a celebration of the Victory Day, 8/8
Mad persian kid
@i----irxpecargo----i4083 iraq won 😂
@i----irxpecargo----i4083 مواطن ايراني عندما يحلم:
@i----irxpecargo----i4083 Qasem soleimani thought that😭😭
🇮🇶الاحواز المحمره الفاو عراقيه 🇮🇶
الخليج العربي 🇸🇦🇮🇶🇵🇸
دائما وابداً
اهواز لمن بختیاریون
اهواز لبختیاریون
I love "𝙞𝙧𝙖𝙦" from "𝗮𝗹𝗴𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗮"
تحيّا كبيـرة لأخواننا بالعِــرَاقْ
one nation
Make iraq great again 🗣️
MIGA sounds like a slur
Im not from Iraq and I honestly think this sounds AWESOME
This is the correct flag and map of Iraq
Much love from Bharat 🇮🇳🇮🇶🗿
Iraqis are Muslims so they want to show you the correct map of Greater Pakistan too;)
विजाग में रहने वाले इराक से नमस्कार। नमस्कार, भारत जिंदाबाद 🇮🇶🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳
No the fuck it isnt the correct flag is the current one
این نقشه بخشی زیادی از خاک ایران را به ناحق و اشتباه ادعا دارد که درست نیست.
ما با هیچ کس دشمنی نداریم ولی ۸ سال مقاومت گردیم تا یک وجب از خاک ایران آشغال نشود.
اگر کسی ادعای بخشی از خاک کشور ما را دارد در میدان مبارزه جواب خواهد گرفت !!!
Wow the first indian that respects my country and faith! Thanks!!
Power Iraq💪))
Respect from Russia)
@@Ahmedaltikriti9590 نعم يا شقيقي
عراقي بس مسوي نفسه روسي 🌚🌚🌚
The great Iraq 🇮🇶
I understand every word 🇶🇦😘🇮🇶
Obviously you are from Qtar so you are arab too.
@@kazimalmusawi2897 و وجهك
How do you understand Iraqi dialect?
@@smiedranokatirova5987 it’s close to old Arabic language
@@kazimalmusawi2897 you xenofobic
Now : Iraq 2-1 Japan
Future : Iraq 4-1 Germany
😂 🎉🎉
@@1i_xi1شكله يحب العراق😂
Oh peimaro today iraq 12 israel 0
اعتقد بوقتها كانت مباره كاس اسيا وفزنا عليهم
😭😭😭😭 اللهم احفظ بلادنا وبلاد المسلمين يارب العالمين احفظ العراق
امين !!!!!! من هند 🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳
انشاالله اخی
Don't worry dear, Baath Party will return to Iraq and Saddam Hussein will have his monument in Baghdad as once when MEK will seize power in Iran. IRGC is finished and won't block nothing in Iraq. And they will pay for crimes which did to Iraqis. Portraits of Qaseem Soleimani are burning in Iran.
@@paulina.maksymiak no Saddam statue?
And of course statue of Saddam Hussein in Baghdad as once. And hard kick in ass to IRGC agents. 😉😂 They are devils. I didn't met yet worse people.
We will return, God Almighty willing, all the lands before 1958, and with the permission that Ahwaz will remain the pivotal issue for Iraq, it will remain one after that.
Lmao keep coping
- سُبحان الله.
- الحمدلله.
- لا إله إلا الله.
- اللهُ اكبر.
- سـبحان الله وبحمدهِ.
- سُبحان الله العظيم .
- أستغفِرُالله واتوبُ إليهِ.
- لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله.
-اللهم صل وسلم على نبينا محمد ﴿ﷺ﴾
- لاإله إلا انتَ سبحانك اني كُنت من الظالمين .
Nah bro i respect ya, but change to christianity its worth it
Bro that I same as forcing💀@@Bar_gov_official
@Bar_gov_official God forbid
MESOPOTAMIA☝our story began here.
Thank you, Iraq loves you too 😍🇮🇶🇷🇺
Love to Russia and Iraq! 🇨🇭🇩🇪💜🇷🇺🇮🇶
W Russia 🇷🇺🇮🇶
@Russian_Monarchist1721alash horde republic 😂😂😂😂
As a Christian french
I respect all my Iraqi brothers and sisters
But not the gouvernement
Yooo wsp
As Iraqis , we don't respect the French government and people
Thank you brother 🌹❤️
And yeah our government is so trash but nevermind ❤🇮🇶🇫🇷❤
@@هارون-براءwe respect french people 😂
lm a christian lraqi love french❤
يا العراقي ❤❤🇵🇸😎🤝🇮🇶
Regards and respect from a Swiss German!
We Germans openly protested and demonstrated against the illegitimate and falsified invasion of Iraq! George Bush will pay! Peace and prosperity be upon the great Iraqi people. 🇨🇭🇩🇪♥️🇮🇶
Swiss people can fight?😨
@@emersonbouillon Of course, especially when it comes to standing up for what is right - in this case, protesting against Bush's illegal and destructive war on Iraq.
@@daviddawood4666 He surely deserves this fate! 💯
@zone929I Agreed with you! We truly hope! A war criminal who has the blood of millions of people on his hands can't get away with this. He simply must be held accountable.
@@emersonbouillon have you ever open a history book ? fuck yeah they can fight
Iraq is country of men ❤
Balls less men
@@Eastern_Egalehhh Sadam hussen can go to lran in 1988
This is kinda ironic because of all the wars and conflicts a lot of men diَed so there is probably more women left in the country than men xd😂
What the wrong with you ? @@Original_name01
As a Pakistani,this made me proud to be iraqi.
How is that 😂
14 yo old girls: *OMG, BILLIE EILISH IS SO SAD!*
Real gigachads:
@Khar Mashti it bc u dont know what is being proud 😂
@iranian soldier Who wins: Some bozo nation that supports a bum who hated democracy and was socialist
A based giga-chad fighting imperialist Iraqi socialists and communists for their homeland.
Glory to Iran
@iranian soldier you are iranian, shut up
@kharmashti4467of course Irani
@@Thedudewhoasked987you got a plan
based Photo
Based soldier
based map
based country
I love Iraq from Brazil 🇧🇷🤝🇮🇶
Be careful,you just entered the Iraqi parriotic zone,a tiny bit more peaceful than the Balkans
Bruh people dont understand that the reason why khuzestan is part of Iraq in this map is because this song was mostly sung during the war, and its the vision of a greater Iraq. Beautiful song and beautiful people of Iraq. May God bless and help rebuild Iraq.
Seriously tho im addicted to this song and im not even an Iraqi or an Arab to understand the lyrics lol.
Khuzestan stands
@@Servantofkhuzestanagain you serve as an example here
Bro I’m Iraqi and I don’t understand only a little bit but it slaps because my language is Kurdish. I will learn arabi one day inshaAllah
@@deadinside736inshallah same here. I will learn Arabic, its a beautiful language and read the Quran.
When the Iranian starts hating on you
Finally Kuzekhstan province and Kuwait in Iraq map
That's not a finally map we will back again
Hell Yeah
In Reality Kurdistan Isn't Part Of Iraq
Glory to Iraq! 🇯🇴❤️🇮🇶
As an Australian I’m ashamed my nation attacked Iraq love from au 🇦🇺
@comebackobama that was Americans
@@cowz1812Yankis, gringos
@@cowz1812The Australian people are to blame; the Australian government is to blame for the murder of its parents by the Australians, with whom they love Australia. 🇦🇨🇮🇶🇮🇶🇮🇶
thats not the Australian😂 flag mate@@s1_056
My favourite song and I’m Angolan 🇦🇴😭
Thank u bro,,, May Allah bless Iraq & Angola