Extremely hard and a very brave move to pick a huge song like " Over the rainbow " and not over/under sing it, at the same time making it your own. What you've done to this song, I just loved it. God Bless you! Both of you have unique/huge talent. One who can listen/see you performing need no drugs. You are my addiction.
Extremely hard and a very brave move to pick a huge song like " Over the rainbow " and not over/under sing it, at the same time making it your own. What you've done to this song, I just loved it. God Bless you! Both of you have unique/huge talent. One who can listen/see you performing need no drugs. You are my addiction.
Where are guys from? Hi from NZ! love this and your "take 5"
I love it its a nice day when you discover talent like this for the first time ,on my lists of favorites
EZ csodálatos!Köszönöm
Quelle pureté ! J'adore ce que vous faites...
What purity! I love what you do... & I love You ! BoB
Lélegzet elállító!Gratulálok.
Zseniális duó❣️
El sem hiszem hogy ők játszottak az esküvőnkön :')
Nagyon jó volt!!!!!!!
ez nagyon jó volt :))
Imádoooom :)!
aaannyira jók! :)