Vintage chandelier

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 30 พ.ย. 2024
  • Vintage chandelier
    Years ago, my wife and I were at the sea in a fairytale villa surrounded by olive trees. Every day at dinner, we admired the beautiful light made from a washed-up tree branch above the table. Vintage lamps hung on it, which illuminated the room. A strong desire arose in me to make something similar myself, but from more valuable wood.
    Even after the first walk among the olive trees, the branch offered itself, as it was the lowest of all. After a few days, it tempted me, and so I took a hand saw with which I helped to fulfill my great desire. I removed the branches, and the bark and took it home.
    Here I cut the branch to the desired dimensions, and then sanded it even more precisely, first with an angle grinder, then with a belt sander, and then by hand. This was followed by varnishing with transparent varnish.
    I equipped the well-dried olive with clamps, which are used to hang it on a wire rope, and varnish. I drilled a hole in the ceiling and ran wire rope and electrical cable wrapped in rope. I put it all together and screwed on the magic bulbs.
    The light from the Vintage chandelier shone in all its beauty. I am very happy that it has beautified and enriched our home. Thank you, Wood makes me feel good.
    The following music was used for this media project:
    Chase by Alexander Nakarada
    "Voltaic" Kevin MacLeod (
    Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
    Music: Open Sea (Epic) by Frank Schroeter
    Free download:
    License (CC BY 4.0):
    Artist on Facebook: / frank.schroeter.52
    Music: The Greatest Heroes by MusicLFiles
    Free download:
    License (CC BY 4.0):
    Artist website: cemmusicprojec...
    Music: A Journey For Successful Winners by MusicLFiles
    Free download:
    License (CC BY 4.0):
    Artist website: cemmusicprojec...
    Music: Peaceful Positive Romantic by MusicLFiles
    Free download:
    License (CC BY 4.0):
    Artist website: cemmusicprojec...
    Vintage lestenec
    Pred leti sva bila z ženo na morju v pravljični vili obdani z oljčnimi drevesi. Vsak dan sva pri obedu nad mizo občudovala prelepo luč narejeno iz naplavljene veje drevesa. Na njej so visele vintage žarnice, katere so osvetljevale prostor. V meni se je vzbudila močna želja, da tudi sam naredim podobno, a iz bolj dragocenega lesa.
    Že po prvem sprehodu med oljkami se je veja kar ponujala, saj je bila najnižja med vsemi. Po nekaj dneh me je premamila in tako sem vzel ročno žago s katero sem si pomagal izolniti svojo veliko željo. Odstranil sem veje, lubje in jo odpeljala domov.
    Tukaj sem vejo odrezal na željeno dimenzijo, nato jo pa še bolj natančno zbrusil najprej s kotno brusilko, po tem s tračnim brusilnikon, nato pa še ročno. Sledilo je lakiranje s prozornim lakom.
    Dobro posušeno oljko sem opremil z objemkami, katere služijo za obešanje na žično vrv ter laks. Zvrtal sem luknjo v strop in napeljal žičnato vrv in električni kabel ovit z vrvjo. Vse skupaj sem združil in privijačil čarobne sijalke.
    Leseni lestenec je zažarel v vsej svoji lepoti. Zelo sem srečen da je ta umetnina polepšala in obogatela najin dom. Hvala, Wood makes me feel good.

ความคิดเห็น •

  • @happytraveldog
    @happytraveldog 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Beautiful...well done. Such a creative talent.

  • @lijanapecavar8887
    @lijanapecavar8887 ปีที่แล้ว

    Vau! Prelepo, prava umetnina! Res si izjemen obdelovalec lesa, Damjan! Vidim, da vajin dom postaja čisti umetniški užitek. 🥰

    • @woodmakesmefeelgood
      @woodmakesmefeelgood  ปีที่แล้ว

      🥰 Hvalaaa. Lijana, najlepša hvala. Prav imaš. Sem vesel, da ti je všeč :)