What is a Hotel IPTV System and How it Works?

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 18 ธ.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 7

  • @fmuserbroadcast
    @fmuserbroadcast  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Reach out to us if you're interested in learning more about FMUSER's hotel IPTV solution: ▸api.whatsapp.com/send/?phone=8613922702227&text=Hello-I-watched-your-top-IPTV-FAQ-video-and-I-need-your-solution ▸Email Us: sales@fmuser.com ▸Give us a Call: +86 139-2270-2227. Welcome to subscribe to us: www.youtube.com/@fmuserbroadcast . Expand here for more details!
    Watch our IPTV video series also:
    🎥 Hotel IPTV Case Study Djibouti: th-cam.com/video/FN388sPgz-U/w-d-xo.html
    🎥 Hotel IPTV Features & Functions: th-cam.com/video/0jVFQs34oYI/w-d-xo.html
    🎥 IPTV Beginner's Guide: th-cam.com/video/CPh5kd_sApU/w-d-xo.html
    🎥 Hotel IPTV FAQ List: th-cam.com/video/YzBcyj2NASE/w-d-xo.html
    TIME STAMPS are as follows:
    0:00 - The Video Starts Here
    1:37 - System Pricing
    2:00 - Main Advantages
    3:14 - Main Applications
    3:38 - Cable TV or IPTV?
    4:26 - IPTV Advertising
    5:20 - Custom Guest Info
    5:44 - System Operation
    6:57 - Smart TV Integration
    7:29 - Equipment list
    8:43 - System Setting
    8:57 - System Wiring
    9:51 - System Maintenance
    10:33 - TV Content Sources
    10:50 - Work with FMUSER

  • @30ATV
    @30ATV ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Hello -- How can we get our list of IPTV channels added to FMUser boxes ?

    • @fmuserbroadcast
      @fmuserbroadcast  5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thanks for your comment, if you're interested in learning more about FMUSER's hotel IPTV solution, welcome to reach out to us via:
      ▸WhatsApp Chat: api.whatsapp.com/send/?phone=8613922702227&text=Hello-I-watched-your-IPTV-FAQ-video-and-I-need-your-solution
      ▸Explore Features & Functions: www.fmradiobroadcast.com/product/detail/hotel-iptv.html
      ▸Donwload Solution PDF: www.fmradiobroadcast.com/UpLoad/OGbvDP-pmEipwiN4JDzE-g--/Files/202211/20221124142339332253.pdf
      ▸IPTV Software Explained: www.fmradiobroadcast.com/solution/detail/iptv
      ▸150-Room Hotel Case Study Djibouti: th-cam.com/video/FN388sPgz-U/w-d-xo.html
      ▸Email Us: sales@fmuser.com
      ▸Give us a Call: +86 139-2270-2227.
      ▸Subscribe to us: www.fmradiobroadcast.com/solution/detail/iptvwww.youtube.com/@fmuserbroadcast

  • @thierryx3417
    @thierryx3417 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Hi, how are you doing
    Can I associate the paid Canal+ channels with my Hotel IPTV broadcast?

    • @fmuserbroadcast
      @fmuserbroadcast  5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Hi, thanks for your comment. Sure we can help you associate the paid Canal+ channels with our hotel IPTV solution. Could you please share us with more detail of your case, we would be more than happy to assist. Let's talk about your project via:
      ▸WhatsApp Chat: api.whatsapp.com/send/?phone=8613922702227&text=Hello-I-watched-your-IPTV-FAQ-video-and-I-need-your-solution
      ▸Explore Features & Functions: www.fmradiobroadcast.com/product/detail/hotel-iptv.html
      ▸Donwload Solution PDF: www.fmradiobroadcast.com/UpLoad/OGbvDP-pmEipwiN4JDzE-g--/Files/202211/20221124142339332253.pdf
      ▸IPTV Software Explained: www.fmradiobroadcast.com/solution/detail/iptv
      ▸150-Room Hotel Case Study Djibouti: th-cam.com/video/FN388sPgz-U/w-d-xo.html
      ▸Email Us: sales@fmuser.com
      ▸Give us a Call: +86 139-2270-2227.
      ▸Subscribe to us: www.fmradiobroadcast.com/solution/detail/iptvwww.youtube.com/@fmuserbroadcast

  • @leekokleong9222
    @leekokleong9222 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @fmuserbroadcast
      @fmuserbroadcast  5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      感谢您的评论,如果您有兴趣了解更多有关 FMUSER 酒店 IPTV 解决方案的信息,欢迎通过以下方式与我们联系:
      ▸WhatsApp 聊天:api.whatsapp.com/send/?phone=8613922702227&text=Hello-I-watched-your-IPTV-FAQ-video-and-I-need-your-solution
      ▸IPTV 软件说明:www.fmradiobroadcast.com/solution/detail/iptv
      ▸ 150 间客房的吉布提酒店案例研究:th-cam.com/video/FN388sPgz-U/w-d-xo.html
      ▸给我们发电子邮件: sales@fmuser.com
      ▸给我们打电话:+86 139-2270-2227。
      ▸订阅我们:www.fmradiobroadcast.com/solution/detail/iptv www.youtube.com/@fmuserbroadcast