In this worororororororold, (gotta MAKEyour OWN WAY) where one is all, in this worororororlold, (lifeisjustagameyouplay) never fear the fall! When you leap without a net *YOULL FIND* that it won’t be there all the time, so watch your step now watch your step don’t faaaaaAAAALLlllLlLLl!
Неплохо. Подписался. Буду с нетерпением наблюдать за вашим ростом
In this worororororororold, (gotta MAKEyour OWN WAY) where one is all, in this worororororlold, (lifeisjustagameyouplay) never fear the fall! When you leap without a net *YOULL FIND* that it won’t be there all the time, so watch your step now watch your step don’t faaaaaAAAALLlllLlLLl!
You spelled ai incorrectly just helping 👍
IA is Inteligencia Artificial, maybe they are spanish and they mistook it-
@serialdreamer8386 ok thanks for the heads up well I actually am mexican