*NB: Please read our rules before commenting. Please alert us by emailing report@carteblanche.co.za should you see any comments or threads that contain the below: Racist and/or homophobic comments will not be tolerated and users will be banned immediately. 1. Hate speech, defamation & hostility inciting comments. 2. Harassing (incl. sexual), threatening, embarrassing, swearing at, or abusing of another participant. 3. Acting as employees of Carte Blanche. 4. Spam links or comments. 5. Crude or offensive language. Your privacy is important to us. Please do not share personal details in the comments as they will be removed for your safety.
When they built their homes in that estate, were they concerned about what environmental impact its going to have or were they concerned about their share of securing an exclusive place? Their biggest concern is that their conceived exclusivity is being cut in short. The development brings a whole lot of changes, people, and more other estates, meaning their exclusiveness walks out.
I remember being fortunate enough to be given the opportunity to attend school in Franschoek. The mountains are truly spectacular and wondrous. The installation of the cable car really has a lot of environmental risks. For me, i would rather take a scenic hike up rather than a quick and easy cable car ride if I really wanted to appreciate a view.
Everything in life is about finding the right balance. It is impossible to please everyone but it is important to take into account everyone’s point of view and finding a middle ground that is acceptable to the majority of people. There shall always be between 1-5% people that won’t accept any suggestions or proposals but for the 95%, an acceptable compromise can usually be found. There are always “pros and cons” in regards any proposal. How about trying to frame issues as follows: - “on the balance or probabilities vs possibilities”….this approach is more likely to result in an objective solution. Try holding a town hall/ public forum meeting, where everyone can raise objections and make their own suggestions. Anyone who doesn’t bother to attend is thus left with no option but to accept the outcome. Lastly, adopt a problem solving approach. There usually is a solution for any problem. Carte Blanche- keep up the investigative reporting you are renowned for. It’s increasingly rare to find this. Most reports these days pander to scaremongering and hearsay.
Exactly, they try to sell this to the residents as some saviour of our village when we already have a thriving tourism industry. We don't need projects like this, we do not want to ruin our mountains so a few people can get richer. It's been this way since the beginning of time, it seems human greed has no limits.
I feel for the lady. Your home is your sanctuary. A place where you should feel safe. I would hate for hundreds of strangers looking into my home everyday. This is about a few rich men enriching themselves and families not the few people they will employ.
I agree there. Areas of high tourism often mean there’s more environmental damage (i.E.: littering, feeding of wildlife which is how people get injured, noise pollution)
I know all these PPL well. Most are meddling Karens. The heart and soul of Franschhoek are the PPL of groendal. decent hardworking humble PPL exploited by the wealthy in that town and forgotten when the hardest work is done by them.
When the French Huguenots arrived as refugees in 1666 in the Cape, they were bundled up by the Dutch, into a far flung corner(French Corner) of the Cape because they stunk and not seen as people of class. Later, they were forced to speak Dutch and lost their culture and language. It's now a small quiet town for the rich to retire to or drive to with motorcycles and have French quocine. It's a stunning town with one of the most beautiful environments you can escape to, from the overcrowded and nose in the air Capetonians. It's where my roots come from and I visited the stunning town out of season just lately It has one of the most stunning hiking trails to that special view, that even a healthy 70 year old can hike to. The Cable Car will be a monstrosity and a slap in the face of every dependent of that few hundred Huguenots that started a new life. All before the United States existed and before the French Revolution. It will be a stab in the heart of the history of every French Huguenot dependent that makes a pilgrimage where they were stuck into a corner as second class citizens that brought so much culture to South Africa. A cable car is just not French and will be a huge eyesore in such a stunning town. All Huguenots should have a say.
The dark side of my town is the continued marginalisation of the Coloured community. We worked on the farms and businesses for generations but now are nowhwre to be seen as these jobs are taken by Zimbabweans and people from the EC. Sad but true. We stand outside looking in while strangers benefit.
So true. Many employ foreigners whom they can exploit. Why should most other towns be developed, yet not this dinosaur, albeit a beautiful one 😂. Sadly, nobody sees a problem with the amount of foreign ownership, while the locals must live in below human circumstances, being exploited by them. Build they must build, they don't own the mountain mos 🤷🏾🤭🤣😂😂😂
E.C. people studied while y'all chose to be 2nd class citizens being the master's pets with matric certificates. I studied in Cape Tech in 1999. The majority of students were black from the E.C., more than our white and coloured counterparts. Now you are shocked when educated, qualified people from the E.C. are overtaking you. Our parents invested in educating us with the civil servant salaries instead of buying us Honda Civic with mags and dropped suspension after matric! Never forget that.
For just 37 job opportunities this seem unreasonable. Secondly, how is it that the reporter could walk up to the point yet this does not seem to be an option to others. As one person said, it is not about the locals, but about the profits that the businessmen are going to make.
Having been to Franschoek numerous times and at the Haute Cabriere Vineyard for sundowners and wine tasting, this would be a great experience for a day visit in Franschoek. I hope they'll go ahead with the project!
Brilliant investment...it will raise the income of the town and the future of the town will be stronger .....the old people only live so long one must learn you can't rule from the grave ...one must let live to live the younger generation of people will love this cable
100% agree.My grandfather was a lumberjack in Franchoek years ago.chopping away trees for infrastructure for this town.He would love this idea.I also think this is a great idea.As long as the community of franchoek benefits from this project.all for it..I have seen the view and would love people to experience it.amazing!!!❤
The various mountain ranges in Europe all have cable cars for tourism and ofcourse the ski resorts. I'm sure they all generate income and jobs for the locals.
Its the same as we have here in Strand/Gordons Bay. In the heat of summer, people living on the beach front, cant get out of their houses for days. Due to the influx of people coming to the beach for the day
@@thegrowtentofficialuuhmn, NO 🙄. But then again, you're not at the receiving end, right? May they start building this thing tomorrow already- that view is calling to be appreciated 🤞🏼🤞🏼😂😂
No you should treat employees with respect and dignity by paying them fairly. So tired of seeing people exploited so the boss can own a yacht, and why because he feels he is more important than the gardener, freekin greed is the problem in this country.
This is the same with everything in life, People are scared of change. Chop creation, and an influx or tourism, which boosts small business owners and bringing in money for the community and municipality. Yes, it might be an eye sore for some people! But its by no means the end of the world. Maybe the developers should look at doing the base in a location that is NOT right next to homes. But to say your house value will drop by Multi Millions is a bit far fetched.
Some places in RSA should just be left sacred. Leave Franschhoek Alone! Already with a world moving at a fast place, can we have the mountains atleast.
Places just like this all over Europe, France specifically, have cableways like this. If Franschoek got snow, it would have been there for decades already. I think its a little shortsighted to oppose this quite so vehemently. This said with the bias of a paraglider pilot, although the fares will probably be prohibitively expensive, and we have a takeoff nearby anyway.
Haute Cabriere as a 9th generation Jordaan is South Africa I must say that I am rather disappointed. I am sure the bothers Jean and Pierre Jourdan who started the farm Clos Cabriere in 1694 would also be rather disappointed. Focus on wine making please!
Problem will be road access as roads are NOT up to standard to handle the NEW rush of visitors to boost the business in the area...... Freedom of choice ....create employment for many & the side effects of new business .... & electricity solar & wind
Dear investor,If you are reading this we need a cable car from Viewpoint to the Floor of the R.Valley.Viewpoint is a stop as tourists head to the Masai Mara.Ripe for development .The price points and the numbers are similar to SA
Big money here. Old Cape Wine money and Swiss cable car money. The local population are poor and will remain so. And the lady with the huge house on a estate , to my mind, doesn't count as a local. And what's with getting permission to do this on a World Heritage site anyway. They cant leave anything alone. I hope it enjoys the same fate as the French highway robbery of the E Tolls.
There's this culture of SA'ns of all races being adverse to development. Why mara? Haibo! Majority of the tourists will be foreigners, and all of SA is in dire need of foreign currency
One of the most unequal regions in an already unequal province... ask those complaining if they have ever done anything for the local community. You have money for legal fees but how much to donate to a local ngo to assist in bringing your neighbours out of poverty. You have options to boycott because of privilege built on the backs of the locals who don't only lack options, but lack in general due to colonial theft. Such an opportunity, if done right has the ability to bring a few households out of poverty and restore people's dignity, but these capitalist elites and generational white collar robbers who claim the mountain, belonging to the indigenous people, for themselves want to maintain the status quo and perpetuate inequality. Frankly the people working in those establishments cannot even afford to eat at their own place of work nor book a 2 night stay in the botique hotels. There are many things wrong in the valley, but those who benefit from it don't want change. This speaks volumes about their self centered and hoarding nature.
But the locals weren't even informed about the cable car and a measly 37 direct jobs were said to be created. It's got nothing to do with who's privelaged and colonialism. But this cable car is purely a money making scheme actually at the expense of the locals and the area. Why ruin such a beautiful place just for corporate greed.
As much as I want to agree with you! Its is not the rate payers problem to look after the people of the country! That's why you vote for a government. and to keep a government in power that does nothing for the people, is where We should ALL work on! I struggle to get by month to month, but no one helps me, I cant apply for a grant to assist with a small amount! I'm on my own and must look after myself. People boycott businesses and people because they that is how you speak, with your wallet, when you affect the income of companies, they either change or carry one,they make money or close their doors. Just remember one thing, the rich will get richer and the poor will stay where they are! There is NO such thing as middle class in this country, you either have money, or you have nothing. Lets see if people change their habits in May, or will they be bought over with a T-shirt and food parcels.
Thanks for raising the very obvious! They rather keep perpetuating these inequalities, but nobody calls them " foreigners"🤷🏾. This town, like the historical places where indigenous people used to live in quiet and peaceful- Bishopscourt, Constantia etc., does nothing for people of colour. They've got money to fight over a mountain Jesus created, yet refuse to pay the domestic and gardener, decent salaries. I'm looking forward to hop on that skytram 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤭🤣😂😂, somma monthly 🤷🏾🤣😂😂
Lol its not about responsibility, it is about ablity and humanity. Why does a retired widdow need a massive house like that 😂 this is a funny world where 4 empty bedrooms and image is more important than helping your neighbour... Actually it is sad.
Imagine telling a company who wants to invest in your town that theyre entitled while sitting in your fancy mansion saying no because "you" want your ambience.
Franschoek doesnt need a cableway.This will introduce crime and other issues and only shareholders will benefit.The residents ibcluding farm owners can then collectively invest in a cableway themselves
I don't hear many complaining today about the Table Mountain cableway? Not sure it devalued the properties just below it. It does attract a lot of tourists with income to spend yes, and certainly parking and traffic needs to be catered for (just like any other business). But there are other cableways around the world to be looked at regarding the impact, positive or negative.
Land value is determined by a number of factors. Some of these factors are: - the amount of noise pollution emitted - the type of building density surrounding it - the availability of services and utilities such as electricity, water, waste management, healthcare and death-care - the level of crime in the area - the maintenance of the area itself (I.E.: road maintenance) - the surrounding natural scenery The introduction of a cable car would result in land value going down because: - there would be higher noise pollution levels - there would be more stress on services such as waste management and road maintenance - the introduction of a cable car would mean that more higher density buildings would be constructed (i.E.: hotels) Each factor sadly snowballs to the other (i.E.: high density buildings mean more traffic volume, meaning more air pollution, meaning more health risks)
All I know is that us as humans have a tenancy destroy where ever we go after 10 years that place is not going to look the same 3000 people a day descending on that place is going to change it for the worst
Rich people have silly problems against everything. People need jobs, communities need development. If those people against the cable car can't provide jobs and development they should keep quite.
Not true at all. When you buy land, you have the right to do with what you want with it. Land that is surrounded by nature is often protected under environmental laws (i.E.: protected breeding ground, natural game area). Farms for example, often are required to get permission from the court to remove vegetation to construct new facilities or buildings.
If l,m honest l wouldn’t want to tarnish its natural beauty with a concrete invention but look at the opulence these residents are enjoying.. The naysayers it’s their selfish nature that drive their objection, be honest.. Even the residence that,s for it has an economical gain..As a native Western Cape inhabitant l,m constantly reminded of the disparities we face..
Franchhook needs investment as any other place. But copying and pasting the same concept based on franchise idea 😂 is a bad idea. It creates "more of the same." The uniqnes is very fragile to have. Everything in global thinking is leveled to be more of the same. It is approaching the brick wall. I am sure that some talented designers can propose other options for development. To preserve uniqueness is a very tricky job. For those who just need to come, to look at the mountain maybee not in Franchhook. There are various kinds of tourisms/recreations activities, which should not be mixed together, or they eat each other 😴🤔😡 The way environmental studies are done is not objective. Cannot be. They are always done to support concept or not, depending on who pays.😂
People go to franschoek for the natural beauty. You want to go for a ride in a cablecar go to cape town. I think the graaf family have got that bill gates and fauci syndrome.Greed
The Franschhoek residents should learn from the Austrians. It can only be beneficial for the Franschhoek area given the project as a whole is managed correctly and following due process.
I don't see how this investment will benefit many people. 37 jobs? I would guess tickets would be pricey too. If anyone makes money, it will be the Company and their lawyers. And 3000 people per day seems very optimistic. I think they'll go bust. Much better to invest in something that will keep the village's character (which is what attracts tourists) and provide more jobs.
I agree, plus there’s always a risk that the project would fail. For example, maybe the cable car doesn’t get enough income from tourists to cover the cost and maintenance?
This issue is simple, just that some residents are entitled and selfish. The cable way definitely will have minimal impact on a lot of things, life, environment etc. This just shows how entitled, selfish and worse some people are. They thinking about themselves they know that the jobs created won't be for them but rather block the way for prosperity of the majority who are disadvantaged and will continue being... Simply rich snobs
Its like Im watching an American Indie movie. Shame man I bet the old retired tannies would love the young international tourists walking around and paying them a visit in their old age once all is said and done. 😂🤣
We already have a town full of international tourists. Come and check it out sometime. It is like one of those movies when the whole town unites against some evil force.
This isn't investment in the country. This cable car company sees money and that's all they're after. It'll benefit no local in the long run and will end up causing destruction to a mountainside and beauty of a town.
@@SDav21nah, many other places are really being destroyed by mining, yet its normalizes, since the victims aren't from a similar demographic. Table mountain is doing just fine 🤷🏾. We want other views 😂😂
The town was not tested "by the gods?" Please CB many of your viewers don't believe in "gods". This is very offensive. Cape Town's have a cable car...so? Build the cable car.
Honestly, who cares...most people can't even relate to any of this stuff. Rich people should have their own petty news stations reporting on things like these. Rich people live in their own little worlds, it's so crazy
Being from the Valley, no it's a Colouredtown and was and will always be. My wife's family was the biggest landowners and lost everything under Apartheid. Houses built by her grandfather still stand in town. Sad.
@@PatrickJacobs-u1fthat's exactly the point- where is the restitution for our people. Now we should care about soft life problems? May that skytram stand next year already. 😂😂
Some of the even more beautiful locations around the world have cable cars successfully integrated into their scenery. So who makes Franschhoek so different? These nay sayers are really living out their rich white privilege here 🙂Only issue I have is economic benefits for the locals. The developers should look at this issue and ignore the others.
The people that are really making a point to complain have made their money. This will benefit finances in the town with very little environmental impact. As the environmentalist said "if there even is a cost"
@@BlueBottle609 it's obvious how an ugle cable car with its base station ruins it. Franschoek can be seen through scenic drives that won't cost as much as a cable car ride. It's a dumb idea.
I fully support this idea,I own homes in Franshoek so this does impact me. But the impact is positive to allow a younger generation to benefit. It’s not logical to constantly listen to the aging population on the direction of prosperity for the country.
Exactly. They must roll with the times, as was expected from those being removed forcefully. They're not special. I'll take that skytram monthly, just for control 😅😂😂🤷🏾
Why are you worried about a cable car. This will create jobs which will help not only thr city but also the economy and place your city on the map for international visitors. Unrelated lets hear from the younger folks in the area how they fee.l
You probably don’t live there, haven’t been there and it won’t affect you. Maybe you have no knowledge of what a biosphere is and I have a feeling that you haven’t watched the video. There is little to no benefit for employment in the area and there has been little to no interaction with the people either
It will not create long term permanent jobs. Only short term while it's being built. Then what? Now you still have no jobs AND the destruction of a mountainside and beauty of a town. This cable car is purely about greed for the company that wants to put it up.
If you sit whiteout a job do not blame anyone. This will create work for people. Envy is a very bad thing ask the socialist and communists they bank on that.
Guy is mad at the proposal denoting his people as "low skilled" and rejecting proposal for that reason. Why are the others not leaving Franchhoek and search for a better "ambiance"? These are just business people jealous of each other. Shoo, NICE LIFE PROBLEMS! 😂😅😅🤦🏽♀️
In my opinion will create limited number of jobs and will create a congested circus out of Franschoek... a few will make bank while the quaint nature of the town is destroyed for everyone vistors and residents alike. Easy to make dof comments about rich people problems if you've never even visited the place.
Sounds like a 💩 idea to be honest. 3000 people a day? LOL sure. Last I've been there, it didn't look like FH could handle an extra 500 people a day... Why not build it closer to Mooiwater then. Closer to job seekers and the die-hards will still head into town without forcing everyone through it with that shopping-mall strategy thrusted upon a town. Best of both worlds?
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Fascinating... but some of us have real problems hey.
You know!🤦🏽♀️
i misread this as "cable theft". nice problems some people have
I was waiting for them to talk about thieves stealing the cables until I read your comment XD
@@johnbennett1087 me too! Something that affects SAns across the board.
Indeed 😂
😂😂😂 I relate to the white problems
Same 🤣
When they built their homes in that estate, were they concerned about what environmental impact its going to have or were they concerned about their share of securing an exclusive place?
Their biggest concern is that their conceived exclusivity is being cut in short. The development brings a whole lot of changes, people, and more other estates, meaning their exclusiveness walks out.
True. Why did anyone allow that rich widow to build there in the first place. She is a guilty as the new developers.
@daniedekock9012 exactly, it's cool when they do it and when others come its "no no no, the environment, the tranquility "🙄smh
Yep. I can do it, but no one else can.
the problem is the minister will approve this as soon as he gets something in his bank account
And his fat wife's and fat kid's bank accounts.
It would generate a lot of money for sure
'My feathers are all fluffed up' Oh Gosh😂
I remember being fortunate enough to be given the opportunity to attend school in Franschoek. The mountains are truly spectacular and wondrous. The installation of the cable car really has a lot of environmental risks. For me, i would rather take a scenic hike up rather than a quick and easy cable car ride if I really wanted to appreciate a view.
Everything in life is about finding the right balance. It is impossible to please everyone but it is important to take into account everyone’s point of view and finding a middle ground that is acceptable to the majority of people. There shall always be between 1-5% people that won’t accept any suggestions or proposals but for the 95%, an acceptable compromise can usually be found.
There are always “pros and cons” in regards any proposal.
How about trying to frame issues as follows: - “on the balance or probabilities vs possibilities”….this approach is more likely to result in an objective solution.
Try holding a town hall/ public forum meeting, where everyone can raise objections and make their own suggestions. Anyone who doesn’t bother to attend is thus left with no option but to accept the outcome.
Lastly, adopt a problem solving approach. There usually is a solution for any problem.
Carte Blanche- keep up the investigative reporting you are renowned for. It’s increasingly rare to find this. Most reports these days pander to scaremongering and hearsay.
Rich people problems 😂
thank you! I literally chuckled at this entire episode.
Proper. Bit me to the comment.
Sana, nice life problems even though I'd go if this project were to come to fruition😬
Put on the cable we're coming as tourists ❤❤❤
I think that the place should stay as it is. It's fame is for what it is now.
Exactly, they try to sell this to the residents as some saviour of our village when we already have a thriving tourism industry. We don't need projects like this, we do not want to ruin our mountains so a few people can get richer. It's been this way since the beginning of time, it seems human greed has no limits.
I feel for the lady. Your home is your sanctuary. A place where you should feel safe. I would hate for hundreds of strangers looking into my home everyday. This is about a few rich men enriching themselves and families not the few people they will employ.
I agree there. Areas of high tourism often mean there’s more environmental damage (i.E.: littering, feeding of wildlife which is how people get injured, noise pollution)
Went to school there. The place needs something else other than rich people's opinions
So valid
😂so true....
Can't agree more!!🤞🏾👌🏽✊🏽💯
If that cableway will so close to that ladies and have no privacy, then I agree to them not wanting it.
I know all these PPL well. Most are meddling Karens. The heart and soul of Franschhoek are the PPL of groendal. decent hardworking humble PPL exploited by the wealthy in that town and forgotten when the hardest work is done by them.
Imagine 3000 cars driving around that small town with all the pollution
Small towns are finished, too much demand in CPT🤞🔥
So does this mean if you leave next to the mountain, you own the mountain
Funded privately, what's the problem.
Where are the locals, the Coloureds 😮😮😮😮
Fashioning milo tins on their exhaust pipes ?
They are right there in the video, demanding a donation.
When the French Huguenots arrived as refugees in 1666 in the Cape, they were bundled up by the Dutch, into a far flung corner(French Corner) of the Cape because they stunk and not seen as people of class. Later, they were forced to speak Dutch and lost their culture and language. It's now a small quiet town for the rich to retire to or drive to with motorcycles and have French quocine. It's a stunning town with one of the most beautiful environments you can escape to, from the overcrowded and nose in the air Capetonians. It's where my roots come from and I visited the stunning town out of season just lately It has one of the most stunning hiking trails to that special view, that even a healthy 70 year old can hike to. The Cable Car will be a monstrosity and a slap in the face of every dependent of that few hundred Huguenots that started a new life. All before the United States existed and before the French Revolution. It will be a stab in the heart of the history of every French Huguenot dependent that makes a pilgrimage where they were stuck into a corner as second class citizens that brought so much culture to South Africa. A cable car is just not French and will be a huge eyesore in such a stunning town. All Huguenots should have a say.
The dark side of my town is the continued marginalisation of the Coloured community. We worked on the farms and businesses for generations but now are nowhwre to be seen as these jobs are taken by Zimbabweans and people from the EC. Sad but true. We stand outside looking in while strangers benefit.
So true. Many employ foreigners whom they can exploit. Why should most other towns be developed, yet not this dinosaur, albeit a beautiful one 😂. Sadly, nobody sees a problem with the amount of foreign ownership, while the locals must live in below human circumstances, being exploited by them. Build they must build, they don't own the mountain mos 🤷🏾🤭🤣😂😂😂
You must take and vote PA.
E.C. people studied while y'all chose to be 2nd class citizens being the master's pets with matric certificates. I studied in Cape Tech in 1999. The majority of students were black from the E.C., more than our white and coloured counterparts. Now you are shocked when educated, qualified people from the E.C. are overtaking you. Our parents invested in educating us with the civil servant salaries instead of buying us Honda Civic with mags and dropped suspension after matric! Never forget that.
Work together and build your own guesthouse/winery/restaurant/coffee shops? Rather than just complain about other people?
@paullombard00 easy for you to say. We were kicked out of town. We owned the town idiot. We could not build generational wealth like the white people.
For just 37 job opportunities this seem unreasonable. Secondly, how is it that the reporter could walk up to the point yet this does not seem to be an option to others. As one person said, it is not about the locals, but about the profits that the businessmen are going to make.
Having been to Franschoek numerous times and at the Haute Cabriere Vineyard for sundowners and wine tasting, this would be a great experience for a day visit in Franschoek. I hope they'll go ahead with the project!
It will bring a few months wages to a handful then it will just be destruction of the mountainside. Put stairs cos people are fat
Haha 😂 spot on, I enjoyed your comment!
So true.. Made me LOL proper
And much easier than Table Mountain 😂
Brilliant investment...it will raise the income of the town and the future of the town will be stronger .....the old people only live so long one must learn you can't rule from the grave ...one must let live to live the younger generation of people will love this cable
100% agree.My grandfather was a lumberjack in Franchoek years ago.chopping away trees for infrastructure for this town.He would love this idea.I also think this is a great idea.As long as the community of franchoek benefits from this project.all for it..I have seen the view and would love people to experience it.amazing!!!❤
The various mountain ranges in Europe all have cable cars for tourism and ofcourse the ski resorts. I'm sure they all generate income and jobs for the locals.
Terrible idea if you genuinely love Franschhoek. If you want that view, take a scenic drive up the pass and stop at the VIEW POINT.
Remember that old saying, come to Franschhoek for the wine and leave because of the people 😂😂😂 still rings true.
Its the same as we have here in Strand/Gordons Bay. In the heat of summer, people living on the beach front, cant get out of their houses for days. Due to the influx of people coming to the beach for the day
and the cost to use this cable car and facillities like table mountain puts it out of reach financially to a vast majortity of the locals
That is the sad part.
What about doing the cable car from a different side of the mountain away from the residential area
Residence must be honest that they don’t want people into their town.
Rich ppl always talk about creating jobs but then pay ppl low wage. Pay ppl a decent salary. Only the ones who profit will be OK
You get paid what your'e job is worth plain and simple
@@thegrowtentofficialuuhmn, NO 🙄. But then again, you're not at the receiving end, right? May they start building this thing tomorrow already- that view is calling to be appreciated 🤞🏼🤞🏼😂😂
No you should treat employees with respect and dignity by paying them fairly. So tired of seeing people exploited so the boss can own a yacht, and why because he feels he is more important than the gardener, freekin greed is the problem in this country.
@@boomslang2703 so why dont you start a company and hire people?
@@thegrowtentofficial wow, i have to own a business to understand why a mantion and a yacht is more important that common decency, noted.
This is the same with everything in life, People are scared of change. Chop creation, and an influx or tourism, which boosts small business owners and bringing in money for the community and municipality.
Yes, it might be an eye sore for some people! But its by no means the end of the world.
Maybe the developers should look at doing the base in a location that is NOT right next to homes. But to say your house value will drop by Multi Millions is a bit far fetched.
Where’s the voice of the locals?
Some places in RSA should just be left sacred. Leave Franschhoek Alone! Already with a world moving at a fast place, can we have the mountains atleast.
Places just like this all over Europe, France specifically, have cableways like this. If Franschoek got snow, it would have been there for decades already. I think its a little shortsighted to oppose this quite so vehemently. This said with the bias of a paraglider pilot, although the fares will probably be prohibitively expensive, and we have a takeoff nearby anyway.
No, please do not destroy the serine Franschoek.😢
i just came from watching the zama zama story and the night club in hatfield to watching a tunnies feathers being fluffed up... the drama
Let's do a cableway on Northcliff Hill!
Haute Cabriere as a 9th generation Jordaan is South Africa I must say that I am rather disappointed. I am sure the bothers Jean and Pierre Jourdan who started the farm Clos Cabriere in 1694 would also be rather disappointed. Focus on wine making please!
If it was poor people, it would have been built alreadywithout proper considerations. I think the fear is that its the plan to just make one man rich
Where do we go to object? First time ive heard of this. Sneaky. Its April already.
You can join the stop the franschhoek skytram group. They have all the details there on how to submit objections.
sweetly, this video tells alot about how the SA land issue is lying dormant.
Problem will be road access as roads are NOT up to standard to handle the NEW rush of visitors to boost the business in the area...... Freedom of choice ....create employment for many & the side effects of new business .... & electricity solar & wind
Let them build
Viva 😂
I wonder if those complaining are the same "rich people" with all their solar panels, batteries and inverters??????? Maybe even EV's.
These people just see dollar signs. It’s all about money. Chase them away!!
Dear investor,If you are reading this we need a cable car from Viewpoint to the Floor of the R.Valley.Viewpoint is a stop as tourists head to the Masai Mara.Ripe for development .The price points and the numbers are similar to SA
Big money here. Old Cape Wine money and Swiss cable car money. The local population are poor and will remain so. And the lady with the huge house on a estate , to my mind, doesn't count as a local. And what's with getting permission to do this on a World Heritage site anyway. They cant leave anything alone. I hope it enjoys the same fate as the French highway robbery of the E Tolls.
There's this culture of SA'ns of all races being adverse to development. Why mara? Haibo!
Majority of the tourists will be foreigners, and all of SA is in dire need of foreign currency
One of the most unequal regions in an already unequal province... ask those complaining if they have ever done anything for the local community. You have money for legal fees but how much to donate to a local ngo to assist in bringing your neighbours out of poverty. You have options to boycott because of privilege built on the backs of the locals who don't only lack options, but lack in general due to colonial theft. Such an opportunity, if done right has the ability to bring a few households out of poverty and restore people's dignity, but these capitalist elites and generational white collar robbers who claim the mountain, belonging to the indigenous people, for themselves want to maintain the status quo and perpetuate inequality. Frankly the people working in those establishments cannot even afford to eat at their own place of work nor book a 2 night stay in the botique hotels. There are many things wrong in the valley, but those who benefit from it don't want change. This speaks volumes about their self centered and hoarding nature.
But the locals weren't even informed about the cable car and a measly 37 direct jobs were said to be created. It's got nothing to do with who's privelaged and colonialism. But this cable car is purely a money making scheme actually at the expense of the locals and the area. Why ruin such a beautiful place just for corporate greed.
As much as I want to agree with you! Its is not the rate payers problem to look after the people of the country! That's why you vote for a government. and to keep a government in power that does nothing for the people, is where We should ALL work on! I struggle to get by month to month, but no one helps me, I cant apply for a grant to assist with a small amount! I'm on my own and must look after myself. People boycott businesses and people because they that is how you speak, with your wallet, when you affect the income of companies, they either change or carry one,they make money or close their doors.
Just remember one thing, the rich will get richer and the poor will stay where they are! There is NO such thing as middle class in this country, you either have money, or you have nothing. Lets see if people change their habits in May, or will they be bought over with a T-shirt and food parcels.
Thanks for raising the very obvious! They rather keep perpetuating these inequalities, but nobody calls them " foreigners"🤷🏾. This town, like the historical places where indigenous people used to live in quiet and peaceful- Bishopscourt, Constantia etc., does nothing for people of colour. They've got money to fight over a mountain Jesus created, yet refuse to pay the domestic and gardener, decent salaries. I'm looking forward to hop on that skytram 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤭🤣😂😂, somma monthly 🤷🏾🤣😂😂
@marioglodek6755 you're missing his point. But let me shush.
Lol its not about responsibility, it is about ablity and humanity. Why does a retired widdow need a massive house like that 😂 this is a funny world where 4 empty bedrooms and image is more important than helping your neighbour... Actually it is sad.
Imagine telling a company who wants to invest in your town that theyre entitled while sitting in your fancy mansion saying no because "you" want your ambience.
Franschoek doesnt need a cableway.This will introduce crime and other issues and only shareholders will benefit.The residents ibcluding farm owners can then collectively invest in a cableway themselves
Put greed aside and Keep Franschhoek pristine.But with man’s Nature this won’t happen.
I don't hear many complaining today about the Table Mountain cableway? Not sure it devalued the properties just below it. It does attract a lot of tourists with income to spend yes, and certainly parking and traffic needs to be catered for (just like any other business). But there are other cableways around the world to be looked at regarding the impact, positive or negative.
Land value is determined by a number of factors. Some of these factors are:
- the amount of noise pollution emitted
- the type of building density surrounding it
- the availability of services and utilities such as electricity, water, waste management, healthcare and death-care
- the level of crime in the area
- the maintenance of the area itself (I.E.: road maintenance)
- the surrounding natural scenery
The introduction of a cable car would result in land value going down because:
- there would be higher noise pollution levels
- there would be more stress on services such as waste management and road maintenance
- the introduction of a cable car would mean that more higher density buildings would be constructed (i.E.: hotels)
Each factor sadly snowballs to the other (i.E.: high density buildings mean more traffic volume, meaning more air pollution, meaning more health risks)
Tenderpreneurs champing at the bit. 💵💸
All I know is that us as humans have a tenancy destroy where ever we go after 10 years that place is not going to look the same 3000 people a day descending on that place is going to change it for the worst
Hehehe i so wish most villages in SA had such nice problems 😂😂
Rich people have silly problems against everything. People need jobs, communities need development. If those people against the cable car can't provide jobs and development they should keep quite.
So the environment doesn’t matter when you’re building your houses & estates but it does when others want to build their own projects😂
Not true at all. When you buy land, you have the right to do with what you want with it.
Land that is surrounded by nature is often protected under environmental laws (i.E.: protected breeding ground, natural game area). Farms for example, often are required to get permission from the court to remove vegetation to construct new facilities or buildings.
Build it, we all have the right to enjoy the area, not the elite only.
Franschoek has a hiking trail available to the public.
I do understand. She spent a lot of money on a home in a place she wanted to retire in. There must be a way to reach a middle ground.
If l,m honest l wouldn’t want to tarnish its natural beauty with a concrete invention but look at the opulence these residents are enjoying.. The naysayers it’s their selfish nature that drive their objection, be honest.. Even the residence that,s for it has an economical gain..As a native Western Cape inhabitant l,m constantly reminded of the disparities we face..
Rich people dont want the traffic of tourists
I miss Gideon's pancake shop.
Its a no from me. Its a special place, the cable car wil make it busier. Its already to busy
Franchhook needs investment as any other place. But copying and pasting the same concept based on franchise idea 😂 is a bad idea.
It creates "more of the same." The uniqnes is very fragile to have.
Everything in global thinking is leveled to be more of the same. It is approaching the brick wall.
I am sure that some talented designers can propose other options for development.
To preserve uniqueness is a very tricky job. For those who just need to come, to look at the mountain maybee not in Franchhook.
There are various kinds of tourisms/recreations activities, which should not be mixed together, or they eat each other 😴🤔😡
The way environmental studies are done is not objective. Cannot be.
They are always done to support concept or not, depending on who pays.😂
What are the main points against it?
Thats DA for you let them have fun
People go to franschoek for the natural beauty. You want to go for a ride in a cablecar go to cape town. I think the graaf family have got that bill gates and fauci syndrome.Greed
The Franschhoek residents should learn from the Austrians. It can only be beneficial for the Franschhoek area given the project as a whole is managed correctly and following due process.
I don't see how this investment will benefit many people. 37 jobs? I would guess tickets would be pricey too. If anyone makes money, it will be the Company and their lawyers. And 3000 people per day seems very optimistic. I think they'll go bust. Much better to invest in something that will keep the village's character (which is what attracts tourists) and provide more jobs.
I agree, plus there’s always a risk that the project would fail. For example, maybe the cable car doesn’t get enough income from tourists to cover the cost and maintenance?
@@yukathewolf1754 ...and the mess is left behind!
They do this to our coastal villages all the time. Karma!
This issue is simple, just that some residents are entitled and selfish. The cable way definitely will have minimal impact on a lot of things, life, environment etc. This just shows how entitled, selfish and worse some people are. They thinking about themselves they know that the jobs created won't be for them but rather block the way for prosperity of the majority who are disadvantaged and will continue being... Simply rich snobs
It sounds to me that the only reason they dont want the cable way built is to keep the common folk out of thier rich town
Just another example of NIMBY thinking.
"Not In My Back Yard" 😂
3000 people per day. NO NO NO, keep Franschoek as it is.
With 2990 people per day, and overpriced wines?
Its like Im watching an American Indie movie. Shame man I bet the old retired tannies would love the young international tourists walking around and paying them a visit in their old age once all is said and done.
We already have a town full of international tourists. Come and check it out sometime. It is like one of those movies when the whole town unites against some evil force.
Goverment should build it 😅Then the money lovers ,investors will disappear.
This will destroy the town's vibe. There will be too many people, and take away from the beautiful sight of the mountain
This country needs investment and this people are already living the high life so they just being Karens.
This isn't investment in the country. This cable car company sees money and that's all they're after. It'll benefit no local in the long run and will end up causing destruction to a mountainside and beauty of a town.
Indeed 😂😂- we want to see something from that skytram 🤞🏼🤞🏼😂😂😂
@@SDav21nah, many other places are really being destroyed by mining, yet its normalizes, since the victims aren't from a similar demographic. Table mountain is doing just fine 🤷🏾. We want other views 😂😂
Vote yes, open a liquor store and make money of the tourists
Converting natural beauty to cash, it seems it’s one or the other.
The town was not tested "by the gods?" Please CB many of your viewers don't believe in "gods". This is very offensive.
Cape Town's have a cable car...so? Build the cable car.
The mountains, the land and the rivers must belong to the state….it cannot just be for the few individuals deciding on our country’s natural beauty
Sad for the privacy....into the peoples home there.....not right to do that there.....
Honestly, who cares...most people can't even relate to any of this stuff. Rich people should have their own petty news stations reporting on things like these. Rich people live in their own little worlds, it's so crazy
Just want to know. Is it a all white place?
Being from the Valley, no it's a Colouredtown and was and will always be. My wife's family was the biggest landowners and lost everything under Apartheid. Houses built by her grandfather still stand in town. Sad.
@@PatrickJacobs-u1fthat's exactly the point- where is the restitution for our people. Now we should care about soft life problems? May that skytram stand next year already. 😂😂
No. Carte blanche need's to do better.
Bunch of Karens
Some of the even more beautiful locations around the world have cable cars successfully integrated into their scenery. So who makes Franschhoek so different? These nay sayers are really living out their rich white privilege here 🙂Only issue I have is economic benefits for the locals. The developers should look at this issue and ignore the others.
The people that are really making a point to complain have made their money. This will benefit finances in the town with very little environmental impact. As the environmentalist said "if there even is a cost"
With 250 mil as a starter,rather invest in rebuilding the lokasie,human capital
We, in the lokasie, demand other people spend their money on us?
Amazing this will create jobs for the future, why listen to a bunch of old people in retirement.
No it won't. Maybe for a few months while being built then there'll be no more jobs And the destruction of a mountainside and beauty of a town.
@@SDav21 the point of the project is to showcase tourism and beauty of the region. Why would they destroy nature in doing so ?
@@BlueBottle609 it's obvious how an ugle cable car with its base station ruins it. Franschoek can be seen through scenic drives that won't cost as much as a cable car ride. It's a dumb idea.
I fully support this idea,I own homes in Franshoek so this does impact me. But the impact is positive to allow a younger generation to benefit. It’s not logical to constantly listen to the aging population on the direction of prosperity for the country.
Exactly. They must roll with the times, as was expected from those being removed forcefully. They're not special. I'll take that skytram monthly, just for control 😅😂😂🤷🏾
Now this episode is just a voice for rich people lol.
Why are you worried about a cable car. This will create jobs which will help not only thr city but also the economy and place your city on the map for international visitors. Unrelated lets hear from the younger folks in the area how they fee.l
Part of why people visit and love the winelands is its tranquility and bond with nature. When you commercialise it, you lose that.
@@brianpreller5554they'll enjoy nature more when they're up in the mountains. That's flat earth mindset you got there.
You probably don’t live there, haven’t been there and it won’t affect you. Maybe you have no knowledge of what a biosphere is and I have a feeling that you haven’t watched the video. There is little to no benefit for employment in the area and there has been little to no interaction with the people either
@@TheYORK21 why not put a highway over table mountain following that mindset?
It will not create long term permanent jobs. Only short term while it's being built. Then what? Now you still have no jobs AND the destruction of a mountainside and beauty of a town. This cable car is purely about greed for the company that wants to put it up.
If you sit whiteout a job do not blame anyone. This will create work for people. Envy is a very bad thing ask the socialist and communists they bank on that.
Nice life problems
Guy is mad at the proposal denoting his people as "low skilled" and rejecting proposal for that reason. Why are the others not leaving Franchhoek and search for a better "ambiance"? These are just business people jealous of each other. Shoo, NICE LIFE PROBLEMS! 😂😅😅🤦🏽♀️
Gatekeeping nature and creating generational wealth with widening wealth disparity which the area is so we'll known for
In my opinion will create limited number of jobs and will create a congested circus out of Franschoek... a few will make bank while the quaint nature of the town is destroyed for everyone vistors and residents alike. Easy to make dof comments about rich people problems if you've never even visited the place.
Sounds like a 💩 idea to be honest. 3000 people a day? LOL sure. Last I've been there, it didn't look like FH could handle an extra 500 people a day... Why not build it closer to Mooiwater then. Closer to job seekers and the die-hards will still head into town without forcing everyone through it with that shopping-mall strategy thrusted upon a town. Best of both worlds?