東大寺別院 周防阿弥陀寺|約4,000株のアジサイが咲き誇る 心やすらぐ「西のあじさい寺」
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 7 ก.พ. 2025
- ●仁王門
阿弥陀寺のシンボルとも言える茅葺き屋根の阿弥陀寺総門が出迎えます。三間一戸八脚門(さんげんいっこはっきゃくもん)からなる仁王門は、軒が深く控え柱があるため、奥行きが4間のように見える巨大な門です。江戸時代、貞享2年(1685年)に右田領主毛利就信(もうり なりのぶ)によって再建されました。市指定有形文化財に指定されています。
Niomon Gate
The Niomon gate, consisting of a "Sangen Ikko Hakkyakumon" gate is a huge gate with deep eaves and an antechamber, making it appear as if it is four sections deep. It was rebuilt in 1685 by Narinobu Mohri, a lord of Migita in the Edo period. It is designated as a tangible cultural property by the city.
Powerful standing wooden Kongorikishi statues are enshrined on both sides of the gate.
The open-mouthed A-form statue is approximately 270 cm tall, and the closed-mouthed Un-form statue is approximately 275 cm tall, both weighing approximately 340 kg They are Hinoki wood parquet construction. It is believed to have been made in the early Kamakura period by the Kaikei school of Buddhist masters closely associated with Chogen Shonin, the founder of Amidaji Temple. It is now in its original wooden state, but is theorized to have been painted at some point. It was designated as a National Important Cultural Property in 1956.
It was created by Chogen Shonin to cure the fatigue of laborers engaged in cutting down lumber for the reconstruction of Todaiji Temple. As well as to ease treatment and recuperation for them. Even today, once a month, visitors can experience an ancient Japanese sauna. Firewood is burned in a stone room about four and a half tatami mats in size. When the wood turns to ash, the heat is stored in the surrounding stones, and when the temperature in the room reaches nearly 130 degrees, medicinal herbs are laid on the floor to complete the stone bath. There is no steam heat like in a sauna, only heat stored in the stones, so there is no humidity. Since there is no steam, this luxury is enjoyed fully clothed.
The "Yamamomo (Japanese bayberry) tree" standing on the east side of the approach to the temple is one of the largest trees in the prefecture and one of the ten largest trees in Japan. The trunk is 4.1 m in circumference, 10 m in root circumference, and 20 m in height, and it is a dioecious tree. The female trees bear red berries around June, and the ripe berries are edible. The tree is estimated to be over 300 years old, giving it the appearance of an old giant tree. It is designated as a natural monument by the city.
Sanmon Gate
The entrance gate to the main hall is located at the end of the elegant stone-paved approach to the temple. It used to be the gate of Kokuchoji Temple, and was donated by Todaiji Temple, which had jurisdiction over the temple, and moved in 1871.In November, visitors can enjoy the beautiful autumn leaves that cover the approach and the gate.
It houses the largest national treasure in Japan, the "Iron Treasure Pagoda (Tetsuhoutou
/Suisho Gorintotomo)," as well as the "Seated Image of Chogen Shonin" and the "Iron Seal Todaiji Temple Tsuchiin (Tetsuin Todaiji Tsuchiin)," both of which are national important cultural properties. The museum also houses and exhibits a number of other cultural assets, such as bath kettles used in the Amida Temple bathhouse and historical materials showing that Suo no Kuni and Yuda have existed since ancient times.
鐘楼(しょうろう)の中にある梵鐘(ぼんしょう)は、昭和28年(1953年)阿弥陀寺が東大寺の別院となったのを記念し、昭和33年 (1958年) に重源上人ゆかりの東大寺六葉鐘(とうだいじむつばしょう)を模造し、東大寺から寄贈されました。
東大寺別院 阿弥陀寺
/ tabitabi_hofu