Cheers, it does look good in that format. I have tried the same on a GoPro3 before and that camera seems to look a lot more vibrant. Drift does a good job though.
Sorry didn't see this until now. Yes, the rocks were all pulled from fields over the years and farmers used them to make what we call 'Dry stone walls'. There's no cement, just rocks stacked up. It's very common in West Yorkshire and surrounding areas.
Nice little ride, looks great in 1080p 60fps too. I might try that format on my next trip.
Cheers, it does look good in that format. I have tried the same on a GoPro3 before and that camera seems to look a lot more vibrant. Drift does a good job though.
do all the rocks come from local ? their are lots of rock walls there .
Sorry didn't see this until now. Yes, the rocks were all pulled from fields over the years and farmers used them to make what we call 'Dry stone walls'. There's no cement, just rocks stacked up. It's very common in West Yorkshire and surrounding areas.
Most came from years of mining for blue John .which is a rock mineral
Wow, Pretty!