Bishop Barron on Confirmation and Evangelization

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 2 ก.ค. 2024
  • I recently had the enormous privilege of performing my first confirmation as a bishop, and that compelled me to do some serious studying and praying around the meaning of this great Sacrament. Confirmation is meant to set people on fire with the Holy Spirit, precisely so that they in turn can set the world on fire. Once again, the gifts that they receive are not for them. To learn more visit

ความคิดเห็น • 168

  • @johnmcarthur935
    @johnmcarthur935 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I will make my confirmation in a few days I have waited 50 years it was a promise to my grandmother I'm so excited

  • @alanbourbeau4493
    @alanbourbeau4493 8 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I remember making my confirmation. It was on Easter Vigil 2010. The confirmation name I chose was Michael. Named after Saint Michael the archangel. As soon I did it, I felt proud of my accomplishment and I felt the Holy Spirit shine upon me. Every year on Easter Vigil, it sort of my personal anniversary. In Matthew 22:14 Jesus says, "Many are invited, but few are chosen." As a soldier of Christ, I do what it takes to defend the Catholic Church against anyone who would slander it and ridicule it.

  • @markoyamehiii9028
    @markoyamehiii9028 7 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Bishop Barron, you are a blessing to the Catholic world. You have been a great source of inspiration to my pastoral ministry. Keep the good work going.

  • @enlight7238
    @enlight7238 8 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    learning english at the same time understanding god's word

  • @tigar007
    @tigar007 8 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Once again great video Fr. Barron!

  • @johnkenneth3602
    @johnkenneth3602 8 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Hi Fr. Barron,I just wanted to thank you for all the videos you're a big inspiration to me thanks again and may God bless you always : )

  • @MrBeastthing
    @MrBeastthing 8 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Thank you Bishop Barron, you've explain confirmation in a few short minutes than what I've learned in months.

  • @evelynsindico7396
    @evelynsindico7396 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Appreciated very much the value of the sacrament of confirmation for spreading the faith , that the gifts are not just for us but for the whole church.

  • @john27397
    @john27397 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you Father! Splendid as usual.

  • @SterlingJames
    @SterlingJames 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    God Bless YOU Bishop Barron.

  • @CariBaez
    @CariBaez 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    Fear of the Lord is we love God and respect Him so well. We please Him and we don't want to hurt Him. Wow!! This bishop is wonderful. May the Lord bless Him abundantly.

  • @jannaelutter1316
    @jannaelutter1316 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    Jannae L. I enjoy all of the readings of Bishop Barron.

  • @PeteSeeker455
    @PeteSeeker455 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Awesomely Amazing Truthfulness! Thank you father! I will spread this around! Pete D.---

  • @sebastiengee1407
    @sebastiengee1407 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Great video Father Barron! Finally someone said it!

  • @geetakulkarni9124
    @geetakulkarni9124 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    Merci monseigneur l'évêque pour nous donner perles de votre sagesse. que le bon seigneur vous bénisse et votre ministère épiscopale.

  • @Artty-fl8ul
    @Artty-fl8ul 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Amen Fr. Barron.

  • @CariBaez
    @CariBaez 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Being confirmed is awesome! :)

  • @tycoon121
    @tycoon121 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Bless you Bishop Barron, another great video that is so motivating. Definitely stoked for your pivotal players movie to be released. Who knows, in the near future you might be among those pivotal players with messages such as these. ;)
    God bless and please pray for guidance in my life so that I have piety (knowing what is God's direction in my life versus mine) and for Fear of the Lord as my first priority. Thank you.
    Additionally, can you make a video discussing how to know the difference between following what we want in our life versus what God wants in our life? I wish that God would sometimes just tell me what it was so that I could follow it full-heartedly. This is besides the call to sainthood and the call to spread the Gospel. What I mean is more so career wise, etc. Thank you again and hope you read this!

  • @ThomasMusings
    @ThomasMusings 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Nicely said!

  • @abutlerideas
    @abutlerideas 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Bishop Barron, can you please make a video talking about pop music/secular music and its impact on culture?

  • @moelummy7272
    @moelummy7272 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    corinthians 13: more the anything we need Love.

    • @CariBaez
      @CariBaez 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Joel Lumsden my name is charity (generous love)
      And younger, i hated my name :v
      Now I think my name is wonderful.. hehe

  • @andrewturnbull5897
    @andrewturnbull5897 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    As Bishop Barron reminds us, we must know our faith. St. Peter warns us of thus in his first letter. For non- Catholics and Catholics alike, read the Catechism to truly learn what the Church teaches, but read scripture . . . with proper guidance . . . To see that all we Catholics practice is God's full word.

  • @magnummitzvah5245
    @magnummitzvah5245 8 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    The guy ragging on Fr. Barron on the comments here used to be a cop
    WOW - I sure am really impressed & intimidated folks

    • @krdiaz8026
      @krdiaz8026 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      No. We must not react to insults the same way worldly people would react. We are supposed to be better than that. We are Catholics. Forgive him, pray for him, but do not correct him because he obviously does not wish to be corrected. Read up on the Catholic teachings on fraternal correction. At any rate, this person has sinned against God by disrespecting a bishop. I think that's a mortal sin which means he's on his way to hell. Poor guy. Don't add to the sin by getting angry at him or you'll end up in hell too.

    • @TolkienStudy
      @TolkienStudy 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      I'm never intimidated. How do you know about a commenter being a cop? And so what if he is a cop or a soldier of Christ?

    • @krdiaz8026
      @krdiaz8026 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      Brandon Young He said he's a cop in another comment where he insulted the bishop

  • @susan795
    @susan795 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    I am a United Methodist. I was Baptized in the Luteran church and made my confirmation in the Methodist Church which later, in 1968, became the United Methodist Church. My confirmation was said with the Apostles Creed much like I have seen the Catholic confirmation be performed. I am now 70 years old and because of upcoming changes within my church I feel like the rug has been pulled out from under me. I understand that the function and blessings of the Pope help to prevent these outside influences from effecting the Roman Catholic Church. I have also been doing some studying.My husband is Roman Catholic. What would be necessary for me to become a Roman Catholic?

  • @nicholassciarappa49
    @nicholassciarappa49 7 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    The audio in these videos is poor in portions where Bishop Barron isn't speaking loudly. It sounds like a noise reducer effect is improperly used on the file. I hope it gets fixed, because for the past few videos, its hard to make out what he is saying.

  • @danielbach5236
    @danielbach5236 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Bishop Barron, would love to hear your thoughts on the upcoming November election. Pax.

  • @williamlarochelle6833
    @williamlarochelle6833 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    The following comments refer to statements Bishop Barron makes, not only in this video, but in another entitled “Bishop Barron on the
    Sacrament of Confirmation.”
    Different sources give differing answers to the question regarding the proper age for receiving Confirmation (i.e., in the normal course of living a Catholic life). Some say youth as young as seven (“the age of discretion”); others, as old as 19. Obviously, you wouldn't expect a seven-year-old to "live out," as they say, this sacrament because they don't really grasp its significance. For them, it's really only "oh, what a great day! a special day for me! special clothing! special gifts!" Confirmation Day passes and is never given any serious thought again as the child grows older, even if s/he attends parochial school. (That was my experience. I received the sacrament at the age of 11 in 1961, the year before Vatican II convened. I don't doubt that that was my classmates' experience as well--and the experience of most who receive the sacrament at that age.) Do these seven-year-olds go on later in their lives to delve into the meaning of the sacrament and resolve to live it out? The number who do is surely minute. For the overwhelming majority, it's merely the ceremony that's remembered--and that, once every blue moon.
    In the case of 19-year-olds, is it a different story for the vast majority? I don't believe so. They certainly have some understanding of the sacrament's significance, but is it something taken to heart, then or later? Ask a 19-year-old a year or two after s/he's confirmed if they can so much as name the seven gifts that were supposedly bestowed on them by the sacrament--never mind their giving a decent definition of each. Is it asking too much of them to do so? If yes, then what's the purpose of even learning what those gifts are?
    Just what does Bishop Barron expect of those who've received the sacrament, anyhow? Quite a bit! For example, he states that the gifts of wisdom, knowledge, and understanding empower recipients, who've been made "soldiers of Christ" by the sacrament, to boldly take on the opponents of the faith with a view to bringing them into the fold of the Church. What is required to do this? According to him, solid knowledge of the Bible and of Catholic doctrine and tradition, knowledge of Catholic spiritual writers and theologians, and the ability to debate. Presumably, they would need to know a fair amount of Church history, as well (I don’t recall his mentioning this). Which raises the question, who on Earth does this except for a minuscule number of Catholics? Primarily aspirants to the priesthood, or the diaconate, or the active religious life--certainly not the generality of the laity. Does the bishop seriously expect your average Catholic to take on such a demanding endeavor? Yes, he does, insisting it's "absolutely crucial [ . . . ] all-important, all-important." Unless the confirmed do this, he states, they’re not going to be persuasive in the secular square; they’re not going to be “evangelically compelling.” “Dumbed-down” Catholicism just doesn’t cut it.
    Being an ex-Catholic agnostic, I regard it all as just so much high-flown religion talk. I don’t believe there was an original Pentecost, so I don’t believe what Bishop Barron has to say about what happens when someone is confirmed. As he tells it, at Pentecost the “poorly educated” apostles “were enabled in a very bold and articulate way to defend and spread the faith . . . They were confirmed [strengthened] in evangelical power” by the Holy Spirit. Likewise, those who receive the sacrament become “successors of the apostles.” “The Spirit will come upon you ,” he tells confirmands, just like it did them: “with the same power to defend and spread the faith.”
    The same power? Seriously? Not the power that transformed the apostles from inarticulate to bold and articulate believers that very day, certainly. If that power is real, why doesn’t it manifest itself, even in some modest way, the very day someone is confirmed?

  • @chris-solmon4017
    @chris-solmon4017 8 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Note, "Sacrament" means "holy, or sacred mind".
    Sacra means "sacred". Ment is from Mentis, meaning "mind". That's why you are anointed on the forehead, right above your single eye. Christ means "anointed one".
    You are "Christed" when your Thoughts, Emotions, and Actions (Trinity) are in alignment with Truth, thus connecting you to God, the ALL.

    • @rlburton
      @rlburton 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      You made that up

  • @StJoseph777
    @StJoseph777 8 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I think a part of it, too, is we need to be able to effectively defend the Church, her priests, her Bishops, and her history. Including defending from the unfunny jokes about our priests (our scandal there is no less than the scandal of other faiths and FAR LESS BAD than schoolteachers and prison guards, who get covered for and excused all the time), the lies about our being anti-Science (at least know how to debunk the lies about Galileo) and so on.
    And frankly, you shouldn't be afraid to offend people who are just being nasty. You can walk away from such people and while you shouldn't be unnecessarily provocative or antagonistic, you can walk away from swine and throw your pearls before those who are more worthy. If that sounds rude, think about it: if all they want is to attack you you should know how to defend yourself and the Church.

  • @minasoliman
    @minasoliman 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    Your Eminence, correct me if I'm wrong, but is confirmation the same sacrament as chrismation?

  • @CariBaez
    @CariBaez 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    Okay, now my question, what happens when a catholic becomes Protestant and never received the sacrament of confirmation but they got baptized as "born again" ?

  • @CariBaez
    @CariBaez 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    Being catholic is the best! I love Catholicism. There is this Protestant guy who I thought was my Godly friend, it turned out that he got distant and told me "he wishes I wasn't catholic"
    In my thought, he doesn't know what he means. The catholic faith is so wonderful. Many don't understand. Secretly, I hope he becomes catholic some day :P
    In my short words,The sacrament of confirmation is being born again out of the Holy Spirit. It's like when Protestants say "born again"
    Confirmation is confirming our faith on Jesus and we opt to say Jesus is our Savior and we opt to defend our faith. I love being catholic and hopefully the Lord will illuminate others to come and become detectives to know why we are catholic and become Catholics. :)
    Thank you Jesus, you are beautiful! :3

  • @SestroC
    @SestroC 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Your Excellency, I wonder if you might consider this, as the "missing theology"... which really comes from its history. I'm of an Eastern Catholic tradition, and we have our Confirmation/Chrismation at the same time as Baptism. Considering that all sacraments are an encounter with Christ, then whereas Baptism is - to be reallllly brief - our self-offering to Christ, Confirmation is His 'reception' or our self-gift, His 'confirming' of our offering of self as His follower, meanwhile equipping us for His service by the seal of the Holy Spirit. It's not about us. It's about His action, more so. It makes sense, when they're done together, but when Christianity became legal, and membership grew exponentially, the local Bishops of the Latin rite wanted to reserve this sacrament for themselves, and people had to wait, before he could come around -- so the two sacraments got separated in time. But that shouldn't mean that their meaning change. (Meanwhile, in our rite, these sacraments remained concurrent.)

    • @QuisutDeusmpc
      @QuisutDeusmpc 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      I don't know what Bishop Barron might say, and I don't presume to speak for him, but when I read your post something came to mind. Both Catholics and the Orthodox (Greek and Russian) place a premium on the actual mysteries of Christ's life while He walked this earth. It occurred to me that in the mysteries of Jesus Christ's own life, that is, His baptism in the Jordan, and His Transfiguration on Mt. Tabor they are SEPARATE incidents.
      At His baptism there is Jesus Christ, the matter of 'water' and the 'form' of the descent of the Holy Spirit in the form of the dove, and the approbation of the Father (This is My beloved Son...). The "strengthening" or "confirmation" of the Holy Spirit seems to my thinking, to be present at the Transfiguration on Mt. Tabor. The presence of the Holy Spirit is in the form of the 'Shekinah' glory of Tanakh / the 'Old Testament': just as the 'pillar of cloud' by day and the 'pillar of fire' by night represented the presence of God for the People of God of ancient Israel, Mt. Tabor is covered in the thick of a cloud (the way it had overcast Mt. Sinai for Moses), and the bright light which clothed Jesus Christ and the approbation of the Father (This is My beloved Son, listen to Him). That separate and second "confirmation" or "strengthening" of the Holy Spirit prepared Him for the spiritual combat He would undertake in the Passion, Paschal death, descent into hell, and resurrection from the dead, wherein He liberated us from the dominion and bondage to Satan, sin, and death. So, in the life of Christ Himself, there are two separate anointings of the Holy Spirit: once at His baptism, and the 'strengthening' at the Transfiguration on Mt. Tabor that prepared Him for the spiritual combat to defeat Satan, sin, and death.

  • @re9498
    @re9498 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    I wish I had seen this before my Confirmation. It would have felt much more important to me rather than the dressing up affair it seemed like.

  • @Teachering
    @Teachering 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Extremely bad audio. What has happened? Audio is garbled and difficult to hear what is being said.

  • @jorgecampos5223
    @jorgecampos5223 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    In the Sacred Heart of Jesus name as Alfa and Omega, being My Lord and My God Jesus Christ as the Center of all my being and having God Father, God Son and God Holy Spirit as my Creator and Supreme Person, this Holy Trinity as the Supreme Being and as my Supreme Person and quoting St. Paul: "It is not longer I who live, but is My Lord Jesus Christ who lives, dwells, reigns, rules and governs in me". I do not belong to myself anymore, I belong for eternity to the Sacred Heart of Jesus in indivisible union with the eternal all mighty Authority of God Father and the Holy Spirit with His: fire, wisdom, strength, fortitude, intelligence, justice penetrating mind, retentive memory, method and ease in learning, the lucidity to comprehend, abundance of grace for expressing myself and especially love, coming directly from the Holy Spirit, but above all with my radical commitment always looking forward, from the bottom of my heart to love and please God in every single moment of my life and be ALWAYS obedient with a meek and humble heart as the one of Jesus Christ, with the intercession of all the celestial court and communion of saints, and as the most perfect creature first: Our Lady of Guadalupe, then St Joseph, and St Thomas Aquinas; and every single gift of the Holy Spirit, that God has granted for me, NOT because I deserve it, but because God loves me. Forever and ever, World without end. Amen.

  • @andyoption5775
    @andyoption5775 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    7:30 i just want them baked beans

  • @sailingvesselislandgirl2261
    @sailingvesselislandgirl2261 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    Confirmation seems like a big deal! I have a basic question?? Are we saved by grace through faith alone and not of works? And what is the doctrine of the Roman Catholic church on this issue?

    • @BishopBarron
      @BishopBarron  7 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      St. Paul put it very well: "faith expressing itself through love."

    • @sailingvesselislandgirl2261
      @sailingvesselislandgirl2261 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      So are you running the good race? Who cut in to you to keep you from obeying the truth? Galatians, Romans, even Matthew it seems we should be concerned with doctrines of justification even partially by works. Would you agree?

    • @sailingvesselislandgirl2261
      @sailingvesselislandgirl2261 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      It is interesting that you quoted from Galatians 5. This passage is one of many that refute works righteousness of ANY kind. People who believe in works adding to what Christ did on the cross are separated from the grace of Christ, Christ profits them in no way. In Matthew 7 Jesus explains that He does not know those who "work" even if the works are in His name.
      Of course we are saved FOR good works that the Lord has in store for us. But not BY works.
      I have asked what is the Roman Catholic doctrine on works salvation? If we evangelize then I pray that we do so teaching them Christ and Him crucified and nothing else for salvation.
      What is telling is that if you ask most Catholics if they are going to heaven and why, they will say because they were baptized as an infant into the Roman Catholic church and because they are good people. This is disturbing on two levels.
      1. They should say "I am baptized into Christ" and understand what that means. (I am not sure how an infant can understand such things). But even worse it seems that adults do not understand it either.
      2. These people are literally relying on their own "goodness" to get them into heaven. Apparently denying their need for the savior and their need to repent.
      Even more disturbing is on further inquiry with such individuals they look a scant at the line of questioning and say that they are relying totally on the Roman Catholic church for their guidance on these issues. This should be of great concern to any teacher, preacher, or elder (bishop).
      There could be much to say about other issues but this is the central issue when it comes to the gospel. My good friend John once said "you're either a saint or you aint!" My heart and prayers go out to those who are being mislead by false teachings and to the teachers whether it is doctrinal or just through practice. Something is amiss!

    • @QuisutDeusmpc
      @QuisutDeusmpc 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      In re: Are we saved by grace through faith ALONE and not of works?
      "What good is it, my brothers, if someone SAYS HE HAS FAITH BUT DOES NOT HAVE WORKS? Can that faith save him? If a brother or sister has nothing to wear and has no food for the day, and one of you says to them, 'Go in peace, keep warm, and eat well,' BUT YOU DO NOT GIVE THEM the necessities of the body, what good is it? So also FAITH OF ITSELF, IF IT DOES NOT HAVE WORKS, IS DEAD. Indeed someone may say, “You have faith and I have works.” Demonstrate your faith to me without works, and I will demonstrate my faith to you from my works. You believe that God is one. You do well. Even the demons believe that and tremble. DO YOU WANT PROOF, you ignoramus, THAT FAITH WITOUT WORKS IS USELESS? Was not Abraham our father JUSTIFIED BY WORKS when he offered his son Isaac upon the altar? You see that FAITH WAS ACTIVE ALONG WITH HIS WORKS, AND FAITH WAS COMPLETED BY HIS WORKS. Thus the scripture was fulfilled that says, 'Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness,' and he was called 'the friend of God.' SEE HOW A PERSON IS JUSTIFIED BY WORKS AND NOT BY FAITH ALONE. And in the same way, was not Rahab the harlot also justified by works when she welcomed the messengers and sent them out by a different route? For JUST AS A BODY WITHOUT A SPIRIT IS DEAD, SO ALSO FAITH WITHOUT WORKS IS DEAD."
      cf. James 2: 14-26

    • @sailingvesselislandgirl2261
      @sailingvesselislandgirl2261 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      So then you are saying that it DOES require works to be saved? How do you reconcile such a belief with Ephesians 2:8-9 " For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God- NOT BY WORKS, SO THAT NO ONE CAN BOAST."
      James' argument is clear to me that he is describing the "kind" of faith that endures and produces the works of the Holy Spirit. after you have been saved. Otherwise you are throwing confusion into scripture whereby James 2 is in conflict with Ephesians 2 and about half a dozen other places (or more) in scripture.
      " And if by grace, then it cannot be based on works; if it were, grace would no longer be grace." Rom.11:6
      Certainly true and saving faith will produce works and in each of the cases described by James the person had faith first and it is by and through faith that the works are accomplished. Not the other way around. It is the Holy Spirit that energizes us to do works but this can only be accomplished through faith. Otherwise the works are DEAD works. James is helping us to understand that faith without works is not a true and saving faith; they are dead works.
      But what works? Compare what Jesus says to what James said, they are the same:
      Then they asked him, “What must we do to do the works God requires?” Jesus answered, “The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent.” John 6:28-29

  • @sailingvesselislandgirl2261
    @sailingvesselislandgirl2261 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Nice big pointy hat! So when you say "the faith" or "the church' what you mean is Catholicism right? So when you are baptized or confirmed into the "faith" don't you mean into Catholicism? The so-called Universal church. So when you evangelize do you preach Christ and Him crucified or are you evangelizing the Catholic church. There is of course one church and Christ is the head of that church and it is made up of true believers that have been baptized in the Holy Spirit. So confirmation into what?

    • @QuisutDeusmpc
      @QuisutDeusmpc 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @s/v island girl
      Considering St. Paul consistently portrays the Church as organically related to Jesus Christ as a 'head' is to its 'body', in the Christian conception of things, Jesus Christ and the Church are the fully divine and fully human realities of one organic personal reality,
      "For no one hates his own flesh but rather nourishes and cherishes it, even as Christ does the church, because we are members of his body. 'For this reason a man shall leave [his] father and [his] mother and be joined to his wife,
      and the two shall become one flesh.' This is a great mystery, but I speak in reference to Christ and the church. Isn't the Gospel Christ crucified, risen, and ascended?"
      cf. Ephesians 5: 29-32
      There is one Christ, and therefore one body of Christ in an indissoluble 'two in one flesh union'.

    • @sailingvesselislandgirl2261
      @sailingvesselislandgirl2261 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      Amen! I wonder when Robert is speaking of the church does he mean the Roman Catholic church or is referring the the body of Christ? He seems to suggest that the Roman Catholic church "is" the body of Christ.

    • @QuisutDeusmpc
      @QuisutDeusmpc 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      s/v island girl
      Considering he is a Catholic priest I would have to say, YES! He is referring to the catholic Church as the body of Christ. I don't think he is suggesting that, but is teaching it. HOWEVER, the documents of the Second Vatican Council are quite clear that while the Church does subsist in the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church, all other Christians [e. g. the Orthodox (both Greek and Russian), the Anglicans, and all Protestant Christians] which the Church refers to as "our separated brethren" ARE related to the Church in various ways and in different degrees of communion.

    • @sailingvesselislandgirl2261
      @sailingvesselislandgirl2261 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      I am not a Catholic, nor am I a member of any of the churches you mention in your post. However, I am a true believer. In your opinion does that make me outside the body of Christ?

    • @QuisutDeusmpc
      @QuisutDeusmpc 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      s/v island girl
      Neither in my opinion, nor in the official teaching of the Church are you considered (and this is PRESUMING your baptism is valid: that is, that it is Trinitarian "I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit" with water; and that the theological understanding of God is Nicene [e. g. neither Jehovah's Witnesses, nor Mormons are "Christian" (although they attempt to represent themselves as such) because JW's believe Jesus Christ is not God, but created and Mormons believe that God, the Father was once a man and "became" God] "outside the body of Christ".
      If you believe that God is Tri-une (one God in three divine Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), that Jesus Christ is both fully divine and fully human (God incarnate) and were baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit (cf. Matthew 28: 18-20), then we are brothers in Christ, and you are a member, however imperfectly (because of your lack of visible affiliation with the Church, she considers you one of our "separated BRETHREN"), of "the body of Christ".

  • @billy1132
    @billy1132 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    How can anyone defend any so called 💒 of JESUS CHRIST without depending 100% on The Holy Bible WORD of GOD as its Authority???🤤

    • @BishopBarron
      @BishopBarron  6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Wil liam Who gave us the Word of God? The Church!

  • @FastEddy396
    @FastEddy396 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Again, I disagree with you 100% in your view that dumbed down Catholics will not be able to spread the faith. I've noticed a pattern that if someone or something does not conform to how you encounter the world then it is mortally and intellectually flawed. Your attitude is best described as "gatekeeping" and is deeply prideful. We set the example by our actions and treatment of others rather than even the greatest words. Words may provide understanding but our actions create relation and trust.

  • @ginofillion
    @ginofillion 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    As usual, the voice of the Bishop Barron is bad; bad person in the technical recording and mixing. This is the first time I talk about this technical problem and you do nothing. The image is acceptable but not the sound.

    • @Resource777
      @Resource777 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      I agree. It might be the compression that is messing with the audio.

    • @dkonkel1
      @dkonkel1 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Someone is running the noise filter way too high in post.